
顶锅盖的老浆糊 分享 时间: 收藏本文





1. I believe that you will consider this application favorably and I wish to assure you that I should make every effort to be worthy of the confidence you may place in me.


2. Before my present employment, I worked for the Department Store as a salesclerk in the electrical section.


3. I would like to make a change now because I feel that I can go no further in my present job, I feel that my training should enable me to advance into a better and more responsible position, and it appears that this will not be forthcoming at my present position.


4. I am permitted to refer to Mr. Smith, Managing editor of the magazine.


5. I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.


6. Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.


7. My duties included compiling reports for the chief engineer on production in the various departments.


8. I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview.


9. I am enclosing a personal data sheet which I think will adequately show you my qualifications.


10. I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at you convenience


11. Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience.


12. I hope to have the pleasure of your granting me an interview.


13.I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience and shall be able to supply any necessary examples of my previous work.


14.I am happy to refer you upon your request people who can tell you of my work and my character.


15.I would be very happy to work under your supervision if it is possible. Thank you very much for your kind attention. Please send me an answer at your earliest convenience.


16.I believe that I can fulfill the requirements in your company. I hope you will be able to place me somewhere.


17.I wish to assure you that, if successful, I would endeavor to give you every satisfaction.


18.Thank you in advance for your consideration and courtesy.


19.I am enclosing a brief resume as you requested. Please let me know if you want an interview.


20.I would be pleased if you would grant me an interview at your convenience.


21.Trusting you will give my application kind consideration and hoping to hear favorably from you at your convenience.



一封好的英语求职信 ,内容一定要反映出你对应聘工作的态度和你自身的能力,结尾也不可马虎。下面是一些英文求职信结尾经常用到的十句话,看一看也许你会得到启发,写出自己风格的结尾来1、I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above,or by telephone at 32333416.2、I would be glad to have a personal interview,and can provide references if needed.3、Thank you for your consideration.4、I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.5、I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.6、Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.7、The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.8、I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.9、I feel confident that given the opportunity,I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday,to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.10、I look forward to speaking with you.




1. I have been for over five years in teh employ of an exporting company.


2. I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.


3. i have had five years experience with a company as a salesman.


4. For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been ad still am an accountant.


5. I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in teh general clerical work of the office.


6. I am 25 years of age, and have had two years experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.


7. I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years experience in a companys delivery office.


8. I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.


9. I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work.


10. Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I ahve been employed in teh Green Hotel as a cashier.




1. I would appreciate the privilege of an interview. I may be reached at the address given above,or by telephone at 32333416.

2. I would be glad to have a personal interview,and can provide references if needed.

3. Thank you for your consideration.

4. I welcome the opportunity to meet with you to further discuss my qualifications and your needs. Thank you for your time and consideration.

5. I have enclosed a resume as well as a brief sample of my writing for your review. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss further how I could contribute to your organization.

6. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to speaking with you.

7. The enclosed resume describes my qualifications for the position advertised. I would welcome the opportunity to personally discuss my qualifications with you at your convenience.

8. I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.

9. I feel confident that given the opportunity,I can make an immediate contribution to Any Corporation. I would appreciate the opportunity to meet with you to discuss your requirements. I will call your office on Friday,to schedule an appointment. Thank you for your consideration.

10. I look forward to speaking with you.




1. 纸张的选用:最好使用品质优良,白色的信纸。信封要配合信纸的质料和颜色。

2. 书写:求职者常需用亲手写信,字体要写得清洁可辩,龙飞凤舞的字迹无疑是自寻绝路。如果可能的话,使用打字机把信打出来。这样看起来比较具有商业气息。

3. 格式:信文要适当地排列在信纸中,格式要一致,如采用齐头式(或斜线式)便需全部一致,不可中途改变

4. 语法、标点和拼写:正确无误的语法、标点和拼写使读信人感到舒畅,错误的语法或拼写则十分明显,一望即知,予人坏印象。尤其要注意的是,绝不可把收信人的姓名或公司名号拼错了。

5. 信封:信封上面的地址要完整,称谓要合时宜,信纸的折叠要适当,大小适合信封。

6. 附件:求职信函通常不须附加推荐信,除非招聘广告有此要求。遇到这种情形,只须附上复印件即可。求职函内附加邮票或回址信封,强迫对方答覆的作法不足效法,除非对方有此要求。



1. 写这封信的目的或动机:通常求职信都是针对报纸上招聘广告而写的。若此,信中便须提到何月何日的报纸,有时‘工作机会‘是从朋友或介绍所(如青辅会就业辅导中心)听来的,有时是写信人不知某机构、公司有工作机会,毛遂自荐而写的信,不论是哪一种,求职信上一定要说明写信的缘起和目的。

2. 个人资料:写信人应述明自己的年龄或出生年月,教育背景,尤其是和应征的职位有关的训练或教育科目、工作经验或特殊的技能;如无实际经验,略述在学类似经验亦可。

3. 备询人员或推荐人:正常的顺序是先获得这些人同意后再把他们的姓名、地址列入信中,推荐人二至三名即可。

4. 结尾:求职信的结尾在希望并请求未来的雇主允以面谈的机会,因此,信中要表明可以面谈的时间。使用的句子要有特性、避免软弱、老生常谈的滥调。



1. 陈述事实,避免表示意见:与训练和经验有关的事实可以陈述出来,但应避免表示意见说这些训练和经验对所应征的工作将有怎样的关系或好处。

2. 不要批评他人:如果你要离开现职,可以说出原因但不要用批评的方式,雇主想要了解你,而非你的工作机会。

3. 不要过份渲染自我:你当然认为有能力,够资格才要申请某一职位,但不要过份夸大自己的能力或表现过份信心,尤其不要说出与事实不符的能力或特性来。

4. 留意底薪:有的雇主要你提到希望的待遇。你要作良好的判断,写出你觉得可行的最低薪。开始就业的人应知道,与其寻得一份高薪的工作倒不如找待遇尚可而有升迁机会的工作。



Replying to your advertisement…… Answering your advertisement…… Believing that there is an opportunity…… Thinking that there is a vacancy in your company…… Having read your ad……


1.(a)Replying to your recent advertisement in the Boston Evening Globe, I wish to apply for the position of sales manager……

(b)In applying for the position of sales manager I offer my qualifications, which I believe will meet your exacting requirements.

2.(a)I believe after reading your advertisement in this morning‘s Journal that you have just the opportunity I am looking for.

(b)your advertisement in this morning‘s Journal for an adjustment manager prompts me to offer you my qualifications for this position

3.(a) Having read your advertisement in the New York Times for an accountant, I thought you might be interested in my application.

(b)In your advertisement for an accountant, you indicated that you require the services of a competent person, with thorough training in the field of cost accounting. Please consider me an applicant for the position. Here are my reasons for believing I am qualified for this work.


1.I hesitate to state a definite salary, but, as long as you have requested me to , I should consider 6,500 a month satisfactory. 我对待遇总是迟迟无法定个确切数目,但既然您要我说明,我认为月薪六千五百元就满意了。

2. Although it is difficult for me to say what compensation I should deserve, I should consider-a month a fair initial salary. 虽然我很难说待遇应该是多少,我以为起薪每月--很合理。

3.I feel it is presumptuous of me to state what my salary should be. My first consideration is to satisfy you completely. However, while I am serving my apprenticeship, I should consider-a month satisfactory compensation. 余不敢冒昧说出起薪多少。最初余仅想要如何工作得好,使您满意。在学徒(试用)期间,月薪--即可。


1. As for salary, I do not know what to say. Would$4,500 a month be too much? 至于起薪,我不知怎么说,月薪四千五百元会不会太多?

2. Do you think I should be asking too much if I said 5000 dollars a month? 若要求月薪五千元,会不会太高?

3. You know what my services are worth better than I do . All I want is a living wage. 对敝人工作的价值您比我更清楚。我仅想够糊口即可。


1.(a)软弱、羞怯的: If you think I can fill the position after you have read my letter, I shall be glad to talk with you. 读完此信后倘您认为敝人可补缺,敝人愿和您一谈。

(b)改写后(较佳): If my application has convinced you of my ability to satisfy you, I should welcome the opportunity to talk with you, so that you may judge my personal qualifications further.

2.(a)怀疑,不妥、不安全的: If you‘re interested, let me know immediately, as I‘m sure and interview will convince you I‘m the man for the job. 倘贵公司有兴趣,请即告知,敝人深信与您面谈可以使您相信,敝人适合担任此职。

(b)改写后: May I have an interview? You can reach me by telephone at Taipei 884525 between the hours of 7-9 a.m. and 5:30-9:30p.m. any evening. 可否赐予面谈?您可在每天上午七至九时,下午五时半至九时电884525号。

3.陈腐的句子: Hoping you will give me an interview, I am……(我希望您惠予面谈) Anticipating a favorable decision, I wait your……(等候您的佳音) Trusting your reply will be satisfactory, I remain(静候满意的答复)

4.哀求式的句子,不够完整(漏掉面谈时间): Won‘t you please give me the chance to interview your? I can be reached by calling Kenmore 69781. 恳请惠予面谈。请打电话K-69781

(b)改写后: May I have the opportunity to discuss this matter further with you? My telephone is Kenmore 69781. You can reach me between nine and five o‘clock during the day. 可否惠予面谈以便进一步商讨?我的电话是K-69781。我从上午九时到下午五时都可接通。

5.太过自信的句子: I am quite certain that an interview will substantiate my statements Between two and four every afternoon except Tuesday you can reach me by telephoning 731430. 我深信面谈可以证实我的话。您可在每天下午二至四时(星期二例外)打731430号电话通知我。

6.较具体有效的句子。 May I have an interview? My residence telephone is (042) 4398. You reach me by calling that number until June 30. After July 2, my address will be Kent House, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. 可否惠予面谈?我住处电话为43981号。六月三十日以前我都在上址,七月二日以后,我的新址为新罕不夏州布列登林肯特屋。


应征函要发挥最大的效果,语气必须肯定、自信、有创意而不过份夸张,如能事先洞察雇主的喜好,或其他人格特性,根据物以类聚的原理,应征函若能配合雇主的特性,求职的人一定可以比其他人占上风,获得面谈的机会。 比较下列各句语气上有何不同:

1.I think that I should probably make a good bookkeeper for you. 我想我可能成为贵公司的好簿记号。

2.I am confident that my experience and references will show you that I can fulfill the particular requirements of your bookkeeping position. 我想信我的经验和推荐人可以告诉您,我能够符合贵公司簿记员一职的特定需要。

3.I recently completed a course in filing at the Crosby School of Business. I am competent not only to install a filing system that will fulfill the needs of your organization, but I am also well qualified to operate it efficiently. 最近我在克洛斯比商业补习班读完一门档案处理的课程,我自信不仅可以设置一套档案人类系统符合您的要求,而且可以有效地操作。

4.I feel quite certain that as a result of the course in filing which I completed at the Crosby School of Business, I can install and operate efficiently a filing system for your organization. 我相信在克洛斯比商业实习班修完一门课后,我能够替贵公司设置并且操作一套档案分类系统。







在此,我们无意讨论做简历需要遵守什么样的道德原则,只是想回到最根 本的问题:简历到底做什么用?简历只是一封介绍信,把你自己介绍到工作的面前。你是否适合这个工作以及能否得到它由你本身的条件所决定,而不是你的简历所能左右的。一份好的简历可以为你带来面试的机会,而你是否为人所接受,取决于你与用人单位接触过程中的表现,你的经验、素质、能力是否真的适合这份工作。








前些年,电脑尚未普及时,如果你使出一份电脑打字印刷出的简历与求职信,在众多手写简历中,你的一份就会有鹤立鸡群的优势,给用人单位一个崭新的印象。而如今,一份A 4或B5纸的个人简历表已是司空见惯,这时,如果你能写一手漂亮的汉字,不妨手写一份个简历与求职信,同样会突出你自己的特色,而引起用人单位的注意。

























First please allow me to extend the sincere regards and thegood wish to you! Heartfelt thank you in spite of being very busy toglance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unitenterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!


I am中山大学electronic information project specialized 2,007 sessionsof graduates, in the near future learned your firm is advertising forthe talented person, I hoped can arrive has the opportunity to yourfirm work.

在校期间,我勤奋学习专业知识,并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力.在认真学习课本知识的同时,我积极参加校内外的实践活动,并获得了一些成绩。如单片机开发设计、PCB Layout以及网页设计等方面。大学四年让我的英语水平有所进步,并顺利的通过了国家英语六级考试,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,有阅读专业文献的英文功底.

In school period, I diligently study the specialized knowledge, andinvested the huge enthusiasm and the energy for it While earnestlystudies the textbook knowledge, I positively participate in inside andoutside the school practice, and has obtained some result. Ifmonolithic integrated circuit development design, aspect and so on PCBLayout as well as homepage design. The university four years let myEnglish proficiency have progress, and smooth passed the nationalEnglish six levels of tests, had certainly certainly have listened to,to say, to read, write the ability, had the reading specializedliterature English foundation of basic skills

我具备较好的计算机知识和应用能力,能熟练掌握基本应用软件的使用,并能使用C、汇编、VB、HTML等语言进行编程。另外我还能运用Multisim、Protel、Pspice、Auto CAD等专业软件进行相关工作,并多次参加了校内组织的工程实践.利用课余时间我学习了有关网页设计、平面设计以及视频采编的一些知识,能熟练运用网页三剑客制作网页,并能用photoshop、ACDSee等图像处理软件进行有关的设计工作,有使用Adobe premiere pro软件编辑完整视频方案的经历.

I have the better computer knowledge and the application ability, canskilled grasp the basic application software the use, and can uselanguage and so on C, assembly, VB, HTML carries on the programming.Moreover I also can using Multisim, Protel, Pspice, Auto CAD and so onspecialized software carry on the correlation work, and participatedin the project practice many times which in the school organizes Ihave studied some knowledge using课余时间which the relatedhomepage design, the plane design as well as the video frequency picksarranges, can skilled manufacture the homepage using the homepagethree swordsmen, and can use picture processing software and so onphotoshop, ACDSee to carry on the related design work, has uses Adobepremiere the pro software editor complete video frequency plan theexperience




dear sir:

it is my pleasure to recommend mr。 craig for his application to work in your school。 mr。 craig has been an english teacher in my school (new generation foreign language school) since september 。 his major responsibilities include information collecting, analyzing, teaching and translating。 he is an enthusiastic and progressive young man with extremely high potentiality。 he often participated in extracurricular activities contributing a great deal to school。 mr。 craig is not only quick at learning and good at solving difficult teaching problems, but also with a logical mind that enables him to effectively analyze difficulties。 all the work handed to him was completed satisfactorily。 actually, he is so reliable that i assign him with heavy responsibilities。 with his help, i have been able to spend more time in xxx student’s excellent english speaking ability。 i really consider myself very fortunate to have such a capable teacher。

i am certain his diligence, coupled with a good competence and pleasant personality, will assure him of big achievements for your school。 i strongly recommend this promising young man without any reservation and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will be very much appreciated。

sincerely yours




我很荣幸推荐mr。 craig到贵校工作。mr。 craig自9月起在我校(新青年进修学校)担任英语教师工作。他很有责任心,教学非常认真,是一个极富潜质并且热情上进的年轻人。他经常参加课堂以外的教学活动并且对学校做出了很多贡献。mr。 craig不仅能迅速掌握情况,擅于解决教学难题,而且他的逻辑思维使得他能够有效地分析难题。他所担任的所有工作都能完成得令人非常满意。事实上他是非常得值得信赖,所以我经常赋予他重任。在他的帮助下,我才能够花更多的时间来提高学生们优秀的英语口语能力。我因有一个如此有能力的老师而感到万分幸运。




2 15,

dear sir or madam:

as an associate professor of shanghai university of sport, i am writing the recommendation letter with great sincerity to furnish you with my knowledge of my student yang xiao in support of his admission to your honorable program。 should this letter be of any assistance of your processing of his application, i will be much delighted。

he is now studying at our university, and i taught him the courses of modern management methods and human resource development and management in his third academic year。 now, i am tutoring his graduation thesis。 both in the two courses and the writing of the thesis, he exhibits diligent and industrious research spirit。 in class, with agile thinking, he positively devoted himself to the lectures and treated every specialized training carefully and earnestly。 in the finals, he obtained excellent scores。 in writing the thesis, he displays positive attitude, asks me for advices modestly, and puts forward various originative opinions。

during studies at university, he is enthusiastic for every specialized course。 adopting a diligent and surefooted attitude and striving for excellence, he answers questions actively in class and brings forward his own ideas, cultivating his own ways of study。 with strong abilities in perception and creation, he is especially good at analyzing, thinking and solving difficult problems。 he completes each specialized exercise excellently, and in particular, he gave his novel ideas on the essay concerning the impact of large-scale sports competitions on cities。 his advantages were displayed in the two courses i delivered, and he gained good records and praises of professors in other courses。 with strong abilities in writing, reading and communicating, he pays great attention to the improvement of his comprehensive qualities and energetically takes part in social practices。

i fully support his idea of overseas studies, which will certainly facilitate his further development。 he has detailed plans and accumulated certain social experience for your program。 australia is world-renowned for high academic level and favorable learning environment。 especially, your higher education institution boasts the wonderful program he applies for, which is rather suitable for him。 i believe that he will make brilliant records in future studies。

i will appreciate if you take his application into serious consideration。

respectfully yours,

chen xiyao

associate professor

shanghai university of sport




xx同学学习刻苦,有钻研精神,在班级里学习成绩名列前茅。他尊敬师长,团结同学,为人诚实,待人热情,乐于助人,思想上积极向上。在学习中,申请人始终严格要求自己,有一丝不苟的精神,他基础知识学习的很扎实,专业课也很不错,成绩一直在专业里名列前茅,这就为他今后更专业化的'学习打下了坚实的基础!他对待学习上的问题有自己独特的见解,能够独立思考问题,从他平时作业之中就可以体现出来。 ( 再加上一些自己动手能力方面的东西)





您好,我是xxx,xxx公司的总经理。得知我公司优秀员工xxx想要出国深造,我感到非常高兴和无比欣慰。在我看来这样一个上进的年轻人应该接受良好的教育拥有更辉煌的未来。因此,我很荣幸向贵校强烈推荐这位优秀青年。 xxx曾在大四的时候来我公司实习。尽管对业务不很熟悉,工作经验相对匮乏。但是从不服输的他一刻也不放弃学习的机会。利于闲暇时间大量阅读参考有关业务的书籍,虚心向其他员工请教。渐渐地,他开始精通各项业务,并取得一定成绩。对此他并没有满足更没有骄傲自大。相反,遇到难题,他仍然虚心与同事交流讨论直到找出解决方案为止。鉴于他在实习期的出色表现,我公司破例招收他为正式员工(通常我公司不予考虑应届毕业生)。






pril 12,

dear sir or madam:

i am xxx, general manager of xxx. learning that an excellent staff member of ours, mr. xxx is intent on further studying abroad, i am much pleased and gratified. in my opinion, such a promising youth striving for progress should receive better education so as to create a brighter future. therefore, it gives me a high honor to strongly recommend this outstanding young man to your world-renowned university.

mr. xxx once did practice in ours in his last academic year at university. though he was not familiar with business and insufficient in working experience, he, instead of admitting defeat, never allowed any opportunity to study to slip away. taking full advantage of leisure time, mr. xxx thumbed through volumes of books regarding business and remitted t

o other experienced staff members modestly. gradually, he became well versed in various business and obtained certain working results. never satisfied with and proud of his acquisition, mr. xxx still communicated and discussed modestly with his colleagues about some puzzles he encountered in the work till finding out solutions. in light of his praiseworthy performance in the practice, we made an exception to recruit him as a full member of ours after his graduation (we seldom hire those just graduating from universities).

by now, as a business elite of ours, mr. xxx works even seriously, responsibly and diligently, setting a good example to other staff members. every drop of sweat will be repaid. mr. xxx has been appraised as excellent employee of ours and awarded considerable bonus.

to some extent, it may be a great loss of our company that such a superexcellent employee as mr. xxx is going to study abroad. however, in consideration of his prospect, i, without any hesitation, am in great favor of his decision of studying at your reputable university. with great sincerity, i expect that you will support his application fully and grant him an opportunity to uplift himself and realize his dream. thanks a lot.

respectfully yours,


general manager


tel: xxx

e-mail: xxx








Dear sir or madam,

As the Vice Dean of School of International Business, Tianjin Foreign


University (TFSU), I am writing with pleasure to recommend Wang Ye to your

esteemed university.

I got to know her personally since 2007 as I was her class advisor. And I

taught her International Economics. In my course, she showed her craving for

knowledge. She often read relative economic books to enrich herself. And she

also asked me to recommend some text books and materials to study. When she had

confusion, she always tried her best to figure out the question.

Miss Wang is a self-motivated student. For all I know, her average score is

over 85 and she won scholarships every year in the past three years. Therefore,

she was selected into the experimental class in the third academic year. This

class consists of the best students of Department of International Economics and

Trade, Department of Economics and Department of Finance. What’s more, she

practiced in a small company to gain experience during the winter and summer


I am confident that she will be qualified and perform as well as she did in

TFSU. Therefore, I recommend her with enthusiasm. I hope that you will consider

her application favorably. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more


Yours Sincerely

Zhu Li (Signature)

Vice Dean,

School of International Business

Tianjin Foreign Studies University

Email: twlizhu@yahoo.com.cn

Telephone: 86-22-23283387

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