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Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

鲁迅,原名周树人。浙江绍兴人。著名文学家、思想家,五四新文化运动(May 4th New Culture Movement)的重要参与者,中国现代文学的奠基人。他对于五四运动以后的中国社会思想文化发展产生了一定的影响,蜚声世界文坛,尤其在韩国、日本思想文化领域有极其重要的地位和影响,被誉为“二十世纪东亚文化地图上占最大领土的作家”。

Lu Xun, whose original name was Zhou Shuren, was born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. Being a famous writer and thinker, he had been an important participant of May 4th New Culture Movement. He was also a founder of the contemporary literature of China. He had certain influence on the development of the ideology and culture of the Chinese society after the movement. As was famous among the literary circles all around the world, particularly for his crucial role and impacts on the cultural and ideological spheres in South Korea and Japan, he was honored as “the writer who occupied the largest area of the map of East Asian culture in the 20th century. ”


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

国画是汉族的传统绘画形式,是用毛笔蘸水、墨、彩作画于绢(silken cloth)或纸上。工具和材料有毛笔、墨、颜料(pigment)、宣纸(rice paper)、绢等,题材可分人物、山水、花鸟等,技法可分具象和写意。中国画在内容和艺术创作上,体现了古人对自然、社会及与之相关联的政治、哲学、宗教、道德、文艺等方面的认知。

Chinese painting is the traditional painting form of the Han nationality, which is painted on the silken cloth or paper with the writing brush stained with water, ink or paint. The tools and materials include the writing brush, ink, pigment, rice paper, silken cloth, etc. The themes can be figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, and the techniques can be divided into figurative painting and freehand painting. In terms of the content and art, Chinese painting expresses the ancient people’s understanding of nature and society, as well as the politics, philosophy, religion, morality, literature and art related to them.





Those who maintain an adaptive state of emotional control regard adversity as temporary and have the belief that “This shall pass.” In a crisis, they well adjust themselves and firmly believe that the control comes from inspired action rather than controlling reaction. They are not terrified by intense or painful emotions; they employ effective coping strategies, such as obtaining support from relatives and friends, and self-talk. The study indicates that individuals with a high emotional intelligence handle traumatic events with rare negative psychological problems.



1. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.


2. No matter the ending is perfect or not, you cannot disappear from my world.


3. Why I have never catched the happiness? Whenever I want you ,I will be accompanyed by the memory of...


4. The darkness is no darkness with thee.



1. I have strong feelings for you.我对你很有感觉。

2. I have the hots for you. 我迷上你了。

3. I think I am falling in love with you. 我觉得我爱上你了。

4. I have a crush on you. 我被你迷住了。

5. I've been coming on to you. 我一直对你有好感。

6. I am infatuated with you. 我为你神魂颠倒。

7. I think I like you. 我觉得我喜欢上你了。

8. You've been on my mind all the time. 我脑子里想的全是你。

9. I'm crazy about you. 我为你痴狂。














Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline below:




Online Games

As a product of modern computer and the Internet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great many students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a reasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.





How To Treat Disabled People

living in the world, everyone dreams of being great and wise. have some of us ever dreamt of being a normal person? i’m sure that all students will answer “no”, and you’ll question me, “why do you ask such a silly question?” as a matter of fact, people who are disabled just wish that they themselves would one day be a healthy and normal person as us. then how should we treat disabled people?

the majority of us will claim to show respect for them and not to look down upon them. it is true. most people have got a shock at their diligence. at present, a large quantity of the blind is learning the traditional chinese treatment, such as massage and acupuncture. and after opening a shop, they can usually get well paid. some people without arms have learned writing with their feet. what’s more, people with a moving handicap can do work very well, even if they can only move their head and mouth. not to mention hawking for example. so far as i know, not long before it is reported such two persons. both of them do very well in computer. one is a girl, who is just round twenty years. with a pen in her mouth, she makes flash. in spite of her disability, she still gets tens of thousands yuan per month. the other is a forty-year-old man. he manages the computer as well as the girl. anyway he has succeeded in making a programme, which recorded his own language.

never is the way for disabled people to success easy. apart from hard work, they need special patience and will, which are the key to success. often we’re moved by their experiences. then we will respect them and help them.

as the god seems as if not equal to disabled people, we should help them. some day when you meet a blind person in the street, go to help him/ her cross the street or show him/ her the way; some day when you meet a disabled person in a bus, give your seat to him/ her; some day you meet a disabled beggar, offer him some money; some day when you talk with a disabled person, encourage him/ her and let him/ her know the world is still beautiful. not only should we treat disabled people equally, but even more well!


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Do Libraries Become Useless at the Age of Information? You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 有些人认为信息时代不再需要传统图书馆了,因为……

2. 有些人认为信息时代传统图书馆仍然有重要作用,因为……

3. 你的看法……

There has been a heated discussion about libraries at the age of information among people. Some people, especially the younger generation, challenge the value of conventional libraries. When they need any information in their studies or work, they can turn to their computers for help. For this reason, they do not need to go to a library for borrowing or returning one or two books.

While others, including most old people as well as scholars, value libraries. They love libraries because they can enjoy peace and quietness in an isolated spiritual world. And they also have access to rare academic works needed for their studies in the libraries.

In my view, conventional libraries are still available though there is still much room for improving. At the Age of Information, as long as knowledge is respected and cherished, libraries won’t extinct from our lives. On the other hand, libraries should not refuse the latest information technology, which will enable them to regain those young readers。





中国的印章篆刻(seal carving)始于古代,贯穿于整个秦朝。篆刻的印帝最初是作为皇帝的玉玺(imperial seal)来使用的。皇家的印章被称为玺(Xi)并且只能由皇室成员使用。秦朝之后,更多不同种类的印章出现了。它们作为个性化的印戳用于私人用途。这些非官方定制的印戳被称为印(Yin)。在唐朝,由于迷信(superstition),印章的名称被改称为宝,理由是玺的发音与另一个表示“死亡”意思的汉字类似。


Chinese seal carving first appeared in ancient times and was used throughout the Qin Dynasty. It was initially employed as an imperial seal named Xi. These imperial seal carvings were used only by the royalty. Following this dynasty, more different kinds of seals appeared and were used by private folks as personalized stamps. These non-official stamps were called Yin. During the Tang Dynasty, the seals was renamed Bao as a result of superstition since the pronunciation of Xi is similar to that of another Chinese charactcr which means death.

1.篆刻的印幸最初是作为皇帝的玉玺(imperial seal)来使用的:该句可译为被动句,谓语是\"最初是作为…使用”,其中“使用”可用employ来表示,属于正式用语,故可翻译为was initially employed as。

2.由于迷信,印章的名称被改称为宝:“由于”可译为becauseof或as a rcsult of, 这两个短语后面都接名句或动名词。



黄梅戏(Huangmei Opera)源于湖北省黄梅县的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧 (Yue Opera)、评剧(Ping Opera)和豫剧(Yu Opera)是中国的五大戏曲。它最初是以一种简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式出现的。后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市。它吸收了徽剧和当地歌舞的元素,发展到了今天的形式。黄梅戏以一种[新的风格反映了普通居民的生活,受到了群众的喜爱。


Huangmei Opera was originated from tea pickingsongs in Huangmei county, Hubei province.It is oneof the Five Operas in China together with BeijingOpera, Yue Opera, Ping Opera and Yu Opera.It firstappeared as a simple drama of song and dance.Later, it was spread to Anqing city, Anhui province by immigrating victims of floods. Absorbingelements of Anhui Opera and local songs and dances, Huangmei Opera was developed to thepresent form. It enjoys great popularity among the masses by reflecting the life of ordinarypeople in a fresh style.

1.黄梅戏源于湖北省黄梅共的采茶歌曲,连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧是中国的五大戏曲:后半句可以理解为“黄梅戏是中国五大戏曲之一”,即 Huangmei Opera is one of theFive Operas in China。再翻译句子的剩余部分连同京剧、越剧、评剧和豫剧”时,可将其着作是句子的状语,译为together with Beijing Opera, Yue Opera, PingOpera and Yu Opera。

2.它最初是以一种简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式出现的:“简单的载歌载舞的戏剧形式”可译为a simple dramaof song and dance。

3.后来,随着饱受洪水灾害的灾民,黄梅戏传到了安徽省安庆市:该句可译为被动句,其中主干则是it wasspread to...by immigrating victims of floods。




儒家思想(Confucianism)是中国影响最大的思想流派,也是中国古代的主流意识。自汉代以来,儒家思想就是封建统治阶级(feudal ruling class)的指导思想之一。儒家思想的核心其实是一种人道主义(humanism )。它提倡自我修养,认为人是可教化的、可完善的。儒家思想的一个宏大的目标就是实现“大同社会”,在这样的一个社会中,每个人都能扮演好自己的角色,并与他人维持良好的关系。



Confucianism is the largest Chinese school ofthoughts, and the mainstream consciousness ofthe ancient China. Confucianism had been one of theruling doctrines of the feudal ruling class since theHan Dynasty. The core of Confucianism is actually a kind of humanism. It advocates self-cultivation, and believes that human beings are teachable and improvable. A grand goal ofConfucianism is to achieve a harmonious society in which each individual plays his or her partwell, and maintains a good relationship with others.

1.思想流派:可译为school of thoughts。

2.指导思想:可译为ruling doctrine,也可直译为guiding ideology。



5.大同社会:孔子所提出的“大同”的特征是:“大道之行也,天下为公。选贤与能,讲信修睦…”从字面上也可看出,“大同”即为“和谐”之意, 故“大同社会”可译为 harmonious society 或 perfect society。

6.每个人:除可译为everybody、everyone以外,还可译为each individual, 更加强调个体。“扮演好某人的角色”即为play one's part/role well。






University students inBeijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou,Shenyang and someother big cities are increasingly choosing to getmarried right after graduating.This is in sharpcontrast to the situation in the 1980s and 1990swhen many urban youngsters put off marriage untilthey were “old enough”一in their 30s or even 40s.Many spent their time looking for spouseswith good economic backgrounds or attractive faces,instead of looking forlove.However,parents of these students choosing to get married right after graduating have totake care of the couples'daily affairs,as the young people are still figuring out how to live as afamily.



大多数时候,留守儿童(leftover children)的问题很大程度上源于缺乏父母的情感关怀。通常,孩子由祖父母或父母的朋友、亲戚照顾。在大多数情况下,他们的监护人(guardian)没有受过很好的教育。对他们来说,确保孩子健康、吃得好是极重要的任务。只要孩子平安无事,他们就被认为做得很好了。监护人很少关心孩子的学习、心理需求或精神需求。他们也不花时间教孩子如何养成良好的习惯。


Most of the time, problems of the leftover children largely arise from a lack of emotional care from their parents. Usually, the children's grandparents or their parent's friends or relatives look after these children. In most cases, their guardians are not well educated. To them,making sure that the children are healthy and fed well is the most important task. As long as the children are safe and sound,they are considered to have done a good job. Guardians seldom care about children's study,psychological needs, or mental demands. Neither do they spend some time to teach kids how to develop good habits.


Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools, techniques, and procedures for implementing the finding of science.

Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each.

Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comprehend the universe and know the truth within the highest degree of accuracy and certainty, cannot pay attention to their own or other people's likes or dislikes or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover may shock or anger people-as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the choice of refusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology; we do not have the choice of refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft flying overhead; we do not have the option of refusing to breathe polluted air; and we do not have the option of living in a non-atomic age. Unlike science progress, technology must be measured in terms of the human factor. The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves. Technology must be humanistic if it is to lead to a better world.

21. The difference between science and technology lies in that _____.

A) the former provides answers to theoretical questions while the latter to practical problems

B) the former seeks to comprehend the universe while the latter helps change the material world

C) the former aims to discover the inter-connections of facts and the rules that explain them while the latter, to discover new designs and ways of making the things we use in our daily life

D) all of the above

22. Which of the following may be representative of science?

A) The improvement of people's life.

B) The theory of people's life.

C) Farming tools.

D) Mass production.

23. According to the author, scientific theories _____.

A) must be strictly objective

B) usually take into consideration people's likes and dislikes

C) should conform to popular opinions

D) always appear in perfect and finished forms

24. The author states that technology itself _____.

A) is responsible for widespread pollution and resource exhaustion

B) should serve those who wish to gain advantage for themselves

C) will lead to a better world if put to wise use

D) will inevitably be for bad purpose

25. The tone of the author in this passage is _____.

A) positive

B) negative

C) factual

D) critical

Passage Two

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage.

Americans have always been ambivalent in their attitudes toward education. On the one hand, free and universal public education was seen as necessary in a democracy, for how else would citizens learn how to govern themselves in a responsible way? On the other hand, America was always a country that offered financial opportunities for which education was not needed: on the road from rags to riches, schooling-beyond the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic-was an unnecessary detour.

Even today, it is still possible for people to achieve financial success without much education, but the number of situations in which this is possible is decreasing. In today's more complex world, the opportunities for financial success is closely related to the need for education, especially higher education.

Our society is rapidly becoming one whose chief product is information, and dealing with this information requires more and more specialized education. In other words, we grow up learning more and more about fewer and fewer subjects.

In the future, this trend is likely to continue. Tomorrow's world will be even more complex than today's world, and, to manage this complexity, even more specialized education will be needed.

26. The topic treated in this passage is _____.

A) education in general

B) Americans' attitudes

C) higher education

D) American education

27. Americans' attitudes toward education have always been _____.

A) certain B) contradictory

C) ambitious D) unclear

28. Today, financial success is closely related to the need for _____.

A) higher education B) public education

C) responsible citizens D) learning the basics

29. It can be inferred from the third paragraph that _____.

A) information is our only product

B) education in the future will be specialized

C) we are entering an age of information

D) we are living in an age of information

30. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A) The History of American Education.

B) The Need for Specialized Education.

C) The Future of the American Educational System.

D) Attitudes toward American Education.


Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (35 minutes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A),B) ,C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage:

Increasingly, over the past ten years, people―especially young people―have become aware of the need to change their eating habits, because much of the food they eat, particularly processed foods, is not good for health. Consequently,there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which do not contain chemical additives and which have not been affected by chemical fertilizers widely used in farming today.

Natural foods, for example, are vegetables, fruit and grain which have been grown in soil that is rich in organic matter.In simple terms, this means that the soil has been nourished by unused vegetable matter, which provides it with essential vitamins and minerals. This in itself is a natural process compared with the use of chemicals and fertilizers, the main purpose of which is to increase the amount but not the quality of foods grown in commercial farming areas.

Natural foods also include animals which have been allowed to feed and move freely in healthy pastures. Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. Chickens kept in this way are not only tasteless as food; but also produce eggs which lack important vitamins.

There are other aspects of healthy eating which are now receiving increasing attention from experts on diet. Take, for example, the question of sugar. This is actually a nonessential food! Although a natural alternative, such as honey, can be used to sweeten food if this necessary, we can in fact do without it. It is not that sugar is harmful in itself. But it does seem to be additive: the quantity we use has grown steadily over the last centuries and in Britain today each person consumes an average of 200 pounds a year! Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories. There are no vitamins in it, no minerals and nofiber.?

It is significant that nowadays fiber is considered to be an important part of a healthy diet. In white bread, for example ,the fiber has been removed. But it is present in unrefined flour and of course in vegetables. It is interesting to note that in countries where the national diet contains large quantities of unrefined flour and vegetables, certain diseases are comparatively rare. Hence the emphasis is placed on the eating of whole meal bread and more vegetables by modern experts on “healthy eating”.

? 21.Which statement best expresses the main idea of this article?

? A) People should eat any food to keep themselves healthy and strong.

? B) People should eat natural foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

? C) People should eat fiber foods to keep themselves healthy and strong.

? D) People should eat vegetables to keep themselves healthy and strong.

? 22.“Particularly processed foods” means ____.

? A) foods which are particularly processed by adding chemical additives

? B) foods which are particularly made by commercial farms

? C) foods which are specially produced by commercial factories

? D) foods which are not specially made by adding anything

? 23.Natural foods means ____.

? A) foods good for health

? B) foods not good for health

? C) foods such as vegetables, fruit and grain from rich organic matters soil

? D) crops from rich organic matters soil and meats of animals from healthy pastures

? 24.There are no vitamins, no minerals and no fibers in ____.

? A) natural foods C) sugar

? B) animal meats D) fruit

25.“Yet all it does is provide us with energy, in the form of calories.” It means ____.

? A) processed food provides us with energy

? B) natural food furnishes us with vitamins and minerals

? C) sugar gives us enough energy in the form of calories

? D) fiber helps us to digest food?

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the following passage: ?

With a tremendous roar from its rocket engine, the satellite is sent up into the sky. Minutes later, at an altitude of 300 miles, this tiny electronic moon begins to orbit about the earth. Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites. Information of all kinds races back to the earth.No human being could possibly copy down all these facts, much less remember and organize them. But an electronic computer can. ?

The marvel of the machine age, the electronic computer has been in use only since 1946. It can do simple computations―add,subtract, multiply and divide―with lighting speed and perfect accuracy. Some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.

Once it is given a “program” ― that is, a carefully worked?out set of instructions devised by a technician trained in computer language ― a computer cagather a wide range of information for many purposes. For the scientist it can get information from outer space or from the depth of the ocean. In business and industry the computer prepares factory inventories, keeps track of sales trends and production needs, mails dividend checks, and makes out company payrolls. It can keep bank accounts up to date and make out electric bills. If you are planning a trip by plane, the computer will find out what to take and what space is available.

Not only can the computer gather facts, it can also store them as fast as they are gathered and can pour them out whenever they are needed. The computer is really a high?powered“memory” machine that “has all the answers”―or almost all.Besides gathering and storing information, the computer can also solve complicated problems that once took months for people to do.

At times computers seem almost human. They can “read” hand?printed letters, play chess, compose music, write plays and even design other computers. Is it any wonder that they are sometimes called “thinking” machines?

Even though they are taking over some of the tasks that were once accomplished by our own brains, computers are not replacing us at least not yet. Our brain has more than 10 million cells. A computer has only a few hundred thousand parts.

For some time to come, then, we can safely say that our brains are at least 10,000 times more complex than a computer.How we use them is for us, not the computer, to decide.

? 26.In the first paragraph, the author thinks an electronic computer can ____.

? A) copy down all the facts

? B) remember all the facts

? C) organize the facts and everything

? D) copy down, remember and organize all the facts

? 27.“Program” means ____.

? A) a plan of what is to be done

? B) a complete show on a TV station at a fixed time table

? C) a scheduled performance

? D) series of coded instructions to control the operations of a computer

? 28.The computer is a high powered “memory” machine, which ____.

? A) has all the ready answers ― or almost all to any questions

? B) can remember everything

? C) can store everything and work for you

? D) has all the answers ― or almost to all the information that has been stored

? 29. “Thinking” machines suggest that ____.

? A) they can “read” hand printed letters etc

? B) they really can think and do many other jobs

? C) they even design other computers

? D) they can't think, but can do something under human control

? 30.Can computers do whatever they want to do?Why?

? A) Yes, because some computers can work 500,000 times faster than any person can.

? B) No, because they normally have a few hundred thousand parts.

? C) No, because human brains are at least 10000 times more complex than any computers.

? D) No, because how a computer works is decided by human.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage:

No one expressed this attitude more strongly than Noah Webster (1758?1843).

Born near Nartford, Connecticut, he received his education at Yale College and later began to practise law. But business in this profession was slow, and he was forced to turn to teaching. As a teacher, he soon discovered that the English school books then in use were unsatisfactory, and the American Revolution reduced the supply of such books as there were. Webster therefore began to work on three simple books on English, a spelling book, a grammar, and a reader, and these were the first books of their kind to be published in this country. The success of the first part was surprisingly great. It was soon issued again under the title THE AMERICAN SPELLING BOOK, and in this form about 80 million copies were sold during the next hundred years. From a profit of less than one cent a copy, Webster got most of his income for the rest of his life. Not only did the little book have great influence on many generations of school children, but it also had the effect or turning its author's attention to questions of language. In 1806 he produced a small dictionary,and this was followed by his greatest work, AN AMERICAN DICTIONARY OF

THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, published in two volumes in1828. In both of these works and in many smaller writings he had one purpose: to show that the Englsih language in his country was a truly American thing, developing in its own special way and deserving to be considered from an independent, American point of view. As he himself wrote,“ It is not only important, but in a degree necessary, that the people of this country should have an AMERICAN DICTIONARY of the English language; for, although the body of the language is the same as in England…some differences exist…. No person in this country will be satisfied with the English definitions of the words congress, senate, assembly, court, and so forth, for although these are words used in England, yet they are applied in this country to express ideas which they do not express in that country.” By giving American meanings and American pronunciation, by adopting a number of American spellings, and especially by introducing quotations from American authors beside those from English literature, he was able, to a great extent, to justify the title of his work. If, after a hundred years, some people still doubt the existence of a separate American language, his efforts, nevertheless, have left a lasting mark on the language of his country.

? 31.Webster first tried to earn his living in the field of ____.

? A) education C) law

? B) journalism D) medicine

? 32.Webster earned most of his money from the sale of his ____.

? A) dictionary of 1828 C) grammar

? B) spelling book D) reader

? 33.Apparently Webster published his first books while he was a____.

? A) teacher C) lawyer

? B) student D) doctor

? 34.This article could be entitled ____.

? A) Noah Webster and American English Spelling

? B) Noah Webster, the author of An American Dictionary of the English Language

? C) Noah Webster

? D) Noah Webster and American English Grammar

? 35.According to the article, Webster ____.

? A) had created American English and its usages

? B) had discovered American English and improved it

? C) had tried his best and left a milestone on the language of his country

? D) had left a language which was not used in England.

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:

? Once upon a time, the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around. Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over. Plenty of space for parks and factories. Plenty of forests to cut and grasslands to plow. But that was once upon a time. The days of unused land are over.Now the land has been spoken for, fenced off, carved up into cities and farms and industrial parks, put to use.?

At the same time, the population keeps growing. People need places to work and places to play. So we need more sites for more industries, more beaches for more sunbathers, and more clean rivers for more fishers. And it isn't just a matter of population growth. Our modern technology has needs that must be met, too. We need more coal for energy, and we need more power plants; cars must have highways and parking lots, and jets must have airports. ?

Each of these land uses swallows up precious space.Highways and expressways alone take some 200,000 acres each year. And urban sprawl ― the spreading out of cities ― is expected to gobble up vast areas of land by the year 2,000. But there is only so much land to go around. It is always hard to decide. Take, for example, a forest. A forest can be a timber supply. It can provide a home for wildlife. It is scenery and a recreation area for man. It is soil and watershed protection.

? 36.“…the United States seemed to have plenty of land to go around ” means that ____.

? A) the United States seemed to have vast land for its people to walk around

? B) the United States seemed to have enough land for sharing with everyone

? C) the United States could provide whatever its inhabitents' needs

? D) the United States was not able to allow its people to do what they wanted to

? 37.The sentence of “Plenty of rivers to dam and plenty of rural valleys left over” suggests that ____.

? A) the United States had a lot of rivers to dam and many rural valleys, too

? B) the rivers could be damed later

? C) rural valleys would be considered in the future

? D) people needn't think of the rivers and valleys

? 38.“Now the land has been spoken for, …” tells us that ____.

? A) today, land has shown its values

? B) now, people have said something about land

? C) nowadays, land has been claimed by human beings

? D) recently, people spoke for the land

? 39.The phrase of “swallows up” informed us that ____.

? A) these usages of land have good results

? B) these lands must be used totally

? C) the precious space was taken completely

? D) the precious space were eaten up

? 40.The word “sprawl” indicates that ____.

? A) cities are developing very fast to meet the people's demands

? B) urban areas are diminishing smoothly

? C) urban areas are enlarging steadily in a planned way

? D) cities are spreading out without any plans



Directions: Write a composition entitled On Online Chatting. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 网上聊天越来越流行; 有人反对它,有人赞同; 我的看法。

范文一: Online Chatting

With the development of IT, online chatting is becoming increasingly popular with many people.

However, people’s opinions about it vary from person to person. Some think that it has more problems than benefits. First, it is a waste of time, energy and money as it doesn’t produce any useful information and products. Second, it is misleading to its users because cyberspace is actually an imaginary space where things are unreal or fictional.

But the advocates of online chatting support it because it is another way of recreation which is both exciting and relaxing. Besides, it helps them release their emotions and worries freely and safely. To them, it is very useful and wonderful.

As far as I am concerned, whether online chatting is good or bad depends on the person who does it.

Control we can use it cientifically and properlyandcurbjits bad effect to the greatest extent. (159 words)

范文二: Online Chatting

With the development of computers, the Internet has made its way into our daily life, Online chatting as a new communicative way has become more and more popular, especially with youngsters. However, like everything else, online chatting has both advantages and disadvantages.

On one hand, people can make friends and air their views freely on line. When they feel frustrated they may talk with a stranger on line rather than with their parents or friends. For they think it's easier to talk

with a stranger on line. They can also chat with people from different areas all over the world. When the chat is over, they feel contented and refreshed.

On the one hand, some young people become too addicted to online chatting. They will sit in front of the computer day and night. It is not only a waste of time but also harmful to their health.

In my opinion, online chatting does bring a lot benefits to our life, but we should try to reduce the negative effects to the minimum and make online chatting our valuable assistant.





Writing brush, a traditional writing tool originated from China, has also gradually become a traditional painting tool. Writing brush was invented by the Han people during their production practice. With the constant development of human society, the diligent and intelligent Han people kept summing up the experience. Discarding the dross while assimilating the essence, they strive to explore and blaze new trails. Over thousands of years, writing brush has made great contribution to creating the splendid culture of the Han people and to promoting the cultural exchange between people of all nationalities and the Han people. Writing brush is a treasure that the Han people have provided the world’s arts treasure house.


存其精华,弃其糟粕 Discarding the dross while assimilating the essence

勇于探索,敢于创新strive to explore and blaze new trails

光辉灿烂的文化splendid culture

艺术宝库 arts treasure house



我们的身体夜晚需要休息,白天需要清醒。大多数人每晚需要8到8.5个小时的睡眠才能正常运转。找到更多的时间、更好的睡眠方法可能是个挑战。科学家已经确认了80多种不同的睡眠紊乱症(sleep disorders)。有些睡眠紊乱症是遗传的。但是,许多睡眠紊乱症是由于熬夜,经常跨时区旅行以及上夜班而引起的。


Our bodies want to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Most women and men need between eight and eight and a half hours of sleep a night to function properly throughout their lives.Finding ways to get more and better sleep can be a challenge. Scientists have identified more than 80 different sleep disorders. Some sleeping disorders are genetic. But many problems are caused by staying up late and by traveling frequently between time zone or by working nights.


正常运转 function properly

找到更多的时间、更好的睡眠方法 find ways to get more and better sleep

熬夜 stay up late

经常跨时区旅行 travel frequently between time zone

上夜班 work nights

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