Unit 15 Reading 知识点讲解学案(人教版高三英语下册学案设计)

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【简介】感谢网友“白领人”参与投稿,以下是小编收集整理的Unit 15 Reading 知识点讲解学案(人教版高三英语下册学案设计)(共6篇),希望对大家有所帮助。

篇1:Unit 15 Reading 知识点讲解学案(人教版高三英语下册学案设计)

Unit 15 Popular youth culture

1.Around 24,000 Young Volunteers Community Service Station in China are welcoming increasing numbers of Chinese youth who want to __________________________


⑴increasing 作定语,“渐增的,越来越多的”

⑵make a /one’s contribution to /towards

make contributions to / towards

“对------作贡献”其中to /towards 为介词,后接名词或动名词。

Thomas made a great contribution to the world.

It is our duty to __________________________________________________


下面的短语中的to 为介词

be used to_________ be related to_________ get down to________________

lead to____________ object to ___________ put one’s mind to___________

be equal to _________ be opposed to ______ devote oneself to_____________

look forward to_________ pay attention to______ stick to_________________

attend to _____________ lead to ____________ see to ______________

access to _____________ be addicted to __________ contribute to ____________

2.“--- each contribution ---no matter how small --- can help make a difference..”

make a difference

⑴产生差别, 有影响,起重要作用

It makes a difference which you choose . _________________________________

It ________________________ to me whether he goes or not.


⑵(在------之间)予以差别待遇(between +名词)

3.They are also discovering that being a volunteer brings many personal benefits.

benefit [u][c] 利益,恩惠,益处

I got a lot of benefit from learning a foreign language. ________________________

be of benefit to 对------ 益处 for the benefit of 为 了------ 的利益

The new hospital ____________ us enormously.那家新医院使我们受益非浅。

I ______ enormously _________ my father’s advice.我从父亲的忠告获益良多。

4.Lu Hao is a middle school student in Guizhou , who _________________________ of the Youth Volunteer Community Development Project.

scheme 计划,方案 an important scheme 改良计划

lay out a scheme ______________

They are ___________________ the scheme for expanding their business overseas.


5.He visits an elderly gentleman who lives alone.

alone adj. (作表语) & adv. 独自;单独。alone 不能用very 修饰,可以说very much alone或all alone .

lonely adj. (指人)孤独的,寂寞的;(指地点)偏僻的,人迹罕至的。可作定语或表语。

He is ________ in the house.

He has gone to Paris _________, so she must feel ___________.

6. Mr. Zhao is weak and cannot do much for himself _____________________________

赵先生的身体很虚弱, 一做事就头晕气喘,

not --- without 双重否定句式。without 引导的词组有条件意味, 意思是“没有什么,就不可能怎样 ”

At the beginning of learning English he could not speak it without making mistakes.

__________ revolutionary theory there can be ___________________________

没有革命的理论, 就不会有革命的运动。

7.But mostly we just drink tea and chat.

mostly adv. (=mainly) “主要的”,修饰形容词、副词或动词,作状语。

most adj,& pron. “大部分;大多数” adv. “最------”

majority n. 多数,大半

Those who came to dance were ________ young.

___________students are interested in collecting stamps.

________________ was / were in favour of the proposal.

8. He cannot get out to see his friends any more, so he enjoys having company.

⑴no more (= not ---any more ) 强调数量、次数上不再增加和动作终止的结果,常和名词或动词连用。

no longer (= not --- any longer) 指时间和状态上不再延续,常与延续动词连用。

He said he would go there _____________.

China is ______________ what it used to be.

⑵keep sb. company 陪伴(某人), (与某人)同行

in company 与别人在一起时, 一起, 结伴

Behave nicely in company. _______________________________________

They went shopping _____________________ . 他们结伴去买东西。

in company with 与(某人)一起

keep company with 与------ 交往,陪伴(某人)

9. Mr Zhao’s enthusiasm has inspired Lu Hao to ________________________________.


concentrate one’s attention on _______________________

concentrate on one’s work ___________

put one’s mind in

apply oneself to

put one’s heart into

be absorbed in

be lost in

devote to

10. When Lin Ying graduated from Zhenzhou Normal University , she decided not to



apply to sb. for sth. 向------ 申请,请求

I was admitted to a key university _______________________________________.


apply sth. to sth. 应用, 运用

The results of this research can _______________ new developments in technology.

11. I really feel I am doing something worthwhile and I’m having a great time.

have a great time / good / bad time in doing sth. 做------快乐/不快乐

have difficulty / trouble / fun / problem in doing /with sth.

They ____________________________________________


The children _______________________________ the festival.


12. Volunteer work often opens up opportunities for young people because employers and education leaders know that it builds confidence, self–awareness, good communication skills and leadership ability.

志愿工作常常为年轻人打开机会之门,因为用人单位和教育部门的领导都知道,这项工作能够使人树立信心和自觉性, 能够培养良好的交际技能和领导能力。

open up ⑴打开(房间,门) ⑵ (把道路、土地等)开拓,开发,开放

⑶(店等)开业 ⑷ 倾吐衷情,融洽

open up an unused room / a new restaurant

New mines are opening up. ______________________________

After a few drinks he began to open up a bit. _______________________________

13. Twenty-two of us went without food for 30 hours.

go without vt. Vi 没有------而将就,

I _____________________ lunch today.


There’s no butter left , so we have to go without.


go with (1)和------一起去 May I go with you ?

(2)和------ 相配,互相调和;相称

Do these red shoes _______________ the dress ?

(3) 和(异性)交往

14. in the process she formed strong friendships.

friendship 作为“友谊,友好”是不可数名词,不用复数形式。

本句 friendships 指的是一段友谊。

There is great ______ between the two families.

I never forget old ____________.

15. Coming to another country to study requires a big adjustment and it takes a while to fit in.

fit in ( with sb./ sth. ) 与(某物)相适应, 相协调

He’s never done this type of work before , I’m not sure how he will fit in .

Do these plans ______________ your arrangement ?


fit v. This jacket fits me well. n. 合身的衣服

be fit for 合适;适合 (fit 是形容词)

He is the best person _____________________________ for the position.

be fit to do 适合做------

I have no dress _____________ wear in public.我没有适合公共场合穿的衣服。

see / think fit ( to do ) 认为做------ 很合适;决定要做------(尤指傻事)

Do as ________________________ 你认为怎样适当就怎样做。

I wonder why she thought fit to leave so suddenly.


16.refer to

(1) 言及;提示;暗示

Are you referring to me ?

(2) 适用于

This rule refers to everyone

(3) refer sb. / sth. as 把某人/ 物称为

. California _______________________ the “ Golden State.”

加利福尼亚被称作 “黄金之州”


对比: look up

refer to 后跟工具书;look up 后跟所查内容

If you don’t know his telephone number , you can __________ the telephone directory.

If you don’t know his telephone number, you can _________________ in the telephone directory.

如果你不知道他的电话号码, 你可以查询一下电话号码簿。

篇2:unit 11-18 教学案(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)



A enjoy, alone, lonely, think, life

B some,either,want,improve,about,prepare,difference/different,service


A no longer,instead of,be/get angry with sb.,be angry about/for sth.,be full of/fill…with,think well of,make fun of,from…to…,to the east/in the east/on the east,in the open air,make a record,eat up

B write to,ask for,pick up


1)“had better+不带to的不定式”结构

①肯定句 ②否定句 ③疑问句 ④反意疑问句


“Why not+不带to的不定式”

3)to be sure 其后通常跟that从句、不定式短语或介词短语。

4)it用作形式主语的句型是:It is/was+adj./n.+(for sb.)to do sth.句中不定式短语是真正的主语。



1.the coming…:the next 即将/正在到来的。

①-Hi,why are you so busy?你好,怎么那么忙?

-Because I’m preparing for the coming examination我正为快要到来的考试做准备

②We have decided to hold a sports meet during the coming autumn.我们已经决定今年秋季开运动会。

2.hear vt,;vi.


①Listen!I heard somebody knocking at the door.听!我听到有人敲门。

②Old Granny can’t hear very well.老奶奶听觉不好了。

(2)hear that(宾从)听说某事

①I heard that he had come back.我听说他回来了。

②I heard that we were going to Qingdao for a holiday.Is that true?听说我们要去青岛度假,是真的吗?

(3)hear of 听说;获悉。

①I have heard of him,though I don’t know him.尽管我不认识他,但我听说过他。

②They have never heard of American country music.他们从没听说过美国的乡村音乐。

③They have never heard American country music。他们从没听过美国的乡村音乐。

(4)hear from sb.收到某人的来信。

-Have you heard from Peter recently?最近收到彼得的信了吗?

-No,I haven’t heard from him for three months.没有。我已3个月没收到他的信了。

3、broadcast vt.;vi.广播;播放。过去式和过去分词均为broadcast。

①The BBC broadcasts every day.BBC每天都广播。

②The news was broadcast on the radio.这个消息是收音机里播送的。

4、in the 1950:in the 1950’s 20世纪50年代。介词也可用during。

early/late in the 1990s:in the early/late 1990’s。 20世纪90年代早期/晚期。

5、once more:once again再一次;又一次。

①Read after me once more.再跟我读一遍。

②I’d like to see him once more.我想再见他一面。

6、turn to 其中to为介词。


He turned to me and said hello to me.他转向我向我问好。


If you are in trouble,please turn to me.如果你有麻烦,请找我。

7、be angry with sb.生某人的气。

be angry at/about sth.因某事而生气。

①Don’t be angry with me for my being late?不要因为我迟到而生我的气。

②What are you angry about?你生什么气?

③He was angry at being kept waiting for so long.让他等了这么久,他很生气。

8.Think well/highly/much of 高度赞扬……;对……赞赏、印象好。

①All the teachers think well of Yang Pei.所有老师都对杨蓓印象很好。

②Our work was well thought of.我们的工作受到了高度评价。

反义词组为:think poorly/little/nothing of

9.make fun of取笑;嘲笑。

①It’s wrong to make fun of the blind.取笑盲人是不对的。

②It’s bad manners to make fun of a person who is in trouble.拿困境中的人开玩笑是不礼貌的。

10.remain link-v.保持;仍旧的。

①He remained silent at the meeting.在会上他一言不发。

②His books remain very new because he hardly read them。他的书仍然很新,因为他几乎没读。

11、keep doing sth.连续、持续地做某事。

①They kept sitting there for several hours.他们在那里连续坐了好几个小时。

②He kept asking silly questions.他不住地问些愚蠢的问题。

12、eat up 吃光;吃掉。

He was so hungry that he ate up all the cakes and none was left.他太饿了,把所有的蛋糕都吃完了,一点也没剩。

类似的短语还有:drink up喝光;喝净。/burn up 烧完;烧掉。/use up 用完;用尽。/clean up打扫干净。

13、go with 与……相配;适合。

I’d like a pair of shoes to go with my trousers.我想要一双和我的裤子相配的鞋。

14、advice建议;劝告。是不可数名词,“一条建议”应用a piece of advice。常用结构。

give sb.advice(on)/give advice给某人提(关于……的)建议;忠告某人。

ask(sb.)for advice征求(某人的)意见。

①Marx gave us some good advice on how to learn a foreign language.关于如何学好外语,马克思给我们提了些好建议。

②If you take /follow my advice,you’ll pass the exam.如果你听从我的建议,你会考试及格的。

③Let’s ask our teacher for some advice.咱们征求一下老师的意见吧。

15、pick up


The naughty boy picked up a stone and threw it at the dog.那调皮的孩子捡起块石头向狗扔去。


①I’ll pick you up at the school gate.我用车到校门口接你。

②On her way home,she went to the nursery to pick up her son.回家的路上,她顺便到托儿所接她儿子。


It’s easy for my radio to pick up VOA.我的收音机接收美国之音很容易。

16、such as 例如;诸如。用于列举同类的人或事物。

①Writers such as Lu Xun and Ba Jin are well-known to all.象鲁迅、巴金这样的作家是众所周知的。

②This summer we’re going to visit some places of interest,such as the Great wall,the Summer palace and the Imperial Palace.今年夏天我们要去参观一些名胜古迹,如长城,颐和园、故宫等。

注意:and so on 等等。用于并列成分之后。

Here you can buy oil,salt,sugar,vineger and so on.在这里可以买到油、盐、糖、醋等。


remain vi.逗留、保持;指人(也可指物)逗留在一定的场所,也指物保持原来的形状或状态。

stay 逗留;仅指人(不可用物)逗留在一定场所。

How many weeks shall you remain/stay here?你将在此地停留多久?

I shall remain/stay to see the end of the game.我将留下来看比赛的结果。

Let it remain as it is .听其自然.

It remained unharmed.它仍然无损。



after the fire, nothing remained to the house.大火过后,屋子所剩无几。

If you take two from four, two remains.四减二剩二。

18.含take 的词组

我们已学习了短语take part in. 有关take的常用短语还有许多,现列举出一些供同学们复习。

take a bath:洗个澡 take a taxi:打的

take off:脱去;起飞 take care of:照料

take exercise:运动 take away:拿走

take a look:看一看 take turns:轮流

take one’s time:慢慢做 take a photo:拍照

take one’s temperature:量休温 take a bus:乘公共汽车

take medicine:服药 take an interest in: 对……感兴趣

take a seat:就座 take the floor:起立发言

take a prize:获奖 take the chair:当主席

take place:发生 take hold of:握住

take a rest:休息一下 take in:收容

take fire:着火 take a drive:乘马车

take a nap:小睡一会儿(午觉) take a shower:洗个淋浴

take a trip:旅行 take a walk:散个步

19.On the air/in the air/by air/in the open air

on the air表示(用无线电、电视)播送节目。如:

What’s on the air this evening?


These programmes come on the air everyday. 这些节目每天广播。

其反义词为go off the air“停止广播”。如

This radio station goes off the air at midnight.这家广播电台于午夜停止广播。

in the air表示“在空中、在流传中、(问题,计划等)悬而未决(未确定的)、充满了(某种)气氛”。如:

There was dampness in the air.


Bofore the matter was publicly announced, it had long been in the air.


The plan is quite in the air.


The Spring Festival was in the air for weeks before.几周前就充满了春节的气氛。

by air 表示“乘飞机、由航空”。如

He went to Shanghai by air.


in the open air 表示“在户外、在露天里”。如:

People love life in the open air.


20.another day/the other day/some day/one day

another day 可表示近期将来的某一天,意为“改天”,也可表示过去将来某一动作或状态延续的“又一天”。如:

She is coming another day instead of today. 她今天不来,改天来。

You may do it another day.


He stayed there (for) another day/another two days after I lift.


the other day 相当于a few days ago,意为“几天前、某天、那天、不久前”,句中用一般过去时。如:

I met her in the street the other day.


I bought the watch the other day.


some day指将来“总有一天、有朝一日、终将、(日后)某一天”,谓语动词用一般将来时.如:

Your wishes will come true some day.


Some day you’ll have to pay for what you have done.


one day可以表示“(过去)某一天”,谓语动词常用一般过去式;也可表示“(将来)某一天”,这时可与some day互相代替,谓语常用一般将来时。如:

One day I went to see my first teacher ,but he happened to be out.


He will understand the teacher one day/some day.



①country music乡村音乐

pop music流行音乐

②on the radio在收音机里

on TV在电视里

③make a record做记录;录制唱片

④in the open air 在户外,在野外

⑤on the air:over the air 在广播


⑦write(a letter)to 给……写信

⑧tens of thousands of 成千上万的


1. no longer 不再。通常置于行为动词之前,动词be之后,偶尔也置于全句的末尾。

①He no longer lives here.他不住这里了。

②Don’t worry about her. After all she is no longer a child .别为她担心。毕竟她不再是个小孩子了。

③I shall wait no longer.我不等了。

no longer 常可相当于not…any longer. not 用来否定谓语, any longer 置于句末。上面的句子可分别改作:

①He don’t live here any longer.

②Don’t worry about her. After all she isn’t a child any longer.

③I shall not wait any longer.

注意:no more(相当于not…any more)也是“不再”的意思。no longer是把现在的情况和过去对比,时态以现在时为多,有时也用过去时或将来时;no more 指今后如何,通常用将来时态。

①I can no longer stand it.我再也受不了。

②I will go there no more.我再也不到那地方去了。


He is no more/no longer ill.他的病好了。

另外:涉及数量或程度时要用no more; 谈到时间表示once but not now(有一度、曾经那样,但现在不了时),要用no longer.

①There is no more bread.没有面包了。

②I no longer support the Conservative Party.我不再支持保守党了。(曾经支持过)

2. not just…but…:not only…but(also)…(also可省略)不仅/不但……而……。


①Not just you but he likes the country music very much.不但你,而且他也很喜欢乡村音乐。

②He can not just drive but repair a car.他不仅会开而且会修车。

③I like not just pop music but country music.我不仅喜欢流行音乐,而且喜欢乡村音乐。

④This book is not just interesting but also useful.这本书不但有趣而且有用。

⑤Lu Xun is famous not just in China but in the whole world.鲁迅不只在中国有名,而且在全世界都很著名。

3.……while playing the guitar.



①Be careful when(you are) crossing the street 过马路的时候要小心。

②While (he was)walking along the sands.Crusoe saw some footprints in the sand.克鲁索沿沙滩走着的时候,看到沙子上有些脚印。

③I won’t go to her party unless(I am) invited.要是不受到邀请,我就不去参加她的宴会。

④He knows many things though(he is)very young.他年龄不大,但知道的事不少。

(2)当从句为it is + adj.时,也常将it is省略掉。

①When (it is)possible,I’ll go to Beijing to see you.可能的时候,我将去北京看你。

②If (it is)necessary, I’ll come tomorrow.必要的话,明天我就来。

4.It is/was + adj. + for/of sb.+ to do sth.某人做某事是…….

该句的It 为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式(短语),for/of sb.是不定式的逻辑主语。能用于该句型的形容词常有:(1)important/ unimportant/ necessary/ possible/ impossible/ hard/ difficult/ easy/ useful/ usual/ unusual等。这些形容词的后面常用for来表示不定式的逻辑主语。

①It’s important(for you)to learn English well.(你们)学好英语很重要。

②It’s not easy for them to finish the work within three hours.对他们来说3小时内完成这项工作很难。

(2)right/ wrong/ clever/ foolish/ stupid/ nice/ kind/ rude/ polite/ impolite等。这些形容词的后面常用of 介词短语表示不定式的逻辑主语。

①It’s kind of you to help us.你们帮助我们真是太好了。

②It’s impolite of a person to interrupt people while they are talking.打断别人谈话的人是不礼貌的。

5.so far迄今为止;到现在为止。通常用现在完成时连用,so far可置于句首、句中或句末。

①So far we have learned English for six years.到今年我们已经学了6年英语了。

②Your work has been good so far this year.今年迄今为止你的工作很出色。

③ We haven’t heard from Tom so far.至今我们还没收到汤姆的来信。

6.the + 比较级,the + 比较级 越……,就越……。

①The busier he is ,the happier he feels。越忙他越高兴。

②The harder you work, the greater progress you’ll make.你学习越努力,取得的进步就越大。

③The more hppily we live,the more we realize how much we owe to the Party。我们过得越幸福,就会更加认识到共产党的恩情。

④The more I hear, the more I laugh.越听我笑得越厉害。

7.Of + n.(抽象句词)相当于该名词相应的形容词,在句中可用作表语或补语。

能用于该句型的名词有:help/ use/ value/ importance等。其对应的形容词分别为:helpful/ useful/ valuable/ important.

①This book is of great use/ very useful.这本书很有用。

②His advice is of great value/ very valuable.他的建议很有价值。

③English is of great importance/ very important to us.英语对我们来说很重要。


题1(NMET )

You’ll find this map of great___________ in helping you to get round London.

A. price B. cost C. value D. usefulness

分析:C。“be of + 抽象名词”;句意为“你会发现这张地图对帮助你在伦敦旅游大有益处”,A,B 不合句意。D为可数名词。Value为抽象名词,意为“益处、价值”。

题2(上海 1998)

The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the________.

A.20 dollars remained . B.remaining 20 dollars.

C.remained 20 dollars. D.20 dollars to remain

分析:B。 remaining adj.剩下的。the remaining students剩下的学生。the remaining 11 seats 剩下的11个座位。

题3 Tom was disappointed that most of the guests_____ when he_____ at the party.

A.left; had arrived B.left; arrived

C.had left; had arrived D.had left; arrived


题4(NMET )

I wonder why Jenny____ us recently. We should have heard from her by now.

A.hasn’t written B.doesn’t write

C.won’t write D.hadn’t written


题5(上海 )

Those T-shirts are usually $ 35 each, but today they have a _____ price of $ 19 in the Shopping Center.

A.regular B.special C.cheap D.particular


题6(NMET )

It’s always diffcult being in a foreign country, ______ if you don’t speak the language.

A.extremely B.naturally C.basically D.especially


题7 It was about 600 years ago____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.

A.that B.until C.before D.when

分析A。这是一个强调句,强调的部分是about 600 years ago.其结构为“it is+被强调部分that+剩余部分”。一般来讲,把it is...that...去掉之后原句应不改变原意。

题8 It is careless _______ you to do that.

A.for B.to C.of D.with

分析:C。此题考查动词不定式作主语。在这个结构中,只能用of或for介绍逻辑主语。由于本题介词后的逻辑主语 you可以与careless连用,即:You are careless.所以选C.如不能,则用for.




1.regret A.reuse B.recycle C.reread D.report

2.forget A.sort B.forbit C.sort D.forward

3.glove A.move B.lovely C.prove D.improve

4.technique A.character B.church C.teach D.touch

5.upwards A.warm B.law C.draw D.product


6. He_______me that I had done it before.

A.remembered B.remided C.reported D.warns

7. The two strangers talked as if they_______friends for years.

A.should be B.would be C.have been D.had been

8. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if_______.

A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken

9. The boy is not old_______to school.

A.to go B.enough not to go C.enough to go D.enough going

10. If we work with a strong will,we can overcome any difficulty,_______great it is.

A.what B.how C.however D.whatever

11. -Listen to me,please

-No.No matter_______you say,I won’t give up.

A.how B.which C.what D.whatever

12. You may dress_______you please.

A.however B.whenever C.whoever D.whichever

13. No matter_______I want to buy a car,I can’t afford one.

A.how hard B.how much C.what D.however

14. He made a speech at the meeting,_______with folk music.

A.doing B.dealing C.to do D.to deal

15. When and where and how to store the waste_______still a problem.

A.were B.are C.is D.have been

16. Your must_______all your worries and have a good rest.

A.get out B.get away C.get rid of D.get in

17. When the siol becomes too hard.we_______it_______.

A.break;up B.break;down C.break;into D.break;out

18. If you continue to work like that,you’ll_______sooner or later.

A.break up B.break down C.fall down D.turn down

19. -Are you going.


A.All depend B.It all depends C.That depends D.B and C

20. He had a high fever when he was three,_______him completely blind.

A.to make B.making C.to leave D.left

21. We should constantly_______advice from the masses.

A.seek B.seek for C.seek after D.seek out

22. Much energy is wasted_______things that are thrown away.

A.to produce B.producing C.doing D.making of

23. _______the old man used to climb the hill.

A.At a time B.At one time C.At no time D.At the time

24. The lady_______a baby last night.It weighted seven pounds_______.

A.gave birth to;at birth B.wore;by birth

C.had;by birthD.come out;at birth

25. It will be four hours_______he arrives.

A.since B.before C.when D.after



One evening a police officer was driving along a road.He was on 26 and was wearing 27 clothes.Suddenly,he saw two 28 running out of a building.He 29 someone shouting,“Help!Help!Stop thief!”The police officer was 30 ,that the two men were thieves.He knew he must 31 them.However,he was not only 32 uniform(制服)but also unarmed.He 33 that if he got out of his 34 and tried to arrest(逮捕)them at least one of the men would 35 escape.The police officer was facing a 36 problem.He knew that he 37 let men escape,but how 38 he arrest them?

He thought quickly and had 39 .It involved(含有)danger and it might not work,but he 40 to try.

He drove his car up to the men and stopped 41 them.Then he put his 42 out of the window and asked,“Do you want a lift?”

“Yes,yes,”answered the men,and 43 got into his car,“please take us to the 44 station,”they told him.

“Very good,”the police officer said and 45 off.After a few minutes,one of them 46 out,“But this isn’t the way to the railway station.Where are you going?”“I must go this way,”the police officer 47 .“There’s a big fire and traffic is held up.You don’t want to sit in a traffic jam(阻塞),do you?”

“No,no”the men 48 “Please take us the quickest way.”

The next 49 ,the police officer had pulled up at the police station.He jumped out,shouted for 50 ,and seconds later,the two thieves were arrested.

26.A.duty B.guard C.task D.work

27.A.special B.evening C.police D.plain

28.A.robbers B.cheats C.thieves D.men

29.A.listened B.heard C.felt D.noticed

30.A.told B.afraid C.sure D.warned

31.A.follow B.catch C.shoot D.grasp

32.A.in B.on C.fit D.dressing

33.A.knew B.learned C.found D.asked

34.A.car B.bus C.house D.office

35.A.never B.easily C.hardly D.seldom

36.A.heavy B.new C.strange D.difficult

37.A.daren’t B.mustn’t C.might D.shouldn’t

38.A.need B.would C.could D.did

39.A.a way B.an idea C.a try D.a method

40.A.failed B.had C.decide D.managed

41.A.after B.behind C.before D.beside

42.A.head B.hand C.arm D.cap

43.A.slowly B.quickly C.luckly D.suddenly

44.A.space B.police C.railway D.radio

45.A.set B.got C.rode D.drove

46.A.ran B.cried C.found D.got

47.A.laughed B.shouted C.explained D.thought

48.A.refused B.agreed C.offered D.smiled

49.A.moment B.day C.week D.month

50.A.fun B.help C.anger D.joy




202W. 56th street

New York N.Y. 10012

May 17, 1998

Dear Mr Anderson,

I’m not sure you’ll remember me,but we met in Bethany last year.It was at your daughter’s wedding.Her husband David is an old friend of mine,and I came from New York for the wedding.You and I had a pleasant talk and I told you a little about my job as a reporter for the New York Times.You said that I should get in touch with you if I ever decided to come back to Bethany.

At that time I did like to stay in New York,but since then I have changed my mind and now I’d like to get a job back in my hometown.My problem is this---I have been away now for so long (since 1988) that I have no job contacts (门路) in Bethany.That’s why I’m writing to you now.I would appreciate(感激)it if you could put me in touch with anyone who could help me and advise me.It cost me quite a long time to decide to write to you like this,but any suggestion you might have would be appreciated.

My best wishes to you and Mrs.Anderson.


Patrick Neal

51. Patrick Neal was not sure that Mr.Anderson would remember him because_______.

A.they had not seen each other for a long time

B.they had never written to each other

C.they had only met once before

D.they didn’t live in the same city

52. Patrick Neal had been invited to Anderson’s daughter’s wedding because_______.

A.he was one of Anderson’s friends B.they had been neighbours

C.he knew Anderson’s daughter D.he was a friend of Anderson’s son-in-law

53. Patrick had been away from his hometown_______.

A.for ten years B.for less than nine years

C.since he met Anderson D.since he worked as a reporter

54. Patrick Neal asked Anderson to_______.

A.find a better job for him

B.introduce someone who might help him get a job in Bethany

C.give some advice about his job

D.help him in his work

55. Why did Patrick Neal decide to get a job in Bethany?_______.

A.Because his best friend was living there

B.Because he was brought up there

C.Because he thought he might get a better job in his hometown

D.Because he wasn’t used to living in New York


A taxi hit a truck.A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and to the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom,who was a witness(证人).This is what they said:

The truck driver:I was driving from the airport towards Newtown.A cat ran across the road.So I slowed down,I didn’t stop.A taxi hit the back of my truck.Luckily, nobody was seriously hurt.

Taxi driver:I was driving behind a truck several miles from Newtown.The truck stopped suddenly.The driver didn’t give me a warning,I was driving very carefully,I didn’t expect to catch up with the truck,because there was two buses coming near from Newtown.My taxi hit the truck,and my glass cut my left hand.

Tom:I was walking in the street less than a mile from the airport.A truck was going to Newtown.About 200 feet behind the truck followed a taxi.It was going fast. When the truck slowed down.The taxi hit it.The taxi driver wasn’t looking at the truck,but something out of the window instead.My friend saw the accident,too.

Tom’s friend nodded when the policeman asked him whether what Tom said was right or not.

56. The accident happened_______.

A.in Newtown B.at the airport

C.not far from Newtown D.not far from the airport

57. In the taxi driver’s opinion,_______.

A.he caused the accident B.a cat caused the accident

C.the truck driver caused the accident D.it was caused by the two buses

58. Suppose Tom told the truth,the accident was maybe caused by_______.

A.the policeman B.the taxi driver

C.the truck driverD.the two buses from Newtown

59. If what Tom said was wrong_______.

A.it would be difficult for the policeman to find out the truth

B.it was easy for the policeman to find out the truth

C.we could infer that Tom was an honest man

D.we could infer that the policeman had done wrong

60. When Tom’s friend was asked something about the accident,_______.

A.he refused to express his opinion

B.he pretended to know nothing

C.he agreed with Tom

D.he didn’t know how to answer the policeman’s questions


The first true piece of sports equipment that man invented was the ball.

In ancient Egypt,pitching stones was a favorite children’s game.But a badly thrown rock could hurt a child.Looking for something less dangerous to throw.The Egyptians made what were probably the first ball.

At first,balls were made of grass or leaves held together the first balls.Later they were made of piece of animal skin sewed together and stuffed(塞满)with feathers or hay.

Even though the Egyptians were warlike they found time for peaceful games.Before long they have developed a number of ball games each with its own set of rules. Perhaps they,played ball more for instruction than for fun.Ball playing was thought of mainly as a way to teach young men the speed and skill they need for war.

61. The ball was probably invented because_______.

A.throwing stones often caused injures B.throwing stones was not fun

C.games with stones was not fun D.rocks were too heavy to throw

62. The first balls were probably made of_______.

A.animal skins stuffed with rocks B.twist(缠绕)of hay

C.hides stuffed with hay or feathers D.grass and leaves tied with vines

63. This passage says that Egyptians played_______.

A.main different games with balls B.many different kinds of game

C.only one ball game D.different games with similar rules

64. The Egypians thought that ball playing was_______.

A.childish B.difficult C.not enjoyable D.worthwhile

65. The best title for paragraph is_______.

A.The First Ball Games

B.How Egyptian Children Played Games

C.The Beginning of Sports

D.Egyptian Sports


Sixty-year-old grandmother,Fiona McFee,is going to stop woring next year and she decided to realize a childhood dream and sail around the coast of Scotland in a small boat.Thought the inside of the boat is very cosy it has no running water of electricty.Fiona says she can live without these things but she plans to take her small CD player,her hot water bottle and a bag of books to make sure life isn’t too uncomfortable.

We asked her if she was afraid of being at sea for so long.She said,“Well,I’m going to take a good compass.Anyway I’m not afraid of death because I love the sea---I just hope it love me,”Fiona certainly has plenty of energy;in her spare time she enjoys playing the piano,rock-climbing,canoeing and dancing.Though she is sixty,she doesn’t want to have a quiet life“I’m looking forward to having fun in the rest of my life and that’s exactly why I’d like to be a sailor for a white”.

66. The word “cosy” in the first paragraph means_______.

A.bright B.dirty C.comfortable D.dark

67. When Fiona McFee said“I just hope it love me”,what she meant was_______.

A.of course,it loves me,since I love it

B.If I love it,it should love me

C.I hope it will bring me a safe sailing as a return for my love of it

D.I hope it will save my life when I am in time of danger

68. The reason why she would like to have the sail is that_______.

A.she thinks it will be very exciting

B.she likes sports and enjoys canoeing

C.she has decided to realize a childhood dream

D.she wants to be still active when she gets old

69. What kind of person would you say the old woman is?

A.Someone who doesn’t show what she is feeling

B.Someone who is very proud and sure of her success

C.Someone who dosen’t use her head much

D.Someone who is open,honest and brave

70. The best title for this paragraph is_______.

A.Life Begins at SixtyB.A Round Coast Sail

B.An Old Woman SailorD.An Unsual Hobby(爱好)


A: Oh,we’ve got such a lot of homework again!

B: Yes, 71 .

A: I used to make a lot of models in my spare time,but I never have time now.

B: 72 By the way,have you finished your composition?

A: Yes. 73 I spent more than two and a half hours on it last night.

B: 74 I didn’t start it until half past eight last night because I had to do the

physics exercises first 75 I’ll have to finish it tongight.


B.I used to watch TV a lot and I still spend a lot of time on it.

C.There wasn’t time to finish it.

D.I haven’t done it yet.

E.But it took me ages to write it.

F.And I used to watch TV a lot.But I’m too busy now with all this homework.

G.Terrible,isn’t it?


76.Man must conquer n_______.

77.On Saturdays they usually g_______ together and discuss some questions.

78.Many young people leave their villages to s_______ their fortune in cities.

79.Our teacher is skilled at using modern teaching t_______.

80.Don’t throw the r_______ everywhere.

81.They were _______(积极的) in politics.

82.Many materials like grass bottles should be _______(回收).

83.Putting on his rubber _______(手套) he began to give the operation.

84.First _______(分类) the books and then put them in place.

85.I love bread,freshly _______(烤).


Last summer my wife and I went to visit 86._______

the town in that we both grew up.We hadn’t been 87._______

there about ten years.First,we went to the 88._______

neighborhood where my wife cost her childhood. 89._______

The house that she was born in still there.And 90._______

same neighbours still lived next door.They let 91._______

us to come in and have a cup of hot coffee. 92._______

Then we all went to see my old neighbourhood. 93._______

How a disappointment!(失望)It was all changed.All the 94._______

old houses I remembered were missed and in their 95._______

place were new ones,I didn’t know any of the people who live there.







76.nature 77.gathered 78.seed 79.techniques 80.rubbish 81.active

82.recycled 83.gloves 84.sort 85.baked

86.√ 87.that-which 88.about-about for 89.cost-spent 90.still-was still

91.same-the same92.去掉to93.all-both 94.How-What


Ⅵ、One possible version:

March 6th, Saturday


This morning,I was walking down the road to the park when I saw a boy fall down from his bike to the ground.I hurried up to help him.And I found his left leg was hurt badly,I carried him onto his bike and took him to a hospital.In the hospital, while a doctor was examining him.I made a phone call to the boy’s parents.And soon they came.They thanked me again and again.Now the evening came,I had to say goodbye to them.When I walked home,I felt happy though I couldn’t go to the park today.



A as,at/in/on,like,president,news,death,consider

B tired,well,consider,suggest,need,worry,stop,interest,



A fight against,used to,no more than,become interested in,be against,set up,of one’s own,be free to do sth.,break away from,break out,join up,call for,for the second time

B get along/get along with,be kind to,make fun of,anything else,tell a lie,at all,形容词比较级表示最高级含义





4.spend time/money on sth.

5.spend time in doing sth.




1、break 小结

break 一词常用搭配有:

(1)break out(战争、火灾、争吵、瘟疫等)爆发

A big fire broke out in the city last week.

(2)break away from 脱离

A carriage(车厢)broke away from the train.

(3)break the law 违反法律

Who breaks the law will be punished by the law.

(4)break in 破门而入;打断

He broke in to say that he was not interested in what I was talking about.

(5)break down 损坏;中断

Her fridge has broken down for a long time.

(6)break off 打断;结束;暂停

They were arguing(争论)but broke off when someone came into the room.

(7)break into闯入;侵入

Thieves broke into my house when I was out.





Consider carefully before you decide.


They considered your suggestion.他们仔细考虑了你的建议。

He is considering studying abroad.他在考虑出国留学。

We are considering how to help them.我们在考虑如何帮助他们。


①可用consider+名词+(to be)名词(形容词)或consider+名词+as+名词(形容词)结构,但当不定式为行为动词时,不能省略,不可用于进行时。这样用时相当于that引导宾语从句。例如:

He considers himself(to be)clever(=as clever).=He considers that he is clever.他认为自己很聪明。

I consider him(to be)my closest friend(as my closest friend).=I consider(that)he is my closest friend.我把他视为我最亲密的朋友。

He is considered to have invented the first computer.他被认为是最早发明计算机的人。


I consider it wrong for students to smoke.我认为学生抽烟是不对的。

3.fight against;fight for

fight with,fight against意为“为反对……而战、与……作斗争”,against 后面接的是反对的对象,如:

They are fighting against their enemy.他们在与敌人作战。

Political leaders fought against slavery.政治领导们为了反对奴隶制度而斗争。

fight for 意为“为争取……而斗争、因为……而打架”。如:

Two dogs fight for a bone,and a third runs away with it.两只狗为抢一块骨头而打架,另一只狗把骨头叼走了。

fight with意为“同……(一起并肩)作战、与……作战”,它含有两重意思,试比较:

They fought with the Italian in the last war.他们在最后的这次战争中是与意大利人作战。

They fought with the Italian against France in that war.在那次战争中,他们和意大利联合作战反对法国。

4.no more than;not more than;no more...than;not more...than

no more than 意为“仅仅、只不过”,相当于only。它与数字连用时,意为“仅仅至多”,强调“少”,带有说话者的感情色彩。如:

I am no more than a teacher.我只是个教师而已。

There were no more than two hospitals in this city before liberation.解放前,这座城市里只有两家医院(表示很少)

not more than 后面接数词时,表示“不超过、最多”的意思。用来说明情况,并含有“少”之意,也不带有说话者的主观色彩。如:

There are not more than ten minutes left.最多只剩下10分钟了。(表示客观事实)

“no more+形容词(副词)原级+than”意为“两者同样不”,前面和后面同时否定,带有感情色彩。如:

This tool is no more useful than that one.


“not more+形容词(副词)原级+than”意为“A不比B更……”。这是比较级的正规用法,表示比较的事实,两者都肯定。如:

This tool is not more useful than one.这样工具不及那件工具有用。(两者都有用)

5.shoot sb./sth;shoot at sb./sth.

在shoot sb./sth.中,shoot为及物动词,除了shoot the arrow(射箭)外,其宾语多为射击的对象,即人或动物等。Shoot意为“打中、打死、枪决”。而在shoot at sb./sth.中,shoot为不及物动词,at表示动作的方向或目标,打中与否不得而知。试比较:

He shoot the bear.他打中了那只熊。

He shoot at the bear.他朝那只熊射击。



After putting it off three times,we finally managed to have a holiday in Greece.经过三次延期之后,我们终于在希腊度了一次假。

They talked about it for hours.Finally,they decided not to go.他们谈论了几个小时,最后决定不去。

at last 有时可与finally互换,但往往用于一番拖延或曲折之后,语气更强烈。例如:

When at last they found him, he was almost dead.当人们最终找到他时,他已经奄奄一息了。

James has passed his exams at last.詹姆斯终于通过了考试。

in the end指经过许多变化、困难的捉摸不定的情况之后,某事才发生。例如:

We made five different plans for our holiday, but in the end we had a summer camp again.我们制订了五种不同的度假方案,但最后我们还是选定了再来一次夏令营活动。

7.when,where 引导定语从句

关系副词when和where用来引导定语从句,分别在从句中作时间和地点状语。学习和使用关系副词when和 where时,应注意以下要点。

(1)关系副词 when在定语从句中作时间状语,关系副词where在定语从句中作地点状语;

他们分别替代前面表时间和地点的先行词,因此定语从句中不能再出现先行语所表示的时间或地点状语,否则会犯语义重复的错误;同时 when和where不能省略。例如:

It’s about a time when there were black slaves in North America.他描述的是那样一个时期,在那时美国北方还有黑奴存在。

The planet where we live looks a big round blue ball from space.我们所生活的这个星球,从太空上看就像一个很大的蓝色圆球。


It also keeps a record of the date on which/when they will travel.它(计算机)还把他们旅行的日期也记录下来。

They were held in Greece-the counrty in which/where the games were born.它们(第一届奥运会)是在奥运会的发源地希腊举行的。

但有时when, where不能或不宜与“介词+which”互换。例如:

The temperature at which ice changes into water is zero degree centigrade.(at which不能换用where)冰变成水的温度是摄氏零度。

You may come any time when you are convenient.(when不宜换用at/on/in which等,因这里any time所表示的时间概念不明确)你可以在方便的任何时候来。



Please make notes where you don’t understand.(状语从句)请在你不懂的地方做上记号。

I’ll always think of those terrible days when I come back to the city.(状语从句)每当我回到这个城市,总会想起那些可怕的日子。



Tibet is a place where generations of Tibetan people have been living.(作地点状语)西藏是藏族人民世代居住的地方。

Tibet is a beautiful and mystical place which people from all of the world look forward to visiting.(作宾语)西藏是一个美丽而神奇的地方,全世界的人都盼望去看看。

Galileo lived at a time the human spirit was walking after a thousand years of sheep.(作时间状语)伽利略生活的时代是人类灵魂经过了千年之后正在苏醒的时代。

3.used to ;would; be used to

(1)used to 表示“过去惯常”,但“现在不做了”,指过去的习惯或状态,to 为不定式符号,后跟动词原形。有两点须注意:

①否定式。used to do sth.的否定式有两种形式:

used not (usedn’t)to do sth.

didn’t use to do sth.例如:

He didn’t use to (usedn’t to)like country music,but now

he is getting interested.

②疑问式。used to do sth.的疑问式也有两种形式。其简短回答中的to通常不予省略,但动词原形常被省略。

Did + sb.(主语)+ use to do sth.?

Used + sb.(主语)+ to do sth.?

Did he use to play basketball?

Used he to play basketball?




I thought I would make lots of new friends.我曾认为我会交上许多新朋友。


“would + 动词原形”表示过去的习惯动作,与used to 同义,但与used to 有别。Used to do表示过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态,同时隐含有“现在已经有所改变”的意思,而“would+do sth.” 可以用来表示“过去经常发生”,但不表示“过去存在的状态”。

She used to say“No pains,no gains”。

她过去常说:“不劳而获”。(used to可以换为would)

I used to live in the countryside.我过去住在农村。(此句的used to不可用would换用)

(3)be used to具有双重含义:

①be used to是use sth.to do sth的被动形式,意为“被用来干某事”,to为不定式符号。例如:Rice may be used to make wine.

②be used to表示“习惯于……,”be可以换为get或become,表示“开始、变得习惯于……”,to 为介词,其后接名词、代词或动词作宾语。例如:

I’m used to English food.



Can you use the sentence pattern?他会用这个句型吗?

She is a pattern for us.她是我们学习的典范。


Have you seen his model ship?你看见过他的船模吗?

example “例子、榜样”,主要指人及其行为和活动被他人信效。如:

Example is better than precept.身教重于言教。



recently 是书面语,常被quite,just,but, very,only等词所修饰,以加强语气。主要用于肯定句中。如:

He’s only recently begun billogy. 他只是最近才开始学生物。

I didn’t know it until quite recently.我一直到最近才知道。


I haven’t seen him lately.我近来没有看到他。


reply和answer均可解作“回答、答道”,但用法有别。reply用做不及物动词时,可用reply to sb./sth.;作及物动词后跟直接引语或宾语从句,但不能直接跟人或物作宾语。如:

Please reply to my question.请回答我的问题。

He replied that he knew the news.他回答说他知道这消息。

answer 用作及物动词,可直接跟名词或代词作宾语,而reply应加to才可接名词或代词。如:

He answered the examination paper quite well.他考卷答得很好。

fail to reply to a question/letter未能回答问题/回信

7.because;because of


because是从属连词引导原因状语从句;而because of是一个合成介词,其后接名词、代词、动名词或what从句组成介词短语。如:

I went back not because of the rain,but because I was tired.我回去不是因为下雨,而是因为我累了。

Her face turned red because of what he said.他的话使她脸红了。


suggest 在此意为“建议”,后面的宾语从句的谓语用了虚拟语气,其结构是:should do或do,否定形式为:should not do或not do.如:

I suggested that LiMing (should)be sent to the south.


I suggested that he (should)not do it today.我建议他今天先不要做。


His smile suggested that he was quite satisfied with our work.他的微笑表示他对我们的工作很满意。


I suggest that you don’t ask him home for the vacation.我建议你假期不要邀他回家去。(句中用don’t ask,而没有用should not ask或not ask)

I suggest that Robert might go to Beijing and have a talk with Mr Wu.我建议罗伯特去北京同吴先生谈一谈。(句中用might go而没有用should go 或go)

9.like 用法小结

(1)like 用做动词(及物)通常表示一般的“喜欢”,为口语用词,词意没有love感情强烈,反义词为hate。

①like + n.(pron.)

Does Li Ming like bananas?李明喜欢吃香蕉吗?

Do you like it?你喜欢它吗?

②like + v.-ing(动名词)

Do you like working in China?你喜欢在中国工作吗?

③like + to + v.(不定式)

I like to keep busy.我喜欢生活得紧张。

④would like(=would love)后接名词、代词或不定式,多用于有礼貌地提出要求,意为“想要、愿意”。

Would you like something to drink?你想喝点什么吗?

I’d like two sweaters for my daughter.我要给我女儿买两件运动衫。

Would you like to come?你愿意来吗?

⑤How do you like...?(=What do you think of...?)此句型用于询问对方对某人(物)的看法,意为“你觉得 ……怎么样?”

How do you like China?你觉得中国怎么样?

(2)like 用做介词,意为“像……一样”,反义词为unlike。

①like 后接名词、代词或动名词作宾语。

Don’t throw it like that .别那样扔它。

They’re round,like the moon.它们是圆的,像月亮一样。

Walking on the moon is just like flying .在月球上行走就像飞一样。

②look like意为“看起来像……一样”。

It looks like a chicken.它看起来像一只鸡。

③feel like+v-ing意为“想……”。

I had a little,but I don’t feel like eating.我吃了一点,可我不想吃。

④What’s the weather like...?(=How’s the weather like...?)此句型用来询问天气情况,意为“……天气怎么样?”。

What’s the weather like in Australia now?现在澳大利亚天气情况怎么样?

II 句型

1.As a child….:As/When he was a child…,小的时候,该句型中的as为连词,意为“在……的时候”,引导时间状语从句。当从句与主句主语一致,且从句谓语为be时,可将从句主语及be省略。

①Even as(he was)a student,Professor Smith showed great interest in maths.甚至上学的时候,史密斯教授对数学就很感兴趣。

②As(he was)a boy,he liked playing table tennis with the grown-ups.小时候,他就喜欢和大人们打乒乓球。

2.(1)used to do sth.过去(常常)做某事。意谓着“现在不做了”。

①As a boy,I used to swim in this river.小时候常在这条河里游泳。

②He used to come to see me once a month.他过去每月来看我一次。

(2)be/get used to sth./doing sth.习惯于(做)某事。

①I’m used to the life/living here now.现在我习惯了这里的生活/生活在这里。

②He used to get up very late,but now he is used to getting up very early.他过去常起床很晚,但现在已习惯了早起了。

(3)be used to do sth.被用来做某事。

Bamboo can be used to make paper.竹子能用来造纸。

3.do all sb.can to do sth.:do what sb.can to do sth.尽某人的所能做某事

all 后面为that 所引导的定语从句,that在从句中作宾语已被省略;can后面为避免重复省略了do;后面的to do sth.为不定式(短语)作目的状语。all(that)sb.can(do)相当于宾语从句what sb.can(do)。

①I’ll do all I can to help you.我将尽力帮助你。

②He did all he could to improve his spoken English. 他尽了最大努力来提高英语口语水平。

4.no more than:only仅仅;只有。具有感情色彩,强调“少”。与no less than 相对。

Not more than:less than;at most不到;至多。说明客观事实。与not less than相对。

①He has no more than 20 yuan.他只有20元钱。(强调钱“少”)

He has not more than 20 yuan.他有不到20元钱。(说明客观事实)

②No less than 50 people attended the meeting.参加会议的人不少于50多个。(强调“多”)

Not less than 50 people attended the meeting.参加会议的有50多人。(说明客观事实)


①you are no taller than I.你并不比我高。(我们两人都矮)

you are not taller than I.你不如我高。

②This question is no more diffcult than that one.这个问题并水比那个(容易的)问题难。

This question is not more diffcult than that one.这个问题不如那个问题难。

5.In 1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected president….1860年林肯被选为总统。


6.suggest vt.建议;提议。有三种常用句式(但不能说suggest sb.to do sth.)。

(1)suggest sth.

①Who suggested the plan?谁提出的这项计划?

②She suggested Shanghai for their meeting.他提议在上海会面。

(2)suggest doing sth.(不能接不定式)

①He suggested going for a swim in the river after lunch.他提议午饭后去河里游泳。

②I suggest talking with him as soon as possible.我建议尽快和他谈。

(3)suggest than……此时的宾语从句通常用虚拟语气,即谓语用“should+原形”,should可以省略。

①I suggested (that)Jane(should)start at once.我建议简马上出发。

②I suggested Jack not wear the sweater.我建议杰克不要穿背心。

③We suggested he be punished.我们提议惩罚他。


①The smile on her face suggested she was very happy.脸上的微笑说明她很高兴。

②His silence suggested that he didn’t agree with us.沉默不语表明他不同意我们的意见。


①Why don’t you do sth.……?你怎不……?

②Why not do sth.?(上句的省略)为什么不……?

③You’d better do sth.你最好是……。


①Why don’t you ask them to help you?你怎么不叫他们帮助你呢?

②Why not/don’t you go for a walk with them?为什么不和他们一块去散步呢?

③You’d better go to see a doctor this afternoon.你最好下午去看医生。

8.What do you think I should do?你认为我该怎么办?

其中的do you think看作插入语,相当于what should I do,do you think?

①I think Tom is the best student in our class.我认为汤姆是我们班最好的学生。划线Tom 提问则得:Who do you think is the best student in our class?你认为谁是我们最好的学生?

(不能说:Do you think who is the best student in our class?)

②What do you think is going to happen next?你认为下一步要发生什么事。

③Which way do you think is better?你认为哪个方法较好呢?


题1(上海 2000)

-Excuse me,may I ask you some questions?

-Sorry.I’m too busy and haven’t even a minute to______.

A.spend B.spare C.share D.stop


题2(NMET 1993)

Charles Babbage is generally considered_______ the first computer.

A.to invent B.inventing

C.to have invented D.having invented

分析:C。is considered to(=is thought to...)被认为……,句中的consider不作“考虑”讲,所以排除B,D两选项。Invent的动作发生在过去,即is considered之前,所以应用完成时。

题3(NMET 2000)

It was an exciting moment for these tooball fans this year,______for the first time in years their team won the world cup.

A.that B.while C.which D.when

分析:D。分析该题句子结构可以看到前后句意完整,而后句意为“数年里是今年头次赢得世界杯”。this year在后句中作状语,所有应选择表时间的关系副词when。

题4(上海 2000)

Our English teacher______our buying a good English-Chinese dictionary.

A.asked B.ordered C.suggested D.required


题5 Readers can_______ quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word.

A.get over B.get in C.get along D.get through

分析:C。get over difficulty 克服困难;get in(= arrive)进入、到达;get along(=make progress)进展、进行;get through完成、通过。从题意及这四个动词短语的意义可知,正确答案为C。

题6 Most of the artists_______to the party were from South Africa.

A.invited B.to invite

C.being invited D.had been invited

分析:A。句子的谓语部分为“were from South Africa”;invite作后置定语,修饰the artists,且表被动。因invite为终止性动作动词,故应选择A。

题7 (NMET 2002)

It is said in Australia there is more land than the government knows ________.

A.it what to do with B.what to do it with

C.what to do with it D.to do what with it

分析:C。该题考查“疑问句+不定式”短语用法,动词短语do with,多与what连用构成特殊疑问,What do you do with it?其中it作介词with的宾语,do也是一个及物动词,它的宾语就是疑问词what引导的从句。在本题是what to do with it 作knows的宾语。

题8 (NMET )

-Alice ,why didn’t you come yesterday?

-I_______, but I had an unexpected visitor.

A.had B.would C.was going to D.did





1.smooth A.football B.food C.shook D.good

2.shadow A.dowm B.town C.flower D.borrow

3.spread A.break B.meant C.breathe D.clean

4.bucket A.pull B.brush C.busy D.duty

5.fierce A.friend B.science C.beard D.diary


6. I don’t think these workers are enough for the job.We need_______.

A.many more others B.five more C.another many D.more other

7. _______I live,I’ll study.

A.As far as B.As early as C.As good as D.As long as

8. There stands a board_______“Keep off the grass.”

A.that writes B.reads C.says D.reading

9. We have to_______a hole in the wall for electric wires_______a drill.

A.make;by B.drill;with C.do;using D.dig;in

10. A notice was placed by the thin ice,_______people_______.

A.warned;keep away B.warning;to keep off

C.to warn;to keep out D.warn;to keep up

11. They agreed to buy the house as_______.

A.it is B.they C.is it D.it were

12. She sings_______she walks along.

A.when B.while C.as D.whenever

13. This form_______wrongly,do you know?

A.has been filled in B.filled in C.filled up D.fills up

14. Since 1980 Beijing_______a new look everywhere.

A.took on B.takes on C.has taken on D.takes over

15. My watch is nowhere_______.

A.to find B.to be found C.being found D.finding

16. She is_______a teacher to children.She is also a friend of theirs.

A.rather than B.other than C.more than D.less than

17. -He is always careless.

-So he_______careful this time.

A.is being B.is C.will be D.was

18. The school buildings are in a bad_______of repair.

A.situation B.form C.shape D.state

19. The teacher_______the examination papers right now.

A.was handing out B.is handing out

C.handed outD.is handing in

20. They_______forever_______us for money to rebuild the temple.

A.are;asking B.have;asked C.are;asked D.were;asked

21. Get something to eat,he_______be hungry now.

A.can B.ought to C.can’t D.seems

22. He raised his arm_______his face from the blow.

A.to protect B.to stop C.to keep D.defending

23. -Mr Smith has been to Shanghai several times.

-He has done_______business there.

A.masses of B.a number of C.lots D.a few

24. We all hope that such bad weather won’t_______long.

A.keep B.last C.go D.continue

25. -_______?

-Worse than before.

A.How is a thing B.How is the thing

C.How are things D.How are the things



26 the past hundred years,the railway,the car,the radio,the cinema,and now the TV,have produced very great 27 in the amusements(娱乐活动)with which people pass their 28 time.

A 29 years ago,people were in the habit(习惯)of making 30 amusements.When a group of people 31 together,they talked,played cards or 32 games,read aloud to each other,or went 33 riding,shooting or walking.Most people could sing 34 ,or play the piano,so at a party the guest amused 35 .Above all,conversation(聊天)was an art:amusing conversation could 36 people happy for hours.

As for games 37 football and tennis,people were also in the habit of playing 38 themselves.Most of them did not play very well,but they 39 themselves and their friends.Nowadays we are amused 40 professional(专业的)singers or players. 41 listen to your friends 42 when you can hear the great singers of the world 43 the radio or on TV? Why play football with players who 44 very good at it when you can see some of the best players playing an important match? You may just sit comfortably 45 and watch the game 46 the trouble of going outside.

The art of conversation and the habit of playing and singing are 47 :people are becoming more and more lookers and listeners,and 48 doers and talkers.This change does people 49 ;it is better to do something not very well oneself than 50 to sit and watch others doing it.

26.A.On B.At C.After D.During

27.A.singer B.pleasure C.changes D.danger

28.A.busy B.free C.work D.day

29.A.hundred B.thousand C.century D.few

30.A.themselves B.them C.their own D.theirs

31.A.come B.put C.got D.worked

32.A.other B.the other C.another D.else

33.A.out B.on C.inside D.to

34.A.little B.a little C.lot D.a lot

35.A.them B.each other C.others D.each one

36.A.made B.bring C.let D.keep

37.A.such B.for example C.like D.for

38.A.it B.them C.that D.ones

39.A.enjoy B.amused C.play D.played with

40.A.of B.by C.in D.on

41.A.Why B.Why not C.What about D.How about

42.A.saying B.talking C.playing D.singing

43.A.from B.in C.by D.over

44.A.is not B.are not C.is D.are

45.A.at home B.at a cinema C.at school D.at a stadium

46.A.with B.in C.within D.without

47.A.disappeared B.growing C.died D.dying

48.A.much B.little C.more D.less

49.A.more good than harm B.neither good nor harm

C.more harm than good D.either harm or good

50.A.sometimes B.usualy C.always D.never




A passenger was looking everywhere for his ticket because the conductor was coming to punch(剪)the ticket.He was looking for it in all the pockets of his trousers.To the passengers’surprise,they saw that he had the ticket in his mouth.The conductor quickly pulled the ticket out of his mouth,punched it and gave it back to him.When the conductor moved on,the passenger’s friend said,“I’m sure you felt foolish just now,sitting there looking everywhere for your ticket when it was right in your mouth all the time.”

“Foolish!”answer the passenger.“I was chewing(嚼)the date off.”

51. The passenger_______.

A.lost his ticket,of course

B.din’t buy a ticket for the trip

C.was looking for a lost ticket

D.didn’t remember where he had put his ticket

52. A.The other passengers would laugh because_______.

A.the passenger lost his ticket

B.the passenger was chewing the ticket

C.they saw that the passenger had the ticket in his mouth

D.the passenger had no ticket

53. The conductor_______.

A.didn’t know why he was looking for his ticket

B.knew why he was looking for the ticket

C.didn’t know he had lost his ticket

D.knew he had no money for a ticket

54. The conductor_______.

A.knew why the man put the ticket in his mouth

B.thought the man had forgotten that the ticket was in his mouth

C.knew the man was chewing the ticket

D.thought the man was too busy

55. The best title for the story is_______.

A.Foolish Passenger B.Clever Conductor

C.Ticket Without Date D.Eating Ticket


Which would you rather be? A mathematician or an author(作家)? Perhaps you will never be faced with this kind of choice.Lewis Carroll was both a mathematician and an author.He was a lecturer in mathematics at Oxford University.But he is better known as the author of two of the most famous children’s books that have ever been written:Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass.

Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865,when its author was 33 years old,it was followed by Through the Looking-Glass in 1871.Both books were written for a real girl called Alice,but they have been read by millions of children since they were first published.These stories are about a dream world in which Alice meets strange creatures adn has interesting adventures(冒险).I’m sure you know this already,but if you don’t,you had better read the stories yourselves.

56. The writer of this passage thinks that_______.

A.most people can’t decide which they would be

B.most people will never have to make this kind of choice

C.a mathematician can’t be a writer

D.a writer can’t be a mathematician

57. According to this passage,_______.

A.Lewis was a better author than a mathematician

B.Lewis was a better mathematician than an author

C.two of his books made Lewis famous

D.teaching mathematics made Lewis famous

58. Two of Lewis’ books were_______.

A.the most famous books in the world.

B.the most famous books for children in the world.

C.among the most famous children’s books.

D.much more famous than the books he wrote in his thirties.

59. Through the Looking-Glass was published_______.

A.in 1865 when Lewis was at the age of 33

B.in 1871 when Lewis was at the age of 39

C.in 1865 when Lewis was at the age of 39

D.in 1871 when Lewis was at the age of 33

60. Which of the following is true?_______.

A.The stories in the two books come from real life

B.Alice really had those dreams

C.The stories are really Alice’s adventures

D.Alice was a real girl


Son:Dad,why is the population problem the greatest one of the world?

Father:Look at my watch for just one minute.During that time 174 babies were born in

the world.

Son:174 babies?

Father:Yes,maybe you think the figure(数字)is too small.But so it goes,in one day

people have to feed(喂养)about 250,000 mouths more.

Son:My God!

Father:Just think how many more there will be in one year or in a hundred years? In

fact,1,000 years ago,the world’s population was very small.For several thousand years it grew quite slowly.But during the last three or four hundred years it has grown very quickly.Today it’s still growing faster than ever before.

Son:What does it mean,dad?

Father:This means we should grow more food,and have smaller families with fewer,but

healthier children and we must do it or the results will be very bad.A UN report says the world’s population will pass six billion by the end of this centruy.In about six centuries there will be standing room only on the earth.

Son:Oh,I see.There’s only child in my family.

61. How many babies in a second will be born in the world?_______.

A.One B.Two C.About three C.About four

62. When did the world’s population begin to grow very quickly?

A.Ten thousand years ago. B.Several thousand years ago.

C.Three or four centuries ago. D.At the end of this century.

63. With the growing of the world’s population,what shall we do?_______.

A.We must grow more food only B.We must have families with fewer children.

C.We must look for the new land D.We must kill for the new land.

64. What does it mean about“standing room only”?

A.“No enough space even to stand” B.“A room only for standing”

C.“Space only for anyone else” D.“Space only for standing”

65. Which is the right diagram(图表)about the world’s population?


(China Daily March 3,1998)The biggest shopping centre will open on March 8.Everybody with today’s China Daily will get a small present that day.You are welcome.Telephone:38990688,Address:No,6 Xidan Road…

(ENGLISH NEWSPAPER,March 19)English Newspaper needs a foreign editor.He(She)must have been worked in China for more than two years.British nationlity is necessary.The salary(薪水)is 100,000 yuan a year.The term is 3 years.In ten days this piece of advertisement will not be useful.Telephone:3890666;Address:No.6 Xinling Road

(CHINA FOOTBALL,February 3,1998)

Shanghai Shenhua Team vs Beijing Guo’an Team

TIME:February 8, Sunday (3:00)

PLACE:Hongkou Stadium

TICKET PRICE:RMB 25 yuan(for adults)

RMB 15 yuan(for students)

NAME:China Cup Football Contest

COACHES:Xu Gengbao,Jin Zhiyang…

66. If the customers have a China Daily of March 3,1998,he(she)will get a small present_______.

A.every day ?

篇3:Unit 13 The mystery of the Moonstone 教案、学案(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)


1. Fill in the blanks with the missing words

Dialogue 1:

Conversation during dinner between Rachel and an older male guest.

M=male guest R=Rachel

M: Miss Verinder, my congratulations to you on your birthday gift. The diamond is beautiful and it looks very pretty on your dress.

R: Thank you. It is lovely, isn’t it?

M: Yes, but may I give you some advice? If you go to India, do not take your diamond.

R: Why not?

M: You know that it came from India. Well, many people in that country would like to have it back and they would do anything to get it---even kill someone . You must be very careful of your safety, even in England. I suggest you put it into a safe at the bank and do not wear it.

R: But it seems a pity to lock it away where nobody can see it. I want to show it to everyone!

Dialogue 2:

Conversation between Rosanna and another female servant during the service of dinner.

R=Rosanna S=Servant

R:(dreamily to herself) And he has such lovely rich brown hair---

(Sound of plates clattering)

S: Rosanna, pay attention ! What ‘s the matter with you tonight? Why do you keep looking at Mr Blake?

R: Oh, I can’t help it!

S: Rosanna, listen to me . You must stop dreaming .It is no good falling in love with Mr Blake. You are a servant girl and he could never marry you. Besides he seems to be very fond of Rachel.

R: I know and she is so beautiful, buy maybe---

S: (sternly) No, is can never happen. You must face the truth. Now go and get the meat from the cook---

Dialogue 3:

Conversation during dinner between Franklin and Mr Candy.

F=Franklin C=Mr Candy

F: I gave up smoking last week, but since I stopped I haven’t been able to sleep.

C: Ah, yes. Well, allow me to recommend a medicine that can make you fall asleep, Mr Blake.

F: Ha! You doctors ! Most of the time you just guess which medicine to use.

C: (Angry) Sir, you are talking about my profession!

F: Profession? No, you medical people are not professionals; you don’t really know what you are doing. You cannot help me. I must just wait until get better.

C: (Very angry but trying to control it) You are wrong, Mr Blake. You are making a mistake. You should go to see a doctor.

2. Listen to the three dialogues and answer questions A and B in the following chart.

3. In each dialogue one person gives a piece of advice. Listen to each dialogue again and answer question C.

Dialogue 1 Dialogue 2 Dialogue 3

A Which people in the picture are talking? Rachel and a male dinner guest, pictured as an older man with beard. Rosanna ( a younger female servant) and an older female servant . Both on the far right of the picture. Two male guests at the party. One is Franklin Blake (brown coat and blue bow tie), the other is a doctor (gray coat and glasses)Both in the foreground of the picture.

B What are they talking about? Rachel’s diamond , a gift for her birthday. Rosanna’s feelings of love for a man at the party (Mr Franklin Blake). Franklin Blake’s trouble sleeping since he gave up smoking and his opinion of doctors.

C What advice is given ? Don’t take the diamond to India, be careful about safety , put it in a safe box at the bank. Stop dreaming . He could not marry Rosanna because she is a servant . He also seems to have feelings for Rachel. Go to see a doctor and get some medicine.


Brief introduction:

Wilkie Collins was born into an artist’s family in 1824 and died in 1889.In his lifetime, he wrote 25 novels, more than 50 short stories, at least 15 plays. Wilkie Collins was a close friend of Charles Dickens’. He was a superstar of Victorian fiction. Now he is also being given critical and popular attention. His detective stories are famous for the unexpected suspense. His novel The Moonstone is considered as the first detective story in the history of England.

1.Find the characters mentioned in the text and pay attention to the relationships between them

Sergeant Cuff(A detective)

An Englishman(stole the Moonstone)---Rachel’s uncle

The strange Indians(entertain the guests)---appear at the Rachel’s party

Rosanna----Rachel’s maid

Franklin----Rachel’s childhood friend

Dr. Candy(A local doctor----quarrel with Frankin

Godfrey(A guest of the party)---Rachel’s admirer

2.Main ideas of the four parts:

Part one(para 1):The Moonstone, stolen from India, was to be left to Rachel as an act of revenge.

Part two(para 2---5):From the moment Rachel fastened the diamond to her dress, strange things began to happen. The diamond then was gone.

Par three(para6---9):Sergeant Cuff suspected many people for different reasons.

Par four(para 10):Sergeant Cuff has one vital clue: a smear in the wet paint on the door of Rachel’s sitting room.

3.True or false statements:

( F )1.The story really began in 1848 in England.

( F )2.Rachel’s uncle left the diamond to her because he liked her.

( T )3.The diamond was cursed and the man who stole the diamond would live a sad and lonely life.

( F )4.Godfrey was Rachel’s childhood friend and he painted the door for her.

(.T )5.Franklin had an argument with Dr Candy.

( F )6.Godfrey was an elegant and successful bachelor with many lady admirers. He asked Rachel to marry him ,and she accepted.

( F )7.Some Indian entertainers were very skilled and behaved strangely.

( F )8.The servant Rosanna was very fond of Godfrey.

( T )9.At the end of the party everyone left except for Franklin and Godfrey.

( T )10.The Moonstone was gone the next morning.

( F )11.Sergeant Cuff only suspected Indians.

( T )12.Sergeant Cuff had one vital clue.


The Moonstone is a huge yellow __________that was once part of a _________of the moon god in India. An Englishman, after __________three holy men, _______the diamond and brought it back to London. His sister was angry with him about his act. The man, in an act of _________left the Moonstone to his sister’s _________Rachel , a beautiful and __________young lady, intending to pass on his bad _________to her. And Rachel would receive the Moonstone on her ____________birthday.

From the moment Rachel ________the diamond

to her dress, many unhappy and strange things

___________ at the party. At the end of the party, all the guests left except for _________and ________. The following morning Rachel found the _________ was gone. Her mother _________ the famous detective Sergeant Cuff to investigate the . As the story , the detective discovered some________ about the people in the house that night, and the why they might have stolen the diamond. He even Rachel and Franklin. Finally, however, he found a ______ in the wet paint on the door of Rachel’s sitting room that was not there during the party. He thought it was a ________clue.

(Keys: Diamond, statue, murdering ,stole, revenge, daughter, wealthy, fortune, eighteenth, fastened, happened, Franklin ,Godfrey, diamond, hired, theft, developed, secrets, reasons, suspected, smear, vital)

Integrating skills:

1. Who did the detective suspect?

He suspected Rachel had stolen her own diamond with Rosanna’s assistance. He thought that Rosanna has hidden Rachel’s paint-stained garment and made a new one to replace it. Later on he started to suspect Godfrey when he heard that Rachel broke off their engagement and he had been attacked by Indians.

2. Why didn’t Rachel answer Sergeant Cuff’s questions?

Rachel did not answer because she had seen Franklin take the diamond and didn’t want him to be caught.

3. Why didn’t Franklin remember taking the diamond?

Franklin did not remember taking the diamond because Mr Candy had drugged his drink to make him sleep. The opium made him move the diamond without remembering doing so.

4.Sergeant Cuff didn’t find the Moonstone or prove who murdered Godfrey, but the passage gives some clues about who might have done it. Who do you think was guilty? What clues can you find?

It is implied that the Indians were responsible for Godfrey’s murder and the disappearance of the Moonstone.


Godfrey was attacked by Indians in London-perhaps they knew he was the real thief and had the Moonstone.

It was later reported that the Moonstone had returned to the statue of the moon god.

Language points:

1. The novel the Moonstone is set in England in 1848, but the story really began 50 years later.

Set: 设置(书本,戏剧,电影等)背景。如:

The book is set in France in the eighteenth century. 这部书是以18世纪的法国为背景的。

This novel is set in the gold rush. 这部小说是以淘金热为背景的。

Set 其他意思:

He set his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的手上。

Please set the table for dinner. 请摆好餐桌准备就餐。

Have you set the time for the meeting?你们把开会时间定下来了吗?

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起在西方落下。

He set a diamond in a ring. 他把一块宝石镶嵌在戒指上。

2. curse n. 诅咒, 咒语, 祸根, 祸因 vt. 诅咒, 咒骂, 降祸, 使受罪

Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。

It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse. 我们有必要来评断电视到底是福还是祸。

3. an act of revenge报复行为

Act 做动词的用法:

Think before acting. 三思而后行。

The medicine was taken for a long time, but it failed to act. 药已经服了很长时间,但还未见效。

Act 与action 区别:

Action做可数名词时,常与act 同义。 如:

A kind act/action. 仁慈的行为,但act 多指具体的,短时间的行为或行动;action 多指复杂的持续的行为或行动。

在一些固定用法中。 如:an act of cruelty (残忍的行为),an act of war(战争行为) , an act of mercy(仁慈的行为) 等中,不能用action 又如take action (采取行动)也是固定搭配。

4.But from the moment Rachel fastens it to her dress, things start going wrong.

Fasten to 把---系在---

The bookshelf is fastened to the wall. 这个书架是固定在墙壁上的。

When we went to visit her, she was not in. we wrote a note and fastened it to the door. 我们去看她时她不在,我们只好写了张便条钉到门上。

Go wrong 出毛病,不对头 如:

Something has gone wrong with my bike. 我的自行车出了点问题。

The party was going well until Mary arrived, then everything went wrong. Mary 来之前晚会开的很成功,可后来一切都不对了。

5.as the story develops …

As 意思是“随着”。

As time went by, he began to realize that he should have studied hard. 随着时间的推移,她开始意识到他本该好好学习的。

As 其他用法(作为连词)


He doesn’t like skating as much as he used to. 他不象以前那么喜欢滑冰了。


I have told the story just as it happened. 我已如实讲了这件事。


As you object, I’ll reconsider the plan. 既然你反对,我就重新考虑一下这个计划。


Much as I like the book, I can’t afford to buy it. 尽管我很喜欢这本书,可我买不起。

6.to …degree达到---的程度

He was interested in his work to such a degree that he thought about nothing else. 他对工作如此感兴趣,以致于他从来不想别的事情。

To a certain degree he likes his job. 在某种程度上他喜欢他的工作。

7.guilty 惭愧(about),有过失的,有罪责的(of)

I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. 我因没有常去看望父母而感到内疚。

John had a guilty look on his face. John脸上显出惭愧的表情。

8. resist 抵制,阻挡

The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.银行强烈反对降低利率。


He couldn’t resist showing off his new car.他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。

9.stainvt. 沾污,染污,染色,玷污,败坏。n. 污点,污渍

The juice from the berries stained their fingers red. 浆果汁把他们的手指染成了红色。

Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope. 先把标本染成红色,再放到显微镜下观察。

10. convince 说服,,使确信,使相信~ sb / yourself (of sth)

You’ll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到工作。

I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor.我一直劝他去看病。

引申:convincing: 令人信服的,有说服力的

a convincing argument / explanation / case 有说服力的论点/解释/事例

She sounded very convincing to me.我觉得她的话很有说服力。

Convinced 坚信,确信(~ (of sth / that ... )

I am convinced of her innocence. 我坚信她清白无辜。

11. assume 假定,假设,(呈现。。。的样子,假装)

Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱们假设计划成功。

It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。

I had assumed him to be a Belgian.我本以为他是比利时人。

12. meanwhile adv./n. 同时,其间,(两方面)对比之下

Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects.压力对你的健康非常有害,而锻炼会减少这种害处。

in the meanwhile在此其间,与此同时

I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry. 我希望最终能上医学院,这其间我打算学化学。

13.In all my years as a detective, I have never heard of a thief having such a loss of memory.

这里a thief having …是动名词的复合结构。


Victor apologized for ___ to inform me of the change in the plan.

A his being not able B him not to be able C his not being able D him to be not able


14. accuse 控告,谴责~ sb (of sth)

to accuse sb of murder / theft She accused him of lying.

The government was accused of incompetence

15.desperate 冒险的,绝望的

The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.

非常需要,渴望~ (for sth)| ~ (to do sth)

He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything.

I was absolutely desperate to see her.

16.nothing but to do


Sandy could do nothing but ___ to his teacher that he was wrong.

A admit B admitted C admitting D to admit 答案是A

17.While 用法

while 表示让步,通常位于句首,意思是“尽管;虽然”。

While I agree with your reasons, I can’t allow it. 尽管我同意你的理由,但我不允许你这样做。

While he loves his students, he is very strict with them. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对学生们很严格。

While 其他用法归纳如下:


如:Mary watched TV while she ate her supper. 玛丽边吃饭边看电视。

While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep. 她听着收音机睡着了。

2)表示对比或转折,意思是“而,然而”。此时,while 一般谓语句中。 如:

Some people waste food while others haven’t enough. 有人浪费粮食,而有人却吃不饱。


I do every single bit of housework ____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.

A since B while C when D as 答案是B.


1. 报复行为an act of revenge

2. 把---系在--- fasten--- to

3. 出毛病,不对头go wrong

4. 达到---的程度to …degree

5. 过着忧郁,孤独的生活live a sad, lonely life

6. 对---很体贴be considerate towards sb.

7. 戒烟quit smoking

8. 爱上某人be in love with sb.

9. ---不见了 Sth. is gone

10. 等待时机wait for an opportunity

11. 忙于---be busy doing sth.

12. 制造---和---的矛盾cause a disagreement between---and---

13. 喜爱be fond of---

14. 使---摆脱困境keep sb. out of trouble

15. 即使even though

16. 高兴地做某事be delighted to do sth.

17. 改变想法change one’s mind

18. 尴尬地去做---be embarrassed to do

19. 别无选择have no choice but to do

20. 犯罪committee the crime

篇4:unit 15 reading(人教版高二英语下册学案设计)

Teaching aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and expressions

(every now and then, phenomenon, Brazil, downtown, commercial, get tired of, avenue, altitude)

2. Train the reading ability

3. Get the students to learn about some big cities in the world.

Teaching procedures:

Step 1. Leading-in:

旾f you were offered a free ticket and a-week holiday, where do you want to go?

昗hy do you want to be there?

昗hat kind of things attracts you most? The people? Food? Beautiful scenery? Or something else?

昗hat does a tourist need to know about the chosen destination before going there?

Step 2

The text in this unit will lead us to two world famous resorts------Rio de Janeiro and Kitzbuhel.

Fast reading:

Q1: Of the two places introduced, which is a summer resort to us, and which is a winter resort?

Rio de Janeiro /summer; Kitzbuhel/winter

Q2: What is Carnival in Rio de Janeiro?

Carnival is a four-day festival to celebrate the sun.

Q3: Where is Alps?

Alps stands around Kitzbuhel in southern Austria, in Europe.

Listen to the tape and then fill in the blanks:

Para 1 Wanderlust: the phenomenon that people urge/ itch to travel

Rio de Janeir

(Para 2-3) Location: along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil in

People: Cariocas: big hearts/friendliness

The best way to see the downtown: on foot

Attractions: Carnival, beautiful beaches,

modern malls, theme parks, downtown Rio


(Para 6-8) Location: in southern Austria

What can tourists do in Kitzbuhel?

go skiing; try easier downhill slopes; watch downhill race;

enjoy a variety of entertainment; take a walk around

What kind of place is Kitzbuhel?

a paradise for skiers / a world-class ski resort

with good weather and breath-taking scenery;

a lively mix of old village culture and the excitement of an international tourist area

Further reading:

Multiple choices:

1. Which of the following is right according to the passage about Rio de Janeiro? D

A. the altitude of Kitzbuhel brings much snow every year.

B. Cop caba馻 was built two hundred years ago.

C. An exhibition in Rio gives you a history lesson and shows you an adventure.

D. Rio is a commercial city with many malls and beautiful beaches.

2. From the text mentioned we can imagine carnival, the four-day festival, is all loved by ____ there. C

A the people who are working and playing

B. the poor people who are living there

C. the people who are at home and from abroad

3. Rio de Janeiro is the _____city _____ in Brazil. C

A. third largest; with its industry

B. second largest; with its faming

C. second largest; with its tourism

4. All of the following except _______ attracts visitors in Rio. B

A. theme parks

B. the princess of the country

C. old building and churches

D. Carnival, a four-day festival

5. What does 揂 walk through downtown is a history lesson?mean?

A. You can learn a lot by walking through downtown of Rio.

B. you can have a history lesson in the downtown.

C. you can see many historical pictures here.

6. What does the expression ?a feast for the eyes?(Para. 8) mean? B

A. make your eyes tired

B. have a lot of pleasant things to look at

C. enjoy some very delicious food

D. A religion festival

7. What does ?Should you have enough energy left?(Para. 8) mean? C

A. Do you have enough energy

B. You must feel tired

C. If you are not tired

D. You need to take enough food


HOW do you understand the following setences?

1. Leave nothing behind you but your footprints;

Take nothing away with you but your good memories!

2. The world is like a book, if you stay at home instead of traveling, it means that you just stare at one page of a book.

篇5:09届高三英语语法复习(一) 学案设计(人教版英语高三)

定 语 从 句


在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词或关系副词,关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as,关系副词有when, where, why.


who 指人,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

whom 指人,在从句中作宾语

whose 指人或物,在从句中作定语

that 指人或物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

which 指物,在从句中作主语或宾语

as 指人、物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语

where 指地点,在从句中作地点状语

why 指原因,在从句中作原因状语

(1)The man (whom /who/that) my mother saw in the street is my teacher.

(2)The book which/ that tells us about the earth is interesting.

(3)She lives in a house whose windows faces south.

(4)Do you know the boy whose father is an English teacher?

(5)I have never heard such stories as he tells.

(6)I’ll never forget the day when /on which I joined the army.

(7)I won’t forget the factory where / in which my father worked.

(8)Tell me the reason why you came late.


1、当先行词是不定代词all,little, few, much, anything , everything, none, nothing, no one, some等时。

He did everything that he could to help us.

2、先行词被all, every, no , some, any , little, much, the only, the very, the right, last , few , just 等修饰时。

The only thing that we can do is to give you some advice.



This is the most interesting film that I’ve ever seen.

4、当先行时前有such 或the same修饰时,先行词和关系代词指同一物时。

She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.


Later they talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.


Who is the boy that won the gold medal?

7、在同一个句子里,若有两个定语从句,其中一个关系词已用了which, 另一个宜用that.

Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.


China is no longer the country that it used to be.


He wants to join the team that won the game.


I don’t like the way (that) he talks to me.



Bruce went toward the fire, which was still smoking.


This is the house in which Lu Xun lived.


What’s that which flashed in the sky just now?


Here is the English grammar book which, as I’ve told you, will help improve your English.

5、which 用作表语,指人时,一般指从事某种职业或是有某种特性、品质或才能的人。

He is an engineer, which I am not。

关系代as:在限制性定语从句中用在such, the same, as, so之后,as引导的定语从句常采用省略形式。

I have the same book as you(have).

Take as many as you want.

Here is so big a stone as no man can lift.

This is such a book as was given to me.



Have you received the book (that) I sent you last week?


Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.


This is the artist (whom) I spoke to you about.




This is the child (whom / who/ that) she is looking after.


The man (whom/ who/ that) I spoke to is a friend of mine.

The man to whom I spoke is a friend of mine.


In front of, on top of ,at the foot of, with the help of, as a result of.

We stand in a building in front of which stands a lab.

We arrived at a hill, on top of which stood a tower.

4、代词/数词+of +关系代词

He has written many books, most of which are fo可以修饰名词、


I live in Beijing where my parents worked ten years ago.

His sister, who works in WuHan , is coming to see him tomorrow.

as 引导非限制性定语从句与which 的区别

1、用于非限制性定语从句时,可以指代整个主句的内容,as 和which 可以换用。

He left her, as/ which was strange.

2、as 姻骶涞墓叵凳分密切,不可用逗号隔开,在口语中前后没有停顿?br>He is the man whose father died last week.

That is the reason why I didn’t open the door.



I live in Beijing where my parents worked ten years ago.

His sister, who works in WuHan , is coming to see him tomorrow.

as 引导非限制性定语从句与which 的区别

1、用于非限制性定语从句时,可以指代整个主句的内容,as 和which 可以换用。

He left her, as/ which was strange.

2、as 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句可置于句首,句中和句尾。

As everyone knows, Tom is good at English.

The earth, as we know, moves round the sun.

3、非限制性定语从句中谓语为被动时,常用as 作主语。

as is said/ known/ announced/ reported/ mentioned/ expected/ disused等。

As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.

4、as引导非限秩荩从句意思可与主句相反,即从句为否定式或带否定前缀的形容词?br>He can write a letter in English, which I cannot.

He was married again, which was unexpected.


1、(1)是用the one还是用that , which, where.

(2)Is this school _______ you study in?

(3)Is this the school ______ you study in?

(4)Is this the school _______ you study?

(5)Is this school ______ is a senior one?

A. that/which B. where C. the one

D. the one where E. C9在句中或句尾。

The football match, which I watched yesterday, is very interesting.

7、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句的谓语带有宾语,有的还带宾语补足语。

After that things improved, which astonished me.

Water changes into steam, which is known to be a physical change.

8、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句意思可与主句相反,即从句为否定式或带否定前缀的形容词。

He can write a letter in English, which I cannot.

He was married again, which was unexpected.


1、(1)是用the one还是用that , which, where.

(2)Is this school _______ you study in?

(3)Is this the school ______ you study in?

(4)Is this the school _______ you study?

(5)Is this school ______ is a senior one?

A. that/which B. where C. the one

D. the one where E. the one that / which

遇到这类句子,先将其变成肯定句,再看主句是否缺少表语。若缺表语,则必须用the one的形式,接着再看the one在从句中作什么成分,若作状语,则必须用the one where,若作主语或宾语时,则用the one (that/ which)

2、是用when还是用that, which

(1)May 1 is the day ______ we spent toge I met you.



He is such a kind person as everybody likes.

He is such a kind person that everybody likes him.

(3)定语从句与同位语从句的区别主要是看连接词是否在从句中作成分,作成分的是定雨Dthat, 若整个句子结构和意义不受影响,则为强调结构,否则为定语从句。



You should leave the toy where you can find.

I still remember the bus stop where / at which I met you.



He is such a kind person as everybody likes.

He is such a kind person that everybody likes him.


The news that he had been back surprised us all.

The mews (that) he told us surprised us all.

5、way 后面的定语从句(用that/ in which 或省略)

Please tell me the way (that/ in which) you did the job.



1. He lent me a thousand dollars, ___9 C. Anyone who D. The one

4. I’ll remember the time _____ we spent together in the country.

A. that B. when C. during which D. at which

5. Only those ______ knew well could be let in.

A. that B. he C. who D. which

6. The result of the experiment was very good, _____ we hadn’t expected.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

7. _____is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

A. Which B. When C. What D. As

8. The book, _____ the cover is broken, is not mine.

A. of it B. of which C. for which D. whose

9. Who _____ has seen the TV film doesn’t admire it?

A. that B. who C. which%0_____ they say is a gome.

9. Compared to _________ the girl is now today, she showed no confidence then especially in front of the public.

10. Hope Project got another donation of one million yuan with ________ to assist more poor children back to school.


1. Do you still remember the chicken farm ________ we visited three months ago?

A. where B. when C. that D. what

2. He keeps a record of everything ________ he had seen there.

A. where B. that C. which D. what

3._____ breaks the rules should be punished.

A. Those who B. Who C. Anyone who D. The one

4. I’ll remember the time _____ we spent together in the country.

A. that B. when C. during which D. at which

5. Only those ______ knew well could be let in.

A. that B. he C. who D. which

6. The result of the experiment was very good, _____ we hadn’t expected.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

7. _____is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

A. Which B. When C. What D. As

8. The book, _____ the cover is broken, is not mine.

A. of it B. of which C. for which D. whose

9. Who _____ has seen the TV film doesn’t admire it?

A. that B. who C. which D. as

10. It’s a matter of _____ would take the position.

A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever

11. I don’t like the way _____ he looks at me .

A. in that B. which C. of which D. /

12. The thought of going back home was ____ kept him happy while he was working abroad.

A. that B. all that C all what .D. which

13. The village has developed a lot _____ we learned farming two years ago.

A. when B. on which C. that D. where

14. I don’t know the number of people ______ this happens is very large.

A. whom B.to whom C. of which D. which

15.-where did you get to know her?

-It was on the farm _____ we worked.

A. that B. there C.which D. where

16. The students in Tianjin are using the same teaching books _____ we are now using.

A. whose B. as C. which D. that

17. . It was twelve o’clock _____ they arrived home.

A. since B. which C. that D. when

18. I think you have got to the point ______ a change is needed, otherwise you’ll fail.

A. when B. that C. where D. which

19. The meeting was put off, ______ was exactly _____ we wanted.

A. it, that B. as, that C. which, what D. this , what

20. I will hire the man ______ they say is a good English speaker.

A. who B. that C. which D. whom

21. The brave man, ______ the tiger was shot, is a good hunter.

A. of whom B. by that C. by whom D. by which

22. The old lady, ______ had been killed in the war , was given help by the local government.

A. all whose children B. all of whose children

C. whose all the children D. all of her children

23. The book was written in 1946 , ______ the education system has witnessed great changes.

A. when B. during which C. since then D. since when

24. The village _____ we see today is no longer _____ it was a decade ago.

A. that, that B. which, how C. /, what D. what, which

25. . My hometown is no longer the one ____ she used to be.

A. whom B. that C. who D. which

26. I don’t know the reason _____ you were absent from the meeting , but I am sure that someone will tell me the reason ______ you haven’t told me.

A. why, that B. that, why C. because, which D. of which, that

27. Many old people like to live _____ there are many trees and flowers.

A. in which B. in that C. which D. where

28. The bike ______ I spent 400 yuan has been stolen.

A. in which B. on which C. for it D. which

29 Some pictures of the river brought the days back to the day _____ they swam in it.

A. that B. who C. where D. when

30.Henry Adams, for ____money was now not a problem, wanted to stay in an expensive hotel.

A. whom B. whose C. his D. which

31. I have many friends, _____ few are businessmen.

A. of them B. from which C. of who D. of whom

32. _____ the house Mr Zhang has been broken into?

A.when was it that B. when has C. Has D. Had

33. He has directed more than 20 films , but only a few of _____ were successful.

A. which B. those C. them D. these

34. There isn’t so much noise in the country _____ in big cities.

A. as B. where C. which D. that

35. Have you asked her for the reason _____ may explain her absence?

A. why B. that C. what D. because that


1. China is a developing country, with Beijing as its capital.

China is a developing country, __________________________.

2. The thief, having been caught slipping into the bank, was arrested by the police.

The thief, __________________________________., was arrested by the police.

3. It is known to us all that light travels faster than sound.

___________________, light travels faster than sound.

4. There are lots of birds flying south for winter every year.

There are lots of birds ____________________________.

5. The Hope School has been set up where a wasteland used to be.

The Hope School has been set up __________________________.

6. That stone is so heavy that no one can remove it away.

That is such a heavy stone ________________________.



which that where(in which) As which

Where whether whose what which





1. China is a developing country, whose capital is Beijing.

2. The thief, who had been caught slipping into the bank, was arrested by the police.

3.As is known to us all, light travels faster than sound.

4. There are lots of birds that fly south for winter every year.

5. The Hope School has been set up in the place which used to be a wasteland.

6. That is such a heavy stone as no one can remove away.

篇6:高二下期unit 15预习学案(人教版高二英语下册学案设计)

I. 词组翻译

(warming up)

1. make complaints and apologies

2. be upset about

3. apologize when necessary ________________________

(Reading--- Destinations)

1. every now and then

2. get/ have the itch to do sth/ for sth

3. feel the urge to do sth

4. be tired of sth

5. cool off

6. a wide variety of

7. a feast for the eyes

8. take a dip in

9. breath-taking scenery___________

(integrating skills in SB)

1. in addition to

2. a must-see for sb

3. explore the lively nightlife ______

4. treat sb to sth ___________________

5. make one’s arrangements for _______________________

6. seasoned travelers

II. 句子翻译, 注意斜黑词汇的功能。


1. A trip to Rio will give you a glimpse of the happy lifestyle of the cariocas ---- the people of Rio-who are known for the big hearts and friendliness.

2. Visitors who get tired of the sand and the sun can cool off in one of the many cafes, shops and restaurants on Copacabana’s main avenue.

3. Downtown Rio is the city’s cultural and historical heart.

4. Even though the altitude of the city and its surrounding Alps is not enough to guarantee snow, the good weather and breath-taking scenery make Kitzbuhel a world-class ski resort.

5. There is no need to worry if you have never skied before.

6。A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes--- a lively mix of old village culture and the excitement of an international tourist area.

(integrating skills in WB)

1.Located just south of Yunnan and Guangxi,Vietnam is within easy reach and offers exciting adventures at a reasonable price.

2. Vietnam treats visitors to all the colors of the rainbow: white beaches, blue seas, green hills and mountain painted red by the setting sun.

III. 汉译英。

1. 春意盎然,不时地(now and then ), 许多人都想(have the itch )出去踏青, 散散心。

2. 厌倦了(be tired of)多年在外的飘泊,这位艺术家想沉醉于(be absorbed in)湖光山色之中,让自己的心冷却(cool off)一段日子。

3. 周末运动后洗个澡(take a dip ),让自己懒(stretch … lazily)在沙发上,来杯淡淡的龙井茶,看着落日(the setting sun),多有畅想。

4. 西博会(the West Lake Expo)上的狂欢节目使杭城老百姓和外来旅游者大饱眼福(a feast for eyes)。

5.去了北京, 长城肯定是许多游客的必游之地(must-see)。

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