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Dear _,

I am a person keen on challenges. Law will provide me with the kind of constant challenge I have always craved, while helping me to improve my analytical, practical & communication skills. Also my concern and curiosity about society and its people inspired me to pursue this subject for my higher education, as I believe Law plays an essential role in the changing nature of society.

My upbringing has honed my perception of society and people leading me to be acutely aware of social injustice, inequality, exploitation, discrimination, and religious fundamentalism, especially in a society such as the one I come from - Bangladesh. I possess a desire, to struggle if necessary through my life in establishing a society which will be free from exploitation and inequality. As such, I have chosen to study Law, for I believe the proper implementation of Law is the only potent weapon to obliterate injustice. I believe throughout the history of the world, working classes have been deceived by the upper class bourgeoisie and the elites - my ultimate goal in life is to establish the rights of the socially deprived classes. I always have wondered why Law has not been used to raise the voice of the working class, and why it has been used to safeguard the interests of people who are exploiting. I seek a new definition of human rights – the true definition, without exploitation and corruption colouring the notion. My greatest wonder is why our society and the legal system, do not point out economic exploitation as an abuse of human rights; for it is the root of poverty, which elicits crime. If the creation of Law is to curb injustice, why has it not been used to eradicate this injustice? Taking law as a subject for higher education will hopefully help me find answers to my questions, and will teach me the proper method of implementation.

I am someone who is passionate to evaluate problems. I am not an extremist but I do not hesitate to resort to radical measures if the situation forces it. I believe, in a society, co-operation is more desired than competition; competition doesn’t necessarily bring rapid prosperity. I adhere to a socialistic political ideology, and aim to devote myself in establishing true socialism. I am from a country, which has been subject to military dictatorship for over twenty years after her independence. My political consciousness grew during the time, when my father was imprisoned by the military just because he was a leader of a political party who opposed military regime. Police and military jointly ran a brutal campaign throughout the country to repress politicians, where they imprisoned and sometimes killed thousands of students, politicians, professionals, workers, and even soldiers. These incidents severely affected my family, making my childhood a turbulent time. After the military regime failed, a western style democratic political structure was set up, which gave nothing, yet increased the discontent of the masses, and created some elites, who virtually control the country. Wealth and power both are centralized to them, law is a puppet in their hand, and they control everything, from economy to politics. Millions of people live below the poverty level, and there is nobody, not one strong and resilient political party to represent them. Extreme form of capitalism has taken over our country’s social and human values, and morality is at the brink of extinction. Corruption is everywhere, human rights abuses are innumerable, political repression is paramount, money is power and power is everything. This indisciplined violent condition of my country created a rebellious nature within me that is why I have set my ambition to restructure the socio-political structure of my country in a radical way. I would like to utilize the knowledge I acquire from my life at university and beyond to clarify and show me the proper way of implementation of my thoughts.

I have proved myself as an efficient and responsible student through primary and secondary school, I have been able to maintain and improve my grades, which are consistently good. Currently I am undertaking A’ levels in History, Government & Politics, and Bengali. Being an ambitious and inquisitive person, even after completing a Foundation Programme with an overall A grade, I have chosen to do three A’ levels in one year to study in one of the top British universities. History has always fascinated me; though this is the first time I am studying this subject in detail. In Government & Politics, I am learning about the procedures of law making and the system of politics and government in different countries. Languages have always been of interest to me, and my favoured loyalty is to my mother tongue - Bengali.

I have spent my time productively on extra curricular activities. I have keenly taken part in debating, student politics and acting in television dramas. I headed my school’s debating society for one year and independently achieved many prizes in speech competitions at local and national levels. My hobbies include reading, playing cricket and table tennis, web browsing, etc.

The principal reason for my desire to study at UK is the quality of teaching here and particularly in my chosen subject, Law. I also find exciting the prospect of joining a university hee with international flavours and exceptional research facilities. I believe University is a place for accumulating more interests, for meeting people, for working hard, for finding a niche in life. I feel I have the commitment and confidence of giving my best during my university career and afterwards.

Yours sincerely,

































墨尔本大学毕业生在全球各地的政治、文化、学术、商业舞台上表现突出。由于该校毕业生在解决问题的能力、独立的批判性思维、潜在的领导能力等方面出类拔萃,因此,澳大利亚及海外的知名机构均乐意招聘该校的毕业生。墨尔本大学和悉尼大学一样,在“毕业生就业率”这一评分类别上得分。墨尔本大学非常积极支持崭露头角的创业家们,其王牌“墨尔本促进项目(MAP)” 对学生的初创企业提供资金资助和支持。





fast track:7-8个月 6.0(W R6.0)高三毕业,5门相关课90% 3澳币;

main:12个月 6.0(W R5.5)高三完成,5门相关课80%+ 32020澳币;

main plus:13个月 6.0(W R5.5)高三完,5门相关课80%+ 36800澳币;

comprehensive extended:17个月 5.5(5.0)高二完成5门相关课均分80% 48030澳币。

升学率:80%的毕业生获得墨尔本大学录取 同时也可以直接申请麻省理工学院 牛津大学 麦吉尔大学 波士顿大学等世界顶尖大学。










墨尔本大学教育系是澳洲最古老的教育系,墨尔本大学教育学专业排名世界第六,澳洲排名第1。其涵盖的范围非常广阔,包括幼儿教学、小学教学、中学教学、语言教学等各个方面。墨尔本大学教育系自起正式改为melbourne graduate school of education,不再开设本科教育课程。主要课程分为master of education(针对已经是教育学本科的学生或已从事教师职业的学生)和master of teaching(本科任何学历都可申请)。research课程主要安排学生团队合作共同研究一个科研项目。



墨尔本大学法学院(melbourne law school)成立于1857年,历史悠久,是澳大利亚的顶尖法学院。在全球也极具优势、名列前茅。学院开设了墨尔本jd(juris doctor)、墨尔本法律硕士和研究生研究学位,还拥有18个研究中心和研究所,能够为学生提供各种法律专题的研究和教学。






计算机类的程序员包括分析程序员及系统程序员、计算机应用、软件设计、系统设计等,这类职业是澳洲目前发展势头最猛的行业。具体地说,一个程序设计员的入职 起薪点是4.5万元,而一个程序发展经理的薪水高达15万元。网络行政人员的薪金为4.5万元,而网络经理则是11万元。从年龄段来看,从事计算机行业的 人员23-25年龄段的薪金明显高于其它行业。


































































个人陈述是写给录取委员会的教授们看的,不同的学校有不同的情况,应该在写之前先研究透彻,有针对性地去阐述,这样才能合理地说明自己为什么要选择这个学校、这个专业,提出自己符合录取标准的观点才能令人信服,对自己将来学术前景和职业前景的展望才能让人觉得合情合理。 澳洲留学文书写作要点五、适当表达学术深度























Dear xxx,

The personal data enclosed in this application file will demonstrate myprofile as a child prodigy who entered into Jilin University at 16 and joinedthe country's topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at20. Now with an engineering experience of 4 years at the age of 24, I would liketo scale still higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies, aneducation process that I hope will gain me the competitive edge for personalgrowth and push me to the forefront of scientific progress.

Immersed in the academic atmosphere of an intellectual family, I wasencouraged in my early childhood by my parents to read books in a wide range ofdisciplines. With this privileged background, I attended primary school at 6, atleast one year earlier than the normal admission age of 7 or older. I felt solucky-God blessed me with so many natural gifts. At an early age I showed anatural talent in mathematics and a strong memory, the attributes that enabledme to excel my classmates, especially in such challenging subjects asmathematics, physics and chemistry. I took part in a variety of provincial andnational contests, demonstrating my excellent academic skills and wining manyprizes.

Blessed with my academic potence, I was able to finish my primary andsecondary education in 10 years, two years ahead of the usual twelve years. At16, I entered a privileged class specially designed for the gifted students atJilin University, a cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. Theclass selects only 90 students out of more than 1000 child prodigies acrossChina each year. (Jilin University is a prestigious university of generaleducation with 20 departments and a regular annual enrollment of 1,500 students)I studied at Electrical Engineering (E. E) Department, a highly selectivedepartment with a gathering of smart students who are hard to compete with.

Four years of undergraduate studies had me well trained in a wide range ofdisciplines, and my outstanding academic performance encouraged me to pursue anadvanced degree. With a concentration on mathematics, communication andcomputer, I studied a variety of courses in my undergraduate years, among whichwere Higher Mathematics, Probability Statistics and Stochastic Process, Theoriesof Signal and Information, High Frequency Circuits and Principles of ModernCommunications Systems, Computer Principle and other courses in the ElectronicTechnology field. I also studied Western culture, History and Economics in orderto build up a good base for my education. With a wish to build a solidfoundation for my future research and study, I was fully devoted to my academictraining at college. My hard work proved to be successful. My overall GPA of3.57/4.0 ranked in the top one percent of my class. Upon graduation in 1994, Iwon easy acceptance into Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as agraduate student at 20, an age when most Chinese students would be just startingtheir university education. At this university, I narrowed my academic interestdown to the area of mobile communications and digital communications.

My MA education proved to be another period of fruitful and successfulacademic pursuits. Among the courses I selected were Probability Theory, ISDN& ATM, SPC, Digital Signal Processing, Personal Communications, C++language. These disciplinary training prepared me to delve deeper in the studyof electrical engineering and communications. To keep me informed of the latestdevelopments in my field and to brush up my English language skills, I also readthe latest professional journals and periodicals of the telecommunications on aregular basis. Burning the course of my MA program, my outstanding academicrecords won me various scholarships in seven consecutive years, among which, toname a few, were Excellent Students, Excellent Person, Excellent fellowship.

To garnish this writing with other personal activities other than academicachievements, I need to mention my perfect performance in a dancing contest atJilin University, which won me the first prize.

Anyway, looking back at my campus life, I feel confident to say that I havefulfilled the education goal to my satisfaction.

Teaching ExperienceI worked as a teaching assistant at the ElectronicsCircuit Group in Personal Communications in my third semester at BeijingUniversity of Posts and Telecommunications. I taught product applications andthe telecommunications development in China. I trained the students bytheoretical approach and also taught them how to solve real problems bypractical means. I found the teaching position so much enjoyable. The dailyacademic exchanges between the students and myself were beneficial to bothparties. I believe that my students enjoyed my teaching too because my classeswere well attended.

Starting from April , I worked as a part-time teacher at HPcorporation. Later I was also employed by Software Center Motorola, China. Itaught Motorola customers the principle of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)and the usage of the HP instruments for testing CDMA Base station and CDMAHandset. Motorola customers were all satisfied with my teaching. I not onlygrasped advanced knowledge but also, more importantly, learned how to be a goodteacher.

Research ExperienceIn the second year of my graduate studies, I began towork as research assistant of Professor Dacheng Yang, a renowned expert indigital and mobile communication Research and Design Center of Ministry of Postsand Telecommunications. After learning the background, application, principle,and advantage of CDMA, I selected the signaling design of the CDMA Base StationInterface as my research topic. I evaluated and studied the protocols IS-95,IS-634 and the ULTRA interface protocols of Lucent. Applying softwareengineering method and Oriented-Object approach, I designed the internalinterface of Base Station System between BSC and BTS-Abis interface, which isone of the most important parts of such a large and sophisticated project. Thenreferring to protocols LAPD/LAPF, integrating the latest knowledge and using onestep. By working on this project, I learned more about CDMA, GSM and othermobile communications systems. Later I felt so proud to hear what I had done wasdownloaded to the board and the design ran flawlessly.

Working ExperienceAfter I obtained my MA degree in engineering in , Iwas employed by a telecommunication branch company of Posts &Telecommunications Industry Company. I participated in the JSU18 switchingSystem Project, which is planned to produce the sixth largest switching systemin China's own switching systems. I was in charge of the No.7 signaling sectionand developed the trunk communication system. Referring to protocol Q. 764, etc,I designed the TUP (Telephone User Part) & ISUP (ISDN User Part) - the mostimportant part of a switching system-with C++ Language. By now, I have finishedthe software flow of CPC (call process) of these two parts. Through programming,downloading the procedure into the real switching system, debugging and testing,I came to deeply understand the call process of the large switching system andthe relationship between all the modules of a large switching system. Theprocedure that I completed is so good that we can call successfully throughit.

In working on these two projects, I cultivated diligent work habits,independent research ability and team spirit. I feel I have the potential forfurther further academic growth and am ready to take up the challenge ofadvanced studies in my chosen field.

From August 1998, I joined Software center Motorola, China and got involvedin the CDMA project. We must communicate with international customers on afrequent basis in English environment. So I not only learned about the excellentsoftware development process and various branches of advanced knowledge, butalso improved my English ability. Here, we often exchange our findings atpresentations given by others and myself in English. I get a lot of technicaland non - technical training, in such subjects as Software Product Process, CDMA( Code Division Multiple Access), GSM, GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service - thethird generation system of GSM), TTCN ( Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - atest language), ITEX ( Interactive TTCN Editor and executor - a test tool forthe TTCN language), and even English language.

Purpose of StudyI learn greedily, but the more I am trained, the moredeeply I realize what I learned earlier is not enough. I have not got a chanceto lead a major project, although I have been moving on a smooth career path andalways finished my part of every project immaculately. As a female engineer, Imust learn more to compete with most male engineers to lead a major project. Andin spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have not brought my intellectualcapabilities into full play. So I desire to enter your esteemed university topursue advanced studies so that I can lay a solid foundation for my futureresearch work. In the meantime, I will be able to improve my English, and I hopethat someday I can speak English as well as Chinese.

I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework and practicalexperience for advanced studies. Equipped with the ability to teach myself andconduct independent research, I will be able to attain competence quickly inareas that I may at first know very little about. I never work just to finish anassignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to learn as much aspossible and sharpen my expertise through the work I do. Keeping this workstyle, I have become highly skilled in such fields as switching system'strunking system (communications and software), Code Division Multiple Accesssystem (mobile communications and software), SDT & TTCN (CASE and testtools), and pSOS+ system (real-time operation system). These achievements wouldbe a great help in my pursuit of advanced education, especially when I can workunder the seasoned guidance of your strong faculty. My previous experience willqualify me for the TA and RA positions of your university as well.

I would like to apply to do graduate studies in the United States where theresearch and education in global telecommunications are leading the world. Ihave long admired your esteemed university known for its demanding work ethicsand nurturing academic atmosphere. I am confident that I can receive a highquality education on your PhD program. If I am accepted, I am also confidentthat I can make quick progress in the E. E field, especially in the areas ofwireless communication, communication, digital signal processing, thedisciplines that share many common characteristics and important principles.Given the broad applications of these technologies, I believe the progress wemake in these areas will help shape the future of the mankind. I would like tobe at the forefront of such progress. As I am well trained and broadlyexperienced in EE and computer science, you may find me more than qualified foradvanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned. If so, I would begrateful to your appreciation and would like to hear any advice that you mayhave for me. Upon completion of the program, I will return to my homeland andstrive to make scientific contributions that both your university and I can beproud of.

Yours sincerely,



















从签证角度出发,除中学生签证和澳大利亚对外援助学生签证外,中国赴澳申请人必须具备雅思A类平均5.0以上的成绩。澳大利亚大学一般要求学生至少有IELTS(雅思)测试6 -6.5分以上的英语成绩。如果申请人英语成绩低于上述分数,大学可以安排学生到该校的语言中心(ELICOS)补习英语。




























Dear xxx,

At present, the world has 17 international hotel management groups toinvest high-star hotel in Shanghai, and hotel of Beijing will reach 800 withinthree years. As the hotel industry are continuing to expand, the demand forhotel management talent are ever increasing. In China, it need to Thousands ofinternational hotel management talents every year. It is this that attracts meto hotel management as a career because although am aware of the many pressuresand demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that Iwould be making contribution to my country in the future would be of greatpersonal reward to me!

I first encountered hotel management during work experience with a localhotel, working as a tourist manager assistant in July 20xx.It was a summer jobwhich was supposed to fill up my free time and increase my budget. I knew I wasgoing to like it because I am keen on meeting new people and visiting touristdestinations, but I did not even suspect how much it would affect me. As anassistant I was required to help the tourist manager accommodate the guests andorganize different kinds of entertainment. This job gave me opportunity tobecome acquainted with the work of such people as hotel, club and eventmanagers. I was deeply impressed by their diligence to satisfy every need oftheir customers. I have realized the responsibility of their profession, but Ihave also understood how satisfied they are when their clients are happy. I willnever forget the face of the tourist manager I worked with when the gueststhanked him for the perfect holiday. His face was beaming. Despite the fact Iwas only an assistant I felt satisfaction too seeing that the tourists werecontent with our work. This feeling of gratification and even happiness moredriven me decide to study Hospitality management.

In 20xx, with my academic performance of high school, especially threeyears average point of math in high school were approximately 90(full score was100),among the best in class, I entered Hebei university of Engineering. Infact, when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study in America.Because of living with my parents from birth to high school graduation, andwithout having anyone around to advise me about the new abroad life I will face,I was afraid and not fully ready to figure out everything by myself. Thischanged, however, during my time at the HeBei University of Engineering. Iachieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 during my first academic year and second academic year,and am confident that this third academic year's results will be even better. Itis more important that I can deal with everything by myself. Besides mycoursework, I joined the Student Art Troupe and Dancer, where I organized andparticipated various school wide parties, Art Festivals and dancingperformances. I also participated in several community service activities,including the Visited Autism Children in Rehabilitation Center, Cared for theElderly in HanShan Community planting tree in GuangMing Square and so on.

I also developed many extracurricular hobbies .I started to like reading,which largely enriches my knowledge in many different fields. A Brief History ofTime by Stephen Hawking is one of my favorite books. I loved music and wasmastered in piano. When fretting, I would listen to some soft music then myheart could clam down; when tired, I would enjoy some classic music or jazz torelax myself; when playing Beethoven’s music by piano, I feel encouraged andmoved. I also spend much of my spared time in sports especially basketball andsoccer, in which teamwork are highly involved.

The success of these two years instilled within me a drive to improvemyself, prompting me to seek greater challenges and rewards; I am now ready forthe path to academic excellence and figure out everything by myself. I havebecome a very ambitious and hard-working student, and the Johnson and WalesUniversity is ideal for my needs.I believe Johnson and Wales University willprovide me with the perfect atmosphere for bettering my life and my creativeabilities. And it will offer me much more than an education. It also will offerme the opportunity to learn how to be an individual who can fulfill society'sneeds both now and in the future. When I think of Johnson and Wales University,the aspects that most impress me and fan my desire to immerse myself in thisprestigious learning environment are JWU’s excellent resources. It has anoutstanding undergraduate program. Its environment is conducive to learning andgrowing. In addition to having some of the most recognized and lauded faculty inworld, JWU is committed to maintaining a diverse student population. As personof Chinese heritage who grew up in China, and is now planning to embark on myuniversity studies in the United States, I see this commitment to diversity asan essential element.

My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified manager and towork my way up in a large five star hotel or seven star hotel to become a hotelManager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I amworking hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful hotelmanagers have. And, I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful managerand will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals.

Yours sincerely,



Dear xxx,

At present, the world has 17 international hotel management groups toinvest high-star hotel in Shanghai, and hotel of Beijing will reach 800 withinthree years. As the hotel industry are continuing to expand, the demand forhotel management talent are ever increasing. In China, it need to Thousands ofinternational hotel management talents every year. It is this that attracts meto hotel management as a career because although am aware of the many pressuresand demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that Iwould be making contribution to my country in the future would be of greatpersonal reward to me!

I first encountered hotel management during work experience with a localhotel, working as a tourist manager assistant in July 20xx.It was a summer jobwhich was supposed to fill up my free time and increase my budget. I knew I wasgoing to like it because I am keen on meeting new people and visiting touristdestinations, but I did not even suspect how much it would affect me. As anassistant I was required to help the tourist manager accommodate the guests andorganize different kinds of entertainment. This job gave me opportunity tobecome acquainted with the work of such people as hotel, club and eventmanagers. I was deeply impressed by their diligence to satisfy every need oftheir customers. I have realized the responsibility of their profession, but Ihave also understood how satisfied they are when their clients are happy. I willnever forget the face of the tourist manager I worked with when the gueststhanked him for the perfect holiday. His face was beaming. Despite the fact Iwas only an assistant I felt satisfaction too seeing that the tourists werecontent with our work. This feeling of gratification and even happiness moredriven me decide to study Hospitality management.

In 20xx, with my academic performance of high school, especially threeyears average point of math in high school were approximately 90(full score was100),among the best in class, I entered Hebei university of Engineering. Infact, when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study in America.Because of living with my parents from birth to high school graduation, andwithout having anyone around to advise me about the new abroad life I will face,I was afraid and not fully ready to figure out everything by myself. Thischanged, however, during my time at the HeBei University of Engineering. Iachieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 during my first academic year and second academic year,and am confident that this third academic year's results will be even better. Itis more important that I can deal with everything by myself. Besides mycoursework, I joined the Student Art Troupe and Dancer, where I organized andparticipated various school wide parties, Art Festivals and dancingperformances. I also participated in several community service activities,including the Visited Autism Children in Rehabilitation Center, Cared for theElderly in HanShan Community planting tree in GuangMing Square and so on.

I also developed many extracurricular hobbies .I started to like reading,which largely enriches my knowledge in many different fields. A Brief History ofTime by Stephen Hawking is one of my favorite books. I loved music and wasmastered in piano. When fretting, I would listen to some soft music then myheart could clam down; when tired, I would enjoy some classic music or jazz torelax myself; when playing Beethoven’s music by piano, I feel encouraged andmoved. I also spend much of my spared time in sports especially basketball andsoccer, in which teamwork are highly involved.

The success of these two years instilled within me a drive to improvemyself, prompting me to seek greater challenges and rewards; I am now ready forthe path to academic excellence and figure out everything by myself. I havebecome a very ambitious and hard-working student, and the Johnson and WalesUniversity is ideal for my needs.I believe Johnson and Wales University willprovide me with the perfect atmosphere for bettering my life and my creativeabilities. And it will offer me much more than an education. It also will offerme the opportunity to learn how to be an individual who can fulfill society'sneeds both now and in the future. When I think of Johnson and Wales University,the aspects that most impress me and fan my desire to immerse myself in thisprestigious learning environment are JWU’s excellent resources. It has anoutstanding undergraduate program. Its environment is conducive to learning andgrowing. In addition to having some of the most recognized and lauded faculty inworld, JWU is committed to maintaining a diverse student population. As personof Chinese heritage who grew up in China, and is now planning to embark on myuniversity studies in the United States, I see this commitment to diversity asan essential element.

My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified manager and towork my way up in a large five star hotel or seven star hotel to become a hotelManager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I amworking hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful hotelmanagers have. And, I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful managerand will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals.

Yours sincerely,
















Dear _,

At present, the world has 17 international hotel management groups to invest high-star hotel in Shanghai, and hotel of Beijing will reach 800 within three years. As the hotel industry are continuing to expand, the demand for hotel management talent are ever increasing. In China, it need to Thousands of international hotel management talents every year. It is this that attracts me to hotel management as a career because although am aware of the many pressures and demands I would be facing, the sense of achievement and the knowledge that I would be making contribution to my country in the future would be of great personal reward to me!

I first encountered hotel management during work experience with a local hotel, working as a tourist manager assistant in July .It was a summer job which was supposed to fill up my free time and increase my budget. I knew I was going to like it because I am keen on meeting new people and visiting tourist destinations, but I did not even suspect how much it would affect me. As an assistant I was required to help the tourist manager accommodate the guests and organize different kinds of entertainment. This job gave me opportunity to become acquainted with the work of such people as hotel, club and event managers. I was deeply impressed by their diligence to satisfy every need of their customers. I have realized the responsibility of their profession, but I have also understood how satisfied they are when their clients are happy. I will never forget the face of the tourist manager I worked with when the guests thanked him for the perfect holiday. His face was beaming. Despite the fact I was only an assistant I felt satisfaction too seeing that the tourists were content with our work. This feeling of gratification and even happiness more driven me decide to study Hospitality management.

In , with my academic performance of high school, especially three years average point of math in high school were approximately 90(full score was 100),among the best in class, I entered Hebei university of Engineering. In fact, when I graduated from high school, I wanted to go to study in America. Because of living with my parents from birth to high school graduation, and without having anyone around to advise me about the new abroad life I will face, I was afraid and not fully ready to figure out everything by myself. This changed, however, during my time at the HeBei University of Engineering. I achieved a G.P.A. of 3.5 during my first academic year and second academic year, and am confident that this third academic year's results will be even better. It is more important that I can deal with everything by myself. Besides my coursework, I joined the Student Art Troupe and Dancer, where I organized and participated various school wide parties, Art Festivals and dancing performances. I also participated in several community service activities, including the Visited Autism Children in Rehabilitation Center, Cared for the Elderly in HanShan Community planting tree in GuangMing Square and so on.

I also developed many extracurricular hobbies .I started to like reading, which largely enriches my knowledge in many different fields. A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking is one of my favorite books. I loved music and was mastered in piano. When fretting, I would listen to some soft music then my heart could clam down; when tired, I would enjoy some classic music or jazz to relax myself; when playing Beethoven’s music by piano, I feel encouraged and moved. I also spend much of my spared time in sports especially basketball and soccer, in which teamwork are highly involved.

The success of these two years instilled within me a drive to improve myself, prompting me to seek greater challenges and rewards; I am now ready for the path to academic excellence and figure out everything by myself. I have become a very ambitious and hard-working student, and the Johnson and Wales University is ideal for my needs.I believe Johnson and Wales University will provide me with the perfect atmosphere for bettering my life and my creative abilities. And it will offer me much more than an education. It also will offer me the opportunity to learn how to be an individual who can fulfill society's needs both now and in the future. When I think of Johnson and Wales University, the aspects that most impress me and fan my desire to immerse myself in this prestigious learning environment are JWU’s excellent resources. It has an outstanding undergraduate program. Its environment is conducive to learning and growing. In addition to having some of the most recognized and lauded faculty in world, JWU is committed to maintaining a diverse student population. As person of Chinese heritage who grew up in China, and is now planning to embark on my university studies in the United States, I see this commitment to diversity as an essential element.

My ambition for the future is to become a fully qualified manager and to work my way up in a large five star hotel or seven star hotel to become a hotel Manager. I have read many case studies of people who have achieved this and I am working hard in order to gain the skills and knowledge these successful hotel managers have. And, I am absolutely committed to becoming a successful manager and will work endlessly in order to achieve my goals.

Yours sincerely,










澳洲移民局宣布从7月1日起,所有的澳洲留学签证申请必须通过澳大利亚内政事务部(Department of Home Affairs)的_在网上递交,即目前澳洲留学签证办理都是通过线上。









































随着各国对教育的逐步重视和教师待遇的不断提高,教育学专业正在逐渐成为一门热门专业,而澳大利亚是个极度注重教育的国度,但是就读教育专业的人不多,例如很多特殊教育的学校在招不到专业人才的时候,只好招普通教育行业的人来应急。 因此,澳大利亚教育行业相当紧缺,待遇也很高。


澳大利亚是农业大国,一度被认为是亚洲未来的粮仓,广袤的土地和农业资源,清洁的环境,高质量的农产品,已经成为亚洲市场的畅销品。 比如澳洲牛肉出口中国过去2年增长了20倍。



律师在西方收入很高,也最受人尊敬,很多人以为法律课程非常高不可攀,其实未必。 中国本科毕业生可以直接来澳洲读2-3年的Juris Doctor完成法律课程,然后参加4-12个月的实习,拿到律师注册,当上澳洲的solicitor。工作几年后,还可以自己开律师行。













墨尔本大学:澳洲八大院校之一,是UNIVERSITAS 21组织成员之一,与工业界,政府部门和其他有关部门都有密切的联系。学校世界排名36,计算机专业世界排名21,毕业生雇主评分高达86.7分。




悉尼大学:澳洲第一所大学,也是最好的大学之一。作为澳大利亚最为完善的综合大学,悉尼大学开设全澳洲最广泛,数目最多的课程供学生攻读。学校与澳大利亚许多企业合作,提供大量的就业机会。学校世界综合排名39 ,计算机专业世界排名48.


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