定语从句 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

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【简介】感谢网友“Susan”参与投稿,下面是小编收集整理的定语从句 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)(共19篇),供大家参考借鉴,欢迎大家分享。

篇1:名词性从句 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Point out the function of each noun in the following sentences:

1.The world loves nature. (subject,object)

2.Knowledge is power . (subject, predicative)

3.We Chinese are peace-loving.(apposition)


名词性从句在功能上相当于名词名词从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语等





His job is important.What he does is important

This is his job.This is what he does every day

I don’t like his job。 I don’t like what he does every day.

I don’t know about the man, Mr. White I don’t know about the fact that he is Mr.White.

That the earth is round is right.

I want to know whether he comes or not.

Pay attention to what I said.

The reason is that he was late for school.

The fact that he died made us sad.


①主语从句(从句位于动词前作主语)(it 做形式主语放于句首,主从放句末)






At lunchtime, the radio weatherman reported that the mist would become a thick fog in the afternoon.

She wondered if the buses would still be running.

The truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far.

When we will start is not clear.

I had no idea that you were her friend.


连词: that / whether / as if(though);

连接代词: what / who/ which / whose /

whatever / whoever / whomever

/ whichever,

连接副词: where / when / why / how

/ wherever / whenever

Ⅱ句型转换(1.判断主句,从句 2.看主句是否完整,不完整,则用从句补充,若完整则从句代替其中一个成分)

1.They are good doctors. He told us.

He told us that they were good doctors.

2. He hadn’t said anything at the meeting. The fact surprised us.

The fact that he hadn’t said anything at the meeting surprised us.


3.Does your sister get up early? Do you know?

Do you know if/ whether your sister gets up early?

4.Do animals have the same senses as humans? I often wonder.

I often wonder if/ whether animals have the same senses as humans.


5.When did he buy this new bike? Could you tell me?

Could you tell me when he bought this new bike?

6.My question is this: where will the lecture be given?

My question is where the lecture will be given.



1.What we need is more time.

2.What we need are more English dictionaries.

Ⅲ 改错

1.That the earth turns around the sun are known to all.

2.When the meeting will be held haven’t been known yet.

3.I didn’t know that you will come.

4.He said that he is writing a story.

5.Could you tell me when will he arrive?

6.You can begin to see why does English have such strange rules.


连词(除了 as if ,because)

if 引导的主语从句不可居于复合句句首。

Whether he will come on Wednesday is not certain. 不用if

it 做形式主语(由连词 whether , 连接代词 what,who,which 和连接副词 when,where,why,how 等引导.也常常后置:

It’ possible/important/necessary/clear… that……很可能/重要的是…/必要的是…/很清楚…

It’s said/ reported… that..据说/据报道…

It’s announced/declared that..已经通知/宣布…

It seems/appears/happens.. that…显然、明显、碰巧..

It’s no wonder that…并不奇怪/无疑…It’s a pity/a fact /a common knowledge (众所周知)

/ a common saying….(俗话说)

3.主语从句中 ,谓语动词一般用单数What引导的主语从句,可根据表语决定

What he needs _is_ that book.

What he needs _are_ some books

When and where we meet hasn’t been decided.

When we meet and where we meet haven’t been decided.

4主语从句的 “that”不能省。


连词(除了as if ,because)

由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略)

She told me that she would accept my invitation.

I heard that be joined the army.

I am afraid (that) I’ve made a mistake.

注意:that 引导的从句常跟在下列形容词后作宾语:anxious, aware, certain, confident, convinced, determined, glad, proud, surprised, worried, sorry, thankful, ashamed, disappointed, annoyed, pleased, hurt, satisfied, content 等。也可以将此类词后的that 从句的看作原因状语从句。

但是:He told me (that) he would attend the international maths Olympic competition and that he would win the gold medal.

2.Lily wanted to know if /whether her grandma liked the handbag .

Let’s see if /whether we can find out some information about that city .


a. 主语从句

b. 表语从句

c. 同位语从句

d. 介词后的宾语从句

e.后接动词不定式 (whether to do sth.)

f .whether or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if

1. I asked her __________ she had a bike.

3. We’re worried about ________ he is safe.

4. I don’t know ___________ he is well or not.

5. I don’t know ________ or not he is well.

6. I don’t know _______ to go.

3.时态.与主句相呼应: 如果主句是现在的时态 (包括一般现在时 ,现在进行时,现在完成时),从句的时态可根据实际情况而定,(包括一般现在时,一般过 去时,一般将来时,现在完成时等)

I know he lives here .

I know he lived here ten years ago .

I have heard that he will come tomorrow

如果主句是过去的时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时),那么从句的时态一定要用相对应的过去的某种时态(包括一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时, 过去完成时)

I knew who lived here.

I saw she was talking with her mother.

He asked whether his father would come back


He said that he had seen it .


The teacher said that the sun travels around the earth .

4 it 可以作为形式宾语think,believe,find, make, consider, feel

I think it necessary that you should read English aloud.


若主句谓语动词为think, consider, suppose, believe, expect, fancy, guess, imagine等,其后的宾语从句若含有否定意义,一般要把否定词转移到主句谓语上,从句谓语用肯定式。例如:

I don’t think he will come.

表语从句(可用as if ,because)不用if

The question is whether we can rely on him.

That’s because we were in need of money at that time .

He looked as if he was going to cry .

That’s why I was late .

That’s why + 结果

That’s because+原因

He is ill. That’s why he is absent.

He is absent. That’s because he is ill.

同位语从句(不用if ,because, as if)


He gave me a promise that he would buy a new car for me.

I have no idea whether he will come.

That 引导的同位语从句与定从的区别

The fact that he said nothing surprised everyone present.

The fact that he sais surprised everyone present.


定语从句 --定从和前面的名词是所属关系,对名词进行修饰,加以限定

(2) 同位语从句--that 只起连接作用,不作任何成分

定语从句 -- that 是关系代词,起连接作用和充 当宾语和主语





(1)(That the erath is round) is true.(主语从句)


(2)Do you know(where he lives)?(宾语从句)


(3)My opinion is (that you should not go alone) .(表语从句)


(4)I don’t like the idea (that money is everything).(同位语从句)



1、句意不完整→缺连接代词 ①人 who,whoever(主语)


②物 what,whatever(主语、宾语)



(1)缺连接副词 :


(2)缺不作成份的连词 ①有含义:if 、wherther(是否);②无含义:that

篇2:语法复习一:定语从句 学案设计(译林牛津版英语高一)




1) The man who lives next to us is a policeman.[

先行词 关系代词 定语从句

2) You must do everything thatI do.

先行词 关系代词 定语从句





eg. This is the room which I lived in last year.

先行词 关系代词 定语从句

(三):定语从句中有 关系代词 who, whom, whose, which, that, as.

关系副词 when, where, why 等引导定语从句。



关系代词 词行 先行词 充当成分

who 人 主、宾、表

Whom 人 宾

That 人&物 主、宾、表

Which 物 主、宾、表

As 物 主、宾

Whose=of whom\\of which 人&物 定语

关系副词 When=at\\in\\on\\during which 时间 状

Where=at\\in\\to which 地点 状

Why=for which 原因 状

that 在口语中可以代替关系副词 以上三者 状

This is the place where we work.(vi.) (关系词所做的成分关键是有从句中的动词来决定的)

This is the place which we visited. (vt. )

种类 先行词 关联词 例句 说明

句 (人)在从句中做主语或宾语




This is the doctor who saved the boy’s life .


She is the new student whom I want to introduce to you .


Please pass me the book which is lying on the table.


The novel which Tom bought is very interesting.


Can you lend me the magazine about which you talked yesterday?

你能把昨天谈到的那本杂志借给我吗? who在从句中做主语





的 whose The professor whose daughter teaches you English is Dr. Williams


The professor, the daughter of whom teaches you English is Dr. Williams.

The bike whose brake was damaged has now been repaired.


=The bike the brake of which was damaged has now been repaired whose在从句中做定语

指某人的也可以用…of whom代替whose

指物时也可以用…of which 代替 whose

或 that The woman that is playing the piano is Miss Zhang.


I’d like to see the films that are just on show.

我想看那些刚上映的电影。 that指人做主语



先行词 关联词 例 句 说 明

all, little much和some,any every ,no 构成的合成代词



They talked for about an hour of things and persons that they remember in the school.


I’ll tell you all(that )I know about it .


Is there anything (that) I can do for you?


I’ve brought everything (that )you need.


This is the best film that I have seen .


The first place that we’ll visit is Beijing Library.

我们要参观的第一个地方是北京图书馆 先行词分别表示人和物,关系代词要用that,不用who或which

先行词表示物,关系代词用that不用which, 在从句中做宾语可省去 。如果先行词是人时,关系代词不受制约,用that或who (whom)



物 that He is the only person that is believable.


John is the very person that she wants to see.


Who is the man that is talking with Tom ?


Which of the books that you bought is easy to read?

你买的那些书中哪一本容易读。 先行词被the only, the very,the same 等修饰时用关系代词that.


间 when He came at a time when we. needed him most.他在我们最需要的时候来了。

We’ll never forget the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded.

我们永远不会忘记中华人民共和国成立的那一天。 在定语从句中作时间状语

注:先行词是time, minute, moment, next time很少用关系副词when,可用that 但通常省去。

地点 where This is the room where he put up for the night.

这就是他渡过夜晚的那房子。 在定语从句中作地点状语


理由 why I know the reason why she studies so well .

我知道她学习好的原因。 在定语从句中作原因状语

This is the place where work.(vi.) (关系词所做的成分关键是有从句中的动词来决定的)

This is the place which we visited. (vt. )


限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句

从句与先行词的关系 从句是先行词不可缺少的定语,如果省去,主句的意思就会不完整或不明确。 从句只是对先行词的附加说明,如果省去,主句的意思仍然清楚或完整

标 点 从句和主句之间不用逗号分开 从句和主句之间通常用逗号分开

词 指人who (that) whom

指物which (that)


关系代词在从句中作宾语时可以省去 指人who(作主语)whom(做宾语)




修饰 从句只修饰一个名词或代词 可以修饰一个名词或代词也可修饰整个主句

翻译 定语从句译在被修饰词的前面 定语从句通常被译成另一个独立的句子

限制性 非限制性

形式上 无逗号 有逗号

内容上 先行词不是唯一的 先行词是唯一的,定语从句可有可无。

关系词 可用that ,why.作宾语可以省略 不可用that ,why。关系词一律不省。

先行词 名词或代词 名词或代词,也可以使整个句子

汉语翻译 译作定语 译成并列句



He has a brother who is a physicist.

He has a brother, who is a physicist. (只有一个)

He returned all the books which are written in English.

He returned all the books, which are written in English.

I will wear no clothes which will be out of ordinary.

I will wear no clothes, which will be out of ordinary.

The man who lives next door is a doctor.

My sister, who lives next door, is a doctor.

I’m sure I know the person who served me.

Tom, who served us, is the owner of the restaurant.

A student who studies hard will make good progress.

The student, who lives far from school, is the leader of their football match.

(六) 关系代词that和 which的区别

<1>. 只能用that的情况

(1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none ,few.等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如:

All the people that are present burst into tears.

Everything that we saw was interesting.

I’m interested in everything that I don’t know.

All that is needed is a supply of oil.

(2) 如果先等词被 all ,little none any, only, few, much, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which.

例如:I read all the books that you gave to me.

This is the only money that I have in my pocket.

All the money that was collected was given to the Hope Project.

(3) 如果先行词被序数词、形容词最高级修饰或者先行词是最高级时,关系代词常用that,不用which。

This is the first book that was written in English.

This is the last factory that I visited.

This is the best film that I have ever seen.

This is the funniest thing that I ever heard.

(4) 如果先等词被the only ,the very , the same ,the last修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which.

This is the only book that I really like.

He was the only person in the office that was invited to the ball.

(5) 先行词有两个,一个指人,一个指物,关系代词应该用that。而不用who, which.

例如: The boy and the dog that are in the picture are very lovely.

He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited.

(6)who ,which开头的特殊疑问句中,关系代词用that.

Who is the person that is standing there?

Which of us that knows English doesn’t know this?

which of the novel do you like best?

(7) 关系代词作表语时,关系代词用that.

It took us many years to make the city that it is today.

He is not the man that he used to be.

China isn’t the country it used to be.

(8) 先行词是奇数词或是序数词时,关系代词用that .

Yesterday I caught two fish. Now you can see the two that are still alive in the basin of water.

(9) 当主句 “ there be “开头时,关系代词要用that 引导的定语从句修饰该句型的主语。

There are four desks in the middle of the office that are used for the teachers.

(10) 当先行词是 “ to be “ 后面的表语时关系代词用that .

This is the dictionary that was bought in the bookstore yesterday.


1) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不能省略。如:

There are about seven million people taking part in the election, most of whom、are well educated.

Bei jing , which is china’s capital, is rich in culture.

2)those/that +名词后的定语从句用which引导。不能用关系代词that。

That pen which he took is mine.

A shop should keep those goods which sells well.

3) 介词后只用which

This is the room in which he lived.

I don’t know the man to whom you talked.

The chair on which he is sitting is made of wood.

(4) which还有一种特殊用法,它可以引导从句修饰前面的整个主句,代替主句所表示的整体概念或部分概念。在这种从句中,which可以作主语,也可以作宾语或表语, 不用that..例如:

He succeeded in the competition, which made his parents very happy.


What’s that which flashed in the sky just now?

(6) 关系代词后面有插入语时,益用关系代词 which.

Here is the English grammar book which, as I have told you, will help to improve your English.

<3>.只用who, whom.而不用that的情况

(1) 如果先行词是anyone, anybody, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody, those, ones等时,关系代词应该用 who 或whom,不用 which .that。例如:

Is there anyone here who will go with you?

People all like those who have good manners.

(2) 当先行词是指人的集合名词时,如果作这个名词着眼于集体的整体,关系代词用which;若是指集体中的各个成员,则用who。

Mr. Smith came to visit my family, who were watching TV then.

Our class, which is a very good one, was praised again at the meeting.

(3)当先行词有较长的 后置定语或者在被分割的定语从句中,宜用关系代词 who

Pro. Wang is coming soon who will give us a talk on how to learn English.

(4) 当先行词用-body 或-one 构成的复合不定代词时,关系代词用who

We’d better not believe in anyone who we don’t know.

(5) 当先行词是一个限定性的表示人的特定名词时,常用who

The aunt/uncle who came to see us last week is my brother’s sister.


(1)“介词+关系代词“可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。“介词+关系代词“结构中的介词可以是 in, on, about, from, for, with, to at, of, without 等,关系代词只可用whom或 which,不可用 that 。其中whom代表人,which代表物

Who is the comrade with whom you shook hands?

He works in a factory, in front of which there is a river

Give me the book the cover of which is red (the cover of which=whose cover)

He is the man whose father is a teacher.=He is the man the father of whom is a teacher.

This is the neighborhood from whom I borrowed the bicycle.

(2) from where为“介词+关系副词“结构,但也可以引导定语从句(不常用)。例如:

We stood at the top of the hill, from where we can see the town..



Mr. Smith bought a new house on which he spent all his money.


There was no way in which it could be bought back to the earth. ( in this way)


The gas with which doctors can save the patients is called oxygen.

The gas without which we can not live is called oxygen.


介词在关系代词前时,只能用which 和whom不能用that 代替,也不可省略;介词在句尾时,关系代词可which ,that ,whom, who,都行,而且还可以省略。

This is the drawer in which I put my letters.

= This is the drawer (which/that )I put my letters in.

Have you seen the pen with which I wrote letters this morning?

= Have you seen the pen (which/that) I wrote letters with this morning?



This is the college at which he works.

This is the college that/which he works at.

This is the college where he works.

但像listen to, look at, depend on, pay attention to, take care of等固定短语动词,在定语从句中一般不宜将介词与动词分开。例如:

This is the boy whom she has taken care of.

This is the book which /that I am looking for.

This is the girl I have been looking for the whole afternoon.

(八) whose 引导从句的意义

1)指人=of whom 表示所修饰的“某(些)人的用做所修饰的先行词的所有格。

A child whose parents are dead is called an orphan.

2) 指物=of which 表所修饰的“某物的“

I live in the room whose window faces south.

I live in the room, the window of which faces south

( whose +从句 可以用“of which +从句”代替)

(九)As 与which 是有区别的

A) 相同之处: 都可以用来引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面的主句所表达的内容。which 可做宾语或表语

He failed once more in the match, which was a great pity.

He succeeded in the composition, which made his parents very happy.

B) 区别:


1) As we all know, Galileo’s theory of falling objects is right.

= Galileo’s theory of falling objects, as we all know, is right

= Galileo’s theory of falling objects is right, as we all know.

2) He was thrown into prison, which got round throughout our village

3) As is expected, the England team won the football match.

4) The earth runs around the sun, as is known by everyone.

5) He was late again, which made me unhappy

6) As you know, he is good at English.

2.) as有“如” 、“正如”、“像”、“正像”的含义,which 没有。后面的谓语动词多是see, know, expect, say, mention, report等。

Bob did an excellent job, as we had expected.

Our team won the game, which made us happy.

As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.

We are facing the same problems as we did years ago.

We are facing the problems which we faced years ago.

We hope to get such a tool as he is using.

We hope to get the tool which he is using.

3.) as 在引导限制性定语从句多与such 或the same连用,可以代替先行词是人或物的名词。

the same…as such….as

This is the same story as he told me.

I hope to get such a book as he is using

4).as 也可单独使用,引导非限制性定语从句,作用相当于which。可代表一个句子。例如:

The elephant’s nose is like a snake, as anybody can see.

5).as做主语时, 其后必跟系动词,而which 无此限制

The meeting was put off, as was what we wanted.

He was murdered, as seemed true.


She was married again, which was unexpected

She was married again, as was unexpected 7

7)the same …as 与the same ..that 的区别: 前者修饰的是原物同样的


This is the same watch as I lost.这和我丢的那一只手表是一样的。

This is the dame watch that I lost.着就是我丢的那一只手表。

(十)什么时候that 可以省略?

1) 引导同位语从句,主语从句,表语从句不能省略,且不做成分。

The name “ whitewater ”comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks white when it moves quickly.

It’s known to all that light travels in straight lines. ( that 置后可一省略)

The reason for his absence was that he was ill. ( 有时可省,一般不省)


I don’t think (that) you are right.

3)that 只有在定语从句中做成分,可做主、宾、表语。


I want to see the film that is on show.

The students who don’t study hard will not pas the exam.

(十二)one of the… 与the one of the … 做先行词时谓语不一致。

Li Bai is one of the greatest poets that have lived in China.

Li Bai is the one of the greatest poets that has lived in China.

This is one of the books that I have been written in Chinese.

This is the only one of the books that has been written in Chinese.

He is one of the boys who are willing to do it.

He is the only one of the boys who is willing to do it.



关系副词在从句中分别表示时间.地点或原因。关系副词when在从句中充当时间状语,where 充当地点状语,why充当原因状语。

1)when 表示时间, 充当时间状语 when=on/ in/ of /at…+which

I still remember the day when I join the party

I will never forget the day when I first came to Beijing.


1.当先行词是表地点:place ,room, mountain, airport等时间:time, day, year, month, week,等原因:reason 等名词时,并且分别在句中做地点、时间、原因状语时,应用where ,when ,why引导。但是如果如果表示时间地点原因的名词不做状语,而是做主语,宾语,或者表语时,必须用关系代词that /which来引导而不是用where等。

I still remember the day that we spent together。

May 1 is the day that I will never forget。

The Yangtze Gorges is a beautiful place (that /which) people all over the world look forward to visiting.


The moment (that /which) I turned around, she had left and disappeared in the crowd.

Is this the reason that he gave us for being late?

This is the factory that we visited

That is the house that he lived in..

The place that we had been to was far.

The shop that /which we saw is beautiful.

2.当先行词为 by the time ,any time , the way, every time, the first time ,the last time 时,关系词不用when而用that.或省略

This is the last time that I shall give you a lesson.

The first time I saw him was in 1980

By the time he was 14 he had learned advanced mathematics

但如果time前无修饰语,关系词用that when 均可

I will never forgot the time when (that) we met for the first time.

3. 当先行词为way 时,关系词用in which ,that, 或省略.

This is the way that/ in which / 不加 he smiles.


4.why 表示原因(现行词只有一个 reason),做原因状语。 Why= for which

That is the reason why he was late.


1. 在定语从句中多加了宾语,如:

Some of the boys I invited them didn’t come.

Some of the boys I invited didn’t come.

Is this the horse you drew it yesterday?

Is this the horse you drew yesterday?

2. 把定语从句的动词的单复数弄错。

Those who has finished may leave the classroom now.

They key opens the room is missing.

Those who have finished may leave the classroom now.

This is one of the rivers in China which flows northward.

This is one of the rivers in China which flows northward.

3. 省略了定语从句中做主语的关系代词。

Children eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth.

Children who eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth.

They key opens the room is missing.

They key which/that opens the room is missing.

4. 定语从句中加了多余的关系副词或者是介词。

The house where he lives in needs repairing.

The house where he lives needs repairing.

The house which/that he lives in needs repairing.

This is the time at when he’s more likely to be in.

This is the time when he’s more likely to be in.

This is the time at which he’s more likely to be in.

(十五)代有插入语的定语从句who 与whom 的选用。

担主语成分时用who ,担 宾格成分时用whom


Jason is a man who (I believed) is honest.(去掉仍成立)

Jason is a man whom I believe to be honest.


The girl who we supposed was drowned came back.

The girl who we supposed to be drowned came back.


1) 当先行词是专有名词时,通常用非限制性定语从句,它本身就具有特殊性,无需在加限定。

Shenzhen, which is in South China, is developing rapidly.

My house, which I bought last year, has got a garden .

Mr. Smith bought a new house on which he spent all his money.

2) 当先行词是具有某一特征的人或者物中的一个,但跟非限制从句时则表示唯一的一个,compare:

Her room has a window which faces south.

Her room has a window, which faces south.

I have a brother who is working in Beijing.

I have a brother, who is working in Beijing.


A sleep is a useful animal, whose wool has many uses.

Football, which is a very interesting game, is now played all over the world.


1.He paid the boy $ 10 for washing ten windows ,most of_______ hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year.

A. theseB. those C. that D. which

2.Alice received an invitation from her boss, ______ came as a surprise.

A. itB. that C. which D. he

3.She heard a terrible noise , _______ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it B. whichC. this D. that

4.In the dark street, there wasn't a single person _____ she could turn for help.

A. thatB. who C. from whom D. to whom

5.Tom’s mother kept telling him that he should work hard , but ______ didn’t help.

A. heB. which C. she D. it

6. The weather turned out to be very good, ______ was more than we could expect.

A. what B. which C. that D. it

7. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small townhe grew up as a child.

A. which B. where C. that D. when

8. Carol said the work would be done by October, ______ personally I doubt very much.

A. it B. that C. when D. which

9.The result of the experiment was very good, ______ we hadn’t expected.

A. when B. that C. which D. what

10.It was an exciting moment for these football fans this year, ______ for the first time in years their team won the World Cup.

A. that B.while C. which D.when

11. These houses are sold at such a low price _______ people expected.

A. like B. asC. that D. which

12. Recently I bought an ancient vase, ___ was very reasonable.

A. which priceB. the price of which C. its priceD. the price of those

13. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ________,of course , made the others unhappy.

A.who B.which C.this D.what

14. John said he’d been working in the office for an hour, _______ was true.

A.he B.thisC.which D.who

15. The film brought the hours back to me _____ I was taken good care of in that far-away village.

A. until B. that C. when D. where

16.The famous basketball star, _______ tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.

A. whereB. when C. which D. Who

17. Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, ______ I will always treasure.

A that B oneC itD what

18. We will be shown around the city: schools, museums and some other places, _____ other visitors seldom go.

A whatB which C where D when

19.Alec asked the policeman _____he worked to contact him whenever there was an accident.

A with him B who C with whomD whom

20.We are living in an age ______ many things are done on computers.

A. which B. that C. whose D. when

21.______ has been announced , we shall have our final exams next month.

A. That B. As C. ItD. What

22.York, ______ last year, is a nice old city.

A. that I visited B. which I visited

C. where I visitedD.in chich I visited

23.Luckly, we’d brought a road map without ______ we would have lost our way.

A. it B. that C. this D. which

24.A fast food restaurant is the place ______ , just as the name suggests, eating is performed quickly.

A. which B. where C. there D. what

25.Geoge Orwell, ______ was Eric Arthur, write many political novels and essays .

A. the real name B. what his real name C his real name D. whose real name.

26. _____ is reported in the newspapers , talks between the two countries are making progress.

A. It B .AsC. That D. what

27. American women usually identify their best friend as someone ______ they can talk frequently.

A. who B. as C. about which D. with whom.

28. The English play ______my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.

A. for which B . at which C. in which D. on which

29. There were dirty marks on her trousers ______ she had wiped her hands.

A. where B. which C. when D. that

30. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months,______ the sailing time was 226 days.

A. of which. B. during which C. from which D for which

31. There was _____ time ______ I hated to go to school.

A. a, that B. a, when C. the, that D. the, when

32. there are two buildings, ______ stands nearly a hundred feet high.

A. the larger B. the larger of them C. the larger one that D. the larger of which

33. ______ is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

A. Which B. When C. What D. As

34. The factory produces half a million pairs of shoes every year, 80% ______ are sold abroad.

A. of which B. which of C. of them D. of that

35.Anyway, that evening, ______ I’ll tell you more about later, I ended up staying at the Rache’s place.

A. when B. where C. what D. which

36.. Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the other, ______, of course, made the others envy him.

A. who B. that C. what D. which

37.It is easy to do the repair. ______ you need is a hammer and some nails.

A. Something B. All C. Both D. Everything

38.. I work in a business ______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.

A. how B. which C. where D. that

39.Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from ____ effects the people are still suffering. (

A. that B. whose C. those D. what

40.If a shop has chairs ____ women can park their men, women will spend more time in the shop.

A. that B. which C. when D. where

41.Frank’s dream was to have his own shop ____ to produce the workings of his own hands.

A. that B. in which C. by which D. how

42.Mark was a student at this university from to , ___________ he studied very hard and was made chairman of the Students’ Union.

A. during which time B. for which time C. during whose time D. by that time

43. Her sister has become a lawyer, she wanted to be.

A.who B.that C.what D.which

44. The place _______ the bridge is supposed to be built should be________the cross-river traffic is the heaviest

A. which; where B. at which; which C. at which; whereD. which; in which

45. I walked in our garden, _______ Tom and Jim were tying a big sign onto one of the trees.

A.which B.when C.where D.that

46.I have many friends , some are businessmen .

A.of them B.from which C.who of D.of whom

47. -Is that the small town you often refer to?

-Right, just the one you know I used to work for years.

A.that B.which C.where D.what

48. He was educated at a local grammar school, _____ he went on to Cambridge.

A. from which B. after thatC. after whichD. from this

49. Have you seen the film “Titanic”, __________ leading actor is world famous?

A.its B.it's C.whose D.which

50.The doctor advised Vera strongly that she should take a holiday, but _______ didn’t help.

A.it B.she C.which D.he


1-5 DCBDD 6-10 BBDCD 11-15 BBBCC 16-20 DBCCD 21-25BBDBD

26-30BDCAA 31-35BDDAD 36-40DBCBD 41-45 BADCC 46-50 DCCCA

篇3:定语从句 说课稿(译林牛津版英语中考复习)



例:Is there anything that I can do for you?



例:Tom told her mother all that had happened.



例:This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had.



例:He was the first person that passed the exam.


5.先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时,只能使用“that”。

例:This will be the last chance that he can get.


He is the only person that can help you out.



例:They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.



例:Which is the book that he bought from the library yesterday?


篇4:译林牛津模块1 Unit 1 语法:定语从句(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

Teaching Aims:

To give a brief introduction to attributive clause

To teach students the functions of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in attributive clauses

To develop students’ cognition in grammar, especially the basic elements of sentences

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations

How to apply relative clauses to situational use

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check students’ homework in writing on page 93. Ask some students to read their note of Part B on page 93.

2. Choose some words and expressions in Period 3 and dictate them before grammar is staged.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

1. Ask Ss to recall what can be used to modify a noun in English and write down the following phrases on the blackboard.

a happy moment

blue sky

a girl student

bus station

a monkey in the tree

the article about your experience in the UK

T: A noun, an adjective or the prepositional phrases can be used to modify a noun.

2. Summarize the rules of the order in the examples above.

We put adjectives or nouns before nouns to modify them while we put prepositional phrases after nouns to modify them.

More examples(P8):

Adjective: the green team

Prepositional phrase: the team in green

Attributive clause: the team who are wearing green

T: The last sentence is an attributive clause. That means a sentence is used to modify a noun in the same way that an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The nouns they modify are called antecedents.

Step Ⅲ Introduction to attributive clause

Give some examples of AC on the screen and ask Ss to fill in the form below.

1. The girl who/that is standing next to our teacher is her daughter.

2. The girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to is my classmate.

3. The girl whose name is Rose sits next to me.

4. I can’t find the book which/that is borrowed from you.

5. I can’t find the book which/that you lent to me.

6. I can’t find the book whose cover/the cover of which is red.

Example Antecedent Attributive clause Function of the relative pronoun

1 the girl who/that is standing next to our teacher subject

2 the girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to object

3 the girl whose name is Rose possessive

4 the book which/that is borrowed from you subject

5 the book which/that you lent to me object

6 the book whose cover/the cover of which is red possessive

T: The nouns or the antecedent usually refers to a person /people or a thing/things, for example a story, a cake, books and so on. We use which/that as a relative pronoun to refer to things, while we use who/whom/that as a relative pronoun to refer to people. Which/that is used as the subject or object in the AC. Who/that is used as the subject and whom/who/that is used as the object in the AC. And they will know when which, that, whom, who can be left out if it refers to an object in the AC.

Step Ⅳ Identifying the attributive clause

1. Let students to read the guidelines in Point 2 on page 8.

2. Ask students to read the example sentences in Point 2 and let them say what function of the bold part in each sentence is. Then ask them to point out the attributive clause in sentence and put the whole sentence into Chinese, so they can compare the different ways in which the attributive clause is expressed in English and in Chinese.

Step ⅤPractice

1. To test how well they understand AC, the teacher is to give them a timely self check ---- tick the sentences with AC in C1 on P88. Puzzles like 3, 8 may be ignored for the time being, left to be thought over after class and solved in the next period.

2. Ask students to identify the attributive clauses in the article on P9. Show their findings on a screen, and ask them to mark “antecedents”, “relatives” and translate the sentences into Chinese. Explain some key words and expressions such as “upon”, “develop an interest in”, “donate”, “display”, “make a speech” etc. What’s more, students are asked to classify these marked relatives into “relative pronouns” and “relative adverbs”. As for relative pronouns, they are also required to tell the functions they play in each attributive clause.

1) David was one of the most important helpful students that we ever had. ( object )

2) In , he went to Oxford where he got interested in Chinese culture.

3) Some of the cities in China which he likes most are Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin and Nanjing. ( object )

4) Most of the students that he taught have become his friends. ( object )

5) Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students. ( object )

6) The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. ( object )

3. Learn the new words from page 9 to page 11.

Ask students to turn to page 68 and study the new words (former-please).

Step Ⅵ Homework

Ask students to read the article on page 9 again and again

Ask students to finish C1 on page 88. Get them to point out the antecedent, the relative pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence with an attributive clause.

Period 6§Grammar and usage (2-2) Introduction to attributive clauses§

Teaching Aims:

To consolidate what’s learned the day before

To focus Ss’ attention on the usage of relative pronouns

To teach Ss in which situation who, whom, which or that can be left out.

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

How to choose the right relative and use it properly

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check the homework with the students. Make sure that students know what an attributive clause is and the function of each relative word.

2. Have a dictation to go over the words we learnt last period.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

Question: What does a noun usually refer to?

(Students should know a person/people or a thing/things. For example, story, cake, and book are things, while friend, teacher and monitor are persons.)

Step Ⅲ Using relative pronouns

1. Ask students to read Point 1 on page 10 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does that/which function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the student will know the difference between that and which.

2. Ask students to read Point 2 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does who function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the students will know that can also be used to refer to a person/people.

3. Ask students to read Point 3 and Point 4, and point out the antecedent in each sentence.

4. Ask students to read the following sentences:

Bb: She has a bother. I can’t remember his name.

Question: What does his refer to? (His refers to a brother’s.)

Bb: She has a brother whose name I can’t remember.

Questions: Which part is the antecedent here? (a brother)

What is it used as in the attributive clause? (attribute)

Ask students to read Point 5 and point out the antecedent in each sentence. Then ask: What does the relative pronoun whose refer to in the two sentences.

5. Show the following table on the screen and ask students to fill in.

Antecedent Subject Object Attribute Note

For persons who/that whom/who/that whose A relative pronoun can be omitted when it is used as the object in an attributive clause.

For things which/that which/that whose/of which

Step ⅣSupplementation

注意that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which.

(1) 当先行词为不定代词all, much, little, only, just, every, last, one of, no, little, few, any, something, everything, anything,nothing, none, the one......及the very, the last, the next, the only或被不定代词修饰时

e.g.: Is there anything (that) I can do for you? You should hand in all that you have.

All that can be done has been done. In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.

The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest. This is the very book that I’m looking for.

We heard clearly every word that he said. She is the only person that understands me.


e.g.: He was the first person that passed the exam. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets. Is that the best that you can do?

That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.

This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.

When people talk about Hang Zhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.


e.g.: Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?

The film star and her film that you have just talked about is really well-known.

She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.


e.g.: Which is the bike that you lost? Which is the car that killed the boy?

Who is the boy that won the gold medal? Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?


e.g.: Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. He is not the person that he used to be.

c.f.: Shanghai is no longer what it used to be.

(6)如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词用which, 另一个用that以避免重复。

e.g.: He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

Step ⅤPractice

1. Complete a conversation with “who, whom, which, that or whose” on P11. There might be more than one answer for some blanks.

2. Learn and consolidate by correcting errors in sentences.

1) My brother who is in the army he came to see us. 去掉he

2) A small amount of money was all which was taken in the robbery. which改为that

3) The path was made by walkers who crosses mountains each summer. crosses改成cross

4) The difficulties of living near a volcano are well understood by the people farm the land there.


5) The danger of driving is something which worries me each time I travel. which改为that

6) The park which I usually go running is across from the road. which改为where

7) I bought the present that I gave him it for Christmas in Japan. 去掉it

8) It’s one of the most interesting books which I have ever read this year. which改为that

Step Ⅵ Consolidation

Students are encouraged to conclude the usage of relative pronouns. Afterwards, the teacher gives a brief conclusion as follows.

She is the teacher who taught us English Literature.

I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK.

In attributive clauses, we use who to refer to people. that is less usual.

I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane.

The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.

We use whose to mean possession. It usually relates to a person, but it can also relate to things.

I don’t know the name of the teacher who / whom I saw in the computer room the other day.

The student who / whom we saw at the school gate is from America.

When ‘who’ functions as the object, it can be replaced by whom. In this case, whom is more formal than who.

The girl (that/who/whom) you have just seen is very good at English.

I’ll tell you something (that) I have heard.

We can leave out who, whom, which and that when they are the objects.

All my classmates enjoyed the cake that / which I made.

The book that / which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

In attributive clauses, that and which are used to refer to things. that is more usual but less formal.

Step Ⅶ Homework

◆ Ask students to make five sentences, each with an attributive clause.

◆ Do Part C2 on page 88 and do the first five exercises in their exercise-books.

◆ Ask students to read the dialogue on page 11 again and again.

篇5:unit2 reading 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Teaching aims & demands:

To develop students’ ability of reading a play

To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

To form a positive attitude towards solving problems between teenagers and parents

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Revision: Guess the words

(1). a dirty or untidy state _______

(2). give a reason for something _______

(3). believe that somebody is good_______

(4). something worthless or of low quality_______

(5). a person between a child and a grown-up _______

(6). not polite_______

(7). without being punished_______

(8). grown-up_______

2. Group work

Talk about the four pictures on P21

List some problems with parents.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

(2) How to solve these problems.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

Step 2: Reading strategy

Please go through the Reading strategy and tell how to read a play.

1.It is often in the form of ___ _________.

2.It usually includes_________ ______, and each act can have_________ _______.

3.The words or speeches in a play are very________, and some of the words in a sentence are______ _____.

4.There are some helpful _____________in a play.

5.It should be_____ ________.

Step 3: Fast reading

Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.

How many acts are there in this play? And how many scenes in each act?

Step 4: Detailed reading

1. Listening and complete C1 on P24.

2. Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they do Feelings

Mom and Dad



2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Things they do Feelings





Step 5: Careful reading

1. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. what Mom and Dad did after they returned from vacation.

B. what Daniel and Eric did at home.

C. the reason why the dog was tired and hungry

D. a big quarrel that an American family had

2. Mom and Dad left Daniel in charge at home because ______.

A. he was an adult B. he was the youngest

C. they liked him very much

D. they thought he could take good care of everything while they were away.

3. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The children were very excited when their parents came back a day earlier than expected.

B. The children didn’t use the money for themselves.

C. Daniel was left in charge at home while their parents were away.

D. Eric wanted to tell his parents what had happened, but Daniel said they didn’t need to.

4. The main reason for their quarrel is that ______.

A. Daniel was too rude.

B. Eric didn’t tell his parents what had happened

C. the parents blamed Daniel without giving him a chance to explain

D. Daniel and Eric didn’t behave well at home.

Step 6: Post reading

Fill the missing words in the blanks to complete the summary of the play.

Mom and Dad arrived back from v_______ earlier than e_______ in order to give the boys a s_______. They got so a____. When they saw the house was in a m___ that Dad shouted at D____, the elder brother, who was in c______ of the house when they were away. Daniel s_______ the door to show his anger, because their parents never gave him a c_____ to explain. E___, the younger brother, wanted to explain to his parents what had h_______, but Daniel didn't think that their parents d______ to know the truth.

At the end of the play, both Mom and Dad thought maybe they were too h___on the boys. However, Dad decided to p_____ Daniel for his rudeness so that he would show r_____ for his parents in future.

Step 7: Discussion

1. If you were Eric or Daniel ,what will you do?

2. Find some adj. to describe good parents in your eyes.

They should be__________, __________, __________,__________...

3. How do you deal with the relationship between you and your parents?

We should _______, ________, _______, ________...our parents.

3. The word “family” means “f_______ a_____ m______ I l_____ y_____”.

Step 8: Homework

1. Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.

(Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.)

2. Reading comprehension

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current (当前的)activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation (动力)and desire(欲望) will increase.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit(限制) us or our course of action.

1. Our long-term goals mean a lot ________.

A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals

B. if we complete the short-term goals。

C. if we have dreams of the future

D. if we put forward some plans

2. New short-term goals are built upon________.

A. a daily basis B. your achievement in a week

C. current activities D. the goals that have been completed

3. When we complete each step of our goals, _____________.

A. we will win final success B. we are overwhelmed

C. we should build up confidence of success

D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals

4. What is the main idea of this passage? _____________

A. Life is dynamic thing. B. We should set up long-term goals.

C. Different kinds of goals in life. D. The limitation of long-term goals.

5. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _____________

A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals.

B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.

C. Life is a static thing, thus we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

D. We should often add new short-term goals to those which have been completed.

篇6:dying to be thin 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Subject: unit3 reading: dying to be thin…

Teaching aims:

1 Students are able to grasp the main point of the three e-mails.

2 Students are able to know that nothing is more important than health.

3 Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic.

Important points & difficult points:

1 finding the main points in the three e-mails and express them

2 understanding the reading material

Teaching methods and means: fast reading, detailed reading, group work, discussion

Teaching aids: computer, ppt, pictures, blackboard, chalks

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

T: Today we are going to learn the reading material of Unit 3. At first, I want to show you some pictures.

(showing pictures)

T: Is she beautiful? (showing the picture of Audrey Herben)

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes. She’s very beautiful and she has an attractive figure. What about the second picture?

Ss: Wow. He’s so fat.

T: Yes. He’s so fat.

T: What about this guy?

Ss: Wow. He’s handsome.

T: Yes. He’s handsome and he has also an attractive figure, too.

T: Now you have watched the four pictures. And can you tell me what kind of figure you prefer? The left ones or the right ones?

Ss: The left ones.

T: Obviously we will choose the left ones.

Discussion: Suppose you are a little overweight, how would you lose weight?

Ss: take weight-loss pills, eat vegetables, do exercise, and do operation.

T: Yes. In order to lose weight, we will exercise in the gym, take weight-loss pills, receive plastic surgery and have a diet.

(showing the pictures)

T: Now let’s analyze the reading material and find out how the character---Amy, loses weight. Now, please turn to page 42.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Predict: dying to be thin…?

Q: can you tell me the possible meaning of the title? Or can you give me your explanation to this title?

A: dying to be thin: 1 Amy wanted to be thin very much.

2 Amy nearly died because she had taken weight-loss pills to lose weight.


Skim the three e-mails and find out the main point of each e-mail.

T: I’ll give you 3 minutes to skim the whole lesson.

Main point:

Subject- Dying to be thin: in order to lose weight, Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer.

Subject- Recovering : Amy is recovering from liver failure.

Subject- Re: recovering: Zhou ling is sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hopes that she and other people who’d like to lose weight will value the importance of health.

Step 3: Detailed reading:

1 finish C1( page 44)

2 fill in the blanks

Amy’s emotions Reasons for losing weight Results



hopeful Looking good is important.

be shamed of her body

prepare for a new TV show Have lost 7 kg

Feel tired and weak

Become slimmer

Reasons for frustration Reactions to illness

Be in hospital

Liver failure Regret taking pills

Realize the importance of health

Reasons for hope Lessons Amy has learnt

Getting better Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.

Zhou Ling’s Reply:

Zhou’ emotions: from sorry to glad

Zhou’s opinions: 1 We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.

2 Nothing is more important than health.

Reading strategy:

Understanding sentences with ‘however’ or ‘but’

1 underline all the sentences that have ‘however’ or ‘but’

2 analyze the following two sentences:

1 I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.

2 I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months. However, sometimes I don’t feel so energetic.

Question: What’s the difference in meaning between the sentences before and after ‘however’ and ‘but’?

Answer: The two sentences usually express something different and opposite.

The feeling expressed before ‘however’ or ‘but’ and the feeling after them are usually opposite.

We can use a comma after ‘however’.

Step 4: Post- reading

Discussion: suppose you are Amy’s best friend. If you’re going to write an e-mail to her, what will you say to her?

Conclusion: we can’t choose the appearance, but we can spread our smiling. Health is priceless.


1. finish D1,D2,E.

2. preview word power.

篇7:growing pains 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Unit 2 Growing Pains

----Welcome to the unit

Teaching plan

I. The general idea of this period:

This period is about the warming up of this unit. It will help students learn more about growing pains mainly from the problems between parents and children. Students will learn how to bridge the generation gap with parents and get rid of the growing pains as possible as they can.

II. Teaching Aims:

1: To introduce and develop the theme of growing pain.

2:To exercise speaking ability of the students by talking about the problems between children and parents.

3:To help students form a positive attitude towards growing pains and learn to solve them.

III. Teaching difficult points:

1:Talk about problems between parents and children.

2:Enable the students to practice their spoken English.

3:Help students to form a positive attitude to towards relationships between their parents and them.

IV. Teaching procedure

Step 1 Lead-in

① Show several pictures of the famous TV series.

② The two TV series talk about the problems between parents and children.

③ Lead students to the topic of this unit---growing pains.

Step 2 Brainstorming

① Ask following questions to help the students recall their memory.

Have you ever quarreled with your parents?

What is your quarrel about?

② A short video will be presented.

③ Students are encouraged to talk about the problems between parents and children.

Step 3 Picture Discussion

Ask students to look at the picture and discuss what it talks about.


① Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady?

② What does the boy want to do? Is he allowed to do so? Why or why not?

③ What feelings may the boy have?


① What is the boy probably doing?

② Did the boy do well in his exams?

③ How does his mother feel about the score? What feelings may the boy have?

Step 4 Further Discussion

1. Put up with the question: “What do you think is the biggest cause of arguments between parents and children?”

2. Analyze the different interests between parents and children to put up with the Generation Gap.

3. Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem? We may get many ways to bridge the generation gap, especially through communication and understanding.

Step 5 Summary

T: In this unit, we have talked about growing pains and have a discussion about the problems between parents and children. From the class, we know that understanding and communication can be the best way to bring parents and children together and help students out of growing pains.

Step 6 Homework

T: Write a letter to your parents about something you want to talk with them. Maybe you can begin like this:Dear Mom and Dad, I want to say

篇8:主谓一致 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Step I Lead-in

1. (have) your classmates finished his homework?

2. My friend and I (want) to play outside after watching TV.

3. (have) all of the cake been eaten?

Step II Subject-verb agreement


1. Between the two buildings (stand) a monument.

2. What he said (is/ are) right

3. What she left me (is/are) a few books.

4. Seeing (is/are) believing

5. To see (is/are) to believe.

6. Somebody(is/ are) using the phone.

7. Each of the books(cost) five yuan.

8. The students each (have) a copy of Jay’s new album.

9. The Greens (is / are) very fond of working on the farm.

10. Many a student (have/ has) passed the exam.

11. More than one person (is/ are) here.

II 意义一致原则

1. Three weeks (is/ are) allowed for making the necessary preparation.

2. Another five minutes(is/ are) enough.

3.Three miles (is/ are) nothing.

4.His family (is/ are)a happy one.

5.The whole family(is/ are) watching TV.

6.The police (is/ are) searching for the thief.

7. The population in China (is/ are) large.

8. 75% of the population in our class (is/ are) from countryside.

9. This glass works (be) set up in 1980.

10. These glass works (is/ are) near the railway station.

11. A sheep (is/ are)over there.

12. Some sheep (is/ are) over there.

13. Physics (is/ are) now taught in all schools.

14.The old (is/ are) taken good care of in our country.

15.The young (is/ are) required to respect the old.

16.“All ________ present and all _________ going on well.” Our monitor said.

A. is ; isB. are ; areC. are ; isD. is ; are

17. All of my classmates (like)music.

18. All of the water (is / are) gone.


19. Walking and riding (is / are) good exercises.

20. A teacher and doctor (is / are) giving us a lecture.

21. A teacher and a doctor (is / are) giving us a lecture.

22. Every boy and girl (want) to go to the cinema.

23 No boy and no girl (is / are) allowed to swim in the lake.

24.Many a boy and many a girl (is / are) going to the zoo.


1. Tom or his brothers (is / are)waiting in the room.

2. Either you or he (is / are) to go.

3. There(is / are) an apple, two oranges and some bananas on the plate.

4. There (is / are) two oranges, an apple and some bananas on the plate.

5. John, together with his two friends, (was / were) at the party.

6.The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library.


1. Lots of damage (was / were) caused by fire.

2. About three-fourths of the earth’s surface (is / are) covered with water.

3. Three-fifths of the workers here (is / are) women

4. A number of students (have/ has) gone home.

5. The number of pages in this book (is / are) two hundred.

6. A large amount of damage (was / were) done in a very short time.

7. Large amounts of money (was / were) spent on the bridge.

8. This kind of men (is / are) dangerous.

9. Men of this kind (is / are) dangerous.

A pair of shoes (was / were) just what he wanted

Shoes (was / were) just what he wanted .

He is one of the students who(have/ has) been to Beijing.

He is the only one of the students who (have/ has)been to Beijing.

篇9:module1 unit1 教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)


单 元:Unit 1 School life

板 块:Reading 1

Thoughts on the design:

在完成了welcome板块的学习后,阅读一名从中国到英国的交换生的介绍文章。让学生在阅读过程中使用skimming理解文章大意,用scanning 获取细节信息,之后再对文章作综合回顾。然后,引导学生换个角度,从英国学生的角度来看待中国的学校生活,模仿课文,从不同的方面介绍中国的校园生活。

Teaching objectives:

1. to help the Ss master the reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. to guide the Ss to understand the passage and learn about more details of school life in the UK.

3. to encourage the Ss to learn to view our school life in a different perspective.

Step 1. Lead-in

1. [Teacher] We’ve learned a little about the difference between schools in China and in the UK.

2. [Brainstorming] If you were an exchange student in a UK school, what would you enjoy most?

3. Collect answers from a few students.

4. [Teacher] Today we’ll read an article from a school magazine, written by Wei Hua, who studied in the UK for one year. Let’s find out what she finds enjoyable.

[设计思路]:从上一课时涉及的中英学校生活差异谈起,问学生什么是他们心目中英国校园生活最让人喜欢的部分,从而引出课文的enjoyable experience。

Step 2. Reading for general ideas

1. Introduce the reading skill: skimming.

2. Teacher can start with the title and the first paragraph so that the Ss know how to work out the general idea of each paragraph.

3. [pairwork] Ask the Ss to work in pairs. Go through the passage quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Check answers one by one paragraph.


Step 3. Reading for details

1. Introduce the reading skill: scanning.

2. Teacher can do Q1, Q2 in Part A first.

3. [Individual work]Ask Ss to do Q3 in Part A and questions in C1 individually.

Check answers with the Ss.

4. [Listening and reading] Ask Ss to go through the questions in C2.

Then listen and read after the recording. Ask Ss to answer the questions using their own words.

[设计思路]: 示范传授scanning的运用,并辅以相关练习,让学生在阅读中掌握阅读方法。

Step 4. Consolidation

1. [Task-based reading] Ask the Ss to do the task-based reading and check answers.

Aspects Details

General impression It was a different but exciting and enjoyable 1. ______________

Assembly Students should attend it on the first day and the 2. ____________

Will tell the rules of the school during that period.

Class Our class is of the 3._______ size; we would never study in a fixed classroom.

Subjects English I practiced it every day, so it got 4. ________ a lot.

French I had an 5. _______ French class on Tuesday evenings.

Cooking I learned a lot and could make delicious cakes.

Selective ones Students can 6. _______ studying some subjects if they don’t like them.

7. _________ It was not heavy but a bit 8. ______________

Spare time I played football with others, 9. _______ under a tree and went to the Computer Club where I could send e-mails to my family and friends 10. _________ of charge.

Keys: 1-5 expericenced headmaster average improved extra

6-10 stop Homework challenging relaxed free


Step 5. Discussion

1. [groupwork] Suppose you were Daniel, a UK student in China on a student exchange programme, write a passage for him entitled “School life in China”. Discuss what will be covered in the passage. Draw the outline and present.


Step 6. Homework

1. Revise the text and do part E.

2. Prepare for an interview with Wei Hua.

篇10:Lost Civilization教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)






















Step1 .Revision

Go over the words

Match the words with their definitions

( ) 1.take over A place a dead body in a grave

( ) 2.erupt B rich

( ) 3.unfoutunately C huge

( ) 4.hawre D take control of

( ) 5.wealthy E sadly ,unluckily

( ) 6.ruins F provide space for

( ) 7.enormous G parts of a building that

remain after it has been badly

damaged or destroyed. .

( ) 8. .bury H (of a volcano)throw out lava and ash




1. T: Now let’s talk about two questions with your partners?

Can you name some buildings that would represent ancient civilizations in China?

What does the title Lost Civilizations mean?

2.T:In this passage,, there are two lost civilizations .What are they? (showing some pictures of Pompeii and Loulan)

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Pompeii

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Loulan

T: Have you ever been to Pompeii and Loulan ?

S: _________

T: Have you known about them ?

S: _________

T: Would you like to visit them?

S: __________

Now let’s go with Ann together.



Step3 Reading




T: Now read the passage quickly and answer the following “T” or “F” questions.

A. The author is going to China by air next week.( Day1-15th July)

The city of Pompeii was founded in the 7th century BC.(Day2-16th July)

C. The city of Pompeii wasn’t found until the 18th century.( Day3-17th July)

D. Loulan was a stopping point on the famous silk road between the east and the west almost years age (Day10 –24th July )

E. Pompeii and Loulan were lost for the same reason.(Day11-25th July )

(2)T: Now read the passage carefully and answer the following wh-questions.

A. What happened to Pompeii in August AD79?

B How was the buried city discovered ?

C Where were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for ?

D. Why was Loulan an important city about 2000 years ago?

How do many people think Loulan disappeared?

F. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan?

(3)T: Now read the passage more carefully and fill in the following blanks with proper words and phrases

Pompeii Loulan

Where was it located ① China

When was it founded? In the 8th century BC ②

What kind of city was it? A rich city ③

Why was it destroyed? ④ ⑤

How was it discovered In the 18 century ,a farmer found some stone with writing on it, then people started to dig ⑥

What can you find about the city now ? Streets with ⑦,houses with⑧,bodies of people that had been turned to stone the city walls,⑨, ⑩ that ran through the middle of the city

(4)Choose the best answer according to the passage.

( ) A. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Both of the two cities were lost civilizations about 2000 years ago.

b. Both of the two cities were discovered by local people.

c. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano while Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms.

d. Pompeii was in Italy while Loulan was in China.

( ) B. The purpose of writing this passage is ____

a. show how happy the writer was to have such a chance to visit the sites.

b. to arouse people’s sense of protecting civilizations.

c. to compare the civilizations of Pompeii and Loulan destroyed.

d. to tell us how Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed.




T: As we all know there were lots of ancient civilizations in the world in history.

Some of them have disappeared while others remain today .such as the Great wall, the Terracotta Warriors ,the Hanging Gardens ,Pyramids and so on (showing some pictures of them)

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(1)If you have a chance ,which place would you like to visit most? Why?

T :From the passage we know Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed by nature.

But I think human may also destroy our civilizations. If we want to make our civilizations exist for ever, I think we should make people have the sense of protecting our civilizations

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(2) What can we do to make people have the sense at protesting our civilizations?



Step4 Consolidation

做学生用书Part E、F Page.45

Step5 Summary


Step6 Homework


篇11:09届高三英语语法复习(一)定语从句 学案设计(译林牛津版英语高三)


在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句,被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系代词或关系副词,关系代词有that, which, who, whom, whose, as,关系副词有when, where, why.


who 指人,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

whom 指人,在从句中作宾语

whose 指人或物,在从句中作定语

that 指人或物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

which 指物,在从句中作主语或宾语

as 指人、物,在从句中作主语、宾语或表语

when 指时间,在从句中作时间状语

where 指地点,在从句中作地点状语

why 指原因,在从句中作原因状语

(1)The man (whom /who/that) my mother saw in the street is my teacher.

(2)The book which/ that tells us about the earth is interesting.

(3)She lives in a house whose windows faces south.

(4)Do you know the boy whose father is an English teacher?

(5)I have never heard such stories as he tells.

(6)I’ll never forget the day when /on which I joined the army.

(7)I won’t forget the factory where / in which my father worked.

(8)Tell me the reason why you came late.


1、当先行词是不定代词all,little, few, much, anything , everything, none, nothing, no one, some等时。

He did everything that he could to help us.

2、先行词被all, every, no , some, any , little, much, the only, the very, the right, last , few , just 等修饰时。

The only thing that we can do is to give you some advice.



This is the most interesting film that I’ve ever seen.

4、当先行时前有such 或the same修饰时,先行词和关系代词指同一物时。

She is wearing the same dress that she wore yesterday.


Later they talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.


Who is the boy that won the gold medal?

7、在同一个句子里,若有两个定语从句,其中一个关系词已用了which, 另一个宜用that.

Edison built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.


China is no longer the country that it used to be.


He wants to join the team that won the game.


I don’t like the way (that) he talks to me.



Bruce went toward the fire, which was still smoking.


This is the house in which Lu Xun lived.


What’s that which flashed in the sky just now?


Here is the English grammar book which, as I’ve told you, will help improve your English.

5、which 用作表语,指人时,一般指从事某种职业或是有某种特性、品质或才能的人。

He is an engineer, which I am not。

关系代as:在限制性定语从句中用在such, the same, as, so之后,as引导的定语从句常采用省略形式。

I have the same book as you(have).

Take as many as you want.

Here is so big a stone as no man can lift.

This is such a book as was given to me.



Have you received the book (that) I sent you last week?


Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.


This is the artist (whom) I spoke to you about.




This is the child (whom / who/ that) she is looking after.


The man (whom/ who/ that) I spoke to is a friend of mine.

The man to whom I spoke is a friend of mine.


In front of, on top of ,at the foot of, with the help of, as a result of.

We stand in a building in front of which stands a lab.

We arrived at a hill, on top of which stood a tower.

4、代词/数词+of +关系代词

He has written many books, most of which are for children.

We have many students, two of whom have won prizes of international competitions.


He has written many books, of which most are in Chinese.

6、介词+whose 修饰后面的名词

He is the very man in whose pocket I found my lost money.


限制性定语从句对先行词起限制确定作用。如果没有它,主句的意思就不完整,这种%s strange.


He is the man whose father died last week.

That is the reason why I didn’t open the door.


as has been said above as anybody can see

as we had expected as (it) appears

Things are not always as they appear.

5、which 引导非限制定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句只能置于句尾。

The decision was postponed, which was exactly what he wanted.

6、which 引导非限制性定语%tudy?

(5)Is this school ______ is a senior one?

A. that/which B. where C. the one

D. the one where 2as 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句可置于句首,句中和句尾。

As everyone knows, Tom is good at English.

The earth, as we know, moves round the sun.

3、非限制性定语从句中谓语为被动时,常用as 作主语。

as is said/ known/ announced/ reported/ mentioned/ expected/ disused等。

As is known to all, Taiwan is part of China.


as has been said above as anybody can see

as we had expected as (it) appears

Things are not always as they appear.

5、which 引导非限制定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句只能置于句尾。

The decision was postponed, which was exactly what he wanted.

6、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句中的一个词(先行词)从句置于先行词后,可在句中或句尾。

The football match, which I watched yesterday, is very interesting.

7、which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代整个主句的内容,从句的谓语带有宾语,有的还带宾语补足语。

After that things improved, which astonished me.

Water changes into steam, which is known to be a physical chang (that/ which)

2、是用when还是用that, which

(1)May 1 is the day ______ we spent together.

(2)May 1 is the day ________i joined the army.

A. that/ which B. when

当先行词是表示时间的名词时,作时间状语时,用when, 若作主语或宾语时,就用that/ which.


(1)It was in this house ______ he was born.

(2)It was this house ______ he was born.

(3)It was in the house ________ he used to live that the exhibition was held..

A. 5那别主要是看连接词是否在从句中作成分,作成分的?B E. the one that / which

遇到这类句子,先将其变成肯定句,再看主句是否缺少表语。若缺表语,则必须用the one的形式,接着再看the one在从句中作什么成分,若作状语,则必须用the one where,若作主语或宾语时,则用the one (that/ which)

2、是用when还是用that, which

(1)May 1 is the day ______ we spent together.

(2)May 1 is the day ________i joined the army.

A. that/ which B. when

当先行词是表示时间的名词时,作时间状语时,用when, 若作主语或宾语时,就用that/ which.


(1)It was in this house ______ he was born.

(2)It was this house ______ he was born.

(3)It was in the house ________ he used to live that the exhibition was held..

A. where B. that C. which D. there

判断是否是强调结构的方法是去掉it is /was …that, 若整个句子结构和意义不受影响,则为强调结构,否则为定语从句。




1. He lent me a thousand dollars, _________ was exactly the amount I needed.

2. The proposal ________ we have to export more goods is to be disscussed at

the meeting.

3. Bungee jumping is a sport ________ a person makes a vertical jump from a high platform with a rubber rod cord tied to their ankles so that they bounce.

4. ________ was expected, their team failed in the competition because of insufficient preparations.

5. The waterfalls, the largest of _________ is like a semicircle, are 670 meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.

6. _________ there is no fire, there is no smoke.

7. The 09 C. for which D. whose

9. Who _____ has seen the TV film doesn’t admire it?

A. that B. who C. which D. as%6ㄓ锎泳洌不作成分而只是表示前面名词的具体内容的则是同位语从句。试比较?br>The news that he had been back surprised us all.

The mews (that) he told us surprised us all.

5、way 后面的定语从句(用that/ in which 或省略)

Please tell me the way (that/ in which) you did the job.



1. He lent me a thousand dollars, _________ was exactly the amount I needed.

2. The proposal ________ we have to export more goods is to be disscussed at

the meeting.

3. Bungee jumping is a sport ________ a person makes a vertical jump from a high platform with a rubber rod cord tied to their ankles so that they bounce.

4. ________ was expected, their team failed in the competition because of insufficient preparations.

5. The waterfalls, the largest of _________ is like a semicircle, are 670 meters wide, and fall 56 meters in an awesome white sheet of water.

6. _________ there is no fire, there is no smoke.

7. The question ________ we’ll put off the meeting remains to be discussed.

8. I’ve just finished reading a poem ________ meaning is completely beyond me.

9. Compared to _________ the girl is now today, she showed no confidence then especially in front of the public.

10. Hope Project got another donation of one million yuan with ________ to assist more poor children back to school.


1. Do you still remember the chicken farm ________ we visited three months ago?

A. where B. when C. that D. what

2. He keeps a record of everything ________ he had seen there.

A. where B. that C. which D. what

3._____ breaks the rules should be punished.

A. Those who B. Who C. Anyone who D. The one

4. I’ll remember the time _____ we spent together in the country.

A. that B. when C. during which D. at which

5. Only those ______ knew well could be let in.

A. that B. he C. who D. which

6. The result of the experiment was very good, _____ we hadn’t expected.

A. as B. that C. which D. what

7. _____is often the case, we have worked out the production plan.

A. Which B. When C. What D. As

8. The book, _____ the cover is broken, is not mine.

A. of it B. of which C. for which D. whose

9. Who _____ has seen the TV film doesn’t admire it?

A. that B. who C. which D. as

10. It’s a matter of _____ would take the position.

A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever

11. I don’t like the way _____ he looks at me .

A. in that B. which C. of which D. /

12. The thought of going back home was ____ kept him happy while he was working abroad.

A. that B. all that C all what .D. which

13. The village has developed a lot _____ we learned farming two years ago.

A. when B. on which C. that D. where

14. I don’t know the number of people ______ this happens is very large.

A. whom B.to whom C. of which D. which

15.-where did you get to know her?

-It was on the farm _____ we worked.

A. that B. there C.which D. where

16. The students in Tianjin are using the same teaching books _____ we are now using.

A. whose B. as C. which D. that

17. . It was twelve o’clock _____ they arrived home.

A. since B. which C. that D. when

18. I think you have got to the point ______ a change is needed, otherwise you’ll fail.

A. when B. that C. where D. which

19. The meeting was put off, ______ was exactly _____ we wanted.

A. it, that B. as, that C. which, what D. this , what

20. I will hire the man ______ they say is a good English speaker.

A. who B. that C. which D. whom

21. The brave man, ______ the tiger was shot, is a good hunter.

A. of whom B. by that C. by whom D. by which

22. The old lady, ______ had been killed in the war , was given help by the local government.

A. all whose children B. all of whose children

C. whose all the children D. all of her children

23. The book was written in 1946 , ______ the education system has witnessed great changes.

A. when B. during which C. since then D. since when

24. The village _____ we see today is no longer _____ it was a decade ago.

A. that, that B. which, how C. /, what D. what, which

25. . My hometown is no longer the one ____ she used to be.

A. whom B. that C. who D. which

26. I don’t know the reason _____ you were absent from the meeting , but I am sure that someone will tell me the reason ______ you haven’t told me.

A. why, that B. that, why C. because, which D. of which, that

27. Many old people like to live _____ there are many trees and flowers.

A. in which B. in that C. which D. where

28. The bike ______ I spent 400 yuan has been stolen.

A. in which B. on which C. for it D. which

29 Some pictures of the river brought the days back to the day _____ they swam in it.

A. that B. who C. where D. when

30.Henry Adams, for ____money was now not a problem, wanted to stay in an expensive hotel.

A. whom B. whose C. his D. which

31. I have many friends, _____ few are businessmen.

A. of them B. from which C. of who D. of whom

32. _____ the house Mr Zhang has been broken into?

A.when was it that B. when has C. Has D. Had

33. He has directed more than 20 films , but only a few of _____ were successful.

A. which B. those C. them D. these

34. There isn’t so much noise in the country _____ in big cities.

A. as B. where C. which D. that

35. Have you asked her for the reason _____ may explain her absence?

A. why B. that C. what D. because that


1. China is a developing country, with Beijing as its capital.

China is a developing country, __________________________.

2. The thief, having been caught slipping into the bank, was arrested by the police.

The thief, __________________________________., was arrested by the police.

3. It is known to us all that light travels faster than sound.

___________________, light travels faster than sound.

4. There are lots of birds flying south for winter every year.

There are lots of birds ____________________________.

5. The Hope School has been set up where a wasteland used to be.

The Hope School has been set up __________________________.

6. That stone is so heavy that no one can remove it away.

That is such a heavy stone ________________________.



which that where(in which) As which

Where whether whose what which





1. China is a developing country, whose capital is Beijing.

2. The thief, who had been caught slipping into the bank, was arrested by the police.

3.As is known to us all, light travels faster than sound.

4. There are lots of birds that fly south for winter every year.

5. The Hope School has been set up in the place which used to be a wasteland.

6. That is such a heavy stone as no one can remove away.





e.g. He knew (that) he should work hard.

2、连词if 、whether,它们起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,作“是否”解,在口语中多用if。

e.g. Tom don't know if/whether his grandpa liked the present.

He asked me whether or not I was coming.

一般情况下,if 和whether可以互换,但以下3种情况只能用whether:

①在不定式前:Whether to go there or not hasn't been decided.

②在介词后:It depends on(依靠) whether it is going to rain.

③与or not连用:They are talking about whether to go there or not.

3、连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which,连接副词when, where, why, how, 它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己的意义。

e.g. The teacher asked the new students which class he was in.

I wonder where he got so much money.


e.g. I don't know how I should do with the presents. ? I don't know how to do with the presents.




Can you tell me who(m) do we have to see?(╳)

Can you tell me who(m) we have to see?( √)

The teacher asked the students what they were doing.(思考: what在从句中的成分)

陈述句变为宾语从句时,要注意人称和时态的变化,语序不变。 eg. She said, “I will leave a message on the desk.”‘She said she would leave a message on the desk.

一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,也要注意人称和时态的变化,后面接陈述语序。Eg. “Where are the tickets?” I asked him. ' I asked him where the tickets are.



e.g. I thought (that) you are free today. (╳)

I thought (that) you would be free today. ( √)


e.g. The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun.



9..---How soon will you start your journey?

----I’m not sure. I haven’t decided ______.

A when shall I ask the boss for leave

B where I will go to spend the holiday

C whether I would go by train or by plane

D who could invite me to go


9. Hi, Jim. I hear that you’ve just come back from Sanya. I’m calling to ask .

A. how did you visit the city B. how many days you’ve spend there

C. which hotel you stayed in Sanya D. how you found the seafood there


10.In the UK, a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked________.

A. whether she had been married B. what is her age

C. how much she weighs D. where she comes from

【2013扬州】.---Could you tell me_________?

---More than a year.

A. how soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport be built

B. how long has Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport been in service

C. how soon Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport will be built

D. how long Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport has been in service


11. - Could you tell me ________?

- In August, 2014.

A. where will the Youth Olympic Games take place

B. when will the Youth Olympic Games take place

C. where the Youth Olympic Games will take place

D. when the Youth Olympic Games will take place


e.g. 1) I will go out tomorrow if it is fine.

2) I don't know if the train has arrived.

句1中if引导的是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,修饰主句。整个句子的意思是如果明天天气好,我就出去。句2中if引导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词don't know的宾语。整个句子的意思是我不知道火车是否到达。



2、从引导词看。if充当宾语从句的连接词时,相当于whether, 词义为“是否”,充当状语从句的连接词时,词义为“如果”。when充当宾语从句的连接词时,意为“什么时候”,充当状语从句的连接词时,意为“当……的时候”。



( )1. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didn't know_______ doctors could cure it.

A. if B. that C. what D. why

( )2. - I wonder_______.

- Shandong Province.

A. when will Peng Liyuan comeB. where Peng Liyuan is from

C. where Peng Liyuan came from D. how Peng Liyuan will come

( )3. I don't understand_______ that everything's fine when it's not.

A. how can he say B. can he say how C. he can say how D. how he can say

( )4. - Do you know_______ this afternoon?

- I'm not sure, but I'll tell you as soon as she_______.

A. how will Betty arrive; startsB. how Betty will arrive; will start

C. what time will Betty arrive; will start. D. what time Betty will arrive; starts

( )5. Please tell me_______ to improve my English.

A. what I can do B. what can I do. C. how I can do D. how can I do

( )6. - Could you tell me_______?

- By searching the Internet.

A. how did Mona get the information B. why Mona got the information

C. how Mona got the information D. why did Mona get the information

( )7. - Philip has gone to New Zealand.

- Oh, can you tell me_______?

A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C. when he left D. when is he leaving

( )8.- Bob, please tell me_______.

- In South Hill School.

A. where will the match be held B. where the match will be held

C. when will the match be held D. when the match will be held

( )9. - Would you please tell me_______?

- Yes, There's a bank over there.

A. when can I exchange money B. where can I exchange money

C. when I can exchange money D. where I can exchange money

( )10. I don't remember_______ the book yesterday.

A. where I put B. where did I put C. where will I put D. where I will put

( )11. - Would you please tell me_______?

- Bus No. 22 will take you there.

A. who will we go with to Meilanfang Theatre B. what can we see in Qinghu Wetland Park

C. when we will leave for the Wetland ParkD. how we can get to the Old Street

( )12. I wonder_______.

A. what can I do on vacation B. where I can go on vacation C. who can I go on vacation with

( )13. - Could you please tell me_______?

- Yes. There is one on Centre Street.

A. where can I buy some stamps B when you will take your vacation

C. when was the telephone inventedD. if there are any good restaurants around here

( )14. - I wonder when_______ be held.

- If it _______, we'll have it next Monday.

A. the sports meeting will; doesn't rain B. will the sports meeting; doesn't rain

C. the sports meeting will; will not rain

( )15. - Hey! Mike, guess_______ for my coming vacation

- To Hainan Island? You always like somewhere interesting.

A. what I will take B. where I'm going C. when I will leave D. who I'm going with

( )16. - Could you tell me_______?

- At the end of July.

A. how often he heard from his pen pal B. how soon he will be here

C. that he went on vacation D. when you will start your vacation

( )17. - Could you tell me_______ yesterday?

- Because my bike was broken on my way here.

A. why you came late B why do you come late

C. why you come late. D. why did you come late

( )18. Do you know_______ I saw yesterday? It was my favourite star, Jackie!

A whom B when C. where D. how

( )19. - I don't know_______.

- Because he has to look after his mother.

A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving

C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving

( )20. - Could you tell me_______? I'm going to pick you up at the airport.

- At 15:45 this Friday.

A. where you met me B. who you are coming with

C. when you came here D. what time you are arriving




1.- _______ expensive mobile phone it is?

-Yes, but I think _______ style is quite fashionable.

A. What a;a B.How;the C.What an; the D.How an; the

2.-Congratulations! Among the best pictures in the competition,I found _______. Why did you draw it?

一During the trip to the Yellow Mountain _______ May.

A.yours; in B.yours; on C.you; inD.you; on

3.We have ________ some organizations to help the poor students in the western areas of China.

A.taken up B.put up C.picked up D.set up

4.The book was written in _______ easy English _______ even primary school students could understand it.

A.so; thatB.such; that C.too; to D. very; that

5.一Middle school students don’t know much about shopping online, _______ they?

一 _______. It’s very popu]ar with teenagers.

A.do;NoB.do; YesC.don’t; NO D .don’t; Yes

6.The cakes in the restaurant _______,so they _______ well.

A.are tasted better; are soldB.are t asted well; sell

C.taste terrible; are sold D.taste nice; sell

7.一Shall we meet at the station at 8 am?

-In fact, we _______. The train _______ until l0 a.m.

A.mustn’t; doesn’t leave B.mustn’t; leaves

C.needn’t; won’t leave D.needn’t; will leave

8.一I am out of breath. I can’t go any further.

一_______! I am sure you can make it.

A.No problem B.What a pity C.Not badD.Come on

9.一Would you like some fried rice?

-I would rather eat noodles ________have beef in them.

A.that B.than C.what D.as

10.In the UK, a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked________.

A.whether she had been married B.what is her age

C.how muc h she weighs D.where she comes from



Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t __11__ that you don’t have a menta1 health problem.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or __12___. Most of the time those feelings pass,__13___ sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move __14___ different stages(阶段)of your life.

Here are four practical __15___ to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can __16___ them.

●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of __17___, but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.

●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are __18___ connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.

●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer __19___suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.

●Take a break. It could be a weekend __20___ new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.

11.A.agree B.mean C.doubt D.notice

12.A.excitedB.satisfiedC.surprised D stressed

13.A.but B.and C.so D.as

14.A.away B.inside C.throughD.against

15.A.answer B.replies C.ways D.chances

16.A.follow B.find C.advise D.count

17.A.weakness B.lazinessC.happiness D.richness

18.A.easily B.closely C.equallyD.hardly

19.A.difficultB.terrible C.strange D.various

20.A.protecting B.exploring C.providing D.imagining



39.Three __________(four)of the students in our class have handed in their reports.

40.You needn’t be frightened because these insects are completely ____________(harm).

41.If you add some lemonade and sugar,the dish will be much ___________(taste).

42.How ____________(active)they are donating money to help the sick student!

43.Some of the film stars had been ____________(sing)before they entered the film industry.


44.The charity event is ___________(结束). We all think it is a great success.

45.I dislike this channel because ___________(少数)programmes on it are interesting.

46.Ice turns into water when the temperature is ___________(超过)0℃.

47.一Which of these shirts do you like best?

一I’ll take ____________(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.

48.The book he is fond of ____________(描述)how birds live.


49.一I phoned you yesterday morning, but you were not in.

一We __________ (fish)by the river.

50.___________ (make)sure that there are no mistakes,he will check the paper carefully.

51.Is the washing machine I have used for a long time worth __________(fix)?

52.There ___________(not be) much snow here in the past three years.

53.I don’t know if we ___________(show) around the History Museum tomorrow afternoon.

篇13:定语从句讲与练 (译林牛津版高二英语下册教学论文)





a beautiful girl ( ) three boys ( ) a shoe factory ( )

Jim’s father ( ) our teacher ( )

the man in the car ( ) the man standing at the door ( )

the man who is talking with Sam ( )




The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.

2. 定语从句的主要特征:






1.who 指人,在定语从句中作主语,有时也作宾语。

The boys who are playing football are from Class One. 正在踢足球的男孩是一班的。

分析:先行词the boys 在从句中作主语。

Those who want to go to the museum must be at the school gate at 7 tomorrow morning. 想去博物馆的人必须在明晨7点到大门口集合。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

Yesterday I helped an old man who had lost his way. 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

That is the teacher who teaches us physics. 那就是教我们物理的老师。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

You needn’t talk to the people who you don’t like talking to.

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

2.whom 指人,在定语从句中做宾语,常可省略。

Mr Liu is the person ( whom ) you talked about on the bus. 刘先生就是你们在公共汽车 上谈论的那个人。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

Li Ming is just the boy ( whom ) I want to see. 李明正是我想要见的男孩。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The professor ( whom ) you are waiting for has come. 你正在等的教授已经来了。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

注意:关系代词whom 在口语或非正式文体中常可用who 来代替,也可省略。

The man ( whom / who )you met just now is my old friend.

3. whose 通常指人,也可指物,在定语从句中做定语。

I visited a scientist whose name is known all over the country. 我拜访了一个全国知名的科学家。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

He has a friend whose father is a doctor. 译成汉语:_________________________________

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

I lost the book whose cover was blue. 我把那本封面是蓝色的书弄丢了。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

We live in a house whose windows face the south. 译成汉语:_________________________


The classroom whose door is broken will soon be repaired.

=The classroom the door of which is broken will soon be repaired.

Do you like the book whose cover is yellow?

=Do you like the book the cover of which is yellow?

自己总结一下:在定语从句中,whose + 名词= ___________________________

4.which 指物,在定语从句中做主语或宾语,做宾语时常可省略。

Football is a game which is liked by most boys. 足球是大多数男孩所喜欢的运动。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The factory which makes computers is far away from here. 制造计算机的那家公司离这儿很远。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

He likes to read books which are written by foreign writers. 译成汉语:____________________

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The house which is by the lake looks nice. 湖边的那幢房子看上去很漂亮。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

This is the pen ( which ) he bought yesterday. 译成汉语:___________________________

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The film ( which ) they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 他们昨晚看的电影一点意思也没有。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

5.that 引导定语从句时,既可以指人,也可以指物。指人时,相当于who 或whom;指物时,相当于which.。在定语从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时常可省略。

The number of people that / who come to visit this city each year reaches one million. 每年来参观这座城市的人数达一百万。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

Where is the man that / whom I saw this morning? 我今天早上看到的那个人在哪儿?

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The person that / / you introduced to me is very kind. 你介绍给我的那个人很友好。

The season that / comes after spring is summer. 春天以后的季节是夏季。

Yesterday I received a letter that /_______ came from Australia. 昨天我收到了一封来自澳大利亚的信。

(二) 关系副词引导的定语从句

1. when 指时间,在定语从句中作时间状语。常可以用in/on/at which代替。

I still remember the day when I first came to this school. 我仍然记得我第一次来到这所学 校的那一天。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The time when we got together finally arrived. 我们团聚的时刻终于到了。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

October 1, 1949 was the day when the People’s Republic of China was founded. 1949年10月1日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。



分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

Do you remember the years when he lived in the countryside with his grandparents. 你还记得在农村和你祖父母一起生活的那些年吗?



分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

2. where 指地点,在定语从句中作地点状语。常可用in/on/at which代替。

Shanghai is the city where I was born. 上海是我出生的城市。



分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 我十年前住的房子已经被拆掉了。



分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

I visited the farm where a lot of cows were raised . 我参观了那个饲养了许多奶牛的农场。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

Is this the place where they fought the enemy? 这是他们当初打敌人的地方吗?

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

注意:当先行词是situation, occasion, point时,且又在从句中作状语时,常用where来引导定语从句。

Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you felt very embarrassed(尴尬).

He has reached a point where nobody can compare with him.

3. why 指原因,在定语从句中作原因状语。常可用for which来代替。

Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane. 请告诉我你误机的原因。

分析:先行词__________ 在从句中作________。

The reason why he was punished is unknown to us. 他受惩罚的原因我们都不知道。

I don’t know the reason why he looks unhappy today. 译成汉语:____________________


From the years when (=______________) he was going to primary school in the country he had known what he wanted to be when he grew up. 自从他在农村读小学时,他就已经知道长大后要做什么。

I will never forget the moment when (=______________) the blind students moved us.

Great changes are taking place in the city where (=______________) they live. 他们生活的城市正发生巨大的变化。

The reason why (=______________) he refused the invitation is quite clear. 他为什么拒绝接受邀请的原因是十分明了的。



The teacher told me that Tom was the only person that I could depend on. 老师告诉我说汤姆是我唯一的可以依靠的人。

China is a country which has a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。

In the street I saw a man who was from Africa. 在街上我看到一个来自非洲的人。

非限制性定语从句举例 :

His mother, who loves him very much, is strict with him. 他妈妈十分地爱他,对他要求很严格。

China, which was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 中国是1949年成立的, 现在正变得越来越强大。

Last summer I visited the People’s Great Hall, in which many important meetings are held every year. 去年夏天,我参观了人民大会堂,在那儿每年都要举行许多重要会议。


Xiao Li came to see me off, which was very kind of her.

He didn’t pass the exam, which surprised us.



最 不 序 正是 疑 表 人物

1. 当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时。如:

This is the best film that I have ever seen. 这是我看过的最好的电影。

2. 当先行词是不定代词everything, anything, nothing (something 除外), all, none, few, little, some等代词时,或当先行词受every, any, all, some, no, little, few, much等代词修饰时。如:

Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said? 李老师讲的你都记下来了吗?

There seems to be nothing that is impossible to him in the world. 对他来说似乎世界上没有什么不可能的事。

All that can be done has been done. 所有能做的都做好了。

There is little that I can do for you. 我不能为你干什么。

He stayed in the library and looked up any information that they needed. 他呆在图书馆查找所需的资料。

3. 当先行词被序数词修饰时。如:

The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben. 在伦敦他们参观的第一个地方是大本钟。

4. 当先行词被表示“正是”的the very, the only修饰时。如:

This is the very dictionary that I want to buy. 这正是我要买的词典。

After the fire in his house, the old car is the only thing that he owns. 家里发生了火灾过后,那辆旧车成了他的唯一拥有。

5. 当先行词前面有who, which等疑问代词时。如:

Who is the man that is standing by the gate? 站在门口的那个人是谁?

Which is the T-shirt that fits me most? 哪件T恤衫最合我的身?

6. 当关系代词在从句中作表语时:

Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be.

China is no longer the country that it used to be.

7. 当先行词为人与动物或人与物时。如:

They talked about the persons and things that they remembered at school 他们谈论着他们所能记起的在校时的人和事。

Look at the man and his donkey that are walking up the street. 瞧瞧那个沿街走来的人和他的 毛驴。

思考:什么时候只能which 而不能用that呢?1.在___________中;2.在____________之后。


The factory we visited yesterday was really old. (请将省略的关系代词补充在正确的位置)

The man you just talked to was my English teacher. (请将省略的关系代词补充在正确的位置)




The school (which / that) he once studied in is very famous.

=The school in which he once studied is very famous. 他曾经就读过的学校很出名。

This is the boy (whom / who / that) I played tennis with yesterday.

=This is the boy________________I played tennis yesterday. 这是我昨天跟他打台球的男孩。

We’ll go to hear the famous singer (whom / who / that) we have often talked about.

=We’ll go to hear the famous singer ________________we have often talked.我们将去听那位我们经常谈论的著名歌唱家演唱。

The manager whose company I work in pays much attention to improving our working conditions.

=The manager ________________ I work pays much attention to improving our working conditions.我工作的那家公司的经理十分注意改善我们的工作条件。

注意:1. 含有介词的固定短语动词一般不拆开,介词仍放在短语动词的后面。如:look for, look after, take care of, give up等。

This is the watch (which / that) I am looking for. (正) 这是我正在找的手表。

This is the watch for which I am looking . (误)

The babies (whom / who / that) the nurse is looking after are very healthy. (正) 那个保姆照看的小宝宝们都很健康。

The babies after whom the nurse is looking are very healthy. (误)

2.若介词放在关系代词前,关系代词指人时只可用whom,不可用who, that;关系代词指物时只可用which,不可用that。关系代词是所有格时用whose。

The man with whom you talked just now is my neighbour. (正) 你刚才跟他谈话的那个人是我的邻居。

The man with that / who you talked just now is my neighbour. (误)

The plane in which we flew to Canada was really comfortable. (正)我们去加拿大所乘坐的飞机实在很舒服。

The plane in that we flew to Canada was really comfortable. (误)

3.“介词+关系代词”前还可有some, any, none, all, both, neither, many, most, each, few等代词或者数词。如:

He loves his parents deeply, both of whom are very kind to him. 他深深地爱着他的父母,他们俩待他都很好。

In the basket there are quite many apples, some of which have gone bad. 篮子里有好些苹果,有些已经坏了。

There are forty students in our class in all, most of whom are from big cities. 我们班总共有40个学生,大多数来自大城市。

Up to now, he has written ten stories, three of which are about country life. 迄今为止,他写了10部小说,其中3部是关于农村生活的。

(四)当先行词被one of修饰时,若one of前有the only,则从句的谓语动词用单数,没有only的话则用复数。

He is one of the students who ________ never late. 译成汉语:________________________

He is the only one of the students who ________ never late. 译成汉语:_________________


I will never forget the days ________ we climbed the mountain together.

I will never forget the days ________ we spent together.

We visited the house _______ Lu Xun used to live.

We visited the house _______ Lu Xun used to live in.

This is the reason _______ he was unhappy.

This is the reason _______ he explained to me.

(六)当先行词被such, the same 修饰时,关系词常用as。 如:

I’ve never heard such stories as he tells. 我从未听过象他讲的这样的故事。

He is not such a fool as he looks. 他可不象他看上去的那样傻。

This is the same dictionary as I lost last week. 这部词典跟我上星期丢失的一样。

注意:当先行词受the same 修饰时,偶尔也用 that引导定语从句,但与as引导的定语从句意思有区别。如:

She wore the same dress that she wore at Mary’s wedding. 她穿着她在玛丽婚礼上穿过的同一条连衣裙。

She wore the same dress as her younger sister wore. 她穿着跟她妹妹所穿的一样的连衣裙。

(七)以the way为先行词的限制性定语从句通常由in which或that引导,而且通常可以省略。如:

The way ________he answered the questions was surprising. 他回答这些问题的方式令人惊奇。

I don’t like the way______________ you laugh at her. 我不喜欢你冲她的样子。

Test yourself:

1. Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, , of course, made the others unhappy.

A. which B. who C. this D. what

2. After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town he grew up as a child.

A. which B. when C. that D. where

3. The gentleman you told me yesterday proved to be a thief.

A. who B. about whom C. whom D. with whom

4. Please take any seat is free.

A. which B. where C. in which D. that

5. The old man has two sons, is a soldier.

A. one of whom B. both of them C. all of whom D. none of them

6. This is the ship we crossed the Pacific(太平洋).

A. by which B. by that C. where D. in which

7. New York is famous for its sky-scrapers(摩天大楼), has more than 100 storeys.

A. the higher of them B. the highest of which

C. the highest of them D. some of which

8. My home village is no longer the same it used to be.

A. which B. as C. where D. when

9. In the office I never seem to have time until after 5:30 p.m., many people have gone home.

A. whose time B. that C. at which D. by which time

10. The boy composition won the first prize is the youngest in the group.

A. who B. whose C. that D. which

11. The weather turned out to be very good, was more than we could expect.

A. what B. which C. that D. it

12. Mr. Wang is a boss, factory Li Ping worked.

A. in whose B. whose C. in whom D. of which

13. I don't like the way you speak to her.

A. / B. that C. in which D. All A, B, and C

14. I shall never forget the years I lived in the country with the farmers, has a good effect on my life.

A. that, which B. when, which C. which, that D. when, who

15. is known to all, China will be an advanced and powerful country in 20 or 30year’stime.

A. What B. That C. As D. It

16. Is this book you want to borrow from the library?

A. that B. which C. the one D. /

17. Such a book you showed me is difficult to understand.

A. that B. which C. as D. like

18. The speaker spoke of some writers and some books were popular then.

A. / B. that C. which D. who

19. This is the store we visited the famous shop assistants.

A. where B. there C. that D. which

20. I’m going to spend my holiday in Beijing, live my old parents.

A. which B. that C. where D. there


1---5 ADBDA 6---10 DBBDB 11---15 BADBC 16---20 CCBAC


篇14:直接引语变间接引语 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Step1 Lead-in

She said, “ They are using PSAs to educate people.”

She said that they were using PSAs to educate people.

“ We must not give up in the face of pressure.” she said.

She encouraged us not to give up in the face of pressure.

Step 2 Direct speech and reported speech (直接引语和间接引语)





He said, ‘I will go to school tomorrow.’

He said that he will go to the school the next day.

She said to me , ‘I am going to London with my father.’

She told me that she was going to London with his father.

She said, “Do you often come here for a visit.”

She asked if I often went there for a visit.



①He said, “I have been to Japan.”

He said that ___ had been to Japan.

②She said, “I'll give you an exam tomorrow.”

She told us that ______ would give ____ an exam tomorrow.

③She asked me, “When do they have their dinner?”

She asked me when _____ had _____ dinner.


一般现在时 一般过去时

现在进行时 过去完成时

现在完成时 一般将来时

She said. ”I have lost a pen.“→

She said. ”We hope so.“ →

She said. ”He will go to see his friend。“→

注意:①The geography teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.”

②“I’ll never forget the days in the country.”

She says that

③My father said to me, “I read the book in 1986.”

④He said to me, “I have taught English since I came here.”



代词 this→ 地点状语 here→

that → 方向性

动词 come→

语 now→ bring→


this week→


last week(month)→

Three day (month) ago→


next week(month)→

1. ‘I will come and see you again this evening, Tom.’ he said.

2. ‘I will come here again today,’ she said.

The doctor said to the patient, ‘You will have to wait till 3 pm tomorrow.’


1. “I never eat meat.” he said.

He said that ______ never ______ meat.

2. “I’ve found my wallet.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ ______ ______ wallet.

3. “I took it home with me.” she said.

She said that ______ ______ _______ it home with her.

4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east and goes down in the west.”

The teacher said that the sun ______ in the east and ______ down in the west.

5. “I met her yesterday.” he said to me.

He ______ me that he ______ met the day ______.

6. “You must come here before five.” he said.

He said that I ______ to go ______ before five.

7. “I bought the house 10 years ago.” he said.

He said that he _______ bought the house 10 years _______.



He said, “I came to see you.”



Tom said, “Do you have any difficulty with English?”

He said, “You are interested in English, aren't you?”


He asked, “Do you speak English or Chinese?”

I asked, “Will you take bus or on foot?”


He said to me,“Where are you from?”

He asked us, “How many factories are there in your country?”


①She said to us, “Please have a break.”

②The teacher said, “Don't smoke in the classroom.”

③The officer said, “Go out!”


She said, “What a lovely day it is.”


1. Our teacher asked us _____ our dictionaries to school.

A. bring B. brought C. bring D. to bring

2. The teacher told the boy students ______ football on the grass.

A. not play B. not to play C. played D. playing

3. Betty asked her sister ____ to the railway station to see her off.

A. not to come B. not to go C. to not come D. to not go

4. The pupil asked his teacher _____ round the earth.

A. whether the moon goes B. that the moon went

C. whether the moon goes D. whether the moon went

5. She asked him ____.

A. whose dictionary this isB. whose dictionary that was

C. whose dictionary is this D. whose dictionary that is

6. Mary’s mother asked her _____.

A. that whether she had finished her homework

B. if she has finished her homework

C. if she had finished her homework

D. that if she had finished her homework

7. Do you know ____?

A. what is he doing B. what he doing

C. what he is doing D. what does he do now

8. I don’t know ____ to learn English.

A. when did he begin B. when he began

C. he when began D. when he begins

9. You can’t imagine ____ when they received these nice Spring Festival presents.

A. how excited they were B. how excited were they

C. how they were excited D. they were how excited

10. Do you remember how many times ____ to Australia?

A. had you been B. did you go

C. have you beenD. you have been

11. The boss asked his secretary ____ ____he had finished typing the report .

A. if; or not B. if; not

C. whether; or not D. whether; not

12. I wonder how much _____.

A. does he spend on his car B. did he spend on his car

C. he spent on his car D. he spent in his car

篇15:高一英语句子必背 (译林牛津版高一英语下册教案教学设计)


1. My name is Lihua and I am a middle school student. I was born on March 10th 1990.

2. I work very hard.

3. I like reading books.

4. I saw a movie last night/ yesterday evening. It was one of the best films that I have ever seen.

5. Please call me on 123456.

6. It was my birthday yesterday. My mum gave me a birthday present.

7. There will be an English party at our school this evening.

8. The English party will start at 7.30.

9. I want to invite you to the English party this evening.

10. I am sure you will have a wonderful/fabulous time with us tonight.

11. A best friend is someone who can share happiness and sorrow with you.

12. This is the first time he has used e-mail to communicate with his pen pal.

13. A hobby is something that you never get tired of-the more time you devote to it, the more fun you have.

14. I’m grateful for everything you have done for me.

I really appreciate everything you have done for me.

15. Guangzhou is a big city with a history of over years.

16. At present, more than one million visitors travel to Guangzhou every year.

17. We have known each other for quite a long time./ We have got to know each other over quite a long time.

18. Our relationship was based upon years of open communication with each other.

19. We have been learning English for about ten years.

20. We have gradually become able to express ourselves fluently in English.

21. Even if it may take me six weeks, I am determined to finish the job.

22. I will try my best to sort out the problem.

23. No matter what may happen, I will never give up.

24. I always believe that attitude is everything./ I believe that having the right attitude is the key to success.

25. Life is just like a beautiful journey. We should always keep a positive attitude towards life.

26. Please be patient. The train is arriving now.

27. It seems that his career is at an end.

28. She has devoted all her life to teaching young kids.

29. The problem is worth discussing.

30. The mother is watching over her sleeping child now.

31. She gave us food and clothes and asked for nothing in return, which made us very grateful.

32. When the bell rang for lunch the students came out of classroom one after another.

33. He’s been training for a long time, so he deserved to win the race.

34. We shouldn’t always rely on our teachers.

35. We should take responsibility for our own learning.

36. Finally, I was able to do the work with the help of my friends.

37. Unless we clean up our environment, human beings may not survive.

38. The government has taken some measures to solve/address/reduce the environmental problems.

39. Because of over-hunting by human beings, many animals have died out.

40. We have only one earth, so we should protect it and always be environmentally friendly.

41. Always remember that prevention is more important than a cure when it comes to saving the environment. .

42. We experienced a lot during the flight.

43. After the plane landed safely, some people burst into laughter while others cried in relief.

44. When driving, you should pay attention to the road signs.

45. According to the weather report, it will be sunny today.

46. Never give up. Tomorrow will be another day.

47. I dream of traveling around the world one day in future.

48. I am independent and don’t like to always rely on others for help.

49. In addition to being confident, she is also attractive and sensitive.

50. We are good friends. I value your friendship above all else.

51. Swimming is pleasant ,especially in warm weather.

52. I love walking in the forest and getting close to nature.

53. I love sports. I’m interested in playing tennis.

54. The story was very funny. I couldn’t help laughing when I was reading it.

55. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

56. Music is wonderful. Listening to music helps me relax when I feel stressed/pressured.

57. The movie reminded me of my wonderful childhood.

58. It was obvious to everyone that he wasn’t telling us the truth.

59. The hospital was built in memory of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.

60. I was deeply touched by the story.

61. You will benefit greatly if you regularly consult with your teacher.

62. Unless you keep a balanced diet, you will put on weight.

63. You never know how far you can go until you try.

64. He was amazed at the great changes that had taken place in his hometown.

65. His ability to earn a good living is limited by his lack of education.

66. His greatest strength is also his most serious weakness.

67. This news report is based entirely on facts.

68. The government has accepted the good suggestions put forward by the young man.

69. We will have a picnic in the woods, weather permitting.

70. When I arrived, I found the school gate closed. I suddenly realized it was Saturday.

71. The atmosphere at the party yesterday was very joyful and everyone had a great time.

72. I often wonder why some parents allow their children to watch violent movies.

73. The news that our class won the basketball game was really a big surprise.

74. The collapse of America’s largest bank set off a chain reaction of bankruptcies and led to many people losing their homes.

75. This 6-year-old boy has a gift for telling stories.

76. This painting is a mixture of the traditional and the modern.

77. We soon fell in love with the thousand-year-old town, (which was) surrounded by green hills and blue water.

78. Standing at the top of the tower, I could see the mountains in the distance

79. I like the small town. This is the place where we spent our summer holiday last year.

80. What impressed me most in the small town was a big tree that is about 1000 years old.

81. I came across my friend by chance when I was leaving the supermarket.

82. My teacher’s words inspired me to work harder than ever before.

83. Thanks to everyone’s hard work, the performance was a great success.

84. I would rather struggle for my dream than give it up and regret it later in my life.

85. The president of the USA paid a visit to China with the hope of improving the relationship between the two countries.

86. I was able to overcome the problem with the help of my teacher.

87. I remember everything as if it happened yesterday.

88. In general, you cannot avoid making mistakes when learning a new language.

89. With the help of the people and the government it is likely that Wenchuan will eventually recover.

90. When the tree leaves turn yellow, we know that autumn is approaching.

91. France is famous for its fine food and wine.

92. The school provides modern teaching facilities for its students.

93. Computers and Internet have completely changed our lives and allow us to easily communicate with people all over the world.

94. Not only was he a famous playwright, but he was also an excellent actor.

95. Don’t expose yourself to the sun for too long or you will get sunburned.

96. My breakfast consists of chocolate-covered biscuits and milk.

97. I keep my reference books near my desk for convenience.

98. Born into a workers’ family in Beijing, she began to play table tennis at the age of five.

99. Everything in the world is constantly changing.

100. The headmaster presented him with the award for excellent students.


1. 我的名字叫李华。我是一名中学生。我出生于1990年3月10日。

2. 我很努力学习3. 我喜欢看书。

4. 昨天晚上我看了一场电影。这是目前为止我所看过的最好的电影中的一部。

5. 请打我的电话,我的号码是123456。

6. 昨天是我的生日。妈妈给了我一份生日礼物。

7. 今天傍晚学校将有一场英语晚会。

8. 英语晚会将于七点半开始。 9. 我想邀请你参加今天的英语晚会。

10. 我深信你一定能与我们共度一个愉快的夜晚。

11. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share…with)

12. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first time, communicate with)

13. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的--你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多。 (the more… the more; devote to; get tired of)

14. 我真的非常感激你为我所做的一切。

15. 广州是一个拥有2000 多年历史的大城市。

16.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, more than)

17. 我们已经相识有很长的时间了。(get to know each other)

18. 我们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base on, communication)

19. 我们学习英语已经有大约十年的时间了。

20. 我们已经逐渐可以用英语流利地表达自己了. (gradually, express, fluently)

21. 即使这工作可能要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。 (even if, determined )

22. 我会想尽办法来解决这个问题。

23. 不论发生什么事情,我将永远都不会放弃。 (No matter…)

24. 我始终相信正确的态度是成功的关键所在。

25. 生活就象是一个美丽的旅程。我们应该始终对生活保持一种积极的态度。

26. 请耐心点。火车很快就到了。(be doing 表将来)

27. 好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It seems…, at an end)

28. 她把自己毕生的精力都倾注于教育孩子。(devote …to…)

29. 这个问题值得讨论。( worth)

30. 这个母亲正看护着她熟睡的孩子。(watch over)

31. 她给我们食物和衣服,没有要求任何回报,这一切都让我们很感激。 (in return; which; be grateful )

32. 当午餐的铃声敲响的时候, 学生们一个接一个走出教室。(one after another)

33. 他训练了很长的一段时间,所以获得比赛的胜利是他应得的。(deserve, so)

34. 我们不能总是依赖老师。(rely on…)

35. 我们都应该对自己的学习负责。(take the responsibility for…)

36. 在朋友的帮助下,我最终完成了这项工作。(with the help of)

37. 除非我们净化我们的环境,否则人类可能将无法生存。(clean up, survive)

38. 政府已经采取措施解决环境的问题。(take measures, solve)

39. 由于人类的过度猎捕,许多动物都已经灭绝了。( die out,)

40. 我们只有一个地球。所以我们应该保护我们的地球,做到环保。

41. 永远记住对于环保,防护比治理更加重要。( cure)

42. 我们在飞行途中经历了许多。

43.飞机安全着陆之后,一些人喜笑颜开,而另一些人欣慰地哭了。(burst into laughter; while; cry in relief)

44. 开车的时候,你应该注意路标。( pay attention to; road signs)

45. 根据气象报告,今天将会是一个晴朗的日子。( according to)

46. 不要放弃。明天将会是更美好的一天。 47. 我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界。(dream of)

48. 我很独立,不喜欢总是依赖别人来获得帮助。(be independent; rely on )

49. 除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感。(in addition to; confident; attractive; sensitive)

50. 我们是好朋友。我将与你的友谊视为是最重要的。(above all else)


52.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉。(get close to)

53.我喜欢运动。我对打网球有兴趣。(be interested in)

54.这个故事很有趣。但我读的时候,我情不自禁地笑了起来。(can’t help…)

55.我盼望着能很快见到你。(look forward to…)


57.这出电影让我婆想起了自己美好的童年。(remind … of …)

58. 大家都很清楚他没有告诉我们事实的真相。(obvious)

59. 这间医院是为了纪念孙中山先生而建的。 (in memory of)

60. 我被这个故事深深打动了。

61. 如果你时常请教老师的话,你将会受益匪浅。 (benefit,consult with)

62. 除非你保持均衡的饮食,否则将会增加体重。 (a balanced diet, put on weight )

63. 不尝试,你永远都不知道自己能走多远。 64. 他对家乡的巨变十分惊讶。(amaze)

65. 他谋求良好生活的能力受到了他缺乏教育的限制。(earn a good living, be limited by; lack of)

66. 他最大的优点也是他最严重的缺点。

67. 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写的。(base…on)

68. 政府已经接受了这个年轻人提出的好建议。

69.如果天气允许的话,我们将在树林里野餐。(weather permitting)

70. 当我到达的时候,我发现学校的门是关着的。我突然意识到那天是星期六。(find+宾语+补语)

71. 昨天晚会的气氛非常欢快,每一个人都度过了美好的时光。(atmosphere; joyful)

72 我经常感到疑惑,为什么有些家长允许自己的孩子暴力影片。(wonder ; allow)

73. 我们班获得篮球比赛胜利的消息真是一个很大的惊喜。

74美国最大银行的倒闭引发了(set off)连锁的破产现象(a chain reaction of bankruptcies),导致了许多人失去了自己的家园。 (lead to, lose home)

75.这个6岁的小孩有讲故事的天赋。(have a gift for)

76 这幅画是传统与现代的结合。( a mixture; the traditional; the modern)

77. 我们很快就喜欢上了这个青山碧水环绕的千年古镇。 (surround)

78.站在塔顶上,我仍能看到远处的山 ( in the distance)

79. 我很喜欢这个小镇。这就是我们去年度暑假的地方。

80. 使我印象就深刻的是小镇上一棵百年老树。

81.当我离开超市的时候,我碰巧遇见了我的老朋友。(come across)


83. 多亏了每一个人的辛勤努力,表演取得了巨大的成功。(thanks to)

84. 我宁愿为理想奋斗,不愿意放弃而他日后悔。(would rather…than; struggle for)

85. 美国总统来华访问,希望改善两国之间的关系。(with the hope of…)


87.我对一切记忆犹新,好像是昨天发生的。( as if…)

88.一般而言,你在学习一门新的语言的时候总避免不了要犯错误。(in general, avoid)

89.在政府和人民的帮助下,汶川地区最终定能重建家园(it is likely that; recover)

90. 树叶变黄,意味着秋天来临。(approach)

91.法国以其精美的食品和葡葡萄酒驰名。(be famous for)

92.学校为学生提供了许多现代化的教学设施。(provide sth. for sb.; teaching facilities)

93. 计算机和网络已经彻底地改变了我们的生活,让我们可以很方便地与全世界的人交流。

94.他不仅是个有名的剧作家也是个非常优秀的演员。(Not only句首…but also…)

95. 别在太阳下晒得太久,否则你会被晒伤。(expose… to)

96. 我的早餐包括巧克力饼干和牛奶。(consist of)

97. 为了图方便, 我把参考书放在书桌前。(for convenience)

98 她出生于北京的一个工人家庭,5岁就开始打乒乓球。(过去分词作状语)

99. 世上的一切事情都在不断地发生着变化

100.校长为他颁发了优秀学生奖。( present sb. with the award )

篇16:牛津8B unit8 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语八年级)


Teaching aims:

To learn to use passive voice in the simple future tense.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Presentation

1. Show some pictures and present the new words: display, pollute, harm, living.

2. Let some students spell the words.

3. Read after the teacher.

4. Read together.

Step 2 Explanation

1. 被动语态的一般将来时的概念


e.g. He will be/is going to be taken to hospital in a few minutes.


The food will be /is going to be eaten by the dog soon.


2. 被动语态的一般将来时的构成

主语 will be/ be going to be 过去分词

I will be /am going to be


You /We /They will be /are going to be

He /She/It will be /is going to be

注意:主语是第一人称时,被动语态的一般将来时也可以用“shall be+动词的过去分词”来表达。

Step 3 Practice

1. Complete part A on page 112.

2. Check the answers.

3. Complete part B on page 113.

4. Check the answers.

Step 4 Exercises

I. 根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。

1. A cat __________ (keep) in my grandmother’s house.

2. The concert ___________ (hold) last Friday evening.

3. Jane was made __________ (work) ten hours a day.

4. A new hospital _________________ ______ (build) in our city next year.

5. More than 50 trees ________________ (plant) since last month.

II. Complete part C on page 114.

Step 5 Homework

1. Review the contents of this lesson.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

3. Preview the next lesson.

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. Learn some words and phrases.

2. Practise listening skills by listening to a text.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate some sentences.

1被扔进湖里be thrown into lakes

2被装满 be filled with

3使人们生病make people ill/sick

4将来in the future

5清理clean up

6和……一样as well as

7土地和水污染 land and water pollution

8采取行动做某事 take action to do sth.

9有机会做某事 have chance to do sth.

10考虑 think about


The show will be held at the school hall.


Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.

Step 2 Presentation

Present the new words.

empty adj. 空的

survey n. 调查

Read aloud these new words

Step 3 Warming up

How can we live a green life?

What can we do to protect the environment in our daily lives?

Using some pictures to show how to go green in our daily lives.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish Part A1.

The Class 1, Grade 8 students want to do a survey to get some ideas for their presentation on how to go green. Listen to the conversation between Daniel and Sandy and write the correct information in the table below.

A survey on students’ daily habits.

Time: Survey (1) _____________

Daniel and Sandy meet:

(2) __________________

Place: (3) __________________

Numbers of students: (4) _________

Boys: (5)__________

Girls: (6) _________

Numbers of questions: (7) __________

Keys: (1) 4 p.m. this Wednesday (2) 3:40 p.m. this Wednesday (3) Room 201

(4) 50 (5) 25 (6) 25 (7) 6

Listen to the tape and finish Part A2.

Daniel and Sandy are talking about the results of the survey. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.

Daily habits Number of students

Turn off the tap when brushing teeth 35

Take showers for less than 10 minutes 20

Use both sides of the paper 40

Recycle empty bottles 15

Turn off the lights when they leave a room 41

Take their own bags to the supermarket 9

Complete Part A3.

Sandy is writing a note to Mr Wu about the survey she and Daniel have done. Help her complete the note. Use Parts A1 and A2 to help you.

Dear Mr Wu,

Daniel and I did a survey this (1)__________. Students were asked about their (2)____________.

Here are the results of the survey. Only (3)_____ students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but (4)_____ students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle (5)____________, but (6)____ students use both sides of the paper. It is great that most students remember to (7)_________ the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own (8)________ to the supermarket.

The survey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment, but there are still many more things they can do.


Keys: 1. Wednesday 2. daily habits 3. 20 4. 35 5. empty bottles 6. 40 7. turn off 8. bags

Step 5 Speak up

1. Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Kitty then answer the questions:

1) What has been a serious problem all around the world?

2) What can Kitty do to protect the environment?

3) Is air pollution harmful to our health?

2. Listen to their conversation again and find out the advantages of planting trees.

Trees make our town look nicer.

Trees reduce dust and help keep air clean.

Trees help keep soil in place during storms.

Trees provide home for animals.

3. Read aloud the conversation then work in pairs to ask and answer. Use the conversation as a model

4. Make your own dialogue.

Sample conversation

S 1: Water is very important for all living things.

S 2: Yes. We should use our water carefully and not waste it.

S 1: Right. We can help save water by doing many simple things like turning off the tap while we brush our teeth.

S 2: Taking short showers saves even more water.

S 1: Saving water is good for the environment. I hope all of us do our best to save water.

S 2: I hope so too.

Step 6 Language points

1. I think our town will look nicer with more trees around.

句中with more trees around 为介词短语,起副词作用。Around 用作副词,意思是“周围,四周”。

e.g. I could hear laughter all around. 我可以听见周围的笑声。

2. Air pollution is harmful to our health.

be harmful to sb.= harm sb. = do harm to sb. 对某人有害

e.g. Air pollution is harmful to our health.

= Air pollution harm to our health.

= Air pollution does harm to our health.


3. They provide home for animals too.

provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.


e.g. They provide homes for animals.

= They provide animals with homes.


Step 7 Let’s do a survey.

Work in groups of four and ask your group members about their daily habits. Then write a short passage about the results and report it to the class.

Step 8 Exercises


1. There is a ______(调查) on learning English.

2. He joined an English club to improve his ______ (日常的) English.

3. Smoking is a kind of bad _______(习惯) .

4. Some of the waste material can be reworked for _________ (再利用).

Keys: 1 survey 2 daily 3 habit 4 recycling


1. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。

2. 这是调查的结果。

Keys: 1. Few students take their own bags to the supermarket.

2. Here are the results of the survey.

Step 9 Homework

1. Remember the new words in this lesson.

2. Preview the next lesson.

Study skills

Teaching aims:

1. To learn to talk about how to protect the environment

2. To learn to correct the mistakes by checking the work

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate the phrases and sentences.



3. 扔掉

4. 依靠

5. 自然资源

6. 洗澡

7. 刷牙

8. 学生的数量

9. 用纸的两面

10. 回收空瓶子

11. 关灯

12. 做一个调查

13. …的结果

14. 保护环境

15. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。

16. 这是调查的结果。

17. 调查表明学生为帮助保护环境正在做许多事。

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present some new words with pictures and then read them aloud

2. Let some students spell the words.

3. Read after the teacher.

4. Read together.

Step 3 Study skills

1. Explanation

We can correct a lot of our own mistakes by checking our work. After we have finished a piece of writing, always spend some time reading it through.

Types of mistakes

Step 4 Exercises

1. Complete the exercises on textbook.

Millie has written an article. Help her check her work. Underline the mistake, make the corrections and decide the types of mistakes she has made.

Let’s protect the environment!

People depend natural resources to live. Water and soil help provide us with necessary food and drinks. Coal, oil and natural gas is not only useful for families, but have a wider use for factorys.

Some natural resources are around us, such as water. Others like coal, oil and natural gas are dug up from the ground. They will form over thousands or even millions of years. As a result, it is very important for us to use them wise. If they are used and thrown away carelessly. finally some of them will run out.

It is time for us to take proper actions to protect our enviromnent. We should try produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible?

2. Check the answers.

3. Then read them aloud.

4. Do more exercises

Correct mistakes in the sentences.

1) You should pay not attention to his words.

2) Nobody can prove him wrongly.

3) Who made them so sadly?

4) What a valuable advice it is!

5) I really don’t know what to solve the problem.

6) I don’t see anything strange about the photo, too.

7) What is he look like? He is kind and helpful.

8) Listen, the music is sounding beautiful.

Step 5 Homework

Write a short passage “My green life” and use the skills we have learnt today to check your work.


Teaching aims:

1. To learn some information about going green.

2. To learn how to write a script on how to go green.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Presentation

1. Show some pictures and present the new words: simple, step, power.

2. Read after the teacher.

3. Read together.

Step 2 Warming up

Discuss: How can we go green?

go green = protect the environment

Step 3 Brainstorm

What can we do to save water?

What can we do to save power?

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Step 4 Reading

Read Millie’s notes on page 118 and find out:

What can we do to save water?

What can we do to save power?

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Which else can we do to live a green life?

Step 5 Practice

1. Complete Millie’s script on page 119.

2. Check the answers.

3. Read together.

Step 6 Language points

Here are some simple steps to take.

take some steps 采取一些措施

e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water.


Step 7 Writing

Show some pictures about protecting environment. Let the students to give a presentation on how to go green.

Useful expressions:

1) It is time for us to ….

2) We can save water by ….

3) We should use/take ….

4) … is a good way to ….

5) It is important for us to ….

6) It is good to ….

7) Moreover, ….

Step 8 Exercises

I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The waste can ______________(separate) into different groups to recycle.

2. Take your own bags when __________ (shop).

3. You should do more exercise and watch ______ (little) TV.

4. We can save water by ________ (take) shorter showers.

5. You need to check your homework after finishing _________ (write).

II. 汉译英。

1. 我们可以通过缩短淋浴时间来节约用水。

2. 为了节约电力,当我们离开房间时应该把灯关掉。

3. 好习惯能够帮助减少污染。

4. 对我们来说养成环保的生活方式很重要。

5. 遵循这些小步骤,你可以对地球产生大影响。

6. 当电视和电脑不用时,我们应该关掉电源。

Step 9 Homework

1. Finish your script.

2. Review all the new words and language points in this unit.


Teaching content:Comic strip and welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:1.复习掌握已学过的衣服的名称。





Teaching focus :1.衣服的名称及其制作材料。


Teaching aids:教学挂图,多媒体。

Teaching procedure:

Warming up:

Let the students see some pictures of the fashion show on the screen.

Pre - task:

1. Use the pictures to review the names of the clothes.

2. Review the colours. Ask the Ss to say the colours of the clothes.

3. Describe yourself what you are wearing today. Then ask some students to describe what they are wearing.

While- task:

1. Eddie is going to a fashion show. Will you please help him to dress up?

2. See some pictures of different kinds of dogs in clothes on the screen.

3. Use the pictures on the screen to present some new words: the material of the clothes. (silk, cotton, leather, wool,)

eg. Look at this lovely dog. Its scarf is white, and its made of silk.


Now Eddie is on the fashion show. He looks smart. He is doing a good job. He raises a lot of money for Project Hope. Use the following words to describe what Eddie is wearing.

names shoes hat scarf coat

colours black red white Yellow

materials leather wool silk cotton

5.Learn ”comic strip\".

A. Present the comic strip. Help the Ss understand the meaning.

eg. Eddie is going to a fashion show. But he doesn't know what to wear. So he asks Hobo. Hobo tells him not to wear any clothes because dogs don't wear clothes.

B. Repeat the dialogue

C. Read the dialogue after the teacher.

D. Ask some students to act it out.

Post- task:

1.Welcome to the unit

A. Looking good and raising money.

The students are giving a fashion show to raise money for Project Hope. Look at the two students below and put the following words in the correct boxes.

B. Clothes and materials

Millie wants to join the fashion show. She wants to know the names of the names of the different materials. Help her write the correct words under the pictures.

2. Give a fashion show

Ask several students to give a fashion show.

The Second Teaching Plan Of Unit 6

Teaching Aims: (1) 认知目标:学习本课阅读内容。To learn the main diea of the reading.

(2) 技能目标:通过学生的活动,口头表达某人的衣着。初步完成本单元任务活动。


Teaching contents: To learn the reading part of this unit, to grasp the main idea of this unit

Teaching Language Points: raise money; Project Hope, in /from 1980s;look colorful, / smart/modern /cool; a pair of blue jeans, fashion show.

Teaching procedures:

1. Lead-in (1)Select some Ss, Say something about their clothes. Pay attention to size, colour, and ues some suitable adjective words. Such as : smart, modern, cool, …

eg: 1. What colour is his coat?

2. What size is it ?

3. Does he look cool? …

(2) Ask the some Ss to describe my clothes. (to express one’s fashion with the words appeared in the reading. )

2. Warming up exercises: Present the new materials by picture.

(1) To distinguish the fashions in different times.(through pictures prepared.)

(2) Sum up. To describe a person in a short passage. (according to the pictures.)

Just like: “Deniel looked smart and modern. He wore blue and yellow sports clothes. He also wore a pair of colourful trainers. ”

3. Present the new materials; (1) Listening to the tape recorder and try to finish the form below.

Simon Clothes(1980s) Looked colourful Trousers were _____.His shirt was __ ____His tie was _______

Daniel ------ Looked ____ & ____. He wore ________.He also ______ trainers

Millie Give a talk on “_______” Young people ______ in 1990s. The trainers are _______.

Amy Young people like to wear ___________ Looked cool . She wore a yellow ‘silk blouse with ______ and a pair of blue jeans _____.

Sandy (I) Clothes(1990s) I wore ___, ____ and ______. I also wore my hair _____.

(2)Ask the Ss to sum up the impression on each student.(axxording to the form above)

(3) Try to retell the main ideas of the story.

4.Ask Ss to draw some pictures about Simon, Daniel, Millie, Amy and I.

This course is for the purpose of main task

5.Ss’ activities. Say something about the pictures drawn on the Bb.

6. Listen and read after the tape. (Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.) and try to translate some important sentences into Chinese.

7. Homework for today. Draw a picture of oneself in fashion for the Fashion Wall.

The Third Period of Unit 6

Teaching Contents: Reading A B

Teaching Topic: The Fashion Show

Teaching Aims: 1、进一步理解课文的主题



Teaching LanguagePoints: 用新闻报道的形式写关于时装秀的一篇短文


Ⅱ.Warming up

1. Read the names of clothes with the picture on P87 (A)

T : He / She looks beautiful ( smart modern cool)

What is it?

S: Jacket tie shirt / blouse skirt

T : What are they?

S: Shoes trousers / boots

2. Ask the students about his (her) real life.

T: What are you wearing ?

S: A shirt.

T: What’s it made of?

S: It’s made of silk (wool leather cotton).

T: What colour is it?

S: It’s red .(yellow black white blue green purple)

Ⅲ. Reading (1)

1. Read the new words.

T: Last Friday ,Sandy’s class gave a fashion show.

Can you read the new words.

a fashion show Project Hope style scarf

time times trainer trainers century

smart modern colorful comfortable cool

2. Read the text

3. Qs and As

T: (1) Who wore white shoes?

(2) What did Simon wear?

(3) Who wore a blouse?

(4) What did Amy wear?

(5) Who wore sport clothes?

(6) Who wore a black skirt?

(7) Was Amy’s blouse silk? Was Amy’s scarf wool?

4. Fill in the blanks.

Name Clothes





Ⅳ.Reading (2)

T: Now let’s look at P90 (B) “Style and fashion”

Finish Kitty’s notes.

1. Simon wore a pair of white_____________

2. Millie talked about sports shoes called _____________

3.Young people like to wear trainers because they are ____________

4.Sandy wore a red____________

5. Simon’s _________ was yellow and red.

6.Amy wore a yellow __________ blouse and a pair of blue jeans.

Ⅴ.Post-task activity

(1) T: Now , I’ll ask you to say something about your friend’s fashionable clothes. And let’s guess who he is / she is .

S: He /She is wearing ….

(2) T: OK. Please come to the front and say something about yourself.

S: I’m wearing…

Ⅵ. Reading (3)

The students read the text again.

Ⅶ. Homework.

T: Please write an article about your friend’s fashionable clothes.

( about the fashion show)

The Fourth Period Of Unit 6 Fashion

Topic: Reading C, D


1. Identify clothes and learn the names appeared in the reading part.

2. Arouse students’ enthusiasm for contacting others by interviewing.

3. Developing the ability of useing

I. Greetings

T: Hello, everyboy. Nice to see you again .Oh, Student A, your shirt is very beautiful, who bought it for you?

A: My father did.

T: Oh, I see. Student B, you look colourful. I think you can give a fashion show.

B: Thank you.

T: Do you still remember the fashion show?

Ss: Yes, we do.

II. Fashionable Clothes (C1)

1.T: Ok, let’s look at the pictures. Please tell us what these are.

(Teacher show them the pictures on the blackboard, ask students to tell the names.)

Picture One

C: scarf

T: Yes, scarf, a blue silk scarf. Read after me, please.

(Students read after teacher. Repeat the steps to go over the left pictures. Shirt, a black shirt;

boot, a pair of long red boots; tie, a yelllow and red tie; trousers, a pair of white trousers; trainers, a pair of colourful trainers.)

T: Good. Who wore these colthes at the fashion show? Who can answer this question? Please read the passage ‘ The fashion show’’, then answer the question.

(Students read it quickly.)

T: Who wore the scarf? Student E , please.

E: Amy wore the blue silk scarf at the fashion show.

(Ask students do the rest questions, write the names on the lines.)

2. Ask students to do the exercises in pairs like this:

A: What is this?

B: It’s a …..

A: Who wore it/them at the fashion show?

B: ….. did.

III. Fashionable Clothes (C2 )

T: Let’s come to the next part. Kitty wants to check her notes before she writes the article. Help her read her notes below. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. Go ahead.

(Students read and check. Ask them to give the answers. If the sentence is false, ask them why, then correct it. Students read the true sentences.)

IV. A television interview

1.T: Kitty interviewed Simon and Sandy after the fashion show. Here are six sentences said by them. Read the sentences, then listern to the tape, try to find out who said what then write the correct numbers in the blanks.

(After the students finish reading the sentences, play the tape for them to listen to then ask them to write the numbers.)

2.T: Kitty interviewed Simon and Sandy after the fashion show. Do you know how Kitty interviewed them? Next please work in pairs or groups to act out the interview. Please use the sentences given in our textbook.

(Student prepair and act out the interview.)

V. Homework.Suggest some of our classmates just came from a fashion show. Do you want to know something about the fashion show? Do you want to know something about him?

The Fifth Period of Unit 6

TeachingContents: Vocabulary

TeachingTopics: Fashion Clothes

Teaching Aims :①To recognize adjectives that describe clothing

②To use adjectives to express opininons about how things look

Ⅰ:Warming up

T:Good morning

S:Good morning

T:What are you wearing ?

S:A silk shirt

T:Very beautiful

S:Thank you

Ⅱ: Part (A)

1,Show the six pictures and let the students guess who they are

S: Picture 1:Sandy






2,Ask stronger classes to describe what their classmates are wearing. They can also describe their favourite clothes they wear at weekends.

e.g..Amy is wearing a yellow silk blouse

Sandy is wearing a pair of long red boots

3,Read the new words

boots blouse skirt tie trainers T-shirt

Ⅲ:Part (B)

1: help students describe the appearance of clothes with a wider range of adjectives. Introduce the idea of opposites. Brainstorm some common words:






2 :Ask students to do Part B on their own . For weaker classes, you may need to pre-teach or check the meaning of some words.

3:Have students compare answers with a partner’s. You could ask S1 to say the numbered words, one at a time ,and S2to say the word with the opposite meaning.

Ⅳ:Do a game

students work in pairs to describe a boy’s(girl’s) appearance and clothes,guess who he (she) is.

Game: He is wearing a yellow blouse and his clothes is heavy.

Q: Who is he ?

Extension activity

Do a survey. Write the table below on the board. Divide the class into groups of four.Have students interview each other using these questions.

What is your favourite clothing item? What materal is it made from? What colour is it?

Name of classmate Favourite clothes Material Colour





Ask students to present their fingings. Write some model sentences on the board to help students talk about their findings.

`they all like…’

‘One student like …and two students like…’


1:Read the text after class

2:Preview grammar

The 6th and 7th Period Grammar

A Simple past tense

Task-based Teaching Aims:

1. Cognitive Development

Make sure students can recognize the tense freely.

2. Proficiency Level

To develop their integrated skills through listening, reading, speaking and writing. They can use the tense to make up sentences and dialogues freely after learning. They can also recognize and use adverbs to order events.

3. Affective Learning

To develop their enjoyments of life and things around them, especially the success of learning, through interactive teaching and student-oriented teaching.

4. Cultural Understanding

Make them feel the cultural differences between Eastern and Western Countries.

Step 1 Revise the purpose and use of the simple past tense by using a timeline. Draw a timeline on the board to show how the simple past tense is expressed in English. Give students some common time expressions: yesterday, last night, a month ago, yesterday afternoon, last week, ten years ago and make sure they can use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past.

e.g. 1. Eddie met Millie 3 years ago.

2. Eddie was ill yesterday.

Step 2 Teach them how to form the simple past tense before practicing them.

We form the simple past tense by adding ‘-ed’ to regular verbs.

Most verbs + ed walk →consonant walked

Verbs ending in e + d live → lived

Verbs ending in a consonant + y - y + ied try → tried

Short verbs ending in double the

a vowel + a consonant consonant + ed stop → stopped

We form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently. We do not add ‘ –ed’.

No change cost → cost

Change the vowel come → came

Change the consonant make → made

Change the vowel (s) and the consonant (s) buy → bought

Writing about the past

A1. Write about the simple past tense forms of the verbs below.

1. start → started 2. dress → dressed 3. play → played

4. help → helped 5. use → used 6. like → liked

7. look → looked 8. study → studied 9. plan → planned

Step 3 Talk to students about what you did last weekend and ask some questions as you go along, e.g. I had a really good weekend.

Did you have a good weekend?

I played tennis for two hours.

What did you do?

I watched a film on Saturday evening. It finished at 11 p.m.

What did you do last Saturday?

On Sunday, I took a bus from Wangfujing.

There were a lot of people.

What did you do on Sunday?

Step 4 Teach them how to use the simple past tense to make positive and negative sentences, ask and answer questions. Have them complete the conversation. Check answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Mrs Wang: Did Millie ask Grandma about the dress on Monday?

Andy: No, she didn’t. She went to the Reading Club. Did she help you with the shopping on Tuesday?

Mrs Wang: Yes, she did. Did she play volleyball on Wednesday?

Andy: Yes, she did. But she cleaned her bedroom.

Mrs Wang: I know! Did she do her Maths project?

Andy: No, she didn’t. But she did some work for the fashion show.

Step 5 Teach them how to use the simple past tense to form positive and negative sentences, ask and answer questions with the verb ‘ to be’. Have them complete the conversation. Check answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Millie: Were you at home on Saturday morning?

Sandy: Yes, I was.

Millie: Was your cousin at the football match?

Sandy: No, he wasn’t. He was at the shopping mall with Mum.

Millie: Were you and your parents at the cinema on Saturday evening?

Sandy: Yes, we were.

Millie: Were your grandparents at the fashion show on Friday?

Sandy: No, they weren’t.

Millie: Were we at school last Monday?

Sandy: No, we weren’t. Last Monday was a holiday.

B Sequencing events

Step 1 To recognize and use adverbs to order events. Tell them to pay attention to the simple past tense. We use these adverbs to show the order in which things happen. We put the adverbs at the beginning of a sentence as they connect the sentences. We often use them to clarify a process or a particular sequence of events.

( first, then, next, afterward, finally)

Step 2 Ask students to do a presentation about their own day using the adverbs they have learned. Encourage them to include more information. Help them choose a title. Remind them to use the simple past tense.

B1 Briefly review the adverbs, using the picturesfor support.

Ask students to write the letters in the boxes in Ppart B1 individually. Students check each other’s sequence of sentences. Monitor the class as you walk around.

B2 Set the context by reminding students about the fashion show described earlier in the unit before asking students to do B2. Link Simon’s experience to any other events your students may have been involved in. introduce the idea of woriting a picture story as a narrative using adverbs and the simple past tense to order events.

Step 3 Review key vocabualry and explain unfamiliar words: ‘ catwalk.’

Ask questions about each picture.

1) What did Simon do first?

2) What did Simon wear?

3) What did he do next?

4) Who did Simon talk to?

5) Where did he go afterwards?

Ask students to write sentences about Simon’s day using the simple past tense. Check the answers as a class activity.

The Eighth Period of Unit 6 Fashion (Part 7)

Integrated Skills

Task-based Teaching Aims:

(1) Cognitive Development:

Through reading and listening to “The life of a trainer” , the Ss can learn and use relevant expressions freely.

(2) Proficiency Level:

To develop the Ss’ integrated skills through listening ,speaking, reading and writing .

(3) Affective Learning:

To develop the Ss’ enjoyments of life and things around them , especially the success of learning , through interactive teaching and student-oriented teaching .

(4) Cultural Understanding :

Make the Ss feel the cultural differences between Eastern and Western Countries.


Step One : Present a trainer and teach the different parts of it . Then listen and do part A1.

T: Is it a trainer ?

S: …

T: Do you like wearing trainers?

S: …

T: Do you know what the names of these parts are ?

S: …

T: OK. We call it “shoelace / sole / stripe / tongue”.

Step Two : Present the procedures of making a trainer .Then guide the Ss through the new words and let them speak out in English .

T: Now , boys and girls , I know that most of you like wearing trainers. Do you know how to make one ?

S: …

T: OK. First let’s have a look on the screen . Then please tell me about it .

S: …

T: OK. I know it’s very difficult for you to say . But it doesn’t matter . Now please discuss in your groups and later we’ll share your ideas together .

S: …(Discuss in groups )

T: (After listening to the Ss’ description , the teacher describes the general contents in Part A2 . Then let the Ss say after me twice . Finally listen and put the sentences in the correct order .)

Step Three : Present Part Two of the story . Then let the Ss get the general idea of it and pay much attention to the verbs past tense forms .

T: Now , we know how to make a trainer . Do you want to know how the trainer is getting along ? OK . Let’s listen carefully and complete the sentences in Part A4.

S: …

T: (After listening for three times , ask a student to present her answer , then check it . Teach the students to read the verbs and complete Part A3.)

T: Then guide the Ss to sum up the pronunciation principles of verbs past tense forms by reading themselves , such as:

清后[t], 元浊[d], [t][d]之后读[id].

eg: /t/ /d/ /id/

danced played acted

helped lived needed

talked answered visited

shopped carried shouted

Step Four :Present a fashion show and practise the sentences “What is / are … made of ? It’s/ They’re made of …”.

T: (First make a conversation with a student as a model in Part B. Then let the Ss work in groups of three to talk about the materials of their own clothes . Five or six minutes later , let them act out in the front and give the best a warm applause .)

Step Five :Written work

T: Now , we’ve learned the different parts of a trainer and how to make one . And we also see a fashion show and have learned different materials for making clothes . And would you please design some clothes and make a poster to give information about the styles , colours and materials of the clothes ? You can do it like this :

My Fashion ShowIntroduction Clothes A person wearing the clothes Introduction

T:OK. That’s all for today’s class . Thank you .

The Ninth Period of Unit 6 Fashion

Main task


1 To describe different materials and items of clothing.

2 To make a brochure about clothes and fashion.

3 To present a brochure to the class.

Background information

Students will have opportunities to describe clothes and accessories. This section focuses on a fashion brochure for girls, which makes it necessary to bring in magazine pictures of boys’ fashions for mixed classes.

Bring in authentic brochures to show students the style of this kind of writing. Talk to students about the purpose of writing a brochure. Elicit from students as much information as possible about

1 Who are the readers?

2 What do the readers want to know?

3 How do you make your brochure look interesting to the reader?

Teaching procedures

1 Before doing the task, ask students who the audience is and emphasize the context in the Student’s Book of creating a ‘Fashion Wall’.

2 Tell students to read keywords below . Students identify any words they don’t know. Check and clarify the meaning of those words with the class.

Adjectives Clothing items MaterialsChecked hat silkSleeveless skirt cottonPatterned shirt denimLoose blouse leatherSpotted sweatshirt polyester Striped jacket viscoseFlowered sweater furTight socks linenComfortable tie Long shoesUncomfortable beltShort bootsBright suitFashionable dressModern CasualPolo-neckFormal

3 Enable students to describe themselves or their classmates by using the keywords above.

4 Ask students to read the model article on page 102. And tell them to use the model article and complete the sentences with word from Part A on page 101.

5 Check the answers and encourage students to express their opinions about the model article.

6 Tell students to choose one fashion item and make them aware of what kind of things . Their readers might like to read about . And tell students to create their own words to write a rough draft using the given model.

7 Let students read, check and correct their partner’s drafts in pairs and give them suggestions about the improvements in the use of words, spelling and structures and provide help while monitoring .

8 Make students rewrite their articles on a separate sheet of paper and add illustrations, particularly pictures of popular fashion items. Ask them to stick their work on the noticeboard and encourage them to read each other’s poster.

Sample writing

Teenagers like clothes that are fashionable and look good. My brochure is about casual, comfortable style.

First, I designed a cotton T-shirt. It is bright red and has a V-neck. It goes well with a pair of jeans. The jeans have wide legs. There are lots of big pockets at the front and back. I also designed a cotton shirt with long sleeves and buttons in the front.

Then I designed a pair of trainers to go with the jeans and T-shirt. They are very comfortable and made of white leather. They do not have laces, so they are easy to put on. The jacket I designed is blue with white sleeves.

All the clothes are comfortable to wear at weekends.

篇18:牛津8B unit2 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语八年级)

Unit 2 Travelling

Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1. To know foreign city famous tourist resorts and popular attractions.

2. Be familiar with the scenic spot and the country.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Do you like travelling?

Do you know any famous tourist attractions in Yancheng?

Step 2 Comic strip

Look, listen and answer the questions.

1. Is Eddie happy in the first picture? Why?

2. Where is Eddie going?

3. Does Eddie want to go too?

4. What does Hobo want to bring?

5. Does Eddie feel happy at last? Why?

Step 3 Explanation

I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.


这是个否定前移的句子,主句中的否定词实际是否定了从句中的内容。当主句含有I think, I believe等词语时,通常否定前移。

e.g. I don’t think it is a good idea. 我认为那不是个好主意。

Step 4 Let students look at the picture then act the dialogue out.

Step 5 Welcome the unit

If you have a chance (机会) to travel abroad (出国旅游), where will you go?

Then show some pictures about some popular attractions in foreign Countries:

the Great Wall

the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Little Mermaid

the Statue of Liberty

the Sydney Opera House

Tower Bridge

Step 6 Read and guess

1. It is the longest wall in the world.

2. It is a present from French people. It stands for Liberty.

3. It sounds like pizza. It is leaning. It may fall down some day.

4. The girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.

5. It is the busiest performing arts centre in the world.

6. It is a large bridge over the River Thames in London. It has twin towers.

Step 7 Work in pairs

Work in Part B.

A: What’s this, Millie?

B: It’s the Little Mermaid.

A: Where is it?

B: It’s in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

A: What’s special about it?

B: It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen.

A: Have you ever been there? B: No, I haven’t.

Step 8 Do some exercises

Step 9 Homework

1. Prepare a fact file and write about one of your holidays.

2. Preview the new words in Reading.

Reading I

Teaching aims:

Let the students know Kitty tour of Hong Kong Disneyland’s observations and activities.

Let students talk about tourist in vocabulary.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Review

Look at some pictures and say something about them.

e.g. the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Statue of Liberty

Mount Fuji

the Little Mermaid

Tower Bridge

Step 2 Free talk

1. What places of interest have you visited in China?

2. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

Step 3 Watch a video about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 4 Ask students to read together.

Step 5 Present some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 6 Let students read the letter and answer the questions.

1. Who visited Disneyland?

2. How long did they stay in Disneyland?

Step 7 Work on B1

Kitty is back in Sunshine Town. Amy is asking Kitty about her trip. Help Kitty answer Amy’s questions.

Amy: Who did you go to Hong Kong with?

Kitty: I went there with ___________.

Amy: Where did you go during your stay there?

Kitty: We went to ____________________.

Amy: How did you get there?

Kitty: We got there ___________________.

Amy: How long did you stay in the park?

Kitty: We stayed there for ___________.

Amy: Did you enjoy yourselves there?

Kitty: Sure. We had _______________.

Step 8 Work on B2

After talking with Kitty, Amy is making notes of how Kitty spent her day at Disneyland. Help Amy complete the notes below.

A day at Disneyland

Had fun on ______________

Hurried to have a __________ and met Disney _________________ on the way

Watched a _______ of Disney characters

Watched a __________

Did some ___________

Watched ____________ in front of the castle

Step 9 Work on B3

Kitty is showing Amy her photos the other day. Complete their conversation with the words in Kitty’s letter on pages 22 and 23.

Kitty: I took lots of photos at Hong Kong Disneyland, Amy.

Amy: Oh, let me have a look. Is that Mickey Mouse?

Kitty: Yes. He looked so _____.

Amy: What’s in this photo?

Kitty: It’s Space Mountain, an ______ roller coaster. It moved at high ______ and we were __________ and laughing through the ____.

Amy: What do you think was the best part of the day?

Kitty: I think the parade of Disney __________ was really wonderful.

Amy: Was the film in the park interesting?

Kitty: Yes. The 4-D film was like _______.We could even smell the apple ____.

Amy: Did you go shopping there?

Kitty: Yes. I bought ___________ key rings. Here’s one for you.

Amy: It’s nice. Thank you.

Step 10 Work on B4

Kitty had a good time at Hong Kong Disneyland. Find the sentences in her letter that show her happiness.

We’re having a fantastic time here.

First, we had fun on Space Mountain – an indoor roller coaster in the dark.

It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

It was the best part of the day.

I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

Step 11 Homework

Ask students read the article after class.

Reading II

Teaching aims:

1. To know and master some useful words/sentences/phrases.

2. To know the meaning of passage.

3. To learn more about the world and protect the environment.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Review Kitty’s trip.

Kitty did a lot of things at Hong Kong Disneyland. She did different things at different time. Let’s complete the table about her trip.

Step 2 Language points

1. I miss you so much!

miss vt. 想念,思念

e.g. Amy misses her grandparents very much.



e.g. Kitty was sad because she missed her train.


I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.



e.g. Miss Smith is a popular writer.


2. We’re having a fantastic time here.

fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的

e.g. We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.


have a fantastic time 过得愉快,玩的高 兴 = have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun

3. Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.

the whole day 一整天 = all the day

e.g. They spent the whole day wandering about seeing the sights.


4. It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

at high speed意为“快速地, 非常快地”, 其中的speed为名词, 意为“速度”, at speed与at high speed意思相同。

e.g. He drives the car at (high) speed in the road.


at a speed of ...也是一个常见的短语, 表示“以……的速度”。

e.g. The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.


5. We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

1) through是介词, 可它的意思不再是我们以前学过的“从……通过,穿过”, 而是“从(某事)的开始到结束, 从头到尾”的意思。

e.g. The nurse looked after the old man through his long illness.

这个老人病了很长时间, 这个护士一直在照顾他。

2) ride n.

可数名词, 意为“乘坐, 搭乘; (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程, 旅行”, 有时也可指“距离”。

e.g. Can I have a ride on your bike?


6. …such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.

such as 例如

such as和for example都有“例如”的意思,但是它们的用法有所不同。

such as常用来列举同类人或事物中的多个例子。

e.g. I like animals, such as dogs, bears and pandas.


for example一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例。

e.g. He has ever been to many countries, for example, Australia.


选用such as或for example填空。

1) John likes many sports, ____________, basketball.

2) She can say many languages, __________ Chinese, Italian and Russian.

7. I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

run after 跟着跑,追逐

e.g. Look, the dog is running after the rabbit.


cannot stop doing something 忍不住一直做某事

e.g. We could not stop laughing when we watched Tom and Jerry.


8. I bought a couple of king rings for classmates.

a couple of 可以表示不确定的“几个”。

e.g. a couple of minutes 几分钟

短语 a couple of也可以表示“两个”

e.g. I saw a couple of men get out.


9. Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there.


这是一个省略句,省略了主语I,完整的句子是 I hope(that) you’ve enjoyed

yourself there!


e.g. Hope to here from you.


Step 3 Do some exercises.

Step 4 Homework.

Recite the new words, phrase and sentence patterns in Reading.


Teaching aims:

1.掌握“have/has been to” 和 “have/has gone to”的用法。


Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Answer the questions.

1. Where has Kitty been?

2. How did she feel on Space Mountain?

3. What were they doing through the ride?

4. What did she meet on the way to the restaurant?

5. What was the best part of her day?

6. What did they do after the parade?

7. Did she buy any gifts?

8. When did they watch the fireworks?

Step 2 Study Grammar A: Using have/has been 和 have/has gone

We use have/has been to express the idea that someone went to a place and has already come back. It refers to an experience.

e.g. Mille and Amy have been to South Hill. They want to go there again.

Sandy has never been to South Hill. She wants to go with them.

We use have/has gone to express the idea that someone went to a place but has not yet returned.

e.g. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong. They will come back next week.

Suzy is not at home at the moment.

She has gone to the bookshop.

Step 3 Summary

have/has been和have/has gone的用法


① I have been to America many times. It’s really a modern city.

② Millie has gone to America with her family. I hope they have a great time



通过分析上面两个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

___________ 表示曾经去过某地, 已经回来; 而 ___________表示说话时已经去了某地, 可能在途中, 也可能到达目的地。

③ Have you ever been to the supermarket to buy grapes?

④ Minnie and her father have been to the supermarket to buy grapes twice this


⑤ Minnie and her father have gone to the supermarket to buy grapes.


通过分析上面三个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中可以加 once, twice, ever, never等时间状语; 而含 ____________ 的句子中不能加此类时间状语。


综合分析上面五个例句, 你还能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中主语的人称一般为第三人称形式; 而含 ___________ 的句子中对主语的人称没有限制。

Step 4 Practice

Finish the exercises on pages 26 & 27.

A1 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about their classmates and families. Help them complete the sentences with have/has been or have/has gone.

1. Millie isn’t here. She _________ to the library.

2. Peter and Simon ____ just _____ to the library. They borrowed some interesting books.

3. My cousin __________ to Xi’an twice.

4. My parents __________ to Xi’an and they’ll stay there for a week.

5. Daniel won’t be with us at the party. He _________ to Shanghai.

A2. Daniel and Millie are chatting. Complete their conversation. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Daniel: I haven’t seen Mr Wu for days. Where ____ he _____(go)?

Millie: He __________ (go) to Tianjin to attend a meeting.

Daniel: _____ you _____ (be) anywhere recently?

Millie: Yes, I __________ to Hainan with my parents.

Daniel: Oh, that’s great! ______ you ______ to Sanya?

Millie: Sure, we _________(be) to the beach there. Look at these photos.

Daniel: The beach is beautiful. I see Andy playing on the sand too.

Millie: Yes, We went there with his family.

Daniel: I see. By the way, shall we invite Andy to go for a picnic tomorrow?

Millie: Andy isn’t here this weekend. He and his parents __________(go) to countryside. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.

Step 5 Study Grammar B: Verbs with for and since

We use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past.

e.g. Mr Dong has lived here for many years.

Mr Dong has lived her since he was born.

Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can be used in the present perfect sense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statements.

Step 6 Summary


现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始, 一直持续到现在, 多与“since +点时间”或“for +段时间”连用。for表示“经过(一段时间)”, 而since表示“自从(……以来)”。


for + 表示一段时间的状语

一段时间+ ago

since +表示过去的某一时间点


e.g. He has lived here for 16 years.


He has lived here since 16 years ago.


He has lived here since 1991.


He has lived here since he was born.


If we want to express a continuous state, we can use another way like this.

Verb Used for a continuous state Example

begin/start have/has been on

The film has been on for 20 minutes.


have/has been over The parade has been over for hours.


have/has been in/at

Kitty has been in Hongkong for two days.


have/has been away

She has been away from home since last Tuesday.


have/has kept

She has kept this book since last week.


have/has been in

have/has been a member of

Simon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.


have/has been married They have been married for 15 years.


have/has been dead

The fish have been dead for some time.

Step 7 Practice

Kitty is telling Millie about her holiday in Hong Kong on the phone. Complete what she says with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

My parents and I _________(arrive) in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter holiday. We _________(be) here for three days.

I __________(borrow) a book about Hong Kong a week ago. It’s very useful. I ____ ____ (keep) it with me for a few days. It helps me learn more about Hong Kong.

Now it’s noon and we’re in Ocean Park. The first dolphin show ______(begin) at 11:30 a.m. It ________(be) on for about half an hour. The show is really exciting.

Step 8 Do some exercises.

I. 慧眼识错。

1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months.

2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18.

3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.

4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.

5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold?

6. His grandfather has been died for two years.

7. Jim has gone to Beijing for ten years.

8. What time have the factory opened?

9. I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice.

II. 同义句转换。

1. The class was over ten minutes ago.

The class _____________ for ten minutes.

2. His grandpa died in .

His grandpa ______________ for ten years.

3. The exhibition has been on for three


The exhibition ____________ three days ago.

4. My parents got married 25 years ago.

My parents __________________

since 25 years ago.

5. I bought the MP3 last week.

I __________ the MP3 for a week.

6. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year.

Kitty _____________________ the Reading Club since last year.

III. 翻译下列句子。

1. 这些日子你去哪里了?

2. 我父亲已经去上海出差了。

3. 他离开家已经了。

4. 篮球赛已经开始15分钟了。

5. 20分钟前会议就已经结束了。

6. 我两年前来到了这个学校。

7. 她已经到达公司半个小时了。

8. A: Tony曾经去过法国吗?B: 是的。

A: 他去过埃菲尔铁塔吗? B: 没有。

9. A: 我昨天没看见你。你去哪儿了?

B: 我去电影院了。

A: 你什么时候去电影院的?

B: 昨天下午。

10. A: 你爸爸去哪儿了?

B: 他去美国了。他下周回来。

11. A: 他们去印度了吗?

B: 不,没有。他们明天走。

Step 9 Homework

1. 复习for和since的用法。

2. 复习延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法。

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. By reading and listening to obtain useful information

2. Can ask and answer questions about travel

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate some sentences.

1. 小名参军半年了。

Xiao Ming has been a soldier for half a year.

2. 我们上了8年学了。

We have been students for eight years.

3. 下课10分钟了。

The class has been over for ten minutes.

4. 电影开始了一小时了。

The film has been on for an hour.

5. 门打开半小时了。

The door has been open for half an hour.

Step 2 New words

beautyseaside theme park sailing view except

mountain business direct flight on business

Step 3 Free talk

Have you ever travelled to any places in China?

What did you do there?

Step 4 Listen to the tape and answer A1.

The Class 1, Great 8 students are talking about the kinds of places they like best. Listen to their conversation and match the students with the places. Write the correct letter in each box.

Places for travelling

a. Chinese gardens1. Kitty

b. Museums 2. Simon

c. Places of natural beauty3. Sandy

d. Seaside cities 4. Daniel

e. Theme parks 5. Millie

Step 5 Make sentences use the information in A1.

Kitty likes to go….

Millie wants to go…

Step 6 Ask students talk with classmates

What is important when you plan your holiday?

Step 7 Listen to the tape finish A2.

The students are listening to a radio programme about the best time to visit some places in China. Put a tick (√) in the correct boxes.

Places to go Spring Summer Autumn Winter


gardens Suzhou,


Museums Beijing,


Places of natural beauty Mount Huang,


Seaside cities Dalian,


Theme parks Shenzhen,

Hong Kong

Step 8 Finish part A3 together.

Amy wants to give her classmates some advice on travelling in China. Help her complete her notes. Use the information in Parts A1 and A2 to help you.

Places to go in China

Kitty likes ___________, such as the Window of the world in Shenzhen or____________ Disneyland. She can go there all year round.

Simon loves water sports, such as sailing. He thinks it is great fun. He can visit a seaside city like ______ or Qingdao this ________.

Sandy likes places of ______________, like Mount Huang or Jiuzhaigou. She can go there in any season except _______. The views there in winter may be wonderful, but it is dangerous to climb the mountains or hills on cold and snowy days.

Daniel likes ________________. He can visit Suzhou or Yangzhou. The best time to go there is in spring or________. There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at that time of year.

Millie likes _________. She can go to Beijing or Xi’an. She can visit museums in any season.

Step 9 Pair work

Work in pairs. Talk about your travelling.

A: Where did you go last summer?

B: I went to …

A: What did you do there?

B: I went… I had a fantastic time.

Step 10 Written task

Your foreign friend wants to visit Suzhou, please give him some advice.

Speak up and Study skills

Teaching aims:

1. Students can ask and answer about the travel information.

2. Students can use main points and details to write an article.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Free talk

Travelling is very interesting. May Day is coming and it’s a good season for travelling. Amy will go traveling. Where will she go?

Step 2 Speak up

Listen and answer some questions.

1. Where will Amy go?

2. How will they get there?

3. How long are they staying there?

4. How long dose it take to fly to Chengdu?

Step 3 Act out

Let students act the dialogue out.

Step 4 Pair work

Let students talk about:

What’s your holiday plan? Where do you want to go during the May Day holiday?

Give them tips:

Where are you going?

Why do you plan to go there?

Who are you going with?

How will you get there?

Step 5 Notes

1. My Dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.


business n. 的意思是 “公事,生意”,该词还有“职业,企业”的意思。

on business 意思是“出差”

2. We’re going to take a direct flight to Chengdu.


direct adj. 径直的

e.g. There is a direct high-speed train to Hangzhou.


Step 6 Practice

Complete the sentences.

Step 7 Study skills


1. When we write about an experience or event, we can organize our ideas using

the following five main points.

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

Who was there?

What happened?

How did you feel?

Then we should give details to support the main points.

2. Take Kitty’s day at Hong Kong Disneyland as an example:

When: during the winter holiday

Where: Hong Kong

Who: Kitty and her parents

What: visited Hong Kong Disneyland

How: had a fantastic time

Step 8 Practice

Mr wu is asking the Class1, Grade 8 students to organize the following information into main points and details. First, help them write the correct letters in the blanks. Then work pairs and talk about their trip.

a Class 1, Grade 8 students

b Enjoyed the natural beauty

c Everybody felt excited

d Flew kites

e Went fishing by the lake

f 5 March

g South Hill

h A visit to South Hill

When: ____________

Where: ____________

Who: ___________ ____________

What: ___________ ___________

How: ____________ ____________

Step 9 Sample speech

On 5 March, the Class 1, Grade 8 students went to South Hill. They enjoyed the natural beauty there. Some of them flew kites, while some of them went fishing by the lake. Everybody felt very excited.

Step 10

Write a passage about your trip, using the information we have learned in the lesson.


Teaching aims:

To write an article about one of your holidays.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Show some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 2 Work in Task 1

1. Presentation

Show students some pictures to learn new words.

2. How does Kitty write her article?

Step 1(part A):

Step 2(part B):

Step 3(part C):

3. Look at Kitty’s fact file –Part A in page 32carefully and try to remember more information about Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong.

Main Points Details

When The winter holiday ------

where Hong Kong

Who ------

What visiting places of interest Disneyland

Ocean park---

Other activities



4. Useful expressions:

It took us …to fly to

The next day, we went to…

I loved watching the interesting…

…was exciting/beautiful/fantastic

On the third day, we visited…

We went to…on the fifth day

…was the best part of the day

We enjoyed this trip very much

Step 3 Work on Task 2

1. Complete Kitty’s article in Part B on page 33 as quickly as you can.

2. Analysis (分析) kitty’s article. We can group this article into 3 parts:

Part 1: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 2: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 3: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

3. During Kitty’s article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词) to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can?

Step 4 Notes

1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning.


leave for 动身去

e.g. The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30.

飞机于10:30 起飞前往香港。

2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong.


“3个半小时”还可以表达成three hours and a half

“一个半小时”的两种表达方式 one and a half hours

one hour and a half

Step 5 Writing

You are going to write an article about one of your holidays. Write down some main points and details, and organize your ideas before you write.


1. Remember to state (陈述) clearly the place and the time of your trip, and the people who went with you.

2. Organize your ideas before you write.

3. Think of something interesting and special to write about.

4. Use adjectives and adverbs to make your article more interesting.

5. Write about your feelings in the last paragraph.

Step 6 Homework

If you went to Beijing for a holiday last summer, try to write an article about this trip.

篇19:新概念英语 lesson47 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高三)

Teaching approch: cooperative learning, task-based language learning, communicative learning

Teaching aids: blackboard, multi-media facilities

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

1.Play a video about pollution and get the students to answer “How many kinds of pollution did you see in the video?”(write the key on the Bb)

2. Show some pictures about food and ask the studens to have a quick discussion about the question “What food do you think is safe food without being polluted?”

Step2 Scanning and skimming

1.Structure and paragraph development

Listen to the tape and have the students use one sentence to summarize the text and use phases or key words to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

2.Read for details

1) Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions:

How many ways do people deal with rubbish?

Do people solve the problem of rubbish? Why?

2) Blank-filling

Ask the students to read Para2 and find detailed words to fill in blanks about agricultural pollution.

3) Summary

Get the students to read Para3 and summarize the forms of noise pollution.

4) Picture-talking

Have the students look at the picture on Page216 and descible what is happening in the picture.

Look at the picture on PPT and guess, then let the students describe the feeling of the wife.

Step3 Post-reading activities

1. Tell us about any noise which you know has caused a major problem.

2. “ The only way to reduce noise pollution is to fine offenders very heavily.” is this a practical proposal? What do you think?

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