初三句型用法透视(Unit 10)

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【简介】感谢网友“宇宙快乐小饼干”参与投稿,以下是小编为大家准备的初三句型用法透视(Unit 10)(共10篇),希望能够帮助到大家。

篇1:初三型用法透视(Unit 16)


一、 as a result结果

【考点说明】 使用该句型时常先交待原因,再用as a result连接结果。

He was seriously ill, as a result, he couldn't go to school. 他病得很严重,结果不能上学。

It rained hard, as a result, we couldn't go out. 雨下得很大,结果我们不能出去。

【知识串联】 as a result of 因为......的结果,使用时常先交待结果,再用as a result of连接原因。

He was praised as a result of his hard work. 他因工作努力而受到表扬。

The sports meeting was put off as a result of the heavy rain.因为下大雨,运动会被推迟了。

二、 be short for ... 是......的缩略; 是......的简称


Doc is short for doctor. Doc是doctor的缩略。

Fri is short for Friday. Fri是Friday的缩略。

【知识串联】 be short of缺少;短缺。

I'm short of water. 我缺水喝。

He's short of money. 他缺钱花。

三、 get done 被做

【考点说明】 该句型构成被动语态,多用来强调结果或不期而遇的事情。

He got burnt in the big fire.在大火中他被烧伤了。

She got murdered last year. 去年她被谋杀了。

【知识串联】 be done被做,是被动语态的常见表达方式。

This bank was robbed last week. 这家银行上周遭抢了。

The room was already cleaned.房间已经被打扫了。

四、 be pleased with对......满意


I'm pleased with your answer. 我对你的回答很满意。

His boss is pleased with his work.老板对他的工作感到满意。

【知识串联】 be satisfied with对......满意。该句型也为系表结构,而非被动语态。

Are you satisfied with my exam result? 你对我的考试结果满意吗?

The patients are not satisfied with the doctor.病人对医生不满意。

篇2:初三英语(人教版)Unit 型用法透视

一、no matter how/what/when/where ...无论如何/什么/什么时候/什么地方……

【考点说明】该词组引导让步状语从句,相当于however / whatever / whenever / wherever引导的让步状语从句。

No matter where/Wherever I go, I'll not forget you.无论我去哪里都不会忘了你。

No matter what/Whatever you do, you should do it well.无论你做什么,你都必须做好。

No matter when/Whenever you come here, you should come to see me.无论你什么时候来这儿,都要来看我。

二、have been to曾经到过某地


He has been to Beijing many times. 他曾到过北京多次。

How many times have you been to Shanghai? 你到过上海几次?

【区别于】1.have gone to到某地去了,强调人在途中。

-Where is he?


-He has gone to the playground.


He isn't in his office, perhaps he has gone to the playground.他不在办公室,可能到操场去了。

2.have been in 在某地呆过,常和for引导的时间段连用,表曾在某地呆过一段时间。

I have been in Nanjing for three months. 我曾在南京呆过三个月。

How long have you been in Beijing? 你在北京呆过多长时间?

三、What is...like?……怎么样?

【考点说明】该句型询问外表或性格特点或特定情况。询问特定情况时可改成How is...?

-What is he like?


-Handsome/ Kind.


What is the weather like in your hometown?

=How is the weather in your hometown? 你家乡的气候怎么样?

【区别于】What does...look like? ……看起来怎么样?询问外表。

What does this building look like?这幢楼房看起来像什么?

What does she look like? 她长得怎么样?

四、How long have you...?你已经……多长时间了?


-How long have you lived here?


-Since the end of last year.


-How long have you learned English?


-For eight years.




When to start is unknown to me.何时出发我不知道。

I don't know where to spend my summer holidays.我不知道到哪儿过暑假。

My question is where to find this kind of book.我想问的问题是到哪儿能找到这种书。



一、 neither ... nor ... 既不......也不......


This bridge is neither too long nor too short.这座桥既不太长也不太短。

Neither Li Ping nor his parents have been to Beijing.李平和他的父母都没有去过北京。

【知识串联】1.either ... or ... 或者......或者......,也连接两个并列内容,作主语时谓语动词仍根据就近一致的原则。如:

Either you or Li Ping has to stay here.或者你或者李平得留下。

2.both ... and ... 既......又......,连接两个并列内容,作主语时谓语用复数。如:

He is both clever and diligent. 他既聪明又勤奋。

Both she and her sister are very beautiful.她和她妹妹都很漂亮。

二、 There is a difference between ... and ... 两者之间有区别。

【考点说明】句中a不可丢掉;between ... and ...表示在二者之间。

There is a difference between this word and that one.这个单词和那个单词之间存在区别。

Is there a difference between this picture and that one?这幅画和那幅画之间有区别吗?

【知识串联】tell the difference between ... and ... 讲出两者之间的区别

I can't tell the difference between this sentence and that one.我讲不出这个句子和那个句子之间的区别。

三、 speak highly of高度评价......


He spoke highly of her honesty.他对她的诚实颇有好评。

【知识串联】(1)think highly of高度评价

His plan was thought highly of.人们对他的计划评价很高。

(2)think well of对......评价很高

Mr Smith thinks well of Shanghai city.史密斯先生对上海市评价很高。

(3)sing high praise for高度评价

Mr Li sang high praise for her invention. 李先生高度评价了她的发明。

四、 What a pity!真可惜!


-I failed to pass the exam. 我没有通过这次考试。

-What a pity!真可惜!

【知识串联】What a shame!真不像话!该句型为批评对方的所作所为超出常理时的用语。

What a shame! Spoke in class again.真不像话!又在课堂上讲话了。

五、 It seems that ... 似乎......


It seems that he has known the news. 他似乎已经知道了这个消息。

It seems that she is a spy.她似乎是个间谍。

【知识串联】seem to do似乎

He seems to be a soldier.他似乎是一名战士。

She seems to be sad.她似乎很难过。

六、 dive deep into深深潜入


The fisherman dived deep into the water to catch fish.渔夫深深潜进水里捉鱼。

【知识串联】make a dive for向......猛冲

The thief made a dive for the door, but the desk was in his way.小偷想夺门而逃,但桌子挡住了他的去路。



【考点一】That's my football. I want to ______.

A. get it back B. get it away

C. get back it D. get off it

【思路解析】此题的意思是“那是我的足球,我想拿回它”。答案为A。get back是动副型短语,其后的宾语如果是代词,一定要用宾格放在两个词之间,如果是名词,放在两个词中间或者 back之后都可。

【考点二】Have you been to the West Lake________?

A. before B. ago C. in the past D. by


【考点三】________students in my school like playing football.

A. The number of B. A number

C. The number D. A number of

【思路解析】答案为D。a number of和the number of后都要接名词或代词的复数形式。选项A作主语时谓语动词要用单数形式,而句中的谓语动词like是复数形式,A也可排除。

【考点四】 It is________wonderful film that everyone enjoys it very much.

A. such B. such a C. so D. so a


【知识拓展】such作为形容词,其后既可接可数名词的单数,也可接不可数名词,若名词前有many,much,little,few等形容词时就不能用such,而要用so。“such+a(an)+形容词+名词”结构可以与“so+形容词+ a(an)+名词”结构互换,但必须注意不定冠词a(an)的位置。

【考点五】 Don't come________I call you.

A. if B. when C. unless D. even

【思路解析】根据句意“如果我没有给你打电话就别来。” 故答案为C。


【考点六】China is a country______a long history.

A. have B. has C. and D. with

【思路解析】答案为D。意思是“中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。”with短语作country 的后置定语。

【考点七】I don't like chicken______fish,________I like beef.

A. or, or B. and, or C. or, but D. but, or

【思路解析】该题考查and, or, but 三个连词在用法上的差异。前一句是否定句,在否定句中连接两个并列成分要用or,因此选项B、D被排除,根据全句意思“我不喜欢鸡和鱼,而喜欢牛肉。” 第二空应填表示转折意义的词,故本题答案为C。

篇4:初三句型用法透视(Unit 8)


一、To do sth. is one's dream. 做某事是某人的梦想。

【考点说明】 句中的不定式作主语。

To be a teacher is my dream. 做老师是我的梦想。

To visit the Great Wall of China is her dream. 参观中国的长城是她的梦想。

【知识串联】 It is a / one's dream to do sth. 做某事是一个/某人的梦想,句中it为形式主语,不定式为真正主语。

It is my dream to join the party. 入党是我的梦想。

二、Doing sth. is a lot of fun. 做某事很有趣。

【考点说明】 句中doing为动名词作主语,fun为不可数名词,表乐趣。

Swimming in a river in summer is a lot of fun. 夏天在河里游泳很有趣。

Chatting with a close friend is really a lot of fun. 跟密友闲聊很有趣。

【知识串联】 make fun of sb. / sth. 嘲笑某人 / 某事物,通常含有恶意。

Don't make fun of people who make mistakes. 不要嘲笑犯错误的人。

三、What do you mean by ...? 你......是什么意思?

【考点说明】 该句型询问对方某动作或话语的意图,by后面接名词、代词或动名词。

What do you mean by that word? 你说那个字是什么意思?

What do you mean by saying like that? 你那么说是什么意思?

【知识串联】 What's your meaning by ...?你......是什么意思?

What's your meaning by smiling? 你微笑是什么意思?

What's your meaning by shaking your head? 你摇头是什么意思?

四、go from ... to ... doing sth. 从......到......做某事

【考点说明】 句中from与to后面均应接地点,doing sth.为现在分词作伴随状语。

Don't go from place to place doing nothing. 别从一个地方走到另一个地方,什么事都不做。

He went from door to door asking about this matter. 他挨家挨户打听这件事。

【知识串联】 go from one ... to another / the other...doing sth.从......到......做某事,one与another / the other后面均接地点名词。

He went from one shop to another/the other looking for this kind of bikes. 他挨家商店寻找这种自行车。

五、be based on根据......;以......为依据

【考点说明】 该短语中on是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。

His short story is based on a real person. 他的短篇小说以真人为原形。

His invention was based on his dreams. 他的发明根源于他的梦想。

【知识串联】 base on根据......,以......为基地

Prices usually base on public's demand.物价的波动常以大众的要求为根据。

The troops based on that island.部队曾以那个岛为基地。

六、can't wait to do sth. 迫不及待地做某事

【考点说明】句中to do sth.为不定式短语作原因状语。

I can't wait to learn the result of the exam.我迫不及待地想了解考试结果。

I can't wait to see her. 我急于去看她。

【知识串联】 be eager to do sth.渴望做某事

She is eager to join the party.她渴望入党。

篇5:初三句型用法透视(Unit 9)


一、more than超过,不仅仅


He is more than fifty. 他五十多岁了。

This film is more than a film, and it's also a good material for education. 这场电影不仅仅是一场电影,它还是一个好的教育材料。

【知识串联】 1. no more than仅仅,含有嫌少之意;并不比......多,和......一样少。

He has little knowledge. His education was no more than one year. 他知识贫乏,所受的教育仅有一年。

I can understand no more than you. 我懂的并不比你多。

2. not more than不超过。

He is not more than thirty. 他不超过三十岁。

二、be able to能够


After ten years of war, people were able to enjoy peace. 十年战争之后,人们终于能够享受到和平了。

After eight years of hard work, he was able to pay off all his debts. 八年艰苦劳动之后,他终于还清了所有的债款。

I'll be able to write articles in English next year. 明年我就能用英语写文章了。

【知识串联】can也可以表示能够,但没有be able to那么强烈的感情色彩,它只有一般现在时和一般过去时。

I can drive a bus now, but I couldn't ten years ago. 我现在会开车,但十年前不会。

三、be used for用于


This machine can be used for producing electricity. 这台机器可以用来发电。

A knife can be used for cutting things. 小刀可以用来切东西。

【知识串联】be used as是作为......使用,表示某物可作为另一东西。be used by 意思是被...... 使用, 后面接动作的执行者。

This room can be used as a reading room. 这个房间可以用作阅览室。

English is used by travellers and business people all over the world. 世界各地的旅游者和商人都使用英语。

四、That is why ... 这就是......的原因。


I didn't catch the first bus, that was why I came late. 我没有赶上第一班公共汽车,那就是我来迟的原因。

He gave her a good beating, that was why she was crying sadly. 他狠狠地打了她,这就是她悲哀哭泣的原因。

五、How much is ...?......多少钱?


How much is your new dress? 你的新礼服花了多少钱?

How much is this bike? 这辆自行车多少钱?

【知识串联】What does ... cost? How much does ... cost? How much is ... worth? What price is ... ? What's the price of ... ?均可用来询问价格,表示......多少钱?

What does this dictionary cost? = How much does this dictionary cost? = How much is this dictionary worth? = What price is this dictionary? =What's the price of this dictionary? 这本词典多少钱?

篇6:初三句型用法透视(Unit 15)


一、 To do sth. is very rewarding. 做某事是很值得的。

【考点说明】 句中To do sth.为不定式作主语。

To spend some time in English is rewarding.花点时间学英语是值得的。

To argue with her is not very rewarding.跟她争执不是很值得。

【知识串联】 Doing sth. is very rewarding. 做某事是很值得的,句中Doing sth.为动名词作主语。

Working hard at maths is very rewarding. 努力学数学是值得的。

二、 have ... as ... 把......看成......

【考点说明】 该句型不可用于进行时态,也不可用于被动语态。

I have you as one of my best friends.我把你看成我最好的朋友之一。

Don't have me as your enemy.别把我当成你的敌人。

【知识串联】 look on / upon ... as, regard ... as, treat ... as均可表示把......看成......,这些句型可用于被动语态,但很少用于进行时态。

They are looked on / upon as the most promising table-tennis players.他们被认为是最有希望的乒乓球运动员。

The American people regard Lincoln as one of the greatest presidents in history. 美国人民把林肯看成历史上最伟大的总统之一。

三、 leave sb. / sth. doing使某人 / 物继续处于做某事的状态之中。

【考点说明】 句中leave为及物动词,表使......处于某种状态,doing为现在分词作宾语补足语。

The bad news left him feeling sad.这个坏消息使他很难过。

What he said left me thinking deeply.他的话使我陷入了沉思。

【知识串联】 leave后面也可接形容词、副词、过去分词作宾语补足语,表某人 / 物所处的一种状态。

His illness left him very weak.他的疾病使他很虚弱。

What has left you away for so long? 什么事情使你离开了这么长时间?

The moving story left her unmoved.这个令人激动的故事竟然使她无动于衷。

四、 with + n. + prep.

【考点说明】 该句型常作状语,表示一种伴随状况,也可作后置定语,修饰某一名词或代词。

He came into the classroom with a book in his hand. 他手里拿着一本书走进了教室。

He fell asleep with his book on his knee. 书还放在膝盖上他就睡着了。

Do you know the boy with a pair of glasses on his nose? 你认识那个戴眼镜的男孩吗?

He climbed to the top of the tree with many beautiful flowers on it.他爬上了那棵开着许多美丽花朵的树的顶上。

【知识串联】 with + n. + adj. / adv. / doing /done也可作伴随状语或后置定语。

He looked at the picture with his eyes wide open. 他眼睛睁得大大地看这幅画。

Do you know the girl with a T-shirt on? 你认识那个穿T恤衫的女孩吗?

I like the room with the window facing the sea. 我喜欢窗户朝海的那个房间。

I like to sleep with the windows shut.我喜欢关着窗户睡觉。

篇7:初三句型用法透视(Unit 12)


一、主语 + doesn't work. 不工作,不运转。


I bought this radio here, but it doesn't work now.我在这儿买的这台收音机,但现在不响了。

Something is wrong with the computer, and it doesn't work.这台电脑出了毛病,无法正常运转。

【知识串联】 at work意为“在工作中;(机器)在运转”;in work意为“有职业”,与out of work相对。

This machine is at work.这台机器正在运转。

I'm glad to hear that you are in work. 我很高兴听到你有工作。

二、 I don't think so. 我不这么认为。


-Do you think it will rain this afternoon? 你认为今天下午会下雨吗?

-I don't think so. 我不这么认为。

-Will she be late? 她会迟到吗?

-I don't think so. 我不这么认为。

【知识串联】 I think not. 意为“我不这么认为”,与I don't think so.用法相同。

-Is she a thief? 她是一个小偷吗?

-I think not. 我不这么认为。

三、How many ... by ... is it from ...to ... ? 乘......从......到......有多少......?

【考点说明】 该句型为询问两地间的距离,How many后面接metres, miles, kilometres等表距离的复数名词;by后接road, bus, train, sea, water, plane, air等表交通工具的名词(不用不定冠词或数词修饰,也不用复数形式),如果表步行应用on foot; from与to后面接两个地点名词。

How many kilometres by train is it from Shanghai to Beijing? 从上海到北京乘火车有多少公里?

How many miles by air is it from London to Paris? 从伦敦到巴黎乘飞机有多少英里?

How many metres on foot is it from the zoo to the park? 从动物园到公园步行有多少米?


1. How far by ... is it from ... to ... ?乘......从......到......有多远?句中by, from, to的使用方法与其在How many ...by ... is it from ... to ... ? 句型相同。

How far by sea is it from Shanghai to Dalian? 从上海到大连乘船有多远?

How far by bus is it from Changsha to Wuhan? 从长沙到武汉乘汽车有多远?

2. How long does it take by ... from ...to ...?乘......从......到......需多长时间?该句型间接询问两地的距离。

How long does it take by train from Guangzhou to Haikou?从广州到海口乘火车需多长时间?

How long does it take by air from Changchun to Lanzhou?从长春到兰州乘飞机需多长时间?

篇8:初三句型用法透视(Unit 11)


一、stop ... from ... 阻止某人做某事


You can't stop him (from) going there. 你不能阻止他去那儿。

【知识串联】stop ... from doing sth. = keep ... from doing sth. = prevent ... from doing sth. 阻止......做某事。这三个短语用在主动语态中,stop和prevent构成的两短语中from可以省略,但keep短语中的from不可省略。各短语用在被动语态中时,from都不可省略。如:

The snow kept us from driving to school. 这场雪让我们无法开车上学。

We were prevented from going home by the heavy rain. 大雨使我们不能回家了。

二、more or less 或多或少;大体如此


There are 50 students more or less in our class. 我们班大约有50个学生。

His homework is more or less finished. 他的家庭作业差不多完成了。

He has more or less understood the text. 他基本上理解了课文。

【知识串联】(1)or so大约;左右。通常用在数词的后面。如:

I have 100 yuan or so.我大约有100元钱。

(2)the more ... , the less ...越......越不...... 如:

The more difficult the questions are, the less likely I am able to answer them. 问题越难,我就越答不上来。

三、neither ... nor ... 既不......也不......


Neither you nor I am a student. 你不是学生,我也不是学生。

【知识串联】neither, either和both都用于谈及两个人或两件事物,either表示“两者中任何一方”,both表示“两者都”,它们都可以用作形容词或代词。类似短语还有:either ... or ... 或者......或者......,both ... and ... 双方都。如:

Either you or he has been invited. 你和他都被邀请了。

Both Tom and Mary are good students. 汤姆和玛莉都是好学生。

篇9:初三句型用法透视(Unit 10)


一、This is ... speaking. 我是......


This is Li Ping (speaking). 我是李平。

【知识串联】在打/接电话中,询问对方是谁时,常用“Who is that (speaking)?或Is that ... (speaking)?”,其中that不可以换成you, speaking可以省略。如:

This is Tom speaking. Who is that (speaking)? 我是汤姆,你是谁?

Is that Jane (speaking)? 你是简吗?

二、a visit to ... 到......的一次参观;对......的一次拜访

【考点说明】句中visit为名词, to为介词。如:

Please write about a visit to a school. 请描写到学校的一次参观活动。

This was a visit to the zoo. 这是一次到动物园的参观活动。

It was a visit to a famous scientist. 这是对著名科学家的一次拜访。

【知识串联】 pay a visit to ... 参观某地,拜访某人。如:

We'll pay a visit to the farm. 我们将参观这家农场。

Will you pay a visit to your teacher tomorrow? 明天你会看望你的老师吗?

三、Why not do ...?为什么不......?

【考点说明】Why not问句表示建议,即提议某人去做某事。如:

Why not go there with me? 为什么不跟我们一起去呢?

Why not come more often? 干嘛不经常来这里呢?

Why not go there and have a look?为何不去那儿看看?

【知识串联】Why do ...?为什么要做某事?表示疑问或持异议。如:

Why go there alone?为什么要单独去那儿呢?

Why stay here since it is too hot at present? 既然现在太热,为什么还要呆在这儿呢?

篇10:初三句型用法透视(Unit 7)


一、give up doing sth. 停止做某事

【考点说明】 句中doing something为动名词短语作宾语。如:

You should give up smoking because it is harmful to your health.


Has she given up drinking?


【知识串联】 同义短语stop doing sth., 如:

The teacher asked the students to stop talking.


二、so ... that ... 如此......以致......


She is so clever that I admire her very much.


He ran so fast that I couldn't catch up with him.


【知识串联】 such ... that ... 如此......以致......,that也引导结果状语从句,such用来修饰名词。如:

It is such a beautiful flower that I like it very much.


It was such fine weather that we decided to go skating.


三、too ... to ... 太......而不能......


At the sight of the dog, she was too frightened to move.


【知识串联】该句型可转换成be not ... enough to ... 或so ... that ... 句型的否定式。如:

He is too young to go to school. = He is so young that he can't go to school.= He isn't old enough to go to school.


四、think a lot / much of 对......评价高,看重

【考点说明】 该句型为对某人/物的良好评价用语,of后面接名词、代词、动名词等。如:

He thinks a lot / much of her progress in English study.


She thinks a lot / much of his invention.


【知识串联】 think of考虑,想起。如:

She thinks more of her students than of herself.


I can't think of his name at the moment.


相关专题 句型透视