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1. Develop a positive/negative attitude to/ towards sth对某事持积极/消极的态度

2. Be easily accessible to sb 容易被某人使用

3. Hold negative stereotype about …对某事有成见

4. Create barriers to communication 对交流产生障碍

5. Value A over B 认为A比B更有价值

6. Cannot achieve work-life balance 难以平衡工作与生活

7. Deepen one’s understanding of sth.深化某人对某事的了解

8. Explore and reach one’s full potential 探索并发挥某人自身的最大潜能

9. Pose/ present a threat to.对。。造成威胁

10. A is a poor substitute for B A 事物是无法替代B 事物的

11. Impose a heavy burden 增加负担

12. Compromise A for B 为了实现B 而在A 方面做出妥协

13. Put a strain on..对。。构成很大的压力

14. Show no sign of improving 没有出现改善的迹象

15. In this respect/ regard 在这一方面

16. Transcend national boundaries 跨越国家界限

17. On a global scale 在全球范围内

18. A take priority over B A 由于B

19. Commit more money to..将更多的钱投入到。。。

20. Give sb an added incentive to do sth 让某人有更多的动力去做某事

21. Impose a ban on sth=ban sth禁止某事

22. Require a concerted effort by…需要。。多方协调一致的努力

23. Improve their employability 增进他们的就业适应性

24. Develop a solid grasp of..形成对。。的牢固把握

25. Produce well-rounded individuals 培养全面发展个人

26. Stifle sb’s creativity 抑制某人的创造力

27. An applicant’s skill set. 求职者的整体技能

28. Socially well-adjusted individuals 很好适应社会的人

29. Children are in their socially formative years. 儿童处于逐渐形成社会生活习惯的阶段

30. Disruptive students 扰乱纪律的学生

31. Natural domain for sb 某人天生就适合。。

32. Scholarships, bursaries and loans 奖学金、助学金和贷款

33. Fast-paced life 快节奏的生活

34. Strengthen family bonds促进家人间的亲情联系

35. Save on transport costs and commuting time节省交通费用和上下班时间

36. Profit-driven利润驱动的

37. Browse the internet 浏览网页

38. Internet fraud 网络欺骗

39. Destroy historical fabric 破坏历史的脉络

40. Spoil the appearance of a city 破坏市容

41. Deter potential driving offenders 抑制潜在的交通肇事者

42. People of retirement age 退休年龄的人们

43. Upgrade their skills on a regular basis 定期升级他们的技能

44. Problems that are global in scale 全球范围的问题

45. Spread out their operations in many countries 把企业运营扩展到许多的国家

46. Lead to strains in the relationship between countries 导致国家之间的关系紧张

47. Deplete natural resources 消耗自然资源

48. Dust storm 沙尘暴

49. Walk or cycle to and from work 步行或骑自行车上下班

50. Are on the brink of extinction 正濒临灭绝




1. exert a far-reaching impact on… 对···产生一种深远的影响

2. lay a solid foundation for… 为···打下良好的基础

3. pose a threat to… 对···产生威胁

4. compared to/ with… 与···相比

5. be closely interrelated with… 与···有密切关系

6. give publicity to… 宣传···

7. narrow the gap between… 缩小了···的鸿沟

8. lighten the burden of… 减轻了···的负担

9. be attractive to… 对···具有吸引力

10. have quick and easy access to… 更快地接触到···

11. give a big push to the development of… 给···予极大地推动

12. be easily taken in by… 容易受到···的欺骗

13. cultivate a strong sense of … 培养了强烈的···感

14. tap one’s potential 挖掘某人的潜能

15. concentrate one’s attention on… 关注···

16. be fully aware of… 充分意识到···

17. report on… 报道···

18. invade one’s privacy 侵扰了···的隐私

19. be a great comfort to… 对···来说是一个巨大安慰

20. provide sb. with sth. 给···提供···

21. be inconceivable to sb. 对···来说是难以想象的

22. in the disguise of… 打着···的幌子

23.keep sb. informed about sth. 使人们了解···

24. have unhealthy and harmful effects on… 对···有不良影响

25. deprive sb. of one’s imagination and creativity 使···丧失想象力和创造力

26. jeopardize one’s health 危害健康

27. be exposed to… 接触到···

28. find its way into every family 进入千家万户

29. be fascinated by… 被···所吸引

30. be sick of… 对···厌倦

31. be detached from… 与···隔绝

32. conflict with… 与···冲突

33. give special care to… 给予···特殊照顾

34. be vulnerable to… 易于患上···

35. on the brink of… 处于···的边缘

36. put the blame on… 归咎于···

37. be attributable to… 归因于···

38. give priority to… 优先考虑···

39. put other’s life at risk 使别人的生命处于危险之中

40. excessive intake of… 吃过多的···

41. have difficulty in doing sth. 做···很难

42. take rigorous action against … 采取严厉的措施打击···

43. impose tighter restrictions on… 在···上实施严厉的限制

44. subject to… 受···约束

45. launch massive campaigns 开始大规模的宣传活动

46. educate the public about… 给大众提供···教育

47. impose heavy fines on… 在···上实施大额罚款

48. lift out of… 摆脱···

49. increase demand for… 对···增加

50. harness the power of… 利用···的力量





headache 令人头痛的事

trafficaccidents 交通事故

head-way 进展

conflict with …与…相冲突

major cause 主要原因

be replaced by …被…所取代

provideconvenience for …为…提供便利


dilemma 进退两难

encouragesomebody to do something鼓励某人去做某事

energy-saving 节能的

automobileindustry 汽车工业

boost theeconomic development 促进经济发展

levy the tax 征税

modernization 现代化

be viewed as …被视为是…

be concernedabout …对…担忧/关注…

pollution-freefuel 无污染燃料

luxury 奢侈品

chronic leadpoisoning 慢性铅中毒

fill…with …使…充斥着

road networks 公路网

speed limits 限速

enhance thequality of life 提高生活质量

pay a heavyprice 付出惨痛的代价

promote thedevelopment of relative industries 促进相关产业发展

trafficengineering 交通运输工程

the number ofcar ownership 汽车拥有量

call for …需要…

overcrowded 过度拥挤的

violator 违规者

popularizationof cars 汽车普及

lay moreemphasis on…把重心放在…

observe trafficregulations 遵守交通规则

break trafficregulations 违反交通规则

get struck intraffic 遇上堵车

rush hour 上下班高峰时间

ease the trafficpressure 缓解交通压力

pedestrian 行人

pavement 人行道

zebra crossing 斑马线

overspeed 超速行驶

bottleneck 交通堵塞地区

settle downeffective laws 制定出积极有效的法律

imposerestrictions on …对…实施限制

short-sighted 目光短浅的

non-renewableresources 不可再生资源

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

a pillarindustry 支柱产业

make full use of…充分利用


To tackle the problems of traffic congestion and the shortage of housing, it is suggested that large companies and factories in major cities should be relocated in the rural area. I think this policy can be effective to some extent, but it is difficult to implement, with possible objections and negative outcomes.

There is no doubt that the dense population and limited land resources are responsible for housing shortage in major cities, while the rural area is sparsely populated with sufficient land supply. If some companies, factories and their employees moved out of town, there would be more vacant buildings to meet the demand of city dwellers. Besides, with fewer people travelling to and from work inside the city, traffic is expected to be reduced and pressure on the public transportation system eased.

However, the strategy of business relocation seems to be infeasible, considering the negative outcomes that may ensue. It may impact the sales of some companies whose customers mainly come from the urban area.

Also, the employees may reject to move to the countryside, as they can no longer enjoy the high quality educational resources, medical services and entertainment facilities in the city. The rural infrastructure is relatively backward and life is less convenient. People need to travel between the countryside and the city frequently, leading to new traffic problems, especially on the weekend.

Overall, moving some companies to the rural area can reduce the population and traffic in the city and more houses can be vacated. However, this policy is difficult to put into practice, as some companies and their employees may be unwilling to move.


原题是:Some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather than sending to the school. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?




paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述在家接受教育的缺点。(1. 学习知识的不全面 2. 家长教学方法的缺失)

paragraph 3: 论述在家接受教育的缺点。(1. 缺乏与同龄人的交往)

paragraph 4: 论述在家接受教育的好处。(1.灵活性和便捷性更强)

Paragraph 5: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点。


In contemporary society, due to the easier access to learning and teaching resources, as well as the higher level of education possessed by parents, some of them contend that their children can be better educated at home than at school. From my perspective, such practice exerts more negative impacts on children’s development both in academic attainment and social skills.

The most distinct demerit is that children who receive education at home may fail to have the comprehensive coverage of knowledge. It is ubiquitous that not all parents are generalists although parts of them are granted with Bachelor or even Master Degree. In contrast, teachers at school specialize in different domains; for example, arts teachers gain expertise at literature, history and language while science teachers at physics, chemistry and mathematics. Apparently, learners can be imparted with professional theories or guidance via attending board curricula. What’s worse, it is conceivable that some parents lack teaching strategies and methodology. Unlike them, through years of teaching practice and training, teachers are equipped with the ability to explain complicated equations, illustrate the theme of poetry and the aesthetic value of art works in a simple and understandable way. In this scenario, students’ learning efficiency can be boosted dramatically.

Apart from these, another underlying downside is the scarcity of interaction with peers. Human beings are social animals and children are no exceptions. At school, they are encouraged and required to engage in abundant sports or outdoor activities, communicating and sharing happiness and sorrows with classmates or friends. During this process, they have learnt how to be acceptable and accountable for their behaviors in a community. Conversely, fewer opportunities are provided for them to be in company of others who are at the same age if they are taught at home.

On the flip side, we can not deny the fact that self-paced learning offers students conveniences and flexibility. To be specific, gifted students are allowed to study subjects ahead of their level and accomplish their compulsory education in a shorter period, instead of being restricted by the routine steps of school education.

In conclusion, even though teaching children at home is geared to talented students’ needs and capabilities, I still believe that formal education at school can not be substituted for its purpose for cultivating children to be well-rounded individuals.

字数 384 words


题目是:Children are facing more pressures nowadays from academic (educational), social and commercial perspectives. What are the causes of these pressures and what measures should be taken to reduce these pressures?





What do you think makes children unhappy today? Researchers are pointing at the pressures from various perspectives—academic, social and commercial. While the causes of these pressures seem clear enough, there are no simple measures to reduce them.

It is easy to explain why children are facing academic, social and commercial pressures. Firstly, although as parents there are few pleasures greater than their children succeeding at school, sometimes the pressure is way too much. Parents’ unrealistically high expectations can backfire severely and end up causing their children to be unhappy. Secondly, all children have to face peer pressure in school, which is generally beneficial to kids’ growth, yet the ugly reality is that peer pressure reaches its highest intensity at just the age when children tend to be so insensitive, unkind, and even cruel as to purposefully make others unhappy. Thirdly, children are easily affected by advertising that attracts them to buy things they cannot possibly afford, and as a result, they may feel unhappy.

Though it is never easy to fix these feelings of unhappiness, there are possible measures to be taken to enhance the wellbeing of children who are under constant pressures. To begin with, parents have to draw a line on the expectations of their children and find out their true potentials, rather than pushing them to unrealistic limits. Meanwhile, with patience and guidance, parents should keep an eye on their children who fall victims to online pressure through social networking. Simultaneously, the authorities should do more to regulate advertising that are intended for children who are anxious to buy unnecessary things.

In conclusion, there are no easy solutions to the increasing academic, social, and commercial pressures children face today. Frankly, I am quite pessimistic because those factors that bring pressures to children are not likely to go away, at least in the foreseeable future.


Point at 指向......

Perspective 角度

Reduce 减少;减轻

Pleasure 快乐;愉悦

Way too much 太过了

Unrealistically 不切实际地

Backfire 回火;事与愿违

End up 最终落得个......

Peer pressure 同龄人压力

Intensity 强度

Purposefully 有意地

Afford 负担得起

Fix 解决

Enhance 提高

Constant 长期的

Potential 潜力(的)

Keep an eye on... 关注......

Fall victim to... 沦为......的牺牲品

Simultaneously 同时

Frankly 坦白地说

Pessimistic 悲观的

In the foreseeable future 在可见的未来



Children are face educational, social and commercial pressures. What are the causes of these pressures? What measures should be taken to reduce them?

范文解析 本题属于教育类话题。重点讨论孩子面临教育,社交和商业压力的原因和解决方法。该题型属于说明文类别,考生在处理文章结构时可以对应问题内容来设置主体段内容。在思考论点方面,关于社交和商业压力这两方面的原因可能稍难一些,尤其是对于“social”这个词汇的理解。如果理解为“社会的”那么对应的原因就比较难以概括了。


paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且写出引导下文的衔接句。

paragraph 2: 论述孩子面临教育、社交和商业压力的原因。

paragraph 3: 论述对应的解决方法。

paragraph 4: 总结题目中的现象和解决方法。


In this time and age, it is conceivable that children bear heavy pressure from education, social life and commercial respect. This tendency involves several factors and I would elaborate on them as follows.

The most rooted one lies in the fiercer competition in the society. It is ubiquitous that the modern world is a one replete with competition. In an attempt to survive and attain success in future life, children are required to be accustomed to competing with peers in various situations, ranging from academic performance to personal skills. Besides, most parents place higher expectation on their children, urging them to study harder and diminishing their time on entertainment. Obviously, under such circumstance, excessive stress is imposed on children.

Another factor is that children should follow certain rules to be acceptable by others. Although sometimes they do not quite approve of perspectives or values of peers, they are not allowed to behave aggressively and even conceal their true feeling to maintain a stable and close friendship. In regard to the culprit of commercial pressure, intensive advertising campaigns should be blamed for. Toys and snacks are depicted attractive and tasty in TV commercials; consequently, it is difficult for children to resist the temptation and they tend to require parents to purchase those products. However, the fact is that the result is often contrary to their expectations.

In order to relieve children from high pressure, several effective measures are supposed to be adopted. First and foremost, children themselves had better to adjust their attitude towards exams or competition in schools. To be specific, composure and optimism are essential elements they should be equipped with when encountering challenges. In addition, parents’ encouragement and guidance rather than undue requirements serve the better purpose. Furthermore, government should play a regulatory role in advertising aimed at children, applying the power to censoring the content of commercials.

In conclusion, although it is regarded as a normal phenomenon in the wake of social development, children who are continuously under pressure are likely to suffer from mental diseases. Therefore, children, parents as well as the authority should make concerted efforts to address this issue.

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