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In order to attract more customers, advertisers have adopted every possible stimulative factor in making ads, such as sound, light, colours, cartoon films and human performance. For instance, to advertise a certain food, advertisers will ask an actor or actress to sit at a table and devour the seemingly delicious food while they fime him or her.


To take …as an example, One example is…, Another example is…, for example



世界上没有同样的指纹,没有相同的树叶,文章亦同,只有通过比较,你才会发现二者的相同点(through comparison)和不同点(through contrast)。下面是一些短语:


in comparison, likewise, similarly, in the same manner


on the other hand, conversely, whereas, while, instead, nevertheless, in contrast, on the contrary, compared with …, …



实际就是重复重复再重复!下面的句子实际上就三个字 I love you!

I am enthusiastic about you. That is to say, I love you.

I am wild about you. In other words, I have fallen in love with you.


I cannot bear it.

可以用短语表达:I cannot put up with it.

因此可以这样说:I cannot bear it. That is to say, I cannot put up with it or I am fed up with it.


in more difficult language, in simpler words, put it more simply



Has technology made the world a better place to live? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Technology has made the world a better place to live. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.




Technology is a tool for humanity. As such it merely supports human actions, good and bad, and does not contribute in and of itself to the progression of the world. Nevertheless, while people have utilized technology to improve their living conditions and also as a means to control and harm others, I believe that technology has allowed and will continue to allow mankind to solve our most serious problems and thus make the world a better place to live.

Technology has aided us in the fight against the two most serious threats to human life, hunger and disease. With the help of technology we have been able to save millions of lives by developing vaccinations, cures, and treatments for diseases that used to be considered fatal. Similarly, technology has figured prominently in the area of food production and may one day allow us to stamp out hunger all over the world. The development of telecommunication and information technologies has encouraged communication between countries and their peoples and thus prevented political conflict.

Of course, technology has also helped mankind to become more destructive and exploitative. The ever-growing arms industry has been able to build bigger bombs and more efficient killing machines. As a result, armed conflicts have become more and more devastating and cost more human lives than ever before. In addition, governments have used technology to limit information and suppress opposition, and businesses continue to use it to maximize profits by replacing workers with machines. None of these practices can be considered beneficial to humanity.

However, while the development of technology might have contributed to some of these contemporary problems, it offers the most likely solutions to many of them. People in many parts of the world still die of starvation, and further developments in food science will hopefully end this unfortunate situation. Also, the global energy shortage presents a problem only technology can solve, and the further development of existing technology is necessary to reduce and stop environmental pollution and degradation.




随后的段落即展开给出作者之所以立论的三个分论点或论据,在单个的段落当中,又遵循了西方人惯有的总分模式,单个段落的首句多为topic sentence,考生可以只关注三个段落的首句以快速获取段落主要内容,从而避免全文通读速度不够而导致的来不及看完阅读。




接着,和阅读中相似,说话者会从三个方面阐述支持自己的观点,很多情况下,这三点和阅读中的三点是刚好契合,一一对应的。但听力三方面的分论据往往是从阅读中无法推断的,所以分论点及论据是需要同学进行笔记的,应当记的是key words,切忌洋洋洒洒想记全一句话,最后自己也难以读懂。




篇2:托福写作常见"名词" 写作



1.成就, 成功: success/ triumph/ victory/ accomplishment/ achievement/ fruition/ consummation/ attainments

2.失败: failure/ be defeated/ a case of crabs

3.观点: point of view/ standpoint/ viewpoint/ frame of reference/ theory

4.财产: treasure/ profit/ fortune/ moneybag/ wealth/ belongings/ estate/ possessions/ property/ riches/ worth

5.好处: advantage/ behoof/ benefit/ gain/ good/ stead

6.优点: excellence/ merit/ strongpoint/ virtue

7.缺点: bug/ disfigurement/ limitation/ objection/ vice/ lacuna/ defect/downside

8.发展: development/ evolution/ progress/ grow

9.普及: popularization/ prevalence.

10.出现: emergence

11.情况: circumstance/ condition

12.原因: causation/ cause/ matter/ reason

13.影响: infection/ influence/ impact


托福独立写作经典模板——The Definition of “Price”


The Definition of “Price”

Prices determine how resources are to be used. They are also the means by which products and services that are in limited supply are rationed among buyers. The price system of the United States is a complex network composed of the prices of all the products bought and sold in the economy as well as those of a myriad of services, including labor, professional, transportation, and public-utility services. The interrelationships of all these prices make up the “system” of prices. The price of any particular product or service is linked to a broad, complicated system of prices in which everything seems to depend more or less upon everything else.

If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define “price”, many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or, in other words that price is the money values of a product or service as agreed upon in a market transaction. This definition is, of course, valid as far as it goes. For a complete understanding of a price in any particular transaction, much more than the amount of money involved must be known. Both the buyer and the seller should be familiar with not only the money amount, but with the amount and quality of the product or service to be exchanged, the time and place at which the exchange will take place and payment will be made, the form of money to be used, the credit terms and discounts that apply to the transaction, guarantees on the product or service, delivery terms, return privileges, and other factors. In other words, both buyer and seller should be fully aware of all the factors that comprise the total “package” being exchanged for the asked-for amount of money in order that they may evaluate a given price.





Background+ My Opinion / Layout


1. Opinion One/ Advantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

2. Opinion Two/ Disadvantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Three + Supporting Sentences


Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages)





Background+My Opinion


1.Reason One + Supportiong Sentences(ss表示)

2.Reason Two + SS

3.Reason Three + SS


Restatement of My Opinion

上述结构中的supporting sentences在议论文中的体现方式是一些论证方法,如举例子(exemplification),对比对照(contrast& comparison),列数据(raising figures),让步(making concession)等来对自己支持的观点进行论证,使考官信服。



Eg: Some people claim that government should be mainly responsible for the environmental pollution.一些人认为政府应对环境污染负主要责任。




常由because, as, since和for引导。托福考试写作题型解读托福临考前复习,1月12日首场托福,Eg: Nonetheless, I am still in favor of space travel, for its merits far outweigh demerits.尽管如此,我还是赞成太空探险,因为它的好处远远大于坏处。

2.让步状语从句常由although, though, even though/ if, as long as和not with standing引导Eg: Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明教育能够在任何地点、任何年龄进行。

3.条件状语从句常由if, on the condition that和providing that引导Eg: If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared.假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。

4.时间状语从句常由when和while引导Eg: When it comes to education, the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.说到教育,大部分人认为其是一个终生的学习。

5.目的状语从句常由so that和in order that引导Eg: Millions of people have to spend more time and energy on studying new skills and technology so that they can keep a favorable position in job market.成千上万的人们不得不花费的精力和时间学习新的技术和知识,使得他们在就业市场能保持优势。


Eg: It is cars and factories that release a great deal of gases, polluting the environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染。


Eg: What has caught our attention is /It is noticeable that the environment in both the rural and urban areas is deteriorating.值得注意的是农村和城市的生态环境都在不断恶化。


最常用的一种句型之一。适当地运用定语从句可以给你的文章增色不少。例如,下面的这两个句子用上定语从句马上就变成了一个漂亮的复杂句。Bad books contain evil thoughts. In them, there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex.改变后:Bad books, in which there might be much description about violence, superstition, and sex, contain evil thoughts.


It is + 被强调的内容 + thatEg: It is cars and factories that release a great deal of gases, polluting the environment.汽车和工厂排放大量的废气,使得环境被污染


Eg: Only if the government will take some appropriate measures, will this intractable problem be tackled.只有政府采取适当的措施,这个棘手的问题才能被解决。


Eg: Every means should be tried to protect the environment on which people live.人们应竭尽全力来保护我们赖以生存的环境。


包括现在分词和过去分词。Eg: Tourism, which is a rising industry, has become the major source of economy, playing crucial role in many Asian countries.旅游业是一个新兴的行业,它成为经济的主要在很多东南亚国家起着尤为重要的作用。


一种独立成分,与句子的其它成分一般没有语法上的关系。大都是对一句话作一些附加说明或解释。它通常由一个词、一个短语或一个句子构成位置较为灵活,可置于句首、句中或句末,一般用逗号或破折号与句子隔开。Eg: Computer, an indispensable part in our life, has brought us great conveniences.电脑,我们生活中必不可少的一部分,给我们带来了极大的方便。









词汇贫乏是中国学生英语作文的通病。整篇作文一个词用到底,从不作任何变化:一遇到“改变/变化”就是change,“影响”就是effect,“流行”就是popular,“认为”就是think; 每逢“因为”就是because,“意识到”就是realize,“想到”就是think of 等等。其实英语词汇很丰富的,同一个意思可以由很多不同的方式表达。









1. That John won the marathon surprised us.

John’s winning the Marathon surprised us.

2. I have not decided whether I should vote for Clint.

I have not decided whether to vote for Clint.


1. The man (who is) standing at the gate is my English teacher.

2. The car (that was) repaired yesterday by him is my mother's.

3. The next train that arrives is from New York.


1. After he had watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.

Having watered the garden, he began to mow the lawn.

2. When they are heated metals expand.

(When) Heated, metals expand.

3. Because I do not know what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.

Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice.

4. I spoke slowly and clearly in order that the audience could understand me.

…in order for the audience to understand me.

5. If we are united, we stand; if we are divided, we fail.

United, we stand; divided, we fail.

6. Though he has lived in Canada for tree years, he still cannot speak English well.

Having lived in Canada for three years, he still cannot speak English well.



1. Big and fat, Victor went to the Gym(健身馆) every Sunday morning.(原因)

2. Speechless, Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat.(伴随状语)

3. Anxious for a quick decision, the chairman called for a vote.(原因)

4. (Although)always helpful, he was not much liked by people.(让步)

5. It has little taste, unless hot.(条件)


6. A fellow Georgian(佐治亚人), Jordan was well-known as a friend of the President.(同位语)

7. Bank loan or no bank loan, we’ll buy the house.(让步)

8. Whatever the reason, his cordiality(诚恳)to her has won him a friend.(让步)


9. Because of his mistake several people died.(原因)

10. Without his sister’s money, Harry would never be a doctor.(条件)


1b. Because he was big and fat, Victor went to the Gym every Sunday morning.

2b. Henry nodded and sat on a folding seat, and kept speechless.



中国人习惯于用人称主语,而英语中则常用无灵主语(inanimate subject),即无生命的事物作主语,如:

1.The last two decades has witnessed earth-shaking changes in China.


2. A strange peace came over her when she was alone.


3. I am very sorry that the pressure of other occupations has prevented me from sending an earlier reply to your letter.


4. The smallest excuse would have served.


5. That night sleep eluded me.


6. The old house has seen better days.


7. Everything at the party spoke of careful planning.


8.A terrible thought suddenly struck me—had I locked the door?


9. When he had to speak, his confidence suddenly deserted him.



1b. Great changes have taken place in China in the last two decades.

5b. I failed to fall into sleep that night.

5c. I kept awake all through that night.

9b. When he had to speak, he suddenly lost confidence.

我们既然已经了解了英语的这种独特思维,写托福作文时,我们要有意识地按照英语的思维去表达,这样不仅能写出地道的英语句子,也避免了作文中千篇 一律的“人”主宰一切的枯燥和沉闷的氛围。



1. An expert in forest fire control, the forest ranger talked to the campers about safety in the woods.同位语

2. Angry, Mr. Boyd began to defend his reputation with strong arguments.形容词短语

3. Tired and dirty, the boys returned to the camp.形容词短语

4. Jogging every day, I soon increased my energy level.现在分词短语

5. Troubled by a dream, Tim woke up with a start.过去分词

6. To succeed in that course, you must attend every class.不定式短语

7. In the scientific laboratory, Madame Curie was an industrious worker.介词短语

8. Because he was tired and discouraged, he did not want to rewrite the paper.原因状语句

9. What you impulsively do in haste you may regret( )in leisure.宾语从句提前


1. I came, I saw, I conquered. 我来了,我看了,我征服(凯撒大帝语)

2. He was well-known, well-respected, and well-loved.

3. The proof of gold is fire; the proof of woman, gold; the proof of man, a woman.火可以检验真金,金子可以检验女人,而女人可以检验男人。

4. Government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth.这个民有、民主、民享的政府永远也不会从地球上消失

5. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day. (摘自马丁·路德·金的著名演说I Have a Dream)

6. The power of French literature is in its prose writers; the power of English literature is in its poets.法国文学长于散文;英国文学优于诗歌。

7. A long journey tests a horse’s strength; a long acquaintance shows a man’s heart. 路遥知马力,日久见人心。

以上例句中,前五个运用排比修辞格,节奏优美,语势强烈,感染力强;后两句运用这些的秘诀可以称为金科玉律(Golden Rules),却一点也不复杂,对偶修辞格,言简意赅,意义隽永。掌握了上述方法将会让你的托福作文语言大放异彩。






Background+ My Opinion / Layout


1. Opinion One/ Advantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

2. Opinion Two/ Disadvantage

Topic sentence+ Reason One + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Two + Supporting Sentences

+ Reason Three + Supporting Sentences


Statement of My Opinion (for opinion two/ more disadvantages than advantages)



1. 托福写作常见语法错误之句子缺少连词


误:My sister loves to dance, she is very good at it.

2. 托福写作常见语法错误之句式不平行


误:I like to eat Japanese and eating Thai food.(eating-> eat)

误:Teenagers are more influenced by their peers than their parents.(than their parents-> than by their parents)

3. 托福写作常见语法错误之句子不完整


误:Because some necessary procedures such as transporting the factories, modifying equipment or planting more trees.

4. 托福写作常见语法错误之句意重复或冗余

误:The low-priced car was inexpensive.(low-priced和inexpensive重复)

误:personally, I believe what the newspaper prints.(personally和I believe重复)

5. 托福写作常见语法错误之时态,语态不一致


She did not adapt to the environment, but with time passing by, they find him more and more proficient.

she 和him是怎么个意思咧?

I shall use my father's experience as an example. My father went to Australia several years ago. He see many birds and animals. 明明是过去,see怎么穿越回来了?

The gift I made are very pretty. gift是单数啊,are是怎么回事?


Successful men will have many places to live, a country house can provide a nice environment to relax, then it will be a new start point, but will not be an end one.

大家暂且忽略语法问题,且看这个句子。这个句子的第一个问题就是连词缺失:在live和a country house 之间原作者使用逗号衔接的,但是呢,逗号并不能代替and等连词的作用。因为 Successful men will have many places to live和a country house can provide a nice environment to relax都是两个完整的句子,而没有主从依附关系,所以必须得有连词(and,but,therefore)等连接才能保证句子有效。


缺连词的另一大原因是很多同学不知道什么是连词,什么不是。and or but 是最有名的三个连词。但是!however, so, yet, nevertheless也是连词!!!可以连接两句句子!


Do you agree or disagree: the universities should spend more money in improving facilities (libraries, computer labs) than hiring famous teachers.


Cradles of cultivating talents, universities are supposed to provide most high-caliber education. Responding to the expectation, universities have to think the issue over. Compared with hiring more teachers, from my own perspective, keeping facilities and resources in the universities most advanced and updated is more essential not only for students but also for renowned professors.

First of all, students are able to enjoy a better study environment if their schools utilize advanced equipment. With the assistance of exquisite inventions such as electronic screen and projectors, as well as laboratory equipment, like microscopes and chemical reactors, studying would no longer be a tedious and repetitious information engrafting process, but a way everyone would like to get involved in. Similarly, definitions and formulas of physics and chemistry will graven in students’ minds deeply if they are aided by the equipment when experimenting. However, hardly can professors crystalize abstract concepts into definite ideas without advanced teaching devices.

What is more, as for famous teachers themselves, a university that does not invest in its facilities would be appealing. To be constantly enthusiastic on researching their respective academic fields, teachers have a great demand for exquisite facilities to maintain progressing on their own fields. The most sophisticated technological devices offered in universities enable these teachers to conduct successful researches and remain at the top, which is really attractive to those renowned professors. By contrast, old and obsolete teaching and studying facilities will certainly not inspire teachers to keep further academic researching. Also, practically impossible will teachers have interest in making progress.

Granted, it is conceded that hiring more teachers in universities means guaranteeing education quality in some sense because every student will be concerned and cared about. Even slightest and most subtle academic performance changes of students will be noticed; therefore, teachers can encourage and guide frustrated and upsetting students in time. However, while weighing the benefits brought by investing in facilities and hiring more teachers, we can conclude that facilities are more worthwhile.

In conclusion, I should reiterate that universities should update their facilities, making a top priority. Without advanced facilities, a university will not be helped further improved.


Advanced facilities, like libraries, research center, university hospital are indispensible parts of a good university while famous teachers are also a big component of a prestigious higher institution. Personally, I think it is better for universities to spend more money in hiring famous professors.

Admittedly, research centers can be a place where advanced technology is incubated, a library that incorporates state-of-the-art technology can also be conducive to students' study, however, I still believe that famous professors play a more significant role in assessing the reputation of a university.

First off, well-respected professors in a specific field can bring lots of benefits not only to the whole community but also to the university. To more specific, prestigious professors can come up with theories and solutions to the most intriguing problems faced by human beings, like treatment of cancers, diabetes and even heart attack. Economists can use data and economic models in their empirical study to predict the economy, and it can provide lots of information for the authority to make timely adjustment to their policies. Electronic engineers can design some micro-chips that can sustain large-scale computation. The benefits that professors bring to the school can be also enormous. For instance, a Novel Prize laureate can attract countless research foundations and donations from both the private and public sectors, with this large sum of money, the university can in turn renovate labs, research centers and even libraries.

Additionally, well-established professors and researchers can educate and enlighten brilliant young students and cultivate future scientists. Famous professors are usually expert in education, they might have been teaching and researching in their field for more than a few decades, thus have accumulated lots of rich teaching experience and developed the most effective teaching approach. Together with their superb charisma, lots of bright young adults will be motivated and inspired and therefore embark on the road of scientific endeavor and exploration. Such inspirations and motivations cannot be brought by improved facilities. Indeed, it is the expertise and charisma of these famous professors that attract thousands of brilliant young students to enroll in a college.

To conclude, hiring more famous professors are more advisable than renovating facilities since the scientific discoveries brought by professors can bring colossal benefits to both the community and the university, and also the expertise and charisma of well-established professors can attract, enlighten and cultivate future scientists.


Some believe that teachers (for students from age 14-18) should focus on lecturing and asking students to take notes during lectures. Others believe that teachers should get students involved in discussion and encourage them to exchange ideas in class. Which way of teaching do you think is more effective for students’ learning?


Educators and researchers have never stopped the examination of the importance and relevance of collaborative and interactive learning that are encouraged by middle schools. When compared with boring lecturing, I, personally, believe that it is far more beneficial to students when they share their ideas and exchange opinions with each other for the following reasons.

First off, exchanging ideas with fellow classmates help students develop critical thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets. When discussing issues with peers, students tend to take a position on a certain issue. In this learning process, students will collect their thoughts and synthesize the concepts learned in textbook or in the lecture to support his or her points. Also, to respond to others’ comments, students have to reflect on the rationale of their own arguments and come up with persuasive reasoning. It is obvious that such activities helps students to learning more meaningfully and extensively. Furthermore, students unconsciously learn how to express themselves affirmatively and make their points clear in front of a large audience. It takes right amount of eye contacts, body language and facial expression to convey one’s idea in a convincing way and such presentation skills can be valuable asset for one’s future career.

Additionally, actively discussing issues with peers can help students to cope with different opinions. When discussing issues with peers, not only do student contribute to the class, but also they get a chance to be exposed to different ideas and perspectives. This is a very conducive experience since we are not living in a vacuum and learning how to appreciate, value and even embrace opinions that are unfamiliar to us can be very important. Furthermore, such experience can be useful in one’s future career when one also has to confront with different business solutions provided by their coworkers. A recent study conducted by Harvard Business Review shows that the one who experienced group discussions and exchanging of views in school demonstrates a higher potential to resolve possible conflicts with future coworkers and enjoys far more promising future.

In conclusion, discussion and idea exchanges should be encouraged since such activities can help students to develop critical thinking, presentation skills and other kinds of soft skillsets, also they will get students prepared on how deal with different opinions now and in future career.



第二种托福作文格式中supporting sentences在议论文中的体现方式是一些论证方法,如举例子(exemplification),对比对照(contrast& comparison),列数据(raising figures),让步(making concession)等来对自己支持的观点进行论证,使考官信服。



Background+My Opinion


1.Reason One + Supportiong Sentences(ss表示)

2.Reason Two + SS

3.Reason Three + SS


Restatement of My Opinion




A/D: It is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours.


With the increasingly diverse means of acquiring information, it has become a common phenonmen that we are exposed to conflicting ideas about a single event, which has aroused deep social concern. A growing boday of average people are wondering whether it is more important to read and watch news presented by people whose opinion is different from your own view than by people whose opinion are similar to yours. From my pesepective, it is advisable to be a good listener to the different viewpoints.

Firstlly, receiving news presented by people with dissenting perspective can help people have access to the comprehensive information and get closer to the truth of the events. As is common sense, every single event or piece of news is not as simple as we expect. So it is an indisputable fact that nobody can have a panoramic view of the truth of the incidents due to the limited experience and knowledge span. In this case, gaining news from our opponents will definitely deliver a brandnew perspective and make us have a second thought of our own viewpoint. In other words, the clashes of different views will temper and refine our opinion about the events, with the result that a whole picture is formed. On the contrary, just selectively listening to the similar ideas, people will become narrow-minded.

Besides that, another potential benefit of obtaining news from those with opposite view is the higher likelihood to make acquaitance with more people. As is known to all, the way person responds to someone whose opinion differs drastically from theirs reveals their true character. To be specific, being tolerant of different voices about one thing reflects that a person is endowed with the quality of inclusiveness and humbility, which can make him/her leave a good impression on others. Consequently, no one, including those from opposing party, will refuse to become friends with humble and inclusive ones. Instead, those solely accepting same opinion are usually self-centered and arrogant so that they not consider others’ thought or feeling but impose their own opinion. Thus it is unlikely that they will build friendship with those with different ideas. Even worse, the alreadly established friendship may also end, once the disagreements occur.

In a nutshell, it is sensible for people to read or watch news from people with dissenting perspective, in order to gain the whole picture of the news and enlarge the social network.


年8月27日托福独立写作范文二:With advent of new technological gadgets, like laptop, tablet and smart phones, people now have access to all sorts of news sources. In face of the overwhelming news sources, some people tend to watch news that present similar ideas with them, while other prefer to watch news with different perspectives and ideas. I, personally, think it is far better to watch news with distinctive opinions and viewpoints based on the following reasons.

First off, news from various sources are biased and it is quite irrational to read or watch news from a single source, actually it makes better sense to be exposed to news that provide different kinds of ideas. Even though it is very essential for news media to be fair and unbiased, nonetheless, in reality, most of the news media are biased and prejudiced. Part of the reasons is that the news sources can be various, like the government, independent institutions or even think tanks. Lots of media or news agencies use phrases like “expert believes”, “most people agree” or “observes argue that”, all of which are pretty much biased since “most people” is a slippery word. The people might not represent the majority of the people and lack of diversity in terms of race, gender and other demographic factors.

Additionally, being exposed to news with distinctive opinions and ideas can help people to develop critical thinking skills and thus have a fair and more justified stance on certain issues. People varying in past life experience, education background and economic conditions tend to have totally different opinions on certain issues. Having access to different ideas can broaden people's horizons and enrich one's experience. For instance, I took it for granted that every child at an appropriate age has the chance to go to primary school until I watched a documentary about the elementary school enrolment in the poverty-stricken region in my country. Their family can barely feed them and the local government has little educational resource to provide them proper education. This documentary totally changed my perspective on the primary school enrolment in hinterland.

In all, exposure to news with different perspectives has lot of benefits since news sources are generally biased, and by watching news with different opinions we can have a much more fair and clear view. (Words:381, By Meng, Yan WECHAT: KICKASSTOEFL)


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

students should be encouraged to take courses like science, technology, engineering and math that are likely to lead to job opportunities rather than subjects they might be interested in.


Students should choose the major such as science, technology, and engineering which can help them find good jobs instead of the major which they are interested in.


题目大意:大学生应该选择哪种专业:能够帮助他们找到好工作的专业(比如科学类,技术类和工程类)VS自己喜欢的专业。此题目波波建议选择感兴趣的专业:理由如下1.学习更有动力 2.从长远来看,更有利于就业。


The question of “ what is the most important subject or skill the schools should teach? ” has never failed to attract attention from educators, school administrators and even politicians especially when it comes to subjects like technology, engineering and math. Some argue that students should be encouraged to take such classes rather than the ones they are interested in since they give them a better shot to find jobs. However, personally, I am not in favor of this position based on the following reasons.

Admittedly, it is true that courses like technology, engineering and math are very

technical, most of which can be applied in solving real world issues. However, the exposure that students have to apply these theories are very limited in class. Taking technical oriented classes will not give students a competitive edge to ensure future jobs opportunities, on the other hand, there are enormous benefits for students to take courses that they are interested in.

First off, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals. Old saying “ interest is the best teacher” remains relevant as it did a century ago. Interest serves as the internal motivation for students to explore in the area that they are interested, on the contrary, if they are forced to take courses for a utilitarian purpose, they might not keep their interest for a long time thus have a lower learning efficiency. Recent study conducted by the Society of Developmental Psychology shows that students will be more enthusiastic and passionate about learning when given the freedom to make their own choices to take classes. Also, giving students the opportunity to choose the classes they are interested in can help them to explore their real interest, thus their potential can be fully tapped before heading off for career options.

Additionally, taking courses students are interested in have enormous practical purposes and they can be a great source of leisure and relaxation. For instance, lots of students like art and music but seldom do they have a chance to learn. Actually, taking art and music classes help to develop creativity and make the students more imaginative. Actually, lots of scientific research in the psychological field shows that early exposure to art and music not only boosts academic achievement but also promotes creativity, self-confidence and school pride. Students who spend more time in learning art and music end up having higher analytical thinking and reasoning skills than those who don’t.

In conclusion, taking courses that students are interested in can be a great motivation for them to achieve higher goals and it can also be a great source of leisure and relaxation.


Under the current system of higher education, with the majors becoming increasingly diverse, how to choose an appropriate major has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Most parents strongly recommend that it is much better to choose a major which can guarantee a good job, while college students, the receiver of higher education, tend to choose the field which caters to their interest. As far as I am concerned, the latter viewpoint is more reasonable, with the reasons listed below.

First of all, selecting the major that students like can help them to grasp the knowledge better. Just as a saying goes, interest is the best teacher, which is true of undergraduates. To illustrate, under the drive of interest, students are more likely to automatically devote more time and energy into what they major in, thus definitely having a better command of professional knowledge and skills imparted by teachers. By contrast, without any interest in what they are taught, college students who generally lack in self-motivation may do anything but study in class. For instance, on campus in China, it is not uncommon to see that many students squander their valuable time by taking a nap, whispering or even playing smart phones while attending the class. What’s worse, some of them may even skip classes. The reason underlying the above phenomenon is nothing but lack of passion for what they learn.

Secondly, choosing a major students are interested in can do a better job in helping them secure a good job. As we all know, with the constant change and progress of society, the job market is also changing quickly. In other words, some promising industries a few years ago might very well become obsolete, which means that the major one chooses cannot necessarily guarantee a good job. By contrast, under such a society full of fierce competition, it is the professional skills and abilities people own that play the key role in landing a decent job. Obviously, only when people select the field they have passion for can they establish a solid foundation of specific knowledge and skills in this field. Therefore, the major catering to one’s interest can better improve his or her competence, thus increasing their likelihood of securing a decent job.

Taking all the above into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that choosing the major which interests students is much better, in terms of making undergraduates have a better command of what they major in and find a suitable job. (419words, Zhaobo)




句子不完整这个错误是由于很多同学缺乏common sense, 不知道啥叫一个句子的完整,为啥自己写的就不完整。什么样的句子是完整的?一个主语+一个谓语已经可以构成最简单的完整句子。


“我愿意”=“I do”

这个“I do”就已经是一个简单完整的句子了。缺主语,或缺谓语,不能构成一个完整的句子。


例如:The society develops rapidly.The society是主语,develops是谓语,此时这个句子 就是完整的。

常见的错误写法:The society developing rapidly.此时这个句子是缺谓语的。

我们需要改写成:The society develops rapidly.或The society is developing rapidly.


一个句子有且只能有一个主谓结构。“我干,他不干”这句话正确的表达方法是:I do, but he does not.或: I do. He does not.然而常见的错误形式是:I do, he does not.此时这句话出现了两个主语:I, he.那么这句话肯定就是错误,我们需要用连接词but隔开,或直接句号后另起一句话。

我们举一个难一点的例子:Some people agree with the first statement, I disagree with it.这种错误的表达常见于同学们的写作第一段。这句话出现了两个主语:Some people; I.出现了两个谓语:agree; disagree.按照我们刚才已经讲过的,一句话不能出现两个主语判断,这句话是有问题的。


Some people agree with the first statement. However, I disagree with it.

或:Some people agree with the first statement, but I disagree with it.





I do; you do; she does; he does; it does.


a. Intelligence leads to success.


Intelligence lead to success.

b. The professor provides great opportunities for students to expand their horizons.


The professor provide great opportunities for students….


我们常用逗号,或连接词如:and,not only…but also…来连接两边平行的一些单词或句子。此时逗号及连接词左右两边连接的内容,需要形式平行,如名词和名词平行,形容词与形容词平行,动词与动词平行。


a. Expensive handmade items are creative and artistic.


b. Working out and taking a rest are the best ways to maintain health.

此处working out和taking a rest是动名词做主语,形式一致,是正确的平行结构。


working out and take a rest… 此处结构就出现了错误。

c. The media gives us information and tells us the truth.

此处gives, tells结构一致,保持平行。


the media gives us information and telling us the truth.


Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.




Many schools are planning to postpone the first class in the morning for less lateness and better educating quality. However, the schedule of late classes will cultivate students’ indolence, and pose many other negative effects. As a result, starting class late would not effectively reduce the rate of lateness and cannot secure the educating efficacy.

Firstly, early classes in the morning will force the students to keep a disciplined life style. In order to attend the first class, students have to get up early in the morning. This habit brings many benefits. For example, young people will live a much healthier life. Keeping the schedule in mind, they would no longer dally at night before sleep, and save their time in the morning. Then, they can have a good rest in the evening and keep themselves energetic at daytime. Besides, they could also shape many of their excellent characteristics, like self-discipline or persistence. Leaving the cozy bed requires a powerful willpower when we start a new day, and doing this every day asks for a strong self-control. Both of these virtues are keys to success. And one of the well-known, Kobe Bryant, is a beneficiary of starting his day early in the morning. He once gave his secret to become the MVP in the basketball playground. It was his getting up early in the 4 AM that contributes him. In conclusion, both physical and psychological benefits can be gained by the disciplined life style led by the early classes.

In addition, early start in the morning also leaves more extracurricular time for students. Earlier starting class generally results in earlier off-class. More spare time after class enables students to conduct other activities, such as further exploring in study, deepening their interests or doing some other activities. Those activities would help students to improve themselves. In spare time, students can do some practical experiments to apply knowledge into practice, which allow them to have in-depth understanding in knowledge learnt in class. Students would be also capable of learning instrument, painting or doing sports with abundant of time after class. Those extracurricular activities help students to achieve complete development. Obviously, earlier start in the morning means a longer day, providing more spare time for students to enrich their life and promote themselves in learning.

Late classes, to a degree, may lower the absence rate at the beginning. This is because that students do not need to be hurry in the morning, especially for those who cannot get up early. In the long run, however, the original purpose cannot be realized effectively. The allowance of starting class later would indulge the bad habits of procrastination. Some students will tend to put off all tasks late at night, if they do not need to get up early. Staying up later would in turn make students get up later. This is a vicious circle. As a result, students’ biological clock will be re-adjusted, making it harder for them to get up on time. Therefore, the absence rate would be decreased again.

In summary, compared to making classes late in the morning, starting the day early would bring many benefits in learning. Students would be able to maintain a healthy life physically and mentally, and to explore in study, all of which contribute to a higher quality of learning.


In the contemporary society, the length of study time on the part of students has become one of the most hottly debated issue among the general public. When it comes to whether students should be required to arrive school at the early time in the morning, people’s notions may vary from one to another. In my eyes, starting school day at a late time is a better choice for the following reasons.

To begin with, arriving school at the late time will ensure students have a good rest and thus contributes to the improvement of their study efficiency. As is common sense, the increasingly heavy study burden on the shoulder of students has squeezed their leisure time so much that their sleeping time cannot be guaranteed. As a result, with the implementation of starting school day in a late time, the quality of their rest will be improved, with the consequence that their attention will be more concentrated in class. On the contrary, shortening their rest time by requesting students begin class early will definitely produce a negative effect on their study. To be specific, it will be common to observe that students feel so sleepy as to have a short nap during the class.

In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Tom’s recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that it is wise to require student to arrive school at a late time in the morining, in order to ensure the quality of their rest and develop a light heart.


Have you experienced struggling with your pillow every morning? Have you ever choked with the traffic jams in the rush hour? Have you ever felt sleepy in the first class? No matter what scientific evidence shows us the advantages of having class early, there is a new research from Mark Fischettiof Scientific America convince us that students' efficiency can be improved by going to school later. I totally agree with the statement for it’s beneficial for both of students and teachers.

First, students' efficiency can be elevated. Under the excessive burden, students always stay up late and that’s why their sleep time has been shrunk. If they are forced to get up early, their whole day will be windy. Thus, students would waste the most substantial content of study, nevertheless, students would be more fresh and have concentrations on the class. According to Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. She made a research in Minnesota February that tracked 9000 students in eight public high schools in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. After one semester, when school began at 8:35 a.m. or later, grades earned in math, English, science and social studies typically rose a quarter step—for example, up halfway from B to B+. This conclusion perfectly convinces everyone that students should get up later.

Second, we should follow students' biological system. Adolescents' physiology has greatly altered from their childhood because of melatonin. The later the delay, the greater the payoff.Following their biological change can make them healthy and wealthy. Take me as an example, as a teacher, most of my students would like to finish their homework and chat with friend until the mid night. They can't control their biological clock, which makes they fell very sleepy in the first class. Moreover the rate of being on duty is lower compared with other time periods.

Third, traffic problems can be released. One should know that big cities have the traffic jams all the time, which makes students choked with the road and can’t get rid of it. Moreover, students who live far away from the school are hurry to get catch up with the early classes. If schools postpone their time to be later, it will help them stagger the rush time of traffic. Nevertheless, students would start their study restlessly, which influences their mood not mention to the study efficiency. A study in 2012 from California public schools shows that students can avoid transportation problems by changing their class time. What’ more, their literature and math scores are higher on the average.

To conclude, getting up early and attend class are good for both of students and teachers. I suggest that school should postpone their class time and improve students’ efficiency.

素材补充(选自:果壳网):(Mark Fischetti/文,IvyP/译)我们都有过早上起来与被窝作斗争,最后不得不睡眼惺忪地去上学的经历。这种现象可不是中国特有的——大洋对岸的美国家长、学生还有老师们也时常争论,中学的上课时间是不是太早了。而在过去的3年间有越来越多的研究表明,推迟上课时间有助提高学习的效果,并且上课时间越晚越好。







Some people believe that video games could inspire young students' interest and make their study more efficient rather than distracting them and a waste of time, so young students should be allowed to play video games.


Many parents with young children fret about the addictiveness of computer games these days. While the negative effects ranging from addiction, increased aggression and various health consequences such as strain injuries get far more media coverage than the positives, there is now a wealth of research which shows that video games can actually be put into educational use and affect the brain's development

Firstly, games that are designed to help teach and “brain training” have long and enormous popular appeal. According to an experiment conducted by the University of California, game players show improved performance in perception, attention and cognition. One of the redeeming qualities of all games, even those with violent content, is enhanced information-processing, logic-thinking and problem-solving abilities in novel contexts. In fact, while playing game, your brain is in the learning mode constantly, to move to the next level, you are vigorously improving your hand-eye coordination, enhancing split-second decision making and boosting auditory perception. Moreover, other carefully-designed studies have shown that video games improve several aspects of brain activity, including multitasking. Considering Pac-Man as an example, in that game, you must navigate your character through a spatial layout while monitoring the separate paths of four additional objects, while keeping the overall goal of clearing the small pellets in memory, as well as keep track of the remaining large pellets.

Secondly, games that convey positive social messages never fail to boost the children's confidence, encourage cooperation and teamwork. Games help children feel a sense of achievement, through those puzzles, exploration and discovery, players learn to succeed in ways that our brains actually prefer. Most games are designed to introduce a new concept and then provide players with an opportunity to master it. Children are then free to explore and utilize and achieve success with this new skill, growing in confidence all the while. Besides, many games today emphasize the cooperative aspects of game play, in which two or more players need to work together to reach a common goal. Taking a game called “World of Warcraft” as an example, children as young as 10 years old are learning to delegate responsibility, promote teamwork and steer groups of people toward a common goal. As video games themselves are not created by just one person, it is essential for the game players to pool everyone's talents together in order to require the desired product.

Admittedly, it is worth to consider the real concerns that today's parents have with video games, but it is also worthwhile to consider the benefits and positive aspects that contemporary interactive entertainment choices provide. Digital media such as computer games could inspire young children's interest, grow their intelligence and offer them a chance to escape from the mounting academic stress, as long as coupled with strong parental and teacher involvement.

From all the discussions mentioned above, we may safely draw the conclusion that today's young students should be allowed to play computer games for the tremendous benefits they bring.


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