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Upon maturity,monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles from their places of origin and lay their eggs on milkweed. The caterpillars that emerge feed on milkweed and absorb the glycosides in milkweed sap. The specific glycosides present in milkweed differ from region to region within the monarch butterfly’s range. Mature butterflies retain the glycosides in a mature monarch butterfly could be used to determine its place of origin.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

A. Mature monarch butterflies do not feed on parts of milkweed that contain glycosides.

B. The glycosides in milkweed sap are slightly toxic to caterpillars of other species.

C. The vast majority of the monarch butterflies that are laying eggs in a given region will have traveled there from a single region.

D. There are substances other than glycosides in milkweed sap that accumulate in a monarch caterpillar and are retained in the body of the mature butterfly.

E. There are certain glycosides that are found in the sap of all milkweeds, no matter where they grow within the monarch butterfly’s range.

GRE阅读练习:Sea Cow

The dis appearance of Steller's sea cow from the Bering and Copper is lands by 1768 has long been blamed on intensive hunting. But its dis appearance took only 28 years from the time Steller first described the species, a remarkably short time for hunting alone to depopulate the is lands, especially given the large populations initially reported. However, by 1750, huntershad also targeted nearby sea otter populations . Fewer otters would have allowed s ea urchin populations on which the otterspreyed to expand and the urchins ' grazing pressure on kelp forests to increase. Sea cows were totally dependent on kelp for food, and within a decade of the onset of otter hunting Steller noted that the is lands' sea cows appeared malnourished.

1. Which of the following can be inferred from the pas s age about kelp forests in the Bering and Copper is lands between 1750 and 1768?

A. They were reduced significantly.

B. They disappeared entirely from the region.

C. They were the primary food source for sea otters .

D. They were harvested in record numbers by humans

E. They increased pressure on sea urchin populations.

2. According to the pas s age, it is likely that during the m id-1700s, s ea urchin populations near the Bering and Copper is lands

A. were diminished by sea cow predation

B. experienced substantial increases

C. migrated to waters with more plentiful food supplies

D. were reduced by the pressures of hunting

E. appeared to be malnourished















Classical physics defines the vacuum as a state of absence: a vacuum is said to exist in a region of space if there is nothing in it. In the quantum field theories that describe the physics of elementary particles, the vacuum becomes somewhat more complicated. Even in empty space, particles can appear spontaneously as a result of fluctuations of the vacuum. For example, an electron and a positron, or antielectron, can be created out of the void. Particles created in this way have only a fleeting existence; they are annihilated almost as soon as they appear, and their presence can never be detected directly. They are called virtual particles in order to distinguish them from real particles, whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way, and which can be detected. Thus it is still possible to define that vacuum as a space that has no real particles in it.

One might expect that the vacuum would always be the state of lowest possible energy for a given region of space. If an area is initially empty and a real particle is put into it, the total energy, it seems, should be raised by at least the energy equivalent of the mass of the added particle. A surprising result of some recent theoretical investigations is that this assumption is not invariably true. There are conditions under which the introduction of a real particle of finite mass into an empty region of space can reduce the total energy. If the reduction in energy is great enough, an electron and a positron will be spontaneously created. Under these conditions the electron and positron are not a result of vacuum fluctuations but are real particles, which exist indefinitely and can be detected. In other words, under these conditions the vacuum is an unstable state and can decay into a state of lower energy; i.e., one in which real particles are created.

The essential condition for the decay of the vacuum is the presence of an intense electric field. As a result of the decay of the vacuum, the space permeated by such a field can be said to acquire an electric charge, and it can be called a charged vacuum. The particles that materialize in the space make the charge manifest. An electric field of sufficient intensity to create a charged vacuum is likely to be found in only one place: in the immediate vicinity of a superheavy atomic nucleus, one with about twice as many protons as the heaviest natural nuclei known. A nucleus that large cannot be stable, but it might be possible to assemble one next to a vacuum for long enough to observe the decay of the vacuum. Experiments attempting to achieve this are now under way (under way: adv.进行中, 在行进).

17. Which of the following titles best describes the passage as a whole?

(A) The Vacuum: Its Fluctuations and Decay

(B) The Vacuum: Its Creation and Instability

(C) The Vacuum: A State of Absence

(D) Particles That Materialize in the Vacuum

(E) Classical Physics and the Vacuum

18. According to the passage, the assumption that the introduction of a real particle into a vacuum raises the total energy of that region of space has been cast into doubt by which of the following?

(A) Findings from laboratory experiments

(B) Findings from observational field experiments

(C) Accidental observations made during other experiments

(D) Discovery of several erroneous propositions in accepted theories

(E) Predictions based on theoretical work

19. It can be inferred from the passage that scientists are currently making efforts to observe which of the following events?

(A) The decay of a vacuum in the presence of virtual particles

(B) The decay of a vacuum next to a superheavy atomic nucleus

(C) The creation of a superheavy atomic nucleus next to an intense electric field

(D) The creation of a virtual electron and a virtual positron as a result of fluctuations of a vacuum

(E) The creation of a charged vacuum in which only real electrons can be created in the vacuum’s region of space

20. Physicists’ recent investigations of the decay of the vacuum, as described in the passage, most closely resemble which of the following hypothetical events in other disciplines?

(A) On the basis of data gathered in a carefully controlled laboratory experiment, a chemist predicts and then demonstrates the physical properties of a newly synthesized polymer.

(B) On the basis of manipulations of macroeconomic theory, an economist predicts that, contrary to accepted economic theory, inflation and unemployment will both decline under conditions of rapid economic growth.

(C) On the basis of a rereading of the texts of Jane Austen’s novels, a literary critic suggests that, contrary to accepted literary interpretations. Austen’s plots were actually metaphors for political events in early nineteenth-century England.

(D) On the basis of data gathered in carefully planned observations of several species of birds, a biologist proposes a modification in the accepted theory of interspecies competition.

(E) On the basis of a study of observations incidentally recorded in ethnographers’ descriptions of non-Western societies, an anthropologist proposes a new theory of kinship relations.

21. According to the passage, the author considers the reduction of energy in an empty region of space to which a real particle has been added to be

(A) a well-known process

(B) a frequent occurrence

(C) a fleeting aberration

(D) an unimportant event

(E) an unexpected outcome

22. According to the passage, virtual particles differ from real particles in which of the following ways?

I. Virtual particles have extremely short lifetimes.

II. Virtual particles are created in an intense electric field.

III. Virtual particles cannot be detected directly.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) I and II only

(E) I and III only

23. The author’s assertions concerning the conditions that lead to the decay of the vacuum would be most weakened if which of the following occurred?

(A) Scientists created an electric field next to a vacuum, but found that the electric field was not intense enough to create a charged vacuum.

(B) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that no virtual particles were created in the vacuum’s region of space.

(C) Scientists assembled a superheavy atomic nucleus next to a vacuum, but found that they could not then detect any real particles in the vacuum’s region of space.

(D) Scientists introduced a virtual electron and a virtual positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the vacuum did not then fluctuate.

(E) Scientists introduced a real electron and a real positron into a vacuum’s region of space, but found that the total energy of the space increased by the energy equivalent of the mass of the particles.

Simone de Beauvoir’s work greatly influenced Betty Friedan’s—Indeed, made it possible. Why, then, was it Friedan who became the prophet of women’s emancipation in the United States? Political conditions, as well as a certain anti-intellectual bias, prepared Americans and the American media to better receive Friedan’s deradicalized and highly pragmatic The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963, than Beauvoir’s theoretical reading of women’s situation in The Second Sex. In 1953 when The Second Sex first appeared in translation in the United States, the country had entered the silent, fearful fortress of the anticommunist McCarthy years (1950-1954), and Beauvoir was suspected of Marxist sympathies. Even The Nation, a generally liberal magazine, warned its readers against “certain political leanings” of the author. Open acknowledgement of the existence of women’s oppression was too radical for the United States in the fifties, and Beauvoir’s conclusion, that change in women’s economic condition, though insufficient by itself, “remains the basic factor” in improving women’s situation, was particularly unacceptable.

24. According to the passage, one difference between The Feminine Mystique and The Second Sex is that Friedan’s book

(A) rejects the idea that women are oppressed

(B) provides a primarily theoretical analysis of women’s lives

(C) does not reflect the political beliefs of its author

(D) suggests that women’s economic condition has no impact on their status

(E) concentrates on the practical aspects of the questions of women’s emancipation

25. The author quotes from The Nation most probably in order to

(A) modify an earlier assertion

(B) point out a possible exception to her argument

(C) illustrate her central point

(D) clarify the meaning of a term

(E) cite an expert opinion

26. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following is not a factor in the explanation of why The Feminine Mystique was received more positively in the United States than was The Second Sex?

(A) By 1963 political conditions in the United States had changed.

(B) Friedan’s book was less intellectual and abstract than Beauvoir’s.

(C) Readers did not recognize the powerful influence of Beauvoir’s book on Friedan’s ideas.

(D) Friedan’s approach to the issue of women’s emancipation was less radical than Beauvoir’s.

(E) American readers were more willing to consider the problem of the oppression of women in the sixties than they had been in the fifties.

27. According to the passage, Beauvoir’s book asserted that the status of women

(A) is the outcome of political oppression

(B) is inherently tied to their economic condition

(C) can be best improved under a communist government

(D) is a theoretical, rather than a pragmatic, issue

(E) is a critical area of discussion in Marxist economic theory






Passages are drawn from the physical sciences, biological sciences, social sciences, business, arts and humanities and everyday topics and are based on material found in books and periodicals, both academic and nonacademic.

大家可以看到,GRE阅读文章的选材类型其实是相当广泛的,物理生物社会科学商业艺术人文以及日常话题无所不包。另外,对于可能出现的文章过于专业影响考生理解,官方的态度也很明确,那就是所有问题都可以基于文章本身提供的信息得到解答,无需专业知识。(all questions can be answered solely on the basis of information provided in the passage and that no specialized knowledge is assumed)




1. 明确GRE阅读会考但自己完全不懂的话题科目


2. 寻找相关话题文章集中阅读

在整理出陌生话题列表后,接下来小编要做的就是寻找相关话题的文章进行比较集中的阅读了。GRE官方对于选材文章的来源也给出了明确的答案,主要有:feature articles in newspapers(报刊特写,类似于专题类的中长篇文章),periodicals(杂志期刊),trade books by experts and journalists(专家和记者撰写的普及书)。这些类型的资源大家都可以从网上找到很多,小编在此就不具体举例了。大家可以根据自己整理的话题列表进行有选择地针对性阅读。

3. 训练高效准确地阅读思维

小编一直认为,比起读什么(what to read),怎么读(how to read)的重要性其实也完全不逊色。哪怕有了针对性的阅读素材,考生在阅读过程中还是应该训练一些主动高效的阅读思维,通俗点说就是要有明确的阅读目的,带着问题去读文章,学会了这种思维方式才能帮助大家更好地看懂陌生话题文章提升阅读实力。考生在阅读每篇文章中,都需要问自己这几个问题:

本文作者主旨是什么?How would you sum up the author's larger point?

某段内容中的某个表达是什么意思?What does a phrase used by the author mean in this specific context?

有什么地方没有明说却有暗示?What is not said but implied?

为何要突出某个细节?Why does the author highlight this particular detail?

某个论述的逻辑漏洞在哪里?Where is the argument most vulnerable to criticism?






GRE阅读的方法,读书时在脑子中有两种过程——默读(subvocalisation)和思维之流(stream of thoughts)。默读速度比较慢,在克服默读的过程中你要达到临在的状态——即充分的意识和放松,认识到自己那虚伪的自我感(这点东西可以算是心灵哲学的内容吧,如果有兴趣可以看看克里希那穆提的著作或俄克里特托利的《修炼当下的力量》,没有什么复杂的东西,关键说白了就是四个字:放松意识)。












The Eye and its Movements先说眼,咱不是生物书,就不具体介绍眼球结构了。但是有一个概念是不得不提的,那就是中央窝(fovea),它在视网膜上,负责视觉注意力的集中。也就是,你现在注意看啥,它在视网膜上的投影就在中央窝上。现在说重点——眼的运动。






















GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业,由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办。GRE是世界各地的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。GRE,首次由美国哈佛,耶鲁,哥伦比亚,普林斯顿四所大学联合举办,初期由卡耐基基金会(Carnegie Foundation)承办,1948年交由新成立的教育测试中心ETS负责。之后每年在世界许多地方举行。中国国外考试协调处负责中国归口管理和承办GRE等国外考试。有些美国名牌大学把GRE专项成绩作为“推荐成绩”:即希望申请人能够提供此项成绩,无论本科专业是否与其申请研究生专业相同,但不把它作为必须要求。这时若能提供专项GRE成绩是很有利于申请奖学金资助的。因此,如果申请人有较为充足的时间,不妨参加专项考试,一个优秀的专项GRE成绩很能反映申请人的专业素质与学习潜力。GRE普通考试是申请研究生入学的必要考试,申请法律或商业学研究生以LSAT或GMAT替代GRE普通考试。目前美国大学在成绩替代上比以往要求松些。许多学校是可以提供GRE普通考试或GMAT考试成绩的任何一种作为商业类研究生应提供的成绩,法律研究生亦有以GRE普通考试成绩替代LSAT成绩的。




· 清楚有效地阐明复杂观点

· 用贴切的事理和事例支撑观点

· 考察/验证他人论点及其相关论证

· 支撑一个有针对性的连贯的讨论

· 控制标准书面英语的各个要素



语言能力方面的考察将更加强调高级认知能力,力求更加深入并且真实地反映考生理解阅读材料并运用推理能力的情况。主要表现在在分析一段论述文字时能否推导结论,识别作者的前提和视角;是否能理解语言文字的多层次含义;新考试更多更多基于语境的理解,比如阅读理解;减少对于单纯词汇意义的考察,取消类比和反义题。具体说来,这些能力包括: [4]

· 分析一段论述文字并推导结论;根据不完全的数据做推导;识别作者的前提/假设条件和视角;理解语言文字的多层次含义,包括字面意涵,修辞意涵和作者目的等

· 挑选重要观点,区别主要论述和次要/相关论述;总结全文;理解文章结构

· 理解词,句和段落 篇章的意涵;理解不同词和概念间的关系


· 更加突出高级认知技能

· 更多基于语境的理解,比如阅读理解

· 减少对于单纯词汇意义(通过死记硬背词表习得)的考察,取消类比和反义题

· 扩大文章选择面


· 从文章中选取一个句子,加量以回答问题



· 读懂量化信息

· 解读并分析量化信息

· 运用数学模型解题

· 运用算术,代数,几何,概率以及统计学中的基本概念和技能


· 提高生活场景题和数据解读题的比例

· 提供在线计算器以减低计算量


· 键入一个数值答案








MIDDLEMARCH by George Elliot

19世纪的小说并不适合所有人阅读,但这些小说普遍具有的特点就是对提升GRE词汇量很有帮助。当然读这类小说建议大家最好结合方便查词的工具进行阅读,因为生词量是比较大的。George Elliot的小说文字优美,笔下人物虽然性格多有缺陷并不完美却栩栩如生,其勾勒出的生活色彩让小说具有很强的可读性和吸引力。

LOLITA or PNIN by Vladimir Nabokov




TO THE LIGHTHOUSE by Virginia Woolf


THE HOUSE OF MIRTH by Edith Wharton



Islam, on the other hand, represented a radical breakaway from the Arab paganism that preceded it; Islamic law is the result of an examination, from a religious angle, of legal subject matter that was far from uniform, comprising as it did the various components of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia and numerous legal elements taken over from the non-Arab peoples of the conquered territories.

Islam,/ on the other hand,/ represented a radical breakaway/ from the Arab paganism/ that preceded it;/ Islamic law/ is the result of/ an examination,/ from a religious angle,/ of legal subject matter/ that was/ far from uniform,/ comprising as it did/ the various components/ of the laws of pre-Islamic Arabia/ and numerous legal elements/ taken over from/ the non-Arab peoples/ of the conquered territories.



For instance, early textile-mill entrepreneurs, in justifying women’s employment in wage labor, made much of the assumption that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and patient in carrying out repetitive chores; the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order hoary stereotypes associated with the homemaking activities they presumed to have been the purview of women.


For instance, early textile-mill entrepreneurs, 1[in justifying women’s employment] 2[in wage labor], made much of the assumption 3[that women were by nature skillful at detailed tasks and patient in carrying out repetitive chores]; the mill owners thus imported into the new industrial order 4[hoary stereotypes] 5[associated with the homemaking activities] 6[that they presumed] 7[to have been the purview of women].


1. 介词结构倒装。in justifying women’s employment修饰entrepreneurs。2. 介词结构倒装。in wage labor修饰women’s employment。3. 同位语从句。that引导的同位语从句进一步解释assumption。4. 宾语倒装。hoary stereotypes是imported的直接宾语。5. 分词结构倒装。associated with the homemaking activities修饰stereotypes。6. 定语从句及省略。that引导的定语从句修饰activities,此处省略引导词that。7. 介词结构倒装。to have been the purview of women修饰activities。


















In February 1848 the people of Paris rose in revolt against the constitutional monarchy of Louis-Philippe. Despite the existence of excellent narrative accounts, the February Days, as this revolt is called, have been largely ignored by social historians of the past two decades. For each of the three other major insurrections in nineteenth-century Paris—July 1830, June 1848, and May 1871—there exists at least a sketch of participants’ backgrounds and an analysis, more or less rigorous, of the reasons for the occurrence of the uprisings. Only in the case of the February Revolution do we lack a useful description of participants that might characterize it in the light of what social history has taught us about the process of revolutionary mobilization. Two reasons for this relative neglect seem obvious. First, the insurrection of February has been overshadowed by that of June. The February Revolution overthrew a regime, to be sure, but met with so little resistance that it failed to generate any real sense of historical drama. Its successor, on the other hand, appeared to pit key socioeconomic groups in a life-or-death struggle and was widely seen by contemporary observers as marking a historical departure. Through their interpretations, which exert a continuing influence on our understanding of the revolutionary process, the impact of the events of June has been magnified, while, as an unintended consequence, the significance of the February insurrection has been diminished. Second, like other “successful” insurrections, the events of February failed to generate the most desirable kinds of historical records. Although the June insurrection of 1848 and the Paris Commune of 1871 would be considered watersheds of nineteenth-century French history by any standard, they also present the social historian with a signal advantage: these failed insurrections created a mass of invaluable documentation as a by-product of authorities’ efforts to search out and punish the rebels.

Quite different is the outcome of successful insurrections like those of July 1830 and February 1848. Experiences are retold, but participants typically resume their daily routines without ever recording their activities. Those who played salient roles may become the objects of highly embellished verbal accounts or in rare cases, of celebratory articles in contemporary periodicals. And it is true that the publicly acknowledged leaders of an uprising frequently write memoirs. However, such documents are likely to be highly unreliable, unrepresentative, and unsystematically preserved, especially when compared to the detailed judicial dossiers prepared for everyone arrested following a failed insurrection. As a consequence, it may prove difficult or impossible to establish for a successful revolution a comprehensive and trustworthy picture of those who participated, or to answer even the most basic questions one might pose concerning the social origins of the insurgents.

12.1. According to the passage, “a useful description of participants” (lines 11-12) exists for which of the following insurrections of nineteenth-century France?

I. The July Insurrection of 1830

II. The February Revolution of 1848

III. The June insurrection of 1848

IV. The May insurrection of 1871

(A) I and III only

(B) II and IV only

(C) I, II, and III only

(D) I, III, and IV only

(E) II, III, and IV only

12.2. It can be inferred from the passage that support for the objectives of the February Revolution was

(A) negligible

(B) misguided

(C) fanatical

(D) spontaneous

(E) widespread

12.3. Which of the following, best describes the organization of the second paragraph?

(A) The thesis of the passage is stated and supporting evidence systematically presented.

(B) Two views regarding the thesis presented in the first paragraph are compared and contrasted.

(C) Evidence refuting the thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically presented.

(D) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is systematically supported.

(E) The thesis presented in the first paragraph is further defined and a conclusion drawn.

12.4. It can be inferred from the passage that the author considers which of the following essential for understanding a revolutionary mobilization?

(A) A comprehensive theory of revolution that can be applied to the major insurrections of the nineteenth century

(B) Awareness of the events necessary for a revolution to be successful

(C) Access to narratives and memoirs written by eyewitnesses of a given revolution

(D) The historical perspective provided by the passage of a considerable amount of time

(E) Knowledge of the socioeconomic backgrounds of a revolution’s participants

12.5. Which of the following can be inferred about the “detailed judicial dossiers” referred to in line 49?

(A) Information contained in the dossiers sheds light on the social origins of a revolution’s participants.

(B) The dossiers closely resemble the narratives written by the revolution’s leaders in their personal memoirs.

(C) The information that such dossiers contain is untrustworthy and unrepresentative of a revolution’s participants.

(D) Social historians prefer to avoid such dossiers whenever possible because they are excessively detailed.

(E) The February Revolution of 1848 produced more of these dossiers than did the June insurrection.

12.6. Which of the following is the most lical objection to the claim made in lines 38-39?

(A) The February Revolution of 1848 is much less significant than the July insurrection of 1830.

(B) The backgrounds and motivations of participants in the July insurrection of 1830 have been identified, however cursorily.

(C) Even less is known about the July insurrection of 1830 than about the February Revolution of 1848.

(D) Historical records made during the July insurrection of 1830 are less reliable than those made during the May insurrection of 1871.

(E) The importance of the July insurrection of 1830 has been magnified at the expense of the significance of the February Revolution of 1848.

12.7. With which of the following statements regarding revolution would the author most likely agree?

(A) Revolutionary mobilization requires a great deal of planning by people representing disaffected groups.

(B) The objectives of the February Revolution were more radical than those of the June insurrection.

(C) The process of revolutionary mobilization varies greatly from one revolution to the next.

(D) Revolutions vary greatly in the usefulness of the historical records that they produce.

(E) As knowledge of the February Revolution increases, chances are good that its importance will eventually eclipse that of the June insurrection.






























※ 盲目求快而忽略了文章中主要的信息


有些考生在处理上一段的时候以极快的速度从头念到尾,却没有区分关键信息和非关键信息。将黄色区域等同于粉红色区域。其实,粉红色区域的“as a consequence”说明该句的重要性将大大超过黄色区域中的句子。因为从逻辑角度来说,As a consequence是表示“前因后果”,而从逻辑上说,结果比原因更重要,所以正确的阅读方法应为迅速通过黄色区域,在粉红色区域细细研读。

※ 在阅读时缩手缩脚,不敢舍弃



※ 在阅读时颠倒阅读重点





a. 读问题,b. 明确问题目的,c. 从而d. 确定解题方向。

e. 读段落,f. 根据不同g. 的问题目的确定不同h. 的解题重点

i. 找答案,j. 有时可以调整看选项顺序.把握5中选2的原则,k. 先用求同l. 求异发则,m. 快速排除3-n. 4个选项,o. 然后放慢速度,p. 仔细分析剩下的两个选项。


引导结论的引导词有:therefore,thus,so,hence,concluding,consequently,as a result,It follows that,it can be inferred that,in conlusin,which proves

that,which means that,which suggerts that, 引导前提的引导词:because,for,since,as,in as much as(由于,因为),in so far

as (就。。而言),in view of BàA 模式:有一个survey,record,data,study,experiment或者phemonena等得出一个结论,是他做出的一个解释。当由 BàA,有一个hidden premise多为A是唯一的原因。或者为达到某一个目的而提出的一个方法或者建议,也是此种模式。常见的引导词有: demonstrate,show,result,due to,attribute to,reason,hypothesize,the

explanation to,be responsible for. AàB模式:推理时由某个原因试图得到某个结果,推理成立的hidden promise是这个原因可以得到这个结果。注意此时并不表示A是唯一的,只是表示A是可行的。




读书时在脑子中有两种过程——默读(subvocalisation)和思维之流(stream of thoughts)。默读速度比较慢,在克服默读的过程中你要达到临在的状态——即充分的意识和放松,认识到自己那虚伪的自我感(这点东西可以算是心灵哲学的内容吧,如果有兴趣可以看看克里希那穆提的著作或俄克里特托利的《修炼当下的力量》,没有什么复杂的东西,关键说白了就是四个字:放松意识)。

















Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness. (5)


译文:弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)在创作《黛洛维夫人》(Mrs. Dalloway)时有关其创作意图的这番发人深思的陈述,迄今为止一贯为文学评论家们所忽略,因为它突出反映了她诸多文学兴趣中某一方面,而这一方面则与人们对“诗性”小说家(poetic novelist)所形成的传统见解大相径庭。所谓的“诗性”小说家,所关注的是审视想入非非和白日梦幻的诸般状态,并致力于追寻个体意识的通幽曲径。


A、since之后的it指前面的statement,highlight的宾语an aspect之后有两个修饰成分,一个是of her literary interests, 另一个是以that引导的定语从句that is very different from the traditional picture of the poetic novelist,都是修饰an aspect的。Novelist后面又有由and 连接的两个介词结构concerned with doing 修饰novelist.

B、句中有两处省略,一是在her literary interests that is very different from当中,修饰interests的定语从句中引导词+be that is 一起省略了。第二处在and之后,由于concerned with与前面的concerned with重复,所以concerned被省略。


Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement about her intentions in writing Mrs. Dalloway has regularly been ignored by the critics, since it highlights an aspect of her literary interests very different from the traditional picture of the “poetic” novelist concerned with examining states of reverie and vision and with following the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.


Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy. (3+)



解释:本句中插入语的使用revealed most clearly on plantations where sale wa infrequent, 后半个分句中的主语that slaves' preference与系动词was离得太远,造成阅读的困难。

意群训练:Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.

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