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吉林省通钢一中 李觅

感谢学校领导对我的信任,把我留在高三教补习班。使我的教学生涯增添了浓厚的一笔。填补了我教学方面的空缺。教补习班和教实验班以及平行班有很大的差别。教学中感觉心理压力更大一些。毕竟他们又下决心再来一年,所以真的输不起了。还有,大多数学生都来自于不同的学校。俗话说得好,“众口难调”.因此,如何让学生真心接受你,是最先应该解决的问题。 第一,教师应该做到的是要精心备课,精心传授。不只是备课,还要备学生。因为学生的水平参差不齐。 第二,上课的时候先立好规矩。因为这些学生都是不同的教师教授,每个教师的要求和教学方法都不尽相同,所以,必须让学生了解我的上课要求,第一节课,我对学生提出上课要求,哪些上课时是不应该犯的错误。刚开始可能感觉麻烦一些,但是这个环节绝对不能少。也正是应了那句俗语, “磨刀不误砍柴工”.还有,在授课的时候,发现学生上课犯错误,一定要严厉指出,不能迁就。因为,其他同学都处于观望的态度,如果你不较真儿,他们会感觉老师的要求并没有真的落到实处。他们在你的课上,也就敢犯错误了。树立好规矩,他们就知道在你的课堂应该怎么做了。这能为今后的教学节省许多不必要浪费的时间。





第七,处理课堂上的突发事件,一定要讲究方法。刚接过二十班的时候,刚刚有一部分学生报到,因此,我就有意的放慢教学进度,记得有一次上课,我把要处理的东西处理完之后,给他们留出一点时间自习。这在教学上应该是很正常的。就在这时,我听到班里有一个同学小声说了一句话: “怎么老是上自习呢?”非常巧的是,班级这时候非常静,我听得一清二楚。这时,我心里火冒三丈,气不打一处来。当我正要发作的时候,我转念一想,不能这么简单的处理。因此,我暂时把我的怒火压了下来,等到下课,我把这个同学叫到办公室,和他敞开心扉的进行了一次谈话。这位学生最后和我说:“老师,其实我是故意让你听到的,我就是想看看你如何处理我,如果你当时和我在课堂上发火,我可能会和你吵起来。”听完他的话,我不由得倒吸了一口凉气。多亏我讲究处理突发事件的方法,否则后果不堪设想呀。这位同学最后意识到了自己的错误,并且,非常接受我教育他的方法,并且这位同学英语学的特别好,尤其是英语作文,每次作文分数几乎都是满分。他主动请求每次英语范文由他抄到黑板上。因为我感觉他的书写特别优美,我就欣然接受了他的请求。在每次书写范文的时候,他写的都特别好,给全班同学做出了很好的榜样。对整个班级的写作起到了很好的带动作用。



According to the fact,cram school become more porpular in the modren society.It has clearly benefits,but it also has nagetive view which we cannot ignored.

As the professer who specific analysis this module point out,after take full schedule of a day,to have some fitness club is the best choice to achive more both them physical and mental growth.Be honestly,most of the children does have a positive attitude of their cram scholl,it is consider to take the freedom in their mind.


Shall we take after-school classes? Is it good for us? My classmates think that it is a waste of time and money. We should take more time to read, do sports and take social activities and become more creative. I don't think taking after-school classes is good for us. Because if you take after-school classes , you may be careless to have lessons in school and it will run out of your free time, then you can't be more creative.

In my spare time, I often do what I want to do. I often go hiking with my parents and play with them. I'm very relaxed when I walk with my parents.

When I was eleven years old, my mom let me take an after-school class. Every student was talking, eating, drinking and playing. That teacher was having a long telephone conversation. I had a disappointing class and then I have never been taking after-school classes.


This year, my mom and dad gave me an Olympic number, an oroan class.

I spent a lot of time studying the Olympic years, and I took a lot of time to deal with this. It takes a lot of time to write a problem, for example: 400 -- 58 = 342 -- this is the math I wrote 460-85 = 375 to see if I was careless! I always finish in the last place in my class when I am taking exams. Our teacher saw me so slow, and asked me to speed up, so the teacher helped me to improve my speed, and improved a lot of grades. It made me so happy that I jumped three feet high.

But during the time I was learning the language, I was rarely making progress, I didn't know whether I didn't have my heart, or the teacher did not teach me well. I have to pay more than ten times more than others, especially if I have to pay more attention to the use of proper words and idioms. Also understand reading, writing compositions... During this time, I have to achieve my goal, otherwise the money in the cram school will be paid in vain.


Today is Sunday, I finished my homework, turn on the TV, just want to see the mother is on the side nagging opened: “watching TV again, have you finished the book? I am for your own good, as the saying goes, a young don't work hard, idle young, needy old.” Just after one o 'clock, my mother was ready to drive me to learn to write.

Indeed, like many of my classmates, I was the only child, and my mother placed all my hopes on me. On Sunday, she did not ask me whether I would like to do so, and gave me an English and writing class. Every examination must be more than 95 points, the English final exam last semester, I had to 85 points, mother had known of a curse, and out of a lot of truth: “you now just in grade three, English have just started and does so little, junior high school, what should I do!”

But today, I am in a bad mood, I am not willing to accept my mother's arrangement, which will make up my spare time! So I found an excuse: “my foot hurts.”

My mother seemed to see through me and said angrily, “no reason!”

I deliberately slowly dressing and tie his shoes, the mother tired of waiting, ask: “you don't want to go? I went through all, to find such a writing most expensive school, is in vain! In that case, you don't go to school!” With that, she threw my schoolbag on the floor, threw it all over the place, left the house, and left me alone to sort out the exercise books


Summer vacation came, and the cram school followed. My mother gave me a new concept English class, and my father gave me a taekwondo class. With the original instrument class and the sketching class, I had no class on Thursday. But what about not having classes? I have to finish my English class and my homework and summer homework. I have almost no free time.

But what did we get? Say English class and taekwondo class a little use also is similar, and Musical Instruments class, sketch class simply because only on his own interest, although secondary instrument class can add cent, sketch class can retreat, but interest is the best teacher, no interest, as a “buy”.

Besides, do we have the energy and the time? “New concept English” class and taekwondo class already interrupt: “new concept English” class is at 7:30-9:30, and taekwondo class is 10:00-11:50, and half an hour from the palace to library is impossible. At the library, you must be scolded by your teacher. What a dumb man he is!

I ask the parents of the world: give our children a free sky!



High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior three student, it won't take long before I graduate. Now, I have much to share with my fellow students.

Firstly, I would like to show my appreciation to those standing by me all the way, teachers, pare nts and friends included. Without their help and advice, my life would be different. Secondly, it's high time to say sorry to classmates whom I hurt or misunderstood. Communication and smiles act as bridges to friendship. Above all, I've made up my mind to make every effo rt to study, for I believe hard work is the key to success. Just as the old saying goes, “no pains, no gains.”

Finally I hope that all the younger fellows can make full use of time, because time and tide wait for no men.

相关专题 补习班英语