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This afternoon, in the first class, the teacher said, “let's look up the dictionary. The students have all brought the dictionary, only a few of them don't have one.”. To be honest, I'll let the parents buy the ones I didn't bring first. The students learned to look up the dictionary under the guidance of the teacher. I didn't bring it with me and I'm not good at it. I'll study hard tomorrow.

篇2: 四年级英语日记带翻译



“Hi, everyone. This time, I will be your guide again. This time, we came to Dubai, an oasis in the desert. ” With a white baseball cap and a smile on my face, I smiled at the tourists.


You know what? It turns out that there are all white deserts, all salt and alkali, everything is salty, and it's a barren land. But this harsh natural environment did not fail the people of UAE. They bought mud, fresh water and saplings from abroad, filled them with mud water, and buried underground water pipes. Although there is a water pipe under the flowers and trees, the people of UAE still use water to water these flowers and trees, so as to make them more beautiful. You see, there are trees and flowers all over the street, but no one is climbing branches and picking flowers. No one is trampling on the lawn and doing these acts of not caring for the environment, because they know that these flowers, plants and trees are bought by the country at a high price.


Think about our country. It's full of climbing trees, picking flowers and trampling on the lawn. Why? Because these things can be seen everywhere in our country, too many, do not know how to cherish them. But if our country has as few of these things as the United Arab Emirates, will we cherish the flowers, plants and trees?


Therefore, we should take good care of the environment from now on. OK, next is free time. Have fun.

篇3: 我买了《新编字典》英语日记带翻译



I always wanted to buy a new dictionary. My mother asked me to save my own money. Today, I finally have enough money.


I happily took the money and bought my dream new dictionary.


I can't wait to look up the words when I get the dictionary. Today, my father taught me how to use radical search.


I'm so happy today.



今天有一节美术课,这是我们第一次上美术课,在下操后,我们直接去美术室了。 今天一下课,我们直接去实验楼了,到了二楼我们进入了美术室。我们在教室里找了板凳坐下后,我们听了老师的介绍后和画画的技巧,我们就开始画画了。老师又说想学美术特长的去对面的教室。我在另一个教室里,我们分成了两组,一组是男生,一组是女生。我们个拿着一个画小板,我们男生画的是正方形,她们女生画的是长方形。画好后我们画的都不一样,因为我们的.角度都不一样,高新中是画的最好的。 今天上的美术课真是让我受益匪浅呀。老师说美术得奖多,加上的分多。

Today, there is an art class. This is our first art class. After the exercise, we went to the art room directly. Today, after class, we went directly to the experimental building. On the second floor, we entered the art room. We found a bench in the classroom and sat down. After listening to the teacher's introduction and painting skills, we began to draw. The teacher said that he wanted to learn art and went to the opposite classroom. I am in another classroom, we are divided into two groups, one is male, the other is female. We each hold a small drawing board. Our boys draw a square, and their girls draw a rectangle. After painting, we did not draw the same, because we have different angles. Gaoxin middle school is the best one. Today's art class really benefited me a lot. The teacher said that art won more awards, plus more points.

篇5: 学认字小学四年级英语日记带翻译



This afternoon, when I came home from school, I turned on the computer and looked at the Chinese character palace to recognize many Chinese characters. For example, “Meng and Meng are different from each other in pronunciation. We must distinguish them, dish and blood. We must also distinguish each Chinese character has an interesting meaning. Our Chinese characters have a long history. Children, we must learn to read well!




I am a little girl who can learn. Let's share my learning experience.

1 学会学习,需要发现并保持对学习的'兴趣。

Learning to learn requires discovering and maintaining interest in learning.

2 学会学习,需要掌握科学的学习方法,‘’工欲善其事,必先利其器‘’。

To learn how to learn, we need to master scientific learning methods. If we want to work well, we must first make use of our tools.

3 学会学习,还有意味不同的学习方法。‘’独学而无友,孤陋而寡闻‘’。

Learning to learn, there are different learning methods. ”Learn by yourself without friends, be isolated and ignorant.\"


Finally, I want to tell you that we should learn to learn.


我生活中的一天 A day in my life

My family lives on this street. In the morning, my father goes to work and all the children go to school. My mother takes us to school everyday. She does the housework. She always has her lunch at home, and sees her friends in the afternoon. In the evening all the children come home from school. They always get home early. My father goes home from work and he is often late. After supper my two brothers and I do our homework. We go to bed at ten.



我们玩得很开心英语日记 We play very happy

Today I'm very happy,after I have breakfast,I go to park.

It's a sunny day ,the bird is singing,I'm singing too.When I get to park,I see some girls are playing games ,so I join them.We play very happy.Then I have lunch with my friends.We both have a good time.what's a happy day!

相关专题 英语字典