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教育的五大目的(Five Purposes of Education):


1、Moral:Improve moral standard


2、Intellectual:Theoretical knowledge, independent and critical thinking, creative thinking,analysing skills and problem-solving ability;communication and social skills, adapt to new environment


3、Physical:Develop physical fitness, healthy lifestyle


4、Psychological:Self-cultivation, an appreciation of art and literature


5、Work:Practical skills, improve career prospects


theoretical adj. 理论的

talent n. 天才 才干

practical adj. 实践的 动手的

curriculum n. 课程

nurture vt. 培养 教育

discipline n. 纪律 学科

physical adj. 身体上的

subject n. 科目 学科

psychological adj. 心理上的

adolescent adj. 青春期的,青春的 n. 青少年

intelligence n. 智力 智能

team spirit 团队精神

intellectual adj. 智力的 有智力的 n. 知识分子

all-rounded adj. 全面的

motivate v. 激发

adapt to sth. (使)适应某事

qualify v. (使)具有资格

mature adj. 成熟的

interactive adj. 交互式的 互动的

feedback n. 反馈

earn a living 谋生

raise family 养家

learn by rote 死记硬背

degree factory 学历工厂

learner-oriented 以学生为导向的

impart knowledge 传授知识

obtain knowledge and skills 获得知识和技能

practical and professional skills 实用的职业技能

become qualified employees 成为合格的雇员

become competitive in the job market 在职场上有竞争力

make contributions to social progress 对社会进步做出贡献

achieve life value 实现人生价值

heavy burden of study and lack of sleep and physical exercise 学习负担重和缺乏睡眠和锻炼

encourage students to think critically and independently 鼓励学生批判地和独立地思考

promote students’ physical, intellectual and emotional development 促进学生的身体、智力和情感发展

help foster in the young the morally sound values and outlook on the world and life 帮助年轻人梳理正确的价值观、世界观和人生观

a school is society in miniature. 学校是社会的一个缩影


万能思路:环境问题是当今世界的一个热门话题。如今全球在该话题上最流行的的词儿是low carbon,所以在作文中一定要写,与时俱进。







1. Climate change, global warming

2. Air pollution, increase of rubbish/garbage

3. Energy crisis, water shortage, deforestation

4. Natural disasters, acid rain, sand storms, drought, flood




1. Population growth, industrial development, long-term human activities








1. Global cooperation, reach the agreement, set international standards for environmental protection

2. Make laws, encourage low carbon economy

3. Exploit renewable, green energy, invest in energy-saving technologies

4. Promote environmental-friendly products, lead green consuming habits

5. raise public’s green awareness, encourage low carbon lifestyle


low carbon 低碳

green adj. 环保的

environmental-friendly adj. 环保的

eco-friendly adj. 环保的

ecosystem n. 生态系统

environmental protection 环境保护

preserve vt. 保护

sustainable development 可持续发展

deplete natural resources 耗尽自然资源

leave a carbon footprint 留下一个碳化足迹

discharge/release pollutants into the environment 向环境排放污染物

greenhouse effect 温室效应

global warming 全球变暖

discharge vt. 排放

toxic adj. 有毒的

contaminate v. 污染

degrade v. 恶化 降级

deteriorate v. 恶化

shortage n. 缺乏

lack vt. 缺少

deficiency n. 缺乏 不足

fight climate change 抵制气候变化

improve air quality 改善空气质量

conserve energy 节约能源

renewable energies such as wind, hydro and solar powers 可再生能源,例如风能、水能和太阳能

fuel-efficient vehicles 燃油高效汽车

take public transit, carpool or ride a bicycle 乘坐公共交通,拼车或骑自行车

avoid using throw-away products 避免使用一次性产品

environmental-friendly products 环保产品

eco-friendly alternatives/substitutions/replacements 生态友好的替代品

sort the daily garbage 生活垃圾分类

consume less and recycle more 少消耗多回收


万能思路:主要考查Internet, computer, mobile phone, machinery等现代科技对人们生活的影响。






Positive impacts:

1. Improve work efficiency

2. Convenience, with the click of a mouse, cost-effective

3. Promote and facilitate communication

4. Obtain information in various ways, enrich one’s knowledge








Negative impacts:

1. Invade one’s privacy

2. Less many family time, increasing work pressure

3. Security issue, cyber crimes

4. Questionable contents, pornography, violence

5. Physical problem, radiation, weaken eyesight, less outdoor exercise

6. Psychological problem, indulge in virtual world, become solitary, be isolated from the real world, weaken the relationship with family members and friends


surf on the net/Internet 上网

hi-tech features 高科技特征

website n. 网站

convenient adj. 方便的 便利的

productivity n. 生产力 生产率

geographical barrier 地理阻碍

digital adj. 数字的 数码的

electronic adj. 电子的

virtual world 虚拟世界

infringe/invade the privacy 侵犯隐私

pirate vt. 剽窃 侵犯专利

security n. 安全

radiation n. 辐射

with the click of a mouse 用鼠标一点

in a virtual world 在虚拟世界中

an information age 信息时代

be lost in 迷失在......

stay in touch with 和......保持联系

cause damage to one’s health 对人的健康造成危害

log on the Internet 登录互联网

have/gain access to any information or knowledge 获取任何信息或知识

cutting-edge technology 尖端科技

information explosion 信息爆炸

due to the proliferation of the Internet 由于互联网的普及

with an increasing popularity of mobile phones 随着手机的越来越流行

innovation n. 创新

invention n. 发明 创造

labor-saving machinery 节约人力的机器

biotechnology n. 生物科技

telecommunication 远程交流

space exploration 太空探索

hacker n. 电脑黑客

conventional method 传统手段

face to face 面对面

online retailer 网上零售商

netizen n. 网民

cost-effective adj. 节省成本的 划算的

blog n. 博客

cybercrime 电脑犯罪

offensive adj. 令人不快的

pornography n. 色情

violence n. 暴力

illegal gambling 非法赌博

questionable contents 有问题的内容





2、政府有能力 有相关资源



1. Every government’s basic obligation: ensure national security, stabilize the society, enhance social welfare system, perfect the public facilities

2. Be able to pool and dominate various resources

3. Give top priority to investments on education, technology and basic human needs, then invest in entertainment facilities to increase emotional wellbeing and enrich one’s cultural life


poverty n. 贫穷

budget n. 预算

authority n. 当局

implement v. 执行

supervise v. 监督 指导

state-owned adj. 国有的

private adj. 私有的 私营的

military n. 军队 adj. 军事的

policy n. 政策 方针

obligation n. 义务 职责

infrastructure n. 基础设施

investment n. 投资

prioritize vt. 把......区分优先次序

tax revenue 税收

enact law 颁布法律

welfare system 福利体系

basic human needs 人类基本需求

public service 公共服务

public transportation 公共交通

affordable house 买得起的房子

health care service 医疗服务

impose censorship on 对......实施审查

NGO(Nongovernmental Organization) 非政府组织

non-profit organization 非营利性组织

financial aid 财物援助

combat corruption 打击腐败

bridge the gap between rich and poor 缩小贫富差距

create job opportunities 创造就业机会

improve the quality of service 提高服务质量

ensure social equality 确保社会公平



a 老年人



6、Rich experience in both work and life, good consultants


7、Coaches, doctors; look after grandchildren


8、Do some volunteer work


9、Medical care and pension pose a financial burden for government


10、Labor shortage, economy hole


silver tsunami 银发危机

twilight life 晚年

age v. 变老

elderly adj. 老年的

senior adj. 年长的

demographics n. 人口统计状况

retirement n. 退休

pension n. 养老金 退休金

volunteer n. 志愿者 adj. 志愿的 v. 自愿

expert n. 专家




1、Curiosity,imitate,quick to learn


2、Lack of self-control, unable to distinguish right from wrong


3、Vulnerable to negative influences


4、Critical time of physical and psychological development


5、Provide parental guidance, commit their guardianship


impressionable adj. 容易受影响的

vulnerable adj. 易受伤的,易受攻击的

addictive adj. 上瘾的

curious adj. 好奇的,求知的

imitate vt. 模仿

naughty adj. 顽皮的,淘气的

discipline n. 纪律

outdoor activity 户外活动

couch potato 看电视太久的人,终日懒散的人

grow up 长大成人

C. 妇女



1、Gentle/tender/soft manner, less aggressive nature


2、More patient, understanding, better communication skills


3、Not physically strong


4、Role in raising children, take care of the family, housework


gender n. 性别

sex discrimination 性别歧视

sex harassment 性骚扰

patient adj. 耐心的 n. 病人

aggressive adj. 好斗的

gossip vi. 闲聊,八卦 n. 闲话

housewife n. 家庭主妇

pregnant adj. 怀孕的

child bearing 生育孩子

child rearing 养育孩子

d. 工作和家庭



1、Keen competition makes employees to work overtime


2、Spend more time learning new technologies and upgrading knowledge and skills


3、Spend more time processing all types of information in this information age


As a result, the quality family time reduces.


workaholic n. 工作狂

career path 职业道路

lifestyle n. 生活方式

colleague n. 同事

intense/fierce/keen competition 激烈的竞争

fast-paced 快速的

fatigue n. 疲劳 v. 疲劳

workplace n. 职场

job-hopping n. 跳槽

e. 经济发展和城市化

万能思路:农民工(migrate worker)是当今中国社会的热点话题之一。其背景是区域经济快速发展的不均衡性。





1、More job opportunities, higher income

2、Better living conditions and infrastructures





1、Widen the gap between the rich and the poor

2、At the cost of environment


rural areas 乡村地区

suburb n. 郊区

urbanization n. 城市化

metropolis n. 大都市

population density 人口密度

traffic congestion 交通堵塞

have access to 能获得 能使用

infrastructure 基础设施

wellbeing n. 康乐 安宁 福利

widen the gap between urban and rural areas 加大城乡差距

F. 媒体





1、Provide all kinds of information, ranging from current affairs to entertainment news

2、Disclose social problems; monitor and push the government to deal with them





1、Over-report negative stories to hook viewers and maximize profits

2、Mislead the public’s view and mood with distorted and false information


press n. 新闻界,新闻报道

coverage n. 新闻报道

fair adj. 公平的

cater for audiences 迎合观众

hook vt. 吸引,使上钩

unveil v. 揭露(Disclose)

supervise v. 监督(monitor)

mislead vt. 误导

exaggerate v. 夸大 夸张

public opinion 舆论

G. 广告





1、Bridge the gap between consumers and manufactures

2、Evoke impulse buying, boost sales, and promote economic development






1、Add to the cost of the products

2、Claim product’s advantages only; unjust

3、Unwelcome information


commercial n. (无线电或电视中的)广告

public service advertising 公益广告

advertiser n. 登广告者

promotion n. 促销

marketing tool 市场营销手段

target audience 目标受众

shopaholic n. 购物狂

induce vt. 劝诱 促使

stimulate vt. 刺激 激励(evoke)

purchase decision 购买决定

H. 预防犯罪




Poor education, unfortunate family, poverty, character flaw





1、Education, job training, employment, enhance welfare system

2、Severe punishment


criminal n. 罪犯

offender n. 违法者

innocent adj. 清白的 无罪的

punish vt. 惩罚 处罚

jail n. 监狱 prison

commit a crime 犯罪

juvenile delinquency 前少年罪犯

threat to public safety 威胁公共安全

preventive measure 预防措施

deterrent effect 威慑作用

6. 文化生活方式类

a. 衣


1、Basic human needs were met; inevitable trend


2、Self-expression; reflect characters, taste, likes


3、Following fashion blindly is a waste of time and money


4、Keep up with the Joneses; fulfill one’s peacockery


5、Associate clothing with social status and wealth; become snobbish


popularity n. 普及 流行

fad n. 时尚 vogue/fashion

option n. 选项 选择权

gorgeous adj. 华丽的

dress parade 时装表演

celebrity n. 名人 名流

self-esteem n. 自尊

confident adj. 自信的

superficial adj. 表面的 肤浅的

peacockery n. 虚荣



1、Be consistent with fast-paced modern lifestyle


2、Standardized; strict quality control


3、Pose a threat to traditional food culture


4、Less nutrient, high calories; junk food


diversity n. 多样性

nutritious adj. 营养的 (n. nutrient)

meal n. 一餐

recipe [resipi] n. 食谱

unhealthy adj. 不健康的

calorie n. 卡路里

high-fat adj. 高脂肪的

franchise n. 特许经营商

obese adj. 肥胖的

home cooking 家中做饭

c 住




Traditional architectures:

1、Esthetic value = aesthetic value

2、Cultural heritage




Modern architectures:

1、Raise the utilization rate of land; population growth; consist with the urbanization trend

2、Modern technologies: lift, are conditioning; more comfortable


architecture n. 建筑学 建筑物

apartment n. 公寓

esthetics n. 美学 = aesthetics

density n. 密度

user-friendly adj. 方便用户的

urbanization n. 城市化

comfortable adj. 舒适的

concrete jungle 混凝土丛林

skyscraper n. 摩天大楼

traditional Chinese garden 传统中国园林

d 行





1、Broaden one’s horizon; enrich one’s experience and knowledge

2、Boost local economy; hotels, restaurants, air industry

3、Place a heavy burden on local environment

4、Over-dependent on tourist industry, unbalanced economic development


tourism n. 旅游业

experience n. 经验

visitor n. 游客

disturb v. 打乱 打扰

airline n. 航空公司

burden n. 负担

ecosystem n. 生态系统

natural scenery 自然风光

attract vt. 吸引

historic resort 历史名胜

e 艺术 娱乐





1、Arts vary in different societies; science can be applied to the whole world

2、Arts satisfy people’s spiritual and emotional needs, and enrich cultural life; science enriches material wealth

3、Subjective vs. objective


unique adj. 唯一的 独特的

sculpture n. 雕刻 雕塑

representative n. 代表 adj. 典型的 有代表性的

spiritual adj. 精神上的

poem n. 诗

pursuit n. 追求 追逐

painting n. 绘画

Beijing Opera 京剧

music n. 音乐

cross-talk 相声

f 语言


1、A particular language was born from a particular culture


2、Understand the speaker’s cultural



3、Learn rules of grammar and memorize vocabulary


4、Learning culture is a waste of time


vocabulary n. 词汇

derive from 来自于

grammar n. 语法

effectively and efficiently 有效果的和有效率的

dialect n. 方言

repetitive learning 重复式学习

idiom n. 成语

learn by rote 死记硬背

memorize v. 记住 记忆

master a foreign language 掌握一门外语

g) 多元文化


1、Inevitable and irreversible trend


2、Improve people’s living standard


3、Enhance communication, appreciation and respect among different cultures


4、Immigrants’ language barrier, culture shock


5、Discrimination; religious conflict; public order issue


inevitable adj. 不可避免的 必然的

custom n. 风俗习惯

multicultural adj. 多元文化的

religion n. 宗教 信仰

interdependent adj. 相互依赖的

discrimination n. 歧视

global village n. 地球村

culture shock 文化冲突

ethnic adj. 人种的 种族的

assimilate vt. (使)同化

h) 意识形态与价值观


1、Subjective feeling


2、People at different life stages with various likes from diverse social backgrounds surely do not have the same definition for happiness


3、My definition of happiness is ...


subjective adj. 主观的

virtue n. 美德

objective adj. 客观的

outdated values 过时的价值观

abstract adj. 抽象的

life goal 人生目标

mindset n. 思维方式

attitude n. 态度

ideology n. 意识形态

reality n. 现实










according to a recent survey ,four-million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


the latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework.


no invention has received more praise and abuse than internet.


people seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a person's physical fitness.


nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin. unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus.


in view of the seriousness of this problem ,effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful effects of international tourism.


an increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city .however ,this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents ,who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution.


many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus ,which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers.


there is no denying the fact that air pollution is an extremely serious problem :the city authorities should take strong measures to deal with it.


an investigation shows that female workers tend to have a favorable attitude toward retirement.


a proper part-time job does not occupy student's too much time .in fact ,it is unhealthy for them to spend all of time on their study .as an old saying goes :all work and no play makes jack a dull boy


any government which is blind to this point may pay a heavy price.


an increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation.


when it comes to education ,the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study.


the majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills ,which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.


it is indisputable that there are millions of people who still have a miserable life and have to fact the dangers of starvation and exposure.


although this view is widely held ,there is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


no one can deny the fact that a person's education is the most important aspect of his life.


people equate success in life with the ability of operating computer .



雅思语法使用误区一、such as与for example的混用

我们知道,在表示举例子的时候,such as与like是完全等同的,如:Wild flowers such as/like orchids and primroses are becoming rare。

但是同学们对于Such as、for example 的把握还是不够准确。我们都知道,后者接句子前者接词语表示举例子。于是就有了下面的写法:

There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and Italian。

这里的such as改为for example为好,因为“in French and Italian”其实是“there is a similar word in French and Italian”的简化,所以要用for example来引出例证。再来看几个类似的例子:

It is possible to combine computer science with other subjects, for example physics。

雅思语法使用误区二、assume 及claim 使用不够准确

我们知道, think,assume,claim是议论文中常用引出观点的动词。在实际作文中,同学们往往认为几个词的意思是一样的,完全可以代换,所以拿过来就用。甚至还有同学把consider也拿过来与之混用。我们首先还是从定义来看这几个词的不同:

Think: to have opinion or belief about sth。


Assume: to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it。


Claim: to say sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it。

翻译为“声称”,用这个词往往意味着不赞同紧跟其后的观点,所以很少用作‘I claim that…

Scientist are claiming a breakthrough in the fight against cancer, but in fact, …。

所以‘It is claimed that’通常翻译为“有报道称。。。”。和‘it is reported that ’的区别在于后者翻译为“据报道”,往往代表着作者赞同报告的内容,

Consider: to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision


We are considering buying a new car。




一般表现为固定搭配错误,如常把provide sb with sth用成provide sb sth; be satisfied with用成be satisfied for等等,虽然这样的错误看似无伤大雅,但在考官眼里就是影响顺畅阅读的,当然会影响最终成绩。解决的办法简单而古老:把常见的固定搭配牢记于心,问题 自然就解决了。

2、 “to”作为介词的误用

“to”最常见的用法是以动词不定式符号的形式出现的,所以同学们也已经习惯了“to do”的固定搭配。对于一些如walk to me, to the left等介词to表方向等常见用法一般也不会出现错误。但是对于与动词搭配的介词to就会经常犯错:


More and more students have taken to depend on their parents to make decision for them。

这里的‘take to’ means ‘to begin to do sth as a habit’其中‘to’为介词,所以后面只能接名词或相当于名词的词,如动名词。所以句中depend on 应改为“depending on”。“take to”的另一个常用用法也需要牢记:

He hasn’t taken to his new school. (这里‘take to’ means ‘to start liking sb or sth’)

Prefer A to B中的“to”也是介词,会有prefer doing sth to doing sth/ prefer sth to sth else,另外,“prefer to do sth rather than do sth”中的“to”可是真正的不定式符号。


Be used to doing

Adapt to doing

Adjust to doing

prefer doing sth. to doing sth。

Be accustomed to doing

See to doing




I suggest he continues his study instead of working after graduation from high school。

因为‘suggest’翻译为“建议”,所以后面的从句应该用虚拟语气,句中“continues”部分应该改为“(should) continue”。


Recommend, suggest, advise


我们先从两者的定义入手来看两者的区别。 Compare的定义为:to examine people or things to see how they are similar or different. Contrast的定义为:to compare two or more things to show the difference between them。由定义不难看出前者侧重于找到两个或多个事物的异同,而后者则侧重于它们的不同。


It is interesting to compare their situations to ours./It is interesting to contrast their situations to ours。




There is an obvious contrast between the culture of East and West。

The company lost $7 million in contrast to a profit of $6.2 million a year earlier。

When you look at their new system, ours seems very old-fashioned by contrast。



1. in general/ on the whole/ generally

2. all in all

3. From the foregoing, …

4. in brief/ in summary/ in conclusion/ in short/ in a word/ to sum up/ to conclude/ to summarize

5. If it is up to me to make a choice between A and B, I would rather choose … over …

6. If I were forced to agree with one of the two, my choice would be …

7. From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that …

8. When the advantages and disadvantages are carefully compared, the most striking conclusion is self-evident.

9. Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to/ draw the conclusion that …

10. All these opinions make sense, and consequently it is hard to choose the best of them. In my opinion, such matters must be left to individual’s conscience.

11. From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that …

12. Personally, I side with the former/ latter opinion.

13. I am of the opinion that priority should be given to …

14. Personally, I stand on the side of …

15. As far as I am concerned, I am in favor of the opinion that …

16. For my part, I completely agree with the former /latter.

17. To be frank/ To tell the truth, I should second the former/ latter attitude/ position in preference to the latter/ former.

18. People from different backgrounds, however, put different interpretations on the same thing.

19. Views on the issue in question vary from person to person/ vary widely.

20. People rarely reach an absolute consensus on a controversial issue.

21. Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the moral that …

22. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that …

23. All the evidence justifies an unshakable view that …

24. All the evidence supports an unmistakable conclusion that …

25. To conclude my essay, I would like to quote an old saying “…”.

26. Both views have strong foundations; but, overall, I tend to agree with the latter.

27. What we must do is make sure that the positive ones are encouraged and the negative ones are eliminated as far as possible.

28. It is true that to do … brings about both positive and negative results. But we can try our best to reduce the negative influence to the least extent. Besides, compared with the positive effects, the disadvantages would not count much.

29. It is high time that we/ the government did …

30. To achieve this goal, however, we still have a great distance to cover.

31. It is urgent/ important/ necessary that appropriate/ effective/ proper actions/ measures/ steps/ method be taken to end/ correct/ improve …

32. There are believed/ expected/ supposed to be two effective measures/ practical schemes/ sound solutions, one of which is …

33. Both governments and ordinary citizens should join hands to make this world a better place to live in, not only for ourselves, but also for future generations.




练习笔译时,即使英语不错,也需要辨别两种语言表达习惯上的差异,增强译文的地道性(有时候觉得作为中国人,受到英语的影响,连中文都不会说了T T);

















举一个例子:Grammatical Range and Accuracy这一项若想达到6分,除了保证全文的语法错误数量低于10个,必须掌握的句型有简单句、并列句和复合句。如果一名学生不能正确使用定语从句,那么他需要做的是先针对性地学习定语从句的相关用法,再通过专项训练,如定语从句汉译英的句子翻译练习来改善,而不是埋头做题。











As major cities around the world are growing fast and many problems occur. 随着城市的快速发展,年轻人面临着许多的问题,又该如何解决这些问题?


With the relentless march of urbanization in many countries,a string of problems related to young adults who are resident in metropolises should not be ignored. In this essay, the prominent problems and some solutions will be expounded.

Joblessness is widely regarded as one of the primary issues. Nowadays, an increasing number of young people migrate to megacities for convenient life and abundant public resources. However, fierce job competition could also be fueled by this migration and many young people may be afflicted with unemployment. For example, those who fail to possess advanced skills and higher academic qualifications may find it hard to compete in the job market. As there are sometimes hundreds of applicants for one position in a company, young people lacking experience are more likely to be eliminated, resulting in the rising unemployment rate in super-sized cities. What is more, city dwellers’ deteriorating quality of life is attributable to the rapid development of metropolitan cities. Young adults, especially university graduates, lead a hectic life but earn meager wages, which means that under the extremely high cost of living and the shortage of disposable income, houses become unaffordable and unthinkable for them. As a result, the low living satisfaction brings about mental diseases, such as anxiety and depression.

To mitigate the problems, some measures should be taken. Firstly, information about advanced skills should be available to the youth either from the Internet or universities. Meanwhile, young people need to update knowledge so as to improve their employability. Secondly, it is imperative that the government should provide financial incentives for them. For instance, housing and employment subsidies can release young people’s huge economic pressure, which can help them lead a better life.

In conclusion, in order to survive and thrive in metropolises, young people should be well equipped to grapple with above mentioned problems and support from the government could also alter the status quo.







joblessness 失业

migrate to megacities 移居大城市

be fueled by 被,,激化

be afflicted with 受….折磨

academic qualifications 学历

is attributable to 归因于

lead a hectic life 过着忙碌的生活

earn meager wages 挣微薄的工资

disposable income 可支配收入

unaffordable and unthinkable 不能负担和不能想象

be available to 对….可获得

improve employability 提高就业能力

financial incentives 财政激励

survive and thrive 生存和发展

be well equipped 准备充分

grapple with 努力克服

alter the status quo 改变现状


With the relentless march of urbanization 随着城市化进程的不断推进

a string of problems related to…should not be ignored 与….有关的一系列问题不应被忽视

fail to possess…. may find it hard to…. 不能掌握….会发现很难…

To mitigate the problems, some measures should be taken. 为了缓解问题,应该采取一些措施

it is imperative that…..should….. 当务之急是…..

雅思写作大作文满分范文:保护野生动物(wild animals protection)


Some people argue that it is pointless to spend money on the protection of wild animals because we humans have no need for them. I completely disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, it is absurd to argue that wild animals have no place in the 21st century. I do not believe that planet Earth exists only for the benefit of humans, and there is nothing special about this particular century that means that we suddenly have the right to allow or encourage the extinction of any species. Furthermore, there is no compelling reason why we should let animals die out. We do not need to exploit or destroy every last square metre of land in order to feed or accommodate the world’s population. There is plenty of room for us to exist side by side with wild animals, and this should be our aim.

I also disagree with the idea that protecting animals is a waste of resources. It is usually the protection of natural habitats that ensures the survival of wild animals, and most scientists agree that these habitats are also crucial for human survival. For example, rainforests produce oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide and stabilise the Earth’s climate. If we destroyed these areas, the costs of managing the resulting changes to our planet would far outweigh the costs of conservation. By protecting wild animals and their habitats, we maintain the natural balance of all life on Earth.

In conclusion, we have no right to decide whether or not wild animals should exist, and I believe that we should do everything we can to protect them.(269 words, band 9)

相关雅思写作观点集: Animal rights

1.Arguments for Animal testing 动物实验论点

Animals are used in important scientific research

It is necessary to do medical tests on new drugs

Animal testing helps to advance medical and scientific knowledge

Many important medical discoveries involved experimentation on animals

Researchers aim to minimize the suffering that animals experience

Testing for the cosmetics industry is now banned in many countrie

2.Arguments against Animal Testing 反对动物实验

The benefits of research using animals do not justify the suffering caused

There are alternative methods of research

The lives of animals should be respected

Humans have no moral right to do experiments on animals

3.Positives of Zoos 动物园的积极作用

Zoos paly an important role in wildlife conservation

They can help to protect endangered species

Zoos allow scientists to study animals and their behavior

Zoos are educational, interesting and fun

Children, in particular, enjoy learning about animals

Zoos provide job opportunities.

4.Negatives of Zoos 动物园的消极作用

Zoo animals are kept in artificial environments

They are kept in cages or have limited space

Zoo animals rely on humans

They lose the freedom to hunt for food

They best way to save endangered species is by protecting natural habitats.

Some people believe that zoos are unethical

Zoos exhibits animals with the aim of making money

We have no right to use animals for entertainment and profit.


题目是Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?由于互联网的发展,现在很多人都不去商店而选择在网上购物。那么,这个趋势是好还是坏呢?详情请看小站原创雅思大作文高分范文及思路详解。



paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述网络购物的优点。(分为买家和卖家两个层面)

paragraph 3: 论述网络购物的缺点。(分为买家和实体商家两个层面)

paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点以及如何避免缺点。

With the advent of internet, people’s way of shopping has been dramatically changed. Online shopping is thriving and taking the place of shopping in physical shops. Undeniably, both consumers and sellers can benefit from this tendency though several drawbacks can not be underestimated.

From the perspective of vendors, the budget for running business is diminished considerably for the reason that the rent for a shop online is quite cheaper and some are even free of charge; besides, there is no need for them to pay for utility bills. The most advantageous is that their commodities can be introduced to a wider range of people. As long as sellers launch new products, consumers no matter at home or abroad are able to search it by searching engines within seconds. In this case, they are likely to gain huge profits from the high sales of goods. As for buyers, it is achievable to purchase whatever they need without going out. Unlike the past, the only thing they need do is to pick out items and click the button for payment. Furthermore, they may easily compare the price and features of products, as well as find bargains, buying the ideal goods with less cost.

Conversely, there also exist some defects about this shopping pattern. To commence with, it may lead to irrational or excessive consumption. Shopping can be done anywhere at daytime or night, with diverse commodities available from the whole world. Under such circumstance, it is hard for consumers to resist the temptation and easier to buy something failing to meet their real demands. What’s worse, owners of physical stores are facing bankrupt. Statistics show that there were 22 shopping centers closed in Shanghai in the first half year of . The consequent unemployment aggravates the burden on government.

In conclusion, as far as I am concerned the boom of online transaction is unstoppable and irreversible and it boosts the prosperity of national economy. In an attempt to avoid unnecessary consumption, shoppers had better think twice before making decisions of purchase. (339 words)




好啦! 筒子们,真是real心累啊,那么到底考官对你的观点赞同与否和分数有多大关系呢?

其实,无论是写作还是口语,不用太担心我们的观点是否被考官认同,只要贴合题目,表述清晰,自圆其说就可以咯, 因为雅思考试是精准评测考生英语能力的考试,而不是讲故事大赛!

无数经历了血雨腥风的烤鸭们都给雅思写作投上了最难拿分的一票,尤其是分值比例大费力还不讨好的Part 2,大家总是觉得对于话题很难把握,费尽心思为自己的论点想出佐证的理由和依据,刚要提笔开始写,又突然怀疑起自己的观点考官会不会喜欢,阅卷老师是否认同。然而毕竟时间辣么紧张,于是开始边落笔边惆怅,越写越心虚…



大家洋洋洒洒地写下五花八门的各种论点和看法后,我们亲爱的考官们都会非常认真地阅读大家对于题目的所有观点和想法,根据官方的写作评分标准,对你的文章给出公正合理的评分,不会因为是否赞同你的观点而让你的分数受到任何影响滴!所以说呢,大家不要有压力,看准题目要求, 把握好时间,理清思绪尽管大胆写,keep calm and be brave! 雅思考官呀,萝卜青菜全都爱呢~

总之,无论是雅思考试中的哪一项, 来自考官的官方建议是“切记认真仔细阅读和聆听题目,只要你的回答和题目密切相关,并且你的用词准确,表述清楚,你的观点好坏、考官赞同与否是不会影响你的考试成绩的”,拿下高分完全木有问题,妥妥的走上人生巅峰!




First, ads disturb our life. Surely, we all have the experience that an insert of the information about a product often interrupts our pleasure of watching an exciting film on T.V, which makes us so annoyed that sometimes we have the impulse to call the T.V station to make a complaint.

What’s more annoying is that you have spent money on a newspaper, but you’ll find that most of the space in the newspaper is occupied by all kinds of disgusting ads about a medicine of dealing with sexual diseases, which has totally violated your previous desire of getting the news about what is happening.



Ad is an effect way to develop economy. As is calculated by the Statistic Bureau of China, 80% of the products in China are promoted and marketed by ads, which has brought almost 20 billion incomes as the tax to the country.

Meanwhile, with the prosperity of ads industry, more job vacancies are created and more revenue is added to the GDP of China.



In recent time, more and more cases have been reported in newspaper and TV programs about the surprisingly increasing rate of children’s crimes. The situation has become so serious that it has aroused great concern of the whole community。



?单边支持/反对 ?探讨双方 ?陈述利弊 ?半支持半反对 ?分析解决 ?多重选择

构成:引言段+ 主体段+ 结论段


组成:开头句(Opening sentence)+ 中心论点步骤:引入话题,同义转述,


I、Opening sentence 五种方法:



Many schools demand the students to wear uniforms. Some people think that such

a practice can undermine their personality and individuality.

范文:The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear school uniforms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many people.

备选:Be of great concern for many parents


Be of great importance to many scientists


Be of great significance to both A and B

对于A 和B 都是非常重要的


范文:The question of how human beings can define and pursue happiness is a matter of much contention among the general public .

备选: The question of _____________ has been widely debate in the world of politics.





套路:Although it is + 副词+ 过去分词+ that…,this is...


The older generations have very traditional ideas about the correct ways of life, thinking and behavior. However, some people think that these ideas are not helpful for the young generations to prepare for modern life.


Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy lifestyle and proper conduct are no longer to young people’s needs today, this is actually not the case .


范文2: Although many people subscribe to the belief that their old relatives can be taken better care of in a nursing home, this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up. From my point of view, it is the younger family members who should really be responsible for looking after these old people during the rest of their lives.

释义: ①普遍认为…,但事实并非如下。Although it is commonly believed that, this is actually not the case.

②许多人认同这样的观点…,但事实上这却是一种我们需要去澄清的普遍错误观念。Although many people subscribe to the belief that ..., this is in fact a common misconception that we need to clear up.

③大众观念认为?.,但是现实状况却远比这种观念复杂得多。Although conventional wisdom has it that, the reality of the situation is often far more complicated than that.

释义: subscribe to 订阅、同意、预订conventional wisdom 大众观念




Some people support the development in agriculture, such as farming industry and the scientific creation of new types of fruit and vegetables. Others oppose this development. Discuss both views and state your opinion.

范文: Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural development, where industrial technologies are being employed and new varieties of crops are being created. Yet, opponents of this development have raised a number of difficult questions. From my opinion of views, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the bigger picture.

备选:Recent decades have witnessed an increase awareness of

释义: understand the bigger picture 了解事物的全貌


With divorce rates and family breakdowns increasing globally, it is generally accepted that families today are not as close they used to be.


Divorce and family breakdown were virtually unheard of just 100 years ago. Now,however , almost half of all marriages fail. This phenomenon is symptomatic of the growing distance between family members in modern society.



范文:Some people hold the opinion that the government should make more investments is expanding and improving road systems, whereas others who are not so convinced present the counterargument that it is the responsibility of the growing number of private car users to deal with the huge costs. In my opinion, both sides of the argument have their own reasons, and we need a detailed analysis to get to the root of this controversy.




With the huge expansion of high technologies available to individuals, it is sometimes argued that economic and cultural gaps between the rich and poor are being further widened.



With the unprecedented explosion of large supermarkets and shopping malls, a lot of small local shops have quietly disappeared while the remaining ones are struggling for hopeless survival. 释义:unprecedented explosion 前所未有的爆发


With the continuous and gradual evolution of mass media, many serious crimes are now described in greater detail on newspapers, television and the Internet, raising considerable public concern over personal safety and social stability.


With the mass extinction of endangered and rare species, many countries have taken harsh measures against illegal hunting, unregulated dumping of industrial waste and rampant destruction of their natural habitats by human developers.


The higher living standard nowadays makes it possible for people to afford various consumer goods such as TV, microwave ovens, etc. When we enjoy the benefits brought by the modern technology, there is a wide concern that this development may have detrimental effects on the environment. For individual households, there is no doubt that using home appliances can increase people's quality of life. Watching TV is a relaxing way for people to spend their leisure time and broaden their scope of knowledge, with informative and amusing programs available on the screen any time. Electric appliances in the kitchen can assist housewives to cook tasty and nutritious food, making the tiring task more enjoyable and efficient. Also, the rise in consumption of home appliances can boost the manufacturing industry, which can bring the government more tax revenues and create more jobs. However, there are negative repercussions to this pattern of worldwide growth of electric products. The production and use of these goods consume huge quantities of fuels and raw materials and generate carbon emissions, contributing to the deterioration of the environment. Another problem is that manufacturers constantly launch new products and consumers replace the old ones, so tons of waste products and components are produced every day. Disposal of such items as fridges and air conditioners is particularly troublesome, because they contain dangerous chemicals and take up space in landfill sites. Overall, it is a positive trend that people can afford various kinds of electric products, which indicates that their living conditions have improved. However, some measures such as energy-saving and recycling technologies need to be adopted for protecting the environment. (270 words)


题目为:In many countries, more and more people can buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss both views and give your opinion.越来越多的人广泛使用家用电器,如电视,微波炉还有电饭煲。这是积极还是消极的发展吗?

相似写作话题(Similar Topic):

Nowadays, more and more people are having consumer goods like refrigerators and washing machines. Does this development bring more advantages than disadvantages? (/12/12)




引言开头household appliances: more positive than negative

主体A段 the advantages of household appliances (支持主题)

主体B段 the disadvantages of household appliances (支持主题)

结论结尾household appliances: more positive than negative (重申主题)







paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。

paragraph 2: 论述网络购物的优点。(分为买家和卖家两个层面)

paragraph 3: 论述网络购物的缺点。(分为买家和实体商家两个层面)

paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点以及如何避免缺点。

相关专题 雅思论点