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例题:Far from being ____ the corporate world because of cutbacks, serious researchers are playing a growing role in innovation at many firms.

A. lured to


B. enchanted with


C. banished from


D. protected by


E. immured in




解析:far from提示句中前后两部分的对比。主句内容为研究者扮演了日益重要的角色,则far from之后的内容与之取反,表达“不重要”之意。即可知只有C项符合此推断:“被逐出企业界”表示研究者完全不起任何作用。



例题:Certain music lovers yearn for (i)____, but when it is achieved, there is something missing; perhaps they feel uncomfortable in a world where nothing discernible is (ii)____.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. novelty D. wrong

新生事物 错误的

B. beauty E. visionary

美丽 虚构的

C. flawlessness F. changed

完美无缺 改变了的

答案:C D


解析:分号提示前后两句为同义重复。前句提示一些音乐爱好者渴望某种状态实现,然而一旦实现又觉得不快。后句解释了此种状态。something missing对应着feel uncomfortable,则第一空所填内容正是“nothing discernible is......”,即“没有什么是第二空”=“第一空”。两空填一对反义词。C选项和D选项是唯一可能的答案组合。



例题:In American Indian art, the supposed distinction between modern and traditional was fabricated by critics, and when artists have control over interpretation of their own work, the distinction appears, happily, to have been ______.

A. eliminated 消灭

B. reinforced 增强

C. put to rest 消除

D. intensified 增强

E. recognized 承认

F. established 建立







1. The corporation expects only _________ increases in sales next year despite a yearlong effort to revive its retailing business.

(A) unquestionable

(B) sequential

(C) modest

(D) exaggerated

(E) groundless

分析:空格填入一个形容词,修饰“销售增长(increases in sales)”,并且这是公司所“期待(expects)”的。despite 表达让步转折,所以空格要体现和“一年的努力来让零售业务复苏(a yearlong effort to revive itsretailing business)”不相匹配的结果。A 毫无疑问的;B 连续的;C 适当的,有限的;D 夸张的;E 无理由的。C 选项正确。


2. The eradication of pollution is not merely a matter of ______, though the majestic beauty of nature is indeed an important consideration.

(A) economics

(B) legislation

(C) cleanliness

(D) aesthetics

(E) restoration

分析:空格填入一个名词,表示对“根除污染(The eradication of pollution)”的描述;though 表达让步转折,not 表示否定,所以空格应该体现和“大自然壮丽的美景(the majestic beauty of nature)”相同的含义。A 经济学;B 立法,法律;C 清洁;D 美学;E 恢复。D 选项正确。



3. For more than a century, geologists have felt comfortable with the idea that geological processes, although very_________, are also _________ and so are capable of shaping the Earth, given enough time.

(A) minute...sporadic

(B) slow...steady

(C) complex...discernible

(D) unpredictable...constant

(E) ponderous...intermittent

分析:本题构成了“A and B 模式”。空格 1 应该填入一个形容词,修饰“地质作用(geological processes)”,although 表示让步转折,所以空格 1 至少体现和“能够构造地球(capable of shaping the Earth)”相反的语义,即一个负评价词。A 微小的“”时有时无的,零星的;B 缓慢的“”稳定的;C 复杂的“”可辨别的;D 不可预测的“”不变的;E 沉重的,笨重的“”间歇的。ABC 都可以候选。空格 2 填入一个形容词,也是修饰“地质作用”,所以空格 2 应该体现和空格 1 相反而不矛盾,所以应该是正评价词,并且,空格 2 后的 so表示空格 2 还要和“能够构造地球”形成因果关系。所以只有 B 选项正确。




1. Their ________ of loyalties is first to oneself, next to kin, then to fellow tribe members, and finally to compatriots.

(A) merging

(B) hierarchy

(C) definition

(D) judgment

(E) cognizance

分析:空格填入一个名词,表示对“忠诚度(loyalties)”状态的描述,并且要体现表语部分first…next…then…finally所表达的层次结构特征。A 合并;B等级,层次;C 定义;D 判断;E 认识。B选项正确。


2. The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval_________natural settings had been _______ and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.

(A) fear of...exorcised

(B) concerns about...regained

(C) affection for...surmounted

(D) disinterest in...alleviated

(E) enthusiasm for...confronted

分析:空格 1 填入一个名词+介词的结构,表示“中世纪(medieval)”人们对“自然环境(natrual settings)”的态度,空格 2 填入一个动词,表示空格 1 所承受的动作。Now 和 medieval 构成了时间对比关系,其中 now不是指“现在”而是指“那个时候”,也就是 18 世纪;without 表示否定。所以,空格 1 应该体现 “恐惧(trepidation)”的同义概念,而空格 2 则应该体现一个负动作,和“享受(enjoyed)”相对;或者空格 1体现和“恐惧”相反的含义,空格填入一个正动作。A 害怕,畏惧“”驱赶,驱逐;B 关心“”夺取,夺回;C 爱,“”克服,打破;D 冷漠“”缓解,减轻;E 狂热“”面对,面临。A 选项正确。

翻译:18 世纪理想的风景写生证明了中世纪人们对大自然的恐惧已经消除,那时候人们已经可以毫不害怕地享受户外景色。


3. Art _________ science, but that does not mean that the artist must also be a scientist; an artist uses the fruits of science but need not _________ the theories from which they derive.

(A) precedes...anticipate

(B) incorporates...understand

(C) transcends...abandon

(D) imitates...repudiate

(E) resembles...contest

分析:空格 1 填入一个动词,表示“艺术(Art)”和“科学(science)”之间的关系;分号表示前后复指,空格 1 应该和“使用(uses)”对应。空格 2 填入一个动词,表示“艺术家(artist)”对“理论(theories)”做的动作,应该体现“艺术家不需要成为科学家(that does not mean that the artist must also be a scientist)”的含义,所以空格 2 要填入“科学家应该对理论作的动作”。A 领先于“”期望;B 整合,融为一体“”理解;C 超越“”放弃;D 模仿“”否定,拒绝接受;E 类似“”竞争。B 选项正确。




例题:Only with the discovery of an ozone hole over Antarctica in 1985 did chemical companies finally relinquish their opposition to a ban on chlorofluorocarbons(CFCs), which destroy ozone. The discovery suggested that strong political action to halt production of CFCs might be (i)______, and fortunately, the chemical industry no longer felt compelled to oppose such action: although companies had recently (ii)______ their research into CFC substitutes, studies they had initiated years earlier had produced (iii)______ results.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

A. imminent D. corroborated G. encouraging

迫在眉睫,势在必行 证实 喜人的

B. imprudent E. publicized H. inconclusive

冲动,不谨慎 公开 试探性的

C. premature F. curtailed I. unsurprising

幼稚,不成熟 减少 意料中的



解析:本题的前半段与Practice Book 版Section 4的第1题几乎完全一样。第二句话是对第一句的解释,即发现臭氧空洞导致化工企业放弃对禁令的反对、不再生产氟利昂。故第一空所填词应当表明生产氟利昂必须被禁止,A选项是正确答案。后两空所在的句子根据冒号提示,解释了“化工企业无需反对禁令”,即意味着化工企业已经找到了氟利昂的替代品,所以第三空必然填入一个正面积极的词,只有G选项最为合适。第二空根据although提示的转折,F选项表示带有消极色彩的含义,为正确答案。



例题:In American Indian art, the supposed distinction between modern and traditional was fabricated by critics, and when artists have control over interpretation of their own work, the distinction appears, happily, to have been ______.

A. eliminated 消灭

B. reinforced 增强

C. put to rest 消除

D. intensified 增强

E. recognized 承认

F. established 建立






6. If a species of parasite is to survive, the host organisms must live long enough for the parasite to (i) ______; if the host species becomes (ii) ______, so do its parasites.

Blank (i)

A atrophy

B reproduce

C defeat

Blank (ii)

D extinct

E widespread

F healthy

7. The success of science is due in great part to its emphasis on (i) ______: the reliance on evidence rather than (ii) ______ and the willingness to draw conclusions even when they conflict with traditional beliefs.

Blank (i)

A creativity

B conservatism

C objectivity

Blank (ii)

D preconceptions

E facts

F experimentation

8. Observable as a tendency of our culture is a (i) ______ of (ii) ______ psychoanalysis: we no longer feel that it can solve our emotional problems.

Blank (i)

A withdraw

B defense

C divergence

Blank (ii)

D weaknesses in

E enigmas in

F belief in

9. Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by (i) ______, the leaders of the movement have recently (ii) ______ most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.

Blank (i)

A participation

B proclamation

C coercion

Blank (ii)

D codified

E deliberated

F repudiated

10. The President reached a decision only after lengthy (i) ______, painstakingly weighing the (ii) ______ opinions expressed by cabinet members.

Blank (i)

A deliberation

B canvassing

C relegation

Blank (ii)

D consistent

E divergent

F conciliatory


1. The senator's attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term is (i) ______ given the extremely (ii) ______ fund-raising activities of his campaign committee.

Blank (i)

A premature

B disingenuous

C praiseworthy

Blank (ii)

D apathetic

E public

F abortive

2. The prevailing union of passionate interest in detailed facts with equal devotion to abstract (i) ______ is a hallmark of our present society; in the past this union appeared, at best, (ii) ______ and as if by chance.

Blank (i)

A generalization

B computation

C triviality

Blank (ii)

D cyclically

E sporadically

F selectively

3. Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the (i) ______ performance in the (ii) ______ style we had anticipated.

Blank (i)

A prosaic

B inspired

C literal

Blank (ii)

D innovative

E mechanical

F tenuous

4. It is (i) ______ for a government to fail to do whatever it can to eliminate a totally (ii) ______ disease.

Blank (i)

A crucial

B instinctive

C irresponsible

Blank (ii)

D devastating

E preventable

F innocuous

5. Many of the earliest colonial houses that are still standing have been so modified and enlarged that the (i) ______ design is no longer (ii) ______.

Blank (i)

A initial

B pertinent

C intended

Blank (ii)

D discernible

E necessary

F applicable


6. No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to (i) ______ and electronically (ii) ______ the disks on which data are stored.

Blank (i)

A infect

B prepare

C restore

Blank (ii)

D secure

E damage

F repair

7. Stress is experienced when an individual feels that the (i) ______ of the environment (ii) ______ that individual's resources for handling them.

Blank (i)

A ambiences

B demands

C benefits

Blank (ii)

D intensify

E preclude

F exceed

8. Documenting science’s (i) ______ philosophy would be (ii) ______, since it is almost axiomatic that many philosophers use scientific concepts as the foundations for their speculations.

Blank (i)

A influence on

B reliance on

C distrust of

Blank (ii)

D superfluous

E difficult

F elementary

9. During the widespread fuel shortage, the price of gasoline was so (i) ______ that suppliers were generally thought to be (ii) ______ the consumer.

Blank (i)

A oscillatory

B reactive

C excessive

Blank (ii)

D placating

E gouging

F shielding

10. To have true disciples, a thinker must not be too (i) ______ : any effective intellectual leader depends on the ability of other people to (ii) ______ thought processes that did not originate with them.

Blank (i)

A methodical

B idiosyncratic

C self-confident

Blank (ii)

D stimulate

E dismiss

F reenact


例题:Far from being ____ the corporate world because of cutbacks, serious researchers are playing a growing role in innovation at many firms.

A. lured to


B. enchanted with


C. banished from


D. protected by


E. immured in




解析:far from提示句中前后两部分的对比。主句内容为研究者扮演了日益重要的角色,则far from之后的内容与之取反,表达“不重要”之意。即可知只有C项符合此推断:“被逐出企业界”表示研究者完全不起任何作用。



例题:Certain music lovers yearn for (i)____, but when it is achieved, there is something missing; perhaps they feel uncomfortable in a world where nothing discernible is (ii)____.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. novelty D. wrong

新生事物 错误的

B. beauty E. visionary

美丽 虚构的

C. flawlessness F. changed

完美无缺 改变了的

答案:C D


解析:分号提示前后两句为同义重复。前句提示一些音乐爱好者渴望某种状态实现,然而一旦实现又觉得不快。后句解释了此种状态。something missing对应着feel uncomfortable,则第一空所填内容正是“nothing discernible is......”,即“没有什么是第二空”=“第一空”。两空填一对反义词。C选项和D选项是唯一可能的答案组合。


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