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You are sure to fail the exam ________ you study hard.

A. ifB. unlessC. sinceD. that

Look! Duo Bujie is getting the first place. ________ fast runner he is!

A. HowB. What aC. How aD. What

The number of giant pandas is getting ______ because their living areas are becoming farmlands.

A. less and lessB. larger and larger

C. smaller and smallerD. fewer and fewer

---What’s your favorite film

--- The Wondering Earth. It shows a lot of imagination, has a sense of humor.

A. too; toB. neither; norC. either; orD. not only; but also

Mind your ________, Linda! It’s not polite to make a loud noise at the dinner table.

A. situationB. suggestionC. expressionD. manners

--- There have been great changes in Xuzhou in the past few years.

--- I can’t agree more. The changes there are ________ imagination.

A. overB. pastC. beyondD. with

--- Do you think colors can ________ your feelings.

---I think so. Red makes me happy. So I like red very much.

A. influenceB. increaseC. interviewD. introduce

The math problem is so hard that ________ students can work it out.

A. a fewB. a littleC. manyD. few

I don’t know the teacher ________ is talking with Miss Wang.

A. whoB. whomC. whichD. what

---Must I go to medical school and be a doctor like you, Dad.

---No, you ________, son. You’re free to make your own decision.

A. can’tB. shouldn’tC. needn’tD. mustn’t

--- ________ is it from the park to the theatre.

---It’s about half an hour by underground.

A. How oftenB. How soonC. How longD. How far.

--- I wonder ________.

---Yes, of course.

A. why we will visit the museumB. when we will get to the museum

C. whether the museum is worth visitingD. what we can see in the museum

--- It’s a little cold. Would you mind closing the window

---________. I will do it right away.

A. Forget itB. No, you can’tC. Of courseD. Not at all

Xuzhou Department Store ________ for about 70 years. It will be moved soon.

A. has been openB. has openedC. has openD. has been opened

--- My son is too short to be a successful basketball player.

--- ________. Every dog has its day.

A. I think soB. It’s hard to sayC. That’s rightD. You’d better not


Ever since I was ten years old, I have decided to do everything on my own though I couldn’t really understand them.

When I was young , I always ______ the summer holiday with my grandfather at the mountain farm in Western Norway (挪威). ______ my grandfather had to work all day himself, he could spare some time for me.

One day my grandfather said to me, “Come. I have a toy boat for you.” I followed him to a workroom _______. However, nothing like that was there ______ a block of wood. “Is that the boat...” I asked curiously. “No one can give you what you do for ______. With your own hands, you’ll make it out of wood. Then it will be the ______ boat in your heart.” Finally, I finished it with his help. Seeing the boat ______ in the lake Storvassdal, I felt ______ and thought everything nice around me.

Good times don’t last long. I had to ______ to America. Feeling sad, I hid my boat under a big rock at Storvassdal. Moreover, I didn’t know that was the ______ time I saw my grandfather.

Years later, I returned to the mountain farm with my parents and children. I searched for my boat, but ______ . I was about to ______ when I touched something different under a big rock. Luckily, I found the boat which ______ grandfather and me. Holding it, I felt my grandfather was there and we ______ were together again.

As time went by, each time I held the boat, I carved (刻) the year. My grandfather seemed ______. I went on the last trip to the farm with my grandchildren. High in the mountain, I hope they would understand the importance of the boat and its simple sign of self-reliance (自立).

1.A. spentB. tookC. paidD. cost

2.A. UntilB. WheneverC. ThoughD. Because

3.A. carefullyB. unwillinglyC. unhappyD. excitedly

4.A. withB. exceptC. withoutD. besides

5.A. myselfB. yourselvesC. yourselfD. himself

6.A. hardestB. bestC. fastestD. cheapest

7.A. fallingB. jumpingC. swimmingD. floating

8.A. interestedB. terribleC. worriedD. proud

9.A. returnB. enterC. reachD. leave

10.A. finalB. firstC. nextD. another

11.A. succeededB. failedC. lostD. worked

12.A. look upB. set upC. give upD. pick up

13.A. mixedB. separatedC. connectedD. contacted

14.A. fiveB. fourC. threeD. two

15.A. deadB. farC. nearD. alive


My 10-year-old granddaughter was happy the day before yesterday because her mother took her and her friend to a park to celebrate Children’s Day. For a whole day, the two girls played heartily---no homework, no extra-curricular (课外) skills training. The happy life lasted only for one day. Yesterday, everything returned to normal: doing homework till late at night and going over lessons learned at last weekend’s English and “Olympic maths” courses.

Every time I went to my daughter’s house in the evening, I saw her sitting by the small desk in the room doing her homework. On the wall behind the desk are some words she wrote. One sentence reads: “Why is the exercise endless” Poor girl!

Although teachers have stopped giving after-school homework to primary school children, parents have been forcing their kids to attend different courses-learning English, painting, “Olympic maths” and so on, every Saturday and Sunday.

Are these extra-curricular courses really necessary in children’s education The answer is certainly “No”. Take the so-called “Olympic maths” for example. These courses are very difficult for the children to understand. Often, they are difficult even for adults.

1.The writer’s granddaughter celebrated her Children’s Day by ________.

A. playing all dayB. doing nothing

C. having a partyD. going over lessons

2.Usually at weekends the girl will ________.

A. stay at homeB. play with their classmates

C. do whatever she likesD. go to different kinds of training courses

3.The writer thinks that her granddaughter ________.

A. lives a happy lifeB. goes to bed early at weekend

C. has too much homeworkD. likes to do more exercises

4.Which is true according to the passage

A. The “Olympic Maths” is too difficult for kids.

B. The grandfather thinks playing is more important than learning.

C. Teachers often give students useless homework.

D. The parents don’t want their kids to do lots of homework.

The robin (知更鸟) stood on an old climbing plant, and sang his most beautiful song. Suddenly the wind made the plant move, and Mary saw something under the dark green leaves. The thick, heavy plant was covering a door. Mary’s heart was beating fast and her hands were shaking as she pushed the leaves away and found the keyhole. She took the key out of her pocket, and it fit the hole. Using both hands, she managed to unlock the door. Then she turned round to see if anyone was watching. But there was no one, so she pushed the door, which opened, slowly, for the first time in ten years. She walked quickly in and closed the door behind her. At last she was inside the secret garden!

It was the loveliest, most exciting place she had ever seen. There were old rose trees everywhere, and the walls were covered with climbing roses. She looked carefully at the grey branches (枝条). Were the roses still alive Ben would know. She hoped they weren’t all dead. But she was inside the wonderful garden, in a world of her own. It seemed very strange and silent, but she did not feel lonely at all. Then she noticed some small green shoots coming up through the grass. So something was growing in the garden after all! When she found a lot more shoots in different places, she decided they needed more air and light, so she began to pull out the thick grass around them. She worked away, clearing the ground, for two or three hours, and had to take her coat off because she got so hot. The robin hopped around, pleased to see someone gardening.

1.What did Mary see under dark green leaves

A. a robinB. a doorC. a keyD. rose trees

2.How did Mary feel after walking in the secret garden

A. excitedB. sadC. angryD. calm

3.How many years has the garden been empty

A. NeverB. 10C. 5D. 1

4.Why did Mary pull out the thick grass around the shoots

A. Because the thick grass was ugly.

B. Because she wanted to plant more rose trees.

C. Because she wanted to give shoots more air and light.

D. Because she felt hot in this secret garden.

Music and Art will enter the Entrance Exam for the high school in Jiangsu. Without music, life would be a mistake. Music is a big part of our lives. But in recent years, some US schools have cut music classes to control budgets (预算).

For example, Chicago public schools hurt arts education when it fired (解雇) over 1,000 teachers. Among them, 10 percent of the teachers taught art or music, according to The Washington Times. In fact, this is not just a problem in the US. In other countries, such as China and the UK, music classes are not thought to be as important as ones like science, math and history. That’s partly because music is not seen as a very important life skill, and it isn’t tested. Many students are busy with schoolwork, so parents and students choose to focus on subjects that are tested more often.

However, learning music is beneficial (有益的) in many ways.

(4) When playing music, you need different abilities to work together. It is not as simple as it looks, according to Kenneth Guilmartin of Music Together, an early childhood music development program. For example, when playing the piano, people see music notes and decode (解码) them in their brains. They also use their fingers to make sounds. You need to deal with all these things at the same time.

Music has a special connection with science as well. You can see that many scientists are good at playing music: Einstein played the violin, and German physicist Max Planck was talented in playing the piano.

1.Some schools in the US cut music classes, because ________.

A. students in the US weren’t interested in music

B. they were too difficult to learn

C. there weren’t enough music teachers in the US

D. the schools wanted to control budgets

2.In Paragraph 2, what does the underlined word “them” refer to (指代)?

A. Public schools.B. Fired teachers.

C. Parents in Chicago.D. Students in Chicago.

3.What’s the main idea of Paragraph 4

A. Different abilities are needed to work together while we are playing music.

B. Playing the piano needs people to use fingers to make sounds.

C. Decoding music notes is needed while we are playing music.

D. Playing the piano needs people to see music notes.

4.What’s the writer’s opinion according to this passage

A. Music is as simple as it looks.

B. Music classes should be cut in some schools.

C. Music is a big part of our lives.

D. Music isn’t a very important life skill for us.



Alice and her sister want to make the Earth a better place for people. They did a lot of things.

One day, while they 1. (walk) in their hometown, they saw hundreds of cigarette butts (烟头) on the ground. The cigarette butts made the town 2. (look) so ugly that they decided to start a group. They wanted to make people stop 3. (drop) butts. The group 4. (call) “No Butts About It” Many people 5. (start) to join their group after they heard of their stories.

At the moment, they 6. (try) to get cigarette companies to put an ashtray (烟灰缸) in each pack of cigarette. Today there are also other “No butts About It” groups in America.


Running two miles on the playground isn’t a fun thing to do for most students. But students in Miss Brown’s class at Mark Twain School in the USA gladly put on their running shoes. They wanted to raise money to help a dog in need.

Miss Brown told her students about Peter, a dog who had a hard start in life. At less than a year old, Peter’s owners found out that he was not healthy. Something was wrong with his body. Medicine could help but it was very expensive. For Peter to have a better life, he needed surgery (外科手术). But his owners couldn’t afford that. Finally, they had to leave Peter at the animal hospital.

“I love dogs and when I hear about Peter, I felt so sad for him,” says student Tony.

Miss Brown’s class decided to hold a Jog-a-Thon to raise money for Peter’s surgery.

“At first I felt like the Jog-a-Thon was just to get us to exercise,” says Mike “but then I wanted to help this dog.”

“I just wanted to make a difference in Peter’s life,” adds student Chance Wood.

News of the Jog-a-Thon spread throughout the school. Before long, five other classes also took part in the event. “I started receiving money from all kinds of people in our school community,” says Miss Brown. “We raised $3,180.64 in all.”

A 1. activity


A dog named Peter had 2. problems before he was one year old.

Medicine and surgery can 3. his health, but his owner didn’t have enough 4. to pay for them.


Miss Brown’s class made their 5. to raise money for Peter by 6. an activity. The activity is called 7. which is about running.


In Miss Brown’s class, students felt sorry for Peter and wanted to 8. his life.


They raised $3,180.64 in all and 10. five classes joined the event.


A young man entered the last interview of a company. The director learnt that the young man’s academic (学业的`) grades were very good. “Did you get any scholarships (奖学金) in school” the director asked. “None.” The young man answered. “Did your father pay for your school fees” the director asked. “My father died when I was one year old, so my mother paid my school fees.” The young man answered.

“Where did your mother work” the director asked. “My mother washed clothes.” The young man said. The director looked at the young man’s hands. He had a pair of smooth and perfect hands.

“Have you ever helped your mother wash the clothes before” the director asked. “Never.” The young man answered. “I have a request,” the director said. When you go back today, wash your mother’s hands, and then see me tomorrow morning.”

The young man felt that his chance of getting the job was high. When he went back. He happily asked his mother to let him wash her hands. His mother felt strange, happy but with mixed feelings. She showed her hands to the kid. The young man washed his mother’s hands slowly. His tears fell when he did that. It was the first time he had noticed that his mother’s hands were so wrinkled (有皱纹的).He realized it was this pair of hands that helped him pay the fees.

The next morning, the young man went to the director’s office. “I washed my mother’s hands, and I know that without my mother, I would not be the person I am today.” He said.

“This is what I am looking for,” the director said. “I want a person who can appreciate (感激) the help of others to get things done. You will be a member of our company.

1.Did the young man get any scholarships in school


2.Who paid for the young man’s school fees


3.How did the young man’s mother make money


4.What did the director ask the young man to do when he went back


5.What’s the best title of this passage










要求:1. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数;


Dear Editor,

Everyone wants to live a happy life. As students we should enjoy reading and take an active part in different kinds of sports.


I hope my advice is worth taking.

Best wishes





―Li Ming and Wang Gang disagree with me.

―Never mind, no one cananybody.

A. satisfy B. cancel C. promise D. discuss

The boys tried, but they failed. There was a fight between them.

A. to be angry B. not to be angry C. be angry D. not be angry

We are all busythe coming English exam.

A. to get ready B. getting ready C. to prepare for D. preparing for

Jack has told us.Would you like to tell us

A. something interesting; anything else B. something interesting; else anything

C. interesting something; anything else D. interesting something; else anything

Be careful,you’ll make mistakes.

A. and B. but C. or D. so

The park is home many wild animals.

A. at B. to C. in D. on

I like travelling by train, it is not as fast as by plane.

A. until B. unless C. though D. because

That’s an exciting story the passage.

A. according to B. look forward to C. lead to D. thanks to

of the population here are workers.

A. 20 percents B. 20 percent C. The 20 percent D. The 20 percents

A number of animals killed and the number of themgetting smaller and smaller.

A. has been; are B. has been; is C. have been; is D. have been; are

What did you doyour guests

A. welcome B. welcoming C. to welcome D. welcomed

Eric is a middle school studentChina.

A. visits B. to visiting C. visiting D. visited

The driver offered the three children to the train station.

A. drive B. to drive C. driving D. drove

Try yourself and have a good time at the party.

A. to B. be C. to be D. to being

Tom always makes his sisterthe room. But today he was madethe room by his mother.

A. clean; clean B. clean; to clean C. to clean; clean D. to clean; to clean


Martin is a fifteen-year-old boy. He used to be a “problem child”, but a recent ______ with his mother changed his life. He didn’t use to give his mother many problems. ______, after his father’s death a few years ago, Martin’s life became ______ more difficult. His mother couldn’t afford to pay for her child’s education. To do this, she ______ work, and so she was often not at home.

His mother looked after him as ______ as she could. Unfortunately, Martin still caused problems. He was not ______ in studying and he often got into trouble. Luckily, his mother was very ______ and didn’t give up trying to help him. In the end, she ______ a difficult decision: to send him to a boys’ boarding school. Martin hated it and used to cause a lot of trouble.

One day, he told his teacher he wanted to leave the school. The teacher said it was necessary for Martin to ______ with his mother. Martin called his mother, but to his ______, this phone call changed his life.“It was exactly ______ I needed, ” he said.“My mother helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that even though my father was no longer with us, he was ______ me and would always take pride in everything good I do. That’s when I decided to change. I realize that ______ my father died, I have been afraid of being alone, and have tried to make my mother pay more attention to me.”

Now Martin has ______ changed. He has been working hard and is now one of the best students in his class. How was he able to change His mother’s ______ helped him to feel good about himself.

1.A. conversation B. report C. survey D. speech

2.A. So B. But C. Therefore D. However

3.A. very B. many C. much D. too

4.A. could B. had to C. should D. would

5.A. soon B. quickly C. well D. good

6.A. pleased B. tired C. bored D. interested

7.A. worried B. patient C. careful D. serious

8.A. made B. took C. got D. thought

9.A. argue B. say C. discuss D. talk

10.A. surprised B. surprising C. surprise D. surprises

11.A. which B. what C. that D. how

12.A. seeing B. noticing C. helping D. watching

13.A. since B. before C. after D. when

14.A. always B. hardly C. really D. just

15.A. advice B. love C. idea D. decision


The water tap was leaking (漏水) again, and the noise was driving Cassie crazy.

Cassie looked at her watch. It was nearly nine o’clock. She climbed out of bed and stood on a chair by the shelf. Her mother’s Mr. Fix-It Book was on the top shelf. Cassie stepped down quietly. She read the book quickly until she found the page she was looking for, and then began to read carefully.

Next, Cassie opened a box in the kitchen and picked out the tools she needed ― a hammer, a wrench, and several small things. It was no easy job for her to do the repair, and she tried several times. Finally, the water tap was in pieces. One by one, she carefully laid them out on the table. That way she would know how they went back. While this was going on, her cat walked over to watch what she was doing.

Cassie worked late into the night. At one point, she thought she was done. Oops! A small piece that she had forgotten still lay on the table. Slowly Cassie took the water tap apart(分开)one more time. This time she made sure everything was in place. She turned the water tap on and then off. One…two…three…She waited a full minute. There was no leak! Cassie smiled and put the tools back into the box. Then she went back into bed.

The next morning, Dad was in the kitchen when Cassie got up.

“Notice anything, Dad ” she asked.

He looked around and listened. “Hmm, something’s missing… I can’t find out what it is… Wait, it’s too quiet in here!”

“That’s right,” Cassie said. “Something is missing. I fixed the water tap. It doesn’t leak

any more.”

“That’s my girl,” Dad said, “It’s a good thing you are really like your mother.”

1.The noise of ______ was driving Cassie crazy.

A. the tap B. her cat C. her father D. the clock

2.Mr. Fix-It Book is probably a book on how to ______.

A. train pets B. fall asleep C. fix things D. cook food

3.Cassie took the water tap apart again because ______.

A. she had forgotten one piece B. the tap was still leaking

C. the cat had taken one piece away D. she hadn’t understood the book

4.The water tap wasn’t fixed until ______.

A. nine o’clock B. late that night

C. the next morning D. the next afternoon

5.In the end, ______ fixed the water tap.

A. Cassie’s mother B. Cassie’s father C. Mr. Fix-It D. Cassie

More and more people like bicycling and it is no surprise. It is fun, healthy and good for the environment. Maybe that’s why there are 1.4 billion bicycles and only 400 million cars on roads worldwide today. Bikes can take you almost anywhere, and there is no oil cost!

Get on a bicycle and ride around your neighbourhood. You may discover something new all around you. Stopping and getting off a bike is easier than stopping and getting out of your car. You can bike to work and benefit (受益) from the enjoyable exercise without polluting the environment. You don’t even have to ride all the way.

Folding (折叠) bikes work well for people who ride the train. Just fold the bike and take it with you. You can do the same on an airplane. A folding bike can be packed in a suitcase. You can also take a common bike with you when you fly. But be sure to look for information by getting on airline websites. Not all airlines are bicycle-friendly to travellers.

Health Benefits of Bicycling:

It helps to prevent heart diseases.

Bicycling helps to control your weight.

A 15-minute bike ride to and from work three times a week burns off five kilos of fat in a year.

Bicycling can improve your mood (心情).

Exercise like bicycling has been shown to make people feel better, more relaxed and self-confident.

Bicycling is healthier than driving.

1.From the passage, we know that bicycling is becoming very .

A. surprising B. exciting C. expensive D. popular

2.When you are riding your bicycle around your neighbourhood, you may .

A. pollute the environment around B. find something you didn’t notice

C. go everywhere and use a little oil D. get off your bike and begin to work

3.If you travel with a folding bike, you can fold it and .

A. get out of the car B. take it onto a train

C. put it in your purse D. go on airline websites

4.One of the benefits from bicycling is that .

A. you can fold the bicycle B. you will be friendly to others

C. you will be more relaxed D. you may get fatter and fatter

5.Which is TRUE according to the passage

A. Bicycling is enjoyable exercise for people. B. Driving cars is healthier than riding bikes.

C. Riding a bike pollutes your neighborhood. D. Common bikes are welcomed by all airlines.

Like many people, I have no clear idea about heroes. At some point, we all wonder if we need a hero and what a hero really is.

Although there are a lot of differences in cultures, heroes around the world generally share a number of characteristics (特点) which give us courage and make us want to learn from them.

A hero does something worth talking about. A hero has a special story to tell and people think highly of it. But a hero is not just the person with great fame (声誉) .

A hero has powers (力量) larger than himself. Some people want to live like a hero, and they have to experience life with new and further meaning. A sure test for would-be heroes is what or whom they serve. What do they want to live and die for If the answer suggests they serve only their own fame, they may be famous persons but not heroes.

A hero has a vision from the mountaintop. He has the power to move people. He creates new possibilities. Without Gandhi, India might still be part of Britain. Without Martin Luther King, Jr., Americans might take different buses, eat in different restaurants, go for walks in different parks, and shop in different stores because of the different colors of their skin.

There might be changes in society without a hero, but the speed of change would be rather slow. Thanks to heroes in history, they make the society develop so rapidly.

1.According to this passage, a hero is a person who always .

A. gives us courage B. thinks highly of others

C. shares great fame D. stands on the mountaintop

2.If you want to live like a hero, you should .

A. experience a new and meaningful life B. listen to something worth talking about

C. serve your own fame and try to be famous D. know where and how you want to live

3.The underlined word “vision” in the passage means “ ”.

A. 风景 B. 想象 C. 远见 D. 形象

4.Black people in America used to before Martin Luther King, Jr.

A. shop at the white’s stores B. take buses with the white

C. take walks in the white’s parks D. eat in restaurants without the white

5.What can we learn from the passage

A. We don’t need heroes anymore at some point now.

B. Heroes are all the same though different in cultures.

C. People get power from heroes to move to a new place.

D. Our society has developed faster because of heroes in history.


We all like to visit friends during Chinese New Year. But what gifts should you give your hosts’ children The key point to choosing a New Year gift is expressing your wishes to the children, either for their healthy growth or for their cleverness.

1Candy Take some candy with you during Chinese New Year, so that you can give some happiness to the kids you come across.

2Red Pockets for Children If your Chinese hosts have children, do not forget to prepare some red pockets. Both the hosts and the children would appreciate it if you know the tradition.

3School Supplies Visiting your Chinese hosts with some school supplies like a writing pen, a school notebook, a nice box of painting brushes or some interesting books will give the kids a pleasant surprise.

4Toys A good-quality toy is also a nice gift for your hosts’ children, such as a Barbie doll (芭比娃娃) for a little girl and a remote control (遥控的) car for a little boy.

5Clothes If you are quite intimate with your hosts’ family, you can buy their children a set of clothes as a gift.


1.You can give some happiness to your hosts’ children if you take some candy.

2.__________ like a writing pen, a school notebook and so on will give the kids a surprise.

3.If your hosts’ child is a little boy or a little girl, what will you give him/her






1.people, or, want, peace, do, war


2.polite, an, it, age, is, to, adult’s, ask


3.will, do, gifts, what, with, you, the


4.fight, small, they, matter, over, the, shouldn’t


5.many, manners, world, are, in, table, there, the, different




76. 众所周知,了解不同的`文化非常重要,特别是在这个地球“越来越小”的时代。关于如何学习不同文化,不同的学生有不同的见解。请根据下面几个同学的说法以及你自己的看法,写一篇100词左右的英语短文。可适当发挥,开头已给出,不计入总词数。



Jack, America

Read books written by authors from a particular culture.

Lisa, England

Try to learn a foreign language.

John, Italy

Watch television shows or movies made in that part of the world.

I, China


With the development of science and technology, the world is becoming smaller and smaller. To communicate with other people around the world well, it’s important to know about different cultures. Here are some different opinions of learning different cultures.



Ⅰ. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

( )1. A. night B. write C. bright

( )2. A. .police B. space C. place

( )3. A. the same as B. good at C. not the same as

( )4. A. Li Lei was ill.

B. Li Lei' s brother was sorry to hear that.

C. Li Lei' s brother was ill.

( )5. A. Xiao Ming didn’t copy my homework.

B. I asked Xiao Ming not to copy my homework.

C. I told Xiao Ming to do the housework himself.

Ⅱ. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

( )6. A. I’m listening to music. B.I was doing my homework. C.I watched TV.

( )7. A. They shouldn't talk. B. We should help each other C. You should get a part-time job.

( )8. A. Thank you. B. Not beautiful. C. You’re great.

( )9. A. Yes, they do . B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they will.

( )10. A. My teacher said it was boring. B. I am lucky. C. You can copy my homework.

Ⅲ. 听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)

( )11. When will they have the party ?

A. Tomorrow B. On weekdays C. On weekends.

( )12. Where was Mary when the UFO arrived ?

A. At school . B. At home . C. In the shop.

( )13. Where will the two speakers meet in ten years?

A. In the park. B. At school. C. At home.

Ⅳ. 听语段、对话和问题,选择正确答案。(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)

( )16. What does Mr. Clock like buying ?

A. Pictures. B. Stamps. C. Clocks.

( )17. Who makes all the clocks clean every day?

A. Mr Clock’s wife B. Mr Clock C. No one

( )18. How does the woman know that the man comes from the USA?

A. From the way he walks B. From the language he speaks.

C. From the way he speaks.

( )19. Where are the two speakers?

A. In China. B. In America. C. In London.

( )20. What does the woman like in New York?

A. The traffic. B. The theatres. C. The stores.

( )21. Where will the speakers have lunch?

A. In an American restaurant. B. In a Japanese restaurant. C. In an Italian restaurant.

( )22. Was Jack good at his lessons ?

A. Yes, he was . B. No, he wasn’t . C. We don’t know.

( )23. What do Jack’s parents want him to be ?

A. A cleaner. B. A doctor . C. A nurse.

( )24. How many days does the cleaner work a week ?

A. 7. B. 5. C. 1.

( )25. What do you think of Jack ?

A. Lazy. B. Clever. C. Smart.


Ⅴ. 单项选择 (共20小题,每小题1分,计20分)


( )26. I hear she’ll be back ________ a week.

A. after B. in C. from D. at

( )27.Please give me ________envelope, I want to write a letter to my father.

A. a B. an C. the D. /

( )28.My sister can’t cook, I can’t, ________ .

A. too B. also C. either D. neither

( )29.There _________ a computer in everyone's house in the future.

A. will have B. will has C. will be D. is

( )30.We didn’t know the good news ______ he told us.

A. after B. or C. because D. until

( )31.Before the police , the alien left the shop .

A. got B. reached C. arrived D. arrived at

( )32.If there are ____trees, the air in our city will be ____cleaner.

A. fewer, much B. more, more C. more, much D. much, more

( )33.What ____________ at nine o’clock last Sunday morning.?

A. was you doing B. were you doing C. are they doing D. do we do

( )34.Many students find_______ difficult to learn English well.

A. something B. that C .this D. it

( )35.While she_____ on the phone, a man walked into her room.

A. is talking B. talked C. was talking D. talk

( )36.We ’ll go to the zoo if it ________ tomorrow.

A. won’t rain B. don’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. rain

( )37.The pear tree is . We can pick pears easily.

A . tall enough B. short enough C. enough short D. enough tall

( )38.One of my best friends newspapers every morning .

A. read B. reads C. reading D. to read

( )39.----What did your uncle say?

----He told me he _____ call me the next day.

A. will B. should C. can D. would

( )40.He could do nothing except __________ TV.

A. watch B. watches C. watching D. will watch

( )41. I failed my math test, I don’t know______.

A. what to do B. what to do it C. how to do D. what can I do

( )42. How much do you need ______ that bike?

A. to pay for B. to pay C. pay for D. buy

( )43. In our dormitory, we are all friendly to each other. It makes us ____like a big family.

A. feeling B. feel C. to feel D. feels

( )44.He does ______ English than Chinese.

A. better at B. good at C. better in D. well in

( )45. No one knows ____________ in fifty years.

A. what will our life be like B. what is our life like

C. what our life will be like D. what our life is like

Ⅵ. 完形填空(共10小题,每小题1分,计10分)


I like movies best. Last week, I 46 a movie called I, Robot. It tells us a story about the future with robots. It is the year of 2035 and people can see robots everywhere. Robots can help people do a lot of things, like looking 47 the old people or babies, washing, cooking, cleaning or taking dogs for a walk. Robot does everything people ask them to do 48 . But a policeman , 49 Spooner ,doesn’t like robots. Because he doesn’t think that people can live well 50 robots. One day a scientist kills himself. He leaves(留下) a robot. Some time later Spooner finds 51 wrong with the robots in the world. A 52 robots have their own thoughts(思想) and want to control(控制) the people. If the robots succeed(成功), it will be very 53 for people. Susan is another scientist working on robots. Finally, Susan and Spooner decide to 54 together to fight against these robots. At last, they succeed. People control the robots again. I think the movie is very interesting. If you are 55 in it, why not go and see it?

( ) 46. A. watched B. watch C. saw D. see

( )47. A. at B. after C. for D. up

( )48. A. good B. nice C. well D. fine

( )49. A. name B. call C. calling D. called

( )50. A. and B. with C. without D. or

( )51. A. nothing B. anything C. something D. everything

( )52. A. little B. lot C. few D. lots

( )53. A. dangerous B. lucky C. danger D. exciting

( )54. A. worked B. working C. work D. works

( )55. A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interests

Ⅶ. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)


An old lady went out shopping last Sunday. She came to a bank(银行)and saw a car near the door . A man got out of it(下车) and went into the bank . She looked into the car. The keys were in the lock.

The old lady took the keys and followed the man into the bank. The man took a gun(枪)out of his pockets and said to the clerk(职员), “ Give me all the money .”

But the old lady didn’t see this. She went to the man and put the keys in his hand and said, “ Young man , you’re foolish . Never leave your keys in your car. Someone’s going to steal(偷)it . ” The man looked at the old woman for a few seconds. Then he looked at the clerk and then he took the keys and ran off the bank, got into his car and drove away quickly without any money .


( )56.The man got out of the car, and then he went into .

A. the police station B. the post office

C. the bank D. the shop

( )57. The old lady saw in the car.

A. a gun B. the keys C. a wallet D. a handbag

( )58. The old lady took the keys and .

A. went away B. gave them to the policeman

C. took them home D. returned to the young man

( )59. The young man .

A. had nothing to do B. deposited(存)his money

C. ordered a clerk to give him the money

D. walked about to look for something

( )60. When she gave the young man the keys, he .

A. took them and ran out of the bank without any money

B. thanked her very much

C. was very surprised

D. said nothing and went to the police station


A school report

Name:Edward Scott School: Kelvin High School

Grade: 8 Term ending: May 6


He is a little weak in this, but he tried his best to catch up with others.


He can work out many difficult problems. Well done! (做得好)


He is the best in the class. Keep it up(保持).


His reading is very good, he can remember many words.


He is not so good at this, but has done better than before.


He is familiar(熟悉的) with the names of many places in the world.


He doesn’t like pop songs, though sings very well.

No. in class: 9 absences: 8

Remarks(评语): Edward is able to do a lot better.

He needs to do more work next semester.

Class teacher: Ivy

Principal: M. L. Martin

School reopens: September 1


( ) 61. After reading this, we know it is ________________.

A. a studying plan of Edward Scott B. a teaching plan of Ivy

C. a report card of Edward Scott D. a working plan of M. L. Martin

( ) 62. Which subject is not mentioned(提到) in the report? .

A. PE B. Music C. Math D. History

( ) 63. Edward’s best subject is _________________.

A. science B. English C. geography D. French

( ) 64. Edward is not so good at ________________.

A. science and geography B. math and history

C. history and French D. music and English

( )65. Which sentence is not true?

A. Edward can’t sing songs very well.

B. Edward doesn’t do well in history.

C. Edward can do better if he works harder next term.

D. Edward learns two languages at school.


China has three economic areas(经济区): eastern China,central China,and western China. Shanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Xinjiang,Ningxia,Sichuan,Chongqing,Yunnan,Guizhou and Tibet are in western China. It covers 5,385,700 square kilometres,making up 56.4% of Chinese territory(国土) and is home to 230 million people. It is 23% of China's population.

The western area is rich in mineral(矿产) and energy resources(能源) (water,coal,sun energy,and wind power). It also has large grassland,ice and snow resources waiting to be developed. It is home to many wild animals and plants,and it gives us with important medicinal resource.

The Chinese leaders have decided to develop the western area. Jiang Zemin said,“Without development of the western area,how can we modernize(现代化) the whole country,and how can China become an economic power?”

Since 1949,when the People's Republic of China was founded,it is not the first time for China to develop its western part. China will make its western area a long-term base for economic development and use its rich resources to develop economic power.


( )66. The territory of western China is _______.

A. as large as that of eastern China

B. as large as that of central China

C. as large as that of eastern China and central China

D. the largest one of the three areas

( )67. Do you know why we develop western China?

A. Because the people of western China are rich

B. Because it has 230 million people

C. Because it makes up 56.4% of Chinese territory

D. Because we will modernize the whole country

( )68.An economic power means _____.

A. a rich and strong country

B. a large country

C. a country with much more population

D. a large country without economic development

( )69. What is the best advantage(优势) of West China? .

A. Its rich resources

B. Animals

C. Plants

D. Its economic power

( )70. What is the best title for the passage? .

A. China—a large country

B. Developing China

C. Home to wild animals and plants

D. Rich Western China


Ⅷ. 任务型阅读(共5小题,每小题2分,计10分)


Children all over the world like to celebrate their birthdays. American children are of no difference. They usually celebrate with a party. They invite their friends to their birthday parties. The party may not be held on the right date of their birthday if it comes on a school day. It may be held on the weekend instead.

Today two kinds of parties are the most popular. One is held at home. Parents decorate(装饰) the house beautiful with balloons(气球) and colored paper. They prepare(准备) a special birthday meal. The children play games. The other kind is held away from home. Some are at a special restaurant. The children eat pizza and ice cream. The waiters , who serve the food, also sing and tell jokes to the children. Other parties may be held at a park, or at a movie theatre, or in some other places.

Every birthday party has a cake with candles on it. There is one candle for each year of a birthday boy’s or girl’s age. When the candles are lighted(点燃), everyone sings the special birthday song: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.

As Americans grow older, their birthday parties change. In fact, many people stop having them. They say they would like to forget how old they are. Yet they do like to keep the happy birthday parties of their childhood in mind.

71.The party is only held on the right date of their birthday .


72. Do American children like to celebrate their birthdays?


73. Who also sings and tells jokes to the children?


74. According to the passage, how many candles does a twelve-year-old boy need to light on the cake?


75. They say they would like to forget how old they are.




76. Sports are good for people's .

77. They buy tickets or their TV sets to watch others play sports games.

78. People play different games in different .

79. Some sports are rather interesting and people like them..

80. People from different countries often become very friendly to after a game.



81. We’ll get (不安的) when we have an English exam because we are worried about our listening.

82. The boy is (爬)the tall tree. It’s dangerous.

83.Can you give me the reasons (反对)becoming a professional athlete ?

84. I hope my dream will (实现).

85. Will there be (各种各样的)robots in the future.


A) 连词成句(共5小题,每小题1分,计5分)


86. should, he , do , what


87. pollution, be, more, there, will


88. felt, she , than, happier, said , she ,before


89.difficult, the, be, predicting , can, future


90. become, I , if , teacher, work, children, a , will, with, I


B) 书面表达







Dear grandpa,

How’s it going?

Please write to me soon .

Yours ,




1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. A

11. C 12. C 13. A 14. B 15. B 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. C

21. A 22. B 23. B 24. B 25. A 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. C 30. D

31. C 32. C 33. B 34. D 35. C 36. C 37.B 38. B 39. D 40. C

41. A 42. A 43. B 44. C 45. C 46. C 47. B 48. C 49. D 50. B

51. C 52. C 53. A 54. C 55. B 56.C 57.B 58.D 59. C 60. C

61. C 62. A 63. B 64.B 65.A 66.D 67. D 68. A 69. A 70. D

评分标准:1. 1~55小题,每小题1分,计55分;56~70小题,每小题2分,计30分。

2. 凡与答案不符者不得分。


VIII. 76. F 77. Yes, they do . 78. The waiters.

79. 12. 80. 他们说他们想要忘记他们的年龄。

评分标准: 每小2分,计 10分。

IX. 71.health 72. turn on 73. seasons 74. everywhere 75. each other

评分标准: 每小题1分,计5分。

X. 81. nervous 82. climbing 83. against 84. come true 85. all kinds of

评分标准: 每小题1分,计5分。


A 86. What should he do ?

87. Will there be more pollution?

88. She said she felt happier than before .

89.Predicting the future can be difficult .

90. If I work with children , I will become a teacher .

评分标准: 每小题1分,计5分。

B) One possible version:

Dear grandpa,

How’s it going? I have a problem these days, and I need your help .

I have many good friends at school, and we get on well with each other .But one day one of my friends lost one hundred yuan , he thought it was me who took away the money . And he told it to my other friends . All of my friends are not so friendly as before . I’m very sad and don’t know what to do .

Could you please give me some advice , grandpa ?

Please write to me soon .

Yours ,





qiǎomiàoyòu yá  chōuxiě liǎrén jīng cǎi

(   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (  )

bèngzhòngsīsuǒ  zūnjìng  xīnqín zhì huì

(   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) (   )


捎( ) 陪( ) 搂( )输( ) 扑( )

梢( ) 赔( ) 楼( )愉( )朴( )


A.坐在书橱旁是我最愉悦的时光。     (   )

B.从明天起,咱们有得节衣缩食了。     (   )

C.齐威王讥讽田忌:“怎么,难道你还不服气?” (   )

D.这个和尚叫怀丙,是当时出色的工程家。   (   )

E.这只是一块普普通通的石头。      (   )




五、仔细想一想,看谁写得记得牢。(给画横线的字注音)(5分 )

兴旺( )苦难( )散会( )门缝( )声调( )

高兴( )难题( )散装( )缝补( )空调( )


( )的春天( )的亲情 ( )的小生灵

( )的田忌( )的石头 ( )的书橱
















那年外婆从江北到我家,妈妈买了家乡很金贵的鲑鱼。吃饭时, 妈妈把本属于我的那块鱼肚子上的肉,夹进了外婆的碗里。外婆说:“你忘啦?妈妈最喜欢吃鱼头。” 外婆眯缝着眼,慢慢地挑去那几根大刺,放进我的碗里,并说:“孩子,你吃。”接着,外婆就夹起鱼头,用没牙的嘴,津津有味地嗍着,不时吐出一根根小刺。我一边吃着没刺的鱼肉,一边想:“怎么妈 妈 的 妈 妈 也喜欢吃鱼头?”


而立之年,喜得千金。转眼女儿也能自己吃饭了。有一次午餐,妻子夹了一块鱼肚子上的肉,极麻利地捡去大刺,放在女儿的'碗里。自己却夹起了鱼头。女儿见状也吵着要吃鱼头妻说  乖孩子妈妈喜欢吃鱼头  谁知女儿说什么也不答应非要吃不可妻无奈,好不容易从鱼腮边挑出点没刺的肉来,可女儿吃了马上吐出,连说不好吃,从此再不要吃鱼头了。

1、文中的妈妈包括( )( )和( )。(3分)



















得分 评卷人





② ,夜吟应觉月光寒。



, 。

②古往今来,月亮是最能触发诗人写作灵感的,请从你积累的古诗中,写出一个与“月亮”有关的完整诗句: , 。

3. ①请用上“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。”说一段完整的话。(不少于50字)(2分)

__________________________________ ____________________________________________

________________________________ ______________________________________________


A 相了相,走到树前,把直裰脱了,用右手向下,把身倒缴着;却把左手扳住上截,把腰只一趁,将那株绿杨树带根拔起.众泼皮见了,一齐拜倒在地,只叫:“师父非是凡人,正是真罗汉!身体无千万斤气力,如何拔得起!”

这段文字出自古典名著《 》,文段中的A的姓名是 ;在名著中这个人物的主要性格特征是 ;请你用简洁的语句写出关于A的另一个故事(课本中学过的不可以):









得分 评卷人



一、阅读下面文字,完成4—11题 。(15分)


鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。生,亦我所欲也,义,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。生亦我所欲,所欲有甚于生者,故不为苟得也。死亦我所恶,所恶有甚于死者,故患有所不避也。如使人之所欲莫甚于生,则凡可以得生者何不用也?使人之所恶莫甚于死者,则凡可以避患者何不为也?由是则生而有不用也;由是则可以避患而有不为也。是故所欲有甚于生者,所恶有甚于死者。非独贤者有是心也, , 。



4.文章的作者是儒家集大成者 ,你还学过他的《 》。(1分)

5.将文章中空缺的语句填写在下面的横线上。 (2 分)

答: , 。

6.解释下列句子中加着重号的词语的含义。 (2分)

(1)蹴尔而与之 蹴尔:

(2)万钟于我何加焉! 加:

7.把下列句子译成现代汉语。 (2分)




答: 。


今 为 所 识 穷 乏 者 得 我 而 为 之








得分 评卷人


















得分 评卷人










答: 。






得分 评卷人




















23.对文章的表现手法分析有误的一项是( )(3分)







得分 评卷人

第三部分 写作(50分)



让自己的生命为他人开一朵花。一次送茶送水是一朵花,一次无偿献血是一朵花,一次受伤后的救助是一朵花,一次善意的批评是一朵花,一次碰撞后的忍让是一朵花,一次大度的让贤荐能是一朵花 … … 能为别人开花的心是善良的心。请以“为他人开一朵绚丽的花”为话题,写一篇作文。











《无题》:晓镜但愁云鬓改,夜吟应觉月光寒。《枫桥夜泊》:月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。《月下独酌》:举杯邀明月,对影成三人。《望月有感》:共看明月应垂泪,一夜乡心五处同。《水调歌头》:明月几时有,把酒问青天。……人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟《泊秦淮》:烟笼寒水月笼沙,夜泊秦淮近酒家。《山居秋暝》:明月松间照,清泉石上流。《望月怀远》:海上生明月,天涯共此时。《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》:我寄愁心与明月,随风直到夜郎西。《宣州谢朓楼饯别校书叔云》:俱怀逸兴壮思飞,欲上青天揽明月。《月夜》:更深月色半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。《泊船瓜洲》:春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。《出塞》:秦时明月汉时关,万里长征人未还。《宿建德江》:野旷天低树,江清月近人。《游山西村》:从今若许闲乘月,拄杖无时夜扣门。《商山早行》:鸡声茅店月,人迹板桥霜。李白《静夜思》:举头望明月,低头思故乡。陶渊明《归园田居》:晨兴理荒秽,戴月荷锄归。曹操《观沧海》日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。李白:青天有月来几时,我今停杯一问之。3. ①示例:1、北风呼啸,黄沙漫天,今日的大漠已不复往日那“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的壮阔美景。啊,我何时才能见到我心驰神往的戈壁滩呢?2、眼前沙漠浩瀚无边,城墙上烽烟升起,一轮红日向西坠落,不由使人想起王维的“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。3、夕阳的斜晖照耀在空旷辽阔的草原上,蒙古包里的炊烟袅袅,使人心旷神怡,使人不由想起“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。4、这次去沙漠,真是令我大开眼界,夕阳西下,远远望去,一缕缕炊烟袅袅的飘向天空,十分壮观,这不禁让我想起“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”这句诗。5、北方的边塞风光,天地开阔,鸿雁飞翔,一直是我魂牵梦绕的地方,今年我来到这里,我终于领略了“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的壮观景色。6、隔壁荒漠上,在黄河落日的映衬下,一缕狼烟升起,给雄浑的大漠增添了一道靓丽的风景,正是“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。7、浩瀚的沙海,一望无际,一股狼烟直冲苍穹,九曲黄河在落日的映照下,显得更加壮美。此时耳边自然响起“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的诗句。8、在浩瀚无际的沙漠中,目睹着一股浓烟,孤然直立,在远入天际的长河尽头;如镶金般的落日徐徐而降。面对这“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”的壮观景象,谁能不为之震撼呢?9、我向往塞外,“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”这种雄伟壮丽之景,希望我能够在假期如偿所愿,能够欣赏到我向往的美景。10、浩瀚无际的沙漠中孤然的升起一股浓烟,在远方无际的尽头,如镶金的落日徐徐而降,轮廓鲜明,不禁让人想起“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。11、在苍茫的大漠中,沙丘如海浪一般,波澜壮阔,一轮金灿灿的太阳挂在湛蓝的天边,不由想到“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆”。

②《水浒》或《水浒传》;鲁智深或鲁达;见义勇为或嫉恶如仇;人物故事示例:火烧瓦官寺、大闹野猪林、大闹桃花村、二龙山落草等。(有错别字该空不得分。人物故事符合原著即可得分。)③示例:(1)时代在进步,人民群众的生活水平在不断提高;(2)时代在前进,人民群众的生活方式在不断改变;(3)农民的生活观念在日益更新;(4)科技发展给人民群众的生活带来极大的便利。(共3分,每条1分。其他答案言之有理亦可) ④1、把“水平”改为“需求”或“需要” 2、在“危害社会”后面加“的问题”或“的现象”


4、孟子 《生于忧患 死于安乐》





8、今 为/ 所 识 穷 乏 者/ 得 我/ 而 为 之



(二) 12. 答案示例:生命与气候共同进化。或:气候是由两大生命系统的斗争决定的。或:动物占上风,地球产生温室效应;植物占上风,地球进入严寒期。评分标准:能答对其中一个即可得3分。13. 答案示例:以时间为说明顺序。本文说明内容是生命与气候共同进化,进化的前提是时间的推移。评分标准:答出第一问,得1分;答出第二问,得2分,共3分。14. 答案示例: “果真如此”表明如果前面的观点成立,就能产生后面的结果。所以不能删去。评分标准:意思答对即可得3分。15.略。16.答案示例:温室效应得到控制,气温升高的速度减缓。人类对温室效应的危害有充分的认识,已开始采取一系列措施进行控制。或:温室效应加剧,气温进一步升高。人类活动增强,植被减少。或:温室效应与严寒期交替出现。主要看动物和植物哪一方占上风。评分标准:能答出第一问,得2分;能答出第二问,得2分。共4分。

(三) 17.促进人与人之间的和谐需要每一个人都多一份宽容。18.先从正面举齐桓公终成霸业、廉蔺共保国家安宁的事例,在从反面举例项羽自刎乌江、周瑜壮志未酬的事例与之对比,论证“宽容方能和谐,和谐才能成事”19.第⑤段:人人都有短处,只有容得下别人的短处,才能彼此包容、和平共处。第⑥段:人人都会犯错,不求全责备,才能激发创造活力,形成团结和谐、开拓进取的生动局面。

(四20.例:为了帮助“我”克服不敢走夜路的胆怯心理,使“我”成长为真正的男子汉,父亲一边用语言鼓励“我”,一边在夜间举着火把与“我”同行的故事。21.父亲与“我”一起走夜路;通过夜间同行帮助“我”成长。22.用恰当的话语教导和默默的行动帮助,科学理智地教育关爱孩子的人。23.A 24.我甚至渐渐地感觉出夜行的快乐来——万籁俱寂,抑或虫鸣蛙叫,都有一份怡人的意境。25.例:原来是父亲用他默默的行动和深沉的父爱在帮助我成长。我不




第一部分 听对话,回答问题


1. Which girl is Amy?

2. What is he doing now?

3. Where can we see the rainbow?

4. What kind of room will the woman choose?

5. What’s Simon’s favourite colour?

A .Green B. Orange C. White

6. Which dress does the woman take at last?

A . The orange one B. The Green one C. Both

7. Which colour does the woman think Simon should use?

A .Red B. Yellow C. Orange

8. What colour is the woman’s skirt?

A. Green B. Red C. White

9. What character does Helen maybe have?

A. Helen is always full of energy.

B. Helen is usually calm.

C. Helen is always happy.

10. Which blouse will the woman wear?

A. the red and white one B. The red one C. The white one

第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题



11. How much will the man pay if he decides to live in a two-bed room?

A. 285 dollars a month. B. 250 dollars a month C. 35 dollars a month

12. What can the man do if he lives in the hotel?

A. Play tennis B. Swim in the pool C. Play Ping Pong


13. What has the man bought?

A. A new computer B. A new car C. A new flat

14.How does the man feel after working on the computer?

A. Very excited B. Very successful C. Very tired

15. What colour will the man use?

A. Red B. Green C. Blue


16. What does Roger do?

A. He teaches English in China . B. He is a Chinese teacher in China.

C. He teaches Chinese in England. D. He teaches English in England.

17. Roger enjoys teaching his pupils because ________ .

A. they are his own children . B. they are clever and careful.

C. they are lovely . D. they are polite and helpful

18. An English women wears white clothes ____________ .

A. when she gets married B. when she is worried.

C. when she is sad. D. when she is at a funeral.(葬礼)

19.What colour do men in England wear when they get married?

A. White B. Black C. Red D. Green

20. Which of the following is true?

A. Roger dislikes teaching the children.

B. Dick was a slow girl.

C. People in England wear white when get married.

D. Dick, a clever boy, liked asking questions.


( ) 1. What he said made all of us ____________ .

A . happy B. happily C. happiness D. unhappily

( ) 2. ----- Hey , How lovely you look __________ yellow. ------ Thank you.

A. on B. in C. over D. for

( ) 3.My sister keeps _____ phone calls _______ her friends every night.

A. makes; for B. makes; to C. making; to D. making; for

( ) 4. ________ are both calm colours.

A. Yellow and blue B. Blue and white

C. Yellow and orange D. White and orange

( ) 5. Most children _______ ice cream _______ fruit.

A. would rather; to B. prefer ; to

C. prefer to; rather than D. like; better

( ) 6. He couldn’t hide his ________ at my success and said bad words about it.

A. envy B. wisdom C. purity D. power

( ) 7. ---- Susan didn’t like popular music very much, did she?----- _______now.

A. Yes, but she didn’t B. No, but she did

C. Yes, but she does D. No, but she does

( ) 8. --------Mum, I’m offered 8,000 yuan a month for the job. -------- Really ? It just sounds _____ to be true.

A. so well B. too good C. good enough D. too well

( ) 9. ----- Are there any apples in the box, Mum? I’d like to have one ------ Sorry, there is _________ left in the box.

A. anything B. nothing C. none D. something

( ) 10._______ green or ________ in a light green room ________ good for us.

A. Wear ; sleep; is B. Wearing; sleeping; are

C. Wear ; sleep; are D. Wearing; Sleeping ;is

三、完形填空( 共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

What is your favourite colour? Do you like yellow, orange or red? If you do, you ___1__ be an optimist, a leader, or an active person____2___ enjoys life and excitement. Do you prefer gray or blue? Then you are probably ___3____ ,shy and you would rather follow than ____4__ .If you love green, you are strong minded and determined. You wish to succeed and want ____5__ people to see you are successful.

This is what psychologists tell us, and they are sure about this, because they have been seriously studying the meaning of colour preference,___6____ the effect that colours have on human beings. They tell us that we won’t change our favourite colour as we grow up. A yellow room makes us feel more cheerful and comfortable ____7___ a dark green one ,and a red dress brings warmth and cheer ____8___ the saddest winter day.

But black is depressing . Light and bright colours can make people not only happier but more active. It is a fact that factory workers work better, harder ,and have ___9___ accidents when their machines ___10_____ orange rather than black or dark grey. Remember that ,if you feel low, you can always cheer up your day or your life with a new shirt or a new colourful thing.

( ) 1. A. can B. must C. may D. should

( ) 2. A. whom B who C. which D what

( ) 3. A. quiet B. quite C .quietly D. quitely

( ) 4. A. like B . take C leave D. lead

( ) 5. A. others B .another C .other D. the other

( ) 6. A .but B . or C. so D .and

( ) 7. A then B. as C. than D . /

( ) 8. A for B. with C . to D . of

( ) 9. A .less B .fewer C . more D. most

( ) 10. A .paint B .are painted C. draw D . are drawn



Expressions cover all parts of our life. They may be around your ears every day. You may know a lot of Chinese expressions that describe how you feel. Here are some English ones for your enjoyment.

Have Your Heart in Your Mouth

This expression means that you’re really afraid or anxious about something. When your heart starts beating so much that you can feel a thumping(怦怦跳 ) in your throat, it may feel like you “have your heart in your mouth”.

Have Butterflies in the Stomach

How did butterflies get in your stomach? Well, those really aren’t butterflies in there. It is a way of describing those nervous feelings you might get before a test or a very important decision.

These stomach flutters( 跳动 ) are normal and happen to many people. Some people believe having a few butterflies might even help you perform better.

Sick as a Dog

If you’ve ever been very sick, you may have used this expression. Because dogs eat just about anything they find, they often get sick. So it’s all right to describe someone who’s not feeling well as being “sick as a dog” .

Under the Weather

When it’s rainy all day outside ,how would you feel? This expression comes from the idea that bad weather might hurt a person’s health and mood .

( ) 1.Someone believes ________ if you ‘have butterflies in the stomach” before a test.

A. You’re sure to fail

B.You will forget everything

C. You might do better

D.You are sure to do better

( ) 2.When somebody says “ under the weather” , he must feel __________ .

A. upset B. happy C. calm D. afraid

( ) 3.All expressions discussed in the passage are about _________

A. health B. habits C. feelings D. weather


Recently , Chinese netizens ( 网民 ) enjoy themselves on “ growing and stealing crops” on the Internet. This is a game called “ Happy Farms” . Now more and more people are joining in the the game and getting addicted . Because of this game, some players have been fired( 解雇), lovers have broken up, but none of them can stop Happy Farms from becoming more popular.

Here we interviewed some young netizens and let’s see what their opinions were.

Nongmin: Playing Happy Farms at work, that’s terrible! A clerk was fired because she was online playing it at work.

King : I find that all the dreams of having houses and fields ,which are very hard to get in real life, are very easy to be realized in the game. I think I know the reason why the game is so popular.

Kaixin : We have to know how to control ourselves. We should keep our minds on study. Games are just games. I prefer to play sports with my classmates when I am free.

Kitty: I like happy farms. My high-pressure work makes me feel like I can’t breathe. I wish I could have a real house and a farm, but it seems so far away. I have to turn to virtual( 虚拟 ) nature for my own house and farm.

( ) 4.In the first paragraph the underlined phrase “get addicted” means “_______”

A. be sorry to B. be afraid of C. be crazy about D. be fond of

( ) 5.Nongmin told us a/an ________ story about playing the game at work.

A. shocking B. exciting C. relaxing D. interesting

( ) 6._________ have the similar idea about the game.

A.. Nongmin and King B. King and Kitty

C. Kaixin and Kitty D. Nongmin and Kitty


The word ‘day’ has two meanings. When we talk about the number of days in a year, we are using ‘day’ to mean 24 hours. But when we talk about day and night,we are using ‘day’ to mean the time between sunrise and sunset. Since the earth looks like a ball, the sun can shine on only half of it at a time. Always one half of the earth is having day and the other half night. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by the spinning(旋转) of the earth.

At the equator day and night are sometimes the same length. They are each twelve h ours long. The sun rises at 6 o’clock in the morning and sets at 6 o’clock in the evening .For six months the North Pole is tilted(倾斜) toward the sun. In those months the Northern Hemisphere gets more hours of sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere(半球). Days are longer than nights.

South of the equator nights are longer than days. For the other six months the North Pole is tilted away from the sun. Then the Southern Hemisphere gets more sunlight. Days are longer than nights. North of the equator nights are longer than days. Winter is the season of long nights. Summer is the season of long days.

( ) 7.When the western Hemisphere is having day, the Eastern Hemisphere is having ___________ .

A. both day and night

B. day

C. neither day and night

D. night

( )8. A place is moved from day into night and from night into day over and over by ___________ of the earth.

A. the pushing B. the pulling C. the spinning D. the passing

( ) 9.When it is winter in China, ________ .

A. the USA is tilted toward the sun

B. The South Pole is tilted away from the sun

C. The North Pole is tilted toward the sun

D. The North Pole is tilted away from the sun


The colour systems(系统) used by scientists and artists are completely different. An artist will mix blue and yellow paint to get a shade of green; a scientist will mix green and red light to create yellow. The printed page in a magazine is yet another system.

Scientists recognize the light primaries(原色) are red, green and blue. When mixed, red and green light rays produce yellow, blue and green produce cyan, red and blue produce magenta. Red, green and blue mix to create white (light). This colour model is used in computer monitors, television sets and theatre.

Most artists recognize red, yellow and blue as the three basic primary colours. These primaries are the pure colours which cannot be created by mixing any other colours.

In the print industry, cyan, magenta, yellow and black are used as the primary colours. When you mix all the colours, the result is gray.

( ) 10.________ on the colour systems.

A. Scientists and artists have the same idea.

B. Scientists agree with artists

C. Scientists and artists have different ideas

D. Some of their ideas are the same..

( ) 11. How many colour systems are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two B. Three C. Only one D. Four

( )12.If an artist wants to get green, he must _______ .

A . mix blue and yellow B. mix blue and red

C. mix red and yellow D. mix red, yellow and blue

( ) 13.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Red , green and blue are used in television sets.

B. If scientists want to get white, they will mix red, yellow and blue.

C. Most artists think red, yellow and blue are the pure colours.

D. In the print industry, if you mix all the colours, you will get gray.

五、阅读表达 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)

A small town named Bundanoon in Australia has decided to stop the sale of bottled water. They say that bottled water can cause environmental problems. Too many resources ( 资源 )are used to make bottled water. When people finish drinking the water, the bottles will be thrown away and go into dustbins. So they require local people in the town to stop buying bottled water and use tap water to drink. Visitors are encouraged to get water from water stations in the main streets, and fill the water in bottles that can be used again. The decision has been supported by all the shopkeepers in the town. Bundannoon is the world’s first town that has got its shops to stop selling bottled water. Probably we should follow the example. Let’s stop buying bottled water and use tap water!

Australian town Bans ( 禁止 )Bottled water

Where bottled water is banned A small town with the __1___ Bundanoon

____2__ bottled water is banned To help solve environmental problems

What local people use for ____3___ Tap water, not bottled water

The places which visitors get water ___4___ Water stations in the main streets

Other people who have supported the ban ____5___ the shopkeepers in the town


A) 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。

1. Shenzhou VI was ________ (success) sent into space by Chinese people in .

2. Let him go to bed because he is feeling ________ (sleep) now.

3. Hearing the bad news she had a look of ___________ ( sad ) on her face.

4. I used to keep ________ (diary) every day , but now I seldom do that.

5. Green is the colour of nature and it repesents new life and ______ (grow)

B) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。

6.We are going to the country to escape the summer___________(热量) .

7.Three years ago, Cathy _________ (更喜欢) drawing to English.

8.He thinks yellow is the colour of success, so he is often _________ ( 穿) in a yellow coat when he takes part in an exam.

9.We weren’t satisfied with her _______ (举止) at the party.

10.Watching TV too much is beginning to ____________(影响) his eyesight.


1. I find it difficult ___________ (make) a decision by myself.

2. When you laugh or smile, your body ________ .(relax)

3. We promise you success, or you _________ ( get ) your money back.

4. They _________ (show ) around the Science Museum tomorrow.

5. He _________ (rub) his hands with the soap and then began to have dinner.

八、根据所给中文完成句子. (共6小题;每小题1.5分,满分9分)


I’d ___________________________________ .


Mum reminded me __________________________________ .


She advised me _______________________________ .


My brother ____________________ and didn’t ____________________ .


Scientists find ________________________________________ .


__________________________________ learn to swim ?


Amy 是一个活泼、开朗的女孩,她经常在考试中取得好成绩,也能在别人生气时帮助他们。今晚,要举行自己的生日晚会,请你帮她搭配一套衣服及颜色,并说明原因。不少于80 词。


一、1.C 2. A 3. C 4. C 5.C . 6..C 7.A. 8 B 9.B 10.B

11.A 12.C 13.C 14. C 15. B 16.C 17. B 18.A 19.B 20.D

二、1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.C 10.D

三、1. B 2. B 3.A 4. D 5. C 6. D 7.C 8.C 9. B 10. B

四、1. C 2. A 3.C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7 D 8.C 9. D 10. C

11. B 12. A 13. B

五、1.name 2.Why 3.drinking 4.from 5. All

六、1.successfully 2. sleepy 3. sadness 4. diaries 5. growth

6. heat 7. preferred 8. dressed 9. behaviour 10.affect/influence

七、1. to make 2. relaxes/will relax 3. will get 4. will be shown 5. rubbed

八、1. rather go to work on foot than take a bus

2. to turn off the lights before I go to sleep

3. to rub the pink oil into my skin

4. was in a bad mood, talk to anyone all day

5. wearing red can make it easier for people to take actions

6 Has Miss Green promised to help teach us to

九、One possible version

Amy is a lovely girl. She often gets good marks in tests and help people calm down when they are angry. I think the colors that best presents Amy are white and orange. White makes her feel calm and peaceful, and this color creates the feeling of harmony. Orange represents joy and it also gives her a happy and comfortable feel.

Since she will hold a birthday party, it’s a good idea to wear a white T-shirt and an orange skirt. Amy must be the star of that evening.





















































下列词语中加点的字每组读音都相同的一项是( )

A.纤细/屡见不鲜 浩瀚/颔首低眉 适当/锐不可当

B.谀词/冻饿之虞 横渡/涕泗横流 劫难/在劫难逃

C.憔悴/鞠躬尽瘁 嘹亮/穷愁潦倒 亵渎/浑身解数

D.绯红/妄自菲薄 炫耀/头晕目眩 涂抹/拐弯抹角

下列词语中没有错字的一项是 ( )。

A.干瘪 慰藉 如做针毡 吹毛求疵

B.颓唐 荣膺 断壁残垣 引颈受戮

C.骸骨 攫取 万恶不赦 周道如抵

D.孱弱 恻瘾 乐此不疲 遍稽群籍

下列句子中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是( )





下列句子中没有语病的一项是( )





下列句子中标点符号使用不正确的一项是。( )





下列关于文学常识的说法,有错误的一项是( )














⑴ ___________________,西北望,射天狼。(苏轼《江城子・密州出猎》)

⑵ 燕子来时新社,___________________。(晏殊《破阵子》)

⑶ _________________ ,村南村北响缲车。(苏轼《浣溪沙》)

⑷ ________________ ,日暮聊为《梁父吟》。(杜甫《登楼》)

⑸ 故曰,域民不以封疆之界,___________,威天下不以兵革之利。(《得道多助失道寡助》)

⑹若有作奸犯科及为忠善者, _________________, 以昭陛下平明之理,不宜偏私,使内外异法也。(诸葛亮《出师表》)










备选事物:月亮 枯叶 小溪




















2.下面句子中的“以”的用法与例句中加点的“以”的用法相同的是。( )









4.下列表述中,不符合文意的一项是( )
















⑧蚂蚁金服方面表示,自己对于生物识别技术的热衷,最主要是为互联网金融业务作相应的技术储备,目前相关的具体产品正在筹 备中。



选自《发明与创新 大科技》20xx年05期



3.信息提取有误的一项是( )









②很难用“宠物”这个词来描述点点,它是条极有灵性的忠犬,理解人、信赖人,它是我的朋友,一个忠诚、温厚、沉默的朋友。它表达爱的方式是忠诚地守在你身边,离你近一点、更近一点,直至偎依着你。它和你一起散步,总是走在你旁边,即使因为什么新奇事物稍微跑到前面几步,它也会立即意识到,然后停下来回头凝望着你- 它是在等着你。有时候,你到家附近的小店去买东西,出门时并没有带 着它,但很快你会发现它来找你了,找到你,就欢喜地和你一起回家。

③前一个冬天,我有种莫名的忧虑。有一次,我和母亲打电话,我说,北方的 冬天寒冷,如果点点能熬过这个冬天,它就能多活一年,那么我下次回家时也许还能见到它。母亲叫我不要担心。过后,我做了一个梦,梦见自己回到家,家里显得格外荒凉,似乎人都出去了。于是,我想到点点,我想至少它应该在家。我到它住的杂物储藏间里找它,里面铺着干草,仿佛废弃已久,我里里外外地喊它、寻找它,突然,我想到,难道它已经不在了?因为这个梦太不祥,我不愿对别人提起。两三天后,我给家里打电话,问起点点,我母亲说它正在外面卧着晒太阳呢。后来,每次打电话问起它,母亲都说它很好。

④就在几天前,我又梦见了点点。我梦见终于回家了,我走进往家去的'那条小胡同,突然,点点迎面朝我跑过来,就像过去很多次我回家时一样,它是来迎接我的。不过,这次它显得更欢喜,看起来就像一两岁时那样年轻。我记得它的表情像是在笑。这是个温暖的梦,但醒来的我却十分悲伤,因为我觉得它太过温暖,倒像是种告别。这一次,我打电话给三姐 ,她告诉了我实情:点点已经在三个月前去世了,家里人一直瞒着我。现在想来,它大约在我做那个不祥的梦之后不久就去世了。


⑥我不相信人或动物死后仍有灵魂,但我相信它们活着时有灵魂,这灵魂就是一颗心灵能走进另一颗心灵的桥,就是我从它那双眼睛里看到的令我感动的东西。尽管 如此,我想当我再回到家,我还是会去埋葬它的地方陪伴它一会儿,就像它过去无数个时候曾静静地陪伴我。那时,我们两个顺着门前那条南北大街来回地走着,常常是在夏日的晚风中,或是冬日上午温暖的阳光里。有时,我骑着自行车,它跟在旁边。最初,年轻健壮的它四蹄飞奔;再后来,它跑得慢了;终于,它老得几乎跑不动了,我得骑得很慢,还要不时停下来等它。两年前最后一次回家,点点的两条后腿骨质老化,它有时高兴地站起来想朝我走来,却会突然摔一跤。我最喜欢带它去父母在房后开辟的那个小菜园里,站在石榴树或柿子树下,吹着风,就那么安静地站一会儿,我感到我们同样在体会着世间的某种美好,那种温暖的欣欣的生意,感受着极其祥和的相伴的快乐……



⑨人生就像一个旅 途,失去了这位挚爱的朋友,我擦干眼泪后仍得继续前行。而除了更加尊重、善待其他生命,我想不出更好的、纪念它的方式。















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