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最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案:experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone

示例范文:Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone

1. Do young and old people use phones in the same way? 年轻人和老人使用手机的方式一样吗?

Oh, definitely no. Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to using mobile phones. The only pattern they share is voice calling. In other patterns old people are usually second to the young. Teens and young adults are more enthusiastic users of cellphones. They are also bigger users of text messaging. I guess the young send and receive at least five times more messages a day than older people. Younger adults tend to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet. They are also more likely to turn to their phones to avoid others around them to fight boredom. All this is still strange for the old.

2. What are the differences between writing a letter and writing a text message on a cell phone? 写信和手机发短信有什么不同?

Oh, there are quite a few of differences, actually. First of all, writing a text message is faster than writing a letter 'cause text messages are generally much shorter. Secondly, messages are instant while letters can take weeks to be delivered, which makes communication more complicated. On the other hand, it is more personal to write by hand as it adds a human touch to the relationship. Handwritten letters always convey greater effort and greater care taken, let recipients know that they are important for somebody.

3. Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times. Can you give any examples of that? 许多人认为手机很烦人。你能举一些例子吗?

Well, one of the examples when I get annoyed with a mobile phone is when the phone ring interrupts an important conversation or distracts my attention from what I really need to do at the moment. Another annoying case is when people talk loudly on their phones on public transport. Such phone conversations grab my attention and don't let me relax or focus on my thoughts, which I dislike. I can also irritated when people around play music loudly on a phone 'cause it shows their disrespect to others, which I don't consider appropriate. These are the main situations I don't like to get in.

最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:an interesting neighbour of yours

示例范文:Describe an interesting neighbour of yours

1. Do you think people's relationships with their neighbours today are the same as they were in the past? 你认为现在的邻里关系和过去一样吗?

Well, I think it depends on people's values and lifestyles. Those of us who value relations with people who live nearby haven't changed anything in communication with our neighbours. We spend some evenings and days-off together having backyard BBQ parties in summer or throwing house parties in late autumn and winter in just the same way it was a decade and more ago. We keep an eye on each other's houses or flats when one of the families is away. We give each other a helping hand and support each other in hard times in exactly the same way we did it in the past. But those of us who are working a lot these days and don't want to spend free time with neighbours have changed neighbour relations opting for strengthening family bonds or just devoting time to ourselves.

2. Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbours? 你认为有一个良好的邻里关系重要吗?

Of course, it is. We are social creatures and it's important for us to have communication and positive relationship with people around, and especially with the ones who live next door. What is more, neighbours are people we can always rely on in case of emergency. They are close to us and will always find ways to help us out in a difficult situation. The better our relations with neighbours are, the more help and support we will get from them. Neighbours we have friendly relations with will always give a helping hand when we are away collecting our mail, watering flowers, feeding pets and just keeping an eye on our accommodation, which will let us be calm and enjoy our trip or vacation. We can also ask our neighbours to look after our kids if we need to work late or just want to visit some party. So, it’s really important to have a friendly relationship with people living nearby.

3. How can people improve relationships with their neighbours? 人们如何促进邻里关系?

Well, first of all, by introducing themselves to neighbours. If people are new in the house or in the area, they should get acquainted with neighbours and then smile and say hello to them whenever they meet them. They should try to be nice to neighbours initiating a relationship with them by striking up interesting conversations or inviting them for a meal. It's also a good idea to offer neighbours a help with something, for example, with shopping when the; or with taking care of their kids wh. they are at work. One more thing which can help strengthen neighbour relations, to my mind, is celebrating special moments together.

4. What factors help neighbours to have good relations with each other? 一个良好的邻里关系需要哪些因素?

Oh, the same factors which help all people to build strong healthy relations, I think. The most important factor, to my mind, is liking and respecting each other. Because it's impossible to build good relations with people you dislike or disrespect. I also guess it's important to trust each other and have a shared philosophy of life including values and priorities. I would also add that it's great if people do things which make each other happy as well as enjoy and v time together. Oh, and, of course, commitment to work through conflicts and disagreements in a respectful manner.

5. What makes a neighbourhood a good one to live in? 是什么使得邻居好相处?

Well, I think the quality of neighbourhood, first of all, I mean its physical beauty, the number of trees and flowers, the design of buildings, in other words, its aesthetic character. One more important factor is a variety of functional attributes that contribute to a resident's day-to-day living, for example, great schools and kindergartens, outdoor activities abound, access to medical care, proximity to public transport and, of course, nearby shopping and restaurants. Oh, and the top priority the safety factor good street lighting and a low crime rate. Yeah, that's what differs a good neighbourhood from an ordinary one.

最新雅思口语话题范文答案Part3:a place where people listen to music

示例范文:Describe a place where people listen to music

1. Is it necessary for the government to require all children to learn music? 政府有必要让所有孩子学音乐吗?

Well, I would say it is as musical training has a lot of advantages. For example, it helps develop language and reasoning as well as master a skill of memorization. It builds imagination and intellectual curiosity, develops spatial intelligence and promotes craftsmanship. I am also more than sure that an enjoyable subject like music can keep kids interested and engaged in school as well as help their self-confidence, self-discipline and teamwork, so there is no doubt learning music by all kids should be require the government.

2. There's a lot of pirated music. Do you agree that we should support official music? 现在有很多的盗版音乐,我们应该保护官方的音乐,你同意吗?

Of course I do. Official music should definitely be supported by all of us, first of all because it's ethically right to pay for downloaded music as a lot of blood, sweat and tears go into the creation and recording of hit songs, and, secondly, for the sake of the artists who will otherwise be deprived of hard-earned income. All of us want to be paid for the work we've done and musicians are not an exception. So, I am for buying music, no doubt.

3. There's a saying: 'Music is like Math’. Do you agree? 有一句话说:音乐和数学很像,你同意吗?

Well, more yes than no as music and maths overlap in all kinds of interesting ways. For example, both of them involve patterns, structures and relationships as well as generate ideas of great beauty and elegance. One more argument for my 'yes' is that music is a fertile testing ground for mathematical principles while maths explains the sounds instruments make and how composers put those sounds together. So, they are definitely connected in fundamental ways, though seem very different on the surface

最新雅思口语题库话题Part3范文:rule at your school that you agree or disagree

示例范文:Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree

1. Do you think it's necessary to set up rules about overwork? 你认为关于过度工作有必要建立一个规则吗?

Oh yeah, definitely yes......because obsessive overwork has major consequences both for employees and companies they work for. Uncontrolled overwork impairs the emotional and psychological competencies of workforce leading to an increase In cut corners and bent rules and, as a result, damaging productivity. So, setting up rules about overwork is really important for avoiding company-wide burnout and achieving targeted results.

2. Why do we have rules in society? 我们为什么要建立社会规则?

Well, to allow everyone to live in a safe and pleasant environment, I guess. Rules are essential as they prevent chaos, encourage uniformity and maintain order and status. What is more, they let people feel more secure as they regulate unwanted and harmful behaviour and also encourage wanted or beneficial behaviour of individual society members. To sum up, we have rules to make things more fair and life safer.

3. What are some examples of rules that exist in many families? 有哪些家规是许多家庭普遍存在的?

Oh, that's a tough question. I guess the most widespread family rules include telling the truth to each other even when it's not pleasant, looking for ways to be kind and helpful to each other, respecting each other's property and not going to bed on an argument. I also think each family has a set of rules about what they think should be done at home, for example, taking their shoes off in the house, always locking the door when they leave, putting plates in the dishwasher after eating and turning the lights when they are not using room. These are the most common rules that exist in families I know.

4. Do you think the students themselves should have a say in what school rules to have? 你认为学生拥有制定校规的发言权吗?

Oh, I am more than sure they should as having a say on school rules will make children feel more valued and, as a result, increase the bond between them and the school. What is more, I think it will make students more willing to accept changes, which will, no doubt, have a positive impact on their learning and behaviour. Though, in some cases it can undermine the power of adults and fuel bad behaviour among children, so necessary to be careful while engaging kids in making rules and changes to them but still, it's worth trying as advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

5. What are some rules that exist in schools or workplaces in your country? 在你国家,有哪些校规和公司规定?

Well, there are quite a lot of them, actually, and they usually differ from school to school and from company to company. The most common school rules that exist in my country are connected with getting to school on time, being respectful to school property, teachers and other students, and keeping the school environment and the local community free from litter. As far as workplace rules are concerned, they are mostly about being punctual. trustworthy, flexible and open-minded keeping the desk organized instead spreading out into space that isn't keeping the noise level to a minimum especially in open-plan offices, and being considerate with files and equipment you share.


雅思口语Part 1及part3相关话题如何延伸

有一些雅思考生在考场上是这样做的:碰到一些简单的Part 1 问题, 比如“Do you like learning history ?”考生的答案很多都是千篇 一律的“Yes, I like it. It’s interesting.”或者 “No. I think it’s boring.” 考生以为已经回答了考官的问题,但是考官却皱皱眉头,紧接着问“Why ?”,然后考生就吞吞吐吐不知道该怎么回答了。这边需要注意的是,每当考官在考试时候问“Why ?”考生应该意识到的是,其实考官是在说“Please give me some details and examples.”因为考生的答案太空洞,没有实质性内容会让考官误以为考生的词汇量单一,思维过于简单,没有逻辑,自然得不到好的分数。

我们先撇开答案长短不说,至少你得把话说明白了,让考官理解历史有趣在哪里?无聊在哪里?如果你的口语答案说出来,都没法让考官理解,那你也别奢望得到太好的分数了。如何有逻辑地拓展自己的回答一直都是Part 1和Part 3的关键。 我们今天就先来看看,Part 1 常见的延伸和拓展思路有哪些?


Do you like reading books?

Totally yes. I’m such a big fan of reading, especially English novel. Mainly because it’s a good way for me to pass time. And also it helps me to soak up the second language.


这里需要提醒考生的是:A一定要有连接词:mainly because + Reason 1, and also + Reason 2 是非常非常重要的,连接词便于考官去理解你的答案。如果你的答案没有连接词,在考官看来,句子之间互相独立而杂乱无章的表达,所以他们无法领会其中的“深意”。

B抽象的东西要学会具体化:上面答案里很好的把抽象的book 具体化成了English novel. 首先这样可以展示词汇。 sports magazine,science fiction novel, biography, comic book 写出来大家都认识,但是考试时候不说出来,谁知道你认识呢。另外,抽象问题具体化也为后面说Reason 2 打开了一个方向。


Do you often listen to music ?

Yes, I listen to music on a daily basis. Whenever I have free time, I’ll put on my headphones and get lost in my favorite rock music, which is a good way to blow off steam.

有的时候,某些话题如果想不到两个原因,谈谈自己的经历也是可以的。说经历的方式有很多,这里介绍给大家的方法就是when + what + which is a good way to + R

When: Whenever I have free time

What : put on my headphone and get lost in my favorite rock music

Which : blow off steam

这里需要提醒考生的是,“放松”是口语考试Part 1 中的常见观点,很多题目中都可以用到,所以建议考生都准备几种表达,不要一直都是relax. 其实我们可以说 help sb to unwind, release one’s pressure, blow off steam, 都是可以来替换 relax。


Do you think it’s important to eat fruit ?

To be honest, I think eating fruit is a big deal. Mainly because it’s beneficial for people’s health.

To be more specific, fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural sugar, so eating fruits is a good way to help people lose weight, strengthen muscle and even boost immune system.

当考生的答案只是运用一些空洞形容词且没有实质性内容的时候(比如,sth. is adj. Reading is interesting 或者 doing sth. is adj. Playing video games is time-wasting ), 要学会去进一步解释。

Do you like reading newspaper ?

Not particularly, it’s not my cup of tea. Probably because it’s boring. That is to say, it’s generally black and white, lack of some attractive and colorful photos. Also it mainly focuses on politics, economy and current affairs.

在否定答案中,考生经常会说it’s boring, tedious, time-wasting, inconvenient等等,都不能算是一个好答案。考生以为自己把答案说完了,其实考官这时却是不理解的,一定要进一步解释。


It depends.

If + 条件 1 + A + R

However if + 条件2 + B + (R)

Do you prefer to do outdoor games or indoor games ?

Well, it depends. If the weather is agreeable, I’m more willing to do some games in the outdoors, such as hiking, fishing and camping. You know, it’s a great opportunity to get close to nature and breath fresh air. However, if it’s raining outside, indoor games such as card game or board game will be a better option to have fun.

有些题目可以不用直接回答,采用分类讨论可以让答案更有延伸性,也能让考官感觉出考生有一定的思维和想法。但是,不建议在Part 1 中多次采用分类讨论,因为我们在聊天过程中总是说“It depends.( 我觉得看情况 )”,会让别人觉得很奇怪。

4评价优缺点:Mixed Feelings + Advantage + Disadvantage

Do you think internet is a good place to check news ?

Well, in terms of this topic, I have very mixed feelings.

On one hand, it’s pretty convenient to check news whenever people have free time. For example, commuters can read the latest news on their smart phones when taking underground.

However, on the other hand, news on the internet is not one hundred percent reliable and objective. Some news media bend the truth to grab audiences’ eyeballs.

中国教育方式比较注重学生的接受吸纳能力,而非辩证思考反驳的能力。于是学生在课后能广泛自发地使用因果关联关系,而使用转折关系的学生却寥寥无几。评价优缺点也就是去探讨事物的两面性,是考生在雅思口语Part 1 和 Part 3 应该熟练运用的方法。不仅可以有效的去延伸拓展答案,更可以让答案体现出西方教育中所强调的辩证思维能力。




在此情况下,考生应该机警的应对,采用风险转移法。以第一部分考到的“鸟”的题目为例。考官问道:“What are the most popular birds in China and what meanings do they have?” 其实先别提大多数考生是否知道在中国流行的鸟究竟有哪些,事实上应该连鸟的英文名字都叫不上来一两个,就更别提他们的含义了。这时候怎么办?总不能不回答问题吧?好办。考生可以坦然地告诉考官:“I don’t really know much about birds.”或者干脆说:“I don’t know.”但是记住,这永远不是问题回答的结束。接下来一定要说“but”。可是but之后又该说什么呢?胡侃瞎侃可以吗?完全可以,但是风险要转嫁出去。考生可以用一个简单的转移技巧:“but one of my friends is crazy about birds, and he used to tell me...” 你看这样子即使考生接下来乱侃一通,考官也不能指责考生,因为这些内容根本就是听别人说的嘛,要怪也要去怪别人吧。



所谓昵称法就是给自己所要谈的人或物冠以昵称,以体现考生对英语更灵活的掌握和对问题更巧妙地回答而使之成为一个闪光点。就人来说,考生可以使用Mr., Miss或 Mrs.加上一个人的特点或者直接用一个描述性的名次短语来给一个人昵称。例如:Mr. Handsome 可以指一位相貌出众的帅哥, Mr. Big Nose 可以用来称呼一大鼻子哥们儿, Mr. Determination 可以形容以很有决心的人, Mr. “I don’t know”可以用来称呼凡事总是 “I don’t know”的哥们儿。遇到物品,例如谈一样有用的设备,我就会说“well, I am going to talk about my little girlfriend then…” 考官听到这里刚要纳闷怀疑我是不是没读懂题目,就听到我接着说到“…my iPod, a very trendy mp3 player and also a very useful electronic device, which I would always take along with me wherever I go.”此时,考官就会恍然大悟。“哦,原来这哥们儿在运用修辞,在玩幽默,还把自己的iPod当成了女朋友。呵呵,真是有心了。”当然还有很多其他的例子,考生完全可以充分发挥自己的想象力来使自己的回答更加生动有趣。


大多数中国考生要么往往因为自己根本没有思路不知道如何回答考官的问题,要么就是因为英文能力不足,无法用抽象的语言把自己的论证用流畅的正确的英文表达出来。可是话说回来,如果让任何一个考生用英文描述一个故事,应该还是很容易的。大家论证问题不行,讲个故事还是蛮可以的嘛。也就是说,如果考官让考生解释一个想象,阐述一个原因,考生完全可以用讲故事的方法代替。例如,在第二部分就考过describe one important decision的主题卡片。考生要回答这个决定是什么,在什么情况下作出这样的决定,为什么做出这样的决定,以及这个决定为什么重要。假如说我们讲这个重要的决定是去英国读书,有的学生可能就将英国的教育质量如何得好,在英国可以如何的提高英语,还有可以如何的开阔眼界。难道中国的教育质量就不好吗?在国内学习英文就比国外差了吗?去其他国家就不能开阔眼界了吗?从所有这些都看不出去英国去得那么必然。即使有道理,那么用英文又能流利的表达这些意思吗?可是如果采用讲故事的方法不但很容易用英文进行表达,而且也能够用自己真实的(或者是虚构的)经历来说明自己去英国留学是这么的必然。考生可以从自己去机场送女朋友或者男朋友去英国读书开始,描述当时离别时的痛苦因为自己很爱他/她,不能失去他/她,所以自己在那个时候如何promise him/her 无论有多么困难都一定也会去英国陪他/她,不让他/她在那边孤独寂寞。这就从一个侧面反映了自己做出的重要决定以及为什么。这样完全规避了长篇空洞的论述,而能够收到一种以情动人的效果。具体还可以参考一下第二部分重要决定哪个主题卡片的回答与讲解。


Describe a short journey that you disliked.

You should say:

where you went

who you went with

what you did

and explain why you disliked this journey.





I would like to talk about a short trip that I frequently take but dislike. My family and I have been living in Hanoi, however, we always make time for visiting my grandparents every other weekend in our hometown. It is situated in Ninh Binh province, which lies about 90 kms from Hanoi.

It normally takes us around 1 hour and a half to get there by car. To be honest, I usually get carsick, so I do not really enjoy travelling by car on trips outside the city. I mean, it makes me feel very tired and I have a headache throughout the journey, therefore I tend to fall asleep instead of staying awake to talk.

Despite the fact that carsickness makes it difficult for me to put up with even this short trip, I still try my best to take time to visit my grandparents with my small family. You know, because we are living in a big city, we are so caught up in work and study as well, that our lifestyle does not allow us to have much time to get together too often.

We always make the most of the family get-together, sharing the cooking, having meals and swapping a lot of stories with each other. What I really enjoy are the beautiful views of the countryside that my hometown offers. Once you have seen it, I guess, you would keep coming back for more. Although it is so tough to stop my carsickness, our family ties and the beauty of my small hometown will keep drawing me back there.




1. Change 关于某些事物由过去到现在发生的改变

2. Child development / how to raise a child 孩子的教育问题

3. Differences between young people and old people 年轻人和老年人的不同

4. Information and communication / both the entertainment media and the news media 获取信息和交流的方式,新旧媒体的对比

5. Male-female differences 男女不同

6. Personal qualities needed for different vocations 不同职业的人物性格

7. Science and technology 科学和科技的发展

8. Society and environment 社会与环境话题


1.Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art?

2.How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

3.Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?

从3个考题中不难看出,虽然都是再问年轻人和老年人的不同之处,但讨论的话题都不一样。第一个是在讨论art, 第二个则是在讨论mobile phone, 第三个更是将话题延伸到了outdoor activity。



1. 性格

老年人: 经验丰富 experienced,提供合理建议 offer sensible advice,分析潜在后果 analyze the potential consequences of behaviors

年轻人: 喜欢冒险 adventurous,有活力的 energetic,冒风险take a lot of chances,容易做出草率的决定 make a rash decision

2. 对于新旧事物的态度

老年人:保守的 conservative, 坚持旧的习惯 stick to old habits, 跟不上时代 out of touch with the world,不愿意改变 resistant to change年轻人:喜欢追求时尚enjoy chasing after the fashion,对新鲜事物保持开放的心态keep an open mind to new things,更愿意适应高科技 be more willing to adopt advanced technology

3. 生活方式

老年人:悠闲的relaxing and cozy,没有压力 don’t have to face much pressure,缺乏稳定收入 without a stable income, 身体不好 in poor health

年轻人:繁忙busy,快节奏的生活方式fast-paced life style,朝九晚五的生活a hectic routine life


l Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to ______.

l Most of young guys in China are more likely to ______

l By contrast, the old generations, on the whole mainly tend to ______.

l I suppose it’s probably because _________.

填充相应的雅思口语话题的内容 请注意:“烤鸭”们应该针对不同的考题,选取相对应的不同点。比如对于手机,我们可以选用老年人和年轻人对于科技的态度;对于艺术,应该采用老年人和年轻人对于时尚和传统事物的态度,如果遇上户外活动或者运动话题,则应该考虑两种人不同的生活方式。


Example 1: How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

l Well, I have to say, they’re as different as chalk and cheese when it comes to using mobile phones.

l Most of young guys in China are more likely to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet.

l By contrast, the old generations, on the whole are bigger users of voice calling .

l I suppose the reason is probably because younger adults are more willing to adopt advanced technology whereas senior citizens are out of touch with the world.

Example 2: Is there much difference between the popular outdoor activities of old people and those of young people?

l Well, to be honest, I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that most of young guys in China show a big preference for some challenging activities, like roller skating and bungee jumping, whereas the old generations, on the whole are quite into less competitive exercises, such as Taichi or jogging.

l I guess it’s probably because younger adults are quite adventurous and energetic. Also doing challenging activities would be an effective way to release pressure and get rid of a hectic routine life. By contrast, the main purpose of doing less competitive exercises for the old generation is to stay in good health.

Example 3: Do young people and older people have the same tastes in art?

l Well, that’s a tricky one. As far as I’m concerned, seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to art.

l The older generation is still somewhat stuck in their ways and focus more on traditional arts such as painting and calligraphy.

l By contrast, young people they are more interested in contemporary western art, western music and fashion design.

l I suppose it’s mainly because the older generations are pretty conservative, they may stick to old habits and are resistant to change while young guys keep an open mind to new things and enjoy chasing after the fashion.



1. This is a tough question. I have never heard about it, nor have I ever read about it (倒装句丰富句型).

2. Give me a few seconds for me to search every piece of information in my head now.

3. It is an abstract question. I know little about it.

4. Are you asking me something about+你重复一下句子中的关键词…?

5. Have I given enough information? It would be great if you could give me more.

6. Am I making myself clear?

7. Now you want me to talk about it. But I don't have too much to say.

8. Give me a few seconds for me to organize my thought a little bit.



1.“ well”

2.“you know”


4.“I mean”


6.“to be honest”

7.“on the other hand”

8. “frankly”

“as a matter of fact”等等,这些表达也叫discourse marker (语篇标记),也就是并不改变句子本质意思的语言填充物。这样的表达也是我们雅思官方评分标准里面有明确要求的。它们可以帮助我们争取思考的时间。




1) 场景一,当你没有听懂时,可用:Could you please paraphrase (转述)that question/topic?/I’m not exactly sure what you mean +某一个生词…或者当你听到这个词不是很确定其意思的时候也可以用。


2) 场景二,当你对考官所提问的内容不熟悉或完全没有听说过时,可用:

I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but perhaps+加点你知道的一点皮毛,或是你听别人说的而已

That’s rather difficult question, but I wonder if could give me more information about that.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…


1.That’s difficult to answer, but (maybe)…


2.I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…but perhaps…


3.Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.


4.That’s an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that…


5.Yes, that’s a big issue.



1.In other words, I am…


2.And that means…


3.Let me put it another way,…


4.What I’m suggesting is…


5.All I’m trying to say is…


6.What I’m getting at is…


7.If I can rephrase that…


8.Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying…


9.Perhaps it would be more accurate to say…


10.The point I’m making is that…



1.Have I given you enough information?


2.Would you like me to tell you more about…?


3.Is that all you’d like to know?



1.I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know.


2.I think that’s all.


3.I can’t think of anything else right now…


4.Is there anything else you wish to know?




分为四大部分,分别为:f,v,g,p。 f者,fluency也,即流畅。 v者,vocabulary也,即词汇。 g者,grammar也,即语法。 p者,pronunciation也,即发音。




由此可见,只有四项总分至少为23分,那么你才可以得6分的口语成绩,否则,22分也才得5分的成绩。 (可能会有人有疑问,22/4=5.5,四舍五入,应该6分的啊,但是,人家考口语,就是要你的尾数大于0.5分才给你加上去的,即23/4=5.75,才有6分。而22分的,就是5分。)



考官跟我们说,如果你不知道如何回答问题的话,可以用一些间接回答法来回答,例如说: i don’t know, but my brother think that .....(我不知道,但我的兄弟认为。。。) i don’t know, but my father think that .....(我不知道,但我的爸爸认为。。。) i don’t know, but my friends thinks that .....(我不知道,但我的朋友们认为。。。) (因为这些都是第三者的观点,你就可以乱吹水吧,只要不离题就行了。)

另外,如果你听不清楚考官问什么问题时,一定要考官重复一遍,这是不会扣你分的,而且是你的权利。因为不同考官口音的不同,有时候会出现听不清楚问题是很正常的,考官是允许你让他重复一次问题的,(这是考口语,又不是考听力,对不?)如果对方重复了一次问题,你还是听不清楚,呵呵,你只好猜了,再要重复,人家可能要扣你分了。你可以说:i’m sorry, do you want me to talk about ..x? 总结:反正在f这部分,要求的就是你口语流畅,只要你没有停顿(停下来》·5秒),那么你在这部分至少就可以得6分。


如果你要用高深的词汇也可以,但千万别用错词意了。例如说:“我认为...”,你可以用: i think that .... i figure that .... 虽然两个都有“我认为”的意思,但后者的figure明显比前先的think要深奥,且不常用。你不要认为figure会比think的效果要好得多,其实并不然。在英语中,think直接明瞭,是很formal的(正式的)。而figure却是informal(不正式的),而且还是very informal(非常不正式的)。英国的雅思老师说,最好不要使用figure为“认为”,无论在任何场合,因为是very informal的! 所以如果象这样用错了词汇,你就肯定在这部分被扣分了。总结:词汇一定用你熟悉的,简单也无所谓,只要没用错,你肯定在这部分至少有6分。

grammar,就是你说口语时所说到的语法。说口语时,要小心语法,以及一些英语短语,不要用错了。否则你会好惨。如果你的语法出了一些错误(少量的),那么你还是可以得到6分的。但是,一但语法错得比较多(占4成左右),那么你就肯定在这部分的得分少于6分了。另外,如果你基本上没有语法出错,你在这部分拿7分也是容易的事。主要要注意的语法是:过去时。因为大多数人都会在“过去时”出错的。在口语考试时,你会经常地说到一些过去的事情,无论什么topic,你所说的内容,大部分都是“过去时”的,所以你在练习口语语法时,要主攻过去式的说法。其实你只要熟练掌握一般过去时就ok了。(主要注意:当你说得快的时候,会很容易忘记时态的,在说过去时的时候就会很容易忘记把动词变成过去式。所以要必须注意!)另外还要掌握一般现在时,因为当考官问你一些意见时,从你的主观角度出发,全都是一般现在时的。其实考口语所需要的语法要求并不高,只要有高中水平就ok了。你可以找一本高中英语语法书来看看,好好掌握一下,就不会出错了。根本是不需要用到大学英语的语法的。 至于一些英语短语方面,你就要好好打一打基础,把中学时代学习的英语书找出来,背背里面的短语,就绝对足够了。如果你有一部文曲星之类的电子辞典,可以用它来背背中学的单词,里面包含了绝多数口语中所需用到的英语短语。注意的语法,举个例子: “我更喜欢......” 应该说:“i prefer like to...”,不应该说:“i more like to...” “我不擅长于...” 应该说:“i am not be good at...”,不要说:“i am not good for...” “....是如此简单” 应该说:“it’s so easy for ...”,不要说:“.... is so easy” 总结:如果你可以好好地,熟练地掌握中学所教的英语语法以及短语,而且把它转化为口语去掌握,那么你在这部分至少有6分的水平



1、进入雅思口语考场的时候,一定要和考官打招呼,讲句“good morning”什么的都可以,而且要有精神和很神气地说,让人家在第一映象上觉得你是懂英语的,且让他感觉你在说:“come on! ask me question!”



雅思口语Part 1及part3相关话题延伸技巧

有一些雅思考生在考场上是这样做的:碰到一些简单的Part 1 问题, 比如“Do you like learning history ?”考生的答案很多都是千篇 一律的“Yes, I like it. It’s interesting.”或者 “No. I think it’s boring.” 考生以为已经回答了考官的问题,但是考官却皱皱眉头,紧接着问“Why ?”,然后考生就吞吞吐吐不知道该怎么回答了。这边需要注意的是,每当考官在考试时候问“Why ?”考生应该意识到的是,其实考官是在说“Please give me some details and examples.”因为考生的答案太空洞,没有实质性内容会让考官误以为考生的词汇量单一,思维过于简单,没有逻辑,自然得不到好的分数。

我们先撇开答案长短不说,至少你得把话说明白了,让考官理解历史有趣在哪里?无聊在哪里?如果你的口语答案说出来,都没法让考官理解,那你也别奢望得到太好的分数了。如何有逻辑地拓展自己的回答一直都是Part 1和Part 3的关键。 我们今天就先来看看,Part 1 常见的延伸和拓展思路有哪些?


Do you like reading books?

Totally yes. I’m such a big fan of reading, especially English novel. Mainly because it’s a good way for me to pass time. And also it helps me to soak up the second language.


这里需要提醒考生的是:A一定要有连接词:mainly because + Reason 1, and also + Reason 2 是非常非常重要的,连接词便于考官去理解你的答案。如果你的答案没有连接词,在考官看来,句子之间互相独立而杂乱无章的表达,所以他们无法领会其中的“深意”。

B抽象的东西要学会具体化:上面答案里很好的把抽象的book 具体化成了English novel. 首先这样可以展示词汇。 sports magazine,science fiction novel, biography, comic book 写出来大家都认识,但是考试时候不说出来,谁知道你认识呢。另外,抽象问题具体化也为后面说Reason 2 打开了一个方向。


Do you often listen to music ?

Yes, I listen to music on a daily basis. Whenever I have free time, I’ll put on my headphones and get lost in my favorite rock music, which is a good way to blow off steam.

有的时候,某些话题如果想不到两个原因,谈谈自己的经历也是可以的。说经历的方式有很多,这里介绍给大家的方法就是when + what + which is a good way to + R

When: Whenever I have free time

What : put on my headphone and get lost in my favorite rock music

Which : blow off steam

这里需要提醒考生的是,“放松”是口语考试Part 1 中的常见观点,很多题目中都可以用到,所以建议考生都准备几种表达,不要一直都是relax. 其实我们可以说 help sb to unwind, release one’s pressure, blow off steam, 都是可以来替换 relax。


Do you think it’s important to eat fruit ?

To be honest, I think eating fruit is a big deal. Mainly because it’s beneficial for people’s health.

To be more specific, fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and natural sugar, so eating fruits is a good way to help people lose weight, strengthen muscle and even boost immune system.

当考生的答案只是运用一些空洞形容词且没有实质性内容的时候(比如,sth. is adj. Reading is interesting 或者 doing sth. is adj. Playing video games is time-wasting ), 要学会去进一步解释。

Do you like reading newspaper ?

Not particularly, it’s not my cup of tea. Probably because it’s boring. That is to say, it’s generally black and white, lack of some attractive and colorful photos. Also it mainly focuses on politics, economy and current affairs.

在否定答案中,考生经常会说it’s boring, tedious, time-wasting, inconvenient等等,都不能算是一个好答案。考生以为自己把答案说完了,其实考官这时却是不理解的,一定要进一步解释。


It depends.

If + 条件 1 + A + R

However if + 条件2 + B + (R)

Do you prefer to do outdoor games or indoor games ?

Well, it depends. If the weather is agreeable, I’m more willing to do some games in the outdoors, such as hiking, fishing and camping. You know, it’s a great opportunity to get close to nature and breath fresh air. However, if it’s raining outside, indoor games such as card game or board game will be a better option to have fun.

有些题目可以不用直接回答,采用分类讨论可以让答案更有延伸性,也能让考官感觉出考生有一定的思维和想法。但是,不建议在Part 1 中多次采用分类讨论,因为我们在聊天过程中总是说“It depends.( 我觉得看情况 )”,会让别人觉得很奇怪。

4评价优缺点:Mixed Feelings + Advantage + Disadvantage

Do you think internet is a good place to check news ?

Well, in terms of this topic, I have very mixed feelings.

On one hand, it’s pretty convenient to check news whenever people have free time. For example, commuters can read the latest news on their smart phones when taking underground.

However, on the other hand, news on the internet is not one hundred percent reliable and objective. Some news media bend the truth to grab audiences’ eyeballs.

中国教育方式比较注重学生的接受吸纳能力,而非辩证思考反驳的能力。于是学生在课后能广泛自发地使用因果关联关系,而使用转折关系的学生却寥寥无几。评价优缺点也就是去探讨事物的两面性,是考生在雅思口语Part 1 和 Part 3 应该熟练运用的方法。不仅可以有效的去延伸拓展答案,更可以让答案体现出西方教育中所强调的辩证思维能力。


Describe a time when you won a prize.

You should say:

When it happened

What prize it was

Why you wanted to win that prize

And explain how you felt about that experience

The time I remember really clearly when I won a prize was when I was in school in a singing contest. It was an annual event, I think before Spring Festival… There was a big end-of-year stage performance at school, and in teams or individually, we were encouraged to join a singing or music competition. I decided to do a solo, because I’m really into singing and I’m really good at it. I had singing lessons since I was a kid and I’m a huge fan of performing cover versions of songs and going to KTV and really trying to sing better and better, and more challenging things. I decided that I would sing a song by Adele, called Chasing Pavements, which I find a little bit difficult, actually. I practiced intensely for at least a month, at home and also during rehearsals with a microphone and the proper sound equipment that we would use in the contest. When the big day came I was obviously really, really nervous. I dressed in a shiny metallic long dress and did my hair in wavy sort of curls and wore a silver necklace, so I felt really elegant as I got up on stage, and I think this helped me feel more confident. I thought I sang particularly well on this occasion and I felt really empowered singing in from of hundreds of people and seeing their faces of admiration as I hit some of the high notes spot on. I did make a couple of mistakes, which I was disappointed about, but in the end when the judges all gave their results, I came first!! Yes, I won first prize! I was amazed. I knew I had performed pretty well, but I didn’t think I was the best or that I’d win first prize. I was so proud of myself, and after the show I went for a meal with my parents and a couple of my friends to celebrate. Oh, I forgot to say what the first prize was!! I was presented, on stage, by the judges, with a large gold trophy in the shape of a musical note, and an android tablet. That was first prize. I was really pleased with that, but to be honest, I was more pleased with coming first and achieving such a great thing, than the actual prize gift for the achievement, if that makes sense.


1. What kind of prizes do children often win nowadays?

I’m not totally sure really. I think it depends on the kind of competition. I think most prizes are quite modest, like trophies for sporting or musical achievements, and perhaps things that are useful for studies like pens and books and electronics. Depending on the school and the area, the prizes can be quite expensive, or quite simple. I think children today are becoming far too spoilt and they are getting increasingly demanding, expecting really expensive prizes and gifts and I think this isn’t really a good trend. So, I imagine there is some pressure for prizes to be more fancy than they were in the past. This seems to be what’s happening these days in other spheres of life anyway – like big company galas and events like this, the prizes can be anything from the latest mobile phone to even a car!! I think the whole culture of prizes and rewards is a little bit unpleasant really, and since I was a kid things have become far too materialistic.

2. Are these prizes good for them?

I think, as I was saying before, prizes that are useful and practical are good for them, and prizes such as trophies are motivating too. But I think prizes that are just expensive items for the sake of it, or fancy brands, and things like this, simply encourage a culture of consumerism and materialism. I worry today that too many people in my country, especially younger people and children, put too much emphasis on brands and fancy gifts and expensive things, and not enough attention is given to modest forms of encouragement and moral values. So, I think that some prizes are not good for them and force a kind of competition that I do not think is healthy.

3. Why do we need to give children prizes?

Prizes can be motivating and encouraging so I think that if done in the right way, giving children prizes can reward effort and success and motivate children to try to do better in their studies, sporting activities, musical pursuits or other activities. There should always be a culture of healthy competition in life, and the values of being a good loser should be encouraged as much as those of being a good winner! Children should not have too many prizes too often, but on special occasions or when they have achieved something really worthwhile through personal dedication and effort, then children should be rewarded with prizes and this can be motivating and encouraging.


Describe a thing you once forgot to do.

You should say:

What it is

When you forgot it

Why you forgot it

And explain how you felt about this experience

I’m sometimes quiet a forgetful person so in fact there are quite a few occasions I recall when I forgot to do something. You see, I can get a bit flustered and stressed out under pressure and it’s on these occasions that I am most likely to forget something. It’s never something really important, though, at least not usually. The one time that I did forget something important was when I was meant to take a birthday present to my brother’s house in Changsha. You see, we were making a family visit there for his birthday and we prepared lots of stuff to take to him. I completely forgot his present, to be honest I don’t know how I could have forgotten it but I did. I got into an argument with my mother you see, a silly argument about something unimportant, just before we were about to leave for the train station, and I completely forgot the present – I left it on the kitchen table at home. I was meant to pack it but I didn’t. I didn’t actually realise that I’d forgotten it until we arrived at his house after the long train journey, and then everyone unpacked their stuff, and I suddenly realized I didn’t have it. I was incredibly embarrassed and felt really silly. He wasn’t that annoyed about it, but I felt bad and my mother was really angry and gave me a lot of hassle about it. She has gotten quite tired, over the years, with reminding me to do things, and me forgetting you see. So, this was one of the many occasions when I’d forgotten something, yet again, and she lost patience with me. My brother calmed her down – he’s quite a placid character and he is good at smoothing things over – he never seems to get annoyed or take anything too personally, unlike my mother, so he was totally cool about it all. But, still, I felt bad and I said I would post it to him from Beijing, when we got back. This was a year ago, summer last year. In fact, it was during the summer holidays from university.


1. How can we strengthen our memory?

There are a number of ways we can strengthen our memory, actually, most of these include mental activities like puzzles, word games, number games and, of course, reading. Reading novels is very underestimated as a great form of keeping the mind active and sharp – mainly because you’ve got to hold in your mind different characters and what they do. I think that is why kids learn and remember things more than adults sometimes – they’re in school and have to read a lot of different things for different subjects so they are constantly training their minds in that way, and at the same time training their memories. In school here you have to memorize a lot you see so some people get really strong at memory-related activities and things. After we leave school I think we lose some of this ability, but that also depends on the kind of jobs we do. If you have a challenging and demanding job juggling lots of different tasks, projects and deadlines, then you’re more likely to keep your memory sharp and focused. If you have a more laid-back job you’re more likely to get out of the habit of remembering things or managing multiple tasks at once and you’re perhaps more inclined to forgetting things easier.

2. What kind of people might easily forget things?

People who are busy or easily distracted forget things more, I reckon. Also, it’s a personality thing: some people are more absent-minded and it’s just in their nature. Also, people who get stressed more easily, and confused can forget things more often than people who are calm and composed. When you get worried and stressed your mind can get clouded and you’re more likely to put things off or forget to do things, because your mind is occupied and not really working in a clear or organized manner. Also, if you’re tired you’re more likely to suffer from absent-mindedness. It’s important to get a good night’s sleep because that helps the brain to be more clear and focused.

3. What kind of things do people often forget?

People forget dates, times and appointments sometimes. I’m not sure, I think it depends… let me think… I have friends that often forget their subway card in the office, or forget their phone even in the bathrooms at work. There are all sorts of things like this that people routinely forget. My sister always leaves her car keys in bars and restaurants – almost every time she goes out, we are just leaving the place and she must go back to get her keys from the table we’ve been eating at. I don’t know why she always does this. You see, different people have different habits, both good and bad habits, and some people forget these kind of items because they get distracted in conversation and then absent-minded about their wallet or keys or these kind of things that you take out of your pocket and put down, then forget to pick up again.

4. Do you think heavy workload is the reason for forgetting things?

Yes, oftentimes this can be a reason why people forget things, most certainly. If people have a lot of work to do they not only have to juggle a lot of different tasks and projects, maybe, but they also might not get chance to have proper rest and sleep, especially if they also have family responsibilities and duties when they get home at night. So, this can cause people to be tired, which, in turn, means that their minds aren’t working properly or very sharply, and they can easily forget things. I think that a good work-life balance is essential for people. In fact, people are more likely to produce better quality work and not get forgetful, if they have plenty of rest time and a decent night’s sleep that is largely free of stress or worry.



I am going to talk about conversation I had with someone I met on the flight to Paris.

Unfortunately, I did have the chance to ask his name, but thought our conversation on board, I knew that he is from the USA and graduated from Harvard University.

Well, he is a very sophisticated and experienced business who is running a IT business in China, However, all our topics are round education, which I found really stimulating.

We exchanged our opinions on what appropriate schooling should be . He said that there is no consensus on what constitutes a sound teaching methodology. However, as far as he was concerned, that fine schooling, from primary-level to tertiary-level, has some common characteristics. For example, he asserted that advantageous education should encourage student to think independently and critically, and empowers them to evaluate their teacher performance openly, as opposed to force-feeds students and render them only capable of spitting back predigested ideas.

The reason why i thought it is an interesting conversation is that I learnt a lot through talking with him. From another angle to analysis what education should afford to our offspring.

雅思口语Paray:t2话题参考答案:童年趣回忆(a happy childhood memory)

You should say:

when and where the incident you remember happened

who you were with

what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


I grew up very far from most of my family so I only saw them once a year. Every summer I would go to stay with them, while my parents continued working. Although I missed my parents, I used to really enjoy spending time with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I spent all summer there, nearly two whole months, so from time to time my cousins and I would get bored. We would ask my grandparents if they had any ideas for interesting things we could do. Sometimes they suggested going for a bike ride, sometimes into town to do some shopping. At other times, they showed us a new game to play. Then we were happy again.

One day - it must be about 12 years ago (doesn't time fly!) - all of us got really, really bored and we kept complaining to my grandparents. They were tearing their hair out, trying to think up ideas of where we could go and what we could do. Suddenly, my granddad came up with the idea of going to a new water park that had opened that summer. I hadn't heard about it but my cousins had, and they told me all about it. It was a park with vast numbers of different pools, some inside, some outside. There were water slides as well. And, on top of there was not one, but two playgrounds with swings, a merry-go-round, see-saws. We were so excited.

We set off and on the way we were all singing songs and laughing. We couldn't wait to get there. When we arrived, my cousins and I ran into the park and changed into our swimming costumes. Then we went looking for the most exciting-looking pool, and we found it, one with brightly coloured tiles and slides, we jumped straight in. We played all day in the park and had a lovely lunch, sat on some benches in the sunshine.

My granddad loved a pool that was filled with spa water. It was dark brown and stank of rotten eggs. I didn't want to go in but he eventually convinced me. I'm pleased he did because the water was really warm. I'd never swam in water that warm. I didn't want to get out, despite the terrible smell.

I consider it such a happy memory because we enjoyed ourselves so much and I remember so vividly how I felt that day. But there's more to it than just that. When I look back now, I understand how caring my grandparents were and how much they wanted us all to be happy. They would have done anything to help us have a good time. I appreciate that more now that I'm older and have children of my own. I hope we thanked them; I can't remember. But, anyway, they were content, I'm sure, to just watch us have an amazing time, playing and laughing in the water. So, as you can see, it was a wonderful day and is one of my favourite childhood memories.


1.I'd like to talk about alibaba group,which is one of the largest corporations in china.It’s founded by jack ma,who is a remarkable business leader.Today,this hang zhou based company has already become a major player in global e-commerce business.

2.Alibaba's more like a household name in my country.Its online shopping web portal and online payment service have totally changed people's life.Most young people do the shopping on Tao Bao and use AliPay,a kind of online payment service.

3.It provides various services,including electronic payment services,shopping search engine and data-centric cloud computing service.Since it has merged a number of companies,it has great influence in many industries,like : food industry,online financial service,medical care.etc.

4.No doubt,it’s a successful company.It made a contribution for our country’s economic development.It has generated tens of millions of jobs and brought opportunities to small businesses all around the world.Only a handful of companies in my country have that influence.

雅思口语Part2话题答案:a group activity you took part in

You should say:

what the activity was

who was with you

how easy or difficult it was

and explain how you felt about being part of this team.


Ok right then, well the group activity I’d like to talk about was actually an English speaking competition I took part in during my first year at university, which everyone on my course had to be in, so it was basically compulsory for us, otherwise I can safely say there’s no way I would have taken part in it, because at that time, my English really wasn’t that great!

But anyway, as for what we had to do, well, to begin with, we were all put into small groups of about four or five, and in our groups, we had to write a small play in English lasting about seven or eight minutes, and then act it out in front of all the students and lecturers on our course.

So regarding how difficult it was, well if truth be told, we all found it incredibly tough, at least in my group anyway, because none of us had ever written a play in English before, so it was a big challenge for us. But I suppose it was reassuring to know that everyone on our course was in the same boat, and thankfully we were helped by the fact that a couple of guys in our group spoke really good English, so if it wasn’t for them, I honestly don’t know how we would have done it!

Anyway, in the end, we managed to put something quite good together and actually ended up coming second out of about 10 groups, which we were really happy about, because we never expected to do that well!

And finally, with regard to how I felt about being part of this team, well I basically just felt super lucky, because firstly we had some really smart guys in our group, and it turned out that they were good actors as well, which was a big bonus! But probably what impressed me most about my teammates was the fact that, when we were running out of time to come up with something to write, they all managed to remain calm and focused, which was a huge help, otherwise we could have just panicked and given up. But we didn’t, and in the end we were able to succeed. So this experience has really taught me a lot about how to act under pressure in a group situation.

雅思口语Part2话题答案: an occasion that you received a good service

You should say:

What the service was

When and where you received it

Whom you were together with

And explain why you think it was a good service


In February last year I was so lucky to participate in a reality TV program recording with my friends. The show named Super Brain was extremely popular in China and through this program we had the chance to explore something new in the fields we did not know before.

I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.

Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we sat down in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.

Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it

and explain why you think it was good news

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