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[2.图画/图表描述段] Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. As is shown in the cartoon, two cars are giving off waste gas and three people are trying to avoid breathing in the poisonous gas by masking their face with their hands. The poisonous gas sent off by factories, domestic appliances and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.

[5.意义阐述段] There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless , automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand. Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem. For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against pollution from automobiles.

[10建议措施段]Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air. Only in this way can we really solve the problem of air pollution caused by automobiles.





[2.图画/图表描述段]As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relation ship between people and desert. In the left hand picture, people are fleeing from greedy sand hills because they cut down all the trees. The caption reads, As the sand advances, we retreat. In the right hand picture, the people have returned carrying tools, water, and young trees to plant the land again. The caption reads: As we advance, the sand retreats.

[5.意义阐述段]It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about the importance of trees in water and soil conservation and the need for everyone to fight against the danger of the desertification. In fact, what he is saying is that the sand hills will drive away from the land if we do fight against the sand. If we let this situation continue as it is , our environment will suffer a great destruction.

[10.建议措施段]The best way to fight back against the greedy desert in made clear in the second picture. There the local people are actively setting about the task of planting trees to reclaim the land and make it fertile. The fact that there are three people in the picture, each with a different job suggests that working together is the key to success in the battle against soil erosion.




商业捕鱼(真题) A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

[2.图表描述段] As is shown in the pictures ,with the increase of commercial fishing ,the number of fishes dramatically(sharply) decreased .In one pictures ,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900 .On the contrary ,in1995 there was only one fish ,with many fishing-boats.

[5.意义阐述段] The purpose of this picture is to show us that due (great enough) attention has to be paid to the decrease (decline) of ocean resources .Owing to over-fishing the number of fishes has obviously dropped .If we let this situation go (continue) as it is ,we do not know where fish will be in the future .By that time ,our environment will suffer a great destruction .

[10.建议措施段] Therefore ,it is imperative for us to take drastic (effective) measures .For one thing ,we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing .For another ,we should enhance(imperative arouse) the awareness of people that the ocean resources are very vital to us .Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources .Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty ,and we will have a brighter future .





[2.图画/图表描述] From these graphs, we can draw a conclusion that, with the growth of human population, the number of species has decreased rapidly in America, and some species have even vanished from our planet.

[6.原因列军]段Why does this phenomenon appear? There are several possible reasons for this. Above all, as the human population grows rapidly, a growing number of people came to live where some wild species have been living. Then these species have to move to other places. Some of them probably can not adapt to the new environment and die. In addition, although many people look on the wildlife as their friends, some people may not think so. They catch a lot of wild animals and sell them in order to get more money. Even worse(坏)/More importantly(好), as the result(中性) /consequence(贬义)of the industry, the natural balance and the ecologic environment are destroyed. The clear cutting has become increasingly serious. So some of the wildlife become homeless and extinct.

[10.建议措施]In order to protect the wildlife, I have some suggestions. First, the governments should make laws to prevent them from being caught and killed. Second, the governments should educate people to love nature and protect it. Third, as for ourselves, we should take practical actions to protect our living environment.





Statistics in People‘s Daily Expenses in Xi’an

YearItem 1995

Food 66% 61% 48% 41% 36%

Clothing 9% 10% 12% 15% 18%

Recreation 4% 5% 8% 9% 11%

[2.图画/图表描述]段]What is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in the daily expenses in Xi‘ an from 1995 to 1999. The expenses on food have declined by 30% while those on clothing and recreation have increased respectively by 9% and 7%. The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to one another.

[6.原因列军]段]There are two factors accounting for these changes. Development in economy is an essential one in the five years. The increased income resulting from economic growth plays an important part in the less expense on food. Hence, a small percentage of total income is enough to cover food expense. Another one is the changes in life style. When food presents no worry to the average, people begin to focus more of interest on handsome appearance and happy leisure time. As a result of such a shift, spending on clothing and recreation increased year after year.

[9.趋势预测]段]From the analyses made above, we may come to the conclusion that people‘s living standards in Xi’ an have been constantly improved between 1995 and 1999. With the further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the table will continue in the better direction.





[1.现象/现状说明段]The majority of people would agree that cigarette smoking has caused serious problems. But the tobacco companies insist that they contribute greatly to the world economy by paying taxes to the government and employing hundreds of workers.

[4.利弊说明段]Personally, I believe that cigarette production and consumption threatens to do more harm than good. Firstly, smoking is responsible for many fatal diseases such as lung cancer, heart diseases and so on. According to the survey, tobacco consumers account for about 20% of the world population, and among them, three million people die from smoking-related diseases every year. The fact that the output of tobacco production is reduced from 143.64 billion pounds in 1994 to 142 billion pounds in 1995 also suggests that people have come to realize the negative effects of smoking. Secondly, tobacco consumption is extremely wasteful of money. As is indicated in the pictures, 200 billion US dollars is lost due to smoking each year. Obviously, the total loss of money aroun the globe substantially exceeds the gain in the industry.

[8.归纳结论段]In conclusion, as the economic development aims at making our life better, we cannot sacrifice our health for short-term financial benefits. If we have to spend more and more money providing medical services for those who suffer from smoking-related illnesses, the notion of promoting economy via tobacco production is not justifiable. It is high time that we fought for the total tobacco ban.




英译汉考试的重点是测试学生对英语的理解能力及汉语表达能力。在教育部制定的硕士学位研究生英语教学大纲中, 规定了硕士生入学时应达到的英语水平标准, 有关翻译部分的规定是“能将一般难度的英语短文译成汉语,理解基本正确,译文达意”。这就需要考生既要有比较好的英语基础,还要有扎实的汉语功底。翻译是一项对综合能力要求比较高的题型,它不仅要求学生对词汇、语法、语篇以及文化等有较好的掌握,还要求学生有着很强的组词成句、组句成段的能力。仔细观察历年的考题,我们会发现这类题型主观性比较强,它要求考生可以有适当的发挥。但在评分时有合适标准和可接受的标准,也就是说只要考生所翻译的句子适合于上下文的基本思想而且其译文也能被人所接受,一般可以判定这个句子的翻译符合要求。







1.正确理解原文、弄清文章的主题及上下文的逻辑关系: 英译汉的第一步是准确、完整、透彻地理解英语原文。译者对原文稍有差错,译文就不可能准确无误,甚至会差之毫厘, 却失之千里。任何一篇文章都是一个有机的整体,所有的内容都围绕着文章的中心思想展开,每一个单词每一个句子都是整体的`一部分。如果只注意单个词句,不注意整体,还是要出各种各样的错误,即在某种意义上说不能完整地翻译原文所要表达的意思。所以,在进行具体翻译前,首先通读全文,了解文章的整体内容,准确把握作者所要表达的主题思想和重要事实。在此基础上,认真分析划线部分与上下文之间的各种关系(逻辑关系、语法关系、意义关系及指代关系等)。

2.认真分析划线部分的语法结构: 英译汉的句子一般比较长,而且其结构也比较复杂。考生需要首先观察这个长句子中是否有从句,是哪种类型的从句。然后再找出主句和从句中的骨干结构(主语、谓语、宾语)及其修饰成分(状语、定语、宾语补足语、同位语等),同时要注意句子是否有省略的地方,以及介词短语、不定式短语、分词短语、动名词短语等的各种语法功能。这样句子结构层次就十分清晰了,翻译时就会心中有数, 就能够做到有的放矢。

3.斟酌划线部分英语句子的含义: 考生在对原文有一个整体的了解并且弄懂了划线部分的语法结构后,就要仔细琢磨划线部分英语句子的含义,特别留心一些固定表达法、某些短语的特殊含义、代词的指代意义等。如:The importance of the English language in communication can’t be overestimated. 这句话的意思是“英语在国际交流中的重要性怎么估计也不会过高。”如果按照字面意思直译,则很可能译成“英语在国际交流中的重要性不能被估计过高”。

4.忠实流畅地进行汉语表达: 在准确理解划线部分英语句子的含义后,如何用通顺的汉语将其表达出来是关键。表达是理解的结果,是把已经理解了的原作内容选择适当的译文重新表达出来。由于两种语言存在着语言、语法及表达方式上的差异,所以在翻译的时候必须作相应的调整和改变,使中文读者阅读译文时感到自然、流畅。

5.仔细审校润色: 正确地理解原文、忠实流畅地用汉语表达原意是翻译中的重要步骤,审校润色则是使译文更完美的最后一个环节。通过审校,我们可以发现译文的一些漏洞和不足之处,如人名、地名、日期、数字、时间等细节是否有遗漏和错译的地方,指代关系是否明确一致,是否存在错别字,标点符号是否准确等。


1.增译法: 英汉两种语言由于词法和句法有差异,表达方式也不尽相同,翻译时为了使译文合乎汉语的习惯和表达规律,为了使意思更加明确,从意义、修辞和句法上考虑需要在译文中适当增添一些虽无其词而有其意的词。

1) 抽象名词后加词使其具体化。如: serious unemployment严重的失业问题

He was still reluctant to talk substance.他仍然不愿意谈实质性的东西。

2) 增加一个适当的名词。如:

The temperature needed for this progressing is lower than that needed to melt the metal.这种加工方法所需要的温度要低于熔化该金属的温度。

Fundamentally, electronics is based upon an understanding of the physical world, that is, upon physics.电子学基本上是以人们对物质世界的认识,也就是以物理学为基础的。(补充被动语态省去的部分)

3) 增加数量词。如: first oil well 第一口油井

It leads the discussion to extremes at the outset: it invites you to think that animals should be treated either with the consideration humans extend to other humans, or with no consideration at all. 这种说法从一开始就将讨论引向两个极端,它使人们认为应该这样对待动物:要么像对人类自身一样关切体谅,要么完全冷漠无情。(真题示范)

4) 增加形容词。如:

Speed and reliability are the chief advantages of the electronic computers. 速度快,可靠性高是电子计算机的主要优点。

5) 不及物动词后增加宾语。如:

John’s mother washed for a living after his father died.约翰的父亲去世后,他母亲以洗衣为生。

I haven’t enough time to read. 我没有足够的时间读书。

6) 增加连词。如:

If you are an energetic man with which you are concerned, you find yourself invariably under the orders of some big man at the top who is elderly, weary and cynical.如果你是个精力充沛的人,对于如何恰当地完成你的工作有着独到的见解,那么你会发现自己总是听命于上面的某个大人物。而他又是一个上了年纪,精力不支,还爱吹毛求疵的人。

7) 增加表示时态的词。如:

You were, you are, and you remain to be my beloved mentor. 你过去是,现在是,将来仍然是我敬爱的导师。

We were hoping to have a holiday next week, but we may not be able to get away now. 我们原来盼着下星期放假,但现在我们可能走不了了。

8) 增加一个适当的动词。如:

The world needn’t be afraid of a possible shortage of coal, oil, natural gas or other resources of fuel for the future.世界无需担心将来可能出现的煤、石油、天然气或者其他燃料来源短缺的问题。

9) 增加英语中省略的词。如:

We won’t retreat, we never have and never will. 我们不会后退,我们从来没有后退过,将来也决不后退。

When the owner noticed me, I said I was working until he hired me. He did. 当店主注意到我时,我说我会一直干到他雇我,他雇了我。

10) 增加一些适当修饰词语。如:

The students rant all the way up to the station only to find that the train had left 10 minutes before.学生们一路跑到火车站,可惜火车10分钟前就开走了。

2.减译法: 由于英汉两种语言在语法结构、表达方式以及修辞手段上的不同,有些词语或句子成分在英语中是必不可少的,但若搬到译文中去,就会影响译文的简洁和通顺。因此在英译汉的过程中,为了使译文更加简练,更符合汉语的表达习惯,需要省略一些可有可无或翻译后反嫌累赘的词语。  但必须注意,减译不是删掉原文中的某些内容,在不易减译的情况下,不要随便减。

1) 省略代词。如:

We are pleased to have received your invitation to the symposium on internet.非常高兴收到你寄来的参加互联网会议的邀请。(省略代词“我们”)

If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a terrible explosion. 如果连锁反应不加控制,就可能引起可怕的爆炸。(省略代词it, it在这里代表the chain reaction)

This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。(原文中两处代词it均为形式宾语,)(真题示范)

It was stipulated that the goods should be deliv



纵观近几年考研 英语的写作试题,均为图画题型,且难度有增无减,成为很多同学比较头痛的部分,这里,考研英语辅导专家总结几大要点,帮助同学认真对待。


1) 图画题型写作要点

① 考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。

② 如果图画以系列形式(即两幅以上)出现,考生除了掌握每一幅图画的信息,还应该对图画之间的相应联系有所理解,从而在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。

③ 面对图画题型,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动而恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思所想所感。

④ 注意图画题型中的文字提示。文字提示非常重要,文字提示通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点。

⑤ 草拟提纲,合理组织材料。考生可以根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如果画面内容是以描述为主,即按空间方位或时间先后顺序排列,在描述图画时,大家可以按照先写哪个部分,后写哪个部分的写作方式进行。如果画面内容是以解释说明为主,即不需要考生再将图画中所看到的人或事本身进行详细地描写,而是直接写出图画的`意义,那么写作时考生应该把图画所蕴涵的含义在首段告诉读者,当然也可以在首段书写图画内涵的社会背景,为下个段落的点题做好铺垫。

⑥ 系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,同时也要围绕每一段的主题句进行。

⑦ 检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。



air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. a great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. the burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.

scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. they are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. in the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

however, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a “clean” world. nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. there indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. people will continually find new ways to control pollution.

篇10: 空气污染英语作文


Air pollution is one of the major problems of the modern world. A great deal of energy is needed to run the factories of modern industrial nations. Automobile, trains, planes and busses need energy, too. Nearly all of this energy is produced by burning fuels. The burning produces wastes, some of which remain in the air, causing air pollution.

Scientists are finding ways to stop air pollution especially in big industrial areas and densely-populated cities. They are studying new ways of generating electricity that may be less damaging to the environment. In the meantime, many power plants are being modernized to give off less polluted material. Also, engineers try to design and locate new power plants to do minimum damage to the environment.

However, it may be that we still have a long way to go before we have a “clean” world. Nearly all of the countries are trying hard to prevent and control air pollution. There indeed seems to be no end to tasks that environmentalists will be required to do. People will continually find new ways to control pollution.



In the past fewdecades, our Earth has changed a lot, but to the bad direction. Among these changes, the air pollutions resulting from a huge number of automobiles and coal-burning is almost the severest. The severe air pollution alarms humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, with the deepening of urbanization, more cars are needed, which will make the air pollution worse. Therefore, the following actionsshould be taken. First, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. Second, try hard to develop possible transportation means, which are enviromental friendly. So that the citizens can reduce the dependence on cars. In short, our humans should take responsibilities for the air pollution and have to find ways to solve this problem.



E-learning and E-training

With the rapid development of technology and people’s demand for education mounting, so-called e-learning, or on-line long distance education, has become very popular and important in China. In some areas, e-learning has played a role traditional classroom education cannot accomplish.

Approximately 90 per cent of the world’s new information is stored and retrieved in English. It is vital for China to use the Olympics as a catalyst to boost English acquisition to prepare itself or the digital revolution. To prepare for the Beijing Olympic Games, at least 6 million Chinese, including staff for the organizing committee, and in the service, retail, police, volunteer, technical and medical support sectors, reportedly need to improve their English language skills.

E-learning breaks down the barriers of time and location, integrating education resources. When compared with traditional ways of teaching and learning, it is far more cost-effective for both the teachers and the students.

Teacher-centered or Student-centered Class (233 words)

Today in China there exists side by side two different teaching patterns: A teacher-oriented class and a student-oriented class. And the differences between them are obvious.

A teacher-oriented class is a typical traditional passive class. No doubt it is a natural product of the deep-rooted examination-oriented education. And there are several characteristics in this kind of class. To begin with, a teacher is the main actor on the stage and all the students are passive audience. Besides, he imparts knowledge to his students in the same way he pours water into a container, never bothering to ignite the sparks or enthusiasm in students.

In contrast, a student-centered class is a kind of new active class, resulting from the quality-oriented education system. Naturally, it’s a newcomer of the education reform. The main characteristic of this kind of class is that the teacher and students are all actors and all the students are actively involved in the classroom activities. Besides, the teacher always tries to instill a love of learning in students and stimulates their interest. As a result, students always find it a pleasure to sit in class, asking questions, discussing or even arguing with the teacher.

It goes without saying that I prefer the active student-oriented class, not merely because it’s fun, but because it can make may knowledge permanent. . What’s more important, it can develop my creative mind and learning ability.

Exam-oriented or Quality-oriented

At present there exists side by side two contradictory educational systems: the traditional exam-oriented system and the new quality-oriented one, which leads to a heated nationwide discussion as to which is preferable.

The exam-oriented educational pattern is the inevitable result of the existing exam assessment system. In order to climb into the ‘ivory tower’ or work for their degrees, students are cramming data and facts only for exams and forget all the information right after the exams. What’s worse, when students become interested in testing techniques, they gradually lose their freedom and creativity. As a result, they always bury themselves in multiple choices and never attach importance to practical ability and originality.

In contrast, the quality-oriented educational pattern stresses the creativity of students and their all-round development. Students are not expected to memorize information mechanically and passively as computers. Instead, they are encouraged to do some creative work actively and independently as the programmers of computers. In this pattern, what students aim at is no longer their academic performances, but their practical abilities.

No doubt, what the new quality-oriented pattern aims to train and bring up are not merely learners successful in studies, but responsible citizens fit in health, rich in knowledge and competent in their work. Therefore, it’s high time we reformed our existing exam assessment system and adopted the new one.

Be a Graduate Student or Not

According to the reform of our educational system, postgraduates will have to pay tuition to colleges or universities. This brings a dilemma to many undergraduates C to be a postgraduate or to get employed.

The main reason for the dilemma is that, on the one hand, they know their parents can’t afford the tuition, and they don’t like to see their parents take on further financial burden for them. During the four-year undergraduate study, their parents have already paid a lot of money for their education and living. Especially the students whose parents are farmers or laid-off workers are more worried about this. But on the other hand, they want to pursue study further, to learn more knowledge and skills in order to make greater contribution to the society in the future.

In my opinion, they should get out of the difficult situation and go on with their study as postgraduates. As far as the tuition is concerned, they can always find some ways to fund it. They can do some part-time jobs in their spare time, or loan some money from their relatives or friends or simply banks. They can also try to obtain some scholarship by studying hard and doing well in their research work.

So don’t hesitate, study hard and try to become a graduate student. The future will be more promising.

English Teaching in China

Some people say that English teaching in China is a total failure. After ten years of English learning, most graduates can’t properly communicate with foreigners, nor can they translate between languages with confidence, let alone write in English.

As far as college English teaching is concerned, there are three main reasons that help bring about the problem. To begin with, College English teaching is, to a great extent, teacher-centered, turning a language class into a lecture on grammar. It is still very common that the teacher explains every language point in detail, with students taking notes all the time. Secondly, culture is neglected in English teaching. Some outdated materials and a great deal of grammar exercises in the book mislead students to pay too much attention to separate words and grammatical rules. Finally, test-oriented education, in a sense, leads astray language teaching in China. For example, the nationwide College English Test is so over-emphasized in some colleges that teacher teach just for the sake of test, and students learn nothing other than testing techniques. As a result, students’ language competence is weakened though the passing rate has increased.

Therefore, in my opinion, English teaching in China should be reformed. The education should be oriented towards all-round development of personal qualities. And language abilities should be given priority in language teaching and learning.

We Need to Learn How to Learn

Influenced by the new marketing system, students have quite different opinions about the objective of their study. Some of them hold that a diploma is certainly something they are in college for. They believe that the diploma will enlarge the opportunities in their job-hunting. So their college life is almost focused completely on book learning.

Others tend to challenge themselves to learn more than a diploma requires. They believe that it is most important to widen personal interests and develop various abilities while at college. For this purpose, they have every reason to pride themselves on excellent academic ach


Internet and Our Life

Internet is now one of the best forms of media, with its swiftness and interactivity. Internet is becoming the foundation of our modern society.

With the assistance of Internet, more people can now communicate with one another more freely and quickly. Internet also serves to be a great source of wisdom and creation. It is already becoming the electronic library of the future, giving vent to creativity and ingenuity unparalleled in human history. But Internet is a double-bladed sword. Its ability to distribute information and connect people around the world is often abused by us. Junk mail proliferates the Internet. Every year, many young people are deceived by their online friends…… The damage we have suffered from Internet is also too severe to recover.

Indeed, Internet access connects many of us to a world of information at the touch of a button. Internet is such an integral part of our life. In order to have Internet serve us human-beings well, we must not take its negative sides for granted. Web sites, especially the web sites available to the young children, must be strictly censored. It’s time we took effective measures to minimize the side effects of Internet.

Women, Second-class Citizens?

Women won their independence years ago. After a long, bitter struggle, they now enjoy the same educational opportunities as men in most parts of the world.

But the hard-fought battle for recognition is by no means over. Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by men, who jealously guard their so-called “rights”. Even in the very progressive places like Switzerland, women haven’t been given the vote. Women continue to be regarded as second-rate citizens. Women are said to be unreliable and irrational. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking clearly.

In fact, women have succeeded in many jobs, as politicians doctors, university professors, farmers, company directors, lawyers, bus-conductors, scientists, etc.. And we must remember that they frequently succeed brilliantly in all these fields in addition to bearing and rearing children. In conclusion, women have proved repeatedly that they are equal and sometimes even superior to men in many fields. The women should not belong to a different species.

Fast Food (212 words)

Fast food, such as hamburgers, fried chicken, is as much a part of modern life as the automobile and the computer. It is rapidly becoming popular al over the world. Nowadays, time is money. More and more people find it difficult to afford time to sit in restaurants enjoying long, leisurely lunches, or at home waiting for a breakfast or a meal to be prepared. So nobody would deny the fact that fast food is a blessing for busy people, as it helps them make more efficient use of time.

On the other hand, there are still those who complain that fast food has little nutritional value. They worry that if people get used to living on fast food, their health will suffer. In addition, the opponents of fast food even worry about the decline in traditional cuisine the fast food industry will bring about. They say that the traditional cuisine will disappear if the trend toward fast food continues.

So far as I am concerned, I would like to take a more balanced position. For one thing, few people eat fast food all the time. For another thing, comparing our traditional food with western fast food, we do realize that our traditional cooking is really very appetizing, though a bit time-consuming.

Pets (230 words)

In the West, many families like to keep a pet. We may be surprised at the amount of money they pay in terms of pets’ food or medical treatment, etc. Keeping a pet, indeed, has many advantages.

I have two main reasons for my argument. First of all, pets can be good companions, which is especially important for those who live alone and the old who can not get out much. What they get from the pets is not only hours of amusement but also loyalty. Some pets can even protect the house from thieves. Secondly, taking care of a pet also helps children to be responsible and caring members of the society. A child who learns to be very sensitive to the feelings of a pet can be expected to have positive attitudes to other people and life.

However, some others would argue that pets are dirty or dangerous. But I believe it is not that pets themselves are to blame, but their owners. If the owners train their pets properly and take very good care of them, they are unlikely to get dirty or become aggressive.

To sump up, there are surely more advantages than disadvantages to keeping a pet, especially for those lonely and young. Money spent on the special food for pets or the high fees paid for pets’ medical treatment is not a waste.

Information in The Modern World (174 words)

To be well-informed is very important in the modern world. Success or failure in many fields, very frequently, depends on whether the latest information is obtained, not on how much knowledge one has already acquired. This is why the current era is called “Information Age”.

There are many ways to get the latest information to keep up with what is going on both at home and abroad. Newspaper reading is a very popular and convenient means. Newspaper articles usually cover almost all kinds of news: local news, regional news, national news, international news... Besides, TV programs also offer varied kinds of news --- news of politics, finance, education, sports... But the most exciting means of obtaining information, I think, should be from computer network. Almost all kinds of the latest information are accessible there.

To sum up, I would like to predict that information will play a more and more important part in the future. Without information, we would act like the blind and would find it extremely difficult to make a step forward.

Education and Technology (301 words)

Education and technology have a close relationship with each other, which becomes increasingly obvious in the modern society. As is known to us all, we live in the ‘information age’ or ‘knowledge explosion age’. The reason for this may be twofold: on the one hand, education is the base for technological advance. Without education, people are unlikely to acquire knowledge, which means that there would be no one applying technology. On the other hand, advanced technology impels the development of education, because advanced technology invariably means more educational opportunities and more varied facilities for education. Hence, a greater number of people will be educated.

In order to advance technology, we have to develop education as soon as possible. Otherwise, it would block the speed of development. Developing education has at least two advantages. For one thing, developing education can ensure technologic innovation continuously. Generally speaking, better-educated people, who get more knowledge, are supposed to be more initiative than those who get less education. For the other thing, developing education can guarantee the wide application of technology. With the rapid development of our national economy, technology penetrates every aspect of our life so much so that one would fall into trouble if he learned insufficient knowledge of technology. For example, those who know little about computers will meet with difficulties both in their work and life.

In order to carry out education effectively, we should try to take the advantage of technological facilities. The utility of technology can accelerate the development of education. I




Topic 1: Persistence 坚持


The cartoon aims ati nforming us of the significance of persistence. Definitely, no one can deny the importance of it. Persistence will enable us to achieve our objectives and realize our dreams more rapidly and smoothly. People with persistence are morelikely we are to cultivate a strong will, maintain optimistic in adversities and seize fleeting opportunities. Thomas Edison,one of the greates inventors and entrepreneurs throughout the history of mankind, could be a convincing case of how persistence works in the course of pursuing success. Just imagine,having experienced thousands of times of unsuccessful attempts, how could he have succeeded in inventing the first electric lamp and changed the world without persistence?

Accordingly, at no time should we overlook thepower of persistence. Furthermore, when coming across hardships and setbacks ,we need to adhere to the faith that our efforts and persistence will be paidoff. “Great works are performed not by strength, but by persistence .”Benjamin Franklin also once said. (167 words)














Directions: Study the followingdrawing carefully and write an essay in which you should

1) describe the drawing,

2) interpret it simplications,

3) give yourcomments。

You should write 160―200 words。

After thought of Nurishments

As can be seen from the picture, amiddle-aged man holds a plate with a bowl, a pair of chopsticks, and a jar of nourishment, murmuring “to live well up to the 22nd century, it is really helpful to build up good health with nourishments.” His face is as dull as dead water, his tongue is stuck out of his mouth and his posture is strange,knees bent, leaning forward。

This cartoon poses a serious problem worthy of careful reflection: “What is a positive attitude to wards nourishment?”Misconception prevails nowadays all over the world that nourishment can make the weak strong and the sick healthy. For those believing in this kind oftheory, such omnipotent nourishment is all-cures. So they take this kind of‘magical nourishment’ excessively. However, something is far from the truth. Taking nourishment to ensure your health is nothing but an illusion. Moreover, a greatamount of fake nourishment are flooded with in the markets, which will thusdeteriorate your health after continual use。

From the analysis above we can easily draw aconclusion: a wish is a wish, no matter how sweet it is. A good wish, however,doesn’t mean a real life! In reality, life blooms with doing exercises andtaking part in sports. Besides, proper diets are also a rewarded way to keep you fit and healthy. Give up the idea of “more nourishment and more health andyou will build a muscular body in the long run。








篇17:考研英语写作 图画作文写作要点

考研英语写作 图画作文写作要点


图画题型写作要点① 考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。

② 如果图画以系列形式(即两幅以上)出现,考生除了掌握每一幅图画的信息,还应该对图画之间的相应联系有所理解,从而在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。

③ 面对图画题型,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动而恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思所想所感。

④ 注意图画题型中的文字提示。文字提示非常重要,文字提示通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点。

⑤ 草拟提纲,合理组织材料。考生可以根据图画内容的不同采用不同的`段落发展方式。如果画面内容是以描述为主,即按空间方位或时间先后顺序排列,在描述图画时,大家可以按照先写哪个部分,后写哪个部分的写作方式进行。如果画面内容是以解释说明为主,即不需要考生再将图画中所看到的人或事本身进行详细地描写,而是直接写出图画的意义,那么写作时考生应该把图画所蕴涵的含义在首段告诉读者,当然也可以在首段书写图画内涵的社会背景,为下个段落的点题做好铺垫。

⑥ 系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,同时也要围绕每一段的主题句进行。

⑦ 检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。





From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there is young boy running towards the finish line. Sweating profusely but wearing a smile on his face , he has no intention of stopping.Taking a look at the arrows on the track,we can find that they are written “the beginning”and“the ending”. Definitely, his behavior best explains the meaning of the words onthe arrows and the caption below: “the ending is a newbeginning. ”

The cartoon informs us of a truth that, having reached the periodical objectives, we should not be satisfied with them. Instead, we need to set up new goals and keep on fighting for them. However, few people would like to do that. Some people have been defeated by hardships and challenges even before they reached their goals. Then, others fulfill their goals through diligence or good fortune but fail to set up new ones and motivate themselves to rise to a higher position. They can hardly achieve a greater success, what is more serious is that they are likely to be surpassed or even eliminated by their rivals.

Whatever inborn differences people may exhibit in their native intelligence and backgrounds, those differences can be offseted by diligence and persistent efforts. people can achieve success and stay ahead temporarily, but it is their modesty and and higher pursuits that determine whether they could go further. (238 words)






研究生入学考试英语写作部分占总分的20分,是考研英语成绩决定高低胜负的重要题型。每年阅卷都会发现考生的写作水平参差不齐,分数在0到20分之间散布,较多考生集中在中档的10分左右。仔细审阅可看出中档分数作文从扣题、思想、逻辑、措词、语法、修辞、拼写各个环节会出现各种各样的问题。总的印象(global impression)表现为结构逻辑混乱,语言错误较多,用词用语汉语化,不能表现出考生的最佳水平。


以1月考题为例,图片中是一个美国女孩身着传统的中国少数民族服装,面带微笑。审题时果断列出可能用到的语汇如:traditional costume,ribbons,necklaces,earrings,majority group,sweet smile,charming features.没有这些词汇的罗列,第一自然段的描述过程将耗费很多时间。




联想的过程深入,很容易想到中国改革开放、加入世贸以及全球化(globalization)的国际大趋势。又可以联系到美国的'jeans,rock music,Hollywood movies,MacDonald fast food等cultural symbols在世界的传播普及,进一步阐述“民族的就是世界的”这一命题。文章的收尾部分不妨参照考研作文模式提出两点建议:要保存珍惜传统民族文化;对待西方文化要“取其精华,去其糟粕”,把优秀的文化发扬光大等等。缜密的逻辑构思足以使你表达出丰富的语言,展现出一个考研学生应有的理论素质。

篇20:考研英语作文必背 图画作文

考研英语作文必背模板 图画作文

图画作文 (四篇)

1. 关于爱心 (真题)

Love is a lamp

[1.现象/现状说明段] Love is of utmost importance to us humans. Everybody not only needs love, but also should give others love. As can be seen from the picture, “love is a lamp which is brighter in darker places. ” This is indeed true. People in darker places need more light than other people. Maybe even a dim light can give them much hope for a better life. Maybe just a thread of light will call forth their strength and courage to help them step out of their difficulties.

[7.举例段] I can think of no better illustration of this idea than the following example(s).For instance when someone is starving to death, just a little food and water from you may save his(her) life. Again, when a little girl in a poor rural area drops out of school because of poverty, just a small sum of money from you may support her to finish school and change her life. In these case/circumstances you have given love which is like a lamp in a dark place where light is most needed.

[8.归纳结论段] To sum up, we should offer our help to all the needed. We expect to get love from others and we also give love to others. So when you see someone in difficulty or in distress and in need of help, don't hesitate to give your love to him (her). I believe that the relationship between people will be harmonious and that our society will be a better place for us to live in.

2. 空气污染(隐形杀手)

[2.图画/图表描述段] Pollution is becoming more and more serious all over the world. As is shown in the cartoon, two cars are giving off waste gas and three people are trying to avoid breathing in the poisonous gas by masking their face with their hands. The poisonous gas sent off by factories, domestic appliances and automobiles has made the air unhealthy for people to breathe.

[5.意义阐述段] There is no denying that automobiles are indications of civilization, progress and development; nevertheless , automobiles cause the serious problem of air pollution. Scientists have warned that unless effective measures are taken, the problem of pollution will eventually get out of hand. Actually, people are showing a real concern over the problem. For example, there is an increasingly loud voice from the public for firm action against pollution from automobiles.

[10建议措施段]Indeed, the earth is our home and we have the duty to take care of it for ourselves and for our descendants. In my opinion, we should work out concrete solutions to the problem of pollution from poisonous gas given off by automobiles. For example, the automobiles should be equipped with a device which can dispose of waste gas so as to prevent it from polluting air. Only in this way can we really solve the problem of air pollution caused by automobiles.

3. 沙漠化

[2.图画/图表描述段]As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relation ship between people and desert. In the left hand picture, people are fleeing from greedy sand hills because they cut down all the trees. The caption reads, ”As the sand advances, we retreat.” In the right hand picture, the people have returned carrying tools, water, and young trees to plant the land again. The caption reads: “As we advance, the sand retreats. ”

[5.意义阐述段]It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about the importance of trees in water and soil conservation and the need for everyone to fight against the danger of the desertification. In fact, what he is saying is that the sand hills will drive away from the land if we do fight against the sand. If we let this situation continue as it is , our environment will suffer a great destruction.

[10.建议措施段]The best way to fight back against the greedy desert in made clear in the second picture. There the local people are actively setting about the task of planting trees to reclaim the land and make it fertile. The fact that there are three people in the picture, each with a different job suggests that working together is the key to success in the battle against soil erosion.

4. 商业捕鱼(真题)

A Brief History of World Commercial Fishing

[2.图表描述段] As is shown in the pictures ,with the increase of commercial fishing ,the number of fishes dramatically(sharply) decreased .In one pictures ,there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900 .On the contrary ,in1995 there was only one fish ,with many fishing-boats.

[5.意义阐述段] The purpose of this picture is to show us that due (great enough) attention has to be paid to the decrease (decline) of ocean resources .Owing to over-fishing the number of fishes has obviously dropped .If we let this situation go (continue) as it is ,we do not know where fish will be in the future .By that time ,our environment will suffer a great destruction .

[10.建议措施段] Therefore ,it is imperative for us to take drastic (effective) measures .For one thing ,we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing .For another ,we should enhance(imperative arouse) the awareness of people that the ocean resources are very vital to us .Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources .Also I believe that we humans can overcome this difficulty ,and we will have a brighter future .




此类文章,请参见您手中的真题 “乐观与悲观”。这篇文章,根据图画的描绘,一人悲观,一人乐观;考生如果直接将文章论述为“乐观心态”的重要性,而完全不顾及悲观,有偏题和硬套模板之嫌。范文只需浏览,了解文章脉络和陈述方式,不要求背诵,仅作对考试的了解之用。

From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two people standing in front of a bottle. When looking at the bottle, which is lying on the ground with half of water inside, the man on the left side thinks that “all is gone” and seems fairly depressed. On the contrary, influenced by the thought that “fortunately,there still remains some”, the man on the right side appears to be relaxed and wants to pick the bottle up.

This drawing is attempting to convey amessage that, when confronted with the same problems, some tend to be pessimistic while others are optimistic. The former focus their attention on the risks,dangers or impossibilities of things. Whereas the latter normally concentrate on the hopes, opportunities or possibilities of things. These two markedly opposite attitudes usually lead to contrary results. Those who are pessimistic are always haunted by failures and frustrations. However, optimistic people are more likely to have a good mood, establish a harmonious relationships with the people around and achieve success.

From my perspective, the impact of a positive attitude on our life can never be overlooked, especially when we are faced with problems or challenges. Life is by no means perfect since difficulties are inevitable, but I am convinced that life is 10 percent wha thappens but 90 percent how we react to it. “A man with optimism can be destroyed, but notdefeated.” Mark Twain also once said.(246 words)






The loss of social morality 社会公德流失

From the cartoon given above,we can observe that there are many people in a bus. When seeing that an elder man is entering into the bus, the old man near the seat just stands up instantly, saying“ please have a seat here” and offers his seat to the elder one. However, all of the other people around,young and healty, show no intention of giving seats to the old and infirm man.

The cartoon aims at informing us of the phenomenon of the gradual loss of social morality. Quite a few people today are selfish and egocentric. when putting self-interest in the first place, they tend to overlook others' benefit or feelings and become nonchalant. Moreover, this phenomenon can also be attributed to people's concern that their social morality, which canbe best expressed through kindness, hospitality and warm-hearted behaviors,will sometimes invite unnecessary trouble.

However,no one can deny the importance of social morality. It is conducive to the harmony of society, people with the awareness of social morality are more likely to provide others with a helping hand, endeavor to abide by social orders and curb on their undesirable behaviors. Confronted with the inexorable decline in the emphasis of social ethics, The authorities should launch a large-scale educational campaign to create an atmosphere of respecting social ethics. Coinciding with this move, we ourselves should also enhance the consciousness of it. (241words)




特别提示:鉴于篇幅所限,也不列举类似的话题,包括:产品质量下滑(the quality decline of products),

食品安全问题(food security),假冒伪劣产品(fake and inferior products),酒后驾驶(drunken driving)以及学术抄袭与作弊(academic plagiarism/ cheating此题在《英语(二)dian点睛十篇范文》最后一篇已经涉略,可以去看看),盗版现象(piracy)。




The loss of traditional culture 传统文化流失

From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two people watching Peking Opera. With the actress playing vividly on thestage, the old man is watching attentively. However, the little boy sitting beside does not even cast a glance at the actress and falls sleepy. It isobvious that he shows no interest in Peking Opera.

The cartoon reflects an interesting and common aspect in our daily life. However, from a deeper perspective, it also reveals the gradual loss of traditional culture in modern society. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon ? Possible reasons could be listed as follows: for one thing, quitea few people, especially youngsters, hold that Chinese traditional culture is out-dated and of little use in modern society. Perhaps, from their perspectives,traditional culture form the distant past can hardly adapt to or keep pace with the ever-changing new world. Moreover, exotic cultures, to some extent, have also posed a great challenge to the traditional culture of China. As we can see, a large body of people have been attracted by foreign cultures which feature diversity, novelty and richness-Crazy fans of foreign TV programs, electronic products or even ways of life abound in our daily life.

However, no one can deny the signficance of Chinesetraditional cultre. It is the crystallization of Chinese wisdom and civilization. An individual or nation showing no respect to the essence oftraditional culture cannot be expected to develop and be stronger. Hence, something could and should be done to reverse the inexorable decline in the emphasis of Chinese traditional culture. (263)


这幅图画反应了日常生活中有趣而又平常的一面。然而,从更为深层的角度来看,它也揭示了现代社会中的传统文化的流失。是什么导致了这个现象?是什么导致了这个现象?可能的理由可以罗列如下:首先,相当多的人,尤其是年轻人,认为中国传统文化在现代社会中过时而且没有什么用了。也许,在他们看来,来自遥远的过去的传统文化几乎是不能适应和跟得上持续变化的新世界的。再者,外来文化也在某种程度上对传统文化造成了巨大的'威胁。正如我们所能看见的,相当多的人已经被以多样性、新颖性和丰富性为特征的国外文化吸引了- 对国外电视节目,电子产品甚至是生活方式狂热的粉丝在我们生活中比比皆是。




Topic 2:dreams and objectives 梦想与目标

dreams and objectives 梦想与目标


The cartoon aims atinforming us of the significance of our dreams/objectives. Definitely, no one can deny the importance of them. Dreams/ objectives are conducive to the continuous progress ofindividuals. People with dreams/ objectives are more likely to take constant actions, improve themselves comprehensively and persist in desperate situations. Thomas Edison,one of the greates inventors and entrepreneurs throughout the history of mankind, could be a convincing case of how dreams/objectives work in the course of pursuing success. Just imagine, having experienced thousands of times of unsuccessful attempts, how could he have succeeded in inventing the first electric lamp and changed the world without dreams/objectives?

Those who have no dreams can live their comfort zones but they can only enjoy humble and meaningless happiness. Those who are on the way of realizing dreams, however, seem to suffer from misery and torture but they can improve themselves,achieve success and realize their personal value. “One of the most dangerous forms of humanerror is forgetting what one is trying to achieve. ”Nitzeonce said. (190words)





你可记得,清华大学西洋楼前“行胜于言 actions speak louder than words”的铭言;你可记得“喊破嗓子不如甩开膀子talking the talk is not as good as walking the walk“,你可记得“实干兴邦,空谈误国 empty talks would lead the country astray, and hard work can rejuvenate the nation”这些掷地有声的口号?

The cartoon aims at informing us of the significance of taking actions. Why does taking actions play such an important role in our life?Answers can be quite explicit: it is through concrete actions that our objectives and dreams can be achieved smoothly and rapidly. The more actions we take, the more likely we are to accumulate precious experience, master useful skills and seize fleeting opportunities. Thomas Edison,one of the greates inventors and entrepreneurs throughout the history of mankind, could be a convincing case of how taking actions work in the course of pursuing success. Just imagine, having experienced thousands of times of unsuccessful attempts, how could he have succeeded in inventing the first electric lamp and changed the world without a optimistic mindset and constant actions?

Having dreams is important. However, putting your dreams into practice should be considered a more noble quality than simply visualizing in your mind the things you want to have. Then,what kind of person do you prefer to be? A giant of actions or a genius of illusions ?(167words)





Topic 4:Innovation 创新

The cartoon aims at informing us of the importance of innovation consciousness. Definitely, no one can deny the importance of it. For one thing, Innovation consciousness is conducive to the continuous progress and improvement of individuals. The more innovative you are, the more likely you are to create new methods, master new skills and discover new opportunities. For another, many of today's business success or miracle can be ascribed toinnovation. Take Steve Jobs as a case in point, as a member of the mighty oceanof electronic products, if he had not invented innovative devices such as Ipad and Iphone,he could not have achieved great success in the global market and even changed the way people communicate, recreate and live.

From my perspective, at no time should we overlook the power of the consciousness of innovation. Furthermore, we need to develop a habit of discovering new things,using new methods and applying new thoughts in our work, study and everyday life. ”Innovation is the spirit of human being's progress.“ A philosopher once said.




个性(individuality) 逆境(adversity)谦虚(modesty)耐心(patience)制定计划(making plans)

诚信(honety) 信任(trust)沟通(communication) 意志(a strong will)


Writing (图画提纲式议论文)

1. Describe the picture

2. Deduce the purpose of the drawer of the picture

3. Suggest your counter C measures


The cartoon presents the Earth with a personified human face that seems quite unhappy. A examination of the picture immediately reveals that the source of its mood is the air pollution resulting from a huge number of automobiles spread around its surface.

The cartoon, no doubt, aims at alarming humans of the heavy load we have exerted on Earth by our insatiable production and usage of automobiles. However, the majority of people merely indulge in the celebration of the convenience brought by cars, while forgetting or simply neglecting their harmful impact on the atmosphere. Admittedly, there are various factors contributing to the current worldwide air pollution, but it is undeniable that the exhaust from automobiles is categorized as one of the major elements.

I would like to make the following proposals to solve this problem: firstly, we should apply the most cutting-edge technologies in order to adopt new forms of energy as substitutes for fossil fuels. It should also be guaranteed that the clean energy be inexpensive so that it can be widely accepted. Besides, there should be attempts to develop possible transportation means, so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. In short, it is humans' responsibility to resume clean air for Earth.







Symptoms of waste in our soceity are not difficult to find. Lotsof foods on table which could not be eated at a time are thrown away casually. Besides, new clothes deemed out of fashion are also discarded by people. Last but not least, people without habits of turning off the faucet or power switchin time abound in our life, they waste water and electricity without evenrealizing it. Such careless waste can mostly be attributed to the absence of the consciousness of thrift. People today place a higher value on exploiting resources,while they overlook conserving and economizing resources.

There is an old saying in China,“waste is shameful, thrif noble.”Definitely, China has always been a country which celebrates thrift and distastes waste. If this trend is to be left unfettered, it will not only waste financial and material resources,but also damage Chinese traditional virtue or even impair the interests of our future generations. Perhaps, it is about time we began to address this issue.(172 words)





It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control.Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc.

To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind. If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation.



相关专题 空气污染图画