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1. 你的聪明伶俐,善于学习给我留下深刻印象。上课总是积极举手回答问题。你的作业总是令老师很满意。自觉的学习态度给同学作出了榜样。所以,你取得了很大的进步。你的英语还要更加努力,在假期里好好地背一下。在尊师爱友方面你做得非常出色。但老师要提醒你“山外有山,人外有人”,谦虚谨慎永远是成功的法宝。望你继续努力,老师关注着你的进步。

2. 讲坛上那次精美的展示,成为我最远和最近的记忆。这给我的感觉是精心备战,才是稳操胜券之母。你很活泼,是极具文雅的那种,因此也极具内涵。你很刻苦,是方法恰当的那种,因此也恰如其分。高举成绩的火炬,冲击赛场,因为,那是我们唯一报答母亲的一场运动盛典。

3. 柔并济,活泼有度,学习有方,思绪有序。重心于学识,于是乎,偎依在林荫下,只偶尔观望一下热闹,就转身走开去。坚强写在脸上,浑身的蓬勃将所有的雾霭全都蒸发。我希望大胆,大步,大度,大为——用大胆迈出正步,用大度做出大为。

4. 段鹏。你是一个不能严格要求自己的男孩,愿你振作起来,“吃一堑,长一智”,做一个优秀的好学生!

5. 绝对的沉默代言人,即使在笑,也是悄无声息。有时会有几声顽皮,但因你的空山幽谷,而掩饰得毫无痕迹。酷爱篮球,命中率极高,把球场当作自己释放能量的最佳途径。效仿你的球技,把学习也抛掷得漂漂亮亮。我,时刻准备为你竭力鼓掌!

6. 敦厚,正直,心底坦荡的人必定是你。绿叶被你攥在手掌,你只用红花与他人交谈交往与交换。你必须自己走路,走自己的路,不要停滞与徘徊。多读书,用他人优秀的芬芳浸染自己的心灵。这样,你会走得很正很直。

7. 雷斌。上课时,只要你认真听讲,那节课所学的知识你都能学会;只要你用心学习,成绩总能进步。如果你能真正地严格要求自己,相信你会取得更大的进步!

8. 杨颖。你是一个听话懂事的孩子,文文静静的你总能按照学校老师的要求去做。你是个聪明的孩子,能积极地去思考老师提出的每一个问题,就是你的自信还要加强。

9. 选择你,总以为是明智的。关心集体,热爱集体,你做得最细。巡视中,纠正每一处姿势;言辞中,表露每一种心声。学习上增加几度热情,你的光芒就不会冷清;前进中融合几分紧张,你的身影就不会被他人遮挡。

10. 周文峰。“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。”学习中出现困难是正常,只要我们执着地去作一件事,那么从长远看,胜利必将属于你。

11. 在女孩中,你站立的姿态最优美。你总以最大的忍耐度,守候于学习的大本营。你很努力,但似乎不够卖力,因为你相信匍匐也是前进的一种方式。真希望你的文字也如同站姿一样优美隽永!

12. 李秀念。你听说过这样一句名言吗?不积小流,无以成江海,学习上没有捷径可走,必须持之以恒,才能学有所获,希望你时时用这句话来勉励自己,不要荒废了你良好的天资。

13. 盛丽娟。你是个文静内向的女孩子,值日生工作,你能够服从安排,认真完成。不过,有时上课的注意并不太好……希望你今后能进一步改进学习方法,加强基础知识学习。

14. 付言正。你平时话不多,在校遵守校纪校规,但是似乎找不到学习方法,以至于成绩不理想,愿你进步。

15. 男生中,最具潜质的一位。一奔跑,就虎虎生风;一爆发,将不可遏止。学习规则,也如同赛场规则一样,把握先机,抢占先机,强占先机,势必气压群雄。时刻牢记工夫在平时,而功成只在一瞬间!

16. 王层层。你是一个会合理安排和利用时间的孩子。所以本学期你的学习一直比较稳定。你在学习方法上还要向别人学习,有了好的方法,你在学习上会更上一层楼。

17. 认真的秉性朴实的性格明晰的思路,加上昂扬的斗志,我认为这应该是你。你每次对我工作的提醒,总让我感觉你不会遗忘与遗失,尤其对于你所钟爱的知识与技能。你专注专心,辅助开拓与开掘,就会更进一层,更上一层。

18. 幽默风趣的性格,给你的学习点缀着耀眼的光彩;朴实无华的外表,给你的思想增添着丰厚的营养。从几次大胆而铿锵有力的演讲来看,你成功的跳板已经搭建完备,只等你掌握技巧运用智慧发挥优势,奋力地跳跃。

19. 你很娇小,却很强大。你用诚恳的心,书写下极其工整的字。你用精美的字,编织你精致无比的初中时刻。为了回报你的恩情与恩师,你总是提着花篮穿行。眼操一职,你擦亮了全班的眼神。

20. 曼声细语,却又热情高涨。我清楚,你曾经困惑过,但是那么多一团一团的烦恼,你又何必把它梳理成美丽的花纹呢?轻松上阵,也是紧张上阵。因为,完美的紧张就是彻底的轻松。


1. 你可以用我们八一班头号风云人物,来形容!学习勤奋踏实,与同学相处融洽,我们八一班的全体师生都很喜欢你,担任我们班英语学习班长,工作踏实,认真,希望你来年百尺竿头更上一层楼,加油!

2. 你为人正直真诚,集体荣誉感强,尊敬师长,团结同学,行为举止文明,学习认真,有充分的自信心,有敏捷的思维,学习自主能力有较大的提高。如果在平时学习中能统筹兼顾,扎实文科科目基础学习,成绩会更上一层楼。

3. 你是一个勤学好问,积极向上的孩子,本学期你的成绩用突飞猛进形容,一点也不过分,每次看到你专注学习的模样,我都有一种说不出的自豪感,但是学无止境,愿你继续保持这种积极进取的劲头,百尺竿头更进一步!加油

4. 看的出你忠厚老实,谦逊诚恳,有比较广博的胸怀,你做事认真踏实,让老师和同学们深为喜爱,是一位值得信赖的人,你有较强的纪律观念和较强的集体荣誉感,希望你能一如既往,保持这种良好的作风和卓越的精神风貌,对自己在恒一点,韧一点,你会更加出色。

5. 你性情温和,言语不多,但待人诚恳礼貌,作风踏实,品学兼优,热爱班级,关爱同学,勤奋好学,常与同学探讨,思维敏捷,成绩优良。愿你扎实各科学习基础,常抓不懈,争创一流!

6. 坦白的说,你是我们八一班,我最喜欢的学生之一,为人诚恳,待人随和,学习踏实,积极进取,一直都是我的骄傲,本学期你的成绩有了突飞猛进,相信未来,你会更加优秀,为你加油!

7. 你是一个很懂事,又学习刻苦的孩子,做事认真仔细,为我们班同学讲题时的潇洒,很让我们班学生欣赏,本学期各方面进步明显,老师对你的进步情况很满意,希望你继续努力,更上一层楼!

8. 在老师眼里,你是个很安静的好女孩!遵守纪律,尊敬师长,团结同学,乐于助人,刻苦学习,你都做得很好!老师想对你说付出就会有收获!做事认真,是你的本色!再接再厉,希望明年的中考,能取得好成绩!对自己有信心吗?老师为你加油!

9. 刘小斌在学校你是个能够尊敬师长,团结友爱的学生;在家里你却判若两人,你是一个聪明但不够勤奋,性子较“野”的男孩。经常对任何事情较为马虎随便,特别对学习更是有点不屑一顾的心态,这是非常不可取的,望能改邪归正!

10. 郭海生你是一个为人忠诚老实的好男孩。你知道吗?自己的命运靠自己主宰,学习是作为学生最根本的任务,而这过程中的点点滴滴都得自己去总结,看看是否曾经努力过,与现在的收获是否相称,那时你才能懂得认真刻苦学习的作用和好处了!

11. 赖伟才你是一个诚实的学生,在校总体表现还比较好,但不够让人心满意足,不管以前怎么都不必过分去追究。俗语说“人能够知错就改,便是好的”希望能在学习上给自己一些信心,努力把学习提上去,不然后悔无期!

12. 宋华兰你是一个沉默寡言性情较静的女孩。但富有较强的责任心和集体荣誉感,对学习上的差距常有“只是感叹,责怪自己的过失,而不能认认真真地去找出漏洞缺点何在”?希望今后在自己的成绩上多下“苦功”,能够“专”一些!

13. 刘雅琼自从认识便知道你是一个少言语的女孩,也许迫于生活的无奈,也许迫于学习紧张,也许迫于成绩的差距实在太大,以致不知该说些什么好。但无论如何都必须客观地去面对现实,只有勇敢去面对现实,才能挺直腰杆做人。你是个很听话的好女孩,希望今后能花尽自己所有的精力,多学点实实在在的知识来充实自己,完善自我!

14. 你是个文静,秀气的姑娘,踏实自信是你的特点。在学习上,你能积极思考,开动脑筋,书写工整,语言表达能力强。但再聪明的人也需要适当的练习,就像一把好刀要时时磨。老师相信只要你信心不倒,努力不懈,终有一天会到达成功的彼岸!我欣喜你的成长,快乐于你的进步。

15. 你是一个品行兼优的好孩子,有一定的组织能力和责任心,能协助老师管理班级,是老师的得力助手,在同学中有很高的威信,爱劳动,讲卫生,爱护环境,学习认真主动,积极思考,大胆发言,课堂练习独立迅速完成,思维开阔,老师很喜欢你。相信你一定会成才的!


1. 虽然我们无法改变人生,但我们可以改变人生观,虽然我们无法改变环境,但是我们可以改变心境。态度就象是磁铁,不论我们的思想是正面还是负面的,我们都受到它的牵引!你应该对这段话有很深刻的感触,你现在所需要就是改变你的态度,你的努力很快就会变为现实!不要因为眼前的一些琐碎小事而迷失了你的奋斗目标和前进方向!

2. 陈于堃在教室总能看到你默默无闻学习的身影,在课堂上总能看到你渴望求知的眼睛,遗憾的是搜索不到你自信响亮的声音。你信奉“沉默是金”,我知道在沉默的背后,总是不倦地刻苦耕耘;“一份耕耘。一份收获”,我坚信金子总会发光;别忘了求学的征途上不会一马平川,风平浪静,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。“长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海!”勇往直前,去采撷世上最美丽的花朵吧!

3. 陈雅哥你是一个活泼开朗,幽默诙谐的男孩子,上课积极发言,校园里也随处可见你活跃的身影,你有主见,总有自己独特的见解,与同学们友好相处,你美中不足的是由于你学习不扎实,漂浮不定。你的成绩还有待提高,希望你下课后多一些静静的思考,多做知识的消化工作,力争迅速提高成绩。今后你要一步一个脚印,戒骄戒燥,争取在九年级“会当凌绝顶,一览众山小”

4. 不要幻想,通过一天的努力,就能够获取一个巨大的终身受益的收获,每天走好一步,就能够得到点滴的回报,积少成多。本学期你学习中的努力与勤奋,给你带来一些成就,但是你还是要明白追求无极限,因为你的力量还没有完全发挥出来,所以还需要你再努力,再坚持,争取每天都能够有一点收获,最后达到你的目标!

5. 李蔼琪你是一个文静,乖巧的好女孩,学习认真,作业及时完成。很看重自己的学习成绩,也为之付出了努力,但这一学期的学习自觉性不够,思想有些松散,造成学习成绩有些下降,不过,学期末的状态调整的还相当不错,希望小开琪多参与课堂讨论,多与老师同学交流学习心得。“骐骥一跃,不能十步,驽马十架,功在不舍”,只有对学习不懈的追求,才能硕果累累。希望你能以全新的面貌和高度热情投入到初三的学习中去,争取明年一个理想的中考成绩回报父母。

6. 在求学的道路中,你难免会遇到许多的磕磕绊绊,但是只要你能够一心一意地去奋斗,最终总是能够走向成功的;而如果你被眼前的光彩遮住了前进的方向的话,最终就会与成功无缘!认真把握好你所面对的机遇,多经受一些磨练,做出正确的选择,在每次的磕绊之后总结经验,成功将会离你越来越近。永远不要放松奋斗拼搏的劲头,努力前进!

7. 黄迪你既聪明又活泼,课堂上敢于发表自己有创意的见解,音容俱佳,书写端正,是一个阳光女孩。你的组织能力强,热爱班级,你为人正直诚恳,尊敬老师,待人有礼,能认真听从老师的教导,自觉遵守学校的各项规章制度。在担任文艺委员的时候能做到认真负责,计划性较强,做事有始有终,希望你今后不断充实和完善自己,多向优秀的同学学习,取长补短,争取在学习上跃上一个新台阶,老师祝福你!

8. 黄嘉欣一个文静,乖巧的好女孩。虽有学习的愿望,但无奈学习的自觉性不够强,无法控制自己的行为,造成暂时性的学习不够理想。“骐骥一跃,不能十步,驽马十架,功在不舍”,你只有对学习不懈的追求,才能硕果累累。希望你将来在初三的生活中能真正的争下心,多一些时间放在学习上,少搞一些事情。给父母交一份满意的答卷。

9. 林豪全你是一个为人随和,诚实正直的男孩。能够虚心接受老师的建议,学习方面,上课认真听讲,成绩稳步提高,这一点也是大家有目共睹的。尤其是期末这段时间你的状态特别好,主动学习的积极性大大很高,付出一定会有回报。只要你有一份容纳百川的心,相信你会和同学相处好的,老师更相信你的初三生活一定会更加精彩。

10. 李晓怡你是一个活泼开朗好动的女孩。课堂上你精彩的发言给老师留下了深刻印象。在思想觉悟上,你能积极向团组织靠拢;关心班级,与同学和睦相处,这一切都是你的可贵之处。但在学习上,望你能勤奋刻苦,相信凭你的聪明灵气,加上你的努力,你一定会是一名全面发展的好学生。

11. 汤悦虽然你的话语不多,可以却能让老师感觉到你的热忱和诚挚,在学习上,你也如同你的外表一样,在沉静当中默默地坚定地在前行着。但是老师要提醒你注意各科成绩的平衡。在今后的学习和交往中,可以更加积极和主动一点,让更多的同学了解你,也让你有机会,去影响更多的同学,一起进步。在人生旅途中,你已经迈出了潇洒的第一步,能不能永保“英雄本色”呢?老师拭目以待。

12. 卑微的工作是用艰苦卓绝的精神忍受的,最低陋的事情往往指向最崇高的目标!作为班长,班级中的琐碎小事占用你的不少时间和精力,但是从中你应该体会到一点为大家服务的乐趣。在平凡的工作中你明白的是人生的大道理,把这些体会在学习中再发挥一些,你会变得更加优秀。珍惜你所拥有的,实现你所希望的达到的目标!

13. 邱建忠你是个聪明性格开朗的男孩,关心集体,勤奋好学,学习成绩也不错。但后半期有些贪玩之心,大大影响了你前进的脚步,凭你的智力完全可以在学习这条道路上走的更远一些。老师希望你能改掉自己性格暴躁的坏习惯,静下心来投入到学习中去,抓住初三这最关键的一年,为自己的初中生活划上一个圆满的句号。

14. 张颖你言行举止文明,向来是一个乖巧的孩子,能与同学和睦相处,乐于助人,但是唯一美中不足的是在学习上你很贪玩,有时总是不能管住自己,对于老师布置的任务不能按质按量来完成。但你在后半学期的学习却令老师十分担心。幸好你能及时调整自己的状态,尽量使自己避免错误。老师希望今后的你在学习上能稳中求进,学习认真,课堂上专心听讲,积极举手发言,使自己成为出色的学生。

15. 余敏你在学校遵守纪律,喜欢运动和音乐,常常和朋友们乐得开怀大笑,活泼好动,开朗大方,在老师眼里,你是一个乖孩子,总是喜欢用一种求知的态度和一颗谦虚的心对待学习生活,但这样远远是不够的,在学习上一定要加强,各科作业一定要认真完成(特别是数理)。并且掌握好的学习方法和技能更重要,我相信你你一定会撑起那片永远属于你的蓝天,我会永远支持你滴!




Yinuo is an absolute pleasure to teach. Her English is very advanced but she seems to enjoy learning the new things that we are teaching in class and she is always full of confidence which is great! I’m looking forward to getting to know her more.


Mia is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however she is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. She is super


Oscar is a really great little boy who is always happy to learn and loves to participate. He understands a lot of what is going on in class and his pronunciation and confidence are improving all the time. Keep up the great work!


Cici is still doing really well in my classes. She seems to enjoy classes a lot and loves to learn new things but please keep practicing at home to build up some more confidence. Otherwise I am very pleased with her progress.


Sissy is very confident in class when she understands what is going on but she is very quiet when we are learning new topics. She is doing great in class and her pronunciation is very good so keep practicing to build up that confidence that I know she has.


Lily is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.


Annie is still very quiet in class. She listens well to what is going on but she doesn’t always participate in activities. Please keep practicing at home with her to build up more confidence with speaking and keep up the super work!


Jerry is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


Lucy is still doing really great at remembering new vocabulary and she is very active in class. Her sentences are going really well but keep practicing at home to build up more speaking confidence. I am really pleased with her.


Ivy is such a wonderful little girl. She is so well behaved and loves to learn all the time. Her pronunciation is very clear and she always remembers new vocabulary. I’m so happy to teach her and very pleased with her progress.


Mia is still wonderful as ever. Her pronunciation really is outstanding. She speaks so clearly and she has such confidence with speaking when she wants to. She really is progressing so well and I’m so happy to have her in my class.


Sophia is always improving in my classes. She is always keen to learn and picks things up really well. She participates every day and listens really intently in class. I am so proud of all her progress since we first met.


Yana has been really good the past few weeks. She is picking up more sentences as the weeks go on but please keep practicing them at home so she can build up more confidence. I am really pleased with all her progress.


Amanda is such a bright little girl with huge learning potential. She is participating really well in all my classes and she seems to be getting along really well with the other children too. I can’t wait to see what else she has to offer.


Jake is still doing really great in English class. He is always happy to learn and his confidence is building all the time. He can sometimes be easily distracted but he’s a smart boy and always picks things up quickly!


Jason is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


Stephen is constantly improving in my class. His vocabulary has expanded a great deal since we first met and I am so pleased with all of his progress. ()He is always happy to learn and participate and I am so proud of him.

篇5:工作评语 英文

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independently.能够独立工作。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 需要个性稳重、具高度责任感的人。

Work well with a multicultural work force. 能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants. 开朗、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential.要有雄心壮志。

Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮的人。

Strong determination to succeed.有获取成功的坚定决心。

篇6:实习评语 英文


Recruiting manager of the testing department


This August I found a new job which is a recruiting manager of a famous software company. Because of the operation of our company is providing world-class IT solutions to global clients.

So every position requires good English communication skills including mine. In this job I lead a hiring team and be responsible for supporting staffer needs of the testing department. The latter half of the year is the busiest period, because many new projects have been processing. Almost all the project teams are short of hands. Software outsourcing is an agreement that provides deadlines for completion of the work. If we could not find employable engineers in time, the vender must change the order to other competitory company. In order to drive for quality hire with short cycle time.

I communicate with testing projects leaders to know every projcet’s distinctive characteristic, technical details, position salary and tensity of the task. Then list a rate of progress, arrange recruiters in charge of different project according this plan. For expedite the recruiting progress, I also take on the role with responsibility for ADOBE and EMC (clients’ company). Define the job and recruiting action plan. Choosing resumes, interviewing with candidates and commending qualified candidates to attend client’s final test are my daily grind, to most effectively coordinate with staffing processes. If the candidates pass the final test, we will announce correlative dept to transact procedure. Implement testing department staffing processes to ensure compliance. Up to last month our recruiter team has hired seventy eight qualified staffers including I found the nineteen engineers.

[实习评语 英文]



Teachers’ RemarksIn my school, our head teacher will give his remakes for every student on a note book after final exam. And then I have to bring it to my parents. Our head teacher will put our scores of mid-term exam and final exam on it. And then he will write some remarks on us performance in the school and the thing he thinks highly of and the thing I need to correct. In order to have a good winter holiday, I have to make my parents happy. So I always try my best to earn a good evaluation from my head teacher. In front of him, I am always a good boy. So, I always have a nice remark.










1. 该员工平时工作认真,有高效率、高质量的工作表现,且在日常 生活中能与其他同事团结友爱,互助进取。

This employee works carefully. And he works with high efficiency and remarkable achievements. And in his daily life, he has a sense of solidarity and progress with other colleagues.

2. 该员工工作仔细、认真、负责,不但执行力强,且工作配合度也 好。 工作成果显著, 为我们树立了良好的榜样。

The employee works carefully, earnestly and responsibly。Not only executive power is strong, but also the working cooperation degrees are well. Work with remarkable achievements and set a good example to us.

3. 该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能 以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。

The employee works positively and has a good cooperation degree. performance is very hard. Peacetime work At work, he can do his work with carefulness and responsible attitude.

4. 该员工工作努力、认真,成果显著,工作态度端正并能及时完成 工作任务, 深受领导好评!

employee is serious and hard-working. The His achievement is remarkable. He can finish the working task in time with decorous working attitude. So he gets a high praise from leadership.

5. 该员工作为搅拌室员工,积极进取,工作成果显著,多次得到该 部 门 班 长 的 好 评。

As a mixing room worker, he works with remarkable achievements and gets good praise from his monitor often.

6. 该员工在工作上勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,认真负责,工作能力也在 学习中不断提高,关心同事,非常值得大家学习。

This employee is diligent, hard-working, serious and responsible on his work. And his ability also constantly improves in the studying process. He always cares about others. As such a great employee he extremely worth us to learn.

7. 该员工工作努力,成果显著,按时完成工作任务,跟同事相处融 洽,且上班的纪律很好,值得各位同事学习。

This employee works hard, and with remarkable achievements. She can finish the tasks on time. He gets well with others well. Work discipline is very good, worth everyone learning.


1。舍监老师:She“is doing a great job in the dorm” and “ continues to be a great dorm member”。

2。陶艺老师:She “has been doing great in the class.

She really enjoys the process of working in clay and she has such wonderful ideas.

She is a focused and diligent worker”。

3。数学老师:She “continues to be a very strong math student in pre-calculus”, She “ is meticulous with her work and always is sure to get the right answer.

I can always rely on her to do the right thing and help others in the class who need help.

I’ll be calling on her to do more peer tutoring the rest of the year.

4。生物老师: She “has good energy this recognition period!” “BRAVO!” to you for consistently achieving Mastery on quizzes and tests!” “I have asked her to serve as a peer tutor during Team Study”。

5。化学老师:She “continues to have and excellent record.

She is by far one of my brightest and gifted students.

But, not only is she exceptional as an individual she is always willing to help her peers out”。

6。历史老师: She “has had an excellent start to the winter term”, She “has turned in all her work on time and it is always at a high quality.

She has also been working hard to be more vocal in class, which she has been working on”。

7。西语老师:She “is a very strong language student.

I so appreciate the way she intuitively approaches language study.

Her written work is very close to flawless as she continues to push herself way beyond the limits of just meeting expectations” 。

8。英语老师:She “has had a terrific recognition period in her English class; she is a class leader who always exceeds class expectations.

Her efforts to contribute in class, to follow directions, and to complete her assignments are exceptional”

“I am particularly impressed with her ability to understand and interpret the challenging poetry and drama of Shakespeare, and she remains on track for an Advanced Placement recommendation”。

篇10:实习评语 英文

xx students on January 20, at the Division I units of credit, internships, one-month internship period, his outstanding performance, to be leaders and colleagues unanimously affirmed. xxx students to work pro-active, the right attitude, with an open mind to learn from colleagues about the credit knowledge, the university learned knowledge and apply it in practical classes, learning materials and location of the sections through the exchange of personnel, his basic understanding of the basic flow of credit business and relevant policies and regulations, at the same time , but also assist with some of his whatever administrative work, which was a pro-active working attitude of our colleagues at home.

At the same time, he stick with my unit the relevant rules and regulations, does not appear the phenomenon of absenteeism, etc., live in harmony with colleagues, exchange harmony.

Xxx hope students continue to participate in various social activities, and constantly seek self-improvement to become a high-quality college students to adapt to social development, and lay a solid foundation for




吃苦耐劳、学习能力强、事业心强责任心强,有较强的沟通、协调能力,有团队协作精神 Working hard, having the strong ability of learning , with a strong sense of responsibilities and ambitions , having the strong communication, coordination and team -spirit; 1. Major in Engineering, and graduate from an undergraduate college; Im familiar with industrial engineering theory, and can use it into the actual operation; I can bear hardships, and have excellent learning and communication abilitis; I also own a high sense of responsibility and the team spirit; Im skilled in the use of office softtware, and possess related basic knowledge of network.[ 内 容 结 束 ]

篇11:工作评语 英文

Ability to work well with others. 能够和他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 需要上进心强、可靠、身体健康和性格开朗的人。

The ability to take initiative and operate independently. 积极主动、并能独立工作的人。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很强的领导才能并具很强的集体精神。

Be highly organized and efficient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。

Good presentation skills. 有良好的表达能力。

Positive active mind essential.思想不消极、头脑灵活。

Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。善于同各种人员打交道。

Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision有积极的工作态度,愿意并能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。

Young,bright,energetic with strong career ambition. 年轻、聪明、精力充沛,并有很强的事业心。

Good people management and communication skills. Team player. 有良好的人员管理和交际能力。有集体合作精神。

Be able to work under high pressure and time limitation. 能够在高压力下并有时间限制的条件下工作。

Be elegant and with nice personality. 举止优雅、个人性格好。

篇12:工作评语 英文

1. 该员工平时工作认真,有高效率、高质量的工作表现,且在日常 生活中能与其他同事团结友爱,互助进取。

This employee works carefully. And he works with high efficiency and remarkable achievements. And in his daily life, he has a sense of solidarity and progress with other colleagues.

2. 该员工工作仔细、认真、负责,不但执行力强,且工作配合度也 好。 工作成果显著, 为我们树立了良好的榜样。

The employee works carefully, earnestly and responsibly。Not only executive power is strong, but also the working cooperation degrees are well. Work with remarkable achievements and set a good example to us.

3. 该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能 以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。

The employee works positively and has a good cooperation degree. performance is very hard. Peacetime work At work, he can do his

work with carefulness and responsible attitude.

4. 该员工工作努力、认真,成果显著,工作态度端正并能及时完成 工作任务, 深受领导好评!

employee is serious and hard-working. The His achievement is remarkable. He can finish the working task in time with decorous working attitude. So he gets a high praise from leadership.

5. 该员工作为搅拌室员工,积极进取,工作成果显著,多次得到该 部 门 班 长 的 好 评。

As a mixing room worker, he works with remarkable achievements and gets good praise from his monitor often.

6. 该员工在工作上勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,认真负责,工作能力也在 学习中不断提高,关心同事,非常值得大家学习。

This employee is diligent, hard-working, serious and responsible on his work. And his ability also constantly improves in the studying process. He always cares about others. As such a great employee he extremely worth us to learn.

7. 该员工工作努力,成果显著,按时完成工作任务,跟同事相处融 洽,且上班的纪律很好,值得各位同事学习。

This employee works hard, and with remarkable achievements. She can finish the tasks on time. He gets well with others well. Work discipline is very good, worth everyone learning.

8. 该员工作为经理特别助理,工作态度认真负责,能认真完成经理 交代的各项任务,并能应对各种突发状况,其工作得到了领导的 认可, 值得各位同事学习。

篇13:工作评语 英文

Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。

Ability to work independently.能够独立工作。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply. 需要有能力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 需要个性稳重、具高度责任感的人。

Work well with a multicultural work force. 能够和不同文化的人一起出色地工作。

Bright,aggressive applicants. 开朗、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential.要有雄心壮志。

Willing to work under pressure with leadership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。

Willing to assume responsibilities. 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具有丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic,fashion-minded person. 精力旺盛、思想新潮的人。

Strong determination to succeed.有获取成功的坚定决心。

[工作评语 英文]

篇14: 优秀员工英文评语


1、该员工平时工作认真,有高效率、高质量的工作表现,且在日常 生活中能与其他同事团结友爱,互助进取。

This employee works carefully. And he works with high efficiency and remarkable achievements. And in his daily life, he has a sense of solidarity and progress with other colleagues.


The employee works carefully, earnestly and responsibly。Not only executive power is strong, but also the working cooperation degrees are well. Work with remarkable achievements and set a good example to us.

3、该员工积极向上,配合度好,平时工作表现很努力,在工作时能 以认真、仔细、负责的心态做好自己的工作。

The employee works positively and has a good cooperation degree. performance is very hard. Peacetime work At work, he can do his work with carefulness and responsible attitude.

4、该员工工作努力、认真,成果显着,工作态度端正并能及时完成 工作任务, 深受领导好评!

employee is serious and hard-working. The His achievement is remarkable. He can finish the working task in time with decorous working attitude. So he gets a high praise from leadership.

5、该员工作为搅拌室员工,积极进取,工作成果显着,多次得到该 部 门 班 长 的 好 评。

As a mixing room worker, he works with remarkable achievements and gets good praise from his monitor often.

6、该员工在工作上勤勤恳恳,任劳任怨,认真负责,工作能力也在 学习中不断提高,关心同事,非常值得大家学习。

This employee is diligent, hard-working, serious and responsible on his work. And his ability also constantly improves in the studying process. He always cares about others. As such a great employee he extremely worth us to learn.

7、该员工工作努力,成果显着,按时完成工作任务,跟同事相处融 洽,且上班的纪律很好,值得各位同事学习。

This employee works hard, and with remarkable achievements. She can finish the tasks on time. He gets well with others well. Work discipline is very good, worth everyone learning.

8、该员工作为经理特别助理,工作态度认真负责,能认真完成经理 交代的各项任务,并能应对各种突发状况,其工作得到了领导的. 认可, 值得各位同事学习。

special assistant to manager, this clerk’s As work manner is responsible earnestly. She can complete various task that the manager gives and can reply various emergencies. Her work wins recognition from leadership and worth every colleague learning.

9、该员工工作成绩进步大,悟性较强,能很快适应新的岗位,能随 时根据工作需要调整工作方法和端正心态,不断反思自己,能有 效改进自己的工作方式, 从而在工作中收到良好效果。

This staff has made a great progress and has acute and deep perception and even can quickly adapt to the new post. She can adjust the working method and correct attitude at any time. She also can continuously rethink herself and even change her work way effectively thus gets a good effect in working.

10、该员工工作认真负责,积极主动,能完全胜任本职工作,爱岗敬 业,乐于助人,与同事相处融洽善于合作。

staff works carefully The and seriously in positive attitude. She can be equal to her job and do her job very well. She is always getting ready to help others. So she gets along so well with others and good cooperation with others.



Yinuo is an absolute pleasure to teach. Her English is very advanced but she seems to enjoy learning the new things that we are teaching in class and she is always full of confidence which is great! I’m looking forward to getting to know her more.


Mia is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however she is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. She is super


Oscar is a really great little boy who is always happy to learn and loves to participate. He understands a lot of what is going on in class and his pronunciation and confidence are improving all the time. Keep up the great work!


Cici is still doing really well in my classes. She seems to enjoy classes a lot and loves to learn new things but please keep practicing at home to build up some more confidence. Otherwise I am very pleased with her progress.


Sissy is very confident in class when she understands what is going on but she is very quiet when we are learning new topics. She is doing great in class and her pronunciation is very good so keep practicing to build up that confidence that I know she has.


Lily is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.


Annie is still very quiet in class. She listens well to what is going on but she doesn’t always participate in activities. Please keep practicing at home with her to build up more confidence with speaking and keep up the super work!


Jerry is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


Lucy is still doing really great at remembering new vocabulary and she is very active in class. Her sentences are going really well but keep practicing at home to build up more speaking confidence. I am really pleased with her.


Ivy is such a wonderful little girl. She is so well behaved and loves to learn all the time. Her pronunciation is very clear and she always remembers new vocabulary. I’m so happy to teach her and very pleased with her progress.


Mia is still wonderful as ever. Her pronunciation really is outstanding. She speaks so clearly and she has such confidence with speaking when she wants to. She really is progressing so well and I’m so happy to have her in my class.


Sophia is always improving in my classes. She is always keen to learn and picks things up really well. She participates every day and listens really intently in class. I am so proud of all her progress since we first met.


Yana has been really good the past few weeks. She is picking up more sentences as the weeks go on but please keep practicing them at home so she can build up more confidence. I am really pleased with all her progress.


Amanda is such a bright little girl with huge learning potential. She is participating really well in all my classes and she seems to be getting along really well with the other children too. I can’t wait to see what else she has to offer.


Jake is still doing really great in English class. He is always happy to learn and his confidence is building all the time. He can sometimes be easily distracted but he’s a smart boy and always picks things up quickly!


Jason is still as smart as ever. He really loves to learn and he is very well behaved in class. He speaks clearly and listens intently all the time. His progress is going very well and I’m still very happy with his development.


Stephen is constantly improving in my class. His vocabulary has expanded a great deal since we first met and I am so pleased with all of his progress. He is always happy to learn and participate and I am so proud of him.



Peter is a bright little boy with a lot of potential for learning but he struggles to remember a lot of vocabulary still. This will come with time and practice so keep practicing at home. Other than that he is really doing super and I am very proud.


Carey is doing great this week. She can still sometimes be easily distracted in class however she is picking things up really well recently. I am very happy with her progress so far and I hope she keeps up the good work!


Dea is very good at learning new things. She listens and participates well in class and she picks things up very quickly. Her sentences are improving and I am really pleased with all her progress. Keep up the super work.


The past couple of weeks Charles has been doing so well. He is still very easily side-tracked however his progress is developing all the time. He has been speaking English a lot more in class recently and loves to join in with all the games and activities.


Yoyo is doing great as always. She is very confident during group activities but when it comes to speaking on her own she gets very shy sometimes. Keep practicing at home to work on this confidence and keep up the superb work!


Colin is doing wonderful as always. He is so well behaved in class and loves to learn new things and speak English. I’ve noticed huge improvements with him and he’s developing at such a good pace. I’m so pleased with his progress.


Jerry is improving all the time but his confidence has dwindled since I last saw him so please keep practicing new words and sentences at home. He is a very bright boy and I am really pleased with his progress.


Jodie is a very bright girl but she is very easily distracted in class and therefore is struggling to remember a lot of vocabulary. Keep practicing at home so she can build up more confidence and get more involved in class.


Maggie is very good at learning new things. She listens and participates well in class and she picks things up very quickly. Her sentences are improving and I am really pleased with all her progress. Keep up the super work.


Oliver is a good step ahead of the rest of the class when it comes to saying sentences and vocabulary however he is always experimenting with new ways to say things and still loves to learn the things I’m teaching. He is super.


Mickey is such a smart boy who is a very good learner. He still loves to participate and answer questions. He is happy to be in class and speaks very confidently. I am very happy with all his development over the past few months!


Sheryl is still a pleasure as ever. She is getting more and more confident with sentences these past few weeks and she is really trying to put things together herself. She’s doing great and I am really happy with her.


Jake is really doing absolutely fantastic in class. He completely understands what is going on in class and he seems to enjoy class so much more. He participates in everything and loves to help out the other children with their sentences. I am so impressed.


Daniel is still making improvements every week. He still has a lot of catching up to do and he still has to work on his sentences but he is definitely getting better all the time. Keep practicing and keep up the super work.


Jill is doing fantastic the past few weeks. She seems to have a much better understanding of what is going on in class and because of this reason she is starting to participate much better and pay attention more.


Myron is such a bright little boy with huge potential for learning. He is saying sentences with such ease and his pronunciation is excellent. He is gaining confidence every week and I am so happy with him.


Tony is superb as always. He is still very well behaved in class and therefore learns new language very quickly. He is great at remembering vocabulary and he is putting good sentences together. He’s doing great.


Allan has been doing great again this week. He picks things up quickly but tends to forget them easily so please keep practicing at home. He is participating well and his sentences are improving all the time.


Tom is really great at participating in activities that I am leading, he can repeat after me extremely well and he loves to learn new things. He still has some catching up to do so keep practicing at home but I am really happy with him.


Lisa is still making huge improvements all the time. She is getting much better at listening and her pronunciation is constantly improving. I am really pleased with all the progress she has made and I am so proud of her.


Robbie is a really confident bright little boy with huge potential. He has good pronunciation and he is very well-behaved in class. His listening is really improving and I am so pleased with all his progress.


Dudu has made massive improvements recently. He is listening very well in class and therefore is learning so much more vocabulary. He is very well behaved and participating really well in class. I am so pleased with him.


Thomas is making really good progress recently. He still struggles with new vocabulary so keep practicing at home but he has become much more social in class and enjoys participating a lot more now. Keep up the good work!


Yvonne is still an absolute pleasure to teach. She is improving all the time and she speaks very clearly, she also loves to participate. This week she has been doing really great at saying new sentences and I’m very pleased.


David is doing really well in class the past week. He is making improvements all the time and slowly building up more confidence. His sentences need some work so please keep practicing but other than that I am really pleased.


Christina is starting to say more sentences and is starting to get a better understanding of what’s going on in class recently. I am really pleased with all her efforts. She is listening more and I am really happy.


Jason is making developments every week but he is still easily distracted and not confident with his speaking. He will grow out of this soon but in the meantime please keep practicing at home with him.


Wendy is a very bright girl as always who really has great learning potential. She learns things very easily and is always happy to participate. Her sentences are getting better all the time and I am really pleased with her.


Hardy is such a bright little boy who is doing fantastic as always. He is great at making up his own sentences and he is always happy to learn new things. I am so proud of all his hard work in class. Keep it up!



Amanda has been going well, she is saying the words. But after a little bit of encouragement, she is becoming a little bit more confident with her speaking out loud in class. Keep practicing sentences at home.


Colin is going well; he is active and answers all the questions I am asking from him. He is very eager to get up in front of the class and do the action or find the new pictures and say the word.


Ivy is participating very well in the class, she always likes to say the new words or sentences that we have just learnt. When asked a question; she thinks very hard and comes up with some great unique ways of saying the sentence.


Mia is a very bright little girl, her vocabulary is very good. She always comes up with different sentences when I ask her a question; she is very active in the class which is very good.


Jason is taking part in the class, he is still a little shy. But when asked a question he usually has no trouble answering it. When it is his turn to come up in front of the class, he is a little bit tentative. But eventually comes up.


Oliver is a very bright boy who is always participating in the class. When I ask him a question he does not hesitate and always gives me a different answer which is fantastic. He understands everything that is going on in class.


Cici is still making improvements all the time. She is getting more confident with the more vocabulary she is remembering. She is slowly getting more and more active in class, which is really great.


Yana has missed a few classes this week but other than that she is remembering vocabulary much better and participating really well; she is still a little bit shy in class. But over time she will be much more vocal.


Jerry is going well even though he has missed a few classes; he is remembering vocabulary really well and he is starting to use it more often. He is still very quiet but he is making super progress all the time. I am really pleased.


Yoyo is getting along really well in class. She is always keen to participate and shows great potential for learning. Her sentences are improving all the time and she is coming up with some very unique answers to my questions.


Lucy is becoming really involved in lessons and she is remembering a lot of vocabulary and starting to use it frequently, she is always putting her hand up to come up in front of the class I am really impressed with her and I hope she keeps it up!


King is going well, he is very active in class and is always putting his hand up to come up and do the action or say the sentence. His vocabulary is continuing to improve which is very good.


Dea is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.


Annie is coming along in leaps and bounds, she is really starting to understand the new words and sentences. She is becoming more aware of what is going on in class and her listening skills are getting much better.


Lily is still a little bit quiet and shy, but she is saying the new words and sentences. She is becoming more active during the class, and I can see that in know time she will be very active in the class.


Stephen is going well in class, he was very shy to begin with. But he has now opened up a little bit and is saying the new words and sentences. He is becoming active in the class which is really good.


Yinuo is a very bright and smart little girl, her English knowledge is fantastic. She is very active in class and really enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences. She has a great grasp on the lessons and understands everything we are doing.


Amy is going well; she has started to become more active in the class, which is really great to see. She is saying the new words and sentences well; is getting more active in class.


Sophia is going really well, she is very active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on during the class. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words and sentences.


Sissy has opened up more in class; in the beginning she was a little bit shy. But now she is saying the new words and sentences rally well. She is getting more active which is really good to see.


Oscar is a very bright little boy, he has a great grasp on the class and understands everything that is going on. He is very active in the class and is one of the first students to put his hand up and practice the new words and sentences.


Jodie is going really well in class, she is participating in almost every activity and is very active. She enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing what she has just learnt.


Charles is active during class and has a good understanding of what is going on in the class. He will get up and say the new words and sentences.


Carrie is a smart little girl, she has a good understanding of English and is really starting to participate in the class well. She now enjoys getting up in front of the class and practicing the new words.


Maggie is going well in class, she has opened up a lot since the first class we had. She is saying the new words and sentences really well and is coming up in front of the class to practice what she has just leant.



Mia is really beginning to understand a lot more that is going on in class. She is starting to get used to putting sentences together and she is saying things more clearly. Keep revising at home and keep it up!


Colin understands a lot more of what is going on in class recently and he has started asking a lot more questions which is great. He still forgets some vocabulary but overall he is doing superb and I am really happy.


Ivy is still a delight to teach but recently she has been very easily distracted in class and forgetting a lot of vocabulary. She is still doing superb at answering questions and still enjoys being in class a lot. Keep up the good work.


Mia is always doing fantastic in my class as you already know. This week has been no different. She’s really doing great at trying to put new sentences together by herself and I am really pleased with all her efforts.


Yana is still progressing all the time. She has super pronunciation and understanding, she always knows what’s going on in class and she loves to participate. I am proud as ever of her hard work and achievements.


Jason is doing great in class as always. He is a very bright little boy and he is doing really well with his sentences. Sometimes he forgets some vocabulary so keep practicing but apart from that he’s great.


Eason is a great little boy with a huge potential for learning. He participates really well in class, he remembers vocabulary, and he is always eager to learn. Keep practicing at home to keep his confidence up!


Oliver is doing superb as usual. He enjoys doing new things and enjoys learning a lot. I am always very pleased with his progress. His sentences are improving nicely and he’s making good progress as always.


Jodie is still a wonderful little girl to have in my class. Once she has something in her head that she knows and understands she repeats it constantly in class. This is good but keep practicing at home so she can branch out a little.


Cici makes huge improvements all the time but she is painfully shy when she speaks to me sometimes. Her English speaking is going great and her sentences are improving well so keep practicing to build up confidence.


Amanda is a delightful little girl to teach but she forgets a lot of vocabulary regularly. This will improve if you keep practicing at home. Other than that she is participating really well and she is improving all the time.


Jerry is still a very quiet boy in my classes but he is improving all the time. He is remembering more vocabulary and because of this he is getting more confident with his speaking. He is doing really well.


Yoyo is such a bright little girl with a great ability to learn. She is always happy to participate and her sentences are improving all the time. I am really happy with her progress and efforts in class so keep up the super work.


Lucy makes improvements in class all the time. She’s happy to learn new things and her pronunciation is always improving. I am really pleased with the developments she’s making in class and with her sentences.


Jerry is still doing great in class but lacks confidence with his speaking. When he says a sentence he only says half of it then mumbles the rest as he is unsure how to go on. He’s doing superb but keep practicing to build up confidence.


Dea is a very bright girl with great pronunciation. She is remembering much more vocabulary but she is not completely confident with her sentences yet. Keep practicing saying random simple sentences at home to build up confidence.


Anne has great potential for learning but she has no confidence in class. She is still very quiet and doesn’t always pay attention or take part. Please keep practicing words and simple sentences at home to build up confidence.


Lily has been the same as ever the past couple of weeks. She struggles to take part and pay attention in class. She is a very bright girl with a lot of potential but still has a lot of catching up to do. Please keep practicing and keep up the good work.


Stephen has really made massive improvements since I first met him. He is much more attentive in class and his listening skills have really improved. He recognizes a lot more vocabulary and he is getting more confident as the weeks go on.


Yinuo is doing superb again this week. She always understands what is going on and she is constantly trying out new sentences and ways to say thing. She is a very bright girl and I am very happy to have her in my class.


Charles is doing really great again this week. He is happy to learn new things and always participates really well in class. He is saying sentences very well and his confidence with speaking is building all the time.


Sophia has been really making an effort to put new sentences of her own together this week and I am really pleased with that. This means she is understanding a lot and starting to think outside the box. Keep up the great work.


Sissy is starting to say more sentences of her own recently and is becoming slightly more confident with this weeks topic. She is always happy to learn new things and she is a very bright girl. Keep up the good work.


Oscar is doing great again this week. He is very confident with his speaking recently and he learns very quickly. I am really happy with his progress and I hope he continues to keep up the excellent work.

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