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meteorology 气象

meteorologist 气象学家

forecast (predict) 预报

climate 气候

atmosphere 大气层

troposphere 对流层

current (气)流

vapor 蒸汽

evaporate 蒸发

damp (wet; moist; humid) 潮湿的

humidity 湿度

moisture 潮湿;水分

saturate 饱和

dew 露

frost 霜

fog (mist) 雾

smog 烟雾

droplet 小水珠

condense 浓缩

crystal 水晶体

downpour (torrential rain) 大雨

tempest (storm) 暴风雨

drizzle 细雨

shower 阵雨

hail 冰雹

blizzard (snowstorm) 暴风雪

avalanche (snowslide) 雪崩

precipitation (雨、露、雪等)降水

breeze 微风

gale 大风

whirlwind 旋风

typhoon 台风

hurricane 飓风

tornado (twister, cyclone) 龙卷风

funnel 漏斗,漏斗云

disaster (calamity, catastrophe) 灾难

devastation 破坏

submerge 淹没

drought 旱灾


anthropologist 人类学家

paleoanthropologist 古人类学家

ecological anthropologist 生态人类学家

psychological anthropologist 心理人类学家

origin 起源

originate 起源于

ancestor 祖先

hominid 人(科)

homogeneous 同一种族(种类)的

tribe 部落

clan 氏族

archeologist 考古学家

excavation 挖掘

excavate (unearth) 挖掘

ruins 遗迹,废墟

remains 遗迹,遗骸

artifact 手工艺品

relic 遗物,文物

antique 古物,古董

antiquity 古代,古老

Stone Age 石器时代

Bronze Age (青)铜器时代

Iron Age 铁器时代

Paleolithic 旧石器时代的

Mesolithic 中石器时代的

Neolithic 新石器时代的

archaeology 考古学

anthropology 人类学

morphology 形态学

skull 颅骨

cranial 颅骨的


astronomy 天文学

astronomical 天文的

astronomical observatory 天文台

astronomer 天文学家

astrophysics 天文物理学

astrology 占星学

pseudoscience 伪科学

cosmos(universe) 宇宙

cosmology 宇宙学

infinite 无限的

cosmic 宇宙的

cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

cosmic rays 宇宙射线

celestial 天的

celestial body (heavenly body) 天体

celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图

celestial sphere 天球

dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星

quasar 类星体,类星射电源

constellation 星座

galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系

cluster 星团

solar system 太阳系

solar corona 日冕

solar eclipse 日食

solar radiation 太阳辐射

planet 行星

planetoid (asteroid) 小行星

revolve 旋转,绕转

twinkle 闪烁

naked eye 肉眼

Mercury 水星

Venus 金星

Earth 地球

Mars 火星

Jupiter 木星

Saturn 土星

Uranus 天王星

Neptune 海王星

Pluto 冥王星

orbit 轨道

spin 旋转

satellite 卫星

lunar 月球的

meteor 流星

meteor shower流星雨

meteoroid 流星体

meteorite 陨石

comet 彗星

space (outer space) 太空,外层空间

spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船

spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员

space suit 宇航服,航天服

space shuttle 航天飞机

space telescope空间望远镜

astronaut 宇航员

star 恒星

stellar 恒星的

intergalactic 星系间的

interstellar 恒星间的

interplanetary 行星间的

asteroid 小行星

nebula 星云

space debris 太空垃圾

ammonia 氨

corona 日冕

chromosphere 色球

photosphere 色球层

convection zone 对流层

vacuum 真空

infrared ray 红外线

chondrite 球粒

absolute magnitude 绝对量级

radiation 辐射

emission 发射,散发

high-resolution 高清晰度

interferometer 干扰仪

astronomy 天文学

astronomical 天文的

astronomical observatory 天文台

astronomer 天文学家

astrophysics 天文物理学

astrology 占星学

pseudoscience 伪科学

cosmos(universe) 宇宙

cosmology 宇宙学

infinite 无限的

cosmic 宇宙的

cosmic radiation 宇宙辐射

cosmic rays 宇宙射线

celestial 天的

celestial body (heavenly body) 天体

celestial map (sky atlas) 天体图

celestial sphere 天球

dwarf (dwarf star) 矮星

quasar 类星体,类星射电源

constellation 星座

galaxy (Milky Way) 新河系

cluster 星团

solar system 太阳系

solar corona 日冕

solar eclipse 日食

solar radiation 太阳辐射

planet 行星

planetoid (asteroid) 小行星

revolve 旋转,绕转

twinkle 闪烁

naked eye 肉眼

Mercury 水星

Venus 金星

Earth 地球

Mars 火星

Jupiter 木星

Saturn 土星

Uranus 天王星

Neptune 海王星

Pluto 冥王星

orbit 轨道

spin 旋转

satellite 卫星

lunar 月球的

meteor 流星

meteor shower流星雨

meteoroid 流星体

meteorite 陨石

comet 彗星

space (outer space) 太空,外层空间

spacecraft (spaceship) 宇宙飞船

spaceman ( astronaut) 宇航员,航天员

space suit 宇航服,航天服

space shuttle 航天飞机

space telescope空间望远镜

astronaut 宇航员

star 恒星

stellar 恒星的

intergalactic 星系间的

interstellar 恒星间的

interplanetary 行星间的

asteroid 小行星

nebula 星云

space debris 太空垃圾

ammonia 氨

corona 日冕

chromosphere 色球

photosphere 色球层

convection zone 对流层

vacuum 真空

infrared ray 红外线

chondrite 球粒

absolute magnitude 绝对量级

radiation 辐射

emission 发射,散发

high-resolution 高清晰度

interferometer 干扰仪


托福高分作文常用词汇整理汇总, 这些精选副词学起来


accordingly 相应地、对应地

Through internships, students will become familiar with the companies’ expectations towards competitive graduates and build their career path accordingly.

adversely 不利地、负面地

The children and spouse of a smoker will be adversely affected by the constant smoke in their environment.

alarmingly 惊人地、令人惊奇地

China has the largest population in the world, and therefore the business industry is bound to grow at an alarmingly fast rate.

astoundingly 惊人地、令人惊奇地

The urban population produces astoundingly large amounts of pollution, for example, the alleged white pollution which is creeping all over the country.

basically 主要地、基本地

Basically, the problem-solving skills learnt in science are beneficial in curing diseases and developing new energy technologies.

comparatively 比较地、相当地

In addition, due to the comparatively higher prices of handmade products, consumers might be hesitant before deciding to buy them.

completely 完全地、彻底地

News broadcasts on television are supplying completely trustworthy information concerning the latest happenings at home and abroad.

considerably 相当地、非常地

The educational level of citizens considerably depends on the quality of teachers in higher learning institutions.

consistently 一贯地、一致地

In order to avoid health problems, young people should consistently participate in outdoor activities.

deeply 深深地、深入地

The value of “unity ispower” is deeply rooted in people’s minds.

eventually 最终地、最后地

Most ordinary citizens joined in the struggles against enemies, and as a result, they survived and eventually lived in peace.

exceedingly 极度地、非常

The people of strong ability to plan and organize are exceedingly capable of administering a large number of employees or assistants.

exceptionally 异常地、特殊地

To illustrate, when a person manages to complete a formidable job, a strong sense of fulfillment will rise up and make him/her exceptionally honored and happy.

excessively 过分地、过度地

Peer pressure often causes youngsters to spend excessively on fancy clothes and accessories.

fully 充分地、完整地

Only through residing in dormitories could college students fully experience the essence of university education.

highly 高度地、非常

That is why the government is highly concerned about improvements in traffic conditions and invests heavily in the construction of a more advanced infrastructure.

increasingly 越来越多地、渐增地

Students attend colleges to obtain more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market.

inescapably/inevitably 不可避免地、必然地

People’s behavior inevitably/inescapably reflects their nature.

inextricably 密不可分地、无法摆脱地

When a university is established, it becomes inextricably connected to the community where it is located.

inherently 固有地、内在地

Most magazines of the mass media industry, being inherently commercial, are driven by business motivations.

overly 过度地、极度地

Souvenirs are overly expensive in some tourist sites.

possibly/probably 可能地、大概

Critical thinking skills help students fight poverty and make the nation possibly/probably fairer and freer.

presumably 可能地、大概

Creativity is needed when one is building new companies that will presumably create new jobs and boost the local economy.

radically 根本地、彻底地

The old fashion is suddenly new again viewed in the context of a radically different environment.

regularly 定期地、有规律地

Medical research indicates that those who conduct physical exercise regularly face fewer risks of diseases than those who never do it.

remarkably 显著地、非常地

Being limited to only one type of books might remarkably narrow a reader’s mind and knowledge scope.

seemingly 似乎地、好似

New graduates prefer to work in large companies that seemingly attach great importance to the social welfare benefits of their working staff.

significantly 重大地、值得注目地

Automobiles have significantly influenced every aspect of society in many ways and have changed to keep up with the times.

similarly 相似地、同样地

Similarly, it becomes difficult for students to know which job best fits them after graduation due to their lack of real-life experience.

substantially 实质上、大量地

The habitats of wild animals may substantially dwindle, which will destroy the diversity of animals and the ecological balance.

thoroughly 彻底地、绝对地

Everyone should appreciate and thoroughly comprehend the essential value of friendship.

undeniably 不可否认地、确凿无疑地

Undeniably, each manager has to take risks and prepare for potential challenges during the struggle toward generating profits and achieving further development.

undoubtedly 确实地、毋庸置疑地

Undoubtedly, computers have changed the way individuals interact with each other in American society.

unsurprisingly 不出所料地、不出奇地

Unsurprisingly, students who are under constant stress in their studies may suffer from mental problems or even commit crimes.

vastly 极大地、深远地

The agricultural way of life has played a vastly important part in the country’s history.

托福写作字数和时间如何安排 快来看官方发布的备考攻略



? 对听到和看到的材料做笔记,在写作前利用笔记组织信? 准确地从原文材料中总结、释义和引用信息

? 写出听到的信息与读到的信息之间是如何联系的



1 理清文章思路


2 确定主要论点


3 注重写作质量






? effectively addresses the topic and task;

? is well organized and well developed, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and/or details;

? displays unity, progression, and coherence;

? displays consistent facility in the use of language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity, though it may have minor lexical or grammatical errors.

01 作文要“切题”

恰当的开题源于仔细的审题。这一点对于同学们来说应该没有什么问题,因为托福写作无非是问你是否同意某个特定的观点,只要题目中的单词大部分都认识,理解上就不应有误差。但值得注意的是,对于某些特定的、看似能够从“两个或者更多角度来分开阐述”的话题,无论选择其中的哪一个角度(甚至两个角度都讨论到),也都可算“切题”。比如关于“Parents are the best teachers”这个话题,无论是从“the best”入手,讨论“父母是否是最好的老师”,或者从“parents”来入手,讨论是否“所有的父母都是好老师”都没有问题,都符合“切题”的要求。

02 条理清晰,言之有物



4 认真仔细校对


5 不断计时练习


为了确保考试绝对公平,托福写作采用 eRater 自动化评分技术辅助人工评分的方式,以全面准确地反映应试者的英语写作能力。将评分员对作文内容和意义的理解及自动化评分系统对语言表达的评分结合在一起,确保了分数的质量和高标准。


03 行文流畅


这一要求十分严苛,绝非一朝一夕所能练就。说到这里就不得不提一下“模板作文”,这是一个很值得“再商榷”的方法,事实上ETS在《新托福官方指南(第三版)》英文版 P207 页就有专门针对模板的论述,ETS的态度可谓不坚决,劝考生“不要仅仅为了增加文字字数而死记硬背一些冗长的首、末段,评分人员不会看好那些累赘的段落”。所以,使用模板有危险性,要慎重。

04 良好的语言能力




托福独立写作题目:Which one of the following values do you think is the most important to share with a young child (aged 5-10)? Being helpful; being honest; being well-organized










It is now easier for parents to raise children than it was fifty years ago because there are many more resources to help both the parents and the children succeed.

Parents have a wider range of resources than they did fifty years ago, many of which are readily available on the internet. Parents can look up answers to questions any time during the day or night without having to leave their home. They don’t have to go to a special facility or wait for business hours. For example, a parent concerned about a child’s progress in math can look up statistics about other children the same age, read about how other parents dealt with math issues, or join a chat session to discuss the problem. Parents can remain anonymous when using many of these resources, which is appealing when asking personal or challenging questions.

The internet also provides a vast array of resources for children. They can get tutoring help and practice lessons. They can even play fun games that teach valuable skills. If children are able to address their own weaknesses, it is easier for the parents. Parents fifty years ago had to sit and teach their children when the children had problems with homework assignments. If the parents were not familiar with the subject, they had to pay for a private tutor who could explain the material. By contrast, parents today can steer their children to educational websites that provide the answers in an interesting and interactive manner, freeing the parent to do other things.

Finally, today’s parents are fortunate because there is a greater awareness ofmedical educational barriers. For example, fifty years ago there was little understanding of attention deficit disorder or dyslexia. Modern research has identified such problems and is developing solutions. Parents in the past had to deal with “difficult children” without knowing that there was a biological cause. Now doctors can diagnose the problem and suggest ways to cope with it. As a result, parents today can adjust teaching methods rather than give up because the child doesn’t function as expected.

Today there is a vast array of resources for parents and children that was not available fifty years ago. As a result, it is easier for parents to find the information they need to raise their children in a positive way.


readily available 现成的

a vast array of resources 大量的资源

address their own weaknesses 解决他们的缺点

steer X to Y 指引X去Y

free the parent to do other things 解放父母去做其他的事情

medical educational barriers 医学教育障碍

little understanding of X 对X了解很少

diagnose the problem 诊断问题



Your teacher assigns a project to you, and you can select the members to work with.

--choose the members who think and work in similar ways

--choose the members who have totally different ideas

Which would you think is more effective to work with?


It is more effective to complete a project with people who think and work in similar ways than to struggle to finish a task with people who have totally different ideas. Knowing each other and having similar interests facilitates the successful completion of a project.

Members who know each other well can divide the task and set up a reasonable working plan to ensure that the project will be completed on time. If members know the others’ strengths and weaknesses, they can decide which part to assign to which person to best get the task done. I specifically remember being in a team of three students who had to complete an assignment that included a written essay and a power point presentation. I was a good speaker but terrible at using the computer, so I gave the presentation. However, the power point slides were all generated by our friend who was shy but very capable with the computer. The third person was very detail-oriented, so she was the natural choice to organize the information into an essay.

Not only are team members who have similar ideas able to divide tasks effectively, but they also can create a solid common goal. If people are too different, it is hard to decide on a good thesis or theme, and the result might be a compromise that everyone is dissatisfied with. By contrast, people who think in similar ways can agree on a topic and develop it out, and it becomes very strong. In the assignment mentioned above, the three members quickly agreed on a common theme. We invested our working time into researching the theme rather than debating what to write about. Since we all were interested in the topic, we all invested our best efforts rather than just trying to get it over with, and the result was an A grade.

People with similar ideas and interests make the best team to solve a problem or complete a task because they know each other’s abilities, so canallot tasks accordingly. Even more important, they can select a topic that they are all interested in, so everyone wants to participate rather than do only the minimum to get the task done.


strengths and weaknesses 优势与劣势

assign to 指派给

be very detail-oriented 非常注重细节

create a solid common goal 建立一个坚固的共同目标

invest our best efforts 投入我们最大的努力

get it over with 赶紧把事情做完

allot tasks accordingly 相应地分配任务

相关专题 托福高分