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雅思阅读配对题List of Headings4种解题技巧



注意:不是所有转折词都那么明显,有时可能会用别的词语替代,比如refute,Some don’t agree this等等。考生需要多做题,培养对转折词的敏感度和语感。



通常,雅思阅读配对题List of Headings题型难度较高,无法在文章做定位,需要我们通读全文才能着手去做,所以建议大家做完其他题目再做雅思阅读配对题。


文章段落中,出现的引证和举例内容可以先忽略,我们应该把注意力放在引证和举例之前的部分。比如for example, for instance, A is one of the best examples to demonstrate等等。论据的就是用来阐述论点,所以论据前面的论点语句,通常可以用来做段意选择。


难免有些文章段落让我们很苦恼,无法做出答案,建议大家不要因此浪费时间纠结。而是应该做个标记,然后move on,去完成其他题目。等到完成其他题目,其实你也就缩小了可选的范围,加上此时如果还剩余时间,还可以再好好阅读原文,找出最合适的答案。







在雅思阅读答题中,时间对绝大部分学生,特别是英文阅读水平相对一般的学生来说,更尤为至关重要。即使是英语为母语的人(NATIVE-ENGLISH SPEAKER)也无法在雅思阅读规定的时间内完全理解所有的词汇。因此,一定控制好时间。




1. 题型要求

这是一个传统题型,大家都很熟悉。但就是这种大家都熟悉的题型,ielts 考试也要弄出新花样。其它考试中,如四级、六级、toefl,只有四选一一种形式。ielts 考试的选择题分为四选一和多选多多两种。四选一,选项肯定是四个。即要求从a、b、c、d 四项中选择一个最符合题意的选项。多选多,选项肯定是五个或五个以上,而正确答案的数目肯定在两个以上。


(1)正确答案的数目是已知的。在题目的要求中会告诉你要选出几个选项。题目要求中常which four, which three等字样。



帕金森症是一种顽症。它是由大脑中缺乏一种叫多巴胺的化学物质引起的。(后面删减100 字)很多名人深受其苦。比如,我们的改革的总设计师、拳王阿里、以故数学家陈景润等等。(后面删减100 字)


a. 邓小平

b. 里根

c. 拳王阿里

d. 布什

e. 陈景润




考试中,四选一,a 类和g 类一般都是每次必考,考一组,共3 题左右。多选多,不是每次必考。

2. 解题步骤

(1) 找出题干中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。


(2) 从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题干中的其他关键词及选项确定正确答案。正确选项常常是原文相关词句的改写。


(3) 有些题目比较简单,可以直接选择。对于难题,可以用排除法确定正确答案。






解决这一问题的策略(strategy)之一就是心理暗示与自我暗示(Suggestion and Autosuggestion),也称为“柯尔效应”。发明该方法的爱弥儿柯尔说:“最好的医生是自己,最强的力量在内心,最好的教育者就是你。”


对我们来说,将我们希望得到的想法输入潜意识便是轻而易举的。而将心理暗示与自我暗示即柯尔效应应用(apply)到雅思阅读考试中,也就是说,考生们在做雅思阅读题目时就不能总是有“我20分钟内肯定无法解答完一篇文章的题目”、“我阅读考试时间肯定不够”或者“我做题速度快了,题目可能做不对吧”等等诸如此类的想法(thought),或者说考生们也不能根本不关注时间,只专注于答题质量。相反的(in opposite),考生们应该不断重复提醒自己“我20分钟内能解答完一篇文章的题目,60分钟内三篇雅思阅读文章的考试题目肯定都能解答完”,“我既要60分钟内答完题又要题目全部答对”,这样只需要经常重复并练习,考生们肯定能保证在20分钟内完成一篇阅读文章题目的解答,在60分钟内完成所有阅读考试题目的解答并且把答题纸填写完毕。



任何一门语言都要遵循一定的规律,英语单词没有例外。雅思单词更是如此。在雅思阅读当中经常会出现一些我们写作听力口语不会用到的词汇。这一类单词我们只需要知道他们什么含义就可以。比如,在雅思阅读文章中会出现表示伪造的伪造这样的含义。如果我们稍微细心观察,就会发现这类单词有共同之处。就是这些单词都是f 开头的。

fake feign falsify采集者退散 fabricate forge

这组词当中,第一个单词是一个形容词。表示假的。其他单词均为动词,表示伪造。其实究其原因,我们就会发现西方人比较愿意用f开头的词表示做的含义。例如,就有我们经常见到的词根facfeafecfic都表示做的含义。然而是非法做成的,自然就是伪造的含义了。那么这组词根常考的单词还有feasible 能做的,就是形容词可行的含义。


crevice crevasse chasm



opt—choose/light/good adopt option optics optimistic optimum apt/ept--skill adapt aptitude adept inept

这样几组单词下来我们只是对单词进行了纵向记忆。第一个词根,是选择或是光。或是好的意思。我们无论选择什么事物都会选择好的事物。西方人们认为会发光的就是好的事物所以我们很容易就将这个单词的含义记住了。第一个词,表示采用领养的含义。本身就是选择 option 也是选择的意思 optics 以ics结尾表示学科光学第四个单词 optimistic 表示乐观的。最后一个是最佳的。第二组单词表示技巧。第一个单词适应,第二个表示能力,第三个表示娴熟的,最后一个表示不适应的无能的。

这是我们传统的组记。我们看看还可以怎么扩充单词。拿apt举例,apt 本来是一个单词 v.适应的意思,只有适应才能获得技巧。那么为什么apt就可以表示适应呢?想适应必须适合。我们都学过一个词,就是proper a.合适的,所以又推出另外一个词appropriate ,我们发现这个词只在proper前面和后面前缀和后缀。所以这个单词的本意不会发生什么改变。还是适合适应的意思。那么我们再从这个单词中提取最关键的部分就会变成apt。只有合适的才是适合的apt再加上ad表示坚强的含义,那么这个词还是表示适合的含义。所以另外两组单词也出来了。

proper appropriate apt adapt adept adopt



注意:不是所有转折词都那么明显,有时可能会用别的词语替代,比如refute,Some don’t agree this等等。考生需要多做题,培养对转折词的敏感度和语感。



通常,雅思阅读配对题List of Headings题型难度较高,无法在文章做定位,需要我们通读全文才能着手去做,所以建议大家做完其他题目再做雅思阅读配对题。


文章段落中,出现的引证和举例内容可以先忽略,我们应该把注意力放在引证和举例之前的部分。比如for example, for instance, A is one of the best examples to demonstrate等等。论据的就是用来阐述论点,所以论据前面的论点语句,通常可以用来做段意选择。


难免有些文章段落让我们很苦恼,无法做出答案,建议大家不要因此浪费时间纠结。而是应该做个标记,然后move on,去完成其他题目。等到完成其他题目,其实你也就缩小了可选的范围,加上此时如果还剩余时间,还可以再好好阅读原文,找出最合适的答案。


1. cause=reason=factor=origin=root 原因 n.

2. measure=weigh=time=take=read 测量 v.

3. route=motorway=highway=expressway 车道 n.

4. exclude=omit=miss out=leave out=drop 排除在外 v.

5. renewable=sustainable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可再生的 adj.

6. exist=there is/are=be found=occur 存在 v.

7. limit=restrict=constrain=confine=keep to 限制 v.

8. boundary=border=edge=outskirts=frontier 边界 n.

9. allow for=make sth. Possible 使…成为可能

10. proposal=suggestion=recommendation=proposition 提议 n.

11. urban=city=town=municipal 城市的 adj.

12. odour=smell=stench=stink 味道 n.

13. find one's way=navigate 导航 v.

14. bearing=position=standing 方位 n.

15. exchange=share=distribute 分享 v.

16. waste=unwanted materials=rubbish=garbage=trash 废物 n.

17. dental=teeth 牙齿的 adj.

18. priority=preferential=the most important=overriding 优先 n.

19. encourage=promote=help=support=be supportive 鼓励 v.

20. explore=look for=discuss=think 探索 v.

21. factor=cause=reason=root=origin 因素 n.

22. cultivate=grow=raise 培养 v.

23. convert=modify=transfer=adapt=customize 转变 v.

24. digest=take in=absorb=assimilate 消化 v.

25. preserve=protect=keep=store=keep sth. In storage 保存,保护 v.

26. monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.

27. allocate=distribute=apportion=grant=confer 分配 v.

28. decline=decrease=reduce=fall=drop 下降 v.

29. fragile=weak=delicate=breakable=feeble 脆弱的 adj.

30. upgrade=improve=make sth.better=make improvements 改进,提高 v.

31. advanced=developed=sophisticated=high-tech 先进的 adj.

32. sustainable=renewable=recycling=environmentally friendly 可持续的 adj.

33. evidence=proof=documentation 证据 n.

34. long-standing=lengthy=long-running=lasting 长期的 adj.


1. large numbers of=tens of thousands of=many 大量的

2. large=massive=huge=enormous=vast 巨大的 adj.

3. resemble=look like=alike=much the same=akin to 相像 v.

4. foe=enemy=adversary=hostile 敌人 n.

5. more than=exceed=over=in excess of 超过 v.

6. decrease=crash=reduction=fall=drop 下降 n.

7. stop=halt=come to a halt 停止 v.

8. sufficient=abundant=enough=adequate 充足的 adj.

9. establish=found=build=set up 建立 v.

10. be Successful=prosper=do well=succeed=thrive 成功

11. recognize=certify=accept=acknowledge承认 v.

12. label=display=call=brand=hail 贴标签,命名 v.

13. adapt=adjust=get used to=become/grow accustomed to 适应 v.

14. mistake=error=fault=slip=mix-up 错误 n.

15. keep a check on=monitor=watch=keep an eye on 监视 v.

16. unexpected=unpredictable=unforeseeable 不可预见的 adj.

17. generally=in general=in the whole=all in all=all things considered 大体上的 adv.

18. previously=before=earlier=formerly 先前 adv.

19. apply=use=make use of=exercise=utilize 应用 v.

20. due to=because=since=owing to=thanks to=as a result of 因为

21. raise=lift=lift up=pick up=scoop up 使…上升 v.

22. in addition=besides=additionally=too=also=as well 除此之外

23. inhabitant=resident=population=citizen=local 居民 n.

24. collapse=failure=fall 崩塌,失败 n.

25. set up=establish=found=start=open 建立

26. ensure=make sure=make certain=see to it that 保证 v.

27. assist=help=aid=give a hand=do sth. For 协助 v.

28. deny=refuse=withhold 否认 v.

29. permit=allow=let=agree to=authorize 许可 v.

30. interfere=intrude=disrupt=meddle 干扰 v.

31. repeat=redo=retake=do sth. again 重复 v.

32. prevent=stop=restrain=hold back=discourage 阻止 v.

33. disrupt=disturb=upset=break up 打扰 v.

34. long-term=chronic=long=lengthy=long-running 长期的 adj.

35. expose=show=reveal=present=let sb. see 暴露,揭发 v.

36. intense=strong=passionate=powerful=fervent 强烈的adj.

37. random=arbitrary=at random 任意的,随机的 adj.

38. require=demand=need=call for 要求v.

39. fatigue=tiredness=exhaustion=drowsiness 疲劳 n.

40. manifest=show=reveal=present 显示 v.

41. concentrate=pay attention=put one's mind on=attentive 专注 v.

42. produce=make=manufacture=create=fashion 生产 v.

43. carry out=implement=put sth. into practice=execute 实行v.

44. perform=do=conduct=dabble in 执行 v.






注意:不是所有转折词都那么明显,有时可能会用别的词语替代,比如refute,Some don’t agree this等等。考生需要多做题,培养对转折词的敏感度和语感。



通常,雅思阅读配对题List of Headings题型难度较高,无法在文章做定位,需要我们通读全文才能着手去做,所以建议大家做完其他题目再做雅思阅读配对题。


文章段落中,出现的引证和举例内容可以先忽略,我们应该把注意力放在引证和举例之前的部分。比如for example, for instance, A is one of the best examples to demonstrate等等。论据的就是用来阐述论点,所以论据前面的论点语句,通常可以用来做段意选择。


难免有些文章段落让我们很苦恼,无法做出答案,建议大家不要因此浪费时间纠结。而是应该做个标记,然后move on,去完成其他题目。等到完成其他题目,其实你也就缩小了可选的范围,加上此时如果还剩余时间,还可以再好好阅读原文,找出最合适的答案。


romaine lettuce

lettuce可以省略,可以简单地叫romaine。lettuce是生菜,也就是说,西方人认为油麦菜是生菜的一种。romaine跟Roman(罗马的)同源,romaine lettuce也即罗马生菜。

我们说的油麦菜其实是romaine的音译,本蟹大胆地推测,这个音译很有可能是由中国的东北人完成的,根据是:一部分东北人会把肉(ròu)读成yòu,发生了r → y的变化,于是就很自然地产生了romaine → yomaine的变化,而yomaine正好是“油麦”的音译。


stir-fried romaine with dace preserved with fermented black soybeans

1. stir-fried表示这道菜的烹饪方法是翻炒

2. romaine是油麦菜(主料)

3. dace是鲮鱼

4. preserved with作dace的后置定语,表示和……一起罐装保存

5. fermented black soybeans是豆豉,也就是发酵过的呈黑色的黄豆。dace preserved with fermented black soybeans就是豆豉鲮鱼。


顺便说一下,有关鲮鱼的英文说法,请点击配图 | 所有常见淡水鱼的英语说法(15种)-含音频讲解阅读。

油麦菜在英国英语中是cos lettuce,lettuce也可以省略。


It apparently reached the West via Rome, as in Italian it is called lattuga romana and in French laitue romaine, both meaning 'Roman lettuce', hence the name 'romaine', the common term in North American English.


Freshwater Fishes




freshwater fishes


01. carp 鲤鱼。鲤鱼是很常见的鱼类。中文有一则成语是“鲤鱼跳龙门”。在中国古代传说中,鲤鱼跳过龙门,就会变化成龙,比喻中举、升官等飞黄腾达之事。因此,“鲤鱼跳龙门”可翻译为gain both fame and fortune,fame与fortune同以f开头,押头韵,是一种修辞,读起来朗朗上口,是“名利”的意思。

02. crucian carp 鲫鱼

03. grass carp 草鱼

04. black carp 青鱼

05. silver carp 鲢鱼

06. bighead carp 鳙鱼


07. perch(淡水)鲈鱼。宋代诗人范仲淹的五言绝句《江上渔者》就提到了鲈鱼:“江上往来人,但爱鲈鱼美。”

【例】The perch is a freshwater fish. 鲈鱼是一种淡水鱼。

(来源:Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's Dictionary 5th Edition)

08. catfish 鲶鱼。直译是“猫鱼”,因为鲶鱼长得有像猫一样的胡子。

09. dace 鲮鱼。有一道菜叫“豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜”,应该大多数人吃过吧。

10. trout 鳟鱼。在鳟鱼中,虹鳟鱼是比较有名的一种,它的英文名叫rainbow trout,因身体上有一条类似于彩虹的彩带而得名。北京郊区就有专门养殖虹鳟鱼的基地。

11. blunt-snout bream 武昌鱼。毛主席的词《水调歌头·游泳》中就提到了武昌鱼:“才饮长沙水,又食武昌鱼。”武昌鱼身体扁平,成菱形,口鼻部短且不尖,blunt-snout bream直译为“口鼻短秃的鲤科淡水鱼”。

12. mandarin fish 鳜鱼;桂鱼

13. rice field eel 鳝鱼;黄鳝。直译是“稻田里的鳗鱼”,这是因为鳝鱼一般生活在稻田间的泥土里,其次鳝鱼的形状类似于鳗鱼,它们都有着细长的身体,与蛇类似。

14. loach 泥鳅。泥鳅与鳝鱼都属于鱼类,虽然它们形状与体积同一般的鱼类悬殊。

15. goldfish 金鱼。金鱼是一种观赏鱼,通常属鲤科。金鱼的英文名goldfish(一个单词)经常被不少英语学习者写成golden fish或gold fish(两个单词),这是不正确的。golden fish是“金色的鱼”,正如golden sun是“金色的太阳”;而gold fish是“黄金做的鱼”,gold在这里表示材质,正如gold bracelet是“金手镯”。




“剧”其实与drama对应(drama是可数名词,复数为dramas)。“剧”可以是电视,可以是广播,也可以是电影,如果只把drama翻译成“戏剧”,这是非常片面的。为了证明这一点,我们来看一下American Heritage Dictionary 4th Edition对drama的解释:A serious narrative work or program for television, radio, or the cinema。也就是说,drama的内容是严肃的叙事作品,说得更详细一点,drama演的是虚构或半虚构叙事小说,反映现实且相对深刻,不同于新闻、真人秀、情景喜剧或肥皂剧等。而且,drama一般都要体现一个或多个角色的曲折经历,思想斗争,情感纠葛甚至人生与命运的挣扎。BBC(英国广播公司,下同)曾经对台湾著名演员金城武(Takeshi Kaneshiro)进行了采访,在采访中,金城武对drama下了一个非常通俗易懂的定义:What is drama? When I walk to the door over there and enter the room behind it - that is not drama. But when I walk over to the door and it's locked and I do something to make the door open - that's drama. So drama involves something that stops you from doing what you want to do。本来想顺利地将门打开,但却发现它是锁着的,最终通过努力把门打开了,这就象征着一个人曲折的经历。所以,drama在表示“剧”的时候,有四个关键词:严肃、叙事、深刻、曲折。


说起古装剧,我相信大家肯定不会陌生——《还珠格格》、《甄嬛传》、《武媚娘传奇》,以及近期热播的《花千骨》等,都是古装剧。“古装”其实没有必要把“古”翻译成ancient或historical,“古装”整体翻译为costume就可以了。Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary对costume是这样解释的:the set of clothes typical of a particular country or period of history, or suitable for a particular activity。解释中提到了“of a particular country or period of history”,也即“特定的国家或历史时期”,这正是“古装”的特色——古是一个相对模糊的概念,唐朝是古,三国时期也是古。因此,costume是“古装”比较准确的翻译。为了验证这一点,我们来看一下BBC对英国古装连续剧《唐顿庄园》(Downton Abbey)的报道节选:For people in the Scottish broadcasting industry it was no big surprise when STV decided not to show ITV1's landmark costume drama Downton Abbey。这篇报道中的costume drama与“古装剧”精确对应,因为《唐顿庄园》讲述的故事发生在19英王乔治五世在位时约克郡一个虚构的庄园——“唐顿庄园”,整个剧一共有几十集,在剧中人们都穿着20世纪初的英国传统服饰,也即英国古装。所以,“古装剧”翻译成costume drama是恰当且准确的。如果想要强调某部古装剧是连续剧,则可以说成costume drama series。

提到穿越剧,前些年热播的《步步惊心》大家应该还记忆犹新。“穿越”的精确翻译是time travel。Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary对time travel的解释是:the theoretical process of travelling into the past or the future。换句话说,所谓“穿越”,也即回到过去或去到未来,至今人类无法实现,是一种假想的或理论上的穿越时空的旅行。因此,“穿越剧”翻译为time-travel drama比较恰当(由于time-travel在这里作形容词,因此要加上连字符),BBC曾经对美剧《火星生活》(Life on Mars)作过报道:US network ABC has decided to press ahead with a full series of time-travel drama Life on Mars, which is being remade for American TV, reports say。

综上所述,“古装剧”可翻译为costume drama,而“穿越剧”可翻译为time-travel drama,若想强调这里的“剧”是电视连续剧,则可把drama换成drama series。英语作为一门世界通用语言,扮演着“国际普通话”的角色,无论是说还是写,用准确而通俗易懂的英语向外国人传递我们的思想,达到交流无障碍,这是学英语的主要目的。因此,光学习学校教的英语是不够的——想要真正学好英语,凡是我们平时经常看到的、听到的、说到的、想到的内容,都要去思考如何用英语来表达,如果暂时不会,应及时查阅词典或请教身边英语功底扎实的人。只有这样,才能真正提高英语能力,也只有这样,英语才能真正起到“国际普通话”的作用。










四、答案靠后原则:在单选题中,正确答案往往会在最后出现。当然,也不排除答案前置的可能,例如rather than表示前肯后否,答案应该选rather than前面出现过的信息。













(一)个人信息笔记题高频场景有哪些,读题时该划什么词,有哪four regular guests,注意存在什么修饰限定,时间和干扰这类固定考点的认知心里有没有数。


A: 单选题上

























① 题目本身包括题干及匹配选项的内容;

② 考生在听的过程中需要对题干、选项匹配内容和录音三组信息进行理解和对应,这也是这一种题型其难点所在;

③ 定位较容易

考试中,配对题有三种常见形式:① 选项多余空 ② 选项等于空 ③ 选项少于空。其中,② 选项等于空:即一对一匹配,除了选项利用率上与①不同之外,其余的出题特征和做题思路极为相近


What change has been made to each part of the theatre?

Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.


A doubled in number

B given separate entrance

C reduced in number

D increased in size

E replaced

F strengthened

G temporarily closed

Part of the theatre

11 box office ……………

12 shop ……………

13 ordinary seats ……………

14 seats for wheelchair users ……………

15 lifts ……………

16 dressing rooms ……………

(Cambridge 6 Test 1 Section 2)




will: be going to…, want to …etc. 有时候为了加强我们的语气,我们会加上这些词:certainly,of course,definitely,absolutely。

won’t:对于我们不会做的事我们通常会委婉地表达,比如我说:“明天跟我去A地吧” 对方回答我说:“如果是B就好了”言下之意是不会去A,而更倾向是B。极少数情况是强烈否定直接用“no”来回答。

might:对于这种中间地带的回答,大多情况的对话模式是:一个人提出问题,另一个人给与否定,两个人会进行一定的argue然后给出折中的方式: let’s talk about it later或者是we will do it if…给出一个成立的条件,当所说的条件成立时才会考虑。


27:题目引入:the first one here is Gender Studies in Latin America(原音重现)。

答案原文:If it was to do with people in the villages rather than those in the public sphere, I would.这里引用了虚拟语气,而虚拟语气表达的内容是和说话时的事实相反的,由此得出选C。

28: 题目引入:Okay。 What about Second Language Acquisition?

答案原文: I’ll put that down as a definite, then.答案里明确出现了definite这个词所以选A。

29. 题目引入:What about Indigenous Women’s Lives.

答案原文:…and we can talk about it again later.所以选B

30.题目引入: And lastly, will you sign up for Portuguese Lessons?


1. 普通配对题

我们首先来看一下剑6Test 1中的Section 2。


题目中问的是What change has been made to each part of the theatre?




A doubled in number 数目的double

B given separate entrance 分开的入口

C reduced in number 数目的reduce

D increased in size size的增加

E replaced 替换

F strengthened 加强

G temporarily closed 暂时关闭(这个词组的第一个词有可能造成问题)


11 box office _______________

12 shop _______________

13 ordinary seats _______________

14 seats for wheelchair users _______________

15 lifts ________________

16 dressing rooms _________________

Question 11

考生要注意路标词box office。

Question 12


Question 13

考生要注意路标词ordinary seats。

Question 14

考生要注意路标词seats for wheelchair users。

Question 15


Question 16

考生要注意路标词dressing rooms。


Question 11

考生听到box office之后会听到reoriented, access, side of the building中的任何一个。所以可以选出答案B。

难点:很多考生即使听到了这些组,也不一定意识到答案是given separate entrance。


Question 12

考生听到了shop之后要注意到……reopen the shop in the next few months, 听到这个词组之后考生要联系到closed这个词组。



同义词替换:reopen…… next few months=temporarily closed

Question 13

考生听到fewer seats之后要与答案reduced in number结合在一起。


难点:这道题答案十分隐藏,很不容易引起考生的注意。因为在这里听不到路标词ordinary seats。

同义词替换:fewer = reduced in number

Question 14

这道题答案非常明显,考生在听到路标词wheelchair users之后, 会注意到twice as many, 那么考生要意识到同义词替换twice as many=doubled in number


同义词替换:twice=doubled in number

Question 15

考生要注意lifts前面的词new,之后可以注意到used to,那么代表他们以前的,然后又提到They've now gone,那么要意识到答案是replaced。就是原来的被取代了。


难点:考生听到了这些词,new, used to, gone, efficient,但是不知道概括成replaced。

同义词替换:new, gone=replaced

Question 16

路标词dressing rooms出现之后听到了是 converted into two large airy rooms, more comfortable, 然后又说electronic sound system 被installed。听到这些词之后,考生不一定能够猜出正确答案,但是可以使用排除法做题。从increased in size 和strengthened中选择一个。

正确答案: D

这个实际强调large=increased in size



2. 时间配对题

我们来看一下剑7 Test3的Section2。

Questions 26-30就是另一种形式的matching 题目,也就是我们常见的时间配对题。

In what time period can data from the float projects help with the following things?


At present, in the near future,还有in the long-term future.


在做26题的时候,考生听到了关键词 El Nino,然后后面有is being confirmed…,所以可以确定这是现在发生的,所以答案是A.

同义替换: is being = at present

做27题的时候,考生可以听到climate change,之后提到了 results are still a long way off……,所以可以确定这是未来很长一段时间才会发生的,所以答案选C。

同义替换: a long way off = in the long-term future

做28题的时候,在听到了Navy(naval的名词)和rescue之后,考生可以听到 that's happening right now,所以可以确定答案是A。

同义替换: right now = at present

做29题的时候,考生在听到了Sustainable fishing practices之后, 可以听到seeing the results quite soon,所以可以确定答案是B。

同义替换: quite soon= in the near future

在做30题的时候,考生可以听到Crop collection的同义词组,然后听到的时间词组是 a long way in the future,所以可以确定答案是C。

同义替换: a long way in the future = in the long-term run.

答案原文: Well, I’d much sooner do something else, then.所以选C。


很多同学在开始练习雅思题目的时候,根本不知道音频中读到哪里了,很盲目的记录几个答案,却很遗憾的把位置写错了。 遇到这种情况的同学一般出现下列三种问题:

⑴ 雅思听力跟不上--不划关键词 ---关键词就是有代表性的词,你一听到就能找到读到哪个位置的词,通常我们section1 中的title 如name , address ,date 等都可以划为关键词,另外一般专有名词,数字,时间,地点,一个句子的主谓宾都是可以帮助我们定位的关键词。 其实雅思考试非常人性化的 ,卷子先发下来 ,并且每道题给大家5-7秒钟的时间去划题,可是有些同学在这个时间却在发呆或者懒于划题,等放录音的时候一边听一遍看问题非常容易分散大家精力,尤其对于section3 和section4 来讲,速度很快,很难在非常有限的时间里既读题又抓到答案。 不如提前先把问什么抓到了,有目标的听。所以再简单的题,大家也要提前划关键词 。

⑵ 雅思听力跟不上--不认识问题意思,与答案擦肩而过 -----有的同学词汇量不够,甚至看不懂题目title的意思,如faculty 科系,occupation 职业 ,nationality 国籍等等…这样同学即使听到答案,也容易轻易将其放弃 。大家知道雅思大纲词汇基本都是不变的,也就是说这些都是必考的听力题目,所以同学需要提前知道一般听力考试会考到哪些内容,这点大家可以利用机经抓一下常考的title词汇,快速补充,另外我们补充的场景词汇大家也应及时记忆。

⑶雅思听力跟不上-- 一道题纠结太长时间,影响后面的题目 。有的题目同学好像是听到了,但是却纠结单词怎么写;或者在想到底刚才听到的数字是3呢还是6呢;或者因为错过了一道题而捶胸顿足,后悔不已,却无奈又错过了下一道题;又或者因为题目中有纠正信息,用橡皮擦掉了原来的答案,结果后面更正时却读了部分答案,因答案写的不完整而失分 。 这种情况的同学 ①必须把必考的单词十分熟练,读出来立即在其秒钟内反应出来 ② 对数字十分敏感,自己常拿出电话号码本读号码,或者用黑眼睛数字部分多练习几遍,把常出错的数字用心区分一下 ③ 心态要好,丢一道两道的题就丢了,重要要抓后面还没出现的 ④ 做题时不用橡皮,如有纠正信息,就在卷子上划掉重写可以了(卷子上可以随便写东西哦),橡皮就等到誊写答案到答题纸上的时候再用 。⑤ 注意信号词。 很多信号词都会带答案出来,比方说so , actually, but ,甚至是停顿之后等,大家可以好好利用一下这样的小细节。⑥注意一问一答 ,section 1 和section3 中因为是对话,所以一问一答的情况非常多 .如 题目是length of stay , 当听到提问How long have you stay in Australia ,回答就立即引出答案。


雅思听力单词认识反应不出来原因一单词读音记错--如island,尤其是同词根单词不同词性时很多都发生了音变或者重音位置发生变化 如organ –organic 或者同一个单词在不同词性中发音发生变化如record。




这些问题都需要同学们记单词的时候一定要把单词记成听力有效词汇。 一定要用音频一个一个过,原来会的单词也要用音频去再听写一遍 ,最好把常考单词的英美音的读音都记过,对于自己发音跟音频不一致时,要查词典跟音频反复读 。另外一些国家的发音都有自己的特点,如澳音中ei音常听成ai 的感觉。 做完题后誊答案时一对照意思是否能顺应的上。 另外每天坚持听写英语片段也是非常有必要的事情。





1. 题型要求







1. 解题步骤

(1) 在原文中将作者及其观点用线划出。


A. 观点在作者的名字之前;

例如:In terms of time, women perform approximately 90 per cent of child care  tasks and 70 per cent of all family work and only 14 per cent of fathers are  highly participatant in terms of time spent on family work(Russell 1983)

B. 观点在作者的名字之后;例如:

Demo and Acock(1993) in a recent study, also found that women continue to  perform a constant and major proportion of household lab across all family  types.

(2) 看题目的第一个观点,最好读懂它的意思,或者找出其中几个关键词。


(3) 将此观点与原文划线处一一对应。意思相同的或关键词对应上的即为答案。


(4) 依此方法做其它题目。


1. 每个题目只能选一个选项。每个题目只能和原文的一个观点对应,而该观点肯定是由一个人或组织提出来的。

2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。在原文中,可能会有作者提出两个或更多的观点,而这些观点都出现在题目中。所以,有些选项可能会用两次以上。


3. 有些选项可能用不上。有的作者虽然在原文中提出了观点,但这些观点没有出现在题目中,所以有些选项可能会用不上。

4.  第一题往往对应文章的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应文章的前几个观点。出题者为了颠倒黑白,混淆是非,考生造成障碍,第一题往往对应文章的后几个观点,最后一题往往对应文章的前几个观点。这个规律的准确率在80%以上。



1. 题型要求





选项:A 北京市 B 上海市 C 天津市 D 重庆市

题目:1 狗不里包子 2 黄浦大桥 3 天安门 4 十八街麻花

答案:1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C


2. 解题步骤

(1) 仔细阅读题目要求,搞清选项和题目之间的关系。


(2) 先把题目从头到尾看一遍,尽可能多记些关键词。









A) 如果没有印象在文章的某个部位,阅读原文的该部分,确定答案。

B) 如果没有一点感觉,但时间比较充裕,再快速读一遍原文,寻找这几个题的答案。

C) 如果没有一点感觉,而且时间比较紧张,可以放弃。


1. 大多数情况下,每个题目只能选一个选项。除非题目有提示:Note, for some questions you will need to  write more than one letter.若没有


2. 有些选项可能会用两次以上。绝大多数的搭配题,有些选项可能用两次以上;在搭配题中,这是普遍存在的现象。

3. 有的选项可能用不上。在搭配题中,并不是所有的选项都会用上,这也是普遍存在的现象。不要因为这个怀疑自己的答案。

4. 第一题的答案往往在文章的后部,最后一题的答案往往在文章的前部。从属关系的搭配题是没有顺序性的。

5. 注意题目的答案要求


Write the letters for the appropriate company in boxes 9-14 on your answer  sheet.

SC if it is Scaled Composites

R if it is Renault

GM if it is General Motors

F if it is Fiat

B if it is Boeing

那么,你在答题纸上写的答案只能是SC、R、GM、F、B中的一个。如果写成Scaled Conposites就错了。







(1) 不用先把题目从头到尾看一遍,而应该一道题一道题地做。


(2) 先找出题目中的关键词,再到原文中去找它的对应词。

(3) 仔细阅读关键词所在的句子,确定正确答案。因为是因果关系搭配,在确定答案时,要对表示因果关系的词特别敏感,搞清句子中描述的因果关系。


1. 做题时,要特别注意原文中表示因果关系的词。


A. 连词:Because, since, as, for, therefore, so, thus, why;

B. 动词:result in, result from, follow from, base...on..., be due to;

C. 名词:basis, result, consequence, reason;

D. 介词: because of,thanks to;

E. 副词: as a result, consequently.


2. 要注意一因多果


雅思阅读机经真题解析-Travel Accounts

Travel Accounts

You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 14-26 which are based on  Reading Passage below.

A There are many reasons why individuals have traveled beyond their own  societies. Some travelers may have simply desired to satisfy curiosity about the  larger world. Until recent times, however, trade, business dealings, diplomacy,  political administration, military campaigns, exile, flight from persecution,  migration, pilgrimage, missionary efforts, and the quest for economic or  educational opportunities were more common inducements for foreign travel than  was mere curiosity. While the travelers' accounts give much valuable information  on these foreign lands and provide a window for the understanding of the local  cultures and histories, they arc also a mirror to the travelers themselves, for  these accounts help them to have a better understanding of themselves.

B Records of foreign travel appeared soon after the invention of writing,  and fragmentary travel accounts appeared in both Mesopotamia and Egypt in  ancient times. After the formation of large, imperial states in the classical  world, travel accounts emerged as a prominent literary genre in many lands, and  they held especially strong appeal for rulers desiring useful knowledge about  their realms. The Greek historian Herodotus reported on his travels in Egypt and  Anatolia in researching the history of the Persian wars. The Chinese envoy Zhang  Qian described much of central Asia as far west as Bacteria (modern-day  Afghanistan) on the basis of travels undertaken in the first century BC while  searching for allies for the Han dynasty. Hellenistic and Roman geographers such  as Ptolemy, Strabo, and Pliny the Elder relied on their own travels through much  of the Mediterranean world as well as reports of other travelers to compile vast  compendia of geographical knowledge.

C During the postclassical era(about 500 to 1500 CE), trade and pilgrimage  emerged as major incentives for travel to foreign lands. Muslim merchants sought  trading opportunities throughout much of the eastern hemisphere. They described  lands, peoples, and commercial products of the Indian Ocean basin from east  Africa to Indonesia, and they supplied the first written accounts of societies  in sub-Saharan west Africa. While merchants set out in search of trade and  profit, devout Muslims traveled as pilgrims to Mecca to make their hajj and  visit the holy sites of Islam. Since the prophet Muhammad's original pilgrimage  to Mecca, untold millions of Muslims have followed his example, and thousands of  hajj accounts have related their experiences One of the best known Muslim  travelers. Ibn Battuta, began his travels with the hajj but then went on to  visit central Asia, India, China, sub-Saharan Africa, and parts of Mediterranean  Europe before returning finally to his home in Morocco Fast Asian traveler; were  not quite so prominent as Muslims during the postclaaical era, but they too  followed many of the highway.and sea lanes of the eastern hemisphere. Chinese  merchants frequently visited southeast Asia and India, occasionally venturing  even to east Africa, and devout Fast Asian Buddhists undertook distant  pilgrimages Between the 5th and 9th centuries CE, hundreds and possibly even  thousands of Chinese Buddhists traveled to India to study with Buddhist  teachers, collect sacred texts, and visit holy sites. Written accounts recorded  the experiences of many pilgrims, such as Faxian, Xuanzang, and Yijing. Though  not so numerous as the Chinese pilgrims, Buddhists from Japan. Korea, and other  lands also ventured abroad in the interests of spiritual enlightenment.

D Medieval Europeans did not hit the roads in such large numbers as their  Muslim and east Asian counterparts during the early part of the postclassical  era, although gradually increasing crowds of Christian pilgrims flowed to  Jerusalem, Rome, Santiago de Compostela (in northern Spam), and other sites.  After the 12th century, however, merchants, pilgrims, and missionaries from  medieval Europe traveled widely and left numerous travel accounts, of which  Marco Polo's description of his travels and sojourn in China is the best known.  As they became familiar with the larger world of the eastern hemisphere and the  profitable commercial opportunities that it offered - European peoples worked to  find new and more direct routes to Asian and African markets Their efforts took  them not only to all parts of the eastern hemisphere, but eventually to the  Americas and Oceania as well.

E If Muslim and Chinese peoples dominated travel and travel writing in  postclassical limes, European explorers, conquerors, merchants, and missionaries  took center stage during the early modern era (about 1500 to 1800 CE). By no  means did Muslim and Chinese travel come to a halt in early modem times But  European peoples ventured to the distant corners of the globe, and European  printing presses churned out thousands of travel accounts that described foreign  lands and peoples for a reading public with an apparently insatiable appetite  for news about the larger world. The volume of travel literature was so great  that several editors, including Giambattista Ramusio, Richard Hakluyt, Theodore  de Bry, and Samuel Purchas, assembled numerous travel accounts and made them  available in enormous published collections.

F During the 19th century, European travelers made their way to the  interior regions of Africa and the Americas, generating a fresh round of travel  writing as they did so Meanwhile, European colonial administrators devoted  numerous writings to the societies of their colonial subjects, particularly in  Asian and African colonies they established. By midcentury, attention was  flowing also in the other direction. Painfully aware of the military and  technological prowess of European and Euro-American societies, Asian travelers  in particular visited Europe and the United States in hopes of discovering  principles useful for the reorganization of their own societies. Among the most  prominent of these travelers who made extensive use of their overseas  observations and experiences in their own writings were the Japanese reformer  Fukuzawa Yukichi and the Chinese revolutionary Sun Yat-sen.

G With the development of inexpensive and reliable means of mass transport,  the 20th century witnessed explosions both in the frequency of long-distance  travel and in the volume of travel writing. While a great deal of travel took  place for reasons of business, administration, diplomacy, pilgrimage, and  missionary work, as in ages past, increasingly effective modes of mass transport  made it possible for new kinds of travel to flourish. The most distinctive of  them was mass tourism, which emerged as a major form of consumption for  individuals living in the world's wealthy societies. Tourism enabled consumers  to get away from home to see the sights in Rome, take a cruise through the  Caribbean, walk the Great Wall of China, visit some wineries in Bordeaux, or go  on safari in Kenya. A peculiar variant of the travel account arose to meet the  needs of these tourists: the guidebook, which offered advice on food, lodging,  shopping, local customs, and all the sights that visitors should not miss  seeing. Tourism has had a massive economic impact throughout the world, but  other new forms of travel have also had considerable influence in contemporary  times. Recent times have seen unprecedented waves of migration, for example, and  numerous migrants have sought to record their experiences and articulate their  feelings about life in foreign lands. Recent times have also seen an  unprecedented development of ethnic consciousness, and many are the  intellectuals and writers in diaspora who have visited the homes of their  ancestors to see how much of their forebears' values and cultural traditions  they themselves have inherited. Particularly notable among their accounts are  the memoirs of Malcolm X and Maya Angelou describing their visits to Africa.

Questions 28-35

Complete the table now.

Write No More Than Two Words from the Reading Passage 3 for each  answer.

Write your answer in boxes 28-35 on your answer sheet.





Classical  era

Egypt  and Anatolia


To  obtain

information on


1st  century BC

Central  Asia

Zhang  Qian

To  seek 29

Roman  Empire


Ptolemy,  Strabo,

Pliny the Elder

To  gather 30

Post-classical  era




For  business and


5th to  9,h centuries



Asian  Buddhists

To  study with

32 and  for spiritual enlightenment

Early  modern era

Distant  places of

the globe

The  Europeans

To  meet the


expectation  for the


19th century

Asia,  Africa



To  provide

information on the

33 they


By  the mid-century

of the 1800s

Europe  and United


Sun  Yat-scn,

Fukuzawa Yukichi

To  learn 34

for  the reorganization of

their societies

20th century

Mass  tourism

People  from

35 countries

For  entertainment

Questions 36-40

Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.

Write your answers in boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet

36 Why did some people travel in the early days?

A. to do research on themselves

B. to write travel books

C. to have a better understanding of other people and places

D. to study local culture

37 The travelers' accounts arc a mirror to themselves,

A. because they help them to be aware of local histories.

B. because travelers are curious about the world.

C. because travelers could do more research on the unknown.

D. because they reflect the writers' own experience and social life.

38 Most of the people who went to holy sites during the early part of  postclassical era are

A. Europeans.

B. Muslim and East Asians.

C. Americans.

D. Greeks.

39 During the early modern era, a large number of travel books were  published

A. to provide what the public wants.

B. to encourage the public's feedback.

C. to gain profit.

D. to prompt trips to the new world.

40 What stimulated the market for traveling in the 20th century

A. the wealthy

B. travel books

C. delicious food

D. mass transport

文章题目:Travel Accounts












Question 28-35

题目类型:Complete the table below



HerodotusB段第3句这道题需要找出历史人物旅行的目的,那么只要对应到相应的人物,找出对人物的描述,就可以找到答案。Herodotus旅行的目的是in  searching of the history of the Persian Wars.

所以答案是: Persian Wars

29Zhang QianB段第4句找出B段关于张骞的叙述就可以看出他旅行的目的,Zhang Qian described much of.....  while searching for allies for the Han Dynasty

所以答案是: allies

30Roman Empire

Ptolemy, Strabo, Pliny the ElderB段最后一句这三个人物堆积在一起找出对应点还是相对明显的,这三个地理学家的目的是to  compile vast compendia of geographical knowledge

所以答案是: geographical knowledge


MuslimsC段第1句以及第4句C段第1句对后古典主义时期的旅游目的进行了总体概括,可以看出trade and pilgrimage;  后文对穆斯林的情况进行具体描述,第4句承上启下解释了除了经商之外,他们还有朝圣的目的

所以答案为: pilgrimage

325th to 9th centuries

Asian  BuddhistsC段倒数第3句C段倒数第3句描述了公元5-9世纪之间,很多中国佛教徒前往印度向佛教高僧求教,收集经文,并拜访佛教圣地

因此答案为: Buddhist teachers


Colonial administratorF段第2句欧洲殖民主义者向其殖民地发放大量关于殖民地情况的游记


34Sun Yat-sen,

Fukuzawa  YukichiF段最后两句最后两句说明了亚洲旅行者特别访问了欧洲和美国,希望发现适用于重组自己社会的有用准则,特别是日本改革家Fukuzawa Yukichi  和中国革命先驱孙中山


3520th Century

Mass tourismG段第3句G段描述了20世纪新型旅行蓬勃发展,其中最独特的是大众旅行Mass tourism,  这已经成为世界上富裕人士的一个主要消费形式,这道题目答案需要填写进行mass tourism的人群


Question 36-40

题目类型:Choose the correct letter, A,B,C or D


36Why  travelA段题目询问一些人早起旅行的原因,对于原因的整体介绍在A段,根据A段的介绍,排除A和B,而C和D两个选项对应到A段最后一句,可以看出C更加完整


37mirror to  themselvesA段最后一句最后一句说旅行游记是旅行者的镜子是因为游记使得他们更加了解自己。结合ABC三个选项,分别说原因是了解当地历史,对世界很好奇以及他们应该多对未知事物进行研究,这些答案都不对,只有D是提及因为反映了自身的一些情况。


38the early part of postclassical  eraD段第1句话D段第一句话总结了C段大体的旅行者情况,直接可以看到B选项的人群


39Early modern eraE段倒数第2句这句话指出欧洲印刷出了成千上万的旅行游记,为对外面世界有强烈求知欲的读者描述异国的情况


4020th century

What stimulatedG段第1句G段第1句指出随着便宜可靠的交通方式发展,20世纪见证了长途旅行的蓬勃发展






C在后古典主义时期(约公元5到1500年),贸易和朝圣成为人们去异国旅行的主要诱因。穆斯林商人在东半球的大部分地方寻求交易机会。他们斤  述了印度洋盆地的上地,人民,和商业产品,他们从东非写到印尼,并提供了撒哈拉以南的非洲西部社会的最初书面记录。当商人出发寻找贸易和利润的  时候,虔诚的穆斯林前往麦加朝圣,朝拜伊斯兰教的圣地。向从先知穆罕默德 首次去麦加朝圣之后,数不清的穆斯林教徒跟着他的步伐,并留下了成千上万  的有关他们麦加朝圣经历的游记。其中一个最苦名的穆斯林旅行者,伊本,白 图泰,以麦加开始了他的朝圣旅行,接着访问了中亚、印度、中国、撒哈拉以  南的非洲,和部分欧洲的地中海地丙,最后回到他的家乡摩洛哥。与穆斯林相 比,后古典主义时期东亚的旅行者则不那么突出,但他们也走了东半球的许多  大道和海上航线。中国商人经常访问东南亚和印度,偶尔甚至去东非冒险,而虔诚的东亚佛教徒则开启了遥远的朝圣之旅。公园5-9世纪之间,数以百计,甚至数以千计的中国佛教徒前往印度向佛教高僧求学、收集经文,并拜访佛教圣地。书面游记记录了很多朝圣者的经历,比如法显、玄奘和义净。虽然日本、韩国、和其他国家的朝圣者没有中国那么多,但他们也出国朝圣,寻求精神上的启蒙。

D中世纪欧洲人,在古典主义时期早期,并没有像穆斯林和东亚佛教徒那样,有如此大量的旅行者,虽然前往耶路撤冷、罗马、圣地亚哥德孔波斯特拉  (西班牙北部)和其他圣地的季度圣古人群逐渐增加。然而,12世纪后,中世纪欧洲商人和传教上、朝圣者开始人规模的游历,并留下很多旅行游记,这当中马可波罗在中国的游记是最出名的了。当他们开始熟悉了东半球更大的世界的和它有利可图图的商业机会后,欧洲人开始努力寻找新的和更宵接的通往亚洲和非洲市场的的航线。他们的努力不仅把他们带到了东半球的所有国家,还最终到了美洲和大洋洲。

E如果说在后古典主义时期,穆斯林和中闲人主导了旅游和旅行游记,那么在近现代初期(大约公元1500-1800年)欧洲探险家、征服者、商人和传教士占据了舞台中心。穆斯林和中国人的旅行在近现代初期并没有停止。但欧洲人则去世界上更遥远的角落进行探险,欧洲印刷出了成千上万的旅行游记,为对外面世界有着强烈求知欲的广大读者描述了异国的土地和人民。旅游文学的数量是如此庞大,以至于包括詹巴蒂斯塔拉莫西奥、理查德喑克卢特、 西奥多德塞谬尔珀切斯在内的一些编者收集了大量的旅行游记,并将它们大量出版。

F19世纪,欧洲的旅游者前往非洲和美洲的内陆地区,并创作了新一轮的游记作品。与此同时,欧洲殖民主义者向其殖民地的臣民,特别是他们在亚洲和非洲建立的殖民地发放了大量的游记。到19世纪中叶,人们的注意力也开始转向其它方面。当痛苦地意识到欧洲和欧美社会的军事和科技实力时,亚洲旅行者特别访问了欧洲和美国,希望发现适用于重组自己社会的有用准则。在游记中广泛使用自身的海外观察和经历的旅行者中,最著名的是日本改革家Fukuzawa  Yukichi和中国革命先驱孙中山。

G随着便宜可靠的交通方式的发展,20世纪见证了长途旅行的快速发展和游记的增多。当人们的旅行,像过去一样,市委了商业。行政、外交、朝圣和传教工作,越来越多的高效公共交通模式也是的新型旅游蓬勃发展成为了可能。其中,最独特的是大众旅游,这已成为世界上富裕人士的一个主要消费形式。旅可以使消费者远离故土,到罗马看风景、乘船通过加勒比海、攀登中国的长城、参观波尔多的酒厂,或者去肯尼亚旅行,为了满足这些游客,一种奇特的旅行游记出现了:那就是旅游指南,它提供了一些关于食物、住宿、 购物、当地风俗和所有游客不该错过的景点的建议。在世界范围内,旅游收入对经济产生了巨大的影响,但其他新形式的旅游在当代也有相当大的影响力。例如,近些时期,前所未有的一波又一波移民出现了,众多的移民者试图记录他们的经历并说出自己对生活在异国的感受。与此同时,民族意识也得到了空前的发展,许多离放的知识分子和作家拜访了他们祖先的家园,看看他们继承了多少前辈们的价值观和文化传统。在他们的游记中尤其显著的足马尔科姆埃克斯和玛雅安吉楼的回忆录,其中描述了他们对非洲的拜访。


Version 32203 主题 游记

28Persian wars29allies30geographical knowledge

31pilgrimage32Buddhist teachers33colonies







Greying population stays in the pink


Research carried out by scientists in theUnited States has shown that the proportion of people over 65 suffering fromthe most common age-related medical problems is (14) and thatthe speed of this change is (15) It also seems that these diseases are affecting people (16 )in life thanthey did in the past. This is largely due to developments in( 17) but otherfactors such as improved (18) may also be playing a part. Increases in some other illnesses maybe due to changes in personal habits and to (19 )The researchestablishes a link between levels of (20) and lifeexpectancy. It also shows that there has been a considerable reduction in thenumber of elderly people who are (21 )which means that the (22) involved in supporting this section of the population may be lessthan previously predicted.



(1) 题目提醒(无提示考察哪些段落)

(2) 小标题(无小标题提示考察内容)

(3) 题型顺序(首个题型,数目多,按照首段顺序读)





对于Q14的词性及色彩预判难点在于判断首个空前is的真正主语是谁。这里涉及到长难句分析,采用括号法将句子中的修饰成分去掉,我们抽出的句子主干如下:Research ( carried out by scientists in the United States ) has shown that the proportion ( of people over 65 suffering from the most common age-related medical problems ) is ______.

这里面我们总结出一个修饰结构sth./sb. + ( doing sth. / done by sth. / 介词+名词),括号内的部分都是修饰性结构,我们真正关注的是这些结构前面的名词。去掉括号内的结构后,我们发现我们要的答案其实在这样一个结构中 proportion is _________ 。能力比较强的同学其实还会发现14、15、16空含有并列结构 and和also,句子色彩是保持一致的。


第一句话题干中有United States和65作为显性定位词,而且从首段读开始读符合常理。通过预判寻找proportion 或其替换词。原文第2段含有结构 smaller proportion满足了要求,其他部分也与刚刚划出的括号内的结构有对应。


Q14中词库中falling 对 smaller 做了替换,即为答案,反映出老年人患病人口减少的情况。

Q15与之用and并列,表示这种speed如何,根据并列结构‘结构相同,色彩一致’的原则,选increasing 问题不大。原文中rate 与speed 对应,rate (at which these diseases are declining )continues to accelerate. 注意括号法的使用,即使考鸭们不熟悉accelerate(加速),根据 continue 代表动作的持续加之与前面内容色彩一致,increasing依旧为答案。

Q16通过than的出现判断此空为比较级,earlier, later, more都符合,题目中 be donging及in the past 的出现表明在进行今昔对比。根据色彩一致性,疾病应该对老年人影响越来越晚为好。文章中第3段最后一句通过数据比较给出了答案即later。

Q17、Q18中间用到了but衔接,难度并不大,答案依次为M 、J。

需要指出的是Q19 Q20同样适用了并列结构,尤其是Q19答案词性并不是常见的to do 结构。根据我刚刚提到的并列的两部分‘结构相同’的原则,可知Q19为与changes并列的名词。Q19 Q20 答案依次为N 、K。

而需要指出的是Q21不少考鸭容易误选independent, 是因为忽视了reduction 这种表示色彩正负的关键词的提示,原文与之对应的为第7段的drop。所以,会顺利选出G。

最后,Q22所在句子本身定位不明显,但有明显的比较级less做定位,回到原文第7段尾句,我们找到了答案financial burden 替换为cost。


Beer and fried chicken — this seemingly unorthodox combo has been the most sought after late-night snack recently in Yang Xiaoqian’s dormitory on the campus of Central China Normal University.


“All of a sudden, on the tables of many dorms and in Weibo and Weixin (or WeChat) updates, the combo went viral,” says Yang, 19, a Chinese literature major at the university in Wuhan, Hubei province.


Thanks to a South Korean drama currently on air, Man From the Stars, this new mix-and-match junk food trend has become popular among young audiences, despite its unhealthy nature.


Indeed, South Korean TV dramas, or K-drama for short, have been a major force in the South Korean pop-culture wave that has captured the hearts of young Chinese audiences.


According to iQiyi, a video website that features Man From the Stars, by Feb 15, the number of views for the TV drama hit a whopping 370 million in China, where the drama claimed four out of five hot topics spots on TV and on Sina Weibo on the same day.


Yan Feng, professor of Chinese literature at Fudan University, in an interview with Shanghai Morning Post, believes the new wave of South Korean drama is trying to attract a wider audience.


“It is interesting to explore what elements of those dramas appeal to audiences. It’s obviously more than just pretty faces and cool poses,” says Yan.


Echoed by audiences, culture critics, academics and insiders of the industry, youth fantasy, creative storylines, cultural proximity, and well-organized production all add up to K-drama’s recipe for success, along with, of course, those handsome and cute faces dressed in the latest fashion trends.


Pretty faces and fashion


“Everyone fancies a perfect partner, handsome or beautiful,” says Zhou Ying, professor of TV production at Chongqing Technology and Business University. “The South Korean TV industry is feeding this need.” After Lee Min-ho entered the spotlight for his hit show The Inheritors and appeared on CCTV’s annual Spring Festival gala, he became the most famous South Korean in China. Only weeks later, Kim Soo-hyun, lead actor in Man From the Stars, swept the country.


“It reinforces the fantasy among young people with faces designed for viewers across the spectrum: the next door girl; the rebellious, sophisticated woman; the mature gentleman; little-brother faces. You name it,” says Zhou. “Idol making keeps updating the fantasies among fans and it intentionally caters to each generation’s tastes.”


Apart from pretty faces, fashion is another highlight of the series. Each time actors from the series wear a new set of outfits, similar clothes experience a sales spike online, according to Xiao Yi, a Taobao store owner based in Beijing.


Zhou says that besides economic gains for South Korean appliances, make-up, food and fashion items, those pretty faces are re-constructing South Korea’s national image.


“South Korea is imagined in accordance with those depictions in TV dramas, which is good national branding,” says Zhou.


Creative narrations


With love triangles, incurable diseases, and Cinderella tales, storylines in South Korean dramas may seem a bit commonplace. The Man From the Stars challenges this norm by integrating aliens and time travel into these existing narrations.


Peng Sanyuan, a Beijing-based screenwriter, says a focus on detail is a key factor in the success of these dramas.


“In order to accurately target audiences and find emotional resonance with them, more and more female writers are emerging in the industry,” says Peng about her experience of exchanging ideas with South Korean colleagues.


Ma Ke, from Sohu.com, compares K-drama and Japanese drama. “Dramatic twists are more frequent in K-dramas, while urban love stories, a common theme, are often innovated by, for example, adding an alien,” says Ma. “That gives a sense of freshness to people who just want to know how everything is sorted out in such an impossible plot.”


According to both experts, South Korean writers somehow make sense of these plots, no matter how unlikely it seems.



A boy shivers in the harsh Oslo winter, pathetically wrapping his arms around himself on a bus stop bench. He isn't wearing a coat and temperatures in the Norwegian capital regularly plunge to -10C during winter.


A heartbreaking scene, but the actions of the ordinary people who witnessed the plight of 11 year old Johannes L?nnestad Flaaten is both joyous and inspiring.


A young blonde woman who sat next to the boy and notices him rubbing his arms. She immediately asks him: 'Don't you have a jacket?'


'No, someone stole it,' he replies. She questions him and discovers he was on a school trip and was told to meet his teacher at the bus stop. She asks him the name of his school and where he's from as she selflessly drapes her own coat around his shoulders.

“没有,有人把我的外套偷走了,” 他回答道。女孩问过他了解到他是在上学的路上,在公交车站是在等自己的老师。她问了学校的名字,知道他的来历,很无私地把自己的外套脱下来披在他的肩膀上。

Later, another older woman at first gives him her scarf, then wraps him in her large padded jacket.


Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs as they waited for their bus.


Johanne's predicament was a hidden camera experiment by Norwegian charity SOS Children’s Village as part of their winter campaign to gather donations to send much-needed coats and blankets to help Syrian children get through the winter. Many of the refugees have left their homes without winter clothing.


“People should care as much about children in Syria as they care about this boy,” Synne R?nning, the information head of SOS Children's Villages Norway, told The Local. She also noted that the child was a volunteer who was never in any danger during the filming.

挪威SOS儿童村的信息负责人罗宁对当地电视台表示:“人们应该像关心这个小男孩一样,关注叙利亚的儿童们。” 她也表示在拍摄过程中,志愿者小男孩并没有任何危险。


雅思阅读配对题一直是不少雅思考生又爱又恨的题目,它形似summary 类填空题,需要回原文定位分析,但有部分题目又需要识别选项中与原文答案的同义替换,两个环节缺一不可。




Greying population stays in the pink


Research carried out by scientists in theUnited States has shown that the proportion of people over 65 suffering fromthe most common age-related medical problems is (14) and thatthe speed of this change is (15) It also seems that these diseases are affecting people (16 )in life thanthey did in the past. This is largely due to developments in( 17) but otherfactors such as improved (18) may also be playing a part. Increases in some other illnesses maybe due to changes in personal habits and to (19 )The researchestablishes a link between levels of (20) and lifeexpectancy. It also shows that there has been a considerable reduction in thenumber of elderly people who are (21 )which means that the (22) involved in supporting this section of the population may be lessthan previously predicted.



(1) 题目提醒(无提示考察哪些段落)

(2) 小标题(无小标题提示考察内容)

(3) 题型顺序(首个题型,数目多,按照首段顺序读)





对于Q14的词性及色彩预判难点在于判断首个空前is的真正主语是谁。这里涉及到长难句分析,采用括号法将句子中的修饰成分去掉,我们抽出的句子主干如下:Research ( carried out by scientists in the United States ) has shown that the proportion ( of people over 65 suffering from the most common age-related medical problems ) is ______.

这里面我们总结出一个修饰结构sth./sb. + ( doing sth. / done by sth. / 介词+名词),括号内的部分都是修饰性结构,我们真正关注的是这些结构前面的名词。去掉括号内的结构后,我们发现我们要的答案其实在这样一个结构中 proportion is _________ 。能力比较强的同学其实还会发现14、15、16空含有并列结构 and和also,句子色彩是保持一致的。


第一句话题干中有United States和65作为显性定位词,而且从首段读开始读符合常理。通过预判寻找proportion 或其替换词。原文第2段含有结构 smaller proportion满足了要求,其他部分也与刚刚划出的括号内的结构有对应。


Q14中词库中falling 对 smaller 做了替换,即为答案,反映出老年人患病人口减少的情况。

Q15与之用and并列,表示这种speed如何,根据并列结构‘结构相同,色彩一致’的原则,选increasing 问题不大。原文中rate 与speed 对应,rate (at which these diseases are declining )continues to accelerate. 注意括号法的使用,即使考鸭们不熟悉accelerate(加速),根据 continue 代表动作的持续加之与前面内容色彩一致,increasing依旧为答案。

Q16通过than的出现判断此空为比较级,earlier, later, more都符合,题目中 be donging及in the past 的出现表明在进行今昔对比。根据色彩一致性,疾病应该对老年人影响越来越晚为好。文章中第3段最后一句通过数据比较给出了答案即later。

Q17、Q18中间用到了but衔接,难度并不大,答案依次为M 、J。

需要指出的是Q19 Q20同样适用了并列结构,尤其是Q19答案词性并不是常见的to do 结构。根据我刚刚提到的并列的两部分‘结构相同’的原则,可知Q19为与changes并列的名词。Q19 Q20 答案依次为N 、K。

而需要指出的是Q21不少考鸭容易误选independent, 是因为忽视了reduction 这种表示色彩正负的关键词的提示,原文与之对应的为第7段的drop。所以,会顺利选出G。

最后,Q22所在句子本身定位不明显,但有明显的比较级less做定位,回到原文第7段尾句,我们找到了答案financial burden 替换为cost。


new weapon to fight cancer

1. British scientists are preparing to launch trials of a radical new way to fight cancer, which kills tumours by infecting them with viruses like the common cold.

2. If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects.

3. Leonard Seymour, a professor of gene therapy at Oxford University, who has been working on the virus therapy with colleagues in London and the US, will lead the trials later this year. Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymour’s pioneering techniques.

4. One of the country’s leading geneticists, Prof Seymour has been working with viruses that kill cancer cells directly, while avoiding harm to healthy tissue. “In principle, you’ve got something which could be many times more effective than regular chemotherapy,” he said.

5. Cancer-killing viruses exploit the fact that cancer cells suppress the body’s local immune system. “If a cancer doesn’t do that, the immune system wipes it out. If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because there’s no immune system to stop them replicating. You can regard it as the cancer’s Achilles’ heel.”

6. Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer. “They replicate, you get a million copies in each cell and the cell bursts and they infect the tumour cells adjacent and repeat the process,” said Prof Seymour.

7. Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drugs. “It’s an interesting possibility that they may have an advantage in killing drug-resistant tumours, which could be quite different to anything we’ve had before.”

8. Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. American scientists have previously injected viruses directly into tumours but this technique will not work if the cancer is inaccessible or has spread throughout the body.

9. Prof Seymour’s innovative solution is to mask the virus from the body’s immune system, effectively allowing the viruses to do what chemotherapy drugs do - spread through the blood and reach tumours wherever they are. The big hurdle has always been to find a way to deliver viruses to tumours via the bloodstream without the body’s immune system destroying them on the way.

10. “What we’ve done is make chemical modifications to the virus to put a polymer coat around it - it’s a stealth virus when you inject it,” he said.

11. After the stealth virus infects the tumour, it replicates, but the copies do not have the chemical modifications. If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the body’s immune system.

12. The therapy would be especially useful for secondary cancers, called metastases, which sometimes spread around the body after the first tumour appears. “There’s an awful statistic of patients in the west ... with malignant cancers; 75% of them go on to die from metastases,” said Prof Seymour.

13. Two viruses are likely to be examined in the first clinical trials: adenovirus, which normally causes a cold-like illness, and vaccinia, which causes cowpox and is also used in the vaccine against smallpox. For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses.

14. The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed. Several more years of trials will be needed, eventually also on the polymer-coated viruses, before the therapy can be considered for use in the NHS. Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, Prof Seymour hopes that one day it might be applied to all cancers.

(665 words)

Questions 1-6

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage? For questions 1-6 write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this in the passage

1.Virus therapy, if successful, has an advantage in eliminating side-effects.

2.Cancer Research UK is quite hopeful about Professor Seymour’s work on the virus therapy.

3.Virus can kill cancer cells and stop them from growing again.

4.Cancer’s Achilles’ heel refers to the fact that virus may stay safely in a tumor and replicate.

5.To infect the cancer cells, a good deal of viruses should be injected into the tumor.

6.Researches on animals indicate that virus could be used as a new way to treat drug-resistant tumors.

Question 7-9

Based on the reading passage, choose the appropriate letter from A-D for each answer.

7.Information about researches on viruses killing tumor cells can be found

(A) on TV

(B) in magazines

(C) on internet

(D) in newspapers

8.To treat tumors spreading out in body, researchers try to

(A) change the body’ immune system

(B) inject chemotherapy drugs into bloodstream.

(C) increase the amount of injection

(D) disguise the viruses on the way to tumors.

9.When the chemical modified virus in tumor replicates, the copies

(A) will soon escape from the tumor and spread out.

(B) will be wiped out by the body’s immune system.

(C) will be immediately recognized by the researchers.

(D) will eventually stop the tumor from spreading out.

Questions 10-13

Complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the list of words. You can only use each word once.

NB There are more words in the list than spaces so you will not use them all.

In the first clinical trials, scientists will try to ……10…… adenovirus and vaccinia, so both the viruses will be less pathogenic than the ……11…….These uncoated viruses will be applied directly to certain areas to confirm safety on human beings and the right ……12…… needed. The experiments will firstly be ……13……to the treatment of certain cancers

List of Words

dosage responding smallpox virus

disable natural ones inject

directed treatment cold-like illness

kill patients examined


Answers Keys:

1.答案:FALSE (见第2段:If successful, virus therapy could eventually form a third pillar alongside radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the standard arsenal against cancer, while avoiding some of the debilitating side-effects. Virus therapy 只能避免一些副作用,而不是根除。)

2.答案:TRUE (见第3段,特别是最后一句: Cancer Research UK said yesterday that it was excited by the potential of Prof Seymour’s pioneering techniques. )

3. 答案:NOT GIVEN (文中没有提到virus可以抑制肿瘤细胞再生长)

4. 答案:TRUE (见第5段第3、4句: 这里“cancer’s Achilles’ heel”指 “If you can get a virus into a tumour, viruses find them a very good place to be because there’s no immune system to stop them replicating.” Achilles’ heel的意思是“唯一致命弱点”)

5. 答案:FALSE (见第6段第第1句:Only a small amount of the virus needs to get to the cancer.)

6. 答案:TRUE (见第7段:Preliminary research on mice shows that the viruses work well on tumours resistant to standard cancer drug. ……, which could be quite different to anything we’ve had before.\" )

7. 答案:B (见第8段第1、2句:Researchers have known for some time that viruses can kill tumour cells and some aspects of the work have already been published in scientific journals. Journal意思是“日报、期刊、杂志”)

8. 答案:D (见第9段第1句:Prof Seymour’s innovative solution is to mask the virus from the body’s immune system, …… “mask”的意思是“掩盖、隐蔽、伪装”, 在这里和 “disguise”同义。)

9. 答案:B (见第11段第2句: If they escape from the tumour, the copies will be quickly recognised and mopped up by the body’s immune system.. “mop up”这里与 “wipe out” 同义,意思是“消灭、歼灭”。)

10.答案:disable (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )

11. 答案:natural ones (见第13段最后1句:For safety reasons, both will be disabled to make them less pathogenic in the trial, but Prof Seymour said he eventually hopes to use natural viruses. )

12. 答案:dosage (见第14段第1句:The first trials will use uncoated adenovirus and vaccinia and will be delivered locally to liver tumours, in order to establish whether the treatment is safe in humans and what dose of virus will be needed.)

13. 答案:directed (见第14段最后1句:Though the approach will be examined at first for cancers that do not respond to conventional treatments, …)

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