
修霓 分享 时间: 收藏本文



1. The author’s implicit claim that incinerators are economically advantageous to landfills is poorly supported.

2. Consequently, unless the author can demonstrate that the city will incur expenses that are not covered by the increased revenues from these projects, the author’s concern about these issues is unfounded.

3. First of all, while asserting that real incomes are rising, the author provides no evidence to support this assertion.

4. Moreover, the author fails to consider and rule out other factors that might account for proportional decreases in spending on food.

5. The author’s conclusion that switching to incineration would be more salutary for public health would be seriously undermined.

6. The author assumes that physical capabilities are the only attributes necessary to operate a motor vehicle.

7. Moreover, the author provides no evidence that the realism of color photography is the reason for its predominance.

8. This assumption presents a false dilemma, since the two media are not necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives.

9. Common sense tells us that a photographer can succeed by working in both media.11. The major problem with the argument is that the stated similarities between Company A and B are insufficient to support the conclusion that Company A will suffer a fate similar to Company B’s.

12. Consequently, the mere fact that Company A holds a large share of the video – game hardware and software market does not support the claim that Company A will also fail.

13. Thus, the author unfairly assumes that highly – rated public television programs are necessarily widely viewed, or popular.

14. While this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that only companies with products that are already best – sellers can afford the higher ad rates that popular shows demand.

15. Admittedly, the vice president’s reasoning linking employee benefits with company profits seems reasonable on the surface.

16. One can infer from the survey’s results that a full one – third of the respondents may have viewed the current benefits package unfavorably.

17. Lacking more specific information about how these other employees responded, it is impossible to assess the reliability of the survey’s results or to make an informed recommendation.

18. It is unlikely that the brief one – week periods under comparison are representative of longer time periods.

19. If so, even though 3 percent more accidents occurred after the change, the author’s argument that changing the speed limit increases danger for drivers would be seriously weakened.21. In addition, while it is true that many voters change their minds several times before voting, and that some remain undecided until entering the voting booth, this is not true of everyone.

22. Without knowing the extent and nature of the damage resulting from the bad publicity or the reason for the violation, we cannot accept the author’s conclusion.

23. The author’s proposal is inconsistent with the author’s conclusion about the consequences of adopting an ethics code.

24. To begin with, the author fails to consider health threats posed by incinerating trash.




1. 开头

In the argument, the …(主题对象) recommends that …(对结论做论述,基本上可以抄原文,用另外一种方式表达即可). To support this recommendation the argument point out that …(说明文章用了什么论据去证明观点了,同上抄袭即可) however …This argument is logically flawed in several critical respects (说明这篇文章逻辑上是有缺陷的).

2. 攻击论据

a. 调查结果没有证据申明

To begin with, the argument depends on the assumption that… (阐述说出了一个没有根据的申明,并说出文中的原因) —rather than for some other reasons. Yet it is entirely possible that… (说明这种猜测可能的原因) or some other factor. Without ruling out all other reasons why… (重述这个申明)…(说出反方向的结论).

b. 提到了样本,但是数据不具有代表性(数据不够)

Firstly, the author provides no evidence that the survey is statistically reliable. Perhaps the survey’s sample is not sufficient in size or representative of the quality of …(说明对象的数量和质量不够) For that matter, this survey is not strong enough to establish causation between… (在这里列出原因和结果,做比较) However, the other reasons of the survey which (叙述其他原因下的情况). As a result, without the evidence that the survey is statistically reliable the author cannot justifiably draw any conclusion by relying on this survey.

c. 猜测,但是没有证据

Thirdly, the argument assumes that… (阐述文中的猜测) However, the letter provides no evidence to substantiate this assumption. In fact, the letter suggests that this might be the case. By admitting that …, the letter implies that …说明影响他们happy的因素还有其他的方面,不光是研究中所列举

3. 攻击论证过程

a. 时间上的错误类比

To begin with,…(陈述某个数据) may not a reliable date of that rate would be now(和现在相比较是不可信的). Perhaps the… (反例), For that matter, perhaps …(说出反例的情况下会导致何种结果). In short, without ruling out other possible reasons for …(假设说出针对反例应该怎么做)the memo’s author cannot convince me on the basis of …(说出应该有的结论)


c. 两个事实错误的类比

Even if…(让步,即使某个条件成立) the argument unfairly assumes that…(说明错误的类比的情况). It is entirely possible that the …(比较对象) own different situations. Perhaps …(具体说出反例) Without accounting for such differences between the two places is unreliable.


1. 拿到新GRE作文的模板以后,要做的第一件事情就是确定文章的主体框架结构,第一时间定位引出观点和总结观点的词汇以及句式,从而确定这篇写作模板的水平,进一步评估其参考使用价值。

2. 新GRE写作模板要看的最主要的地方就是它的论证结构,需要做到能够确定论证过程的框架,比如对一篇模板的每个支持段落都有各自的论证模式,举例,因果,对比等方面的分解学习,最好能精确到对于确定到论证的逻辑引导词上。

3. 确认主框架结构和论证结构,评估出对于这篇模板的使用方式后,就可以开始通过改写文章模板的句子,运用自己擅长的表达方式,句型和词汇等内容对结构框架进行替换变更,将这篇模板改造成自己习惯的模样。

4. 整体改变完成后,可以对句式做一下小调整和改变,将各类语法结构加入其中,比如:倒装,独立主格结构,虚拟语气等。当然这个步骤属于锦上添花,而不是画蛇添足,所以每位考生都请根据自己的实际情况量力而行。

5. 对于模板当中各段的论证方式,请按照<提出分论点><解释分论点><总结分论点/联系主观点>的方式进行整理和调整,并在每个分段的最后总结一下分论点和主观点之间的联系,保证整体论证的完整合理和逻辑通顺。

6. 改写句子过程中需要特别注意不同句式的变换,尽量避免简单句的并列使用,多写一些高质量的句式,为文章增光添彩。

7. 尽量减少零碎的句子,多使用比如which、where等连词把句子串联起来。



很多人苦恼句子写不长,一句话写下来才6~7个词不到,而且这还是用了前面说的in the first place的用法。怎么办?


例子:Firstly, I agree with you.


那好,首先,我再重申,不要去用那种很无聊的用in the first place替换firstly,因为这两个词都只不过是表达你下面要表达的内容的逻辑顺序,先说哪个后说哪个,重要但不是最重要的,别人要知道的是你首先要表达的到底是什么。如果你要想与众不同点可以把firstly改成primarily?词就显得高级了点。(但对老外来说差不多就是了)

再者就是重点了,写一个句子前你要问自己三个问题:1)你同意他到什么程度?非常同意,敷衍地同意,还是完全彻底的同意 2)你在哪个方面同意他?物质上,精神上,还是肉体上 3)同意他什么东西?他的意见,思维,行为,还是其他。4)什么样的意见?In short,当你写到这个同学的这个层面上的时候,只能说明你有了你要表达意思的框架,那你要表达的细节呢?相信大家其实都已经想好细节了,或者想都不用想心里一下就有谱了,但是因为是英语,所以大家怕于表达,哪怕是中文也懒于表达,为什么不表达出来呢!表达出来不就有字数了吗!而且把这些细节写出来,你整句话的表达就非常到位了,读者也能一下准确接受到你要表达的意思和深浅。而且这样的细节本身并不是为了凑字数用的,本来就是一种表达的需要,别人需要的是从你那里得到尽可能多的细节和信息。比如老板问你最近公司财务如何,你说还不错,老板会觉得你在敷衍他,因为你没有告诉他细节而他想知道的也是细节。同样的东西,写一句话你能尽可能得多问自己几个问题,多扣那些细节出来,那你表达不就到位了吗?



Primarily, I totally agree with your unique opinion mentally.

这样句子就要八个词了,而这时候你只是不带感情的表达了你的意思,如果要再带上感情的表达,不就又有字数又有感情色彩了吗?这时候,还有一个问题,就是 agree with其实还不准确,没有力度,或者说不够细节化,没有一种倾向性强烈的感觉,如果改成support,虽然这个词很简单,但是明显比agree with更给人以力度,也更有倾向性,让人更明白你是支持他的而不仅是同意而已,这就涉及到用词到位准确的问题,这在后面的内容会提到。

Primarily, I totally support your unique opinion mentally, whether rightly or wrongly.




第一,用词要准确到位,尽量不要用那些很泛意思的词,比如说do, is, make, get等

例子:I walk along the river under the moonlight.. (walk,river)



I amble along the brook under the moonlight.


而用泛词或者不准确的表达会出现你的表达不准确甚至出丑,比如说你挤牛奶,写了get some milk from cattles,或者make some milk from cattles,翻译成中文就是从牛那儿搞点牛奶,或者取点牛奶,而且cattle是泛指所有的牛包括公牛和母牛(cow),是不是很可笑而且很不地道,文章自然也大失色彩,让人判为低级。


很多时候的使用往往可以收到很好的效果。副词就是形容一个状态或者行动的词,它可以表示程度,情况,方面等等,所以一句话里加上一两个副词很多时候可以让表达更准确。当每句话都用副词的话,句子不就很千篇 一律了?副词和一些副词词组的替换使用可以克服这个问题。

比如前面的agree with的那个例子,mentally就很准确的告诉了别人你同意的是在精神的层面上,物质上等等其他的不一定同意,因为没钱或者其他原因,这就限定和细节化了你所要表达的意思的范围。而如果当你发现你已经有一句了hastily,而后面那句还要表达草率的程度时候,不妨换个in hasty,这样词就避免了重复。

To sum up, 要准确的表达你的意思,一定要做到的两点就是第一能尽可能多的在句子中填加你要表达的细节,这些细节表达了你所到说的意思的程度和范围等等,第二就是要用词准确到位,不要为了凑字数而去凑字数,而要想的是最准确的告诉读者你所要表达的所有意思。这也是交流的关键。


首先你的GRE作文不能写很口语化的表达,因为这是学术性写作;其次你不能千篇 一律的短句或者散句,而要长短结合,主次分明;最后在遇到重复概念的时候你不能用同一个词汇表达10次。

当然,我也不是要你挑战自己的智力极限,全部用GRE单词去写GRE作文,事实上如果你这样做了,效果不见得好,因为很多GRE单词美国人也不认识。你只需要在合适的地方用合适的词就可以了。整个GRE作文的语言要求在于两点:sentence variation (句式变换)和expressive diction(生动的选词)。







1. 首先要找到一份合适的整理资料,高分句型的总结整理资料到处都有,其实考试中并没有机会用到太多,在资料的准备上面宜精不宜多,每个句型如果有搭配的文章进行解析则会有助于理解和记忆,比较推荐这类资料。

2. 找到好资料还要学会正确的使用。背诵是第一步,不要只背句型,最好结合自己的实际使用习惯去记忆,只有适合自己的才是最好的,在实际使用时同样如此,不要生搬硬套,把高分句型强行塞到作文里面,这样堆砌的痕迹太重反而影响作文质量。要在理解的基础上把高分句型转化为适合自己写作习惯的表达方式,完美的融入自己的行文中。


1. 合理使用高分句型,会让你的文章更有层次感,更加饱满,文章转承起合显得自然流畅,大大加强阅读性,从而提高考官对你的评价,获得更高的分数。

2. 熟练使用高分句型,能为你节省大量的写作时间,熟练自如的运用,让你有更多时间构思文章的论述和结构,而不用在写作本身上花费太多时间。


1. The fact that…does not necessarily imply that…

2. Factors such as…all have some bearing on…

3. Economy, as we know, is influenced by the combination of a host of factors, local, national and international, political, social, and technological.

4. But we are told nothing about the way the poll was conducted and how well it represented…

5. But the problem is that the two situations are not similar enough to justify the analogical deduction.

6. According to…, but there is no evidence whatsoever to show…

7. The argument provides no direct information as to the degree to which…

8. There is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that…

9. But any conclusion at this stage is premature in absence of a comprehensive examination of…

10. For a couple of reasons, this argument is not very convincing.

11. The arguer employs two lines of reasoning to reach this conclusion.

12. To support this claim, the editorial cites statistics indicating that…

13. As it stands, this argument suffers from three critical flaws.

14. In this argument, the planning department of an investment firm reaches the conclusion that…

15. The basis for this recommendation is the expectation that…

16. While this argument has some merit, there are a few assumptions that deserve attention.

17. The example cited, while suggestive of these trends, is insufficient to warrant their truth because there is no reason to believe that the data drawn from…is representative of …

18. To begin with, this argument depends on the assumption that…

19. Not only does the arguer fail to…, he also fails to…

20. However, while the poll establishes a correlation between…and…, and also indicates a correlation, though less significantly, between…and…, it does not establish a general causal relationship between…

GRE分类词汇记忆: 偏袒

6.4.3 偏袒

cronyism n. 对好朋友的偏袒;任人唯亲

devious adj. 不正直的;弯曲的

inequity n. 不公正,不公平

iniquity n. 不公正,邪恶

jaundice n. 偏见;黄疸

jaundiced adj. 有偏见的

lopsided adj. 倾向一方的,不平衡的

partial adj. 偏袒的;局部的

partiality n. 偏袒,偏心

predilection n. 偏袒,爱好

prejudice n. 偏见,成见;v. 使产生偏见

tendentious adj. 有偏见的 (tendency n. 趋势,倾向)

unjustly adv. 不法地(不公正地),不义地


6.4.2 正直

conscience n. 良心,是非感

decency n. 正派,端庄

integrity n. 正直,诚实;完整

probity n. 刚直,正直

rectitude n. 诚实,正直

sincere adj. 诚实的,正直的;真挚的,纯净的

straightforward adj. 正直的;易懂的;直截了当的


6.4.1 公正

aboveboard adj./adv. 光明正大的

detached adj. 超然的(公正的);分开的

disinterested adj. 公正的,客观的

equity n. 公平,公正

even adj.平的;(相等的;偶数的)

evenhanded adj. 公平的,不偏不倚的

impartial adj. 公平的,无私的


6.6.2 无理

gratuitous adj. 无缘无故的;免费的

unfounded adj. 无事实根据的

unjustified adj. 未被证明为正当的,无法解释的

unprovoked adj. (生气等)无缘无故的

unsound adj. 无根据的;不结实的,不坚固的

unsubstantiated adj. 未经证实的,无事实根据的

unwarranted adj. 没有根据的


GRE写作黄金经典句型——EDUCATION 教育篇


And gladly would learn , and gladly teach .( Chaucer , British poet)



Better be unborn than untaught , for ignorance is the root of misfortune 。(Plato , Ancient Greek philosopher)

与其不受教育,不如不生,因为无知是不幸的根源。(古希腊哲学家 柏拉图)


Genius17 without education is like silver in the mine. (Benjamin Franklin , American president )

未受教育的天才,犹如矿中之银。 (美国总统 富兰克。 B.)


The roots of education are bitter , but the fruit is sweet .(Aristotle , Ancient Greek philosopher )

教育的根是苦的,但其果实是甜的。(古希腊哲学家 亚里士多德)



Much of the information that people assume is factualactually turns out to be inaccurate. Thus,any piece of information referred to as a‘fact’should be mistrusted since it may well be proven false in the future.



GRE写作段落开头3种高分句式分享 让考官一眼找到文章中心句


1. The major problem with this argument is that -------

2. Another flaw worth discussing is that(the assumption that----)

3. Finally it is necessary to point out -(several other minor flaws that might undermine the argument----)


1. Another assumption short of legitimacy is that ----(unfounded/groundless/doubtful/unconvincing)

2. The argument is based on the assumption that--------

3. The reason that ----is open to doubt (persuasive)--should be deleted?

4. The arguer commits a fallacy of the question in assaying(?) that--------


1. In conclusion the arguer fails to validate/(establish) the claim----

2. To solidify the argument, the arguer should provide more concrete information to demonstrate that-----------


6.2.5 伪造

concoct v. 捏造;调制 (concoction n. 调配(物);谎言)

counterfeit v. 伪造,仿造

fabricate v. 捏造;制造 (fabrication n. 编造,捏造;伪造的事物)

fake v. 伪造;佯装

forge v. 伪造;锤炼;n. 铁匠铺

forger n. 伪造者;打铁匠

forgery n. 伪造(物)

phony adj. 伪造的,假的

rig v. 伪造,舞弊,欺骗

spurious adj. 伪造的;假的

perjure v. 作伪证,发假誓

perjury n. 作伪证,发假誓


6.2.4 假装

affected adj. 假装的;不自然的

bogus adj. 假装的,假的

camouflage n./v. 伪装,掩饰

disguise v. 假扮;掩饰

fake v. 佯装;伪造

feign v. 假装,伪装

feigned adj. 假装的;不真诚的

masquerade v. 伪装;n. 化装舞会

pretend v. 假装;装扮

sham v. 伪装;n. 虚假

simulate v. 假装,模仿

imitation n. 冒充,效法;赝品 (imitate v. 模仿,仿制)

impostor n. 冒充者,骗子

imposture n. 冒充

quack n. 冒充内行之人;庸医

bluff n. 虚张声势;悬崖峭壁—buff,

fulsome adj. 虚情假意的;充足的

hypocritical adj. 虚伪的

pretence n. 虚伪;借口

smarmy adj. 虚情假意的

affected adj. 不自然的;假装的

affectation n. 做作,虚假 (affecting adj. 感人的)

affected adj. 不自然的;假装的

contrived adj. 不自然的,做作的

labored adj. (文体等)不自然的;吃力的

mannered adj. 做作的

pose v. 造作;摆姿势

poseur n. 装模作样的人

stagy adj. 不自然的,演戏一般的

stilted adj. (文章、谈话)不自然的;夸张的 (stilt n. 高跷)

bathetic adj. 假作悲伤的;陈腐的

bravado n. 故作勇敢,虚张声势

doze v. 假寐,瞌睡

feint v./n. 佯攻,佯击

genteel adj. 装作彬彬有礼的;上流社会的

gild v. 虚饰(虚假的装饰);镀金

hypocrite n. 伪善者,伪君子

insincerity n. 伪善(不真诚)

pharisaic adj. 伪善的,伪装虔诚的

prudish adj. 假道学的,过分守礼的

sanctimonious adj. 假装神圣的

shoddy n. 冒充好货的,劣质的

snobbish adj. 假充绅士的;势利眼的


6.2.3 虚假

adulterate v. 掺假

affectation n. 虚假,做作 (affecting adj. 感人的)

apocryphal adj. 假冒的,虚假的

artificial adj. 假的,人造的

belie v. 证明为假;掩饰

bogus adj. 假的,假装的

ersatz adj. 假的,代用的

factitious adj. 不真实的,人为的

fictitious adj. 假的;虚构的

figment n. 虚构的东西

illusion n. 假象,错觉

illusive adj. 迷幻的,迷惑人的

illusory adj. 虚幻的

imitation n. 赝品;效法,冒充 (imitate v. 模仿,仿制)

mendacious adj. 不真的,撒谎的

mendacity n. 虚假

phony adj. 假的,伪造的

sham n. 虚假;v. 伪装

spurious adj. 假的;伪造的

denture n. 假牙

toupee n. 男用假发

wig n. 假发

figurehead n. 名义领袖;傀儡

nominal adj. 名义上的,有名无实的

titular adj. 有名无实的,名义上的



GRE写作优秀开头结尾高分句式一览 用好这些句子提分更有把握




This argument concludes/recommends/argues that…


To support this conclusion the writer cites…/points out that…


However, this argument suffers from several critical flaws and is therefore unconvincing/ unpersuasive as it stands.



One problem with the argument is that, the editorial observes a correlation between… and …, then concludes that the former is the cause of the latter. However, the editorial fails to rule out other possible explanations for…For example,… Any of these factors, or other social, political or economic factors, might lead to…Without ruling out all other such factors it is unfair to conclude that…


结尾段 作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在做出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。我们通过一篇文章作为实例来介绍Argument的论证步骤和论证方法以及文章结构。

In the final analysis, the letter's author fails to adequately support the recommendation that…To bolster the argument, the arguer must provide detailed demographic/statistical evidence showing that…The author must also provide evidence--perhaps by way

writer cites…/points out that…


1. “随着...的快速增长,...在日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。”

Along with the rapid growth of ...,...has become increasingly important in our daily life.

2. “如今,人们普遍认为...,但是我怀疑...。”

Nowadays,it is generally/commonly believed that..., but I wonder that...

3. “如同硬币的正反面,...也有积极的一面和消极的一面。”

Like a coin has two sides, there is a positive aspect and a negative aspect to...

4. “近来,...的问题已经成为人们注目的焦点。”

Currently, the issue of ...has been brought to public attention.

5. “由汽车引起的空气和噪音污染对我们的健康造成了危害。”

Air pollution and noise pollution caused by automobiles do harm to our health.


1. “因此,不难得出结论...”

Accordingly/Consequently/As a result,it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...

2. “综上所述,我们能得出如下结论...”

From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably arrive at the conclusion that...

3. “这一难题,是任何人都不可能避免的。但只要处理得当,我们就会...”

The dilemma is something no one can avoid. Properly handled, however, we will...

4. “考虑到所有的因素,我们意识到...”

Taking into account all of these factors, we have reached the realization that...

5. “总之,全社会都应该密切关注...,只有这样我们才能...”

All in all, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of .... Only in this way can we....



Most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when they claim to admire them.



In this busy,packed and dull world,people's most important concerning is how to make a living. They work assiduously to make money,to support their family,to purchase houses and cars. Hardly one common individual knows who their greatest thinkers are,not mention to take them seriously. Admittedly,in some cases,people claim that they admire the greatest thinkers; however,they actually know little about what the greatest thinkers' thoughts are. The fact is,in history of human civilizations,most societies do not take their greatest thinkers seriously,even when the greatest thinkers are seemed to be respected.

Generally,whatever societies the greatest thinkers are in,they have similar characteristics,such as high intelligence,eccentric temperament,wide range of knowledge,and the most essential one: the deeply and often predicted thoughts,which is the product of real wisdom. On one hand,it is the thoughts that distinguish the greatest thinkers from the mass. On the other hand,it is also the thoughts,however correct and predicted,which cause these elites out of the mass' sights and put them into an embarrassment in which few can understand them and their thoughts. A proper example is the passional German philosopher and poet Nietzche. Nietzche is a pioneer,whose profound exploration in philosophy influenced the descendants deeply. Yet his life is miserable and full of tragedies. Without money and job,Nietzche lived an impoverished life, which along with loneliness defeated him at last: he became insane when 45,and died 10 years later. Until that time,almost no one knew him or his thoughts. Even today,many people including some scholars call him mad philosopher.

In some worse cases,the greatest thinkers are even persecuted by their societies since the greatest thinkers always tend to have skeptical and critical thoughts,which the manipulators fear mostly and manipulated reluctant to accept. The reason is that once the advanced ideas,which are against the old ones,are accepted by mass,the domination or the present social system will in the danger of collapse. And at the same times,most people are reluctant to admit that what they believe in or cherish,however,always prejudice and rigid ideas set in people's minds beforehand,are not the truth but falsehood or illusions. A case in point is the great astronomer Copernicus,who developed the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun. Although the theory was the most advanced astronomy theory in that time,it hadn't come out of press until the year before Copernicus' death because of mass being strongly against it especially the powerful churches,which were afraid that such a theory would shake authority of theology.

In some specific period,for political reasons,thinker and intellectuals as a whole undergo ruthless treatment,such as the Culture Revolution from 1966 to 1976 in China. During those ten years,many great thinkers and intellectuals are forbidden to think and express their thoughts freely. Some of them even encountered physical torture. A crueler example is Qin Dynasty in China 2000 years ago. Yingzheng,the first emperor of China,sentenced the thinkers who held different political or social ideas from him to death. Moreover,he buried their writings.

It is the greatest thinkers' tragedy not to be understood or even be persecuted. It is also the fact that human beings are always shortsighted, sometimes even foolish. Nevertheless,what is truth will never change itself or disappear along with the elapsing of time however strong the falsehood seems to be. Hence,though almost all the greatest thinkers are hermits,some of them may be even the prisoners in their societies; they would gain their perpetual lives through their glaring



“For many years all the stores in our chain have stocked a wide variety of both domestic and imported cheeses. Last year, however, all of the five best-selling cheeses at our newest store were domestic cheddar cheeses from Wisconsin. Furthermore, a recent survey by Cheeses of the World magazine indicates an increasing preference for domestic cheeses among its subscribers. Since our company can reduce expenses by limiting inventory, the best way to improve profits in all of our stores is to discontinue stocking many of our varieties of imported cheese and concentrate primarily on domestic cheeses.”

Write a response in which you discuss what questions would need to be answered in order to decide whether the recommendation is likely to have the predicted result. Be sure to explain how the answers to these questions would help to evaluate the recommendation.


很多年来我们的所有连锁店都储备了很多种类的国产奶酪和进口奶酪。然而去年,我们的最新店里五种销量最高的奶酪都是威斯康星出产的cheddar奶酪。而且,最近一次由Cheese of the World杂志所举行的调查显示,其订阅者对于国产奶酪的倾向性越来越高。由于我们公司可以通过限制库存来减少开支,在我们所有连锁店增加盈利的最好方式就是停止贮备很多进口奶酪而主要集中于国产奶酪。


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