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作文题目:Digital Media


Nowadays, digital media has permeated almost every aspect of our daily life. It is changing the way that

individuals, especially young people, learn, play, socialize, and participate in the society.

As a result, the function of digital media has turned into a major topic for the public. Some people pay tribute to its positive role as very convenient news sources, being available almost anywhere and anytime. While some people condemn the negative influence it has brought on privacy, morality, and independent thinking, which some people used to have and enjoy. And still others have been fighting between the merits and demerits of digital media for a final conclusion.

In my view, digital media is good for us students as it introduces a new way of learning which encourages more interaction and participation rather than rote learning. Besides, digital media makes it easier to produce and share things.



作文题目:Dishonesty in Tourism



2. 出现这一现象的原因

3. 我对这一现象的看法和建议


Dishonesty in Tourism

Since 1980s, the economy of China has developed greatly. With more money in their pockets, people are spending more money on travelling, which has brought prosperity to tourism. Nevertheless, many travel agencies or agents are reported to cheat their customers and make money in a dishonest way.

The reason for dishonesty in tourism is various. First and for most, money is the spur. Some travel agencies use all means to cheat their customers in order to get more money. Secondly, to survive in the fierce competition, travel agencies have to make enough profits. To realize profit maximization, they cheat. Last but not least, their victims seem to have little sense of defending their rights.

To regulate travel agencies and protect the rights of tourists, the government has issued various laws. However, I think tourists can take the following tips to avoid travel scams. First, choose a trustworthy travel agency for your trip. Secondly, use your common sense and keep alert while travelling. Finally, defend yourself if your rights are violated.








The advent of the Internet ushered in a new era of interpersonal communications and business operations. Undoubtedly, the Net are revolutionizing the daily lives of the people who have an access to it. The primary reason behind the Internet boom roots in its multifunction. It provides a vehicle for netizens to shop, search, publish blogs and browse WebPages.

A range of problems lurking behind the frenzy of Internet impressively stand out. A vast majority of Internet users' mail boxes are saturated with junk mails, an issue which sparks strong criticism and generates the loss of corporate productivity. It's not alone. Porn websites lure a growing number of young people's visits. False news via the e-mail, BBS and chat room increasingly poses a threat to the social prosperity and stability.

To crack down them, we should push for a more effectively tough law. We should join our forces to launch a nation-wide campaign, including imposing stiff penalties on spammers, shutting down or blocking the lewd sites and introducing a real-name registration system to curb fraudulent messages. We can fully believe that our combined efforts will reap rewards. A clean cyberspace will paint our lives more colorfully. An economically booming and technologically advanced global web will play a vital role in the national economic and cultural advancement.


领导力 Leadership

what is leadership?its qualities are difficult to define. but they are not so difficult to identify. leaders don ' t force other people to go along with them. they bring them along.

leaders get commitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encourages creativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.

good leaders aren' t“lone rangers. ”they recognize that an organization' s strategies for success require the combined talents and efforts of many people. leadership is the catalyst for transforming those talents into results.

successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future--not wedded to the past. they have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, andto initiate. they are not content with merely taking care of what' s already there. they want to move forward to create something new.

leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speak from experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the peopie they work with.

leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. they believe in unity rather than yielding. and they strive to achieve agreements out of conflict. leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow to their fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. leaders make the right things happen when they're supposed to.

a good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. respect is something you have to have in order to get.a leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization, for the work they do, and for their abilities, desires and needs, will find that respect is returned. and all concerned will be motivated to work together.


No one has the exclusive way to success. Some say money. Some say love. Others say a house, a car, a child, a degree from a top university—but all are of these are only outward ways to show others that we’re successful. People think that they must have these things before they can be happy, but Scott Achor in “The Happiness Advantage” says that the opposite is true. Achor, who is a professor at Harvard University and who has been teaching the “Happiness Course” for fifteen years, recently wrote this book to show that happiness breeds success, not the other way around. When I read it, it struck a chord with me and I realized that truly positive, happy people always seem to love what they do and who they are with. Even if times get tough, they don’t knuckle under. They persevere and overcome all obstacles.

To me, the way to success is to figure out what you truly believe in and love in life. You should write up a mission statement about how you can contribute to the world by doing what is meaningful to you. Then, you should go after your dream—no matter what it is or if it fits society’s version of a successful reality. Set goals, divide them into specific tasks, learn what you need to learn, do what you need to do and always keep the prize in mind. The way to success is to have a clear vision of your future and know what will make you happy. If you are doing what you love, with people that you care about, and making a meaningful contribution to the world, you will not only be happy, but you will be successful.


A test of spoken English will be included as an optional (component of the College English Test (CET). Some people contend that it is absolutely necessary to hold a test of spoken English in China because we have been told many times that a Chinese student who has been learning English for years cannot communicate with a native English speaker. Sometimes even those top students who excel at grammar and writing skills find their English inadequate to express their thoughts freely when speaking. A test of spoken English will bring the importance of speaking English to the awareness of the college students, and thus help them with their communicating skills.

On the other hand, there are also people who maintain that good reading and writing skills would be enough for the average English learners. College students are already under considerable pressure from their coursework. Another required test will only add to their burden. Also, some students may take the shortcut and only practice the questions according to the fixed format of the test, which will not actually improve their spoken English.

I believe that a test of spoken English will do more good than harm. Since China will continue its policy of opening and reform, the ability to speak fluent English is a must for anyone who wants to surpass others in a highly competitive society. Whether I take the test or not, I shall make all efforts to practice my spoken English in the rest years in college.


Different people have different views on firecrackers. Some people think that firecrackers should be banned because they endanger people's lives and social security. However, others hold that firecrackers houldn't be banned because they will drive evil spirits and bring luck.

As to me, I am in favor of the first idea. The reasons are as follows. First, addmittedly, letting off firecrackers will create an auspicious atmosphere, but it will not really bring luck to let off firecrackers. Besides, it is dangerous to let off firecrackers. It was reported that letting off firecrackers causes a lot of accidents, fire, injury, and even death every year.

However,it is our traditional custom to celebrate an important occasion by letting off firecrackers.How can we let off firecrackers whithoug causing accidents? The possible solution is that the substitute for the firecracker should be invented so that we can celebrate an important occasion whitout causing accidents.



Direction:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes towrite a composition entitled On Power Failure. Youshould write at least 120 words according to thefollowing guidelines(given in Chinese):





On Power Failure

Recently, every morning when I wake up, I findmy air-conditioner automatically turned off . I didn't understand why at first , but soon Ilearned that there was a great shortage of electricity supply in our city – my air-conditionerturned off because of a power failure midnight.

With the rapidly developing industry and the ever-increasing population, demand forelectricity supply is soaring. Besides, summers in recent years are much hotter than before ,so most working places and households are air-conditioned , which consumes additionalelectricity.

Face with such a hard nut , we have to find ways to crack it . Above all , in western areasChina , there is surplus of electricity supply. So , cities that are thirsty for electricity mayask for remote help. Then ,when we have electricity , we should remember to save it . Setyour air-conditioners at 27C and you won't feel less comfortable than when they are at 26C . Infact , some factories already shift their working hours to avoid the peak time of electricityconsuming. My parents don’t work from Monday to Friday as before – they work form Saturdayto Wednesday and have the following two days off instead. This is also a way out, isn't it?



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topic OnlineGames. You should write at least 120 words, andbase your composition on the outline below:





Online Games

As a product of modern computer and theInternet, online games have become very popular among college students. A great manystudents have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these games. But as we see,some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their healthand academic performances are affected. This phenomenon has caused much worry fromthe teachers and parents.

However, some others argue that online games are not always harmful. They can train theability of youngsters to respond to things quickly. Moreover, they can stimulate theirimagination and their interest in computer science. More importantly, it does bring collegestudents much pleasure and release their pressure greatly.

From my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in areasonable way. When they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to givethem up at once. Yet if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain realpleasure and benefit a lot from them.














directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic the day my classmate fell ill.






开篇句:about _____ o'clock one evening in _______, _____.

扩展句:________. (展开描述一下事件)


主题句:without hesitation, _____. it wasn't long before _____.

扩展句:1、one ______.

2、another _______.

3、our teacher _______.


结尾句:is _______? who can tell ? but ______.

扩展句:1、when ____ , people showed _____ spirit regardless of ____.

2、this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice.

3、and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.



directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:






开篇句句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts.

扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly.


主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities.

扩展句:1、as _____ , ______ can ______.

2、what's more, __________.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、___ can also bring us some challenges. for example, ______.

2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____.


结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____.

扩展句:what we should do is to ______.



开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts.

扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly


主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.

扩展句:1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.

2、what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition.

2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.


结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us.

扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.


china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts.this event will influence the economy in china greatly.

jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.

every thing has two aspects.joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.

however, this great event does more good than harm to us.what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.


In recent years there have been many reports of ________.It turns anew chapter of _________in China,and will have far-reaching effects in theforthcoming years.

The biggest benefit,in my eyes,is that_______.Inaddition,_______.Finally,______________.

Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we should also face severalunavoidable challenges.In the first place,_____________.In the secondplace,________.What’s more,_______________.Insummary,we should_______________.




1 Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life.(讲重要性)

2 The popularity of digital …will have great influence on our work, study and everyday life. On the one hand …, But on the other hand.(讲影响)

3To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.(结尾段) Ps:灵活运用第1句和第2句,根据不同模板自由组合。 2)模板(2个模板)

1, 开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲不好的地方。 中间段:措施 结尾段:先来个小转折再进入总结

开头段Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced ……., more and more….. are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that…… 中间段 Firstly….Secondly…..Lastly but in no means least……

结尾段 To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them. 2 ,开头段:先讲重要性,然后转讲争论 中间段:转折(即列出两种不同人的观点) 结尾段:直接进入总结(即你的观点)

开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary.

中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that ….. On the other hand, a great many people insist that….

结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的) 6级作文万能句子(补充在”…..”里面的万能句子,自己琢磨每个句子放在哪里比较适合) 重点背:1)5)、6)7)句子,最好全部都被过一遍,自己琢磨怎么用。

1)Sth will make our life more enjoyable, that is to say, sth can add color to the dull routine of every day life. 。。。能让我们的生活更美好,也就是说,。。。可以给我们枯燥的生活带来色彩


2)For the majority of people, reading or learning a new skill has become the focus of their lives and the source of their happiness and contentment 对于很多人来说,学习一门新技术占据了他们的生活和充实了他们的生活。

3)。。。。。, by occupying spare time so constructively, makes a person contented, with no time for boredom. 。。。占据了某人大部分时间,使得某人没空想东想西(充实了某人生活) 4)What's more, living in school can save them a great deal of time on the way between home and school everyday, so they would be able to concentrate more time and energy on their academic work. 住校为学生省去了不少时间,这样学生可以把更多的时间用在学习上

5)Little by little, our knowledge will be well enriched, and our horizons will be greatly broadened. 一点一滴,这样做可以丰富我们的知识和拓宽我们的视野

6)For people who want to adopt a healthy and meaningful life style, it is important to find time to learn certain new knowledge. Just as an old saying goes: it is never too late to learn.对于想过一种有意义的人来说,抽空学习一门新技术很重要

7)The majority of students believe that part-time job will provide them with more opportunities to develop their interpersonal skills, which may put them in a favorable position in the future job markets.兼职可以让学生们学习个人技巧,这样可以在找工作时更有竞争力

8)By taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.学生不仅可以提高学习成绩,还可以获得在课本上学不到的工作经验

9)Now people in growing numbers are beginning to believe that learning new skills and knowledge contributes directly to enhancing their job opportunities or promotion opportunities. 10)1Sth can produce positive effects on …in more than one way.什么东西可带来好影响

2Sth may bring about negative impacts on …什么东西可带来不好的影响

Currently, XX has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than XX It is clear that (1). If you (2), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (3).Failure will be following with you. It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (4).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that


we all know (5).It will exert a profound influence upon (6).With reference to my st andpoint, I think (7).


(1) XX的第一个优点 (2) 支持XX的做法 (3) 不支持XX的做法 (4) XX的第二个优点 (5) 举例证明优点二 (6) 说明XX优点三的影响

相应作文:The importance of self-confidence

Currently, self-confidence has been the order of the day. This does demonstrate the theory --- nothing is more valuable than self-confidence. It is clear that (self-confidence means trust in one's abilities). If you (are full of self-confidence, it will bring your creative power to play, arouse your enthusiasm for work, and help you overcome difficulties), as a result, your dreams will come true. On the contrary, if you (have no confidence in yourself, there is little possibility that you would ever achieve anything ). Failure will be following with you。It turns out that all your plan falls through. No one can deny another fact that (self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark and encouragement when you are dismayed).You don't have to look very far to find out the truth, in respect that we all know (the secret of MMe. Curie lies in perseverance and self-confidence, the latter in particular). It will exert a profound influence upon (the achievement of one's ambitions). With reference to my standpoint, I think (he that can have self-confidence can have what he will).

In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate on (1). The factors for (2).First of all, (3).Then, there comes a case that (4). Moreover, (5). Especially when (6).Indeed, these unique points can be collected the remind people that (7).In this way, we should behave just like (8). 相应作文:The impact of Television

In recent years, with the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV, offering as many as 50 channels. It has caused a heated debate on (the impact of television on children). Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children. The factors for (parents' worry is that children are indulge in television and spend too much time on it.).First of all, (with so many programs to choose from, children are not getting as much exercise as they should ).Then, there comes a case that (some studies have show that excessivewatching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school ). Moreover, (the effect on children's minds are more serious than the effect on children's bodies). Especially when (the children are too small to judge what programs are suit to them).Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that (they should pay close attention to and responsibilities for supervising their children's TV viewing).In this way, children will not be influenced too deeply.

For most of us today, (1). From above, we can find that the reasons why (2)are as follows.The primary reason, I think, is (3).Second,(4). The third reason, actually, is (5).The significance for (6)。Therefore, (7). 注释:

(1) 人们针对XX的态度和举措 (2) 归纳现状 (3) 第一个原因 (4) 第二个原因 (5) 第三个原因

(6) 重申造成现状的最重要原因 相应作文:Pollution

Most of us today (recognize that environmental pollution has been a greatly serious problem. lots of plants trees corps are destroyed by bad air. many fish die of poisonous water. thousands of people die from eating poisoned fish or breathing in gas. therefore, environmental pollution should be responsible for these diseases that are disabling, or bringing death not only to human beings, but also to wild life.)From above, we can find that the reasons why (environment are polluted more and more seriously)are as follows. the primary reason, I think, is (the reason of harmful substances into environment. for example, to prevent insects, farmers make use of great amounts of insecticides, so as to have bumper harvests. however, they pollute air, water and land ).Second,(the gas coming from the car engines and factories also make environment polluted badly ). the third reason actually is (the result of a growing population in the world. everyday, so much litter and waste are poured out from houses, also pollute the environment ). The significance for (controlling pollution) noted that it's high time that more effective measures should be taken. Therefore, (new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants from factories. moreover, in the households, there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste. let's make our good efforts,and the world will be a safer place to live for us).


These days we often hear that (1).It is common that (2). Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing, (3).For another, (4). What is more, since (5),it is natural that (6 ).To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worth trying. We should do something such as (7) to improve he present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future. 注释: (1) 提出论题 (2) 说明现状 (3) 理由一 (4) 理由二 (5) 理由三

(6) 理由三引起的后果 (7) 解决方法

相应作文: Pollution of environment

These days we often hear that (our living conditions are getting more and more serious because of the destruction of our environment ).It is common that (many trees and animals are near extinction, and the all-important food chain has been destroyed.). Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social protects? For one thing, (the population of the world is increasing so rapidly that the world has been so crowded. ).For another,(the overuse of natural resources has influenced the balance of natural ecology ). What is more, since (the industrial revolution ),it is natural that (a great number of factories have been springing up like mushrooms. The smoke and harmful chemicals released from factories also pollute the environment). To solve the problem is not easy at all, but is worthing. We should do something such as (planting more trees, equipping cars with pollution-control devices and learning to recycling natural resources )to improve the present situation, and I do believe everything will be better in the future. (二) 图表式作文模板

It is obvious in the graphic/table that the rate/number/amount of Y has undergone dramatic changes. It has gone up/grown/fallen/dropped considerably in recent years (as X varies). At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of …(多少). What is the reason for this change? Mainly there are … (多少)reasons behind the situation reflected in the graphic/table. First of all, …(第一个原因). More importantly, …(第二个原因). Most important of all, …(第三个原因). From the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the

graphic/table will continue for quite a long time (if necessary measures are not taken括号里的使用于那些不太好的变化趋势). (三) 提纲式作文模板 模板1:对立观点式

A.有人认为X 是好事,赞成X, 为什么? B.有人认为X 是坏事, 反对X,为什么? C.我的看法。

Some people are in favor of the idea of doing X. They point out the fact that 支持X 的第一个原因。They also argue that 支持X 的另一个原因。However, other people stand on a different ground. They consider it harmful to do X. They firmly point out that 反对X 的第一个理由。 An example can give the details of this argument: There is some truth in both arguments. But I think the advantages of X overweigh the disadvantages. In addition to the above-mentioned negative effects it might bring about, X also may X 的有一个坏处。 模板2:批驳观点式 A.一个错误观点。 B.我不同意。

Many people argue that 错误观点。By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步解释。An example they have presented is that 一个例子。(According to a survey performed by X on a group of Y, almost 80% of them 赞成这个错误观点或者受到这个错误观点的影响)。 There might be some element of truth in these people’s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that 与错误观点相反的观点。There are a number of reasons behind my belief. (以下参照辩论文的议论文写法)。 模板3:社会问题(现象)式 A.一个社会问题或者现象 B.产生的原因

C.对社会和我们生活的影响 D.如何杜绝。(如果是问题的话) E.前景的预测。

Nowadays, there exists an increasingly serious social/economic/environmental problem. (X has increasingly become a common concern of the public). According to a survey, 调查内容说明这种现象的情况。(或者是一个例子)。 There are a couple of reasons booming this problem/phenomenon.下面参照辩论式议论文写法。 X has caused substantial impact on the society and our daily life, 7

which has been articulated in the following aspects. 参照辩论式议论文的写法。 A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm. 同上Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will …….. (四) 辩论式议论文模板 模板1:

Some people believe (argue, recognize, think)that 观点1. But other people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that 观点2. As for me, I agree to the former/latter idea. There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all, 论据1. More importantly, 论据2. Most important of all, 论据3. In summary, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心.或:From above, we can predict that 预测. 模板2:

People hold different views about X. Some people are of the opinion that 观点1, while others point out that 观点2. As far as I am concerned, the former/latter opinion holds more weight. For one thing, 论据1.For another, 论据2. Last but not the least, 论据3. To conclude, 总结观点. As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测. 模板3:

There is no consensus of opinions among people about X(争论的焦点)。Some people are of the view that 观点1,while others take an opposite side, firmly believing that 观点2。As far as I am concerned, the former/latter notion is preferable in many senses. The reasons are obvious. First of all, 论据1。 Furthermore, 论据2。Among all of the supporting evidences, one is the strongest. That is, 论据3。 A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that总结观点。 As a college student, I am supposed to 表决心. 或 From above, we can predict that 预测.



开Nowadays with the rapid development of advanced .., more and more ...are commonly and widely used in everyday life. However, what worries most of us is that...

中 Firstly….Secondly…..Lastly but in no means least……

结 To conclude, …..are just like a double-edged sword. With them we may have less trouble dealing with

problems in life and enjoy a better-off life. However, one point should be kept in mind that we should take sensible use of them , always being the master of them.

开头段:It is accepted that …. Plays a significant part for both …, and what’s more , a lot of attention is being drawn to the change of….. However, whether … deserves such an attention , people’s ideas vary.

中间段:On the one hand, some people hold the view that …..

On the other hand, a great many people insist that….

结尾段:From my perspective, however…. (你的观点) . Therefore, it’s time that (措施之类的)


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30minutes to write a composition on the topicKeeping Pets. You should write at least 150words and you should base your compositionon the outline below:

1. 有些人赞成养宠物

2. 有些人反对养宠物

3. 你的观点

Keeping Pets

There is no denying the fact that keeping pets is a hotly debated topic today. Some peopleclaim that keeping pets is a good thing to do. They believe that pets, like cats and dogs, canhelp relieve the loneliness suffered by senior citizens and other social members who areconfined to their homes for this reason or that. They also argue that keeping pets helpsmankind understand animals’ world and develop positive feelings toward them.

Others, however, hold the opposite view. They regard keeping pets as a useless butharmful thing to do. First, pets can transmit diseases. Secondly, the noises and dung of petsare sources of pollution. Last but not least, as many rare birds and animals are kept as pets,they will surely be hunted on a large scale, which means a threat to the balance of theecosystem.

Weighing the arguments of both sides, I am inclined to agree with the latter. Anyway, wecan lessen our loneliness and express our love toward animals in other ways. And it is my beliefthat only by placing man and other species on an equal basis can we expect to have a livelyand colorful world.



about nine o'clock one evening in may, my roommate li ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.his head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. his forehead felt very hot. we took his temperature. it was 38.5℃.

without hesitation, i dialed “120”. it wasn't long before an ambulance arrived. one roommate brought a blanket for him. another supported him in the ambulance. our teacher insisted on giving him some money.

is he a suspedted sars patient? who can tell ? but we did't retreat. when the savage sars was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regardless of dangers to their own health.this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice.and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.




寒暄句+主题句(注:寒暄句和主题句可以是同一个句子) 第三段、根据提纲扩展主体段落:

主题句+扩展句1+扩展句2+扩展句3 第四段、表明自己的观点,并结束书信主体段落 在最后要他谈自己的看法 第五段、寒暄句+落款


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic a letter to the university president about the canteen service campus. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:



dear mr. president,


主题句: this letter comes to you from ____.

扩展句: in it, some opinions are put forward for you to reflect upon


主题句:as you know, _____ . but unfortunately, ______. 扩展句:1、___. (举例) as a result, _____. 2、besides, ______.

3、and what's more, _____.


主题句:some people may argue that ____. 扩展句:1、for instance, ____ and ____. 2、but in my opinon, ______.


结尾句:to be belief, though a bit dissatisfied with _____.

扩展句:i do believe that, with the efforts of all people concerned, we can solved the problems there. thanks. li ming




You should write an essay entitled It Pays to Plan by commenting on the saying “It wasn ‘t raining when Noah built the ark. ” You can give examples to illustrate your point.






It Pays to Plan

“It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.” You must be familiar with the humorous saying. It informs us of the significance of plan since Noah is planning for the unexpected weather in the future--he commences building the ark when it's still sunny and peaceful.

Why does plan play an indispensable role in our life? Making plan will enable us to achieve our objectives more smoothly and realize their dreams more rapidly. The more detailed plan we make, the more likely we are to make full use of time, enhance our work efficiency, and get fully prepared in advance for unexpected cases. For example, a CEO, the head and decision-maker of a corporation, has to draw up a detailed plan for routine work; otherwise, it would be impossible for him to deal with all sorts of complicated things smoothly.

Accordingly, we should draw up detailed plans before we start to do anything and do things as planned. “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” A famous philosopher also once said.



January 12th,

Dear Mr. President,

I’m very lucky to attend this world-famous university, but I’m afraid I’m not content with the canteen service on campus.

Firstly, the quality of the dishes should be improved. Undoubtedly, there are a lot of delicious dishes, but all the year round, they are the same. More and more students are complaining about eating the same food each day. So I think the most urgent problem is variety.

Secondly, the price is a bit too high. Many of us hope that the canteen can provide us with not only delicious but also cheaper food.

Finally, the environment is so noisy that we can’t enjoy our meals in good mood. I suggest that there be some soft music to help us relax.

These suggestions are not just of my own, but also of may other students. We hope our respectable president will pay attention to our suggestions.

By the way, the canteen workers are very patient and always smiling. So I think if our university offers them better conditions, they will offer us better service.

Best wishes,

Yours sincerely,



about nine o'clock one evening in may, my roommate li ming was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough.his head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. his forehead felt very hot. we took his temperature. it was 38.5℃.

without hesitation, i dialed “120”. it wasn't long before an ambulance arrived. one roommate brought a blanket for him. another supported him in the ambulance. our teacher insisted on giving him some money.

is he a suspedted sars patient? who can tell ? but we did't retreat. when the savage sars was spreading, people showed fearless spirit regardless of dangers to their own health.this kind of care between persons is the very kind giving, unselfish and priceless devotion or sacrifice.and it is just because of this care that we can have warm families, a happy life and a beautiful world.




第二段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3

第三段、阐述提纲中列举的第一种看法,给出理由或者举例说明: 主题句+理由/举例1+理由/举例2+理由/举例3 第四段、表明自己的观点结束全文 在结尾的时候,一定要表明自己的观点。


directions:for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic china jointing wto. you should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:






开篇句句:________finally succeeded in _____ after many's efforts.

扩展句:_____ will influence _____ greatly.


主题句:____ brings ____ many benefits and opportunities. 扩展句:1、as _____ , ______ can ______. 2、what's more, __________.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、___ can also bring us some challenges. for example, ______. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for _____ to _____, as ____.


结尾句:however, ____ does more good than harm to ____. 扩展句:what we should do is to ______.



开篇句句:china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts. 扩展句:this event will influence the economy in china greatly


主题句:jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.

扩展句:1、as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china. 2、what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.


主题句:every thing has two aspects.

扩展句:1、joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. 2、in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.


结尾句:however, this great event does more good than harm to us.

扩展句:what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.


china finally succeeded in jointing the wto after many's efforts.this event will influence the economy in china greatly.

jointing the wto brings china many benefits and opportunities.as a member coutry, china can enjoy many rights that can boost the development of the economy in china.what's more, the chinese people can buy productd of high quality with less pay.

every thing has two aspects.joining the wto can also bring us some challenges. for example, some producers may be wiped out because of the intense competition. in addition, it will be more difficult for us to get a job, as the requirement for the employees will become higher.

however, this great event does more good than harm to us.what we should do is to improve ourselves to become qualified for certain positions and live a better life.





① As is known to all, ______。 ② However, ______。 ③ The cases of ______。

④ Therefore, ______。 ⑤ Firstly, ______。 ⑥ Secondly, ______。 ⑦ Thirdly, ______。

⑧ As far as I’m concerned, ______。

① 紧扣题目论点,提出问题。

② 进一步说明该问题。

③ 举例论证,充实资料。

④ 过渡到论述应采取的措施。

⑤⑥⑦ 运用结构衔接词具体阐述应采取的措施。

⑧   提出自我的观点。






① It is not an unmon social phenomenon that ______。 ② For example, ______。

③ As to this issue, opinions vary from person to person。 ④ Some people hold that ______。 ⑤ But others   maintain that _______。

⑥ As far as I am concerned, ______。 ⑦ On the one hand,   ______。 ⑧ On the other hand, ______。 ⑨ In a word,   ______。

①   开门见山,描述现象。

②   举例说明。

③   引出人们对该现象的观点。

④⑤   列举人们对该现象的不一样观点。

⑥   引出自我对该现象的看法。

⑦⑧   具体说明自我对该现象的看法。

⑨   对全文进行总结。


① As is portrayed in the picture, ______。 ② Actually, recent years have witnessed an increasing trend of   ______。

③ This ______ has   inevitably brought about some ______ effects。 ④ Anyway, ______。

⑤ However, ______。 ⑥ Therefore, people   should bee fully aware of both sides of ______。

①   开门见山,描述图画。

②   从对图片的描述引出要谈论的话题。

③   分析这一现象造成的某一方面的影响。

④   对本段进行小结。

⑤   使用过渡词转换话题,开始描述这一现象对其他方面的影响。

⑥   对全文进行总结或提出提议。






① It is widely accepted that ______。 ② What’s more,   ______。 ③ However, ______。

④ On the one hand, some people hold the view that ______。 ⑤ On the other hand, a great many people insist that _______。

⑥ From my perspective, however, ______。 ⑦ Therefore, ______。

①   紧扣题目论点,引出相关话题。

②   论述一些人对某一事物或现象的看法。

③   用However转折,引出不一样的观点。

④⑤   具体阐述两种观点,论述条理清晰,资料充实。

⑥   表述自我的观点。

⑦   得出结论。






① In recent years, ______ hashave been prevailing among。

② A number of factors can account for such phenomenon, but the   following might be the critical ones。 ③ First and   foremost, ______。④ Moreover, ______。   ⑤ Undoubtedly, ______。⑥ Firstly, ______。 ⑦ Secondly, ______。

⑧ In my view, ______。 ⑨ To begin with,   ______。 ⑩ What’s more, ______。 ? Only ______。

①   开门见山,阐明某一普遍现象。

②   引出造成这种现象的关键原因。

③④   逐条阐释原因,条理清晰,层次分明。

⑤   承上启下,引出这种现象造成的后果。

⑥⑦   经过结构衔接词具体阐释两种后果。

⑧   表述自我的观点。

⑨⑩   逐项阐明自我的观点。




These days we often hear that ( 1 )。

It is mon that ( 2 )。

Why does such circumstance occur in spite of social

protects? For one thing ,( 3 )。

For another,( 4 )。 What is more,since ( 5 ),it is natural that ( 6 )。

To solve the problem is not easy at all ,but is worthtrying 。We should do something such as ( 7 )to improve he present situation ,and i do believe everything will be better in the future 。










1。 Recently, the rise in the problem of ______ has aroused publicwide concern。

近来, ______问题的增加已经引起了公众广泛的关注。

2。 Recently, the issue of ______ has been brought into focusbrought to public attention。近来, ______问题已经成为人们关注的焦点。

3。 The problem of ______ has caused wide concern over recent years。

近年来, ______问题已经引起了广泛的关注。

4。 With the rapid growth of ______ , ______ havehas bee increasingly important in our daily life。

随着 ______的快速增长, ______在我们的日常生活中已经变得越来越重要。

5。 Now there is a growing awarenessrecognition of the necessity to ______ 。

如今,人们越来越意识到 ______的必要性。

6。 Now people in growingsignificant numbers are beginninging to realizebe aware that ______。 如今,越来越多的人开始意识到 ______。

7。 After a good many years of enthusiasm for ______ , people begin to ______ 。

热衷于 ______多年之后,人们开始 ______。

8。One of the burningpressing questionsproblems facingconfronting our nationsociety today is ______ 。 我们的国家社会今日面临的紧迫问题之一是 ______。

9。 With ______ playing an increasingly important role in ______ , more and more ______ 。 随着在 ______中的作用日益重要,越来越多的 ______。

10。 Whenever you seefind ______ , you can't help being shockedsurprised at ______ 。 每当看到发现 ______的时候,你会不禁为 _____感到震惊。

11。 As the bar chart shows, the number of ______ has dramatically increaseddecreased during the ______ years from ______ to ______。 如柱状图所示, ______的数量从 ____年到 ____年 ____年之间急剧增加减少。

12。 From the graph, we know the statistics of ______ and ______ 。 It can be seen easily that ______。

从图表中我们可知 ______和 ______的数据。我们能够很容易地看出 ______。

13。 From the bar chart, it is clear that between ______and ______ the amount of ranged from ______to ______ 。 从柱状图中能够清楚地看到,从 ______到 ______, ______的数量在 ______到 ______之间变化。

14。 As the bar chart shows, great changes concerning ______ took place between ______ and ______ 。 柱状图证明,从 ______到 ______, ______发生了很大的变化。

15。 As can be seen in the graph, ______ saw great changes in ______ between ______ and ______ 。

从图表可知,在 ______到 ______之间, ______发生了巨大变化。

16。 The cartoon vividly depicts ______。 这幅漫画生动地描述了 ______。

17。 As is described in the picture, ______ 。 如图中所描述的, ______。

18。 As is vividly indicated in the above drawingpicture, ______ 。 如上图生动地描述的那样,______。

19。 The drawing, thought-provoking as it is, does mirror a social phenomenon that ______ 。 这幅发人深省的图画的确反映了这样一个社会现象:______。

20。 In the cartoon presented to us, ______。 Obviously, what the cartoon illustratesreveals is ______ 。

在展现给我们的图片中, ______。显然,该图片说明揭示的是 ______。

21。 As is symbolically depicted in the drawing above, ______。 Although the drawing is designed simply, it does reveal that ______ 。

正如上图象征性地描绘的一样, ______。虽然该图很简单,它确实反映了 ______。

22。 As is vividly illustrated in the cartoon, ______ 。 The central point of this cartoon is that ______。 正如漫画中生动展示的, ______。该漫画的主旨是 ______。

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