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篇1:六级听力考前训练 1

六级听力考前训练 (1)

Questions 14 to 16 are based on this passage.

14.A. The way you look at one person

B. The language you use.

C. The clothes you wear.

D. The music you listen.

15.A. It means you want to protect yourself

B. It means you want to take a rest

C. It means you don?t support the idea

D. It means you want to keep away from other.

16.A. Drink up the tea.

B. Put his arms across his body.

C. His feet point towards the door.

D. Look directly at you.

14.答案 A


【关键词语】show feeling by the body positions they adopt, avoid looking directly at the person.

【详细解答】文章第一句就提到人们通常用他们的肢体语言来表现出他们的情感,在第二段中又提到不正眼看别人可以泄露一个人的agressive attitude,很显然 the way you look at one person即为肢体语言的一种,故选A

15.答案 B


【关键词语】defensive, showing your disproval, distance yourself from the rest of the company?


16.答案 C


【关键词语】feet or a foot pointing towards the door can indicate that a person wishes to leave the room.






语音障碍存在于辨音、音变、重音等方面,停顿及语调也会影响到听力理解。辨音对听力理解至关重要,不能正确辨音极易导致听力理解错误。如有些学生在母语方言里本身就不存在某个音或不能区分“l”和“r”或“l”和“n”,便会给他们的.英语听力造成理解困难。例如:The teacher collected the papers herself.?The teacher corrected the papers herself.


The hunter lost his knife in the forest.?

The hunter lost his life in the forest.


除了识别单个音素外,学生还必须熟悉英语中的变音现象,如连读、失去爆破、弱读、融合等。例如:?I’ll put you through.在这句中,put 一词的尾辅音 [t] 与you的开头辅音 [j] 会融合为另一辅音 [t?] 。又如,在说话快的时候,want to的发音像 wanna,而have to 的发音像 hafto;it’s a 的发音像 itza. What it is 会连读成[?w??ti?tiz] 而 in an hour 会读成 [in?nau?]。?

此外,句子重音和语调也是讲话者表达意思的一种手段。Ithink she can.和 I thinkshe can. 前者重读“think”表示说话者的主观判断认为,而后者重读“she”强调是“她”能够而不是其他人能够。美式英语中can’t读作 [k??nt],当紧跟在后面的是以辅音为首的词如 stand 时,[t]就失去爆破,听起来与 can 完全一样,区别的唯一依据是 can’t 在句中会重读,而 can 不重读。?




W: During the thunderstorm, I noticed several leaks in my bedroomceiling and they really caused a mess.

M: Maybe you have somebroken tiles,I have the phone












M:What kind of father am I?My only son almost died and I didn’t even know he was ill.?

W:Don’t blame yourself.You were too busy to pay attention to him.If his mother were still alive,things would have been much better.?

Q:Why does the man blame himself??

A)His only son is dying.

B)His mother died some time ago.?

C)He didn’t look after his sick wife.

D)He hasn’t taken good care of his son.?

男士说:“我这个父亲是怎么当的?我唯一的儿子快要死了,可是我甚至连他病了都不知道”。女士说:“别责怪你自己了,你太忙了,没法顾及他。要是他的妈妈还活着的话,情况会好多了。”在这个对话中“If his mother were still alive,things would have been much better.”这是含有虚拟语气的句子,事实上他的母亲已经去世,所以孩子得不到很好




M:Isn’t that a new brand of typewriter you are working at??

W:Oh,Bill.This isn’t the first time you’ve asked about it.?

Q:What does the woman imply??





无论是 Section A 还是 Section B,听音正式开始前有一段 Directions,考生应充分利用这一时间对选择题进行垂直式或折向式快速阅读浏览,如果 Section B是 Compound Dictation,也应快速阅读短文,熟悉短文的题材背景和大意。在浏览的过程中,应利用选项提供的信息快速有效地预测部分听音内容或重点,或预知所提问题。??


做对话试题时,是边听边看还是只听不看得因人而异。那些能一手画方一手画圆的同学或者听力较好者想取得高分的同学可以边听边看,不会让视觉妨碍听觉,而那些不能一心二用或听力较差者,或视觉的使用妨碍听觉效果的同学则应只听不看,听完问题后,再快速阅读选项,把握正确答案。注意这里要说明一下,只听不看的同学应该在听前已经浏览过选项,进行过预测,然后就可以在对话进行的过程中不看选项,专门听音,一心一用。?通常情况下,Section A 的 Directions 时间将近为2分钟,足够浏览完所有选项,每个问题后,考生有15秒的答题时间,5秒钟可以用来答题,10秒钟用来浏览下一题选项预测。这对考生的快速阅读速度要求也相当高。注意考生如果对某题的答案不很确定,应根据感觉,快速作答,完成该题,不应拖延,而导致下一题开始时出现被动局面。


在听 Section B 的短文时,因为涉及细节较多,每题的四个选项有多个在短文中都被提及,需要根据问题来确定哪个选项是问题所针对的'答案,因此考生在听音时要边听边在选项附近写下相关要点,以便答题时参考。此外,因题目与选项较多,人的暂时记忆会忘掉,需要通过做笔记来加强记忆,延长记忆,因此边听边记对于短文听力部分是十分必要的。


如果 Section B的部分是 Compound Dictation,前边的7或8个空一定要边听边写了,重要的是要先听,辨音辨词正确,再要书写正确,注意该词是否有首字母大写的问题,或者是单复数形式还是过去分词或现在分词形式应稍加注意。而后边的三个复杂句,考生可在听第一遍时边听边记下关键词,也可在听第一遍时不写任何字,目的是专心一致去听懂该句子的主要内容,等到第二遍速度稍慢时再记下整句的内容。



Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In the passage there a

re altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a w

ord, add a word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write t

he correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion

mark(∧)in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash(/)in the blank.

The place of the child in society has varied for thousands of years and has been effected by different cultures and religions. In ancient times unwanted children were occasionally abandoned, put to death, exploiting or offered for religious sacrifices, and in any event a large percentage of them didn’t survive their physically hazardous existence to reach to maturity.?

In western civilization within the last few hundred years, there have been many changes in attitude with the young. In agricultural Europe, and later with the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, the children of the poor work long hours for little or no pay, and there was no public concern on their safety or welfare punishment could be brutal and severe.?

By the eighteenth century the harsh and severe methods began to show any change


part ⅱ reading comprehension 

directions: there are four passages in this part.each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.for each of them there are four choices marked a),b),c)and d).you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.


questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

heroin addictions today is found chiefly among young men of minority groups in ghetto(犹太人区)areas.of the more than 60,000 known addicts,more than half live in new york state.most of them live in new york city.recent figures show that more than half of the addicts are under 30 years of age.

narcotic addiction in the united states is not limted to heroin users.some middle-aged and older people who take narcotic drugs regularly to relieve pain can also become addicted.so do some people who can get drugs easily,such as doctors,nurses,and pharmacists.studies show that this type of addict has personality and emotional problems very similar to those of other regular narcotic users.

many addicts admit that getting a continued supply is the main object of their lives.an addict's concentration on getting drugs often prevents continuing an education or working at a job.his health is often poor.he may be sick one day from

the effects of withdrawal and sick the next day from an overdose.statistics show that an addict's life span may be shortened by 15 to 20 years.the addict is usually in trouble with the family and almost always in trouble with the law.

some studies suggest that many of the known narcotic addicts had some trouble with the law before they became addicted.once addicted,they may become even more involved with crime because it costs so much to support the heroin habit.

most authorities agree that the addict's involvement with crime is not a direct

effect of the drug itself.turning to crime is usually the only way to get that much money.the addicts' crimes are nearly always thefts or other crimes againstproperty.

federal penalties for illegal narcotics usage were established under the harris

on act of 1914.the act provides that illegal possession of narcotics is punishable by fines and/or imprisonment.sentences can range from 2 to 10 years for the first offense,5 to 20 years for the second,and 10 to 20 years for further offenses.

illegal sale of narcotics can mean a fine of $20,000 and a sentence from 20 to

40 years for later offenses.a person who sells narcotics to someone under 18 is refused parole and probation,even for the first offense.if the drug is heroin,he

can be sentenced to life imprisonment or to death.

21. what is the topic of this passage?

? how to cure a drug addict.

b.heroin and narcotic.

c. the harm of the drugs and the antidrug measures taken by the government. 

d.the american laws. 

22. an addict cannot continue his eduction or work at a job,because of____

a.his concentration on getting drugs

b.his personality

c.his emotional problems

d.his stortage of money 

23. according to the author,how can the addicts get the money for drugs?

a.borrow from their families. b.by hard working.

c.in an illegal way. d.the author doesn't mention it. 

24. according to the author,who can get narcotic easily?

a.government men. b.medical workers.

c.the minorities. d.the jews. 

25. a person who sell heroin to a kid can be

? fined $20,000.

b. sentenced to 5 to 20 years in prison.

c. sentenced to 20 to 40 years in prison.

d. sentenced to death. 


questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage:

there are various ways in which individual economic units can interact with one

another.three basic ways may be described as the market system,the administered

system and the traditional system.

in a market system individual economic units are free to interact among each other in the market place.it is possible to buy commodities from other economic units or sell commodities to them.in a market,transactions may take place via barter or money exchange.in a barter economy,real goods such as automobiles,shoes,and pizzas are traded against each other.obviously,finding somebody who wants to trade my old car in exchange for a sailboat may not always be an easy task.hence,the introduction of money as a medium of exchange eases transactions considerably.in the modern market economy,goods and services are bought or sold for money.

an alternative to the market system is administrative control by some agency over all transactions.this agency will issue edicts or commands as to how much of each goods and service should be produced,exchanged,and consumed by each economic

unit.central planning may be one way of administering such an economy.the central plan,drawn up by the government,shows the amounts of each commodity produced by the various firms and allocated to different households for consumption. this is an example of complete planning of production,consumption,and exchange for the whole economy.

in a traditional society,production and consumption patterns are governed by tradition:parentage,religion,and custom fix every person's place within the economic system.transactions take place on the basis of tradition,too.people belonging to a certain group or caste may have an obligation to care for other persons,provide them with food and shelter,care for their health, and provide for their education.clearly,in a system where every decision is made on the basis of tradition alone,progress may be difficult to achieve.a stagnant society may result.

26. what is the main purpose of the passage?

a.to outline contrasting types of economic systems.

b.to explain the science of economics.

c.to argue for the superiority of one economic system.

d.to compare barter and moneyexchange markets. 

27. in the second paragraph,the word “real” in “real goods” could best be replaced by which of the following?

a.high quality. b.concrete. c.utter. d.authentic. 

28. according to the passage,a barter economy can lead to ____.

a.rapid speed of transactions b.misunderstandings

c.inflation d.difficulties for the traders 

29. according to the passage,who has the greatest degree of control in an administered system?

a.individual b.small businesses

c.major corporations d.the government 

30. which of the following is not mentioned by the author as a criterion for

determining a person's place in a traditional society?

a.family background. b.age.

c.religious belief. d.custom. 


questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

t[ornadoes,whirlwinds,and watersprouts are rotating funnel cloud air masses of small diameter.they are differentiated by the intensity of their rotation and by

the surfaces that they traverse.though tornadoes and whirlwinds both travel over land masses,whirlwinds are atmospheric systems smaller than tornadoes.watersprouts are tornadoes that form or pass over a water surface.a tornado is a powerful vortex or “twister” whose rotational speeds are estimated to be near 300 miles per hour.the first visible indication of tornado development is usually a funnel cloud.as this funnel dips earthward,it becomes darker because of the debris

that is forced into its intensifying vortex.some tornadoes give no visible warning until their destruction strikes the unsuspecting victim.tornadoes often occur in groups,and several twisters sometimes descend from the same cloud base.the forward speed of a tornado is normally 30 to 40 miles per hour.in the short time that it takes to pass,a tornado can cause fantastic destruction.there have been cases reported in which blades of straw were embeded in fence posts.

31. how are tornadoes distinguished from whirlwinds?

a.whirlwinds rotate in a different direction than tornadoes do.

b.tonadoes travel over land and whirlwinds over water.

c.tonadoes are larger than whirlwinds.

d.only tornadoes are funnelshaped. 

32. why do tornadoes appear to be dark?

a.they occur only at night.

b.they are funnel-shaped.

c.they pick up debris from the ground.

d.they are water-laden. 

33. according to the passage,which of the following behaviors is frequently

characteristic of funnel clouds?

a.descending from different cloud bases.

b.occurring in isolated areas.

c.lasting a long time.

d.occurring in groups. 

34. according to the passage,some tornadoes take people unaware because they__.

a.produce a sound similar to thunder.

b.cannot be seen until it is too late.

c.look so much like other clouds.

d.carry so many large pieces of debris. 

35. the author refers to straw embeded in fence posts in order to show __.

a.where tornadoes occur.

b.who makes reports about tornadoes.

c.when tornadoes take form.

d.how tornadoes affect physical objects. 


questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

every day,thousands of managers,bankers,sales executives,lawyers,accountants,and

other professionals are driven to anger and despair by the hard realities of the changing world of work.the oncesolid foundation for millions of middleclass families—the corporate career—is in shambles.the organization man of the 1950s and 1960s is being replaced by the migrant manager and freelance professional of the 1990s.

the pain of change is all around us.corporations are rushing to cut costs and downsize before year end.they want to take their lumps in 1991,in preparation for a stronger recovery in 1992.that means an unusual powerful wave of layoffs will sweep through the u.s. during the last quarter of 1991.already,the drumbeat of bad news is growing louder.

whitecollar workers will join the growing ranks of oncesecure employees who are finding themselves on the outside—alone,afraid,and angry.who doesn ' t have a brother or a sister,a parent or a friend who has lost a job recently?the economic recovery will ease the pain,but it won't stop it.forces of fierce global competition and industrial consolidation are compelling corporations to cut entire layers of middle managers and whole categories of professional staff.few companies can hide from the intense pressure of international competition anymore.

36. the changing world of work is making american managers and professionals__. 

a.helpless b.desperate c.angry d.both b and c 

37. the corporate career is the foundation for

a.bankers b.lawyers and accountants

c.all top managers d.millions of middleclass families 

38. in order to get a stronger recovery,corporations are____.

a.reducing their sizes b.cutting costs

c.laying off employees d.all above 

39. whitecollar workers will be_____.

a.on the inside b.on the outside

c.afraid and angry d.both b and c 

40. american corporations are_____.

a.free from international competition.

b.immune to industrial consolidation.

c.under the intense pressure of international competition.

d.stopping the pain of industrial consolidation. 

part ⅲ vocabulary 

directions: there are 30 incomplete sentences in this part.for each sentence there are four choices marked a),b),c)and d).choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the center.

41. could you ____ me by passing me the book?

a.hand b.oblige c.render d.give 

42. mr. green has recently been ____ of the company.

a.appointed to president. b.appointed president

c.appointed a president d.appointed the president 

43. everyone knows that the earth is spherical,____?

a.doesn't he b.doesn't she c.doesn't it d.don't they 

44. the police chief announced that the case would soon be inquired____.

a.about b.of c.after d.into 

45. you can borrow my book provided that you ____ it to me tomorrow.

a.return b.returned c.will return d.would retum 

46. the husband survived his wife ____.

a.for many years b.by many years

c.during many years d.in many years 

47. he was soaked to the skin,for there was no shelter____the rain anywhere.

a.under b.in c.off d.from 

48. either you or he ____ the lie.

a.is telling b.are telling c.tell d.shall tell 

49. the old man was seriously ill for a time,but with careful nursing he man

aged to ____.

a.pull off b.pull through c.get off d.get through 

50. the look in her eyes gave no clues ____ how she felt.

a.toward b.to c.about d.with 

51. the kid is reaching ____ a bottle from the shelf when i came in.

a.to b.at c.for d.in 

52. to the waitress' relief,the plate was left ____ after being dropped onto the floor.

a.unchanged b.intact c.unharmful d.complete 

53. our plan should be ____ in accordance with the changing situation.

a.whirled b.stroked c.modified d.distracted 

54. they have to ____ production for lack of raw materials.

a.cut across b.cut in c.cut off d.cut back 

55. mr. ralph has just received an invitation from that university to join

 ____ as a full professor.

a.association b.committee c.community d.faculty 

56. it will be hard for anyone to replace mr. ned,who is the____ of the company.

a.mental b.comprehension c.brain d.attendance 

57. the fire ____ a lot of smoke but little damage was caused.

a.sent up b.gave away c.let out d.emitted 

58. stunned by what had happened,the old man stood rooted ---____.

a.on the spot b.to the spot c.on the ground d.to the ground 

59. the bad weather will ____ our plans by three weeks.

a.destory b.pull back c.spoil d.set back 

60. the two statements are not consistent ____ each other.one of them must be false.

a.in b.for c.with d.to 

61. you can't believe him.what he does often ____ his words.

a.disagrees with b.disagrees to

c.agrees with d.agrees to 

62. at the sight of the police officer,the thief ____.

a.got to his feet b.took to his heels

c.rose to his feet d.dragged his heels 

63. unlike science,progress in technology must be measured in terms of the human factor.technology must be our slave and ____.

a.not the reverse b.not the version

c.not the same d.not the prejudice 

64. serious as the damage ____ the boat was,he succeede

d in sailing round cape of good hope.

a.in b.on c.to d.of 

65. it was said that some slaves were buried ____ in the funeral.

a.live b.alive c.living d.lively 

66. the boy was injured when a firework ____ in his face.

a.went out b.went off c.went round d.went up 

67. careful questioning of the suspect will eventually____ the truth.

a.bring up b.bring down c.bring forward d.bring out 

68. mothers of young children hate ____ in staying home and doing housework all day.

a.caged b.being caged c.to caged d.go be caged 

69. i think this kind of cloth can ____ silk.

a.pass over b.pass out c.pass by d.pass for 

70. the security of the passengers is supposed to ____

by the captain.

a.see to b.seeing to c.be seen to d.seen to 

part ⅳ error correction 

directions: this part consists of a short passage.in the passage

there are altogether 10 mistakes,one in each numbered line.you may have to chang

e a word,add a word or delete a word.if you change a word,cross it out and write

the correct word in the correspondig blank.if you add a word,put an insertion m

ark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank.if you delet

e a word,cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.

the world is running out of oil,and energy experts believe that there could be serious shortages in ten years' time.not only is each individual using more oil than ever before,as the standard of living in industrial countries arises,but the 71____

population explosion means that each year many more people will be using oil in some form or other.until recently we took oil as granted:it seemed it would never stop flowing.it was so 72.____

cheap and plentiful that the whole world came to depending on 73.____

it.governments neglected other sources of energy.electricity was generated from oil and power stations were fired by it. it found its way into much of the products of light industry. 74.____

many people are surprising when they learn how many items 75.____

in their homes contain oil.the increase in the price of oil has brought the world to its senses.governments are searching 76.____

a suitable alternate,but so far in vain.they are considering 77.____

how they can make better use of the two other major fuels,

coal and natural gas,but they have found that neither can take place 78.____

of oil in their economies.in recent years there has been a growing concern for the enviornment,and coal is a popular fuel 79.____

with environmentalists.coal mines are ugly,and their development has a serious effect on animal and plant life; coal itself is a heavy pollution. 80.____

part ⅴ writing

directions: for this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition based on the following outline (given in chinese).the suggested title is:[wthz]unemployment in cities.you should write no less than 150 words and remember to write it neatly.

提纲: 1.城市失业现状。


3. 城市失业的问题可望得到解决吗 ?


part ⅱ





且因为需要毒资而触犯法律。美国政府已采取从重量刑的办法来对付毒品问题。 

21. 答案c。

【参考译文】 本文主题是什么?

【试题分析】 本题是一道综合理解题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生通读全文并归纳出本文的中心大意。

22. 答案a。

【参考译文】 成瘾者不能继续学业或干工作,因为……

【试题分析】 本题要求考生理解关键词

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第三段的第二句话。考生只要知道“prevent”一词在句中的含义为“防碍”,就不难选择正确答案。其它三个选项在文中也有提及,但考生应该寻找文中最直接的答案。 

23. 答案c。

【参考译文】 据作者所认为,成瘾者如何得到买毒品的钱?

【试题分析】 本题要求考生理解关键词。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第五段,考生只要理解“turning to crime”就是“an illegal way”,而且考生应注意问题的前提“according to the author”。 

24. 答案b。

【参考译文】 据作者认为,谁能轻易得到麻醉剂?

【试题分析】 本题要求考生综合分析。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第二段。这一段里提到的“doctors,nurses,and pharmacists”都属于“medical workers”考生从四个选项中不难得出答案。 

25. 答案d。

【参考译文】 卖海洛因给孩子的人会被……

【试题分析】 本题是道推断题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生对文中最后两段提到的量刑标准进行综合分析,不要被问题中“to a kid”所迷惑。注意了文中最后一句,就能得出答案。 




了三种经济体制的形式、特征。 

26. 答案a。

【参考译文】 这篇文章主要目的在于什么?

【试题分析】 本题是一道归纳题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生通读全文,归纳出本文的中心大意。本文介绍了三种不同的经济体制,并客观地进行了对比,所以答案为a。 

27. 答案b。

【参考译文】 在第二段中,“real good”中的“real”可以用下列哪个词替代最合适?

【试题分析】 本题是一道词意辨析题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生认真分析选择:a.高质量的;b.实在的、具体的;c.完全的,彻底的;d.真正的,原创的。根据文中举出的例子,不难得出答案b。

28. 答案d。

【参考译文】 据文章所述,易货贸易会导致……

【试题分析】 本题是一道理解推断题。

【详细解答】 这道题首先要求考生明白“barter”是指易货贸易,然后通过文中第二段所举的“以车换船不那么容易”这个例子,就可以选出选项d。 

29. 答案d。

【参考译文】 据文章所述,计划经济中谁有最高控制权?

【试题分析】 本题是一道简单分析题,要找到关键句。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生读懂第三段。第三中“the central plan,drawn by the government,...”这一句,就是答案所在。 

30. 答案b。

【参考译文】 作者提到的下列哪一点,不是决定传统经济中人的地位的因素?

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生注意第四段“...parentage,religion,and custom fix every person's place within the economic system”考生知道“criterion”一词是“标准,准则”的意思,而“parentage,religion,and custom”分别是指a、c、d三个选项,答案

自然是 b。 



本文主要讲述了龙卷风、旋风、海龙卷之间的不同,并详细讲述了龙卷风的形成、特征、威力与危害。 

31. 答案c。

【参考译文】 如何区分龙卷风和旋风?

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的解题关键就是文中“...,whirlwinds are atmospheric systems smaller than tornadoes.” 

32. 答案c。

【参考译文】 为什么龙卷风看起来是黑色的?

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的解题关键就是文中“as this funnel dips earthward,it becomes darker because of the debris that is forced into its intensifying vortex.” 

33. 答案d。

【参考译文】 据文章所述,下面哪种行为是龙卷风的常有特征?

【试题分析】 本题是一道简单分析题。

【详细解答】 这道题只要考生注意到文中“tornadoes often occur in groups,...”而其它三个选项是文中没有提到的。 

34. 答案b。

【参考译文】 据文章所述,有的龙卷风在人们没有意识到的时候袭击他们是因为它


【试题分析】 本题是一道简单分析题。

【详细解答】 这道题考生注意到文中“some tornado give no visible warning until their distruction strikes the unsuspecting victim.”“no visible”也就是“cannot be

seen.” 

35. 答案d。

【参考译文】 作者提到嵌入栅栏的稻草是为了显示……

【试题分析】 本题是一道理解分析题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生进行分析。前面文中提到龙卷风能造成巨大破坏,然后提到龙卷风使稻草嵌入栅栏柱上的例子,作者的意图当然是要强调龙卷风在物体上作用有多么强大,所以四个选项中很容易找出正确答案。 




于缩小规模,减少开支从而减员造成中产阶级家庭受到失业威胁。 

36. 答案d。

【参考译文】 工作要求不断改变使美国的经理层和专业人员们……

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案就在第一段的第一句话,只是把文中的名词“anger”和“despair”换成了选项中的形容词“angry”和“desperate”。 

37. 答案d。

【参考译文】 在公司里的工作是……的基础。

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题的答案在第一段第二句话,“the oncesolid foundation for millions of middleclass families……”考生不难作出选择。 

38. 答案d。

【参考译文】 为了更好地恢复过来,企业……

【试题分析】 本题是一道综合分析题。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生综合分析第二段的第二、三句话。第二句是讲的公司采取措施,第三句话是采取上述措施的原因。 

39. 答案d。

【参考译文】 白领工人将要……

【试题分析】 本题是一道细节题。

【详细解答】 这道题只要看懂了第三段的开头,是不难找到答案的。

40. 答案c。

【参考译文】 美国企业……

【试题分析】 本题是一道推断题,要把握关键词。

【详细解答】 这道题要求考生掌握“few”一词引导的否定含义的句子,这

句话的含义是“极少有公司还能躲开国际竞争的强大压力。” 

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41. 答案b。

【参考译文】 你能帮我递一下这本书么?

【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析。

【详细解答】 选项a、d需要book作直接宾语。render作“提供(帮助)”应为

render...to sb. 而oblige用于主动结构中意为“do a service”(劳驾)。 

42. 答案b。

【参考译文】 格林先生最近被任命为公司总裁。

【试题分析】 本题为搭配问题。

【详细解答】 任命某人一个职务不要加“to”,职务前也不能用冠词。

43. 答案d。

【参考译文】 每个人都知道地球是球状的,不是么?

【试题分析】 本题为搭配辨析题。

【详细解答】 everyone一词包括男女,所以a、b不合适,c项更不行。而everyone有“所有人”的意思,所以选d。 

44. 答案d。

【参考译文】 警察长宣布很快就会调查这个案子。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辨析。

【详细解答】 inquire表示“调查”时,所调查的事件前介词用into。

45. 答案a。

【参考译文】 如果你明天还的话,你可以借我的书。

【试题分析】 本题为考查条件句语法。

【详细解答】 句中“provided”是“if”的意思,真实条件句中表将来情况,条件句用一般现在时。 

46. 答案a。

【参考译文】 丈夫比妻子多活好多年。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辨析。

【详细解答】 这句话的含义为“丈夫比妻子多活好多年”。“survive”表示“比……活得长”时,活得长的时间前介词搭配用“for”。 

47. 答案d。

【参考译文】 他全身湿透了,因为没地方可以躲雨。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辩析。

【详细解答】 shelter表示“防止某物的保护”时,在“某物”前用介词“from”。 

48. 答案a。

【参考译文】 你和他中间有一个在撒谎。

【试题分析】 本题为either一词用法分析。

【详细解答】 either一词表示“两者中任一个”,所以该句话主语为第三人称单数,相应谓语搭配应该选a。 

49. 答案b。

【参考译文】 那个老人曾病得很严重,但在精心护理下康复了。

【试题分析】 本题为词意辩析。

【详细解答】 a意为“脱(衣帽)”;b意为“(使)恢复健康”,c意为“脱(衣等)”,d意为“通过”。根据句意,选b。 

50. 答案b。

【参考译文】 她的眼神没有显露她的想法。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辨析。

【详细解答】 clue表示“…的线索,暗示”时,介词搭配用“to”。

51. 答案c。

【参考译文】 我进来时,孩子正在伸手去拿架上的瓶子。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辨析。

【详细解答】 当reach表示“伸手去够某物”时,介词搭配用“for”。

52. 答案b。

【参考译文】 盘子掉到地上后没有坏,女招待松了口气。

【试题分析】 本题为难词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“未改变的”,b意为“未受损的”,c意为“无害的”,d意为“完全的”。根据句意,选b。 

53. 答案c。

【参考译文】 我们的计划要根据不断变化的局势来修改。

【试题分析】 本题为近义词分析。

【详细解答】 a意为“使回旋”;b意为“掉”,而且后接副词“out”;c意为“修改”;d意为“分散”,根据句意,选c。 

54. 答案d。

【参考译文】 因为缺乏原材料,他们不得不减少产量。

【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“抄近路”;b意为“插嘴”;c意为“切断”;d意为“减少”,根据句意,选d。 

55. 答案d。

【参考译文】 拉尔夫接到那所大学请他去作为正教授的邀请函。

【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“社团”;b意为“委员会”;c意为“团体”;d意为“(高等院校或系)的全体教员及有学衔的行政人员”。根据句意,答案为d。 

56. 答案c。

【参考译文】 很难有人取代纳德先生的地位,他是公司的智囊。

【试题分析】 本题为难词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“精神病患者”;b意为“理解”不合题意;c意为“有才能的人”;d意为“照顾,出勤”,根据句意,c最合适。 

57. 答案d。

【参考译文】 火散发出大量的烟,但没造成什么危害。

【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“发财”;b意为“泄露”;c意为“放掉(水、气等)”;d意为“散发”,表示“冒烟”,一般用“emit”。 

58. 答案d。

【参考译文】 那个老人被发生的事吓得呆若木鸡。

【试题分析】 本题考查的是固定短语用法。

【详细解答】 root sb. to the ground为固定短语,意为“吓得某人呆若木鸡”。 

59. 答案b。

【参考译文】 糟糕的天气使我们的计划推迟三周。

【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析。

【详细解答】 根据句文“by three weeks”可以判断,pull back(意为delay,推迟、拖延)最合适。 

60. 答案c。

【参考译文】 这两种说法不一致,其中一个肯定错了。

【试题分析】 本题为介词搭配辨析。

【详细解答】 consistent应该与with搭配,表示“与……一致”。

61. 答案a。

【参考译文】 你不能相信他,他常常言行不一致。

【试题分析】 本题为考查介词搭配。

【详细解答】 首先根据句意可以排除c、d两项,而disagree表示“与…不一致”时,介词用“with”。 

62. 答案b。

【参考译文】 一看到警官,小偷就溜了。

【试题分析】 本题考查的是习惯用法。

【详细解答】 a、c意为“站起来”,b意为“逃之夭夭”,d意为“拖着脚走”。根据句意选b。 

63. 答案a。

【参考译文】 与科学不一样,技术的进步必须用人的因素来权衡。技术必须能被人


【试题分析】 本题是难词词义辨析。

【详细解答】 这句话句意为“与科学不一样,技术的进步必须用人的因素来权衡。技术必须能被人驾驭而不是相反。reverse一词是“相反”的意思。 

64. 答案c。

【参考译文】 既便船受损严重,他也成功完成了绕好望角的航行。

【试题分析】 本题为介词用法辨析。

【详细解答】 damage表示“对某物的伤害”,介词一般用“to”。

65. 答案b。

【参考译文】 据说有些奴隶在葬礼中被活埋。

【试题分析】 本题为近义词辨析。

【详细解答】 live一般用于修饰物,living表示“当今的,现存的”,lively表示“活跃的”,alive则与dead相对表示“活的”。 

66. 答案b。

【参考译文】 当花炮在他脸上炸开时,男孩受伤了。

【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“出去,熄灭”;b意为“爆炸”;c意为“四处走动”;d意为“被烧毁”,这句话主语是a firework,所以选b。 

67. 答案d。

【参考译文】 对嫌疑人仔细询问,最终会揭示真相。

【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 意为“带来,造成”;a项意为“教育培养”;b意为“打倒、打伤”;c意为“提出”;d意为“揭示”。根据句意选d。 

68. 答案b。

【参考译文】 有幼儿的母亲不喜欢整天呆在家里干家务。

【试题分析】 本题考查hate一词的用法。

【详细解答】 hate后接动名词,此句用到动名词被动式。 

69. 答案d。

【参考译文】 我认为这种布是丝质的。

【试题分析】 本题为形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 a意为“忽略”;b意为“失去知觉”;c意为“不注意……,放过……”;d意为“……被认为是”。根据句意,选d。 

70. 答案c。

【参考译文】 旅客的安全应该由船长负责。

【试题分析】 本题考查被动式用法。

【详细解答】 句中be supposed to意为“应该是……”,see to意为“负责”,此处用的是不定式的被动式。 

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71. 答案:将arises改成rises

【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析。

【详细解答】 arise意为“,发生,兴起”;rise意为“上升”。 

72. 答案:将as改成for

【试题分析】 本题是介词搭配错误。

【详细解答】 take sth. for granted为固定搭配,意为“认为某事当然”。

73. 答案:将depending改为depend

【试题分析】 本题考查不定式用法。

【详细解答】 come to 意为“到了……地步”,后接不定式。 

74. 答案:将much改为many

【试题分析】 本题为搭配错误。

【详细解答】 products是可数名词复数,所以不用much而用many。

75. 答案:将surprising改成surprised

【试题分析】 本题考查现在分词和过去分词用法区别。

【详细解答】 surprising意为“令人惊讶的”,surprised为“感到惊讶的”。根据句意,应用surprised。 

76. 答案:在searching后加for

【试题分析】 本题是词义分析错误。

【详细解答】 search作及物动词一般指“搜寻某个地方”,search for才是“寻找某物”。 77. 答案:将alternate改为alternative

【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 alternate作名词意为“代理人,代表人;比较方案”;而alternative才是意为“替换物”。 

78. 答案:在place前加the

【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析。

【详细解答】 take the place of...意为“代替”,是固定短语。

79. 答案:在is后加not

【试题分析】 本题要求逻辑推理。

【详细解答】 根据判断,煤不是环境保护主义者所接受的燃料,所以加not。 

80. 答案:将pollution改为pollutant

【试题分析】 本题要求辨析词意并进行逻辑推理。

【详细解答】 煤不是一种污染,而应该是一种污染物质,所以将pollution改pollutant。 

part ⅴ 写作指导 





sample writing

unemployment in cities

nowadays,chinese people are facing many unexpected problems,of which the high unemployment rate in cities may be a most serious one.more urban residents will be jobless in the years to come. 

such a phenomenon could be attributed to the following reasons.first,the supply

of labor exceeds demand.the state-owned enterprises,which used to be the biggest sources for employment,are now struggling with their internal development,cutting down a great number of employees.secondly,more rural residents are leaving their soil and pouring into the labor market in cities than ever before,causing an even higher rate of unemployment.

it is by no means an easy problem to solve.however,as long as our economy contiunes to grow and stay healthy,more opportunites for jobs are expected to be created.hopefully,the situation of the labor market in cities will gradually be improved.




Model Test Two

PartⅠ Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A) , B), C) and D) and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. A.Play the piano B.Learn to sing?

C.Keep her company D.Teach her to sing ?

2.A.The man's B.The woman's C.The classmate's D.Her own?

3. A.The coat B.The color C.The tie D.The shirt ?

4. A.Search for a pen B.Fix a shelf?

C.Paint the shelves D.Write the letter ?

5.A.Weekdays B.Saturday C.Sunday D.Every day?

6. A.A store?owner and his manager B.A salesman and a customer?

C.A father and his daughter D.A professor and a student ?

7.A.5:45 B.5:15 C.6:15 D.5:30?

8.A.$50 B.$25 C.$100 D.$30?

9. A.She is an American.

B.She likes English.?

C.She lived in American until she was 13.?

D.Her family speaks English. ?

10.A.English B.Spanish C.Japanese D.Chinese?

Directions: In this section you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C), and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just hear


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