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To help high school students have a meaningful summer vacation, high schools choose not to have them leave school for two months, and instead provide two programs:

1 attend classes to complete university-level course according to their major and field of study

2 visit museum and historic sites under the guidance of teachers and write papers when back

Which one do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


More than one century ago, students in America need a long summer vacation to help family in fields during the busy farming season. Today when there is no need for agricultural work, the two or three months summer vacation seems too long if students simply use it to meet friends and hold parties. Schools should take good advantage of this period of time. In my mind, compared with visiting museums and historical sites, to attend classes relevant to students’ majors of study in college is a better option.

Admittedly, it is beneficial for students to visit museums and historical sites. At school, students study history from textbooks and then take standard tests. The boring texts and pictures printed in books usually fail to arouse interests among students who may forget them immediately after the exam. However, to take students to museums and places of historical interest will make a difference. Teachers’ instruction there will surely leave a deep impression to students. For example, students will have a better understanding of Lincoln’s speech at Gettysburg when they have first hand experience of visiting this city once torn by the Civil War.

However, it is actually unnecessary for schools to arrange such trips and students can travel by themselves with friends. What’s more, at museums and historical sites, there are professional tour guides who can provide instruction. Therefore, it is more meaningful for high schools to provide university- level courses, so as to help students make preparation for their future study. Firstly, the study of university-level courses will give students an advantage in university application. To compete for top universities, students need excellent academic performance. Usually, a high score of SAT or ACT test does not guarantee the successful application of one’s ideal school. Thus, many students take some university-level courses, like AP, to prove their academic strength and dedication in one field. High schools that offer relevant courses will be popular among good students who aim at famous universities and achieve a high enrollment rate to colleges and universities.

Secondly, the study of university-level courses will to a large extent help students alleviate academic pressure during the first year on campus. It is never easy for a freshman to adapt to the life on campus where he needs to take various challenges. Unlike classes in high school, some of courses in college are given to hundreds of students, and professors cover many chapters during the two-hour-course and assign lots of homework per week. Confronted with numerous subjects given by professors with different teaching styles, students may easily feel at loss and fail to maintain good academic performances. However, the academic preparation before they start their study in college will completely make a difference. The pre-study enables them to follow professors and finish homework comparatively easier. For example, students who are going to study physics in college can take AP physics, SAT II physics, calculus, etc. Those courses will help them lay a foundation for future study.

In summary, to make full use of the long summer vacation, high schools ought to offer university-level courses to students who can choose according to majors that they are going to study in college. This is a better option compared with organizing trips to museums and historical sites.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号: 英文写作素材)









Universities usually provide many programs to help freshman adapt to campus life as soon as possible. If you are a freshman, which one of the following would you choose:

1 Attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus, and it will begin before you have the classes.

2 Meeting regularly at your first year with a student in your major field who has entered the university for several years.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


It is never easy for a freshman to get used to the life on campus where everything is new. The young mind filled with curiosity of a new life is usually discouraged by various challenges. To alleviate freshmen’s stress, universities usually arrange a one-week orientation for them to get familiar with the campus or arrange a student of their major in higher grades to help them. In my mind, the orientation week is a better option.

To begin with, the orientation week starting before the term will not occupy students’ time for classes and other social activities. The first challenge in college that freshmen have to confront is to get used to different professors’ different way of giving lectures. Unlike classes in high school, some of courses in college are given to hundreds of students, and professors cover many chapters during the two-hour-course and assign lots of homework per week. It takes much time for students who are new to university to become accustomed. Another challenge before freshmen is to meet new friends in class, get along well with new roommates, and enrich campus life by joining clubs. All these will take up much of freshmen’s time and keep them busy all days. Therefore, the orientation arranged before the term begins can help freshmen save much precious time.

Secondly, freshmen in fact need to rely on themselves to take the challenge and to explore the new campus life. Unavoidably, all students will feel uneasy while they arrive at a new environment, especially when they find classes that they will attend are more difficult and demanding. At this moment, it is natural that they will develop reliance on others to get through the hard time. To consult with senior students can be a shortcut for freshmen to find solutions. For example, senior students who have already taken many courses can offer much valuable information on professors, reference books, assignments and exams. Even, so much so that freshmen will know which professor gives less homework and which course is easy to pass. However, the help of senior students deprives of freshmen the opportunity to challenge themselves and to make mistakes. Though freshmen without those valuable advices may come across an array of obstacles which cost them much time to overcome, discourage them, or even fail them, they will finally be rewarded with the improvement of ability and confidence when they solve problems one by one independently. Even better, when they have to enter another new environment, they will have a clue on how to adapt themselves.

To sum up, to help freshmen get accustomed to campus life, universities ought to arrange the orientation week before the term starts instead of assigning them a senior student.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号: 英文写作素材)



It was about two centuries ago when Industrial Revolution made it possible to produce paper and print in large quantities at a much low cost that printing press started to develop rapidly and lead public opinions. Nowadays, there are more means for mass medias to convey information, like radio, TV and Internet. However, facing the overwhelming amount of information, people begin to challenge the credibility of mass medias. In my mind, the mass medias, in general, are actually more reliable than before.

To begin with, it is in fact the challenge and criticism of readers and audiences that force mass medias to try their best to present accurate information timely. Undoubted, the popularization of compulsory education and expansion of universities have overall increased the percentage of population that receives education. As a result, people today have stronger ability to judge and analyze than before. Also, as people gradually get used to collect information from different sources and make comparison, it is unwise for a media to fool people with inaccurate information at the risk of being discredited. On the contrary, most mass medias who aim at long term development of good public relationship invest in the recruitment of excellent journalists and improvement of facilities to serve readers. But, in the past, mass medias were less concerned about their accuracy as they doubted people’s ability to discern.

Secondly, the fierce competition also pushes people working in media industry to be accountable for their information. In the past, the right to publish and broadcast was controlled tightly by governments and a small number of media companies. They, as the true leaders of public opinions, cared less about their accuracy but focused more on how to make profits by manipulating minds. For example, during World War II, governments of many European countries, including Britain and Germany, strictly censored and controlled the press to encourage people to join the army and serve for the war while ignoring the facts of heavy death tolls and economic loss. But today, the broad coverage of Internet has lowered the threshold of media industry and enabled small companies and even individuals to compete for readers and audiences. Therefore, a media that fails to guarantee the authenticity of its information can hardly survive.

Admittedly, it is also true that there are problems caused by mass medias’ inaccurate information. To attract eyeballs and strive to be the first to release the information, some medias choose to distort the truth or publish without further research and confirmation. Their irresponsible behaviors not only mislead the public, but also disrupt the order. The worst scenario is to motivate other medias who fail to observe professional ethics to follow suit. This is especially obvious in the report of celebrities’ tidbits. However, for the healthy development of mass media in the long term, such irresponsible acts will be gradually corrected by general public’s ability to discern right and wrong as well as the unbreakable law of survival of the fittest.

To sum up, the mass media nowadays have to be more accountable for the authenticity of their information, in order to survive and succeed in the long run and to protect the whole industry.








Do you agree or disagree with the following statement : Sometimes people think nowadays the media (TV, newspaper, Internet) are less concerned about the accuracy of news than in the past, and the incorrect information may cause more problems to the public.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)









Your friends have the opportunity to choose either one of two types of major field of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why?

1) A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster so that your friend could start working full-time sooner


2) A major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job offers in the future.


The constant demands for more knowledge and skills bring the significance of education. Students need to be prudent while choosing a major in order to find a decent job after graduation. I will recommend to take the education program that enables students to apply a better job though costs more time to finish compared with the one with short study time but limited potential for career advancement.

Admittedly, to start working soon helps students to become financially independent or even reduce family’s economic burden. For some students, their families may have difficulties in paying the tuition fees and hence apply loans from the bank. It is meaningful for them to earn money and alleviate the financial pressure as early as possible. For instance, some people choose to take the training of computer programming which enables them to find a comparatively well-paid job in IT companies. However, there are other options to reduce economic burden, like part-time jobs and scholarship. People ought to make study or career plan with foresight.

To begin with, the long period of time invested in study enables students to grasp more knowledge and skills that are essential for them to be competitive in job market. Thanks to the fierce competition caused by population growth and education expansion, there are more candidates with excellent academic background competing in job market. Consequently, with increasing number of choices, employers gradually increase requirements in recruitment. From the perspective of students, the investment of time in academic study and self-improvement, which allow them to become candidates appreciated by potential employers, will be rewarded with a satisfied job offer. For example, students who have the perseverance to major in economics or finance which takes four years will find a job as banker or finance analyst, while those who want to begin working early and choose to study accounting for two years may just find a position as accountants. As we all know, the former job offers salaries three to five times higher than the later one does.

Secondly, it takes time for students to improve academic strength and have better understanding of their filed, which allow them to achieve long term development in career. Few people work in the same position from the very beginning to retirement, as most people expect promotion or otherwise they will be replaced by younger employees who accept lower salaries. To get promotion, one should possess stronger ability to study on their own and insight of the industry which cannot be acquired within short time. Take students majoring in marketing as an example. Not only do they need knowledge of advertising and brand building, but also they must be able to understand consumer psychology, cope with public relationship crisis, and do research on market trend. All these are necessary for them to be promoted from a common employee to manager, and even company partner. On the contrary, without years of accumulation in study, people can hardly be competent for promotion.

To sum up, a person with foresight will opt for the education program with promising career prospect and prepare for the long period of study.

本文作者: Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)




TV set was invented about less than a century ago, and it takes a few decades to become a major part of mass leisure. Usually, audiences watch TV programs to relax and to kill time. However, with the emerging of more well-designed programs with educational functions, it is beneficial for people to watch for knowledge but not simply for cheap entertainment.

Admittedly, there is every reason for people to entertain themselves with TV programs. After whole day work or study under heavy pressure, people need an effective way to release stress. Thanks to the funny story, humorous conversation, or exaggerated facial expression and body language, people burst into a belly laugh in a relaxing atmosphere while lying on the sofa with beverage and snacks at hand. This is exactly why cartoon movies are popular among both children and adults, such as Pleasant Sheep. However, there are actually many other programs that can both help people relax and acquire knowledge. They deserve more attention from audiences.

To begin with, when people are able to kill two bird with one stone, why not choose to spend time more meaningfully with programs that convey knowledge in an interesting way. To attract eyeballs and increase audience rating, even educational TV programs directors and producers will spare no efforts to make their program interesting, so as to make more profits. Consequently, they usually add many elements to entertain audience, such as jokes, funny tones, or celebrities. For example, an interesting cartoon play for young children in China, called Haier Brothers, teaches audiences knowledge about natural science through two little brothers’ traveling around the world. Their traveling stories explain why there are mountains and rivers on earth, how rains form and why there are four seasons, etc. The vivid pictures and interesting narration never fail to attract little audiences.

Secondly, it is also worth watching programs of serious topics, in order to equip ourselves with necessary knowledge and expand outlook. Living in an ear featuring information explosion, people need the ability to collect information and knowledge that may be crucial in work or life. Sometimes, when there is too much information that is overwhelming, confusing or even disorienting, people should be able to discern with a clear and critical mind. An effective solution is to watch some talk shows about political and social issues. The discussion between the cynical host and distinguished guests will give us a clue on how to view events happening around us. Take the most important political issue in US, namely presidential election, as an example. The speeches of various candidates usually contain too much information that is sometimes misleading or even demagogic. As to have a better understanding of candidates’ political views and their possible future behaviors, we need to draw opinions from professional and objective sources from those political talk shows.

To sum up, it is highly necessary and recommended that audiences today spend more time on TV programs that are educational and enlightening.

Agree or disagree with the following statement people should spend more time watching programs that provide knowledge and spend less time watching programs which provide entertainment only?


















Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development.


Undoubtedly, children today, as the most tech-savviest generation in history, can hardly live a day without computers and smartphones which play an important role in their study and entertainment. However, as the time children spend with digitals devices skyrockets, both parents and educators start to worry about the perils of new technology and advocate that it is more meaningful for children to play with simple toys and meet friends.

Admittedly, children acquire much joy from computers and smartphones. The well designed computer games never fail to fascinate their players with vivid figures, attractive rewards, and cheerful music. It is even more joyful when classmates are playing together online. In addition, almost every child who has a smartphone will install chatting software. As they also have the strong desire to be connected, they keep talking with each other even after school on the phone. If there is anything that they are reluctant to communicate with parents or brothers and sisters at home, it is more fun to chat with classmates.

However, as there are self-evident disadvantages of playing computers or smartphones, such as lack of exercises, poor eyesight and isolation from real world, parents and educators advocate replacement: simple toys and meeting friends. To begin with, there are many toys that not only bring as much joy as computers and smartphones do, but also help children provoke thinking and activate imagination. Compared with computer games which require few thoughts but simple exercises of fingers, those toys encourage children to make more efforts in the game and rewards them with stronger sense of achievement. One of the best examples must be Lego, a toy welcomed by many families globally. With numerous small pieces of different colors piled up, children are able to build anything in their mind, like an architecture, an animal and a cartoon character.

Secondly, communication and interaction with friends is absolutely more important in children’s development. While entertaining with computers or smartphones, children are usually absorbed in their own inner world and pay little attention to others. The unwillingness of talking to others will gradually make children isolated and weaken their communication ability. This is exact reason why it is vital for parents to motivate children to play outdoors with friends. Through gaming with friends, children learn how to get along well, compete, and cooperate with playmates. For example, playing basketball teaches children the significance of team spirits; playing chess allows children to discuss strategy. What’s more, the company and reliance of friends makes children feel needed, which also encourages them to expand social circle and improve interpersonal skills.

To sum up, children benefit more from playing simple toys and meeting friends than from playing with computers and smartphones.

本文作者:Cindy Pan(公众号:英文写作素材)




In the face of fierce competition from international students and decline of local students’ interests in academic study, the government needs an effective plan to improve education quality of high schools. Undoubtedly, for any plan to take effect, the first step is to train teachers who are directly responsible for students’ study. In my mind, between options of training a few at first or training all of them online at the same time, the latter one must be a better strategy.

In consideration to efficiency, training all teaching staff online can help the government improve overall education quality in short time. Teachers usually have different schedules, so it must be difficult to have them together frequently in a seminar. Possibly, the compulsory training will arouse complaints. However, thanks to the wide coverage of Internet, teachers can easily access training materials at any place and any time individually and flexibly. Moreover, as high school teachers, they must possess the consciousness and capability of studying on their own. Therefore, with all teachers starting to study at the first time, the process can be greatly simplified. On the contrary, it costs twice as much as time to train a few elite teachers who then convey what they obtain to peers back to school.

In consideration to effectiveness, training all teachers online together will generate an atmosphere of positive competition and cooperation. It is more encouraging that all teachers begin at the same starting point. There can be a private account for each participant that records his or her studying progress and ranks among peers. In addition, trainees of all schools can freely share their thoughts and get inspiration from each other on the giant cyber environment. Under peer pressure, teachers will become more involved and active. However, another proposal of selecting a few good teachers getting training will run into troubles at the initial stage. The problem lies in how to select the “good teachers”. It is difficult to set a convincing standard that is agreeable and acceptable to all. A foreseeable outcome might be the emerging of bias between those selected and unselected.

To sum up, the wise choice of the government to improve education must be providing online training to all teachers together.

The government wants to improve the education of high school, and there are two plans:

1 Choose a group of good teachers and train them first, and after that let them go back to their schools and train other teachers.

2 Provide training for every teacher online, with providing online materials and let them study individually.


1 the characters of online training

1) convenient and flexible

2) huge database of training materials

3) free discussion platform for all

2 teachers

1) busy schedule

2) strong study ability

3) competition

4) standard of good teachers



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