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1、 选项中的关键词在原文中未提及或者判断不出选项信息是否和原文信息一致的情况下,该选项是错误的。换句话说,如果把每个选项当成判断题来做,那么判断出答案是NOT GIVEN,这样的选项便是错误选项,需要排除。

2、 选项信息和原文信息相抵触的情况下,该选项是错误选项,需要排除。

3、 当选项信息和原文信息一致,但选项信息却无法回答题干问题的情况下,即使是和原文一致的信息也是错误的,需要排除。

4、 最后一种情况也是最容易被错选的:当选项中的关键词信息非常明显地在定位词出现的位置附近出现了,这样的选项只能是部分信息和原文一致,而我们要选出的正确选项一定是全部信息都得和原文一致的并且能够回答题干问题的信息才是正确的信息。所以这种部分信息一致,但整体却不一定一致的选项也是错误的,需要排除。




例词:also, furthermore, moreover, what is more, in addition…

考点:And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom… (C6, P28, Q31找标题)

解析:And在这句话开头,有一定的递进含义,this wisdom则是指代了前面一句话出现的their wealth of traditional knowledge(因纽特人传统的知识),所以这两句话有紧密的联系,同学们在读题的时候要通过发现信号词,然后发散地看它的前后句,最后把考点考察的 意思补充完整。


例词:however, but, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, by comparison, while

考点:But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability to local people and their environment than in the past. (C7 P24 Q20)

解题:此题是段落大意配对题,在确定H段段落大意时,段落中间but之后出现的那句话就是解题的关键,根据句子中出现的两个比较级,可以确定答案应该为X The need to raise standards.

考点:While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emulate the spectacular results of Lozanove and his associates. (C7 P27 倒数第二段 Q39, 40)

解析:段首句用while引起注意,我们可以根据success, 和后半句中的few teachers, spectacular results, 搞定最后两个填空题。


例词:similarly, in other words, that is, put another way, as …

考点: Thus, we concluded that the blind interpret abstract shapes as sighted people do.(C4, P28, Q40)



例词:firstly, second, another, the second, the most, the best, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally…

考点:First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the grammatical resources required to represent the world i an objective and impersonal way,... (C5, P49, Q30-31)

解析:题目30-31考的是并列和否定的逻辑关系,原文中的first, second, 对应的就是题目中的neither...nor...这个并列关系,这两题的答案就迎刃而解了。

考点:First mechanism, then mass use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rearing of livestock, and now genetic engineering – the onward marching of intensive farming has seemed unstoppable in the last hal- century, as the yields of produce have soared. (C7, P44, Q15)

解析:段首句连用表示次序的信号词,first, then, then… and now, 体现发展的不同阶段。(the stages of development of farming industry C7 P77 选择配对)



例词:in fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize…

考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates… (C5, P21, Q18 信息包含题)

解析:信息包含题考察细节是在哪个段落出现,在做此类题目时,要注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了in essence(实质上),起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology, 破折号后面的介词to表目的,与题目中的the general aim of一致对应。


例词:–est, most, best, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable, exclusively, extremely...

考点:Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain, animal or human. (C5, P44, Q24)

解析:题目中出现了最高级the most difficult tasks, 因此在原文中也应该相应的出现最高级。除了明显的the most, -est, 还有些单词本身也含有最高级的含义,比如extremely, exclusively, superficially, 文中的这个extremely demanding对应的就是题目中的最高级,所以答案也确定。


例词:as, because, since, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, the caused of…

考点:Until recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem.(C6, P94, Q33)



例词:for example, for instance, that is to say, i.e., such as, including…

考点:Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton… (C5, P39, Q5 流程图)

解析:我们看到such as后面是举例子,such as后面的例子可以作为定位词,woodflour, asbestos, cotton就是fillers的其中一种。Fillers在这里就是一个概括性的词语,常常是考点。








1、 选项中的关键词在原文中未提及或者判断不出选项信息是否和原文信息一致的情况下,该选项是错误的。换句话说,如果把每个选项当成判断题来做,那么判断出答案是NOT GIVEN,这样的选项便是错误选项,需要排除。

2、 选项信息和原文信息相抵触的情况下,该选项是错误选项,需要排除。

3、 当选项信息和原文信息一致,但选项信息却无法回答题干问题的情况下,即使是和原文一致的信息也是错误的,需要排除。

4、 最后一种情况也是最容易被错选的:当选项中的关键词信息非常明显地在定位词出现的位置附近出现了,这样的选项只能是部分信息和原文一致,而我们要选出的正确选项一定是全部信息都得和原文一致的并且能够回答题干问题的信息才是正确的信息。所以这种部分信息一致,但整体却不一定一致的选项也是错误的,需要排除。





这种题的考查形式类似于T/F/NG判断题中,NOT GIVEN的考查点。也就是说,选项提到的所谓的“事实”、“实验结果”、“某人的观点”等内容是原文没有涉及的或是我们无法根据原文提及的点来清楚判断的。这种选项当然不是正确答案,像我们上文提到的第一个例子中的D选项和第二个例子中的A/D选项,都是典型的未提及的干扰项。








1. 大多数情况下,每个题目只能选一个选项。

绝大多数的搭配题,每个题目只能选一个选项。笔者只遇到过一次,每个题目可以选多个选项。这时,题目要求中有如下的字样:Note, for some questions you will need to write more than one letter.(注意,对一些问题你需要选多个选项)。如果题目没有类似上述要求,应该是每个题目只能选一个选项。

2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。


3. 有的选项可能用不上。


4. 第一题的答案往往在文章的后部,最后一题的答案往往在文章的前部。



5. 注意题目的答案要求


Write the letters for the appropriate company in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.

SC if it is Scaled Composites

R if it is Renault

GM if it is General Motors

F if it is Fiat

B if it is Boeing

那么,你在答题纸上写的答案只能是SC、R、GM、F、B中的一个。如果写成Scaled Conposites就错了。




gre考试 long reading中有几种类型的错误干扰选项:











6. 主观项











我的建议就是,大家可以抽一点时间,利用相关资源(比如wikipedia),多去了解一下GRE社科类阅读爱考的知识。凭我粗粗做完所有阅读备考资料的印象,GRE社科类阅读非常喜欢考黑人文学Black literature,黑人音乐Black music(尤其是Jazz),妇女(包括妇女地位的改变,妇女文学),艺术类包括impressionist、modernist等。另外务必多留意一下上述知识的代表人物!比如Ragtime就是Jazz的代表人物及一种风格。并不是要求大家知道这个人物做了什么,只需要混个眼熟,考试的时候万一碰到一大串人名,能对其中一两个有点眼熟,能大概猜测出来是关于什么的就行!







(c) 先叙述别人的观点, 最后才是作者的评价(结论)。


(a)若有多种解决方案, 注意新老解决方案的区别。







As of the late 1980’s, neither theorists nor large-scale computer climate models could accurately predict whether cloud systems would help or hurt a warming globe. Some studies suggested that a four percent increase in stratocumulus clouds over the ocean could compensate for a doubling in atmospheric carbon dioxide, preventing a potentially disastrous planetwide temperature increase. On the other hand, an increase in cirrus clouds could increase global warming.

That clouds represented the weakest element in climate models was illustrated by a study of fourteen such models. Comparing climate forecasts for a world with double the current amount of carbon dioxide, researchers found that the models agreed quite well if clouds were not included. But when clouds were incorporated, a wide range of forecasts was produced. With such discrepancies plaguing the models, scientists could not easily predict how quickly the world’s climate would change, nor could they tell which regions would face dustier droughts or deadlier monsoons.

15.1. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with

(A) confirming a theory

(B) supporting a statement

(C) presenting new information

(D) predicting future discoveries

(E) reconciling discrepant findings

15.2. It can be inferred that one reason the fourteen models described in the passage failed to agree was that

(A) they failed to incorporate the most up-to-date information about the effect of clouds on climate

(B) they were based on faulty information about factors other than clouds that affect climate

(C) they were based on different assumptions about the overall effects of clouds on climate

(D) their originators disagreed about the kinds of forecasts the models should provide

(E) their originators disagreed about the factors other than clouds that should be included in the models

15.3. It can be inferred that the primary purpose of the models included in the study discussed in the second paragraph of the passage was to

(A) predict future changes in the world’s climate

(B) predict the effects of cloud systems on the world’s climate

(C) find a way to prevent a disastrous planetwide temperature increase

(D) assess the percentage of the Earth’s surface covered by cloud systems

(E) estimate by how much the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere will increase

15.4. The information in the passage suggests that scientists would have to answer which of the following questions in order to predict the effect of clouds on the warming of the globe?

(A) What kinds of cloud systems will form over the Earth?

(B) How can cloud systems be encouraged to form over the ocean?

(C) What are the causes of the projected planetwide temperature increase?

(D) What proportion of cloud systems are currently composed of cirrus of clouds?

(E) What proportion of the clouds in the atmosphere form over land masses?















14.一般时候some people表达的是作者不认同的观点,few people表示的是作者观点。
















真题范例:剑桥真题 5 Test 2 Section 2 Question 12

Dan’s neighbor was successful in business because he

A employed carpenters from the area.

B was the most skilled craftsman in the town.

C found it easy to reach customers.

本题答案: C。

原文录音: My neighbor’s business was business was unusually successful, and for years I couldn’t understand why. Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble. Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius, so no matter how skilled they were; they could never do as many jobs as neighbor.

破题密码: 本题难度适中,但出现了很多干扰信息,平时如果只靠“只字片语”来判断答案,这类题目就很难拿分了。


原文:Then I realized having a bike meant he could get where he wanted to go without much trouble.(我意识到他有了一辆自行车就意味着他可以无阻碍地到任何他想去的地方。)

答案C:found it easy to reach customers.(感到找到客户很容易。)与听力原文相符,所以答案C正确。

干扰信息: 答案A:employed carpenters from the area.(雇佣了当地的木匠)

答案A中的carpenters 会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“Other local carpenters could only accept jobs in a three-kilometer radius”译为:其他当地木匠只可以在方圆3公里(半径)内找到工作。根本没有提到雇佣,所以答案A错误。

答案B:was the most skilled craftsman in the town.(是城里手艺最好的工匠)答案B中的skilled会在原文录音中听到,但原文中“so no matter how skilled they were, they could never do as many jobs as neighbor.”译为:无论他们的手艺多么精湛,他们都不能和邻居做一样多的工作,与答案B中的意思相差很大,所以答案B错误。


表示列举,增补关系的信号词 and、in addition to that、one more thing 、what’s more 、besides 、either also、too、as well as、for instance 、both and 、together、for example 、further more 、such as、in addition 、likewise、 like、similarly、moreover

表示转折关系的信号词 although 、by contract 、as a matter of fact、nevertheless 、in contrast 、instead、 however 、while 、otherwise、though、 but 、despite、on the contrary 、on the other hand 、in the same way、in spite of 、yet 、whereas

表示顺序或序列关系的信号词 first 、before 、first of all、on the right/left、next、to begin with、turn right/left 、afterward、meanwhile、second、 last but not least 、for a start、third 、finally、 until、between 、firstly 、subsequently、then 、secondly 、previously、in the middle 、for one thing、 for another、after 、in the first place

表示解释或强调关系的信号词 that is 、in particular、 I mean、namely、 especially、 actually、in other words 、that is to say 、specially、another way of saying、 equally、

表示归纳,结论性关系的信号词 as a result、altogether 、finally、in short、therefore 、overall、in sum 、thus、 on the whole、in brief 、accordingly、to conclude、in a word 、consequently、 to sum up、in conclusion、 so 、to summarize、

表示因果关系的信号词 as a result 、therefore 、since、for 、for this reason 、so、because 、consequently 、as、thus IELTS

考生应非凡注重并熟悉一下一些信号词 And now (we will) —— Most importantly… Now tell me…. —— One more thing Before I move on to…. —— To start with… Next, I’d like to… —— Finally, can you tell us… And what about… —— Well, that’s about it, except for… Right, so the first thing… —— I’d like not to move on to…

雅思听力测试中又很多题目的答案都是被说话人非凡重复或重读的 When the voice falls, it often shows a feeling of completion, e.g. a statement or order. When it rises, it often shows a feeling of doubt, e.g. a question or doubtful remark.


















是非题需要考生从听明白对话中所列举的东西或各种选择。此部分通常是随着对话的进行,用排除法可得到正确答案。此种题型解题关键是首先了解每个问题中所牵汲到的要素,然后认真听。正如前面所讲,对话中经常有分歧和争论,决定也往往会被改变。此时是答对题的关键,注意留心一些转折词如but, however等。















被动刷题不可取 制霸雅思阅读选择题需主动出击


句子1:It seems that the viewer can sense the artists’ vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.


A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.





题目:Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate that people

A mostly favour works of art which they know well.

Bhold fixed ideas about what makes a good work of art.

Care often misled by their initial expectations of a work of art.

Dhave the ability to perceive the intention behind works of art.

原文出题点:Angelina Hawley-Dolan, of Boston College, Massachusettes, responded to this debate by asking volunteers to view pairs of paintings - either the creations of famous abstract artists or the doodles of infants, chimps and elephant. They then had to judge which they preferred. A third of the paintings were given no captions, while many were labelled incorrectly-volunteers might think they were viewing a chimp’s messy brushstrokes when they were actually seeing an acclaimed masterpiece. In each set of trials, volunteers generally preferred the work of renowned artists, even when they believed it was by an animal or a child. It seems that the viewer can sense the artist’s vision in paintings, even if they can’t explain why.

出题模式一,其实就是雅思选择题的本质所在。出题模式二是正常的雅思考试的出题模式,配上抽象的主题和很多看似简单又读不懂的无关信息,以此来加大考试的难度,这就是雅思考官出题的套路。出题模式一和二一对比,大家就明白了,其实选择题,真正的难点在于:同学们往往不能准确定位出考官的出题点到底是哪一句子。烤鸭们一般可以大概定位到题目出题“面”--- 段落,但是,却不能准确定位“点”--出题的句子。所以,很多同学常常有需要读一整段或是两个段落来解一个选择题的错觉。





1.考查实验相关的题目,一般重点都是考实验的结果,重点直接去文中快速锁定实验的结果,一般表结果的关键词是:findings, ...found that..., It seems that..., it would seem that....

正常来说:当讲到某个实验的时候,文中的行文顺序:WHY该实验的背景/目的--HOW该实验如何进行--WHAT实验对象在实验做了什么或是如何表现的---Results/Findings。所以,当提到某个实验时,一般会有2-3句来讲实验的why, how和what,结果往往放在最后。解题时,直接快速跳到实验后边去看实验的结果。

如上题所示:题目问Angelina Hawley-Dolan’s findings indicate...(他的实验结果表明....), 文中,段落前几句描述的都是跟实验相关的内容,到最后一句It seems that..., 才是结果。考生们在做题前,如果能够非常清晰的了解这个特点的话,就可以高效准确的解题了。




3.如果题目提问中出现段落的,如果是问段落大意,就看段落主题句,快速把握段落主旨。出现段落,但不问主旨的,一定要先定好段落中具体细节,再解题。如: According to the eighth paragraph, how was the geography of the region significant? 题目中提到第8段,但是不能看一整个段落解题,还要定位到关键词geography 所在的句子,理解后再做题。




例如: anthropology is the scientific study of man。


In slang the term “jam” constitutes a state of being in which a personfinds

himself or herself in a difficult situation。

同样,从雅思阅读上下文的定义可知jam一词在俚语中的意思是“困境”。定义句的谓语动词多为:be, mean, deal with,

beconsidered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent,



This reading test contains 10 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen and paper.

Read the passage below and answer questions 1-10.

What you need to know about Culture Shock

Most people who move to a foreign country or culture may experience a period of time when they feel very homesick and have a lot of stress and difficulty functioning in the new culture. This feeling is often called ‘culture shock’ and it is important to understand and learn how to cope with culture shock if you are to adapt successfully to your new home’s culture.

First of all, it’s important to know that culture shock is normal. Everyone in a new situation will go through some form of culture shock, and the extent of which they do is determined by factors such as the difference between cultures, the degree to which someone is anxious to adapt to a new culture and the familiarity that person has to the new culture. If you go, for example, to a culture that is far different from your own, you’re likely to experience culture shock more sharply than those who move to a new culture knowing the language and the behavioural norms of the new culture.

There are four general stages of cultural adjustment, and it is important that you are aware of these stages and can recognise which stage you are in and when so that you will understand why you feel the way you do and that any difficulties you are experience are temporary, a process you are going through rather than a constant situation.

The first stage is usually referred to as the excitement stage or the ‘honeymoon’ stage. Upon arriving in a new environment, you’ll be interested in the new culture, everything will seem exciting, everyone will seem friendly and helpful and you’ll be overwhelmed with impressions. During this stage you are merely soaking up the new landscape, taking in these impressions passively, and at this stage you have little meaningful experience of the culture.

But it isn’t long before the honeymoon stage dissolves into the second stage – sometimes called the withdrawal stage. The excitement you felt before changes to frustration as you find it difficult to cope with the problems that arise. It seems that everything is difficult, the language is hard to learn, people are unusual and unpredictable, friends are hard to make, and simple things like shopping and going to the bank are challenges. It is at this stage that you are likely to feel anxious and homesick, and you will probably find yourself complaining about the new culture or country. This is the stage which is referred to as ‘culture shock’.

Culture shock is only temporary, and at some point, if you are one of those who manage to stick it out, you’ll transition into the third stage of cultural adjustment, the ‘recovery’ stage. At this point, you’ll have a routine, and you’ll feel more confident functioning in the new culture. You’ll start to feel less isolated as you start to understand and accept the way things are done and the way people behave in your new environment. Customs and traditions are clearer and easier to understand. At this stage, you’ll deal with new challenges with humour rather than anxiety.

The last stage is the ‘home’ or ‘stability’ stage – this is the point when people start to feel at home in the new culture. At this stage, you’ll function well in the new culture, adopt certain features and behaviours from your new home, and prefer certain aspects of the new culture to your own culture.

There is, in a sense, a fifth stage to this process. If you decide to return home after a long period in a new culture, you may experience what is called ‘reverse culture shock’. This means that you may find aspects of your own culture ‘foreign’ because you are so used to the new culture that you have spent so long adjusting to. Reverse culture shock is usually pretty mild – you may notice things about your home culture that you had never noticed before, and some of the ways people do things may seem odd. Reverse culture shock rarely lasts for very long.


Do the following statements agree with the information given in the article?

In boxes 1-10 on your answer sheet write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this

1) Some people will find the process of adapting to a new country easier than others.

2) Knowing about these four stages will help people adjust to a new culture more quickly.

3) People can ease culture shock by learning about the language and customs before they go to the new culture.

4) Culture shock is another name for cultural adjustment.

5) The first stage is usually the shortest.

6) In the first stage, people will have a very positive impression of the new culture.

7) Many people will leave the new culture while they are in the second stage.

8) By the third stage, people do not experience any more problems with the new culture.

9) In the fourth stage, people speak new language fluently.

10) Reverse culture shock is as difficult to deal with as culture shock.















Multiple Choice(选择题)






(1) 正确答案的数目是已知的。在题目的要求中会告诉你要选出几个选项。题目要求中常WHICH FOUR, WHICH THREE 等字样。

(2) 答案在原文中是集中出现的,对应原文中的例举。找着一个答案,其余几个就在它的前后不远处。




A. 邓小平

B. 里根

C. 拳王阿里

D. 布什

E. 陈景润 答案:ACE





(1) 找出题干中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。



(2) 从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题干中的其他关键词及选项确定正确答案。正确选项常常是原文相关词句的改写。


(3) 有些题目比较简单,可以直接选择。对于难题,可以用排除法确定正确答案。



(4) 要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。



1. 如果一个选项合乎题意,还要看其它选项中是否有both…and、all of the above的字样。




A. 被罚款

B. 你的车被拖走

C. 没事儿

D. both被罚款and你的车被拖走 答案:D

如果选项中有一个是all of the above,它是正确选项的可能性很大。Both…and是正确选项比all of the above小一些。总之,如果一个选项合乎题意,不要马上选。看一眼其余选项中是否有both…and, all of the above的字样。

2. 注意题干中是否有not, except的字样。




A. 邓小平

B. 里根

C. 拳王阿里

D. 陈景润 答案:B

3. 干扰选项的特点


A. 无:选项中所讲的内容在原文中根本不存在,或找不到语言依据。要注意,答题的唯一依据是原文,不能凭借自己的知识或主观想象。

B. 反:与原文相矛盾的选项。这时要注意题干或原文中是否有NOT、EXECPT等词,也要注意反义词。

C. 满:含有“绝对意义”的词汇如must、always、all、will的选项,一般为错误选项。选项中含有“相对意义”的词汇如can、may、sometimes、some、not always,一般为正确答案。也就是说,越是模棱两可、含含糊糊,越可能是正确答案,因为它适用的范围更广。这条规律的适用性很强,实践证明它的准确率在90%以上。

D. 偏:似是而非,与原句部分相似的选项。这是不太容易排除的。

E. 混:张冠李戴,有时题干是主语,选项是谓语,要留心题干的主语和选项的谓语构成的主谓结构是否张冠李戴。这种干扰项规律也比较明显,常常是这样的:



4. 正确选项应是原文的改写,与原文特别一致的选项应引起怀疑。



雅思阅读:Whose lost decade?

Japan's economy works better than pessimists think—at least for the elderly.

THE Japanese say they suffer from an economic disease called “structural pessimism”. Overseas too, there is a tendency to see Japan as a harbinger of all that is doomed in the economies of the euro zone and America—even though figures released on November 14th show its economy grew by an annualised 6% in the third quarter, rebounding quickly from the March tsunami and nuclear disaster.

Look dispassionately at Japan's economic performance over the past ten years, though, and “the second lost decade”, if not the first, is a misnomer. Much of what tarnishes Japan's image is the result of demography—more than half its population is over 45—as well as its poor policy in dealing with it. Even so, most Japanese have grown richer over the decade.

In aggregate, Japan's economy grew at half the pace of America's between and . Yet if judged by growth in GDP per person over the same period, then Japan has outperformed America and the euro zone (see chart 1). In part this is because its population has shrunk whereas America's population has increased.

Though growth in labour productivity fell slightly short of America's from to , total factor productivity, a measure of how a country uses capital and labour, grew faster, according to the Tokyo-based Asian Productivity Organisation. Japan's unemployment rate is higher than in 2000, yet it remains about half the level of America and Europe (see chart 2).

Besides supposed stagnation, the two other curses of the Japanese economy are debt and deflation. Yet these also partly reflect demography and can be overstated. People often think of Japan as an indebted country. In fact, it is the world's biggest creditor nation, boasting ?253 trillion ($3.3 trillion) in net foreign assets.

To be sure, its government is a large debtor; its net debt as a share of GDP is one of the highest in the OECD. However, the public debt has been accrued not primarily through wasteful spending or “bridges to nowhere”, but because of ageing, says the IMF. Social-security expenditure doubled as a share of GDP between 1990 and 2010 to pay rising pensions and health-care costs. Over the same period tax revenues have shrunk.

Falling tax revenues are a problem. The flip side, though, is that Japan has the lowest tax take of any country in the OECD, at just 17% of GDP. That gives it plenty of room to manoeuvre. Takatoshi Ito, an economist at the University of Tokyo, says increasing the consumption tax by 20 percentage points from its current 5%—putting it at the level of a high-tax European country—would raise ?50 trillion and immediately wipe out Japan's fiscal deficit.

That sounds draconian. But here again, demography plays a role. Officials say the elderly resist higher taxes or benefit cuts, and the young, who are in a minority, do not have the political power to push for what is in their long-term interest. David Weinstein, professor of Japanese economy at Columbia University in New York, says the elderly would rather give money to their children than pay it in taxes. Ultimately that may mean that benefits may shrink in the future. “If you want benefits to grow in line with income, as they are now, you need a massive increase in taxes of about 10% of GDP,” he says.

Demography helps explain Japan's stubborn deflation, too, he says. After all, falling prices give savers—most of whom are elderly—positive real yields even when nominal interest rates are close to zero. Up until now, holding government bonds has been a good bet. Domestic savers remain willing to roll them over, which enables the government to fund its deficits. Yet this comes at a cost to the rest of the economy.

In short, Japan's economy works better for those middle-aged and older than it does for the young. But it is not yet in crisis, and economists say there is plenty it could do to raise its potential growth rate, as well as to lower its debt burden.

Last weekend Yoshihiko Noda, the prime minister, took a brave shot at promoting reform when he said Japan planned to start consultations towards joining the Trans-Pacific Partnership. This is an American-backed free-trade zone that could lead to a lowering of tariffs on a huge swath of goods and services. Predictably it is elderly farmers, doctors and small businessmen who are most against it.

Reforms to other areas, such as the tax and benefit system, might be easier if the government could tell the Japanese a different story: not that their economy is mired in stagnation, but that its performance reflects the ups and downs of an ageing society, and that the old as well as the young need to make sacrifices.

The trouble is that the downbeat narrative is deeply ingrained. The current crop of leading Japanese politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen are themselves well past middle age. Many think they have sacrificed enough since the glory days of the 1980s, when Japan's economy seemed unstoppable. Mr Weinstein says they suffer from “diminished-giant syndrome”, nervously watching the economic rise of China. If they compared themselves instead with America and Europe, they might feel heartened enough to make some of the tough choices needed.


雅思阅读:The magic of diasporas

Immigrant networks are a rare bright spark in the world economy. Rich countries should welcome them

THIS is not a good time to be foreign. Anti-immigrant parties are gaining ground in Europe. Britain has been fretting this week over lapses in its border controls. In America Barack Obama has failed to deliver the immigration reform he promised , and Republican presidential candidates would rather electrify the border fence with Mexico than educate the children of illegal aliens. America educates foreign scientists in its universities and then expels them, a policy the mayor of New York calls “national suicide”.

This illiberal turn in attitudes to migration is no surprise. It is the result of cyclical economic gloom combined with a secular rise in pressure on rich countries' borders. But governments now weighing up whether or not to try to slam the door should consider another factor: the growing economic importance of diasporas, and the contribution they can make to a country's economic growth.

Old networks, new communications

Diaspora networks—of Huguenots, Scots, Jews and many others—have always been a potent economic force, but the cheapness and ease of modern travel has made them larger and more numerous than ever before. There are now 215m first-generation migrants around the world: that's 3% of the world's population. If they were a nation, it would be a little larger than Brazil. There are more Chinese people living outside China than there are French people in France. Some 22m Indians are scattered all over the globe. Small concentrations of ethnic and linguistic groups have always been found in surprising places—Lebanese in west Africa, Japanese in Brazil and Welsh in Patagonia, for instance—but they have been joined by newer ones, such as west Africans in southern China.

These networks of kinship and language make it easier to do business across borders. They speed the flow of information: a Chinese trader in Indonesia who spots a gap in the market for cheap umbrellas will alert his cousin in Shenzhen who knows someone who runs an umbrella factory. Kinship ties foster trust, so they can seal the deal and get the umbrellas to Jakarta before the rainy season ends. Trust matters, especially in emerging markets where the rule of law is weak. So does a knowledge of the local culture. That is why so much foreign direct investment in China still passes through the Chinese diaspora. And modern communications make these networks an even more powerful tool of business.

Diasporas also help spread ideas. Many of the emerging world's brightest minds are educated at Western universities. An increasing number go home, taking with them both knowledge and contacts. Indian computer scientists in Bangalore bounce ideas constantly off their Indian friends in Silicon Valley. China's technology industry is dominated by “sea turtles” (Chinese who have lived abroad and returned).

Diasporas spread money, too. Migrants into rich countries not only send cash to their families; they also help companies in their host country operate in their home country. A Harvard Business School study shows that American companies that employ lots of ethnic Chinese people find it much easier to set up in China without a joint venture with a local firm.

Such arguments are unlikely to make much headway against hostility towards immigrants in rich countries. Fury against foreigners is usually based on two (mutually incompatible) notions: that because so many migrants claim welfare they are a drain on the public purse; and that because they are prepared to work harder for less pay they will depress the wages of those at the bottom of the pile.

The first is usually not true (in Britain, for instance, immigrants claim benefits less than indigenous people do), and the second is hard to establish either way. Some studies do indeed suggest that competition from unskilled immigrants depresses the wages of unskilled locals. But others find this effect to be small or non-existent.

Nor is it possible to establish the impact of migration on overall growth. The sums are simply too difficult. Yet there are good reasons for believing that it is likely to be positive. Migrants tend to be hard-working and innovative. That spurs productivity and company formation. A recent study carried out by Duke University showed that, while immigrants make up an eighth of America's population, they founded a quarter of the country's technology and engineering firms. And, by linking the West with emerging markets, diasporas help rich countries to plug into fast-growing economies.

Rich countries are thus likely to benefit from looser immigration policy; and fears that poor countries will suffer as a result of a “brain drain” are overblown. The prospect of working abroad spurs more people to acquire valuable skills, and not all subsequently emigrate. Skilled migrants send money home, and they often return to set up new businesses. One study found that unless they lose more than 20% of their university graduates, the brain drain makes poor countries richer.

Indian takeaways

Government as well as business gains from the spread of ideas through diasporas. Foreign-educated Indians, including the prime minister, Manmohan Singh (Oxford and Cambridge) and his sidekick Montek Ahluwalia (Oxford), played a big role in bringing economic reform to India in the early 1990s. Some 500,000 Chinese people have studied abroad and returned, mostly in the past decade; they dominate the think-tanks that advise the government, and are moving up the ranks of the Communist Party. Cheng Li of the Brookings Institution, an American think-tank, predicts that they will be 15-17% of its Central Committee next year, up from 6% in . Few sea turtles call openly for democracy. But they have seen how it works in practice, and they know that many countries that practise it are richer, cleaner and more stable than China.

As for the old world, its desire to close its borders is understandable but dangerous. Migration brings youth to ageing countries, and allows ideas to circulate in millions of mobile minds. That is good both for those who arrive with suitcases and dreams and for those who should welcome them.









你要了解的雅思阅读填图题技巧。雅思阅读填图题出境频率不高,但也不能忽视。雅思阅读填图题总的出题形式是:根据阅读文章所给出的信息,填补图表内所缺失的内容。其类型有三种,即统计表(Table),原理图(Diagram),流程图(Flow Chart)。此题型主要考查考生快速寻读定位,并理解细节信息的阅读能力。






2.要仔细阅读图表中出现的信息,包括图表的小标题,图表中的关键文字,图表中的说明及注释。因为这些都是定位答案信息的重要依据。对于Flow Chart和Table类型的题目,一定要读懂其结构形式,这一点对于提高答题的速度很关键。

3.Flow Chart题答案信息基本遵守顺序原则,而Diagram题则不一定,但其答案信息在原文中的位置绝大多数情况比较集中。值得注意的是Table题,根据雅思官方网站的信息,其答案排列是不一定有顺序性的。但是笔者对剑1-6的所有Table题的统计表明,答案是全部按顺序排列的。因此对于Table题的定位也可以借助顺序性原则。





“The changing awareness has been most marked in English-speaking countries, where the revelation has gradually dawned that by no means everyone in the world knows English well enough to negotiate in it. This is especially a problem when English is not an official language of public administration, as in most parts of the Far East, Russia, Eastern Europe, the Arab world, Latin America and French-speaking Africa.”


极有可能会出现这的问题:“An example of a part of the world where people may have difficulty in negotiation in English is…”读到此问题,我们会立即意识到它在问一个国家名。因为我们已经注意到了可能的热点,找到它就不会存在任何困难。任何一个国家都可以。例如,我们在此空中填“Latin America”,就完成了。利用热点,我们可以在知道问题之前就猜测可能的答案。



一、首先决定要以什么样的顺序做题。真正的雅思考试并不是想象中的由易到难,很有可能一开始的文章就很难。设想,如果用30分钟先解决一道难题,再用剩下的30分钟去完成两道简单的题目,效果注定不好!试举剑桥4中TEST 2 为例,三篇文章分别 “lost for words”, “alternative medicine in Australia”, “play is a serious business”.乍一看第三篇文章题目是最简单的,实际上它反而是最难的。

二、题型决定做题顺序,而不是题目。“lost for words”题型分别是:summary, 人名理论matching, yes/no/not given. “alternative medicine in Australia”题型分别是:multiple choices, yes/no/not given, 填空题. “play is a serious business”题型分别是:信息段落配对,多选多,人名理论配对。初步分析题型后还可以细化,理清做题思路。第一篇文章难度适中,summary 属主旨类型题建议先做,同时可以把人名全部找到以节省时间。matching题中出现五对五配对还有NB。第二篇文章题目虽难但是引言部分交待很清楚,属简单的题目。填空题实属数字游戏,整篇文章完全按顺序出题。第三篇文章难度系数较大,信息段落配对难把握,之后的人名理论配对干扰选项过多,从一开始相当于八选一。这样分析下来,我们的做题顺序应该是“Passage 2/1/3”。

三、掌握技巧,灵活运用。题型没有绝对的难易之分,对其他考生难也许对你反而容易,要结合自己的实际情况。可以先做送分题“表格填空,图形题,完成句子”。在五大主流题型中,配对题比较费时,其中信息和段落配对最花时间,建议放在最后。而作为主旨的heading 和summary 可考虑先做,因为完成主旨题型后文章大致的内容和结构都可以掌握,对于细节题的定位会方便很多。



举例如下:Q10 / Test 2 / Cambridge IV:

题目:Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in Reading Passage 1? (Y / N / NG)

10. The Navajo language will die out because it currently has too few speakers。

该句为带有原因状语从句的复合句,判断正误时,需分2步走,先判断主句,若主句是N 或NG中的一个,那么就以此为答案,无需再判断从句了;但若主句判断为 Y, 那么还需继续对从句加以判断,从句最终的 Y / N /NG 就是题目的答案。

主句中The Navajo language will die out 的内容已知晓,在文章首段的 Line 3: … the native language is dying … (此处的native 指 the native Navojo, 前文有述),那么要判断的就是从句了。从其中的内容应该读出关键信息是 too few speakers. 这里包含了一点和数字相关的信息few, 换言之,文中有可能会涉及到数字。

到文中寻找,在第三段的Line 5 发现了 150,000 speakers. 回到句首读原句:Navajo is considered endangered despite having 150,000 speakers. 虽然没有明示150,000 speakers 是多还是少,不过despite 已经明确了语气:多。因为整句是说:尽管有150,000人讲纳瓦霍语,它还是面临危险地境地。这无疑是在说这个数字已经不少了。

因此,原句中的从句我们可以判断为错误,从而Q10 的答案是 NO。

举例二:Q 5 / T 1 / Cambridge 5

… Johnson did not have a 5_________ available to him, but eventually produced definitions of inexcess of 40,000 words written down in 80 large notebooks。

由题目中出现的数字40,000 可以定位到原文中page 17 的第二段Line 4:

Johnson wrote the definitions of over 40,000 words, and illustrated their many meanings…

返回到句首:The work was immense: filling about eighty large notebooks (and without a library to hand), 再由题目分析得知:所需答案为可数名词,并且是Johnson 在编撰词典的工作中不具备的(did not … available),而文中括号里‘without a library to hand'正好契合了该信息点,还有a 这个信号词进一步确定,答案就非它莫属了:library。

相关专题 雅思选择题