
七柾姥姥 分享 时间: 收藏本文









There’s nothing to tell! 没什么好说的。

He’s just some guy I work with! 他只是跟我一起工作而已。

Carol moved her stuff out today. 卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬走了。

Did I say that out loud? 我很大声地说了吗?

She didn’t know, how should I know? 她都不知道,我怎么会知道?

I am feeling a lot of pain right now. 我现在很痛苦。

How did you get through it? 你是怎样熬过来的?

Why am I doing this, and who am I doing this for? 我为什么要做这个?我又为了谁?

Who am I gonna ask? 我应该问谁呢?

What if I don’t wanna do that? 如果我不做呢?

Well, it matters to me! 但对我来说很重要!

It’s a metaphor. 这只是个比喻。

What does that mean? 那是什么意思?

I never made coffee before. 我以前从未煮过咖啡。

Push her down the stairs! 把她推下楼!

Put the book back. 把书放回去。

I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name. Paul, was it? 不好意思,我没听清楚你的名字。“保罗”是吗?

I thought he was a good guy. 我以为他是好人。

You are trained for nothing. 你书都白念了。

You(really)know me well. 你真了解我。

How did you pay for them? 你用什么付钱?

I know (exactly) how you feel. 我知道你的感受。

Look what I just found on the floor. 看看我在地板上找到什么?

Let’s split it. 我们分了它吧。

What’s with you? 你怎么了?

What did you get? 你得到了什么?

You know what the scariest part is? 你知道最可怕的是什么吗?

What were you gonna say? 你刚才想说什么?

Wish me luck! 祝我好运吧!

You can’t live off your parents your whole life. 你不能一辈子都靠父母。

I can’t believe what I’m hearing here. 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。

Was he doing it again? 他又这样做了吗?

Serious? 真的吗?/ 严重吗?



Could you come and help me with the spaghetti, please? 可以过来帮我弄一下意大利面吗?

I think it might take some of the heat off me. 我想这样可以让我喘口气。

What’s that (supposed to) mean? 那是什么意思呢?

Nothing! It’s an expression. 没有,随便说说而已。

Don’t listen to your father. 不要听你爸乱说。

They are satisfied with staying where they are. 他们安于现状。

We don’t have that problem. 我们没有那个问题。

What happened between you and him? 你们之间发生什么事了?

Here’s what happened. 事情是这样的。

She’s pregnant with my child, and we are going to raise the baby. 她有了我的孩子,我们准备把孩子养大。

You knew about this? 这些你都知道吗?

What does she do? 她是做什么工作的?

I kinda gotta clean up now. 我要开始打扫了。

He is an only child. 他是个独生子。

I don’t have any problem of this. 我没有这种问题。/ 我没有这种烦恼。

How long was he in there? 他在那里呆多久了?

Got any advice? 有什么建议吗?

When did it get so complicated? 什么时候变得那么复杂了?

Remember when we were in high school together? 还记得我们的高中时代吗?

I never thought I’d be here. 我从未想过自己会落得如此地步。

How could I forget? 我怎能忘记?

Good shake. Good shake. (握手时)你/他/她的手好有力。

Does she familiar with the situation? 她熟悉情况吗?

She’s very supportive. 她很支持。

He’s gonna be here for hours. 他要在这里呆几个小时。



She’s gagging. 她快断气了。

I dumped him. 我甩了他。

Give me a ’for instance’. 比如说?/ 举个例子。

I got a job. 我找了份工作。

Why are you so tanned? 你怎么晒得那么黑?

I really wanted to thank you. 我真的得感谢你。

I thought we were happy。 我以为我们很快乐。

Spit! 吐出来。

Thank you for giving it to me. 谢谢你把它送给我。

Thank you for giving it back. 谢谢你把它还给我。

Why is she in the title? 为什么她会有份?

She gets a credit. 她把功劳都抢走了。

Any nausea? 想呕吐吗?

I don’t want to be involved in this thing. 我不想卷进这件事。

Isn’t that amazing? 很神奇吧?

What are we supposed to be seeing here? 我们要看什么?

Tilt your head to the left. 头向左边移。

You’re gonna be an aunt. 你要当姑姑了。

It was a cheap shot. 阴招。/ 贱招。

We should do it again. 我们得再做一次。

Since when? 什么时候开始的?

Relax your hand! 手放松。

Give it to me. 把它给我。

Don’t think of it as a cigarette. 不要把它当成香烟。

I feel complete. 我感到满足。

That’s ridiculous! 那太荒谬了!

What did they do to you? 他们对你怎样了?

There’s five hundred extra dollars in my account. 我的帐户上多了500美元。

Keep it. 你留着吧。

We’re with you。 我们支持你。/ 我们站你那边。



Women could and did play a part in this process of settlement. Iceland, for instance, was uninhabited, and a permanent population could only be established if women also made the journey there. (后一句的具体事例为前一句提供说明与解释)

People borrowed more and more money so that they could buy these shares. Because of this, the American people started to believe that share prices could only go up further. (“because of”明显的因果关系)

Astronomy is a science that deals with all the celestial bodies in the universe. Astronomy includes the study of planets and their satellites, comets and meteors, stars and interstellar matter, star systems and clusters. (后一句是对前一句celestial bodies 的进一步解释)

Previously it was believed that due to the Archaeopteryx’s (始祖鸟) underdeveloped anatomy, it would not have been able to fly. However, research by the London Natural History Museum into its brain developed and that it had good vision and a good sense of balance — all the requirements for a creature to be able to fly. (“However”转折对比)

阅读时,我们可以根据段落中出现的一些信号词(Signal Words)来判断句子与句子之间的关系,掌握段落发展线索,来调整阅读速度,提高阅读质量。


There has been an upsurge of interest in chamber music. Likewise opera is receiving a boost from increased record sales.


and, furthermore, more, than, that, also, likewise, moreover, in addition, what is more, for instance, for example


I’d like to go but I’m too busy.


although, however, on the contrary, but, in spite of, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, yet


As a result of the pilots’ strike, all flights have had to be cancelled.

All flights have had to be cancelled as a result of the pilots’ strike.


for, thus, because, for this reason, so, therefore, as, since, consequently


Internet speeds communication between companies, among co-workers through video-conferences, and among other individuals. First, media companies use the Internet for online news, or to broadcast audio and video, including live radio and television programs, while individuals use the Internet for communication, entertainment, finding information, buying and selling goods and services. Second, the notion of distance disappears thanks to the Internet. People also enjoy instant messaging to exchange text messages or pictures in real time, with real-time video and sound. Finally, scientists and scholars use the Internet to perform research, distribute lecture notes or course materials to students, they communicate with colleagues, and can also publish papers and articles.


first, second, third, and so on, then, after, before, next, last, afterward, finally


In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.

词组“in conclusion”前面所提到的一些信息将在这里被归纳总结。读到带有这样的信号词或短语的句子时,应格外留心注意,它们往往会向我们提示相关段落的核心信息。表示结论或总结的信号词和短语还有:as a result, finally, therefore, accordingly, in short, thus, consequently, in conclusion, so, in brief, in a word.







第一词 Difference

意思是差别。对于difference只需要掌握一到两个短语,我们口语水平就会前进一大步,让你的同学对你刮目相看,那就是make a difference(有很大不同)或make no differences(没什么不同)。


Chinglish: Please use this kind of cosmetics, the effect is absolutely different.

Revision: Please try this sort of cosmetics, i bet it'll make a big difference.



Chinglish:God, please give me a chance again, I won't do this again.


Revision: God, please grant me another chance, and I'll make a difference.

凡是一样不一样,都可以考虑这两个短语,你用好了,绝对可以make a difference。

另外说一下,受教科书的影响,说“不同”的时候中国学生习惯be different from这一句型。但是很多时候differ from这个动词形式更简单,try it, and you'll make a difference,让你的老师、同学对你刮目相看。

西方人崇尚个人奋斗,追求与他人不一样。这个词,对于他们来说,太神圣了。在google.com中,make a difference这一短语搜索结果近600万,所以以后有条件,我们就要make a difference,没有条件时,创建条件也要make a difference。


You're talking about Telecom and Unicom. The way I see it, they make no differences at all.

第二词 Enjoy

这一动词我印象比较深刻,它的用法比较简单,凡是带有“享受到”的意思就可以用。反义词是suffer (from)。



In Africa, Botswana is one of the few countries which enjoys a good reputation for corruption control and the DCEC has attracted favourable attention from analysts, donors and Botswana's regional neighbours.


再如:UN conference to study why women in war-torn States suffer justice deficit.

第三词 Available




Chinglish: Sorry, we have no seats now.

Revision: Sorry, no seats available.GRE,TOEFL,SAT,IELTS,GMAT,visa,USA,留学,签证,申请,美国,英国,加拿大,欧洲


Chinglish: This website can't be visited temporarily.

Revision: Website Temporarily Unavailable.


第四词 Surprise




My boyfriend has come to see me. It's really a big surprise!


To this veteran teacher, it's one surprise after another.



第五词 Skills



Chinglish:How to improve our English level? (他们一般不这么说,但是应该可以看懂)

Revision :How to improve our English skills?


Chinglish:His writing and translating level are very high.

Revision:He has very good writing and translation skills.

现在追求技术的时代,skills也走俏。什么English skills, computer skills, study skills, survival skills, writing skills...都泛滥了,我们也“决口”一次如何?

第六词 Offer




Chinglish:Thank you for your goodwill, but I can go home on foot.

Revision: Thanks for your offer, but I can walk home.


version 1:People from all over the country all giving their hands to the disaster area.

Alt Version: People from all over the country are offering helping hands to the disaster area.他给了一件工作给我。

version 1: He gave me a job to do.

Better version: He offered me a job.

Offer可以做动词用,也可以做名词用。还有一些固定搭配,其中Job offer非常红。


这个机会可是我最后给你的。答应不答应随你的便。This is my last offer to you. Take it or leave it.




Chinglish: I did one or two times, but I failed.

Revision: I tried a couple of times, but I failed.


Chinglish: Please put down your heart. I'll give all my strength out.

Revsion: Don't worry, I'll try my best.


Chinglish:This cake is so delicious, please eat a little.

Revision: The cake is so delicious. Please try some.


Chinglish: It won't do. Please see it again.

Revision: It won't do. Please try again.


This skirt looks so beautiful. Would you please try it?


So, Please try this word more often.


1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。

2. A common danger causes common action. 同舟共济。

3. A contented mind is a continual / perpetual feast. 知足常乐。

4. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

5. A guest should suit the convenience of the host. 客随主便。

6. A letter from home is a priceless treasure. 家书抵万金。

7. All rivers run into the sea. 殊途同归。

8. All time is no time when it is past. 机不可失,时不再来。

9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一日一个苹果,身体健康不求医。

10. As heroes think, so thought Bruce. 英雄所见略同。

11. A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

12. Behind the mountains there are people to be found. 天外有天,山外有山。

13. Bad luck often brings good luck. 塞翁失马,安知非福。

14. Bread is the stall of life. 面包是生命的支柱。(民以食为天。)

15. Business is business. 公事公办。

16. Clumsy birds have to start flying early. 笨鸟先飞。

17. Courtesy costs nothing. 礼多人不怪。

18. Custom makes all things easy.习惯成自然。

19. Desire has no rest. 人的欲望无止境。

20. Difficult the first time, easy the second. 一回生,二回熟。







“This response is sustained and the speech is generally understandable. At times, though, the speaker’s pronunciation makes it difficult to understand the meaning of her ideas. She really gives only reason why she likes shopping. This reason is used repetitively without much elaboration. Shopping is something she likes very much and makes her feel better. She could have added complexity to her ideas by saying something like “when I go shopping, I usually go with friends and we have a good time together without thinking about jobs, or schoolwork.” She also makes some basic grammatical errors and uses a limited range of vocabulary.”

这是对于一篇Middle level的口语回答的评价。从中我们不难发现以下几个问题:

发音:事实上,托福口语考试在发音方面仅仅是要求考生的发音是准确的即可,不论对于某个单词的发音是不是有浓重的口音,只要这个单词的元音发准确,重音不说错即可,因为只要满足了这两条就可以达到“makes one’s ideas/meaning understandable” 的要求。这一条成为影响我们取分的首要因素。





“The speaker is fairly fluent and easy to comprehend. However, there is some hesitancy or choppiness, which seems to occur as she searches for ideas and do not because of linguistic breakdown. In this response, the speaker has more difficulty using effective pause structure. She has a tendency to complete one thought and immediately begin the next, without pausing in between. At times she then stops and restarts the next idea, giving a somewhat rambling quality to the response. Minor but systematic grammatical errors occur but do not interfere with overall comprehensibility. The speaker states the woman’s problem clearly and with ease. Despite minor grammatical errors, she supports her opinion with fairly sophisticated reason.”

这段点评对广大考生极具参考价值,它告诉了我们如何在自己发音及语言组织能力还有欠缺的情况下依旧取得高分。这是对一篇high level的回答做出的点评。我们从评论中不难看出,考官对于这段口语还是心存不满的,但是最终还是给了一个较高的分数。


1. 流利程度。流利与否是第一项评分点。流利不仅仅是指我们的在回答过程中是不是出现了长时间的break或者是无话可说,同时也要求考生不要一直不停地重复同一个词(这是一个非常常见的现象)甚至是重复刚才说的短语、句子。

2. 逻辑性。与写作一样,口语的回答也需要条理清晰,并且在说的时候要通过一些关联词将你听到的内容进行整理复述,使得听这段口语的人能够很容易就明白了你讲的是什么,这样就想他传达了一个强烈的信号:我听懂了。在上面这段文字中,ETS的考官向我们推荐了一个方法“pause structure”,即在回答完一个内容的时候做一个小小的停顿,告诉听者,下一个内容/观点要开始了。这样就可以弥补回答中逻辑词的发音不准或者是误用、漏用带来的失分。


准确性:综合口语考察的一个重点就是考试是不是能够准确、完整地复述出conversation或lecture中的内容。这就是中国考生在综合口语中最大的失分原因。通过对点评的解读,不难发现,我们需要做的就是“state … clearly and with ease”。只要做到了这点,把题目要求你复述的内同清晰并以一种简单的方式说出来了,那么尽管你的回答中存在一些小小的语法错误(despite minor grammatical errors…),也不会影响取得高分。


托福口语语言组织能力锻炼心得分享 不会说话要这么练







When studying or working, people, especially youngsters, constantly need to rent a room with others, from your experience, which quality do you think is the most important when choosing a roommate?





Sample response:

In my view, when choosing a roommate, I attach great importance to cleanness, because I like to be clean and a clean environment makes me feel relaxed and cozy. If my roommateis lazy and careless about cleanness, then in my room there may be grease on the desk, rubbish and hairs on the ground, smelly smells in the room and so on, which will be uncomfortable for me. However, if my roommate pays much attention to cleanness, he and me may clean the room once a day, do chores in time, then the room will be very tidy and comfortable to live in. That’s my choice. Thanks.


attach great importance to 认为……有重要意义

relaxed 放松的

cozy 舒适的

grease 油渍

smelly 有臭味的,发臭的

pay attention to 注意

do chores 做家务

tidy 整洁的



Some people prefer to praise the good things children have done; some people prefer to punish the bad things kids have done, which choice do you think is more appropriate and why? Give your explanations in your response.


Sample response:

In my view, I think compliment is the best choice.

Compliment will make children feel motivated and they might be more likely to repeat the good things they have done. After listening the praise from parents, seeing the smiles from teachers, getting the recognition from others, children will feel a sense of achievement and happiness, they will know their deeds are beneficial to others and next time they will also do good things to others, such as picking up the rubbish on the road or respecting the elderly and so on. However, if always getting punishment or criticism from others, children might become timid and diffident, which is harmful to their growth.


Compliment 称赞(praise同义词)

recognition 认可

feel a sense of ... 感到,后接n.

beneficial 有益的

criticism 批评

timid 胆小的;羞怯的

diffident 缺乏自信的;






另外,提到手机,也就是现在已经普及的smart phone,可能会问你对于学生而言手机最重要的一个功能是什么;或者问你学生上课的时候用手机录音,这么做好还是不好;再比如说学校打算限制学生使用手机,你觉得这个决定是对还是不对的等等。








第二,科技可能会给健康带来一些不良的影响,比如说看太长时间的屏幕会损坏眼睛。同时,科技越来越发达,人们的运动量就会减少,这种情况之下也会导致一些health problem,比如overweight等等;




Personally speaking, I don’t like surprises, especially a surprise visit. Because, first, it may throw up my schedule. I like following through a plan without interruptions. Making adjustments for the short notice are stressful. And if a friend wants to visit me, I would also need some time to clean up my room and prepare the food or something for a decent meal. Sometimes, A well-intended surprise visit may also end up with embarrassment. Last week, I invited a bunch of friends for my birthday Party at my place except my best friend, well my girl friend, because she had told me about a business trip she had to take weeks before. So, we were having fun drinking and playing games, then some one knocked on the door, it was her with a huge birthday cake, looking jealous.



I would definitely prefer an informed visit. Sure, surprise visit could be fun, but it could also mean awkwardness. What if my place is messy or there's nothing to eat? What's worse, what if I'm not home? That could be very disturbing for my friend and terribly embarrassing for me. On the other hand, if I'm informed, I would have sufficient time to coordinate and plan. There'll be no conflict between our meeting and my work. And I'm confident to prepare for a tidy and cozy dining environment, wouldn't that be great?


5月7日托福口语真题Task2 – Some college students like to join clubs and enjoy club activities, others like to spend their time studying another courses or doing schoolwork. Which one do you think is better and why?


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