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托福写作词汇分类汇总 交通类常用词整理一览

交通堵塞 traffic jam= traffic congestion

危险的路况 treacherous road conditions

公交 public transit

磁悬浮列车 magnetically-levitated trains

轻轨 sky train

有轨电车 streetcar/ tram/ trolley

渡轮 n. ferry

横冲直撞 road rage

蛮不讲理的司机 aggressive drivers

不负责任地开车 reckless driving

酒后驾车 drunk driving

肇事者 n. culprit/ offender

每天经过长距离去上班的人们 n. commuter

交通量 traffic volume/ volume of traffic

交通方式 modes/ means of transportation

交通工具 n. vehicle

下降 n.&vi. decline

人口稠密的 adj. densely-populated

激增 vi. soar

拥挤的 adj. packed/ crowded

被挤在……里 be squished up

人口爆炸,人口激增 population explosion/ population boom

提高征税 impose higher taxes on

行人 n. pedestrian

罚款 vt.&n. fine

行人公交像沙丁鱼罐头那么拥挤 adj. sardine-packed

危险的 adj. hazardous

地铁的一节车厢 subway car

加长轿车 n. limo

车队 n. fleet

拼车 n.&vi. car-pool

大都市的 adj. metropolitan

过度拥挤 n. overcrowding

撞车 n. collision/ car accident

人口密度 density of population

高架桥,过街天桥 n. overpass

地下过街通道 n. underpass

内燃机 internal combustion engine

柴油机 n. diesel engine

蒸汽驱动的 adj. steam-driven

汽油驱动的 adj. petrol-driven

以氢气为动力的 adj. hydrogen-driven

混乱的 adj. chaotic

马拉的观光车 horse-drawn carriage

欧洲古代的战车 n. chariot




词组:light up, push oneself, be destructive to s/th, tap the potential, miss out;


Without motivation we're like a dead fish in the water, that kind of life is not worth living. we should constantly light up our internal fire and push ourselves harder to achieve our goals. While the lack of motivation is destructive to oneself, and one will feel depressed, and have a pretty low esteem. To make matter worse, one is not be able to tap the full potential within oneself, thus he or she would miss out the chance to be successful.



You can't change the past but you can change the future. We should understand that things don t always work out the way we expect. When we make mistakes, we ought to focus on solutions, not on regrets. As the saying goes, yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, but today is a gift, that's why we call it present.



It isn't talent that makes great artists, it's hard work, persistence, will power, determination, and fortitude. Not every great artist can draw nice pictures by the age of five.


Successful artists aren't underpinned by talent, it is an excuse not to put in the effort that is needed to be a successful artist. There are other more important factors like, to be able to seek out social connections, and build on them. Connecting with peers and mentors is more important than being talented.


Advanced education provides you with the tools you need to be successful in your future career. Not only can you acquire specific knowledge in a particular filed, like economics, physics, and biology, and stuff, you can also get practical experience in relevant areas, like psychological counseling, physical therapy, and even nursing.




The ability to build up social and professional connections and expand them is the key factor to be a successful business person, and in order to achieve that, one needs to be easygoing, cuz that makes ice breaking much more easier.



学校的硬件设施 :

gym :


哑铃do some dumbbell, 室内跑道 run on the indoor track, 在场地上打球 play some sport on the court, 水上运动do some aquatic activities, 邮箱运动如瑜伽、游泳、在跑步机上跑步aerobics like yoga, swimming, running on a treadmill


A gym is the place where students can have fun and relax themselves, for many students it can be the first choices when it comes to how to spend their spare time. There are lots of fun activities you can do in the gym like, play some sports on the court, do some aerobics like yoga, swimming, and running on a treadmill,and stuff like that.

作用:保持体型Keep fit, 有趣 have fun,放松 relax,引导学生健康、活跃的生活方式 lead a healthy and active lifestyle


In a nutshell, it is really important for a university to own a nice recreation center(gym 的同义词),for it helps to promote a healthy, active lifestyle.

实验室laboratory :

做实验conduct research, 把理论应用于实际apply theory in practice, 直观的理解概念understand concepts intuitively(直观的),培养学生的创造力 develop students' creativity;

实验室是好学校的重要组成部分, 然后展开实验室的作用(即以上内容)。

Great labs are a big part of a good university, students can use the lab to apply theory into practice and conduct researches in their fields, moreover, by doing experiments students can understand the concepts better and develop their creativity.

一个学校的软实力 :

名声reputation :


Reputation of a university has no direct impact on its students, and it is kind of meaningless.

教员faculty :

跟audit class联系在一起;


Auditing class is the best to know the university better, since faculty members are an indispensable part of the university. Their knowledge,teaching skills and even the way they teach the class represent the university. The values they uphold in the class are the ones that are cherished by the university.

地点location :


比如大都市metropolis, 多文化的multicultural, 方便的convenient, 公共交通 public transportation, 商店shops, 酒吧和餐馆 bars and restaurant,充满活力 full of dynamics; 当然也可以跟social里面的broaden your horizon and enrich your experience结合在一起。

大学的大小size :

“大”的好处 :

多元化diverse student body, 俱乐部和社团lots of clubs and societies, 完备的设施well established facilities, 著名的教授lots of famous professors, 活动很多various activities;

个人而言, 我喜欢较大的大学,学生团体会比较多元, 国际学生很多,他们组织好多社会活动。

Personally, I would say I like to attend a big university. A big university tends to have a diverse student body, there might be lots of international students like me, and they organize all kinds of social activities.


Also, a big university is likely to have very well established facilities like multi-functional libraries, recreation centers and research facilities. These are big parts of a colorful university life.


托福写作词汇分类汇总 科技类常用词整理一览

非常先进的 adj. state-of-the-art

尖端的 adj. cutting-edge

彻底变革 vt. revolutionize

自动化的 adj. automated

机械化的 adj. mechanized

电脑生成的 adj. computer-generated

组装线 assembly line

大规模生产 mass-production

省钱的 adj. cost-effective/ economical

深刻改变 vt. transform

突破 n. breakthrough

打破(传统的)界限 break boundaries

无限的可能 endless possibilities

发展 v.&n. advance

信息过剩 information overload

信息爆炸 information explosion

自给自足 n. self-sufficiency

虚拟世界 the virtual world

脱离现实 be detached from reality

(电脑的)摄像头 n. webcam

不可想象的 adj. inconceivable

远程通讯 n. telecommunications

高生产率的 adj. productive

自动化 n. automation

可利用的 adj. available

新颖的 adj. novel

耐用的 adj. durable

对用户友好的,方便使用的 adj. user-friendly

常规的 adj. conventional

增进,提高 vt. enhance = boost

加速 speed up/ accelerate

生产,制造 vt. manufacture

标准化的 adj. standardized

印刷机 printing press

电报 n. telegraph

外科手术 n. surgery

采用 vt. adopt

在家远程上班 n. telecommuting

网络银行(业务) online banking

提高效率 augment/ enhance/ boost efficiency

提高生产效率 augment/ enhance/ boost productivity

减少人力的机器 labor-saving machinery

取代人力的机器 labor-replacing machinery

自动化 n. automation

生物技术 n. biotechnology

克隆 v. clone

远程通讯 n. telecommunications

太空探索 space exploration/ space probe

人的基因构成 one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming

创新 n. innovations

有独创性的,精巧的 adj. ingenious

以惊人的速度 at a staggering rate

超轻的 adj. ultra-lightweight

超薄的 adj. ultra-thin

便携的 adj. portable

天线 n. antenna

器官移植 organ transplant

心脏起搏器 n. pacemaker

交易 n. transactions

载人登月 manned landing on the Moon

载人航天器 manned spacecraft

通讯卫星 telecommunications satellite

气象卫星 weather satellite/ meteorological satellite

发射台 launch pad

哈勃太空望远镜 the Hubble Space Telescope

防弹背心 bulletproof vest

尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology

信息爆炸 information explosion ( or over-load)

信息时代 the information age ( or era)

互联网的广泛应用 the proliferation of the Internet/ the extensive use of the Internet/ the widespread use of the Internet

科技创新及发展 technological innovations/ inventions/ advances/ progressions


Some people think it is the best approach for students to learn if school start the day at a early time in the morning. But someone think the school should start the day at late time. Which one do you prefer? Use specific reasons and detailed examples to support your answer.




Many schools are planning to postpone the first class in the morning for less lateness and better educating quality. However, the schedule of late classes will cultivate students’ indolence, and pose many other negative effects. As a result, starting class late would not effectively reduce the rate of lateness and cannot secure the educating efficacy.

Firstly, early classes in the morning will force the students to keep a disciplined life style. In order to attend the first class, students have to get up early in the morning. This habit brings many benefits. For example, young people will live a much healthier life. Keeping the schedule in mind, they would no longer dally at night before sleep, and save their time in the morning. Then, they can have a good rest in the evening and keep themselves energetic at daytime. Besides, they could also shape many of their excellent characteristics, like self-discipline or persistence. Leaving the cozy bed requires a powerful willpower when we start a new day, and doing this every day asks for a strong self-control. Both of these virtues are keys to success. And one of the well-known, Kobe Bryant, is a beneficiary of starting his day early in the morning. He once gave his secret to become the MVP in the basketball playground. It was his getting up early in the 4 AM that contributes him. In conclusion, both physical and psychological benefits can be gained by the disciplined life style led by the early classes.

In addition, early start in the morning also leaves more extracurricular time for students. Earlier starting class generally results in earlier off-class. More spare time after class enables students to conduct other activities, such as further exploring in study, deepening their interests or doing some other activities. Those activities would help students to improve themselves. In spare time, students can do some practical experiments to apply knowledge into practice, which allow them to have in-depth understanding in knowledge learnt in class. Students would be also capable of learning instrument, painting or doing sports with abundant of time after class. Those extracurricular activities help students to achieve complete development. Obviously, earlier start in the morning means a longer day, providing more spare time for students to enrich their life and promote themselves in learning.

Late classes, to a degree, may lower the absence rate at the beginning. This is because that students do not need to be hurry in the morning, especially for those who cannot get up early. In the long run, however, the original purpose cannot be realized effectively. The allowance of starting class later would indulge the bad habits of procrastination. Some students will tend to put off all tasks late at night, if they do not need to get up early. Staying up later would in turn make students get up later. This is a vicious circle. As a result, students’ biological clock will be re-adjusted, making it harder for them to get up on time. Therefore, the absence rate would be decreased again.

In summary, compared to making classes late in the morning, starting the day early would bring many benefits in learning. Students would be able to maintain a healthy life physically and mentally, and to explore in study, all of which contribute to a higher quality of learning.


In the contemporary society, the length of study time on the part of students has become one of the most hottly debated issue among the general public. When it comes to whether students should be required to arrive school at the early time in the morning, people’s notions may vary from one to another. In my eyes, starting school day at a late time is a better choice for the following reasons.

To begin with, arriving school at the late time will ensure students have a good rest and thus contributes to the improvement of their study efficiency. As is common sense, the increasingly heavy study burden on the shoulder of students has squeezed their leisure time so much that their sleeping time cannot be guaranteed. As a result, with the implementation of starting school day in a late time, the quality of their rest will be improved, with the consequence that their attention will be more concentrated in class. On the contrary, shortening their rest time by requesting students begin class early will definitely produce a negative effect on their study. To be specific, it will be common to observe that students feel so sleepy as to have a short nap during the class.

In addition, students who start school day in a late time will obviously avoid being stuck in traffic jam and thus have a better mood in the morning. Undoubtedly, under the drive of a cheerful frame of mind, children will raise their efficiency of study to a large extent. The experience of my cousin, Tom, can serve as a good example to shed some lights on the above reasoning. Tom, a student in a middle school of Beijing, used to be required to arrive school at 8 a.m. every morning in order to prepare better for the National Examination of College Admission. However, the problem is that according to the regulations of most companies, employees also have to start work at 8 a.m. Therefore, it is not hard to imagine that the subways, buses and taxis are crowded with people in the morning. According to Tom’s recounting, no one will feel good after such a experience, let alone immediately devoting him/herself to study.

Taking what has been discussed into consideration, we can draw the conclusion that it is wise to require student to arrive school at a late time in the morining, in order to ensure the quality of their rest and develop a light heart.


Have you experienced struggling with your pillow every morning? Have you ever choked with the traffic jams in the rush hour? Have you ever felt sleepy in the first class? No matter what scientific evidence shows us the advantages of having class early, there is a new research from Mark Fischettiof Scientific America convince us that students' efficiency can be improved by going to school later. I totally agree with the statement for it’s beneficial for both of students and teachers.

First, students' efficiency can be elevated. Under the excessive burden, students always stay up late and that’s why their sleep time has been shrunk. If they are forced to get up early, their whole day will be windy. Thus, students would waste the most substantial content of study, nevertheless, students would be more fresh and have concentrations on the class. According to Kyla Wahlstrom, director of the Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement at the University of Minnesota. She made a research in Minnesota February that tracked 9000 students in eight public high schools in Minnesota, Colorado and Wyoming. After one semester, when school began at 8:35 a.m. or later, grades earned in math, English, science and social studies typically rose a quarter step—for example, up halfway from B to B+. This conclusion perfectly convinces everyone that students should get up later.

Second, we should follow students' biological system. Adolescents' physiology has greatly altered from their childhood because of melatonin. The later the delay, the greater the payoff.Following their biological change can make them healthy and wealthy. Take me as an example, as a teacher, most of my students would like to finish their homework and chat with friend until the mid night. They can't control their biological clock, which makes they fell very sleepy in the first class. Moreover the rate of being on duty is lower compared with other time periods.

Third, traffic problems can be released. One should know that big cities have the traffic jams all the time, which makes students choked with the road and can’t get rid of it. Moreover, students who live far away from the school are hurry to get catch up with the early classes. If schools postpone their time to be later, it will help them stagger the rush time of traffic. Nevertheless, students would start their study restlessly, which influences their mood not mention to the study efficiency. A study in from California public schools shows that students can avoid transportation problems by changing their class time. What’ more, their literature and math scores are higher on the average.

To conclude, getting up early and attend class are good for both of students and teachers. I suggest that school should postpone their class time and improve students’ efficiency.

素材补充(选自:果壳网):(Mark Fischetti/文,IvyP/译)我们都有过早上起来与被窝作斗争,最后不得不睡眼惺忪地去上学的经历。这种现象可不是中国特有的——大洋对岸的美国家长、学生还有老师们也时常争论,中学的上课时间是不是太早了。而在过去的3年间有越来越多的研究表明,推迟上课时间有助提高学习的效果,并且上课时间越晚越好。







托福写作词汇分类汇总 科技类常用词整理一览

非常先进的 adj. state-of-the-art

尖端的 adj. cutting-edge

彻底变革 vt. revolutionize

自动化的 adj. automated

机械化的 adj. mechanized

电脑生成的 adj. computer-generated

组装线 assembly line

大规模生产 mass-production

省钱的 adj. cost-effective/ economical

深刻改变 vt. transform

突破 n. breakthrough

打破(传统的)界限 break boundaries

无限的可能 endless possibilities

发展 v.&n. advance

信息过剩 information overload

信息爆炸 information explosion

自给自足 n. self-sufficiency

虚拟世界 the virtual world

脱离现实 be detached from reality

(电脑的)摄像头 n. webcam

不可想象的 adj. inconceivable

远程通讯 n. telecommunications

高生产率的 adj. productive

自动化 n. automation

可利用的 adj. available

新颖的 adj. novel

耐用的 adj. durable

对用户友好的,方便使用的 adj. user-friendly

常规的 adj. conventional

增进,提高 vt. enhance = boost

加速 speed up/ accelerate

生产,制造 vt. manufacture

标准化的 adj. standardized

印刷机 printing press

电报 n. telegraph

外科手术 n. surgery

采用 vt. adopt

在家远程上班 n. telecommuting

网络银行(业务) online banking

提高效率 augment/ enhance/ boost efficiency

提高生产效率 augment/ enhance/ boost productivity

减少人力的机器 labor-saving machinery

取代人力的机器 labor-replacing machinery

自动化 n. automation

生物技术 n. biotechnology

克隆 v. clone

远程通讯 n. telecommunications

太空探索 space exploration/ space probe

人的基因构成 one’s genetic makeup/ one’s DNA programming

创新 n. innovations

有独创性的,精巧的 adj. ingenious

以惊人的速度 at a staggering rate

超轻的 adj. ultra-lightweight

超薄的 adj. ultra-thin

便携的 adj. portable

天线 n. antenna

器官移植 organ transplant

心脏起搏器 n. pacemaker

交易 n. transactions

载人登月 manned landing on the Moon

载人航天器 manned spacecraft

通讯卫星 telecommunications satellite

气象卫星 weather satellite/ meteorological satellite

发射台 launch pad

哈勃太空望远镜 the Hubble Space Telescope

防弹背心 bulletproof vest

尖端的技术 cutting-edge technology

信息爆炸 information explosion ( or over-load)

信息时代 the information age ( or era)

互联网的广泛应用 the proliferation of the Internet/ the extensive use of the Internet/ the widespread use of the Internet

科技创新及发展 technological innovations/ inventions/ advances/ progressions





托福写作通常是一个五段三点式的写作,通常我们也叫鱼骨头(Fish Bone)式。这样的结构就是最为普遍的议论文结构,开头段+中间三段+结尾段。千万不要小看这样的结构,以为这样的结构过于简单,过于八股。其实,新托福写作考查的也就是考生是否会熟练运用这样的结构去表达自己对一个观点的看法。美国的高中生会专门用一年的时间来学习这样的结构。所以在准备托福写作的时候,应该特别注意要熟练运用五段三点式这样的结构。







托福写作赏析:Food has become easier to prepare

Nowadays, food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


The twentieth century has brought with it many advances. With those advances, human lives have changed dramatically. In some ways life is worse, but mostly it is better. Changes in food preparation methods, for example, have improved our lives greatly.

The convenience of preparing food today is amazing. Even stoves have gotten too slow for us. Microwave cooking is much easier. We can press a few buttons and a meal is completely cooked in just a short time. People used to spend hours preparing an oven-cooked meal, and now they can use that time for other, better things. Plus, there are all kinds of portable, prepackaged foods we can buy. Heat them in the office microwave, and lunch at work is quick and easy.

Food preparation today allows for more variety. With refrigerators and freezers, we can preserve a lot of different foods in our homes. Since technology makes cooking so much faster, people are willing to make several dishes for even a small meal. Parents are more likely to let children be picky, now that they can easily heat them up some prepackaged macaroni and cheese on the side. Needless to say, adults living in the same house may have very different eating habits as well. If they don't want to cook a lot of different dishes, it's common now to eat out at restaurants several times a week.

Healthful eating is also easier than ever now. When people cook, they use new fat substitutes and cooking sprays to cut fat and calories. This reduces the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. Additionally, we can buy fruits and vegetable fresh, frozen or canned. They are easy to prepare, so many of us eat more of those nutritious items daily. A hundred years ago, you couldn't imagine the process of taking some frozen fruit and ice from the freezer, adding some low-fat yogurt from a plastic cup and some juice from a can in the refrigerator, and whipping up a low-fat smoothie in the blender!

Our lifestyle is fast, but people still like good food. What new food preparation technology has given us is more choices. Today, we can prepare food that is more convenient, healthier, and of greater variety than ever before in history.



Students at universities often have a choice of places to live. They may choose to live in university dormitories, or they may choose to live apartments in the community. Compare the advantages of living in university housing with the advantages of living in an apartment in the community. Where would you prefer to live? Give reasons for your preference.



I think it’s better for college students to live on-campus their first two years, and then move into an apartment off-campus life, while juniors and seniors need the independence of off-campus life. Students’ needs change over four years, so their housing should too.

Living on-campus makes it easier to get oriented to the way things are done. You get the whole university experience. Plus, you interact more with other students. This includes not only your roommates, but everyone in your dormitory. The older students in the dormitory can be a big help for the new students. Keeping up with studies your first year is hard enough. You shouldn’t have to worry about finding your way around and figuring out the university bureaucracy.

Living in the dormitory also makes a student feel more a part of the university community. There are more opportunities for becoming involved in university activities and networking with students and university administration.

Living off-campus, however, is a definite advantage for older students. Finding an apartment, dealing with leases and the landlord’s regulations, cooking meals, and figuring out budgets are all good practice for life after graduation. This kind of independence helps older students grow in adulthood.

Off-campus housing also gives students a better perspective on what’s going on around them. Campuses can be like little worlds of their own. There are few children or older people and everyone is focused on education. Getting to know neighbors who aren’t students is good for students coming from different places. It’s a chance to find out what other people think and feel.

I think a combination of two years on-campus and two years off-campus is a winning combination for most students.


dormitory:(学校等的)宿舍; 集体寝室; (在市内工作的人的)郊外住宅区

landlord:房东,地主; 店主

lease:租约; 租契; 租赁物; 租赁权

regulation:管理; 控制; 规章; 规则



In some countries, teenager have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea? Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.


I don't think it is a good idea for teenagers to have jobs while they are still students. It can interfere with their studies, it can disrupt their home life, and it takes away part of their childhood that they can never replace.

Education today is very complex and difficult .In order to learn and get good grades, a student must work very hard and concentrate. This means attending classes from early in the morning until late afternoon, then doing research for projects, then going home and doing homework. It’s a busy schedule for everyone. For someone trying to hold down a job, it’s even harder. Students need all their energy for their studies. If they're working after class at night, they’re going to be tired the next day. They won't be able to concentrate. This will have a negative impact on their learning, and eventually on their grades.

Having a job can also disrupt a teenager's home life. Families spend less and less time together. If a teenager has a job to go to after school, he won't be home for dinner. He won't be home after dinner either, and may not get home until late at night, This means he doesn't have a lot of time to spend with his family .If he doesn't have a car, it can mean changes in his parents' schedule ,too. They have to drive him to work and pick him up.

The main drawback of a teenager having a job while he's still a student is that he's missing out on the fun of being young. He has a whole lifetime in which he'll have to earn a living. This is the last free time he'll have, It’s the last chance he'll have to hang out with friends and just enjoy himself. Soon enough he'll have to worry about paying the rent and buying food.

Jobs bring money, but money isn't everything. A teenager with a job gives us too much. No one should spend all his time at working, and especially not a teenager



Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very early age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that young children should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views. Which view do you agree with? Why?



Should children play more or study more? The question is what will be better for the child. There are benefits to both activities, but the answer depends on the details of the situation.

There are many things that could affect the outcome of the argument. What kind of a school is it? It could be a school where children sit at their desks all day long memorizing dates and facts. Or it could be a school where the teacher helps the children learn what they want to learn. I think the second kind is a lot better for a child than the first kind.

Similarly, what kind of play are we talking about? The child could be alone all day long watching television, which could make him or her bored and lonely. Or the child could be involved in group activities with neighborhood children of the same age, which could help him or her learn how to get along with others.

I think both study and play are valuable, so I would prefer to send my child to a school where there is a combination. I think a variety of activities makes learning easier for anyone at any age.


memorizing:记住,熟记( memorize的现在分词 )


Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Most kids love to play sports. It’s important to them, but for the majority, it’s just one type of activity out of many that they do. For a small number of kids, though, a sport becomes their whole life. They spend almost all their time and energy practicing. This has both advantages and disadvantages.

Sports are good for young children in many ways. Kids who enjoy sports are likely to have better health. They develop good habits of daily exercise that will keep them healthy as adults, too. Today, many children and adults are overweight, but those who love sports stay in shape. Plus, by developing their physical abilities, they will learn how to work hard towards a goal. Their achievements in sports will make them feel good about themselves. They’ll also make friends and learn teamwork. Sports, whether a little or a lot, can have positive effects.

We admire the talent and dedication of young athletes, but we also wonder if they’re losing something. Their focus is very narrow. If they devote most of their time to sports, are they neglecting schoolwork? What about other interests? Children should try out many different activities. In addition, many young athletes are pressured by parents or coaches to succeed. Kids whose drive comes from inside usually do okay, but others can be unhappy and have health and emotional problems. So sports, like anything else in excess, can have negative effect too.

When I was young, I liked books and hated sports. I saw other people who loved sports and hated school. Now that I’m older, I’ve found a better balance. People have to figure out what’s right for them. Is there such a thing as too much sports? There is no right answer, because there is no “right amount.” Everyone is different.


The whole point of advertising is to encourage us to buy things we don't need. Advertisers are in the business of making money of themselves and their clients. If they manage to sell us something that's good for us too, that's fine. But their primary goal is profit.

It begins when we're children. Saturday morning children's television is full of commercials. Over and over again, children see images of toys and games. They see other children who are having the time of their lives. They watch these children and get the message that if they want to have that much fun, they need to buy those things. Thus, at a very early age, we're introduced to two ideas: that we want to be like everyone else, and we want to have what everyone else has.

This continues throughout our lives. We spend a lot of our money trying to keep up with our neighbors. We buy the latest model cars, have all the latest gadgets in our homes, and live a lifestyle beyond our budgets. Advertising encourages us to define ourselves by what we own rather than by who we are. It encourages a competition of false values and shallow measurements of what matters in our lives.

Advertising can be damaging. However, it is also one of the ways in which our economy keeps growing. People need to buy products in order for other people to have jobs manufacturing, transporting and selling those products. Advertising also keeps us informed about new products that may actually help us in some way. For these reasons, you could say advertising is a necessary evil.


Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture's ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country's culture.


Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?

Television screens, newspapers, buses, and almost all city streets are flooded by all kinds of advertisements. This has both advantages and disadvantages to consumers who are unavoidably influenced, though the degrees vary from person to person.

Because of the advertisements placed by many competing companies, consumers are able to learn about certain new products rapidly. If a product happens to be what some consumers need, they might be attracted to make a purchase and have trial use. If it turns out to be really good, people would set about recommending it to friends and the sales of this product will go up very quickly. So, we see this is a win-win situation both to consumers and manufacturers and we also see that consumers are not just influenced profoundly all at once. It takes time for them to establish faith in the advertised products.

In most cases, the advertised products are good and worth buying. But there are also cases where the effects or functions of a certain product are much exaggerated and it will definitely fool some people when they are attracted all at once and go to buy it. Since a product can only win the market through its quality and its long established fame, there's every reason to believe that those fake or much exaggerated products will eventually lose their market shares and die out. Thus, we see that the market is selective and consumers are sensible in the long term.

In developed countries, there are strict censorship and supervising systems regarding advertising. If the advertisement put up by a company fails to honor the advertised effects, it would be termed as fraud, thus violating the law which could lead to really serious result. In most cases, the manufacturing company would be fined so heavily that it would be difficult for it to survive any longer.

From the foregoing discussion, we can see that advertisements influence consumers both favorably and unfavorably and the degrees of this influence differ from person to person. To protect consumers, governments can follow the practice of developed countries by enforcing really strict censorship and supervising laws in regard to advertising as a whole.



Can advertising tell you a lot about a country?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.





Advertising does not mean to educate or illustrate. Primarily it is a vehicle for business and it aims to sell products. As a result, the information we can gather from looking at advertisings is quite limited. However, the cultural ideas used to sell commodities reveal a society's value system, and from the nature of the advertising and the product it aims to sell we can draw conclusions as to which social demography might be the most affluent.

In order to be most effective an advertising campaign will make use of the cultural values of a country. Obviously, companies will be able to sell more products if a great many people relate to the goods and the images used to sell them. For example, in a country like the United States where a great percentage of the population is religious, advertisers use expressions such as heavenly, divine, or revelation, because these have connotations that prospective customers will likely identify with. Similarly, advertisers will try to employ fashion models who embody a culture's ideals of personal beauty, because attractive men and women will sell more products than unattractive ones.

Companies identify social demographics or parts of society that are most likely to buy their products and design their advertisings accordingly. For example, teenage girls are more likely to buy mobile phones than retired factory workers. Thus companies will make use of fashion trends in their ads and probably pay a famous pop singer a big chunk of money to endorse their product. If the majority of all advertisings in a country are geared towards a specific target market or audience, then this part of the population probably has the most financial resources at their disposal.

Although we can learn some things about a country by looking at its advertising we have to remember that this knowledge is limited. After all, advertising is only directed at people who have the means to buy consumer goods. Thus advertising does not tell us anything about the overall prosperity or likes and dislikes of a country. Also, advertising not only reflects but also tries to shape and change cultural values. Therefore, it does not accurately reflect the exact state of a country's culture.


PR Some people say that advertising encourages us to buy things that we really do not need. Others say that advertisements tell us about new products that may improve our lives. Which viewpoint do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The whole point of advertising is to encourage us to buy things we don't need. Advertisers are in the business of making money of themselves and their clients. If they manage to sell us something that's good for us too, that's fine. But their primary goal is profit.

It begins when we're children. Saturday morning children's television is full of commercials. Over and over again, children see images of toys and games. They see other children who are having the time of their lives. They watch these children and get the message that if they want to have that much fun, they need to buy those things. Thus, at a very early age, we're introduced to two ideas: that we want to be like everyone else, and we want to have what everyone else has.

This continues throughout our lives. We spend a lot of our money trying to keep up with our neighbors. We buy the latest model cars, have all the latest gadgets in our homes, and live a lifestyle beyond our budgets. Advertising encourages us to define ourselves by what we own rather than by who we are. It encourages a competition of false values and shallow measurements of what matters in our lives.

Advertising can be damaging. However, it is also one of the ways in which our economy keeps growing. People need to buy products in order for other people to have jobs manufacturing, transporting and selling those products. Advertising also keeps us informed about new products that may actually help us in some way. For these reasons, you could say advertising is a necessary evil.


托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 交通类高频词一览

交通堵塞 traffic jam= traffic congestion

危险的路况 treacherous road conditions

公交 public transit

磁悬浮列车 magnetically-levitated trains

轻轨 sky train

有轨电车 streetcar/ tram/ trolley

渡轮 n. ferry

横冲直撞 road rage

蛮不讲理的司机 aggressive drivers

不负责任地开车 reckless driving

酒后驾车 drunk driving

肇事者 n. culprit/ offender

每天经过长距离去上班的人们 n. commuter

交通量 traffic volume/ volume of traffic

交通方式 modes/ means of transportation

交通工具 n. vehicle

下降 n.&vi. decline

人口稠密的 adj. densely-populated

激增 vi. soar

拥挤的 adj. packed/ crowded

被挤在……里 be squished up

人口爆炸,人口激增 population explosion/ population boom

提高征税 impose higher taxes on

行人 n. pedestrian

罚款 vt.&n. fine

行人公交像沙丁鱼罐头那么拥挤 adj. sardine-packed

危险的 adj. hazardous

地铁的一节车厢 subway car

加长轿车 n. limo

车队 n. fleet

拼车 n.&vi. car-pool

大都市的 adj. metropolitan

过度拥挤 n. overcrowding

撞车 n. collision/ car accident

人口密度 density of population

高架桥,过街天桥 n. overpass

地下过街通道 n. underpass

内燃机 internal combustion engine

柴油机 n. diesel engine

蒸汽驱动的 adj. steam-driven

汽油驱动的 adj. petrol-driven

以氢气为动力的 adj. hydrogen-driven

混乱的 adj. chaotic

马拉的观光车 horse-drawn carriage

欧洲古代的战车 n. chariot

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:the thing representing your country


The thing representing your country

If you were asked to send one thing representing your country to an international exhibition, what would you choose? Why? Use specific reasons and details to explain your choice.




If I were to send one thing to an international exhibition that represented my culture, it would be rice. Chinese culture, boasting a lengthy history, is composed of numerous sub-cultures. The agricultural way of life, centered around rice, has played a vastly important part in the country's history. For thousands of years, the Chinese have been diligently cultivating their land. Blood, sweat and tears have been shed over their soil in the pursuit of favorable harvests. This reliance on the land for so many thousands of years accounts for China's strong rural essence. The need for rice production has led the Chinese to pay particular attention to irrigation technologies and improving cultivation. The agricultural way of life, centered on rice, has had a strong influence on the social, economic, political and ideological developments of ancient China. In this sense, traditional Chinese culture may be considered a “rice culture.” “A meal without rice,” the Chinese say, “is like a beautiful woman with only one eye.” In China, where the word for rice is also the word for food, young girls are warned that every grain of rice they leave in their bowls will be a pockmark on the face of their future husbands. Instead of saying, “How are you?” as a typical greeting, the Chinese ask “Have you had your rice today?” Quitting or losing a job is called “breaking the rice bowl” and it is bad luck to upset a bowl of rice. Rice is also a very important commodity in today's society. It is one of the major exports in China, allowing people all over the world to take part in something that emanates Chinese culture. Rice remains a staple food for both the rich and the poor, and there is hardly a meal had in our country that does not involve this fine grain. As you can see from the above-mentioned text, rice is an integral part of Chinese culture and tradition. While Chinese culture is spread over a vast number of arts and crafts, I believe that it is the humble, but profound rice that speaks to us all, and most poignantly represents the essence of our culture.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:teachers paid according to students


Should teachers be paid according to how much their students learn?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn. Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


不能同意。乍看起来(at the first glance)很有道理。问题在于:教育不是商品。如何保证能够确切地衡量学生究竟学到了多少?学生学到多少,并不是老师一个人的事情,还要看学生自身的素质(quality);能力(capacity)等等。如果采取了这样的方式,就会出现老师迎合(cater to/ pander to/ play up to students' taste)学生而不是引导 (guide; lead)学生,违背了教育的原则。


People usually believe that teachers have the most important job in all of society. They raise our children to be forward-thinking, bright individuals. They ensure that children get along with each other, and learn to work together as a team. As such, being a teacher typically means a stable paycheck. However, when some people propose that teachers should be paid according to how much their students learn, I can hardly agree. First of all, students may not be interested in learning. When students are not interested in learning, the teacher can hardly be held responsible. The teacher can grade them harshly, keep them in after class, and discipline them severely, but the students will still not learn if they do not want to. If the teacher is trying his/her best to teach the students, and the information is presented clearly and succinctly, he/she can do no better job. Moreover, there is a limit on how much a child can learn. If a teacher was to be paid according to how much his/her students learned, there would be a certain point where he/she could teach them no more. I remember when I was in high school, there would be moments in the year when I didn't think I could fit any more information into my head. This was not my teacher's fault, and the point is that I just was not absorbing the material. I think many teachers would find this problem if they were paid by how much their students learnt. Most importantly, teachers should not be paid according to how much their students learn because some of the lessons that a student learns cannot be measured by a test. We cannot simply give children a test to discover how much they have learnt in a class. Tests rarely measure one's social skills, one's ability to communicate, or one's ability to integrate successfully into the world. However, it is the teachers who help students to manifest these qualities.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:modern technology creat world culture


Is modern technology creating a single world culture?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Modern technology is creating a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.


立场:不同意。确实技术的进步使得各个文化之间的差异减少了。(可以举出很多例子) 但是有一些文化差异是不会改变的。(也可以举出很多例子) 结论:技术将使文化间的差异变少,却不可能形成一个single world culture。


Through modern technology such as TV, telephone, and the Internet, it has become easier for people from different cultures to communicate. In a sense the world has become a smaller place. However, it is questionable if technology is creating a single world culture, because, even though a cultural exchange is taking place, accessibility of this technology is still very limited, and, more importantly, people have come to value the differences inherent in their cultures.

People around the world are taking advantage of the opportunities, presented by modern technology, to learn about other cultures. Not only foreign movies, music, and books communicate with the locals, but the different cultural values do, which are readily available on DVD, CD and via the Internet. Similarly, TV broadcasts fashions across the world and a new style of dress will likely catch on quickly in different parts of the globe. People adopt foreign things they like and make them their own. In this sense cultural assimilation is taking place.

However, while some societies and their cultures are technologically advanced and thus connected with other parts of the world, the majority of the world's population lives largely isolated. Such isolation is the result of limited technological resources, which in turn is, generally, related to poverty. For example, nearly the entire continent of Africa is impoverished. Its people have few means to learn about other cultures, and even if they did they would have little use for Western culture, which to a great extent is a consumer culture. They are also extremely limited in the ways they can educate people from other parts of the world about their cultures.

Finally, people who are learning about foreign cultures generally come to appreciate and accept the differences between other cultures and their own. They recognize the value of variety. The enjoyment they derive from experiencing foreign languages, dances, songs, visual and culinary arts, also allows them to see the value in their own cultures' achievements. Therefore, cultural exchange does not necessarily result in the melting of many cultures into one.

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