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1) 熟悉并掌握形成完整句子的基本框架结构。我们知道,单词、语法是学习、掌握和运用语言的基础,然而只靠它们拼凑句子是远远不够的,耗时费力不说,拼凑出来的也多是汉语式的英语,很不地道。因此,考生平时必须牢记所学过的“固定搭配”及“词组句型”,并会活用。写句子要注意以下几点:(1)主谓要一致;(2)正确使用动词的时态、语态、语气;(3)名词的格要与代词的格一致;(4)句子结构成分完整,特别注意不要漏掉或添加成分。





1)熟悉并掌握表示并列、递进、转折等关系的过渡词(transitional words)。例如:

并列关系:and, as well as, also…

递进关系:besides, in addition, moreover, what’s more…

转折关系:but, yet, however, although, otherwise, or, in spite of, despite, instead of, in the end…

时间顺序:while, when, soon after, before, afterward, finally, first, then, next, as soon as …

比较、对比:like, unlike, on the contrary, on the other hand…

总结 in a word, in general, in short, above all, after all,

generally speaking…

进一步阐述:in other words, that is to say, for example, for instance, such as …

因果关系:as a result, so, thus, therefore…

2) 明确表达文章主题,内容要点全面,不要节外生枝。

3) 要点安排得当,使之文通字顺,合乎逻辑,层次清晰。

4) 注意养成写完后自我检查的习惯,应重点检查:

a, 要点有无遗漏; b. 句法、词法有没有问题;

c. 单词拼写有无错误; d. 大小写、标点符号有无问题;

e. 字数是否在题目要求范围之内。



① 复杂句、并列句

② 倒装句

(1)虚拟语气中if省略; (2)only+状语置于句首

(3)否定词置于句首 (4)地点副词置于句首

③ 强调句型

It is ……that (who)…

④ 非谓语动词。

⑤ 虚拟语气

⑥ 固定句型结构

too…to… so…that… such a…that… not only…but also… neither…nor… such as… not …until… so that… either…or…




① 使用高等级词汇 ② 使用短语 ③ 使用谚语

④ 使用表强调的词,如alone, just, single, only, not…at all; on the earth; the very; on earth等

⑤ 使用修辞手法:明喻, 暗喻,夸张,头韵,拟人等

as busy as a bee; as proud as a peacock; as blind as a bat.

3. 使用连接词,过渡自然,连贯通顺,一气呵成。

1) 用于按空间展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

above before me here on the left

across below in the distance on the right

beyond nearby opposite to over

also further next to on top of

up down close to beneath

under around near to along

2) 用于按时间顺序展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

soon, then, suddenly, at the same time, next, early,

this morning /year, now, after, at present, later, afterwards finally, at last, all of a sudden , at noon ,

in the morning/afternoon/evening

3) 用于按分析法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

first, second, etc. now for this purpose

but as a result furthermore

finally at last moreover

also therefore likewise

another for example next

yet for instance on the contrary

once in addition in summary

such in this case on the other hand

then otherwise in conclusion

thus in closing

4) 用于按比较法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

another moreover in addition (to)

equally important too, also at the same time

besides then in the same way

in fact like, similarly

5) 用于按对比法展开的段落之中的连接词和过渡词有:

on the contrary different from on the other hand in contrast to despite in spite of

yet, but unlike nevertheless

not only…but also here…there this…that

years ago…today the former…the latter then…now the first…whereas the second

some…others one…the other once…now

on the one hand…on the other hand(一方面…另一方面)


递进: then(然后), besides(还有), furthermore(而且), moreover(此外)

转折: however(然而), but(但是), on the country(相反), after all(毕竟)

总结: finally(最后), at last(最后), in brief(总之),

in conclusion(最后)。强调: indeed(确实), certainly(一定), surely(确定), above all(尤其)。对比: in the same way(同样地),

just as(正如), on the one hand…on the other hand



I’m getting on well with one’s study

take several courses at school

have English (Chinese, Physics…) every (other )day work hard at …

put one’s heart into…

be interested in …

like chemistry best be tired of … be good at …;

be poor at …; do well in …; be weak in …

make progress in …; improve oneself in …; fail in …

pass the examination; give sb. a passing grade;

He has the best record in school. 他的成绩最棒。

get a doctor’s degree 获得博士学位

(English is) more interesting to sb.

learn about; succeed in…; be active in class (work);

take an active part in …; learn… by heart;

work out a (maths) problem;

get 90 marks for (English); get an “A” in the exam;

have a good command of…

lay a good foundation in (language study)

won the first prize/ got the first place in the competition

the first/top three winners(前三名)


get on well with sb; like to be with students;

be gentle with us; be kind to sb;

be a strict teacher; be strict with one’s pupils;

be strict in work be satisfied with …

We think of him (her) as …; help sb with sth;

praise sb for sth …; blame sb for sth..

give advice on …; question sb on …

correct the students’ homework carefully and prepare for the next day;

give sb a lot of work; try to teach sb good study habits;

make one’s lessons lively and interesting;

teach sb. sth.; teach sb to do sth.

devote all one’s time to work;

admire (sb.for) his devotion to the cause of education



spend one’s time in many different ways;

enjoy doing things by oneself; go swimming;

go for an outing/ a picnic; have an outing at (the seashore);

see the sights of Beijing; play the piano (violin);

play chess (basketball); have a swim;

have dances on weekends; have a picnic over the weekend;

go to the cinema; have a party; hold a sports meeting;

do some reading; help sb do sth; enjoy a family trip;

get everything ready for;

ride one’s bike with sb.to(the park);

There are a lot of activities at (the beach).

We enjoy a change from our busy life in the city.

She would like to bring sth. to the picnic.

It was a very relaxing Sunday.

There are good programmes on TV on weekends.

Enjoy myself/ourselves; have a wonderful time


take a message for sb; send a message to sb;

hear from sb; talk about/of sth;

tell/ask sb to do sth; get information about…;

express one’s idea (feelings) in English;

Write sb a letter saying…; apologize to sb for …;

make a speech t at the meeting; thank you for …;

explain sth to s; look upon sb as …;

think sb to be …; take sb’s side


would like to do; allow sb to do;

force sb to do; call on sb to do;

fee like doing; insist on doing;

drive sb. off; speak highly of sb;

speak ill of sb; think highly of sb;

be afraid to do (be afraid of …); offer to do;

refuse to do; agree to do;

prefer to do A rather than do B; had better do/ not do ;

regret doing; would rather (not) do.

keep sb from doing prevent/stop sb. (from) doing);


have the habit of doing…; have no trouble doing;

make up one’s mind to do; prepare sb/oneself for …;

give up doing…; do sth as usual; sb is prepared for/to do

do what he wants us to do; set about doing;/set out to do

try/do one’s best to do…=go all out to do;

get into trouble; help sb out;

do one’s bit for the country ; do some good deeds to people;

wait for sb to do; find a way to do;

make friends with sb;

show (tell) sb. how to do…; take (send) sb to …;

pass the time doing; feel a little excited about doing…;

can’t help doing…; be prepared for more hard work;

Some are (doing sth.A), others are (doing sth.B), and still others are doing (sth C)


look around for …; look up (down) at …; catch sight of …;

take a look at …; hear sb do (doing); take notice of …;

take view of …; have a good understanding of …;

consider sb (sth) to be …; come to know…;

realize that …; know that +从句

welcome/welcomed sb at/in front of the gate

Everyone is welcome to attend the lecture/activity


be pleased with …; be delighted in doing…;

take a pleasure in doing; be worried about;

feel surprised at … be sorry for …;

be angry with sb for sth; be angry about …(为某事生气);

look forward to doing…; wish to do;

expect to do; long for (long to do);

be sick for one’s home; have a strong desire to do …;


be in good shape; be in good (poor )health;

feel weak (well, terrible, sick); have got a high (slight ) fever;

have a slight (bad) cold; take one’s temperature;

have got a pain in …; be good (bad) for one’s health(eyes);

It’s nothing serious. stay in bed until…;

save one’s life


It (take)sb. some time to do…; It is said that …;

be fit for; be short of; be well dressed;

miss the lecture (train); change…into…;

waste/ spend time doing; be busy doing;

have no choice but to do; I can’t help it.

be in need of…; be mistaken about …;

fall behind…; catch up with;

take sth by mistake (错拿) have trouble (in) doing sth.

on behalf of; instead of; be welcome to do…;

Running, biking and swimming are popular in summer.

Skiing and skating are my favorite winter sports.

Say goodbye to sb. See sb off


You letter came to me this morning.

I (have received)/ am glad to receive your letter of July the 20th.

I’m writing to you about the lecture to be given next Monday.

I’m writing to ask if you can come next week.

How time flies! It’s three months since I saw you last.

Thank you for your letter.

In reply to your letter about (the exhibition this year)…;

Let me tell you that…

Best wishes,

Look forward to( your coming)/ receiving your letter


Go down this street

Turn night/left at the first crossroads

It’s about…metres from here

You can’t miss it

In front of behind at/a the corner(不用in)

Pass two blocks



1. Xu comes from a working-class family.

He enrolled in college last fall.

2. The dean issued a bulletin.

It said the library would remain open at weekends.

3. We have made some progress.

We still have a long way to go.

4. The sky was cloudless.

The sun was shining brightly.

5.There were over two hundred passengers on board the plane.

About one third of them were foreigners.

6. The girl began to learn to play the piano when she was a child.

Her mother was a famous pianist.

7. Napoleon was born in 1769.

At that time Corsica had just been acquired by France.

8.She appeared on the stage.

A stormy applause broke forth.

9. He heard that his father was ill.

He was anxious to go home to see him.

He went to the station early in the morning to buy a ticket.




十年前 现在

价格 昂贵 便宜

家庭拥有量 40% 98%

节目 节目和内容少,新闻,文艺,教育体育,趣味性低 涌现大量电视台,节目多,大多数很精彩。卫星电视全天播放。

收视率 15%左右 40%左右

优缺点 画面声音质量差。导致很多人成为近视眼。 由于技术进步,画面声音的质量大大提高。保护视力。看电视成为一种享受。

人们之间交流多。业余的时间主要被用于读书和学习。 大量的时间都被浪费再看电视上,交流越来越少,没有时间读书。

要求:1、不要逐字翻译2、字迹工整 3、字数80~120





主要概况 范围:9个省、自治区(autonomous regions),1个直辖市(municipality);



实施要点 交通建设:修建多条公路、铁路;





New Development for Central and Western China

The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.




We have every reason to believe that the development will be a great success. As a result of the great project , central and western regions of China will surely achieve better and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life and China will surely be richer and stronger.

参考答案:This part of China includes 8 provinces and autonomous regions and one municipality, covering an area of 5.4 million square kilometers with a population of 285 million.

The government will pay special attention to its transportation. Some highways and railways will be built. To protect the nature, farmers will return farmland to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the need of the development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in.



过去 现在

作物 主要种植玉米, 各种适合山区气候的经济作物。

环境治理 大量的树木被砍伐,经常发生山洪,造成极大损失 植树造林,水土不再流失,没有山洪,生命财产得到保护。

交通 只有一条小路通向山外,出行困难。 修建了一条宽阔的马路,交通旅行多很方便,经济得到促进。





过去 现在

数量 只有大小5家商店 大小15家商店

商店种类 一个大商场 商场、超市、便利店大中小各种商店

便利 商店离家远,购物不方便 住的旁边就有一家超市,购物非常方便

商品种类 商品种类不多, 应有尽有,






过去 现在

人们习惯 人们随地吐痰 没有人随地吐痰

街道上灰尘很多,很脏 街道上总是打扫得很干净。

街道 街道两边树木稀少。 街道上绿树成荫,所有的空地上都有绿草覆盖

污染 工厂随意排放大量烟雾、废水,空气和水受到严重污染。 工厂严禁排放有毒废气、废水,环境得到改善。





过去 现在

通信方式 人们主要通过书信,电报、电话联系。 人们通过电子邮件、电话、传真(fax)联系。

通信质量 联系不方便。 通过电子邮件、手机(mobile phone),方便快捷。

购买价格 电脑、手机太贵,用不起 现在电脑、手机价格便宜,手机成为人们必备的通信工具。

使用收费 电报、电话费昂贵。 打电话、上网收费大幅下降

_______________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. The Students’ Union is going to hold a party on Saturday evening, August 15, to welcome our friends from the United States. The party will be held in the roof garden of the Main Building (主搂) .It will begin at 7:30 p.m. There will be music, dancing, singing, games and exchange of gifts. Will everybody please bring along a small gift for this purpose? Remember to wrap it up, sign your name and write a few words of good wishes ( 祝愿).

Don’t forget: 7:30 Saturday evening, roof garden, Main Building. There’s sure to be a lot of fun. Everybody is welcome.


Dear Peter,

We’re so glad you’re coming to join us on Sunday. Here is how you can find us. We’ll have our picnic in the People’s park. You know where that is, don’t you? After you enter the park by the main gate, walk straight on till you come to a stream. Cross the stream and turn right. After walking for a while, you’ll come to a hill. Walk round to the other side of the hill. There you’ll see a lake. We’ll have our picnic there in the small woods by the lake. I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding us.Do come.


Today we visited a farm. Early in the morning, we met at the school gate and went there together The farm workers gave us a warm welcome. Then the head of the farm showed us around.

How glad we were to see the crops and vegetables growing well. At noon we had a picnic lunch in the sunshine. After a ten minutes’ break, we had great fun singing and dancing, telling jokes(笑话) or stories. Two of us even played a game of chess. The time passed quickly. Before we knew it,we had to say goodbye to the workers.


Today is the 16th Teacher’s Day. This morning, the headmaster praised the teachers who did well in their teaching work and gave some teachers medals for their having completed thirty years of teaching. Our English teacher was among them. This afternoon some of my classmates and I went to visit him in his office and we were warmly received by him. We had a talk with him for some time.He encouraged us to study hard and be good students. By talking with him we were deeply inspired.


Dear manager,

I learn from the newspaper that a secretary of the English language is wanted in your company.I beg to apply for the post.

My name is Li Hua, a girl of twenty-six. I graduated from the English Department of a university four years ago.I’ve been working as a guide of English for four years.And I take more pleasure in the job as a secretary.I can speak good English as well as Chinese.

I want very much to be accepted by your company.Please give me an answer if these satisfy you.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua


Ladies and gentlemen,

How time flies! Two years have passed since Mrs Brown came to our school to teach English in September,.Now she’s completed her work successfully and will leave for home tomorrow.

Mrs Brown is very strict with us.She’s very patient and never tired of helping us in our studies.Her teaching is so lively and interesting that we can easily remember what she teaches us.We all like to attend her lectures.

Now I will,on behalf of all the students,express our gratitude to Mrs Brown for her remarkable work.We wish her a pleasant journey and good health.


The other day my brother and I went to the cinema by bicycle.My brother was riding with me sitting on the seat behind.As we came to the crossroads(十字路口) a young man and a girl came up and stopped “We’ve found you at long last,”they said, “but we didn’t know them.Pointing to a policeman not far away,the young man explained. “He stopped us about half an hour ago and made us catch the offender.So come on,stand here.Hope you don’t have to wait as long as we did.Good luck.


My hometown

I was born in a beautiful town with high mountains around it.The mountains are covered with all kinds of green bamboo.Through the town runs a small stream.It’s said that a new railway is going to be built to the east of the town and a bamboo factory to the west.All the children of the school age can go to school.If anyone is ill,he can go to see the doctor in the newly-built hospital.People in the town are

hard-working and never take the backwardness lying down.Though they are having a richer and better life,they are not satisfied with what they have got.They are working hard to build their town into a modern one.


My Beloved Teacher

Mr Li is one of my beloved teachers.He taught us physics when we were in Senior 1.He was old,but he taught very well.He could make his classes lively and interesting.Mr Li made good preparations for his lessons and was strict with us,too.Whenever we made mistakes in our homework,he would ask us to correct and do it again.I used to be poor in physics.Mr Li often helped me with my lessons very patiently.Thanks to his help and hard work,I have made good progress and caught up with the class.As a retired teacher,he’s still working hard for our educational cause(教育事业).


Dear friends,

Though you stay at our school for only a short time,everything you’ve seen,I think,has made a deep impression on you.

You’ve been told the introduction about our school,knowing the great changes and achievements.When you were shown around our school,you were interested in what you had seen.And also you attended our classes and chatted with our teachers and students.I’m sure you have known more.

Now you are leaving.I hope that the friendship between you and us will last forever.

Wish you a pleasant journey.









准确性是指要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时态、语态、用词和句法等,但是不少考生受汉语思维习惯的影响,在写作时不自觉产生不规范的表达,比方:“有很多学生正在操场上玩耍。”学生会这样译:“There are many students are playing on the playground.”要做到准确、地道地表达文章,首先必须牢记掌握一些常用的句型或习惯表达,避免中文式英语,在实践中不断总结中英表达差异,养成用英语思维写作的习惯。


连贯性是指根据整篇文章意思的需要,有效采用不同的连接手段,以使文章层次清晰,行文连贯。关联词就是常用的连接手段之一。这些表示逻辑关系的关联词语,使文章前后连贯,结合紧凑,过渡自然,如表示顺序的first,then,finally;表示时间的in the past,now at present in the future;表示转折的but,however等。









3.日常教学细思量,写作意识长培养。培养写作能力不是一蹴而就的事情,日积月累才有质的飞跃。牛津初中英语教材每个单元分有八个板块,在每单元Main Task板块要求学生习作。自初一起,我就加强对十级学生书面表达能力的培养。初一学生笔头作文刚起步,于是我总是让学生仿写。随着知识积累的增加,到初二时,就逐渐地和学生分析研究话题文章的结构,总体上有三部分:Introduction,Main body,Conclusion,并在平时的教学中不断为学生创设新的情境,让他们拓展想象的空间,发散思维,学生的综合运用能力在老师的一次次点拨中就无形地提高了。比方:我市多家中小学响应市政府的倡议“家在扬州・文明餐桌行动”,展开相关“光盘行动”的活动。请以“Against Food Waste”为题,用英语写一篇短文。我和同学们就此话题进行讨论,列举同学们展开光盘行动的一些实际做法。








There was an earthquake happened in Ya’an at about 8 o’clock on 4 20,.Many houses fell down.192 people were died and more than10,000 people hurt. The doctors,nurses,firemen and volunteers from all over the country hurried to the scene and tried to cure the survivors.Some businesses raised many things such as clothes,food,water and medicine to the local people.Some pop stars organized charity shows to raise money.The local government took action actively to search more lost people and helped them.

I hope the rest people stand up.More people can help them.


An earthquake happened in Ya’an at about 8 o’clock on April 20,2013.Many houses fell down.192 people were killed and more than10,000 people were hurt.

After the earthquake,the doctors,nurses,firemen and volunteers from all over the country hurried to the scene and tried to cure the survivors.Some businesses donated many things such as clothes,food,water and medicine to the local people.Some pop stars organized charity shows to raise money.The local government took action actively to search for more lost people and helped them out of sadness.

In a word,I hope more people can give more help and love to them.I hope the people there can cheer up,go out of sadness and rebuild their homes as soon as possible.

改写后的文章在单词短语句型上有了很大的变化,更可贵的是还运用了连接词after the earthquake和in a word,使得文章流畅、自然,大大增强了文章的可读性。



























例1 (NMET )


周末活动(减负前) 周末活动(减负后)

白天:上课、做作业 白天:参观博物馆,学习电脑、绘画等

晚上:做作业 晚上:看新闻、读书、看报

就寝时间:11:30 就寝时间:10:30


生词:reduce learning load减轻学习负担

Dear Dick,

How nice to hear from you again.

Best wishes,

Li Hua


NMET 2001 年高考书面表达试题要求考生根据以表格的形式提供的情景用英语写一篇100个单词左右的书信,给澳大利亚朋友Dicl介绍减负给自己学习和生活带来的变化。写作过程中所需要的生词已给出,短文的开头也已经为考生写好。












① I used to have to do endless homework and attend classes even

at weekends.

②Now I have more free time to read books, visit museums even

and so on.

③In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers.④I can go to bed earlier.


One possible version:

Dear Dick,

How nice to hear from you again. You want to known what is going on in schools in China? In short, things have begun to improve since schools were called on to reduce learning load. I don’t know about others, but I used to have to work even at weekends doing endless homework and attending classes as well. Now I have more free time, I can follow my own interests such as reading books, visiting museums, and taking computer lessons. In the evenings I can watch news on TV or read newspapers. What’s more, I can go to bed earlier. As far as I know, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things.

Best wishes,

Li Hua





英语属于结构语言。几乎所有英语句子都是五种基本句型的扩展、延伸或变化。因此,训练学生“写”就要进行五种基本句型的训练。五种基本句型是:S+V; S+V+O; S+V+O+O; S+V+P; S+V+O+C。练习的形式可以结合学生周围的人或事进行翻译或造句。1-2周后,再对学生进行由简单句发展到并列句及复杂句的翻译、造句、句型扩写及句型合并、转换的训练。




在dialogue的教学中,除了听录音、对话、表演、编对话外,还可要求学生把对话改写成一段短文。改写时要注意时态、语态、人称和前后的逻辑关系。如SEFC Book 2A Lesson 13的对话可在教师给出key words的情况下让学生改写成一篇小短文:1) a look at China Daily 2)What’s on this weekend? 3) performance at the People’s Theatre 4)when and where to meet



1) 听写能力 A.用英语记课堂笔记的能力;B.听写课文精彩句型、段落的能力

2)造句能力 运用所学的短语、词汇造句的能力

3) 运用checkpoints 的key words写一段话的能力。如SEFC Book2A Unit 1中,学生用in the hope of , lose heart等编了以下一段话:

I am fond of English. But at the beginning of Senior One I was’nt good at it. I often failed in the exams. Luckily, My English teacher was strict with us. She gave us a lecture on how to learn English. I followed her instruction day after day. In this way I’ve made a lot of progress…….

4)复述能力 教师可利用图表、数字、关键词和简笔画等让学生复述课文,随后再要求其写下来。如学完Charlie Chaplin之后,可要求学生根据以下几组数字简述Chaplin的一生:1889, 5, 8, 17, 1912, 13, 69, 1977

S: Charlie Chaplin was born in London in 1889. When he was five, he acted for the first time. At the age of eight, he joined a group of child actors. As a boy of seventeen he set off for the US. In 1912 Chaplin got his first part in the US.

In all his life, Chaplin acted in 13 films, wrote and directed 69 films. He died in 1977 in Switzerland.




A. Location: Northeast of Guangdong

B. Size: .2 square kilometers (cover)

C. Population: 25,000

D. Town: 10 towns

E. Language: Hakka(客家话)

F. History: move from the north of China (over 400 years ago)

G. Weather: neither too cold in winter nor too hot in summer

H. Energy: water , forests (be rich in)

I. Native goods: clogs , dried sweet potatoes , dried mushrooms (be famous for)3.写作训练与听、说训练相结合 语言学家Britton指出:“学生口语的句型结构和表达方式往往是他们写作的基础”。而语言学家Tough则不仅强调口头表达能力和写作水平之间的重要联系,并且还指出:“教师必须在教授写作的同时,帮助学生提高和丰富其口头表达的技能,因为口头形式往往包含了大量近似书面语的结构和措辞”。教师可以通过以下途径将口语训练和写作训练结合起来。

A. 教师可用课前三分钟让学生围绕着一个主题进行Free talk口语训练。学生通过互相交流、讨论,共同构思内容和语篇结构。这种训练可帮助学生在一种轻松愉快的气氛中缩短构思时间,尽快进入主题,同时又有效地提高他们的口头表达能力。然后让学生在课外时间再落实到笔头的写作上。

B. 在学生对课文进行速读和精读的基础上,教师可设计一些评价性问题,让学生结合自己的社会背景知识和经验进行讨论,使学生从整体上把握课文结构和作者的评价并最后将讨论结果书写成文。如在学完Saving the earth之后笔者设计了一个题目供学生讨论:(From the passage we know a lot of animals and plants are in danger. What should we do to protect wild animals and plants?)。学生经过讨论之后提出了以下建议:

a) improve the science and technology to raise and increase wild animals and plants

b) build a nature park for wild animals

c) pass a strict law to stop people from hunting wild animals and cutting down trees

d) return farmland to forests

e) make people know the importance of protecting the earth






1)边说边写 即将笔头训练与口头训练相结合,组织学生进行2-4人的小组讨论,要求学生在规定的时间内(一般3-5分钟)先说后写,每人写2-3句,然后互相切磋,可每人写一篇短文,也可由一个学生执笔写完整篇,向全班口头报告,其他学生对文章给予评价、补充和纠错。

2)习作讲评 课上可叫一个优生在黑板上即时写出命题作文,其他同学在下面写,然后全班同学一起评讲,指出学生在审题、逻辑思维及语言表达等方面的错误。

3)总结归纳 作文后引导学生列出可以表达同一意思的不同短语和句型,各种体裁的常用表达法等。

4)范文导引 作文后指导学生学习并背诵范文。教师可对范文进行朗读,让学生听写;也可将范文里的重点动词、连词等设计成短文改错或填空题的形式,使学生对一些精彩的词组、句型及语篇结构留下深刻的印象。


在写作初期,学生的写作模式是非常重要的。教师可按照以下五步曲对学生进行训练:1)构思(讨论题目) 2)写提纲(列出写作要点) 3)打草稿 4)校订(核对错误,并重新安排内容) 5)修改(定稿)



1) 学生互相批改 课堂上的限时写作完成后,同桌、前后桌互相评改并重新行文后再上交。

2) 培养小助手 教师可以在每个班培养十来个写作能力强的学生,让其对本班同学的习作进行批改。这样不仅减轻了老师的负担,而且小助手们在教师的指导下通过批改习作锻炼了自己的语言意识和敏感性,并可逐步学会如何谋篇布局。


1 刘上扶《英语写作论》,广西教育出版社,

2.戴军熔 “开展综合型教学,全方位提高学生的写作能力”,《中小学外语教学》20第6期

3.赵群英 “高中英语写作教学中需注意的几个问题”,《中小学外语教学与研究》第6期

4.郝群 “提高英语写作水平的六条途径”,《中小学外语教学与研究》20第5期

5.孙培香 “初中英语书面表达训练的点滴做法”,《中小学外语教学与研究》年第1期



南昌市二十九中 邹伯瑶


























Dear Tom,

I am indeed very sorry that I can’t go to Beijing with you next week, which I have promised. I feel badly about it and want you to know what happened。

Just now, my cousin, Li Qiong, who left home to Australia for his further study last year,informed me that he will return this Saturday morning. And ask me to pick him up at the airport with his family. You know, we haven’t seen each other for nearly a year。

I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation. I would appreciate your allowing me to make another date to show you around Beijing. Once again, I’m sorry for any inconvenience caused。

Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


Dear Bob,

I am writing to express my apology to you for my failing to return your music CD before I came back.

Several days ago, I borrowed it when I lived in your house. Unfortunately, just now I found it in my luggage. I was in such a hurry that I forgot to return it to you. I will send it to you by post or express as soon as possible. If necessary, I will compensate for any troubles it may cause.

Once again, I feel so sorry for any inconvenience caused. Please accept my apologies.

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming








A: The flat is in a building on Fangcao Street.

B: The flat situates in a building on Fangcao Street.

分析:is in是常见词语,而situates in则是《大纲》上没有的,属于高级词汇。


A: At weekends, we have a lot of homework to do.

B: At weekends, we have endless homework to do.

分析:B句在表达时没有使用过于直接的a lot of,而是使用了endless。endless就是由《大纲》词汇end加后缀-less变化来的。


A: The bathroom and the kitchen are good.

B. The bathroom and the kitchen are well-furnished.

在表达要点时,B句使用了well furnished,这比good语气强,也显得生动。






A: There was a strong earthquake in Tangshan in the 1980s.

B: A terrible earthquake hit/struck Tangshan in the 1980s.

大多数同学使用了there be结构,这是对的,但是B句却摒弃了常见句式。另辟蹊径而使用了“主语+谓语+宾语”结构,且使用了terrible,hit/strike这样的词汇,更是难能可贵的。


A:I received your letter which was written on August 15th this morning.(多数人使用的方式)

B: Your letter of August 15th reached/ got to me this morning.(与多数人使用的方式不同,简洁)



A: Ah Fu saved my sister.(一般句式)

B: It was Ah Fu that saved my sister.(强调句式)


A: We were glad to see crops and vegetables growing well.(一般陈述句)




邑区职教中心 郑敏娟


一. 狠抓基础词汇。在日常的教学过程,我狠抓词汇教学,要求学生词汇一定过关。在早读课上,让学生领读、齐读,并布置词汇记忆任务,如:单词的读音、词性、词义、基本用法和固定用法;在课堂上,让学生相互提问词汇,帮助记忆词汇,并把词汇放在课文中教学,让学生更容易记忆和运用,课后,让学生多阅读英语读物,增加词汇量,并布置简单的.英语日记,让学生爱上英语写作,培养一定的写作自信心。

二. 规范写作习惯。注意学生写作模式的培养,使学生养成良好的写作习惯。

1. 认真审题。审清题材、内容和文体。

2. 构思内容。结合脑中的知识和所给材料,思考文章怎么写。

3. 列好写作提纲。

4. 写好初稿,加以修改,最后定稿。(把好语法关。注意人称、时态及语态的一致性;注意连接词的使用,使文章多彩化。)

5. 书写一定要工整、细心。(书面要整洁,注意大小写和标点符号的使用。)


Conflicts with others are common in everyday life. During the basketball game yesterday afternoon, Su Hua and Li Jiang bumped into each other, trying to catch the ball. Then they started shouting and yelling, and it turned into a horrible quarrel.

To be honest, it was Su’s fault but Li was also to blame-they were not calm enough and both said some really mean things. They cared too much about winning and losing. As a matter of fact, blocking, pushing and bumping are just part of a tough game.

To avoid such conflicts, we should be kind to one another, which is essential to enjoying a harmonious life. It is also a virtue to forgive and forget, especially in such a competitive and stressful society. Instead of blaming each other, we should communicate more and put ourselves in others’ place.

Don’t be self-centered and try to be considerate. We must learn to handle conflicts calmly and wisely.




1.描述漫画内容; 2.发表个人感想。


1. 短文标题与开头已给出,不计入总词数; 2. 考生可适当发挥,使文章内容充实、连贯;

3. 词数120左右; 4. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息。

参考词汇: 告示牌sign

Mind Your Behavior in Public Places

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park.



Mind Your Behavior in Public Places

Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The park was full of freshness and beauty of spring, with the sun shining and birds singing. When I was enjoying the fantastic scenery around, something unpleasant caught my eye. A young couple in a boat were eating, talking and laughing loudly as if they were the only people in the world. What's worse, they spat and even threw rubbish into the lake, totally ignoring the noticeable sign “No Littering” nearby. What a shame!

Such behavior left me deep in thought. If all visitors to the Fairy Lake Park do as the couple did, the lake will be severely polluted and soon turned into a huge dustbin. I think all of us should mind our behavior in public places. Only in this way can we live in more comfortable and beautiful surroundings.










Hello everyone!

I have a great book about learning useful English skills that I want to trade with someone.

I bought the book two years ago and the contents are all about how to learn English grammar and vocabulary. There are many useful skills and methods in the book and it may be helpful to your English learning. I want to exchange the book for a Chinese dictionary. I need a portable dictionary, because I want to look up some common words on the go.

If you want to exchange your portable Chinese dictionary with me, please send me a message. My email is lyce@163.com. Thanks a lot.

4. 浙江省高考书面表达

你校正在进行“英语读书周”活动,该活动要求学生摘录名言佳句(quote)并相互交流。以下是某同学摘录的句子:“Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.” 请按下列要求用英语写一篇100-120个词的短文:



In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us, which goes like this: “Your future depends on many things, but mostly on you.”



In the English Reading Week, one of my classmates recommended a quote to us which goes like this: “Your future depends on many things but mostly on you.” I can’t agree more with this view. It's true that our future is determined by many things, such as opportunities and help from others, but our own attitude, determination, and hard work play a more important role. In other words, we are the master of our own future.

Take Abraham Lincoln for example. He was born in a poor family, and only received a limited education in his childhood. Yet through his painstaking efforts, he changed not only his own fate but also the history of America. Even to this day, Lincoln is regarded as one of the most inspiring figures in the world.

Therefore, I firmly believe that our future is in our own hands.

5. 20广东省高考书面表达


【写作内容】 请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物。

*硕士学位:master’s degree; **博士:doctor

[写作要求] 只能用5个句子表达全部内容

[评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章连贯。


Allan Stewart, an Australian old man, born on March 7, 1915, is already the holder of the world record for being the oldest graduate. He thinks it is never too late to challenge oneself to achieve something worthwhile. He got his first degree in 1936, later along with a doctor’s degree of medicine. He decided to study law in his eighties, and he got the master’s degree in , which was his third degree. In , he received his fourth degree by network learning, who was praised for his proper arrangement on his study schedule.

6. 四川省书面表达

最近,某中学生英文报开设了“After-class Activities”的栏目,请你根据以下提示,为该栏目写一篇英文稿件,并鼓励同学们积极参加课外活动。





注意 1.词数100左右;2.文中不得提及人名、校名及地名;



June 8,

Dear Mr. Headmaster,

I am Li Yue, a student from Class 1, Senior 2. I am writing to draw your attention to some improper behaviour among us students: littering and scribbling. It makes our school dirty and unpleasant, and does hard to the image of our school. I always feel ashamed whenever I see this. It is clearly not appropriate for a student to litter and scribble about. I wonder if the school could place more dustbins around and set up specific rules against such behaviour. At the same time, students should be encouraged to develop good habits and better behave themselves. I believe that, with the joint efforts of both teachers and students, our school will become a more enjoyable place in the near future.

Thank you for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Yue

9. 20江苏省高考书面表达










The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.


The burden of students has been a hot topic for years, but the load of parents has received little attention, especially from their own children.

The picture shows us a touching moment when a little girl comes to greet her working mom happily. Realizing her mom must be very tired after a day's work, the little girl helps to remove the bag from her shoulder. In response, the mom kneels down to show how thankful and delighted she feels.

All this reminds me of my mother who has been doing whatever she could to let me have the best. But, totally engaged in my own study, I seldom pay attention to what mother needs and feels, and always thinks studying well is the only thing I could do in return. Now I know I can do my bit to help with the everyday washing, bedroom cleaning, or at least prepare breakfast myself, so as to share mother’s daily burden. The picture convinces me it is even more important to be a good daughter than a “good” student.


假定你是李华,你所喜爱的Global Mirror周报创刊五周年之际征集读者意见.请你依据以下内容给主编写封信,内容主要包括:


2.赞赏该报优点:1)兼顾国内外新闻 2)介绍名人成功故事


注意:1.词数100左右,开头语已为你写好; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Editor-in-Chief,

Congratulations on the 5th anniversary of Global Mirror!


Years of school life has taught me a lot of things, of which teamwork is the most important for me.

In fact, I didn’t realize its importance until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. At first, I did most of the duties myself while other students cared little about class activities. As a result, I was tired out and depressed. Then I turned to my teacher and he advised me to cooperate with others. Thus I began to recognize the strengths of my classmates and have everyone do their part in class.

It is working in teams instead of on my own that has freed me of trouble and made my work more efficient.

8. 2011年浙江省高考书面表达

假设你是高中生李越,有感于校园中存在的随意涂写(to scribble)和乱丢垃圾(to litter)的行为,请用英语给校长写一封100-120个词的信。信中应包括以下内容:

1.说明写信目的; 2.对这些行为进行批评; 3.提出建议。


June 8, 2011

Dear Headmaster,

I’m LiYue, a student from Class1, Senior2.

Your faithfully,

Li Yue

相关专题 书面范文