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1. good luck!祝你好运!

2. good luck with your trip!祝你旅途顺利。

3. i wish you good luck /success! 祝你好运/成功!

4. good journey !旅途愉快!

5. have a good trip !旅途愉快!

6. have a nice/good time .玩得愉快!

7. i’d congratulate you on your success!祝贺你成功。



回答 :祝福语一般用祈使句。一般表示说话人对于对方的一种_______。

instead与instead of有何区别?


1. he is tired, and let me do it instead.他累了,让我代做吧 。

2. if we can’t go to nanjing ,we’ll to go to shanghai instead. 如果我们不能去南京,那就去上海。

3. i can go to the meeting instead of my sick brother. 我可以代我生病的兄弟去开会。

4. she went to school instead of staying at home. 他没呆在家里而是去上学了。

5. i like chinese instead of maths.我喜欢语文,而不是数学。

6. it will take days by car, so let’s fly instead.开车去要好几天,我们还是坐飞机吧。

7. instead of lending a hand, he laughed at us.他不仅没有帮我们,反而嘲笑我们。

8. we’ll have tea in the garden instead of in the house.我们将在庭园里而不是在房子里喝茶。


1. instead 和instead of 分别是什么词性和意思?

回答:instead 是_____,表示________;instead of 是介词词组,表示_________。

2. 如何使用这两个词组?

回答:instead 位置比较灵活,可放在_________.instead of 后面一般可跟名词、______、形容词、________等。

be sure ,be sure of ,be sure to do,make sure


1. i am sure that we can overcome all the difficulties.我肯定我们能战胜一切困难。

2. he is always sure of his success.他一直对自己的成功很有信心。

3. our team is sure to win the game.我们队一定会赢得这场比赛。

4. it’s sure to rain soon.天一定要下雨了。

5. we are not sure what to do next. 我们不肯定接下来做什么。

6. can we be sure of his honesty?我们能够确定他是诚实的吗?

7. we should make sure that all the windows and the doors are closed when we leave.我们应该确定在我们离开之前要把所有的门窗关好。

8. make sure that the thief don’t escape. 当心那个贼跑掉。


1. 这些词组分别是什么意义?

回答:be sure 表示对某件事情有_______。be sure of 表示对某人或是某物有_______. be sure to do 表示说话人对主语做某事有_________某人或是某物一定能做某事。make sure 表示_________。


回答:be sure后面一般可跟_________例如that,when,where等引导的从句。be sure of 后面一般跟_________________作宾语。be sure to 后面跟的是_________.make sure 后面一般跟_________。例如 that when等引导的从句,从句的时态往往用现在时态。

hurt ,wound ,injure 同样是“伤”,意义有别


1. he hurt his back when he fell.他摔倒的时候背摔坏了。

2. the old lady was hurt by his words.那个老太太被他的话伤害了。

3. he got wounded in the fighting.他在打动中受伤了。

4. he died of a shoot wound in the war.在那次战争中,他死于枪伤。

5. the passenger was badly injured in the car accident.那个乘客在车祸中严重受伤。

6. my shoes are so tight that my feet hurt.我的鞋太小了,脚都疼了。

7. you will injure your health by smoking too much.你吸烟太多,有伤身体。

8. his failure injured his pride.他的失败伤了他的自尊。

9. i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.我没想要伤害你的感情。

10. he was wounded in the leg.他的腿负伤了。



三者都可表示受伤,伤害。hurt可指对身体上的伤害,也指对______造成的伤害。wound一般指外伤,如______________等,尤其指在战争中,打斗中受伤。injure 一般是指在_________中受伤。



1. i received a letter from him this morning. 早上我收到了他的来信。

2. we received much help from our teachers. 我们获得了老师很多的帮助。

3. the scientist received a warm welcome .那个科学家受到了热烈欢迎。

4. he received a good education at school.他在学校里得到了良好的教育。

5. he accepted a present from his friend.他接受了他朋友的礼物。

6. will you accept his apology? 你会接受他的道歉吗?

7. i can’t accept you as my assistant.我不同意你做我的助手。

8. i accept your offer.我接受你的提议。

9. the new theory is widely accepted. 这个新的理论被广泛接受。

10. he received many gifts ,but he did not accept all of them. 他收到了很多礼物,但是他并没有收下。



receive 指客观上________;accept指主观上_________.

believe和believe in 用法不一样


1. long ago ,people believed that the world was flat.很久以前,人们相信地球是扁平的。

2. i can quite believe you .我很信得过你。

3. we believe him to be honest.我们相信他是诚实的。

4. i don’t believe in fate. 我不相信命运。

5. do you believe in the bible?你相信《圣经》吗?

6. i don’t believe what you have said because i don’t believe in you .我不信你说的话,因为我不信任你。


believe 和believe in 在意义上有何区别?

believe一般是指相信某人_______;believe in 一般指_______某人或是对某种理论的____。

情态动词+have done结构的含义及其运用


1. you should have finished your homework earlier.你应该早就把作业做好了的。

2. it is wet on the ground .it must have rained last night.地上湿的。昨晚一定下雨了。

3. he is a successful businessman. in the past years, he must have worked very hard.他是一个成功的商人。在过去的几年里,他一定工作很努力。

4. there is no light in his house. he might have gone out.他的房子里没有灯光。他可能出去了。

5. you are late again. you shouldn’t have got up so late. 你又迟到了。你不该起的这么晚。

6. you needn’t have lent the book to him. he has got it.你不必把书给他的。他已经有了。

7. you are not an honest girl. you ought not to have told lies to others.你不是个诚实的女孩子。你不该跟别人撒谎。

8. can’t you see the sign – no smoking ? you ought not to have smoked here .你没看到那个标志吗?你不该抽烟的。


问题1.should / ought to / might /need 等 +have done 表示什么含义并如何运用?


问题2. must +have done 什么含义如何运用?


29,初探“with everyone clapping and having fun”结构


1. with the spring coming, the trees turn green.春天来了,树木变绿了。

2. it’s impolite of you to sit with your feet pointing to others.你坐着用脚指着别人是不礼貌的。

3. he soon fell asleep with the lights still burning.他很快就睡着了,灯还亮着。

4. he lay on the grass ,with his eyes looking at the sky.他躺在草地上,眼睛看着天空。

5. the parents went out ,with their children staying at home .父母们都出去了,孩子们呆在家里。


1. 这个结构是如何构成的?

回答:with 是_____后面跟名词、代词做______,然后后面再跟动词的______形式做宾语_____。(因为宾语和动词在逻辑上有_______关系。)

2. 这个结构在句中表示什么意义?


break up和 break down 用法辩异


1. the ship broke up on the rocks.船触礁破裂了。

2. what broke up their friendship?谁破坏了他们的友谊。

3. their marriage broke up . 他们的婚姻破裂了。

4. the police had to use force to broke up the crowd警察不得不用武力驱散人群。.

5. i am sorry to arrive late, but my car broke down halfway.抱歉我来晚了,我的车在半路上坏了。

6. the peace talks broke down without any agreement being reached.和谈失败了,没有达成任何协议。

7. i can’t have you breaking down in health.我不能让你的身体一天天垮下去。

8. sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.糖和淀粉会在胃里分解。



break up 是指__________________。例如解散人群,关系破裂、某物破碎等。

break down 是指________________。例如车发生故障,计划等失败、身体垮了、分解物质等。



1. is anything the matter ? 有什么问题吗?

2. you look a bit pale. what’s the matter with you ? 你看起来脸色有点苍白。 你怎么了?

3. there is an important matter i would like to talk to you about.有一件重要的事情我要跟你讨论。

4. it doesn’t matter whether it rains or not tomorrow.明天是否下雨没什么关系的。

5. it doesn’t matter that you came late. 你来晚了没什么关系。

6. pain doesn’t matter to him. he is very strong.痛苦对他来说没什么关系。他身体很强壮。

7. it doesn’t matter to me which one you choose.对我来说你选择哪一个都 没关系。

8. no matter what you do ,i won’t forgive you.不管你做什么,我都不会原谅你。

9. no matter where he is ,i will find him.不管他在哪,我都会找到他。

10. no matter how late you come, i will wait for you .不管你来得有多晚,我都会等你。


1. 当matter 用作名词是何意义?如何使用?


2. 当matter用作动词是和意义?如何使用?

回答:matter用作动词表示________,一般用于否定句或是_______;后面可以跟what ,where,when ,whether等引导的从句。

3. no matter 引导的是什么从句,在句中做什么成分,如何来构成。

no matter 一般引导__________从句,它后面可以跟_______________________等引导的从句

to one’s surprise 结构知多少


1. to my surprise , he could escape from that big fire.令我惊讶的是,他能够从那场大火里逃脱出来。

2. to our great surprise, our team won the football match. 令我们很吃惊的是,我们队赢了足球赛。

3. to my joy, i could pass the difficult math exam.令我高兴的是,我能 通过那次很难的数学考试。

4. to his sorrow, his whole house was destroyed in the earthquake.令他悲伤的是,他的整座房子都在地震中毁掉了。

5. to her delight, she has got a new job in the company.令她高兴的是,她在那个公司里找到了一个新工作。

6. to our satisfaction, he could get the first prize in the competition. 我们满意的是,他在比赛中获得了一等奖。

7. to his amazement, his parents got him in such a short time.令他吃惊的是,他的父母亲在那么短的时间里就回来了。

8. to our excitement, we won the battle against the enemies.令我们激动的是,我们赢得了跟敌人的战斗。


to one’s surprise 类似的结构是怎样组成的,表示什么意义并如何使用?

回答:这样的词组一般是to 后面跟______ +表示感情或是情绪变化的____ ,通常表示某人的一种情绪和感情。一般在句中作 _________。

have sb do 与 have sb doing 用法比较


1. the boss often has workers work for a long time.那个老板经常让他的工人长时间工作。

2. i would like to have him help me to finish the work.我想让他帮我完成那个工作。

3. who would you rather have post this letter ? 你想让谁帮你寄这封信?

4. don’t have the machine working all the time.不要让这个机器一直在运转。

5. it’s impolite to have him waiting outside for such a long time.让他在外面等这么长时间是不礼貌的。

6. you should be careful! have the fire burning till tomorrow morning.你应该小心。让火一直燃烧到明天早上。


1. 两个词组分别是什么意义?

回答:have sb do 表示_________ 与 make /let sb do近义;have sb doing 表示_________。与keep sb doing近义。

2. 两个词组在用法上有什么不同?

回答:前者表示让某人去做了某事,所以用________(have sb to do );后者表示让某人一直做某事,所以用__________(have sb doing)



1. he came running back to tell us the news. 他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。

2. playing all day, you will waste your valuable time.如果你整天玩,就会浪费你的宝贵时间。

3. he husband died ,leaving her with five children.她丈夫死了,留下了她和她的五个孩子。

4. knowing that they were going there ,the students began to make preparations.当学生们知道他们要去那儿,就开始作准备了。

5. not feeling very well, he went to see the doctor.因为感到不舒服,他就去看医生了。

6. being ill ,he didn’t go to school.因为生病,他就没去上学。

7. being afraid of his parents, he didn’t go downstairs.因为害怕他的父母,他没有下楼下楼。

8. reading english novels , he seldom looks up new words in a dictionary.他看小说时很少少查字典。


1. 在句中为什么要用现在分词做状语?


2. 现在分词在句中可以作什么状语?




1. what he said is true.他说的是真的。

2. what really interested him was to travel outside. 确实能吸引他的是出去旅游。

3. do you know what we are going to do this evening.你知道今晚我们要做什么吗?

4. what he does is also what i want to do . 他做的就是我想做的。

5. you are welcome. that’s what i should do .你太客气了啊。是我应该做的。

6. he didn’t know what was the matter.他不知道发生什么了。

7. that’s what i am doing now.那就是我现在在做的事情。

8. our city is not what it used to be .我们的城市再也不是过去的那个样子了。


`1. what引导的名词性从句在句中可做什么成分?



回答:首先,判断这些从句是什么从句,再结合中文意思,最后去分析从句的结构。what在句中可以作 ________、_________ 、________等。

in order to, in order that, so that 与 so as to用法探异


1. people must eat in order to live.人们必须吃饭才能生活。

2. he works very hard in order to support his family.他努力工作是为了养家糊口。

3. he got up very early in order to catch the first bus.他起的很早是为了赶上头班车。

4. we should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.为了能通过考试,我们应该努力学习。

5. they talked in a very low voice in order that they could not be heard.为了不让别人听见他们讲话,他们用很低的声音讲话。

6. in order to get home on time, he didn’t rest on his way . 为了能够准时回到家,他在路上都没有休息。

7. we hurried so as to be in time.我们赶紧走,好及时到。

8. speak clearly so that everybody can understand you .请说清楚点,这样每个人都能明白你。

9. he often told lies,so that no one believe him .他经常撒谎,都没人相信他。

10. please wear your sun glasses so that the sun won’t burn your skin.请带上太阳眼镜,这样太阳就不会晒伤你的皮肤。


1. 这些词组是什么意思?


2. 这些词组在句中作什么成分?用法上有什么不同?

回答:这些词组在句中一般做状语,表示______。so as to 和 in order to 后面一般跟________;前者引导的动词不定式不可放在______,而后者引导的可放在______。so that 和in order that 一般后面跟_______。


agree with ,agree to ,agree on 用法探究。


1. they agreed on the project at last.最后他们就这项工程达成了共识。

2. i agree with you =i agree with what you said.我同意你的话。

3. we agreed on a price for the car.我们商定了这辆汽车的价格。

4. the climate here doesn’t agree with me .我不适应这儿的气候。

5. do you agree to that plan?你同意那个计划吗?

6. he has agreed to the arrangement?他已经同意了那个安排。

7. do you agree with what i have just said ?你同意我刚刚说的吗?

8. your story agrees with what i have heard.你说的话与我听到的一致。


1. 三个词组的词意是什么?

回答:agree with ,agree to ,agree on 都可以表示 _________;agree to 一般表示个人同意 ,而agree on 表示 ___________,达成共识。agree with 还可以表示与(气候或食物等)相__________.


回答:agree with 后面一般跟_____或是某人说的____;后面还可以跟words。

agree to 后面一般跟建议、议案、________、_________等。

agree on 后面一般跟表示具体协议的文件、计划等。

determine 与decide 有何区别?


1. we determined to get the work done before may day.我们决定在五一之前把工作做完。

2. he has determined that nothing can prevent him doing what he wants to do .他已经决定没什么能阻止他想做的事情。

3. they determined on an early start tomorrow.他们决定明天早点动身。

4. he has determined to study abroad. 他决心去国外学习。

5. he decided not to tell a lie any longer in the future.他决定以后再也不撒谎了。

6. let’s first decide what to do next.让我们先决定接下来做什么。

7. finally she decided on buying that green hat.最后她决定买那顶绿色的帽子。

8. it’s very difficult to decide between the two .要在两个之间抉择很困难。


1.decide 和determine 在意义上有什么区别?

回答:decide 和determine 在意义上都可以表示_______;be determined 表示_________。

2. 两者在用法上有什么不同?

回答:在用法上两者后面都可以跟________(to do sth )或是___________(比如that ,where,what …从句)

change …into …结构知多少?(put ,translate,turn,divide ,make …)


1. do you know how to change ice into water? 你知道如何把水变成冰吗?

2. he has translated many books into english? 他已经把很多本书翻成了英文。

3. the huts can be made into temporary houses.小屋能被弄成暂时可住的房子。

4. we will divide our class into four groups.我们将把我们班级分成四组。

5. we should put most of our time into our study and work. 我们应该把我们的把大部分时间花在学习和工作上。

6. the teacher often asks us to put sentences into english.老师经常叫我们把句子翻成英文。

7. he was able to put the complicated thoughts into simple words.他能用简单的话来表达复杂的意思。

8. the workers are making wool into cloth.工人们在把羊毛织成布。

9. we should learn to turn failure into success.我们应该学会把失败转变成成功。

10. she knows a way of turning water into steam.她知道一种方法,把水变成蒸汽。



这些词组都是有into 构成的,都是两样东西之间进行的转换,最基本的词义应该是________.

reach 的含义知多少?


1. after a long walk, we reached a small village. 走了很长的路之后,我们来到一个小村庄。

2. the little boy was so short that he could not reach the apple on the desk.那个小孩太矮了,够不到桌上的苹果。

3. your letter reached me the day before yesterday .我昨天收到了你的信。

4. the woods reached as far as the river. 那片树林一直延伸到河边。

5. he reached out his hand for the knife ,but it was too far away. 他伸出手去取那刀子,但是太远了,够不着。

6. would you please do me a favour to reach me that book?请你帮我个忙,把书递给我好吗?

7. i like to have my books within my reach.我喜欢把书放在我伸手可取的地方。

8. put the medicine out of the children’s reach..把药品放在孩子们够不着的地方。





回答:reach 可以用作名词 一般是 __________,通常用于out of one’s reach ,within one’s reach。

compare …to …与compare … with…


1. my handwriting can not be compared with my fathers. 我的书写不能跟我父亲的比。

2. compare this radio and that one ,and you will find which one is better. 比较一下这个收音机和那一个 ,你会知道哪个更好。

3. man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常比作蜡烛。

4. shakespeare compared the world to a stage.莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。

5. as a writer ,he can’t compare with luxun. 作为一个作家,他无法与鲁迅比较。


compare … to …与compare …with …意义有什么区别?

回答:compare …to …一般是把一方____另一方;而compare …with …是指把两方进行_____。

hope 与 wish 用法探究


1. i hope we can pass the examination.我希望我能通过考试。

2. we hope to see you tomorrow. 我们希望明天能见到你。

3. there is nothing to be hoped for. 没什么好期待的了。

4. the doctor expressed strong hopes for her recovery.医生对她恢复健康抱有乐观的希望。

5. i wish i could go with you .我希望我能跟你一起去。

6. how i wish it wasn’t raining. 我多么希望天不下雨啊。

7. parents wish their children to be happy always.父母们总是希望孩子们能一直快乐。

8. i wish you a pleasant journey. 祝你旅途愉快!

9. it’s hoped that our team will win the game.大家都希望我们队能赢的比赛。

10. i wish i could fly to the moon one day 我希望有一天我能飞到月球上去。


1. wish与hope分别是什么意思?

回答: wish是指的意思是________。而hope指的意思是________。

2. wish与hope 在用法上有什么不同?

回答: wish和hope一样都后面可跟_______( to do sth.)但是wish可用于wish sb to sth,而hope只可以跟说hope to do sth。两者后面也可以跟_____从句:wish后面跟的从句一般用____语气,从句里的时态一般用过去的某种时态。而hope后面的从句根据句子的需要可以用________。



1. able 一般用法: be able to do

特殊注意: 反义词unable表示不能,而disabled表示残疾的。

be able to do可以表示经过艰难困苦才能做到的事。

2. abroad 一般用法: 表示到(在)国外,是一个副词,前面不加介词。

特殊注意: 可以说from abroad, 表示从国外回来。

3. admit 一般用法: 表示承认的时候后面要加上动名词形式。

特殊注意: 表示允许进入的时候与介词to搭配。

4. advise 一般用法: advise sb. to do; advise doing

特殊注意: 后面的.宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:advise that sb. (should) do的形式。

5. afford 一般用法: 通常与动词不定式搭配使用。

特殊注意: 前面需要有be able to或can等词。

6. after 一般用法: 表示在时间、空间之后;be after表示追寻。

特殊注意: 用在将来时的时候后面接一时间点,而in接一个时间段,如:after 3 o'clock; in 3 days.

7. agree 一般用法: 与介词on, to, with及动词不定式搭配。

特殊注意: agree on表示达成一致;agree to表示批准;agree with表示同意某人说的话。

8. alive 一般用法: 表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。

特殊注意: 可以作状语使用,表示活活地,如:bury alive.

9. allow 一般用法: allow doing; allow sb. to do

特殊注意: 可以表示允许进入,如:Please allow me in.

10. among 一般用法: 用在三者或三者以上的群体中。

特殊注意: 还可以表示其中之一,如:He is among the best.

11. and 一般用法: 用于连接两个词、短语、句子或其他相同结构。

特殊注意: 与祈使句搭配时往往可以表示条件。如:Work hard, you'll succeed sooner or later.

12. another 一般用法: 表示又一个,泛指,相当于one more的含义。

特殊注意: 不能直接加复数名词,需要与一个数词搭配,如:another 2 weeks.

13. answer 一般用法: 及物动词,但在作名词时要与介词to搭配。

特殊注意: 可以表示接电话、应门等。如:answer the phone/door.

14. anxious 一般用法: be anxious for/about/to do

特殊注意: be anxious about表示担心;be anxious for表示盼望得到。

15. appear 一般用法: 不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。

特殊注意: 还可以作为系动词,与seem同义,表示看起来……。

16. arrive 一般用法: arrive at表示到一个小地方;arrive in表示到一个大地方。

特殊注意: 引申含义表示得出,如:arrive at a decision/conclusion.

17. ask 一般用法: ask to do; ask sb. to do; ask for

特殊注意: 后面的宾语从句要用虚拟语气。即:ask that sb. (should) do的形式。

18. asleep 一般用法: 表语性形容词,在句中只能作表语,不能作定语。




1. just 一般用法: just now/then; just a little boy; just struggle

特殊注意: just now通常与过去时搭配;just通常与完成时搭配。

2. keep 一般用法: keep quiet; keep doing; keep on doing; keep sb. from doing

特殊注意: keep doing表示不间断地做某事;keep on doing表示动作是时断时续的。

3. kind 一般用法: a kind of; all kinds of; It is kind of you to do that.

特殊注意: 可以用Would you be so kind as to表示劳驾。

4. last 一般用法: last week; last for two hours

特殊注意: the last but one表示倒数第二。

5. late 一般用法: be late for; come late to; late at night

特殊注意: late作副词表示晚;而副词lately表示近来。

6. law 一般用法: by law; make/pass/observe/break the law

特殊注意: 表示抽象意义时不可数;表示具体法律时可数。

7. lay 一般用法: lay the table; lay eggs

特殊注意: lay的.过去式及过去分词都是laid.

8. lead 一般用法: lead to; lead sb. in doing; led by

特殊注意: lead to表示导致,其中的to是一个介词。

9. learn 一般用法: learn from; learn that

特殊注意: learned people表示博学的人;learn that表示得知。

10. leave 一般用法: leave for; leave sth. to; ask for leave

特殊注意: 可以在leave后面分用词作宾语补足语,如:Please don't leave the pot uncovered.

11. lesson 一般用法: Lesson Two; teach sb. a lesson; draw a lesson

特殊注意: lesson表示所学的内容;class表示课程。

12. let 一般用法: let sb. do; let in/out

特殊注意: Let's go home, shall we? Let us go home, will you?

13. lie 一般用法: lie in; lie to sb.;

特殊注意: 表示说谎时的过去式和过去分词都是lied; 表示躺卧、存在、位于某个地点时过去式为lay, 过去分词为lain.

14. little 一般用法: little boy; little hope; a little; little by little

特殊注意: 做形容词表示数量时只能修饰不可数名词;作副词用在句首时句子要用倒装语序。

15. lonely 一般用法: a lonely house; feel lonely

特殊注意: lonely是以ly结尾的形容词,可以作定语也可以作表语,主要表示孤独的状态。

16. look 一般用法: look fine; look as if; look at/into/through/back/down upon

特殊注意: 与see不同的是,look


看系列:see   behold   watch   look   regard   view  glance  gape   peep  peer 这些词在四级考试中都有“看、注视”的意思:


可以指不经意的看到;如:as he stood there, he saw tow men enter the bar. 他站在那里时,看到两个人进入了酒吧。

也可以指有意图的看没事物;如:let’s see your ticket please! 请让我们看看你的票。

behold  看着,瞧着。 指盯着看,常强调被看之物给人以强烈冲击或印象。

如:we beheld the ship sinking. 我们看着那艘船沉下去。

watch  看着,注视。强调注视,指注意力集中与受到吸引,全神贯注,常用于祈使句中。

如:he breathlessly watched the spider attempt to spin its web for the third time. 他凝神屏息地观看那蜘蛛试图第三次结网。


可以指有意识地把目光转向某事物关看;如:the passers-by looked into the window curiously. 路人好奇地往窗子里面看。

也可以指偶尔不经意地把眼光转向某事物;如:he looked absent-mindedly here and there only to see nothing. 他心不在焉地东瞧西看,什么也没看见。


如:the policeman regarded the movements of the man across the street with suspicion. 那警察怀疑地打量着街对面那个男人的举动。

view  审视,察看。意指看着呈现在面前的东西,带有仔细察看和审视的意思。

如:he viewed a map carefully before setting off. 出发之前,他仔细地审视了地图。


如:she glanced along the road to see if he was coming. 她沿路扫视着,看他是否要来了。

联想助记:gl开头的好多词都有一种流动的光(glimmer glisten glance等等)的感觉,扫视就有这样一种感觉。

gape(at)  目瞪口呆地凝视;张着嘴注视(常与at连用)。

如:she gaped at the strange tall man她目瞪口呆地凝视着这位高高的陌生男人。


peep  偷偷摸摸地看;窥视(常与at, in, out, into连用)。指从小的洞口或躲藏处窥看。

如:he peeped through the door.他从门后偷窥。



如:peering impudently into your face. 仔细的看你的脸。



disorder n.混乱,骚乱

distance n.距离,远处

distract v. 分散注意力

documentary a.有文件的;有证件的

double a.两倍的,双的

earth-orbiting adj. 围绕地球轨道的

effect n.效果,效力

elbow n.肘,肘部

emotionally ad. 在情绪上

encourage vt.鼓励,支持,助长

energy n.活力,精力,能量

enhance vt.提高,增加,夸张

exactly adv.确切地

exit n.出口,退场 vi.退出

expect vt.预料,预期,等待

experience v. 经历n.经历;经验

experienced adj.经验丰富的

experiment n.实验,试验

expert n. 专家

explanation n.解释,说明,辩解

exploration n.探索

explorer n.探测者

expression n.词句,表达,表情

extremely ad.极其,非常

fake n.假货,膺品 a.假的

fireworks n.[pl.]爆竹, 烟花

flutter v. 扑腾

follow vt.跟随,结果是

free v.释放

freedom n.自由

fridge n.电冰箱

friendship n.友谊,友好



admit, confess, concede承认

admit v. 指由于说服、再三追问而承认某一事实或过错

举例:I admit that you have a point.


confess v. 供认(罪行、过错等),含有坦白、招认的意思

举例:He confessed his crimes to the judge.


concede v. 指曾想隐瞒或不愿意承认某一错误,但由于证据确凿而不得不勉强承认,还可以指以退为进的.承认。

举例:The man who caused the accident finally conceded to the police that he had done it.


affiliate, link, attach, append附加

affiliate v. 加入,成为一部分

an affiliated middle school 一所附属中学

link v. 将人或物连接起来

举例:The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.


attach v. 将某物系在、贴在、附在另一物上

举例:I attached a note to my report with a paper clip.


append v. 增加,附加(与attach的意思比较接近)




Ⅰ. accurate 准确、精确 不仅表无错误,且表细心,谨慎地做到符合标准,符合事实或真象。如:

① Clocks in railway stations must be accurate. 火车站的钟必须准确。

② The figures are not accurate.这些数字不精确。

Ⅱ. exact 精确、确切强调完全符合标准,符合事实或真象,丝毫没有差错。它这三个中语意最强。如:

① His translation is exact to the letter. 他的翻译翻译确切。

② Your description is not very exact.你的描述不很确切。

Ⅲ.correct. 正确指按照一定的.标准或规则,而没有错误。在这有一个词中,它的语意最弱。

① His answer is correct. 他的回答是正确的。

② The thing turned out to be correct. 事情结果是对的。

ache/pain 痛

Ⅰ. ache 通常指一种持续的隐痛。 它可以与表身体某部分的词,组成复合词。如:

① Where is the ache? 哪里痛?

② I have a headache (stomachache, toothache atc).

Ⅱ. pain 是普通用语。不含持续痛的意味,尤指一种突然的剧痛。除指肉体上的外,还指精神的痛苦。如:

① I feel a great deal of pain. 我感到非常痛。

相关专题 词汇高考英语